Digital Heroin
Jul 16 2016, 01:41 PM
QUOTE (Cailin O'Connor @ Jul 16 2016, 01:31 PM)

I can see that!
I'm almost glad Cailin is asleep in the other camp, even if the repercussions will probably be felt everywhere. No idea what will come of it...
Except probably that Blank will be forever alone that is ^^ Or at least, for a good while (unless something so big happens that his fighting skills override any other concerns that is...)
Or until 'the funny thing' happens.
...well, even then it might not mean a lick. I have found a way to introduce Scrap, and her penchant for recording everything she sees is going to give people a sneak peak at their bogeyman.
Jul 16 2016, 01:47 PM
or until Blank takes Ricks place.
Digital Heroin
Jul 16 2016, 01:56 PM
Oh he has no designs on Rick's spot. The purpose of the ambush was to make Rick think so, and to put him on tilt, but Blank just wanted a head start down river.
Jul 16 2016, 04:39 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 14 2016, 10:47 PM)

If you have a burning itch to post you can always do a flashback from earlier in the day if you like (or even a flashback to 'before this shit happened') long as the 'timestamp' makes it clear!
Here, a little something posted to counter all that violence from Blank

I'm not sure it was really the place to put it instead of on OP but since you offered...
I have an idea for a follow-up, I'll try to add it tomorrow I think.
Jul 16 2016, 08:17 PM
Gilgas mentioned the camp having "bought" the meat. Did I miss a post with the trade happening?
Jul 16 2016, 08:22 PM
If you did, then I missed it, too. I have not seen a post where that happens.
Jul 16 2016, 09:21 PM
I don't think you did (or that's three of us ^^).
Probably some confusion over the trade/give/nothing discussions.
Jul 16 2016, 09:27 PM
OK. Just so there is no misunderstanding, I expect that we will be trading, not giving the meat away. My initial thought was flawed and Maya went with the majority.
Jul 16 2016, 10:32 PM
Rick was going to fob you off with 'trade in the morning when I can see what I'm buying, or some such... Blank's attack will put paid to anything further i expect
Digital Heroin
Jul 16 2016, 10:38 PM
Blank doesn't do politics or commerce. He does shows of force.
Jul 16 2016, 10:41 PM
I would expect that the trade takes second place to dealing with the attack. It would seem that Blank was created to not fit in with any grouping. I wonder why?
Jul 16 2016, 10:44 PM
Blank's Mother Theresa compared to Lindsey.
Jul 17 2016, 05:36 AM
Pfft, Lindsey is pure sweetness and sunshine! Anyway, catching her up on the timeline. Waiting for news of the hurt peeps to get into the camp for her reaction (and if anything comes back from the spirit she sent out).
Jul 17 2016, 05:37 AM
I must say I'm more with Adamu on that one, no offense
Jul 17 2016, 05:44 AM
Maya remembers an old Thai proverb she picked up on a trip there: "Twisted snake hidden in grass is much more dangerous than a tiger in the open."
Digital Heroin
Jul 17 2016, 05:54 AM
Blank is a sweetheart.
Wait, no, that isn't right. He has held a still beating heart. That makes more sense.
Jul 17 2016, 06:04 AM
LOL It does make more sense.
Maya has held a warm beating heart in her hands. And eaten of it to gather the strength of the creature into herself. But she cannot explain the motivation of Blank hunting the people out here. That sort of puts him in the same category of the cats they killed in the cave. She would hope that there is a purpose behind it and one that can be harnessed to help everyone. In other words, Blank is welcome at the smaller camp if he comes in and works with them to build a civilized society. There is room and a need for civilized people to have weapons that can be used to defend themselves, but not for having weapons that are used solely to terrorize or cow others. Philosophy of Maya.
Jul 17 2016, 07:57 AM
As someone that has also built a character with a dark side, you should consider the possibility that Blank would become the antagonist after that attack.
It may complicate things and bring a lot of emotions if it come to PC vs PC though - need to consider that.
Jul 17 2016, 04:33 PM
Beta: I wasn't sure how you wanted to do Addie tonight. You'd mentioned her wanting to join up in the girls tent, so she can come out with Lindsey, or do whatever. They'll make room for her (but not Dot (she's too big!), if you want to press that issue, you're welcome to have Lindsey or Nora/Gem turn her away again). I figured Addie would have something to say about Lindsey badmouthing Maya's group, so I stopped there.
Digital Heroin
Jul 17 2016, 05:02 PM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Jul 17 2016, 07:57 AM)

As someone that has also built a character with a dark side, you should consider the possibility that Blank would become the antagonist after that attack.
It may complicate things and bring a lot of emotions if it come to PC vs PC though - need to consider that.
Blank has always been a possible antagonist in my head. The way things are going, with the two camps at odds, I might not even be the first involved with PC on PC conflict. I write in the spirit of mutually satisfying storytelling, however. It's not about winning, it's about telling a good tale.
...oh, and Scrap is here! She always was, people just don't pay her much mind and she is totally okay with that. For reference she is perfectly normal looking, cute even. She just thinks she is ugly because of the accident, even though she had a damn good doctor.
Jul 17 2016, 11:30 PM
QUOTE (adamu @ Jul 15 2016, 09:27 PM)

@Aria - been leading up to this for a while, but time now to get down to brass tacks.
What's it gonna take to make a bow and some arrows?
I generously figure I've got -5 dice in penalties (poor conditions -2 [not bad conditions since got food and a dry cave to work in], -2 for inadequate tools [not tools unavailable, since I've got the main tool, the knife], and -1 for working from memory [based on my Logic]).
But still leaves me four dice to work with from my pool of nine (Logic 4, Armorer 3 with spec in Archery).
Also I think I've now got all the necessary materials (yeah, been Interwebbing bowmaking, and primitive but effective bows are not that hard to make - no, I sure as heck couldn't do it, but it turns out it is not as long and complex a task as my city-softened-weakling self had imagined).
So if you approve those mods, I need you to assign threshold and interval.
Hopefully the threshold will be that applicable to a professional bowmaker, not a little kid in the woods (my skill level is above the 4 "professional" level).
Let me know what you think!
@Mercy, seems like Maya is pretty busy with stuff - don't know how you feel about her working on this pretty much full-time like Raf is (been avoiding other time-consuming activities), but maybe a teamwork assist - noticed you also have a lot of dice in this....
@Aria - any thoughts on thresholds/intervals for bows/arrows?
Jul 18 2016, 12:54 PM
Lots of catching up for me to do, hope to have more for you this evening!!!
Jul 18 2016, 01:34 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jul 17 2016, 04:33 PM)

Beta: I wasn't sure how you wanted to do Addie tonight. You'd mentioned her wanting to join up in the girls tent, so she can come out with Lindsey, or do whatever. They'll make room for her (but not Dot (she's too big!), if you want to press that issue, you're welcome to have Lindsey or Nora/Gem turn her away again). I figured Addie would have something to say about Lindsey badmouthing Maya's group, so I stopped there.

Will try to respond today, catching Addie up on early evening through being taken out to the (unconscious) bodies (at least).
Jul 18 2016, 10:14 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Addie bargaining with Gem:
Addie bargain with Gem:
11d6t5 7Gem bargaining with Addie:
Gem bargaining with Addie:
10d6t5 3Well that one went Addie's way. I figure taking a dawn watch that costs her nothing is 'winning' the bargaining session.
And sorry that Addie is agreeing with Lindsey about Dana -- but Addie didn't have the best experience with Dana, so it seemed to me that she'd go along with that line of reasoning.
Jul 18 2016, 10:30 PM
Sorry?! You should be happy to agree with her!
Jul 18 2016, 10:49 PM
Doesn't really matter anyway in the long run since the victims know it wasn't Dana, Klarissa can say (tomorrow at least) that Dana left too late for that, Dot (who is in the main camp right now) that they came directly, and most of all, Scrap filmed everything.
So even if some of those choose to stay silent for one reason or another, the truth will be known, Then the problem becomes "what did you do about it in the meantime and can you recover?"...
Jul 18 2016, 11:53 PM
Yup, a lot of what Lindsey says/does can be disregarded once there's perfect information. Stupid commlinks!
Jul 19 2016, 12:28 AM
Dana would just be happy that you give her credit for being capable to do that.
Jul 19 2016, 12:48 AM
QUOTE (Cailin O'Connor @ Jul 18 2016, 10:49 PM)

So even if some of those choose to stay silent for one reason or another, the truth will be known, Then the problem becomes "what did you do about it in the meantime and can you recover?"...
Also a chance for Addie to agree with Lindsey, and also an easy chance for her to be wrong (it is usually a bit tough to make my characters decide or say or do something which I as a player suspect is wrong, but they can't be right all of the time, so it is nice when there is an easy one like this)
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jul 18 2016, 11:53 PM)

Yup, a lot of what Lindsey says/does can be disregarded once there's perfect information. Stupid commlinks!

I have faith in her talents!
QUOTE (Gilga @ Jul 19 2016, 12:28 AM)

Dana would just be happy that you give her credit for being capable to do that.
Oh, Addie gives Dana lots of credit .... She just hasn't talked to anyone yet about where that is leading her
Jul 19 2016, 04:34 PM
@Adam: re bow interval, sorry it has taken a while…Google hasn’t been extremely helpful but the suggestions there were 2-3 hours with the aid of power tools, and that’s just for the stave…the string is another matter! I know as little about this as I suspect most people do so I’m prepared to be swayed but let’s say it will take you a few hours for the bow stave, and a few more for the string…so it will be ready sometime in day 4 to5?!? That sound ok?
Jul 19 2016, 04:36 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jul 19 2016, 12:53 AM)

Yup, a lot of what Lindsey says/does can be disregarded once there's perfect information. Stupid commlinks!

It's only as perfect as the people relaying the info...I don't think there are any display devices anywhere so it is just one person's word against another! Same goes for time, only a few have internal chronos...and I suspect most people rely so heavily on tech they couldn't give an accurate assessment of time passing without one!
Jul 19 2016, 05:16 PM
Are we past dusk at the main camp now? And did the spirit Lindsey sent off to find anything 'man made' in as wide a range as it could cover before dusk report anything back?
Jul 19 2016, 05:47 PM
Trying to help the recovery of the unconscious hunters. Medicine 1 + logic 4:
5d6t5 1I don't remember if one hit actually helps or not, but at least no glitch.
Also working towards buying her computer skill up to 1 (probably the next day).
Jul 19 2016, 05:48 PM
Heh, I'll edit Lindsey's post, gimme a min.
Jul 19 2016, 06:01 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jul 19 2016, 05:48 PM)

Heh, I'll edit Lindsey's post, gimme a min.
Sorry, looks like we cross posted again -- nothing was up when I started writing. Sorry I forgot to check to see if you'd beaten me to the submit button again! (and btw, you can always ask me to edit my post, especially when I submit after you)
Jul 19 2016, 06:07 PM
No worries. You had more detail. I wasn't wedded to my post.
Jul 19 2016, 07:19 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jul 19 2016, 06:16 PM)

Are we past dusk at the main camp now? And did the spirit Lindsey sent off to find anything 'man made' in as wide a range as it could cover before dusk report anything back?
The spirit seems confused, it found man made stuff but didn't... It gives you a vague direction along the river...
Jul 19 2016, 08:13 PM
So yeah. Figured I should actually roll some dice since Lindsey was going to do something significant. That was a mistake.
Summon air elemental (F2):
10d6t5 1Edge Re-roll:
9d6t5 1Spirit defense:
4d6t5 2Drain (4):
11d6t5 2 - 2
Try again!:
10d6t5 0/Cry
Spirit defense:
4d6t5 3Drain (6):
11d6t5 5 - 1
Try again!:
9d6t5 2Spirit defense:
4d6t5 1Drain (2):
11d6t5 3 - 0
F3 Air Spirit, 1 service, 3 total drain, 1 Edge used. 4 total successes on 38 summoning dice. One 1 away from crit glitching on 10 dice. Apparently Orokos doesn't like Lindsey either.

Spirit Engulf's the armor packets and Sprints away, hopefully using Movement (although spirits in Combat use powers for 'free' to accomplish the goal, the rules don't say anything about not in Combat). Lindsey scrubs the Astral Signature (should take 3 seconds, F3, BGC2).
Jul 19 2016, 08:55 PM
Jul 19 2016, 09:00 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 19 2016, 05:34 PM)

@Adam: re bow interval, sorry it has taken a while…Google hasn’t been extremely helpful but the suggestions there were 2-3 hours with the aid of power tools, and that’s just for the stave…the string is another matter! I know as little about this as I suspect most people do so I’m prepared to be swayed but let’s say it will take you a few hours for the bow stave, and a few more for the string…so it will be ready sometime in day 4 to5?!? That sound ok?
That's cool - diceless is fine with me.
Say, throw in five arrows?
I'll be making the first one with a pull (rating) equal to Raf's strength. Then get to work on one for someone else...
Jul 19 2016, 09:22 PM
The wood around here is pretty crap I would think for bow making, it's all softwood / pine by the looks of Google... Don't count on making a strong bow any time soon!
5 arrows is fine although you'll need fletching of some sort?!?
Jul 19 2016, 09:26 PM
Jul 19 2016, 10:28 PM
Got some karma lying around so here goes:
30 karma to increase Str 5-->6
10 karma to increase edge 1-->2
5 karma to increase outdoors group 0-->1.
Jul 19 2016, 10:31 PM
Just remember, the harder you make yourself, the nastier the opposition gets
Jul 19 2016, 10:33 PM
I'm so glad I'm not at the main camp, I'd have gone mad with Lindsey's manipulations...
Jul 19 2016, 10:47 PM
As long as we're all having fun.
Jul 19 2016, 10:56 PM
I'm loving it
Jul 19 2016, 11:00 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 19 2016, 10:22 PM)

The wood around here is pretty crap I would think for bow making, it's all softwood / pine by the looks of Google... Don't count on making a strong bow any time soon!
5 arrows is fine although you'll need fletching of some sort?!?
Not a problem for now - Raf's not very strong!
I'll bet hawk-Dana can get us a bird.
Once we have the first one, we'll be able to get more for ourselves.
Jul 19 2016, 11:07 PM
posted something and changed my mind
Jul 20 2016, 12:12 AM
QUOTE (Cailin O'Connor @ Jul 19 2016, 05:33 PM)

I'm so glad I'm not at the main camp, I'd have gone mad with Lindsey's manipulations...
She's just saying what everyone's thinking!
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