Jul 6 2016, 12:51 AM
Aria - Dana activated elemental body while in initiative as her first action. She activated elemental strike (that has no drain) before combat time. So elemental body was active for two combat rounds - the drain is according to combat rounds not initiative phases. I rolled it back then - but apparently did not post (?) so I am re posting the drain roll.
if I understand correctly it means that she takes no drain.
Drain elemental body:
8d6t5 3 if lifting the beast mundane way is too much she will try to get an aid from the levitate magic to help her drag it.
8d6t5 3 - (this moves 600 kilograms)
Levitate drain:
10d6t5 2How much does that thing weights anyhow? how big is it?
Jul 6 2016, 06:32 AM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jul 5 2016, 11:27 PM)

It's almost dawn when Aria wakes Lindsey up, right? Getting light outside, etc?
Yeah, it's right on the cusp of spirit changeover
Jul 6 2016, 07:42 AM
@Aria - is it okay to carry the beast (with levitation?) or is it still too heavy?
Jul 6 2016, 10:30 AM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Jul 6 2016, 07:42 AM)

@Aria - is it okay to carry the beast (with levitation?) or is it still too heavy?
With levitate you'll easily manage!
Unless there's an errata then elemental body says passes in my copy!
Jul 6 2016, 12:07 PM
okay I read so now - so power was up for three initiative passes - 1. (activated) 2. electrocuted(cat) 3. complex ball lightning + turn off.
I rolled 3 hits in drain resistance so Dana takes 3 stun damage (magic/2 + 3) she is physically unable to leave it on for much longer as the absolute maximum she could keep it is magic initiative passes (to resist 9 DV drain). Thanks for the clarification, I'll assume that Dana used the levitate to take the cat out of the cave.
Jul 6 2016, 12:19 PM
I added on to Lindsey's last post to add a bit quizzing Aria.
Jul 6 2016, 12:51 PM
Did we resolve the area effect issue of that ball lightning spell? I think it is important to know if Dana killed herself and perhaps a wounded Grok.
Jul 6 2016, 12:55 PM
Has Grok even been seen?
Jul 6 2016, 01:43 PM
Yes we did, my last IC states that Dana carries the beast on her shoulders it does not state that she uses magic to lift it - but that is a minor nuance - Dana is badly wounded but not is dead. and she carries a considerably larger mutated mountain lion (of 300kg? +- and possibly six legs)
Jul 6 2016, 02:13 PM
Too bad it is dead. Maya might have been able to train it. Perhaps not, though.
Jul 6 2016, 04:48 PM
First aid for Dana:
First Aid:
9d6t5 5 5 hits is not too bad.
Maya is still hoping that Grok survived somehow and that we can bring him out alive.
Jul 7 2016, 04:34 PM
Sorry, I don't have time for much more today...manic couple of days...hope to have some more tomorrow, and for the group in the cave I strongly suggest retreating and coming back with some sort of proper light!!!
Jul 7 2016, 10:04 PM
I didn't go further with the hair braiding bit just at the moment, because I wasn't too sure if there was going to be camp events as the day started. If nothing of note is happening right away then I'll either write that up, or we can assume it happens. (personally I'm thinking Gem may know how to do dreadlocks, although they may not have that much time right now)
Jul 8 2016, 02:57 AM
Aria - if possible Dana will rest for an hour.
Stun recovery:
8d6t5 3recovering 3 out of her 4 stun boxes.
Jul 8 2016, 04:05 PM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Jul 8 2016, 02:57 AM)

Aria - if possible Dana will rest for an hour.
Stun recovery:
8d6t5 3recovering 3 out of her 4 stun boxes.
You can rest for more if you like... sorry for ignoring your IC but I'd already drafted mine and haven't got time to amend it now, I don't think it really changes things whether you levitated the torches or not...
Jul 8 2016, 07:12 PM
Its okay... we'll levitate a torch next time. I figured that using such a torch we can place some more distance between us and the mountain lion. Possibly spot it from a bit further down the cave.
Jul 8 2016, 09:31 PM
I posted in 3 sections in order to move things along while still leaving room for Addie/Rick/etc to respond. I'll let Beta lead the 'bring Lindsey into the Tribunal' if Addie wants to do that and I'll edit in a response. Beta, if you need me to revise anything based on your stuff with the group of girls, that's no problem, I just had spare time to write this up and didn't know when you'd be posting.
Jul 8 2016, 10:17 PM
I'm about done for the weekend...Rick's group can post more or less what you like up until the evening, possibly even until the next morning (will try and answer OoC if I can)
Maya: use the same stats before, it's young, and wounded (3 boxes physical) so unlikely to challenge the mighty Dana much! It will attack when you enter again, fire be damned! It's bloody fast and should be scary...sure you can fill in the details between you!
Jul 8 2016, 10:25 PM
What sort of reaction, if any, would Rick have to Lindsey claiming the food for the ladies?
Jul 8 2016, 10:50 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jul 8 2016, 10:25 PM)

What sort of reaction, if any, would Rick have to Lindsey claiming the food for the ladies?
Laugh?!? If they can't fend for themselves...
Jul 9 2016, 05:19 AM
I'd imagine the hunters getting violent for such a behavior. I figure either the do that or they will think twice the next time they share food if you do not let them eat from what they caught. (if you are up for a challenge)
Anyhow back to our bloody situation: I think that the cat would go first.
11+3d6 24Dana:
14+4d6 21Raff: 13
Maya 15
As to what it does - I think it is more likely to attack Maya (considering what happened to its (mother?) when she tried to bite Dana.) but I am open to other interpretations. It is wounded and terrified by the torches and Dana, and it feels as if we pushed it to a corner (but what else can we do we need to find Grok.)
Unarmed attack for the Cat.
attack (cat):
16d6t5 4
Jul 9 2016, 09:06 AM
Okay, sounds like Dana has the combat handled.
But just in case, here is Rafferty's combat plan.
Initiative is 13.
If it does indeed melee Dana, and assuming Dana doesn't just immediately kill it and the battle is ongoing, then Rafferty will poke it in the back with one of his pointed sticks.
In game terms. however, this is a Free Action Gesture, holding my Complex Action (just trying to get its attention).
If as a result of that it attacks Rafferty, or if it just for some reason attacks Rafferty first, then I will drop 7 off my initiative to do Counterstrike.
Gilga's computed the cat attacks with 16 dice:
Cat attack on Rafferty that will probably never happen:
16d6t5 8So then Raf's counterstrike attempt which is basically futile since I'd need more hits than my Limit:
Counterstrike against cat's super roll:
11d6t5 4So if this happens then I'm Soaking 12P. I will Push Limit with Edge.
soak cat's attack:
6d6h5 3Hah, only 9 boxes physical, still conscious!
That's what happens when a 12-year old kid attacks a six-legged cat monster with a pointed stick.
Hopefully Dana will have taken care of it anyway, but Raf can't just sit on the sidelines while the others are fighting for their lives.
I'll IC once we have a final resolution.
Jul 9 2016, 09:38 AM
@Aria The description for Animal Handling indicates that I might be able to use the skill to keep the cat from attacking. Is this possible and what is the defense for the cat? If it is possible, I can use edge to grab initiative and act first, right? I would take the chance to use animal handling on the creature. It is already hurt and has seen us kill the other cat and so might think we are stronger and willing to be cowed if I approach it from strength.
Maya Initiative:
10+1d6 15 15 is not too bad.
Jul 9 2016, 11:50 AM
I guess I should at least let you try... Just bear in mind it's a wounded mad toxic mutant cat (or some such thing) and logic and normal responses might not be forthcoming!
Jul 9 2016, 02:50 PM
I edited slightly to account for Gilga's suggestion. I'll edit/backtrack more if needed based on Beta's next actions.
For the cat, mental resistance tends to be LOG+WIL, so maybe use the for the training roll? Or LOG+WIL+WIL for a full defense type thing if it's as mad as Aria says?
Jul 9 2016, 04:27 PM
Sorry for sudden posting slowness this week. Will try to catch up with all Lindsey has done later today.
Jul 9 2016, 05:07 PM
Mercy - before the combat starts, if Maya makes a play for the taming thing, Raf will try to help - here is my roll as a teamwork test - you can add my hits as extra dice for your test (or something like that)
animal handling teamwork:
8d6t5 2and I'll reroll with Edge
reroll animal handling teamwork dice:
6d6t5 0Okay, so two extra dice for your test.
Jul 9 2016, 05:16 PM
Hey, 2 extra dice is 2 extra dice so thanks a bunch. I understand what some people are saying about the cat being wounded and angry, but why is it not possible that it can see us as stronger and is therefore more susceptible to the animal handling? Maya has a specialization in handling paracritters, which this seems to be.
Jul 9 2016, 06:01 PM
make that 3 extra dice
animal handel:
3d6t5 1@Aria - what should we roll (charisma + animal handling ) against what ( a threshold? opposed test? I am not sure there are concrete rules for that in 5E. )
Jul 9 2016, 07:40 PM
Maya is trying to use animal handling on the creature. Pre-edging to remove limits and re-rolling 6s.
Initial attempt before realizing that Dana is helping:
Animal Handling:
15d6t5 7Adding the 1 die for Dana's help:
Animal Handling:
1d6t5 1Re-rolling 6s and realizing I should have used the h code:
Exploding 6s:
4d6h5 2Total is 10 hits. Not too shabby for the three of us working together on this. I wonder if Summer has any skill she could help with as well?
Jul 9 2016, 11:04 PM
QUOTE (Mercy @ Jul 9 2016, 07:40 PM)

Maya is trying to use animal handling on the creature. Pre-edging to remove limits and re-rolling 6s.
Initial attempt before realizing that Dana is helping:
Animal Handling:
15d6t5 7Adding the 1 die for Dana's help:
Animal Handling:
1d6t5 1Re-rolling 6s and realizing I should have used the h code:
Exploding 6s:
4d6h5 2Total is 10 hits. Not too shabby for the three of us working together on this. I wonder if Summer has any skill she could help with as well?
That will be enough to cow it for now, but you have no hope of training is effectively rabid and as soon as you turn your backs it will flee or attack, probably the latter!
Jul 10 2016, 01:57 AM
I've interleaved with Irn0richid's post, as Addie reacts to what Lindsey is doing and saying -- but also put stuff before that (recruiting Lindsey to the rules council), and after (gather up a small group to go look for edible plants).
Assuming that she has found anyone with more knowledge on this front than her (not too hard, she has survival 2 for seven dice (+2 in forests, but by that I assume the sort of forests she had been in around Seattle, not the sort of things they are around now)), she'll augment with her leadership (11 dice), or potentially her perception (12 dice for visual). If they really don't have anyone left who is better at this than Addie herself then she will a) Inwardly berate herself for not finding a way to keep Maya with the larger group, and b) instead recruit a couple of people who seem perceptive, and have them help her spot things that she can think of to look for.
Not narrating how it goes just yet, because this place is odd enough that I don't know if there are edible plants to be found (like the animals seem a bit weird, perhaps the plants will all be a bit off from what they know, making it hard to say what is safe to eat, or something).
Jul 10 2016, 06:16 AM
@Maya's group: Grok isn't apparently in the cave, although there are plenty of bones, some of which might be large enough...this is further evidence of the unnaturalness of the beasts, no cat would leave its lair in such a state!
@Addie: plants are 'a little off' but you can find some that 'look ok'...
Jul 10 2016, 07:12 AM
Combat Start:
11+3d6 24Initiative:
14+4d6 21Pass 1:
Cat opens with an attack -
attack (cat):
16d6t5 4Dana uses full defense (initiative drops to 11)
dodge + full defense (Dana):
18d6t5 5Dana activates elemental body -
Pass 2: (Dana initiative 1, Cat initiative 14)
Cat attacks:
2nd attack:
16d6t5 2Defense(full):
18d6t5 2This is actually incredible - as scoring just 2 hits in defense is the absolutely best outcome for Dana.
It is the first time in SR that I call scoring 2 hits with 18 dice a hit, it means that contact is formed - but no damage is taken.
However - elemental body only requires to form contact. (12P -3AP)
Damage resistance:
10d6t5 4Cat takes 8 damage.
Cat has total damage of 11 and is taking -3 on all actions. Initiative is lowered to 9 and -1 to all actions from electricity.
Dana would attacks cat with a touch only attack (+2 to hit and attacker wins on tie). She takes -2 background count and -1 reach.
For a total of 16 dice.
16d6t5 4Dodge:
12d6t5 5The cat dodges and this is the end of the first combat turn (Cat's initiative was dropped by 5.
2nd combat turn:
Initiative (2nd round):
14+4d6 26Initiative:
11+3d6 20Dana opens with a touch attack -
Attack (touch):
16d6t5 5Cat tries to avoid being touched:
12d6t5 4Damage is 12P -3AP
Damage resistance:
10d6t5 2takes 10 physical boxes and dies instantly. (out of overflow).
Dana needs to resist drain for elemental body that was active for 3 initiative passes (drain is 6 stun)
8d6t5 6no drain!!!!
Jul 10 2016, 06:00 PM
Outside of finishing the tribunal convo, Lindsey has no further plans till nighttime. If Addie comes back with food she wont interfere with how she decides to apportion it unless she says something directly negative about her.
Jul 10 2016, 06:21 PM
Is the main camp ahead of us ? Because we are still at early morning.
Jul 10 2016, 06:28 PM
Currently, yes. Main camp is like midafternoon now? Ish.
Jul 10 2016, 06:52 PM
Hello everyone

Just joining the fun here, I've just posted my introduction in the main camp.
By the way, english is not my primary language (I'm french) and while I'm pretty confident most of the time, I will certainly make some mistakes so don't hesitate to point them to me if it's complete nonsense.
Jul 10 2016, 07:27 PM
Fair warning, Lindsey is likely not going to handle a naturally charismatic beautiful female elf mage very well at this point. ;P
Jul 10 2016, 07:35 PM
Yeah, I didn't think she would ^^
Jul 10 2016, 08:09 PM
So yeah, looking up what a Dryad does reveals: "Sapient beings always respond with awe, deference, and kindness to the character as long as he does not act hostile" and I'm not sure what to do with that.

I'll have to think about it.
Digital Heroin
Jul 10 2016, 08:46 PM
Welcome Cailin!
Okay, so I have managed to steal some time away from mine hunting (fun times) to try and catch up. Long post of mostly just 'he was there' for Blank incoming... though an idea was just put in my head. I will resist, for now.
...and if it's cool, I might post in for Scrap when I can steal some more time. I'm hoping to steal an hour a night for posting, but we shall see how that works out.
Jul 10 2016, 11:08 PM
It's cool!
Jul 10 2016, 11:09 PM
The smaller group would get along well with Cailin, I think.
Jul 10 2016, 11:13 PM
Yep, I think so too.
I'll probably switch as some point, at least part time, and I have some ideas in that direction.
I wanted to give the main camp a go though. Even if it's just to end up only saying two or three things before leaving.
So irn0rchid, don't worry too much about the dryad stuff, I had forgotten about that bit (mostly thinking about the symbiosis part of the deal, go figure in this environment...) and since I don't want to shoot to hell what you've got with Addie, I'll probably leave soon(ish) anyway. There are plenty of ways to justify this after all.
Jul 11 2016, 01:49 AM
Welcome Cailin!
That many charismatic young women in one place is .... Dangerous. Something Addie is aware of. She's pretty aware of how vicious, in their own way, battles for female dominance can be. She doesn't want to go there, except she's isn't sure anyone else will do what she thinks needs doing....
Jul 11 2016, 03:14 AM
K, I tried to set it up so that Lindsey can perceive Cailin as 'acting hostile' most of the time, so she should be able to say 'boo' to her.

Betx, you can decide if Addie was in that group or not (and add text, or not).
If she tries to come talk to the group, Lindsey will lead them in getting up and pointedly walking away, school lunchroom style.
Jul 11 2016, 04:43 AM
Here it is.
A bit "wall of text", but I had time to consider what to say while waiting for my account to be activated ^_^
The ball is in Rick's hands, but in any case it will allow Cailin to go to the other group's camp.
With gifts and (somewhat) good news or empty-handed and bad news, that is the question

By the way, for those who can juge those things, Cailin's english is from England, not North America.
Jul 11 2016, 08:02 AM
Edited my last post a bit to include going to camp and searching (as well as summoning a spirit to search for Grok).
Jul 11 2016, 12:29 PM
Grok was gone several hours...two big cats could have stripped the meat from his bones in that time... I did say that there were remains in their lair that could be large enough!!!
The spirit will draw a blank!
Timescale wise both groups are mid morning by my reckoning! Dana had a rest before the second combat which draws you about level...
Now I've got to go and write a suitably scathing IC...all these girls seem to be lecturing Rick at the moment...he might just have had enough
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