Jun 28 2016, 09:09 PM
Is it just you and Dot in the lean-to or is Jugalo there too? (I can't stop reading that as Juggalo, which makes me laugh every time)
Jun 28 2016, 09:20 PM
Eh, I figured that he headed off to one of the tents, but I'm not really opinionated. If someone wants to write him being in the lean - to, fine by me.
Jun 29 2016, 03:00 AM
I was nice and didn't imply that Addie was off doing *things* with Dot and Jugalo.
Jun 29 2016, 11:13 AM
Addie hasn't thought of that risk, but I have ... two nights not with the group, sleeping with Dot, and given teenagers .... But I hope not to have that distraction
Jun 30 2016, 12:41 PM
There are reasons for the 'jump ahead' but if anyone wants to 'flashback' then they are more than welcome to...
If no one in Maya's group chips in I can give more details about the situation but I want to give you some chance to react too!
Jun 30 2016, 12:44 PM
Jump ahead? I figured your next post would take us at least to dawn!

And I think you meant Addie, not Dana, in Rick's group?
Jun 30 2016, 01:06 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jun 30 2016, 12:44 PM)

Jump ahead? I figured your next post would take us at least to dawn!

And I think you meant Addie, not Dana, in Rick's group?
Doh, yes, need more caffeine:P
Jun 30 2016, 02:55 PM
Dana will try to find something of Grok and then change intoa dog to try and pick up his scent. if you give me more details I will include them in my post.
Jun 30 2016, 04:33 PM
Need spellcasting and drain rolls obviously...the background count will also apply to any perception tests you make in animal form as the senses are magical in nature!
Jun 30 2016, 04:39 PM
I've not been bothering to roll for Lindsey's spirits as they haven't really been doing anything dramatic and I'm assuming any random stun drain will be repaired in that nights sleep. If you ever need me to roll it, just holler.
Jun 30 2016, 08:40 PM
shapeCahnge F5:
10d6t5 3Hits will increase her reaction while in dog shape
10d6t5 4(dog has 5 perception +2 (smell) + enhanced smell (2 more dice) + 3 actively looking -2 back ground count - a total of 15 dice to smell stuff.
Perception + enhanced smell -BC +actively looking:
15d6t5 6 I am editing - Dana needs to sustain the spell so thats additional -2 dice:
15d6t5: 6 [15d6t5=2, 2, 6, 6, 3, 5, 4, 5, 1, 5, 6, 2, 2, 1, 3]
in this case - the score is not effected still 6 hits in perception test.
Jun 30 2016, 08:59 PM
@Adam: slight continuity issue with your IC: Summer is older than you, 16 ish you think... There's a pic now on the Run!ers page on OP!
@Gilga: the cat scent is at the 'attack scene' it doesn't come closer to the camp. Are you following it? It's getting lighter but still dark for the humans, and do you want to encounter whatever silently took down a big orc in the dark, possibly alone?!? Just saying
Jun 30 2016, 11:32 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jun 30 2016, 09:59 PM)

@Adam: slight continuity issue with your IC: Summer is older than you, 16 ish you think... There's a pic now on the Run!ers page on OP!
Doh, my bad!
Will edit now.
Was just trying to come up with some rationalization why Rafferty didn't go with Maya.
Super easy to fix, though!
Jul 1 2016, 02:56 AM
Yes, Dana will follow the scent. She is a teenager - a thrill seeker and has super human reflexes, magical powers and so forth - her self confidence and sense of adventure mean that she always feel like the most dangeours person in the room. (how would you feel if you could dodge bullets and shoot lighting bolts and so forth? She feels like the big bad wolf everyone else should fear - stupid? perhaps but she is 17 and designed for combat.
I myself probably would not have - but well she is different than me.
Jul 1 2016, 04:46 AM
Maya has some decent Animal Handling skill plus the Animal Empathy quality, so she might be able to do something with the cat, or whatever it is, although her attitude might be somewhat toward killing it if Grok is dead. And if it is getting lighter, her low-light vision will help.
Jul 1 2016, 05:05 AM
I think Maya should be alright if it is a normal animal - as it is well fed now. If it is some murderous monster on the other hand...
Jul 1 2016, 05:49 AM
LOL I do not deny that a wild creature could be trouble, but do not discount the skill. I am even better if it is a paracritter. And please do not jinx the situation by saying that Grok is already dead. He might be injured, but still alive. I know the odds are long on that, but it could be. He is my friend.
Jul 1 2016, 11:54 AM
As nobody had adjusted the map I've made a leap and placed Maya's camp and on to the beast's lair...
Google ImageShould give you some idea of what you are looking at! Google is great
Jul 1 2016, 12:38 PM
Nice picture!!! indeed good for the visuals.
The tingling sensation at Dana's paws is her activating her killing hands and elemental strike powers (free and simple actions).
Jul 4 2016, 04:34 PM
Ok Maya’s group: need initiatives from you lot, plus an idea about what you are doing for light as it’s dark in the cave! Once more than 5m from the entrance there is no natural light! The fight between Dana and the lion will happen past this point. It will attempt a ‘pounce’ on initiative of 22!
I will get round to putting this info in the ‘combat sim’ on OP but for now stats are here (one 'cat' only for now):
*Archetype* Mutated mountain lion
*Bod* 7 *Agi* 8 *Rea* 6 *Str* 6 *Edg* 3
*Wil* 5 *Log* 2 *Int* 6 *Cha* 4 *M/R* 6
*Ess* 6 *Ini* 12 *D* 3D6
*Phs* 9 *Men* 5 *Soc* 7 *PCM* 12 *SCM* 11
+ 6 Bonus D Bod/Armour
Armor (6), Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Smell, Motion Detection), Immunity (Radiation, Toxins), Movement
(Self), Natural Weapon (Claws/Bite: DV 8P, AP-2), Pounce (must Run, successful attack causes Knockdown) +1 Reach
*Skill Pools*
Perception 13, Running 16, Sneaking 13, Tracking 10, Unarmed Combat 16
For Lindsey I need a ‘search’ roll from your spirit…off the top of my head I can’t remember how long that will take?!? Thanks
Jul 4 2016, 06:11 PM
Assumed same spirit as I summoned the first time, so 11 dice minus 2 for BG count. Annoyingly, the third test would have been sufficient on its own.

3 tests means 30 minutes from when Aria woke her. If they're still within 1KM of their camp, threshold is 5. 3rd test takes it up to 4 KMs from that camp (I'm assuming Lindsey can communicate the location of their camp that she got from the other spirit and that she'd describe Maya as the search target).
Search test 1:
9d6t5 2Search test 2:
8d6t5 2Search test 3:
7d6t5 5
Jul 4 2016, 06:18 PM
14+4d6 33First Action: Activate elemental body.
(Damage 12P -3 AP (electricity) if the beast hits Dana, or if Dana hits the beast).
In Dog form Dana's attributes are:
Body: 4 +3 (spell successes) = 7
Agility: 3
Reaction 4 +3 (improved reflexes) =7
Str: 4
I am rolling offensive for the beast:
16 + 2 (running) +1 (reach) = 19 dice
19d6t5 5Dana defend with Reaction + intuition: + full defense.
12d6t5 1Full defense:
Defend (willpower):
5d6t5 2Dana's initiative drops to 23, she resists 10P damage.
Damage resistance:
7d6t5 4Bone density dice:
3d6t5 2 4P damage taken.
The beast on the other hand - takes 12P -3 AP
Damage resistance:
10d6t5 2Lion takes 10P damage, -5 to initiative and -1 to all actions.
So far:
Dana is at 8/12 physical boxes, initiative 13 (33 -10 action - 10 full defense)
Lion is at: 2/12 physical boxes., initiative 7
At initiative 13 - (unless someone else kills the lion)
Dana will stop sustaining the shape change spell: (free action)
Strike the lion with a ball lighting 12 + 2 spec -2 background count -2 wound penalty = 10 dice:
She will go for Force 6 ( the highest she can go for stun damage)
Ball lighting:
10d6t5 3 - only 3 hits are needed so we hit the lion.
Damage is 6P -6AP electricity
10d6t5 3Dana takes 2 stun damage.
Lion defends just with body (7) 6 armor is negated by the spell.
Damage resistance:
7d6t5 2so lion takes 4 additional damage and is at -2 overflow damage.
She is covered in blood - not all of it is hers but the lion is vanquished.
However, Dana is breserking after the lion hits her, for two combat turns. She took a lead into the cave for specifically that reason. The rest are not safe around her when she loses control. Dana does not see friend or foe - she just strike and strike until the adrenaline wears out.
9d6t5 1
Jul 4 2016, 08:59 PM
Suddenly I'm really glad that Addie didn't get lucky and manage to damage Dana when Dana jumped her -- Dana is pretty terrifying!
@Aria: I ’m going to try to get time today to have put together a slightly lengthy post where, amongst other things, Addie outlines her thoughts on the ‘tribunal’ and appropriate punishments. By rights she should hold her tongue until they have it all together, but …. she doesn’t. Anyway, I think the only part of all of that which really requires a Rick response is about membership. Not that he can’t respond to the rest of it, but it would make sense (to me and to Addie), if he just listened and filed it away for later.
ETA: I don't know where Addie's excitement at the thought of branding someone comes from, exactly what the nature of it is, or where it may take her. It isn't anything based on her negative qualities, it just seemed that her do-gooder personality needed more contrary notes that just an attraction to orcs in leadership positions.
Also based on first aid 1 and medicine 1 ..... it is safe to say that she doesn't have a very good idea on how one would safely brand a person. In her efforts to get to know the other kids (now with one point of knowledge skill to back up the fluff -- will buy that up more as the days go by, but has only really been learning the group for a day so far), has she found anyone who seems more knowledgeable than her in first aid or medicine?
ETA-2: Has edge recovered since the first day, or have conditions been too rough for that? (Addie spent one edge vs the snake)
Jul 4 2016, 10:34 PM
Dana is terrifying!!! And also possibly dead as unless I'm mistaken you just lightening balled yourself?!? At a 6m radius you can't cast it far enough away from yourself in here to not be included?!?!?!?!? That's not to mention Grok and anything else in here

@Addie: Lindsey might be a good tribunal member?!?

...from a GM PoV anyway
Someone will have a reasonable first aid skill!
Jul 4 2016, 11:21 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 4 2016, 11:34 PM)

Dana is terrifying!!! And also possibly dead as unless I'm mistaken you just lightening balled yourself?!? At a 6m radius you can't cast it far enough away from yourself in here to not be included?!?!?!?!? That's not to mention Grok and anything else in here

@Addie: Lindsey might be a good tribunal member?!?

...from a GM PoV anyway
Someone will have a reasonable first aid skill!
Well, looks like that is all over before any need for me to roll the requested initiative.
I guess I'd better wait to IC my reaction until it is determined whether bloody Dana really does walk out carrying a monster carcass, or if she in fact is lying dead in there...
Jul 5 2016, 02:08 AM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 4 2016, 11:34 PM)

@Addie: Lindsey might be a good tribunal member?!?

...from a GM PoV anyway
Someone will have a reasonable first aid skill!
One of the smaller girls, not part of Rick's core group .... Yep, I was angling to leave an opening for Lindsey, but Addie hasn't really interacted with her yet, so didn't say so IC. Will try to set it up in upcoming posts.
I mean, having Lindsey there will be terrible for the kids group, but good for the play group. Almost always easier to tear apart than to build up, so getting Lindsey into a position of influence will likely be Addie's second big fail, but she'll likely only realize that in hindsight
Jul 5 2016, 02:12 AM
Now now, she doesn't want to destroy *everything*! Anarchy doesn't help her any.
Jul 5 2016, 02:39 AM
Don't get .e wrong - - it is going to be interesting! I just think that Addie's code of protect the weak and vulnerable will ... not serve her well when dealing with Lindsey. But I took that code specifically to make Addie's life hard in this situation, so it is all good , really. Just a split between player desires and character desires. I'm feeling sorry for Addie, but I'm looking forward to how this plays out
Jul 5 2016, 03:06 AM
@Aria Thanks - I built her to be terrifying. Dana would totally harm herself and Grok and anyone in that room while in frenzy state - in that state she just wants Blood and she is touch enough to electrocute herself to get the job done. How much space is there? (what kind of force can she use without hurting herself?). I actually quite like the story that she also hurts herself - so I am sticking with that version regardless. (Can I lower force to 5 in that case?) I think it is a cool, terrifying scene in that sense that demonstrates how eager Dana is to draw Blood.
At any case, damage resistance for Dana:
Damage resistance:
6d6t5 0Since I do not want her to die:
Damage resistance:
6d6t5 2So she'll take 4 damage.
So that would put her at 2/10 physical condition boxes badly hurt but still very much alive.
I'll see what Maya (or Raff) can do with first aid - but otherwise: Dana will heal herself afterward. 12 base skill -2 background count -2 wounds
8d6t5 2 - for first set of wounds.
8d6t5 3 - for second set of wounds.
2#10d6t5 2 3(both F5 for minimal drain - so no drain)
So she would still carry some damage probably but providing they do not need to fight anything within the next few minutes out that she'll be alright, even without first aid skills. at 7/10 condition boxes. (and no edge left).
Jul 5 2016, 11:51 AM
QUOTE (adamu @ Jul 4 2016, 11:21 PM)

Well, looks like that is all over before any need for me to roll the requested initiative.
I guess I'd better wait to IC my reaction until it is determined whether bloody Dana really does walk out carrying a monster carcass, or if she in fact is lying dead in there...
Well she's not dead...the real question is whether you and Maya are going to walk in on her in a frenzy state and she starts butchering you along with the lion corpse?!? Should you reasonably decide that discretion is the better part of valour then she will stagger out shortly...
Don't forget you need to do first aid before magical healing, but there will be plenty of negative mods for less than ideal conditions!
Jul 5 2016, 12:09 PM
Did Maya end up holding on to the first aid supplies, or did she leave those behind too?
Jul 5 2016, 12:19 PM
If they were visible on her when she was leaving, Lindsey would not have allowed that along with the other tools. If they were still back at the tree camp and they got them afterwards...
Jul 5 2016, 12:22 PM
Is the vague impression from the spirit due to the nature of the place (background count and such)? Otherwise it should be able to relay mentally what's going on or what it sees from the location. Regardless, it counts as a remote service so it goes away afterwards and doesn't return to her.
Jul 5 2016, 12:48 PM
Looking at the charsheets of Raff and Maya and taking into account negatives due to Dana being awakened, outdoors conditions and lack of equipment (as well as the 3 successes threshold to pass to actually heal damage) it seems that magical healing is our only practical means to healing.
Moreover, Dana is only frenzied for 2 combat rounds - so something like 6 seconds - that are a lot of time in combat, but very negligible out of combat.
Jul 5 2016, 12:54 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jul 5 2016, 12:22 PM)

Is the vague impression from the spirit due to the nature of the place (background count and such)? Otherwise it should be able to relay mentally what's going on or what it sees from the location. Regardless, it counts as a remote service so it goes away afterwards and doesn't return to her.
Well BC will limit its intelligence, and I figured it was fairly low force anyway... You get a clear enough picture of what's going on immediately by Maya...
I had assumed med kit was with the main group...
Jul 5 2016, 12:55 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 5 2016, 12:54 PM)

Well BC will limit its intelligence, and I figured it was fairly low force anyway... You get a clear enough picture of what's going on immediately by Maya...
I had assumed med kit was with the main group...
Lets wait for Mercy to resolve this issue.
Jul 5 2016, 01:14 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 5 2016, 07:54 AM)

Well BC will limit its intelligence, and I figured it was fairly low force anyway...
That's fine, general idea is good enough. For future, her 'default' summon here is the Force 4 one she did on the first day, which produces a Force 5 Spirit of Man with a bonus service. Her 10 dice vs its 4 is almost guaranteed success (can buy 2 successes vs its 1, for 2 total services, which is what I've been going by). Even with a BGC of 2, that's 9 dice for Perception and I guess intelligence equal to a drone Pilot of 3? SR doesn't handle intelligence of critters/spirits/drones well.

Speaking of spirits, can she spend 7 karma now for a Spirit of Man specialization on Summoning?
Jul 5 2016, 03:22 PM
Yes, that's fine
Jul 5 2016, 03:39 PM
I second Adam's post. I go away for a weekend and come back to this. Wow! Not sure I need to roll initiative, but will wait to see what Gil does about Aria's comment as Dana might change her action to avoid killing herself. I thought she was very good at unarmed combat and could take the creature out that way without blowing herself up.
Jul 5 2016, 03:44 PM
Oh dear, Gil is waiting on Mercy and Mercy is waiting on Gil. This could take awhile!
Jul 5 2016, 03:56 PM
Jul 5 2016, 04:35 PM
Timescales become important here! Mercy and Adam: are you going in to the cave immediately after the lightening?!? If you are then Dana will almost certainly still be in a state of rage and attack you too! Not that you have any way of knowing that as far as I can tell...?!? Also not sure Summer can see in the dark, she's human and no mage/adept, but perhaps she has the night vision quality
Jul 5 2016, 04:50 PM
The time taken to peer inside the cave and talk about it should probably consume the required 6 seconds. IMO.
Jul 5 2016, 05:25 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jul 5 2016, 04:50 PM)

The time taken to peer inside the cave and talk about it should probably consume the required 6 seconds. IMO.
If it's a paltry 6s the yes certainly it will
Jul 5 2016, 07:34 PM
I was sort of hoping that she might have the quality or perhaps some cyber eyes. In any case, no, we are not rushing into the cave. Maya knows better than to do so in the dark. If Summer cannot see in the dark then Maya will stop to get a fire going and light a torch.
I was waiting to hear about the lightning ball resolution. I don't think Gil answered that yet and Dana coming out of the cave with the carcass might be premature. Besides, the cat only went into overflow so might not be dead and night weigh more than the normal Dana can carry. I was hoping to get some answers on these things.
Jul 5 2016, 07:40 PM
By the time you organize Dana will be out already. Can Dana see inside the cave? is low light vision enough or do we need full blown thermo (or a torch) to look inside?
Jul 5 2016, 09:05 PM
I am under the impression that it is too dark for low-light vision and that it will take true dark vision or some source of light. I could be wrong, though.
Jul 5 2016, 10:28 PM
Well Dana did her frenzy beating with killing hands so safe to say it's dead...lifting it I'm less sure about!
It's pitch dark a meter or so past the turn...
No cyber for Summer, although to save you rewriting let's assume she thinks she can see in the dark somehow...
Think that answers everything??!
Jul 5 2016, 11:11 PM
Gilga, don't forget to roll drain for elemental body! It will have been active at least 3 rounds (2 from when you were crazed, 3s to get into the cave plus the combat) that's a lot of passes!!!
Jul 5 2016, 11:27 PM
It's almost dawn when Aria wakes Lindsey up, right? Getting light outside, etc?
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