Oct 19 2016, 01:29 PM
Do we know yet how much damage Raferty took?
Oct 19 2016, 01:31 PM
"Rick" didn't get to attack since the spirit used its fear power on Cailin instead.
What's Sim doing by the way?
Oct 19 2016, 02:17 PM
Ahh, I see. Sim went with Pierre to see about helping them with their fire. I expect him to return soon.
Oct 19 2016, 02:18 PM
Damn... Ok, I'll have to think about that :o
Oct 19 2016, 03:25 PM
1- I don't know if Sim went with Pierre (Pierre asked that he do something with the fire, but that doesn't mean he went right away). If he did, Sim and Pierre would have left just shortly before this happened, so probably are not all that far -- can try shouting for them. Will probably take many combat turns to return, but maybe can communicate about the need for a spirit faster than that?
2- Aria -- On a mostly different note, I have Pierre written up and ready to post on OP, except for one question: at this point in things, would it be OK to take a Run!ner NPC as a contact? (basically to show a new friendship) Was looking at taking Widget (connection 1, loyalty 3, to show friends but still new friends)
Oct 19 2016, 04:07 PM
Absolutely fine! I've deliberately ignored contacts for this game but you can take them if you want to! Either way no D are getting rolled for contact rts etc
Oct 19 2016, 04:38 PM
Great -- I have Pierre's character sheet up on OP, still working on the backgrounder (thought I had something written previously, but if so not positive where I saved it. Possibly I just through it through but never wrote it up)
ETA: I don't remember which game it was that gave some starting karma for character sheet, picture, background etc. That might have been JaydeMoon's game, and in this game karma is strictly (but generously) at 1 karma per two posts. Can someone confirm for me no set-up karma (it is hard to prove a negative, if I don't see anything is it not there, or was I looking in the wrong thread?)
ETA2: Backstory added to character sheet on OP. Still missing a picture. Shortage of public domain pictures of young, modern, dwarves!
Oct 19 2016, 08:10 PM
Karma awards are the same, I'd just stipulate that you can't give karma for Pierre's sheet to Addie! Not that I think you would.
Oct 19 2016, 08:52 PM
Of course not, they are each on their own. (and each needs all their karma! Apparently I need to post more prolifically .... )
Once they are in proximity I'll back-burner/retire one of them. Posting as Pierre was mostly to interact with what is going on with the rest of the group during Addie's current absence from a) the camp, b) the group, c) her senses. (and a little bit to finally do something with this vague character concept I've had for ages of a dwarf who is loyal to Cross Applied Technology and who hates Ares for what happened to them. Making that work in the setting of Run! was fun)
Oct 20 2016, 10:20 PM
Nice one, Adam!
I'm going to be offline Friday evening through Sunday afternoon -- right as I'm about to send Pierre into the thick of things. Aria, if you can give me an idea of how Sim will react when he looks back and sees Caitlin's spell floating Rick, I could roll that into a Pierre IC post tomorrow before I head off (or feel free to just write it out, but if it is quicker just give guidance). I'm not sure how obvious a possessing spirit is? Hopefully he'll also see that, and come to some reasonable conclusion. Pierre certainly won't know what to make of the situation, so he'll probably accept Sim's interpretation.
I posted the next final "Addie goes through a crisis of confidence" installment, and will leave her there until everything else has caught up. I'm thinking that most likely she'll get in touch with Aria (who is with Lindsey's group), then try to find her way to them. But will see what happens, who answers, etc.
Oct 20 2016, 10:36 PM
In the astral a possession is obvious.
Oct 21 2016, 06:36 PM
Just checking, I think the timing of the conversation between Dana and Lindsey (and Aria) -- posts 884-887 -- is early night of day four? I've let Addie get a bit ahead of things, having written her into mid-morning of day 5, so it would be convenient if you could find a way not to find her just yet, else I have a lot of posts to ret-con! (sorry about not being more patient on posting -- it took longer (real time) to sort things out in camp than I'd expected, or else I would not have taken her so thoroughly out of the picture.
Oct 21 2016, 06:52 PM
Even if the spirit do find Addie Day four night, we will only approach her in the morning and by the time we get there... we can merge together afternoonnish of day 5? Will that be okay? There is a lot of ground to cover.
Oct 21 2016, 07:21 PM
Absolutely -- if the spirit finds her but doesn't show itself, that would work fine. For that matter, during the night following day 4 she heard noises at some point and thought a large animal was approaching her, and she ran farther and apparently it didn't chase her -- if you wanted you could work in the spirit either chasing something off or guarding her in some way, even if she didn't realize it.
Oct 23 2016, 09:42 AM
Will build up some confidence with Lindsey if she plays along. Otherwise I assume that Dana would use her own lesser spirits for the tasks. she does F3 or so.
Oct 24 2016, 12:09 PM
Are you dropping Rick in to the tent (or it's bag which is also bloody big)? If so who is doing it? I only ask as the spirit has energy aura (probably invisible) which is going to result in some nasty burns for anyone touching Rick (even through the tent)
Oct 24 2016, 02:03 PM
Well, that sort of sucks. I think that there are several people doing this, to include Maya and Raferty. Hopefully, we will be able to pull back from actually touching Rick through the canvas once we feel the energy.
Oct 24 2016, 06:03 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Oct 24 2016, 02:09 PM)

Are you dropping Rick in to the tent (or it's bag which is also bloody big)? If so who is doing it? I only ask as the spirit has energy aura (probably invisible) which is going to result in some nasty burns for anyone touching Rick (even through the tent)

Yep, I was waiting to see if you had anything to add.
Oct 24 2016, 08:03 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Oct 24 2016, 01:09 PM)

Are you dropping Rick in to the tent (or it's bag which is also bloody big)? If so who is doing it? I only ask as the spirit has energy aura (probably invisible) which is going to result in some nasty burns for anyone touching Rick (even through the tent)

Hmmm, well, if the aura is invisible, then I guess I'd pretty much be cheating if I didn't do exactly what I was planning on doing before I knew about that....
Oct 24 2016, 08:04 PM
Good thing Dana is not the only one with Heal :o
Oct 24 2016, 08:21 PM
Ouch... Energy aura is a cool trick.
Oct 24 2016, 08:21 PM
Not really sure how much damage the energy aura will do through a few layers of tent (largely because I don't know how tough the tent is - and if you leave it up to me then it's this badass fire-resistant stuff, since that one torch only put a modest hole in that other tent).
So, I'll wait to hear from Aria on how badly Raf and any other dog-pilers get burned.
Here's a fun question, though -
- I assume Rick himself is immune to the energy aura of the spirit that is possessing him
- I assume that in order to burn us on the outside of the tent, then the tent must combust
- I assume that Rick is not immune to secondary flames that happen to have been ignited by said energy aura
- hence Rick will be wrapped in a flaming tent and immolated??????
Could simplify the struggle for leadership, I suppose...
Oct 24 2016, 08:28 PM
Sadly, it's not fire, it's radiations. So the tent won't burn. And will probably be unusable, but Rick should be fine.
As for the others, they would need to resist a DV10 (AP -5) "attack".
Not sure what the tent would give as far as armour go, but since I don't think Raf', Maya nor Nim have anything much better than flats, it's kind of a moot point.
It won't kill anyone, but it will definitely hurt...
Oct 24 2016, 08:48 PM
If it is radiation then you are doubly screwed because it completely baypasses armor.
Oct 24 2016, 08:54 PM
Since they don't have armour or too little compared to the AP, it doesn't change anything anyway.
Though it's also counts as a toxin attack with a DV10, causing nausea (Body + Willpower [10], or wound modifiers are doubled. If the power of the toxin after resistance is higher than willpower, incapacitated with vomiting and dizziness for three turns)
That's... harsh :o
Oct 24 2016, 08:58 PM
So if it's radiation, do we even know we're getting hit???
At least - in blissful ignorance - continue to restrain the thing...
Anyway, there are different types of radiation, including thermal and microwave, both of which can ignite flammables...
So many variables, and my character's well-being far too tied up in them for me to make any decisions on my own!
It'll be what it'll be...
Oct 24 2016, 08:59 PM
Immediate effects are burns similar to being exposed to extreme heat.
Plus the nausea. So yeah, I think you'll notice...
Oct 24 2016, 09:13 PM
Well, I'll confess I can't guess what this thing does ruleswise.
Only spirit I could find with energy aura (radiation) was Nuclear Toxic in Street Grimoire.
Only description of energy aura (radiation) I could find was in Howling Shadows, which told me that instead of immediate damage the power acted as various levels of radiation environment (Harsh for direct contact).
So then I had to go to Run & Gun for that, but while horribly scary, it was also woefully non-specific.
So if you guys have a more concise rules definition of what this thing's energy aura does, point me to a reference, cuz my head is spinning with rules references!
Oct 24 2016, 09:17 PM
Energy aura, CRB p396. Anyone attacking the critter in melee takes Forcex2 AP-5 damage. Here, Force is 5, so DV10 AP-5.
It's a nuclear elemental attack, so Street Grimoire, p105:
QUOTE ("Radiation")
Radiation attacks cause Physical damage. Armor provides no dice to resist Radiation damage, unless it has an upgrade to provide Radiation resistance, which provides dice equal to its rating for the Damage Resistance Test and the following Toxin Resistance Test. Treat every Radiation attack that hits as a toxin causing Nausea (see Toxins, p. 408, SR5) with a DV equal to net hits of the attack (before the Damage Resistance roll).
And finally, toxin attack, CRB, p408-409:
QUOTE ("Toxin Resistance")
At the end of the appropriate Combat Turn, the victim makes a Toxin Resistance Test to see if the toxin takes effect. This test uses Body + Willpower + the rating of any protective gear/systems; each hit reduces the toxin’s Power by 1 point.
QUOTE ("Nausea")
Nausea is a catch-all term; it includes pain, panic, vomiting, and double vision. If the Power of an attack after the Toxin Resistance Test exceeds the target’s Willpower, he is incapacitated (unable to take any actions) with vomiting and dizziness for 3 Combat Turns. Whether or not a character is incapacitated, Nausea doubles all of a character’s wound modifiers for ten minutes. A nauseated character with 3 boxes of damage (a –1 wound modifier), for example, suffers –2 dice on all tests instead.
Oct 24 2016, 09:25 PM
I had missed that sidebar in Street Grimoire. And I note that it does specify the powers of toxic spirits.
Still, I think this contradicts the description specific to Energy Aura (radiation) in Howling Shadows, which is much less extreme...
Or maybe they just both apply, making it even more deadly!
I guess I'll find out!
I still think it was a pretty cool capture/subdual plan - aside from the fact that Raf had no idea about energy auras!
Hope I haven't led not only myself by half the kids in our group to a grisly death - but what a story hook!
Oct 24 2016, 09:33 PM
Much less extreme, much less extreme...
Sure, you don't get the nausea, but you carry the radiations for a while after that :o
And when she tries to heal you, Cailin will herself be irradiated...
I'm not sure I prefer the Howling Shadows rules you see
Oct 25 2016, 04:11 AM
So are we soaking against a DV10 with only body? Might need to pre-edge that roll, and it still will not be all that good. Wow! At least Maya has the Quick Healer quality so someone can get +2 dice to heal. We might be camped here for a bit while we heal, if we survive.
Oct 25 2016, 04:17 AM
Depends on the rules used. If Howling Shadows, no DV10 to soak but long term effects. If not, DV10+Nausea, but no long term effect.
Oct 25 2016, 04:22 AM
LOL Both seem to be not good.
Oct 25 2016, 12:44 PM
Heh, I wasn't the one who introduced the toxic!

For now the effect is fluff...but based on Howling Shadows
"Radiation works somewhat differently than other elemental
effects. Coming into contact with a critter with
Energy Aura (Radiation) is the same as coming into contact
with a Harsh radiation environment. The radiation
levels drop off the farther away you get: Moderate within
10 meters and Mild within 20 meters. The critter also
leaves areas of Mild radiation wherever it goes which
dissipate ten minutes after the critter moves on. More
information on radiation environments can be found on
p. 152, Run & Gun."
So that's pretty much the entire group within spitting distance of Rick! The game may or may not last long enough for it to be an issue
Oct 25 2016, 01:25 PM
So is there any specific effect to any of us at this time?
Oct 25 2016, 01:54 PM
Harsh radiation environments are exactly that: harsh.
This is the control room after a meltdown where the
engineers bravely work to keep the whole place from
going boom, knowing full well they aren’t going to make
it. This is the unshielded dirty bomb on it’s way to the
target with its cadre of faithful terrorists in tow who fight
to the death because they know they are dead anyway.
At this point the hazard moves beyond nausea and
into more serious, immediate hazards. These radiation
levels can kill in ten hours and debilitate in as little as six.
This amount of radiation also seeps in quickly. Anyone
exposed to this level of radiation carries a Mild Environment
around with them for 24 hours after; anyone within
ten meters of the character should be treated as if they
are in a Mild radiation environment.
So then
Mild radiation environments don’t look like much. Maybe
that’s because radiation is invisible but also because
these are the kinds of places that everyone moves out
of because something nasty happened there in the
recent (on a radioactive decay scale) past. Meltdown
sites long after the meltdown, detonation sites far past
the detonation, or sites where radioactive waste had
been buried or stored but sprang leaks. These are the
kinds of places no one wants to stay for any period of
time due to the history as much as the damage it’s doing
to their cell structure.
Like other mild environments the average metahuman
will be fine here for a half a day or so but they’ll start
feeling effects around twenty-four hours or so, as the
radiation makes them experience Nausea (p. 409, SR5)
at Power 2. The Power of the Nausea then increases by 1
every twelve hours.
And of note:
No Healing Tests can occur while a character is still exposed
to a radioactive or polluted environment, including
the radioactive environment a character may be
generating themselves. Magical healing can occur, but
remember it requires contact and therefore puts the
healing magician into the character’s radiation zone.
So.... it doesn't say anything about immediate damage from the harsh radiation. Bizarrely it quantifies the nausea on Mild and Medium, but not at harsh.
Oct 25 2016, 02:03 PM
So, since we are all in the harsh zone right now and do not even know it yet, we are going to die horrible deaths? At what point do we realize it and can move away?
Oct 25 2016, 03:35 PM
In the Pierre post that I just put up, I suggested that to Pierre's thermographic vision, Rick looked warm. I figured that radiation intense enough to irradiate other objects after brief contact had to be pretty strong, and could both be causing Rick to literally heat up, but also to be warming up the air around him a bit (which Pierre was interpreting as heat rising off of Rick).
Now, there is nothing in the rules, that I can recall, about thermographic vision letting you see intense radiation sources. And ionizing radiation does most of its damage by creation of free radicals rather than by cooking things, so I'm willing to back-track on this if people think this isn't appropriate. (can edit the post, or just not follow up on that comment -- and I stopped before Pierre got to talking with people in the camp, so he's not passed along that observation yet)
Oct 25 2016, 04:25 PM
I think these are good news, instead of dying in 6 seconds from physical damage you are exposed to something that kills you in a few hours. You'll notice it when you start getting sick.
Oct 25 2016, 08:41 PM
In last line of my IC post I assume that with the change back to Rick, the energy aura stops and the heat normalizes...
But let me know if that's wrong, as I suppose it could indicate a ruse on the part of the bad guy...
Oct 25 2016, 08:58 PM
I think that the sensible thing is to just knock him unconscious by lynching him. Now that he is in the tent there are many people that would love to kick him senselessly. When he wakes up the spirit will be disrupted and Rick will be free, it also suit RP wise, think terrified kids and political enemies. Also perhaps one of the orcs will make a move for his monowhip - to become the new alpha male, or to stop needing to take Rick's orders. Just suggestions though.
Oct 25 2016, 09:34 PM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Oct 25 2016, 08:58 PM)

I think that the sensible thing is to just knock him unconscious by lynching him. Now that he is in the tent there are many people that would love to kick him senselessly. When he wakes up the spirit will be disrupted and Rick will be free, it also suit RP wise, think terrified kids and political enemies. Also perhaps one of the orcs will make a move for his monowhip - to become the new alpha male, or to stop needing to take Rick's orders. Just suggestions though.
I think his mono-whip was 'ware, so not so easily taken as all that. Not to say that if Rick dies, someone might not try cutting off his finger and figuring out if they can use that as a handle for the whip, but it sure wouldn't be an easy thing to grab. (at least, none of the rest of us came with any gear that wasn't 'ware or tatoos, and I can easily imagine a gang leader getting a mono-whip installed -- great shock and awe factor!)
Oct 26 2016, 02:20 AM
I think it is usually stored in the fingertip rather than installed as ware.
Oct 26 2016, 02:40 AM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Oct 26 2016, 02:20 AM)

I think it is usually stored in the fingertip rather than installed as ware.
My impression was that the one end was attached to the finger (with the fingertip being the weight at the other end) -- rather than being something that you took out (complete with handle), then grasped the handle.. But I admit that this is impression, not sure that I could point to anything written as such.
Oct 26 2016, 11:51 AM
QUOTE (Beta @ Oct 26 2016, 03:40 AM)

My impression was that the one end was attached to the finger (with the fingertip being the weight at the other end) -- rather than being something that you took out (complete with handle), then grasped the handle.. But I admit that this is impression, not sure that I could point to anything written as such.
That's my thought...the spool is probably somewhere in the cyberhand itself too, so you would need to take the whole hand...and then get a wifi connection to it too if you want the 'safety' of using that function
Oct 26 2016, 01:07 PM
Well Rick is back from possessed before he is knocked out so we can remain civilized rather than a horror movie with a monowhip attached to a hand.
Oct 26 2016, 04:17 PM
Everything that Pierre said about hair, washing, & vomiting is correct decontamination procedure as best I understand it, but the rules really don't cover decontamination, so mechanically there are no bonuses for any of that. And it really may or may not be needed for the dosage that people had -- as he said, he has Physics knowledge (and Seraphim Lore, which is where I was figuring he might know something about decontamination), but no medicine or biology knowledge.
Oct 27 2016, 06:21 AM
My fellow radiated people, all is not lost!
There is a spell in Shadow Spells that treats radiations (and at F-4, I wouldn't get drain, so I could use it a bunch of times).
Cailin has a mentor spirit who can teach it to her, collected some reagents so she can set a temporary lodge up.
For the learning roll, I got
Learn Spell: Decontamination:
13d6h5 3Which means it theoretically takes Cailin 3 days to learn.
I didn't take any Instruction bonus from my mentor spirit though, which could reasonably give me 2 more successes I think. With that, the spell would be learned in a bit less than a day. Would that be alright with you Aria?
As for you radiated people, try not to die in the next 24h ^^
Oct 28 2016, 12:40 PM
Yes absolutely fine...for most of you anyway...see the IC for Rick
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