Oct 1 2016, 01:17 AM
"Scrap" is DH's other char I think. I wont say Scrap or Aria are there unless they post specifically. So if we started with 60 and 1/3 are girls, we get 20, and I think it was 12 girls in the tent, but it was intentionally vague I think. I wasn't really going to name any more girls, just wanted to make sure I didn't say one of the existing ones was there when someone else was wanting them to be elsewhere. With Klarissa, Dot, and Summer explicitly not with her, that leaves 17. Aria, Scrap, Dana, Ennui, Addie, Lindsey, Maya take it to 11 NPCs. Of those, we've got Nora, Niyaf, and Gem with Lindsey, leaving around 8 more slots. Why don't we say 2 unnamed girls are behind somewhere, and it's Lindsey, Nora, Niyaf, Gem, and 6 unnamed girls in that group for an even 10?
Oct 4 2016, 03:52 PM
Ha, it's back!
Oct 4 2016, 03:54 PM
Whew, was worried it was gone for good.
Oct 4 2016, 06:05 PM
Also doing a happy dance over here!
QUOTE (Aria @ Sep 30 2016, 11:28 PM)

I think there are around 60 kids but it's late and I'm tired...

Oh good! I hadn't had the patience to go back through this thread to check. So that ups it to around 20 or so girls, which gives room for Lindsey to have more of a pack

(also more room for future PC to have gone un- or little noticed up until now.
Why don't we say 2 unnamed girls are behind somewhere, and it's Lindsey, Nora, Niyaf, Gem, and 6 unnamed girls in that group for an even 10?
Sounds good to me. Anyone else with an opinion?
(and as a side note: Pretty sure that Addie has at least the names of everyone in the main camp, and more info on those who were more willing to talk about it. So although I don't, as a player, know who they all are, I think the characters would, by this point, have a pretty good idea of who is who, so would know who is with which group, missing, etc)
Oct 4 2016, 06:23 PM
Except that Addie herself is missing. I still hope that she comes back.
Oct 4 2016, 08:06 PM
QUOTE (Mercy @ Oct 4 2016, 06:23 PM)

Except that Addie herself is missing. I still hope that she comes back.
She might, but she's already in the small hours of 'tomorrow' morning, while the rest of the narrative hasn't even approached dusk yet, so at the least it will be some time.
(I overestimated the rate that game time was going to pass versus real time. I needed two weeks without much need to post, right when the camp started falling apart and if Addie stayed it would have required a lot of posting, given who she is. I thought two weeks would get us into the next day, but we haven’t even hit dusk yet. I do have plans for her in the morning (if nothing happens to change that), after which options open up.)
Which option to take is still up in the air, thought. She could decide that everything started going wrong when Maya left camp the first time, and decide to hunt her down and get her revenge

Probably not -- but swallowing her pride, admitting she screwed up and then ran away from it doesn’t seem a lot more likely, either. After the whole breakdown resulting from (as she sees it) comprehensively failing at everything she tried to do and everything she aspired to be, there are a lot of options in how I re-jig her, which is something new to me (The only time before this that I had a character break down so comprehensively was at the end of a campaign, so I was able to leave it vague as to what happened next).
Anyway, it is probably close to 18 hours in game time before I have to make those decisions, which at the current pace will be about, hmmm, Halloween? So I may have plenty of time to decide! I may work up another character to play in the meantime, then see who to carry forward with when the time comes.
Oct 4 2016, 09:11 PM
Ha, finally I need to re-read the last few posts to remind myself what the hell was going on
Oct 4 2016, 09:13 PM
Just a quick re-read of the opening post in this thread said the group is 40-50 strong, so I really was tired

But actually 60 works fine too and gives more scope for vague figures and plenty of opportunity for new faces to crop up!
Oct 5 2016, 04:39 PM
This is going to go well...
Oct 5 2016, 10:12 PM
Got bored while Addie was out of action, so going to post for Pierre for a bit, and we'll see what happens down the road.
Working on the character sheet to get it up on OP. Quick version: he was a pretty good baseball pitcher in high school despite being a dwarf, he has some reasonably technical competence, and he dislikes all things Ares.
Oct 6 2016, 08:55 PM
@Gilga: Can you make a surprise roll please as Muhammed tries to stab you in the back...the knife was in his sleeve
Oct 6 2016, 09:29 PM
13d6t5 2Dana is surprised.
Why is he stabbing her though, she is the one protecting him from the whip.
Oct 6 2016, 09:54 PM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Oct 6 2016, 09:29 PM)

13d6t5 2Dana is surprised.
Why is he stabbing her though, she is the one protecting him from the whip.
I don't know Aria's reasoning, but he doesn't have a history of making very good choices and is probably more than a little freaked out in general ....
Oct 6 2016, 09:56 PM
Damn, I was going with the "No one accused the orcs of being too bright for their own good", you mean there may be other reasons!?
Oct 6 2016, 10:30 PM
Dana was itching to kill him a moment ago, and has now nicely presented her back to him... don't worry, he's not that skilled, I doubt you'll die

1hit, average strength orc with an ordinary knife... time to see how good that armour is!
Oct 7 2016, 03:10 AM
She was itching to strike him when she first heard about what he did, right now she wanted to see Rick's toy in action. As someone that follows warrior code she could not allow Muhammad to be harmed when he is unengaged in combat and was not evidently hostile. Once he starts with a knife, she like she can strike.
Well the combat knife has -3 AP, and the average orc has 5 strength +1 net hit is 6 damage.
Dana has dense bones, +3 to resist damage, 3 body and 8 armor total of 14 -3 = 11:
Damage resistance Dana:
11d6t5 7no damage taken, quite a good armor that is. I think I have enough for IC, Dana is going to strike Muhammad back instinctively. (no killing hands or any fancy magic, just good old unarmed with her striking callus.
17d6t5 7Dodge:
8d6t5 25 nets hits
Damage is 6 str +2 dense bones +1 striking callus + 1 critical strike + 5 net hits = 15P
Damage resistance:
15d6t5 5So Muhammad takes 10 damage - and is not dead but is probably knocked down to the floor by the force of Dana's blow.
Oct 7 2016, 03:17 AM
I don't believe it, Dana loves to take hits.
Since the beginning, she's the only one that took damage (other than self inflicted drain) among the PCs, and not once, not twice, but thrice!
Oct 7 2016, 03:24 AM
I trust that she will take more damage in this campaign.
Oct 7 2016, 04:07 AM
Well, Maya *did* fall in a fire and pass out.
Oct 7 2016, 04:25 AM
Hum, true. Though there wasn't a specific DV.
Plus, one could argue that it was self inflicted!
Oct 7 2016, 06:06 PM
My own rule of thumb is - fluff injuries can be fluff healed. Or, put another way, injure yourself for the story, heal yourself for the story.
Just me.
Oct 10 2016, 03:51 PM
If anyone wants to post as one of the other girls in Lindsey's group, feel free to interject.
Oct 11 2016, 09:47 PM
Just to make sure I'm clear:
- Where is Maya & Raf's tent, compared to the original 'large camp'?
- Lindsey took a tent, Maya's group took a tent, is the third tent still at camp then? (the one with the hole, I think?)
- Pierre has a small knot of people around the lean-to; the majority of the large camp (including Sim) seem to have followed Maya & Raf; Lindsey & most of the girls are gone; and most of the orcs (plus Dana & Ric in pursuit) are gone. Has Simon organized a group? Are there any other groups visible?
(I think I know the answers to these questions, but I'm not sure I've read thoroughly enough or interpreted everything properly, so wanted to check before I went forward with Pierre)
Oct 11 2016, 09:57 PM
The 3rd tent with the hole is still in the camp where it was AFAIK.
Simon ran off with "a couple boys" in the direction Blank went (north).
Oct 14 2016, 09:48 PM
Another Pierre post up, finally (funnily enough I'd started working out the patch-the-hole part before Aria posted about rain in the morning ... but don't worry, it still won't be too cozy in there with a steady flow of drops no doubt. Lean-to will be worse.
I'm figure Pierre gets to the new 'main' camp in time to catch Rich and Maya, and get in on the heels of that conversation.
Oct 16 2016, 06:44 PM
Bridal Veil Falls, for anyone who is interested.
I'll start stearing Addie back to the main group soon, but having fun with Pierre in the meantime -- it is relaxing to play the stereotypical 'want to build things and make things work' dwarf.
Oct 17 2016, 03:44 PM
OK, last installment of Addie pity-party/emotional-melodrama posted.
tl;dr version -- she realizes that if there are no people, roads, or matrix linked cameras at somewhere as spectacular as Bridal Veil Falls (not that she knows the name) that they really are somewhere extremely strange or remote, and she decides that she needs to live at least long enough to tell the others to stop thinking that civilization will be easy to find.
I'll start her back towards the others next. I think most likely once she gets up out of the hanging valley that she is in that she'll be able to make matrix contact with Aria (in Lindsey's group), and will attempt to find her way toward them. Too bad she hadn't gotten that apprenticeship time with Maya that she'd been angling for -- navigation skill would come in handy about now

bought off phobia (snakes) for ten karma (5x2) (she still thinks they are freaky, but just can't be bothered with being that scared of dying)
Replaced “code of honour: protect those weaker than her” (-15 points) with “Loss of confidence: Leadership” (-10 points), paying ten karma ((15-10)x2) in the process.
Oct 17 2016, 05:37 PM
Day 4 evening.
Some time later, Dana went to a remote location and stripped, whispering words in Hebrew she turned herself into an owl. She summoned a minor spirit and ordered it "Carry my clothes and follow me" and as she did she was looking for Lindsey's group. They were not difficult to find because they were not very far from a birds perspective but also because they had a powerful spirit protecting them.
Dana got dressed near their camp and then approached it, visible on purpose to not alarm them. "Good evening ladies" She said.
Oct 17 2016, 06:15 PM
You coming in before or after dusk, Gilga?
Oct 17 2016, 06:17 PM
I'd assume that after, Dana would have waited till after so her clothes do not fall in mid air just because the sun has set.
Oct 18 2016, 12:40 PM
Ok folks...this should be interesting

it seems to have waited for Dana to leave, can't think why
On a slightly different note: I've just picked up Anarchy and this game is made for it! I don't propose to force it on you, but if everyone is interested we may consider shifting over to it! Or we could just borrow some of the elements of storytelling (you are kind of there anyway) but still resolve things with the SR5 rules...? That is assuming people are still interested in continuing the game in the medium term? I had only envisaged it as being a one-off short game but there are plenty more twisted secrets to dredge out of the game yet as long as people want to keep playing it!?
I am intending to run a more conventional 'runner' level game sometime soon in Anarchy but I don't want to divert too much away from Run! or CoF over on ShadowGrid.
Oct 18 2016, 02:07 PM
I've been wanting to see how Anarchy would work for PbP -- seems like it could be perfect -- but I haven't bought it yet. Wishing they'd bring it out in book form because I find reading large amounts on-screen to be really aggravating. So I'd love to try out those rules ... but at the same time I'm not ready to use them yet as I've not read them. I'd be entirely open to adding elements of them, but for now I'd need them kind of spelled out.
Oct 18 2016, 02:10 PM
Ouch. Just when we need Dana here.
Maya Initiative;
10+1d6 15 15 and 2IP
It sounds like the change in Rick takes long enough to mean we are not surprised? Does Maya get any sort of armor from wearing the cat pelt?
Oct 18 2016, 02:51 PM
Count as leather armour...2?!?
Oct 18 2016, 03:05 PM
LOL Well, I had hoped for more from the pelt of that creature, but it is better than my skin.
Oct 18 2016, 04:04 PM
Doh, I had Pierre leave too soon! (not that he’s a great fighter, but at least a reasonably decent witness to whatever goes down). So who is still around there (in terms of PCs) – just the two elven girls (one a pacifist) and Raf?
Maybe this is why Aria said everyone needed high willpower -- to make sure that going on full defense is helpful!
Oct 18 2016, 05:32 PM
You have Caillin if she is still there and she is a powerful conjurer I am sure you'll be alright. Good luck in the fight and well Dana thought to try and unite people by having the girls also look for Addie - perhaps what Addie could not do by staying she achieves by running off.
Oct 18 2016, 06:31 PM
Cailin is still there.
Though given her initiative, she won't act first... She may even act last in fact...
7+1d6 8
Oct 18 2016, 06:49 PM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Oct 18 2016, 05:32 PM)

You have Caillin if she is still there and she is a powerful conjurer I am sure you'll be alright. Good luck in the fight and well Dana thought to try and unite people by having the girls also look for Addie - perhaps what Addie could not do by staying she achieves by running off.
Does Caillin’s pacifism extend to what she asks of her spirit? And I forget if she has any banishing (not saying that Rick is possessed, but it certainly seems possible)
And if Dana ever tells that to Addie, the latter will not know if she should laugh or cry – it would fit in nicely with how everything else she did seemed to work out backward.
Oct 18 2016, 06:54 PM
Banishing is suicide, I don't intend to try (and I don't have the skill anyway) :o
Pacifism extends to the spirit since she'd be the one giving orders. Though there are other solutions than hurting anyone.
Problem is with the sunset, her spirit left, and given the calm situation, she didn't invoke a new one. Which could complicate things a bit ^^
Oct 18 2016, 09:26 PM
Raf's initiative is 15.
But I use a point of Edge to go first.
And then I use a point of Edge to do Protect the Principle (dropping my initiative to 10).
So Rick's attack (whatever it is) should hit Raf.
I don't get a defense test, just soak - so here are my three dice against whatever he does...
Protect the Principle soak:
3d6t5 0
Oct 18 2016, 09:33 PM
Wow, major bravery rep to Raf!
(btw, holding off on posting further day 5 stuff for Addie as she’ll return to commlink range of Lindsey’s group in this next post, and the news of what is going on with Rick et al may have reached them somehow, which could change things. And for Pierre he’s not close enough to be immediately aware of what is going on; he may well hear shouts soon and return to see what is going on, but will have to wait and see how things play out)
Oct 18 2016, 10:01 PM
Easy to be brave with a piece of paper.
But Raf has (or...had) this irrational loyalty to Maya, plus his protect women gentleman's code.
Oct 19 2016, 03:02 AM
Well, your bravery is going to give Maya time to ready her weapon and be able to attack next IP. So what sort of knife did Dana give me? I am assuming it is the one she took from Mohamed.
Maya will be supremely grateful to Raferty if they survive this. Let's just hope that the kindly GM remembers that we are just kids.
Oct 19 2016, 03:39 AM
Levitate [6] (cast, drain):
16d6h5 9 13d6t5 6 (Use edge to blow the limit and reroll 6s)
Rick/whatever is possessing him has a Strength + Body [9] test to make or he/it will levitate a few meters above the ground, at least a couple of meters away from anyone.
Oct 19 2016, 03:43 AM
At least Maya is armed now.
Oct 19 2016, 06:09 AM
Yeah but you can knock him out almost as easily as stab him. And the poor guy clearly seems possessed.
Great move on the levitate, by the way.
Oct 19 2016, 12:15 PM
The dagger is unlikely to do physical damage though as Rick is wearing body glove.
Oct 19 2016, 12:28 PM
Oh he's possessed all right! Fc5 spirit of Nuclear Fire! (Yes, I know the RAW spirits don't have possession, that's just the nice GM that I am

But he still fails to get 9 hits so he gets to float off the least I took the elemental attack option away as a possession spirit...Fear on the other hand he is all over! Need Cailin to resist and he won't be floating any longer! Oh, and you will be running away shrieking
Oct 19 2016, 01:13 PM
Resist Fear:
10d6t5 2If it's not enough:
Resist fear (reroll misses):
8d6t5 5, for a total of 7
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