Aug 10 2016, 01:32 PM
Good point, I'll get a quick Addie reply in, as well as IC bringing them up to the group.
Aug 10 2016, 02:45 PM
IC post is up.
Quick question: mechanically, are there rules for the dryad effect? Or for that matter what it tends to make people feel? I've taken a shot at what it would be like to deal with it, but I'm not sure if that matches up with official rules.
Aug 10 2016, 03:18 PM
The rules are a +1 on all charisma skills (except Intimidation) and a +2 social limit.
Aug 10 2016, 05:26 PM
QUOTE (Cailin O'Connor @ Aug 10 2016, 04:18 PM)

The rules are a +1 on all charisma skills (except Intimidation) and a +2 social limit.
Thanks! Does the fluff give any description of the nature of people's favorable reaction to dryads? (they are attractive, they seem trustworthy, it seems almost magical (but isn't magic) in a way that people just want to help them ..... or is it more open to interpretation?
Aug 10 2016, 05:30 PM
Part of the description of dryads (Run Faster, p95):
Dryads are the most intelligent of all the nobilis metavariants, and they are often perceived by others to be graceful and physically attractive. Some of this perception may be magically enhanced—Awakened dryads have been known to use their powers to enhance how others perceive them.
A character with Glamour is paranaturally gifted so that all sapient beings perceive him as moving with unearthly grace. His countenance always seems radiant, and his voice is soul wrenching and laden with emotion. People may describe him as angelic or fairylike, and everyone he speaks to cannot help but feel moved and inspired. Sapient beings always respond with awe, deference, and kindness to the character as long as he does not act hostile.
Aug 10 2016, 05:42 PM
Thanks -- should have thought to have looked that up at home, before I suddenly had to describe interacting with Cailin!
Aug 10 2016, 06:12 PM
Modified my post as commenting on Addie's introduction to big camp politics was too old
Aug 10 2016, 07:02 PM
Ack, and I didn't see the change, and just posted a response to the old one (and Cailin has since responded, making it unclear who Addie was responding to).
Ummm, I think I'll delete Addie's post for the moment will re-post when I get another few mintues. Please excuse the blank post for a bit.
Aug 10 2016, 07:26 PM
Well I did not think I'd convince her to abandon politics and dedicate her life to martial arts
I can have Dana try again later, as long as we can still talk to each other.
Aug 10 2016, 09:26 PM
OK, I've updated Addie's IC post (twice -- first time didn't have the bridge into the larger group discussion)
Aug 11 2016, 02:52 PM
By the way Mercy, I see that Maya is working on the pelt, but Cailin already did most of it in the evening, unless you wanted more than the blankets?
Right now though, in the better light, she is working on the tigers' pelts, making some big blankets.
Artisan (pelt work, -2 lack of tools):
8d6t5 5While she couldn't do much with the bones, lacking the adequate tools - which she found really frustrating - she went for more than functional on the blankets: with a stone heated on the fire, she drew some esoteric patterns on the skins, which eliminates a good part of the primitive feel of the work. This won't sell in a nice shop, but she seems pleased nonetheless. As such, she greets Maya happily "
Hi! Good night?"
I should have put the rolls in here and not in the IC post though. It's
here if you missed it. And another (for tools, etc.) is
Aug 11 2016, 04:01 PM
I edited the post to reflect looking for Caillin's apporval and as we simultaniously posted I edited again to forward Lindsey to boss lady.
So no floating Carcass toward campfire.
Aug 11 2016, 04:02 PM
Well then, I edited my edit :o
Aug 11 2016, 04:04 PM
Aww! Lindsey was pumping her fist on the inside.

I'm gonna wait and let Addie/Rick chime in.
Aug 11 2016, 04:14 PM
I have the habit of posting then rereading edit and fix but now the three of us are on at the same time so I need to be more careful lol
Aug 11 2016, 04:29 PM
Yeah, I'm the same, especially since I often make mistakes and come back to fix things. And more often than not, I add stuff while I'm at it...
Aug 11 2016, 11:23 PM
Just re-reading the last few post's, and .... We have canteens now? When did I miss that?
Aug 11 2016, 11:25 PM
I thought I missed it too, and supposed it came in the same box as the tools and/or the tents.
Aug 11 2016, 11:39 PM
Lindsey picked one out of a crate on like page 2. Hasn't been relevant since.
Edit: yeah, declared it was in the tent crate.
Aug 12 2016, 02:29 AM
OK, so most don't have them. Would have felt silly having Addie moving water by soaking it into clothes if everyone had canfeens.
Aug 12 2016, 02:36 AM
I'd imagine there weren't 30+ canteens, but that's up to Aria I guess? I have a hard time drawing the line between what we as players can state as fact vs what the GM decides.
Aug 12 2016, 04:59 AM
Cailin's response got in while I was typing, but I think it still works, so I'm leaving it.

I'm out for the night!
Aug 12 2016, 11:57 AM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Aug 12 2016, 03:36 AM)

I'd imagine there weren't 30+ canteens, but that's up to Aria I guess? I have a hard time drawing the line between what we as players can state as fact vs what the GM decides.

I'm happy to give you lots of leeway!

Much more than a 'normal' game... We are all telling this story together!
Aug 12 2016, 02:39 PM
I have to go to work and might not be back on until very late my time. Maya is planning on going to the large camp to see Rick, so someone can write that part up and get us there, if they like. Please?
Aug 12 2016, 06:15 PM
Addie is about to go all baby-sitter/big-sister on Cailin. Apologies in advance if Cailin hates that sort of thing.
ETA: And if Cailin rebuffs this attempt, it will create quite a lovely parallel, dramatically speaking, with Maya's original departure. Disagreement with Rick, Lindsey stirs things up more, Addie tries to smooth things over but fails. Obviously Addie would not approve of life imitating itself, but I have to admit that from a story-telling perspective it has possibilities.
Aug 12 2016, 07:57 PM
QUOTE (Mercy @ Aug 12 2016, 03:39 PM)

I have to go to work and might not be back on until very late my time. Maya is planning on going to the large camp to see Rick, so someone can write that part up and get us there, if they like. Please?
Okay, I took us to the camp. No spirits. Don't know what time it is supposed to be, so I'll let some of the more continuity-minded figure out at what point big camp folk interact with small camp folk.
I did assume the negotiation that our little group would be fed and sheltered while working together.
I think it's a lot less of a leap than some of the others I've seen, and it didn't negatively impact any other PCs, so I assume we're cool.
Aug 12 2016, 08:12 PM
You would probably arrive at least two hours, maybe a bit more after the current time point in the main camp: there's a cliff to climb, and while Cailin & Dana (even if Dana didn't use it) could levitate, you can't.
And for now, given the situation... No spirit ^^ Maybe it could come, but you were right not to wait for it I think.
Aug 12 2016, 08:16 PM
I think we're ok with a meet now, we can gloss the details...sadly i'm away for the weekend so no posting from me...perhaps Rick is too exasperated with stuck princesses thinking they know what he is actually thinking

He's quite happy for Lindsey and Addie to negotiate for him...I think you know what he wants in principal!
Aug 12 2016, 08:28 PM
Dana could come and levitate them, it is non issue.
Aug 13 2016, 02:48 AM
QUOTE (Aria @ Aug 12 2016, 02:16 PM)

He's quite happy for Lindsey and Addie to negotiate for him...I think you know what he wants in principal!

Is he?
Aug 13 2016, 05:29 AM
@Irn0chid did you intend Lindsey to be so antagonistic? I am asking because she likes stirring things in a way that people depend on her and so forth - but the way she speaks it would be difficult for Dana or Caillin to like her.
Aug 13 2016, 09:17 PM
No, she explicitly thought about being nice at the start of the meeting.

She even backed off some once, but from her perception you two were not only being high and mighty, but you were also making accusations that hit too close to the truth. Then Rick wanting her to go personally to fight a toxic mage (whatever that is, but it sounds bad!) was the last straw. Better to drive you guys out and stick with the main camp than have to go into danger with a bunch of strong females.

Basically, she perceived this whole meeting as increasingly backing her into a corner.
A lot of what Lindsey said would just be an amped up version of what I'd think a lot of the kids in the main camp think, even without her influence. Maya wasn't kicked out, she bailed. Either the small camp is evil for being full of mages or, if they're cool with mages, then that camp is hoarding them. Rick has everyone in the main camp working to help the group as a whole. You guys bailed out and are only helping yourselves, etc. Dana's made some inroads, and Cailin came in on a high note, but then lectured the guy running the show just like Maya did, and then took off, just like Maya did. Now you guys come back carrying a bounty of meat that's obviously surplus; what else do you guys have back in your camp that's better than what these kids have?
Plus, going to confront some big bad mage in his lair is pretty much the antithesis of Lindsey's modus operandi.
Aug 14 2016, 03:06 AM
just to be clear though Dana does not suspect that Lindsey stole suits, she suspects that you are wasting her time and would simply not trade. This is what the bad faith is about.
Aug 14 2016, 03:22 AM
Nod, but she still feels the guilt. The majority of her reaction is trying to kill the idea of her having to leave the camp and fight some mystery figure. She's been working to secure a place where she can be as comfortable as possible here and going off into the unknown with a group that she has no influence over is a horrible thought.

My plan for the Niyaf encounter should end up with the situation defused somewhat, assuming Rick doesn't take a hard line stance (along with oodles of drama). Waiting to see if Addie wanted to react to Lindsey going off.
Aug 14 2016, 03:22 AM
Mystery double post.
Aug 14 2016, 04:37 AM
Not sure where we are in the timeline. Are Maya and the others approaching or are we still on the way?
Aug 14 2016, 04:47 AM
I think Aria was saying it's up to you.
Aug 14 2016, 08:44 AM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Aug 14 2016, 03:22 AM)

Nod, but she still feels the guilt. The majority of her reaction is trying to kill the idea of her having to leave the camp and fight some mystery figure. She's been working to secure a place where she can be as comfortable as possible here and going off into the unknown with a group that she has no influence over is a horrible thought.

My plan for the Niyaf encounter should end up with the situation defused somewhat, assuming Rick doesn't take a hard line stance (along with oodles of drama). Waiting to see if Addie wanted to react to Lindsey going off.
Looking forward to figuring out what it is all about. My guess is that Addie would stay with Caillin trying to fix what Lindsey has broken. Metaphorically speaking.
I try to play Dana according to her social dice-pool relatively easy influenced by charismatic people as long as they try to convince her - rather than insult her into not doing it. This is why I asked for Lindsey's motivations. If she did not aim to torpedo the eintire thing - I'd edit Dana to be more cooperative.
Though, Lindsey's case goes completely irrelevant once the toxic mage causes actual harm to the main camp, so if we want to work together as players - there is an out for that I think.
Aug 14 2016, 03:51 PM
Nod, there's lots of potential ways to work together, but right now the toxic mage might not even be real as far as she's concerned. Blank is the bigger threat, and getting the camp moving (with her in it) seems like the best solution for everything.
Aug 15 2016, 02:36 AM
Post finally up. Sorry it wasn't sooner, but only finally sat down with the computer -- was a busy weekend.
Irn0rchid, looks like you had plans for the delegation coming up the hill -- over to you.
Aug 15 2016, 02:36 AM
Aug 15 2016, 03:57 AM
So I've had that plot point planned for awhile, just happens to work well now for defusing Lindsey from yelling at the PCs more. If Rick continues to insist, she'll offer to send an elemental along to help as her physical presence contributes nothing. Her awakened status is fairly out of the bag with this group now.
Aug 15 2016, 05:00 AM
Would Lindsey know about Groks fate? Is that common knowledge?
Aug 15 2016, 05:12 AM
Sim knows, Dana told him the night before when she warned him about giant tigers that may till lurk in the vicinity.
Aug 15 2016, 05:31 AM
OK. Maya is in the camp. If this is not the time, please let me know and I will delete the post for later.
Aug 15 2016, 06:06 AM
I think it is a good time as any, welcome to the party.
Aug 15 2016, 12:53 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Aug 15 2016, 04:57 AM)

So I've had that plot point planned for awhile, just happens to work well now for defusing Lindsey from yelling at the PCs more. If Rick continues to insist, she'll offer to send an elemental along to help as her physical presence contributes nothing. Her awakened status is fairly out of the bag with this group now.
Hmmm, thanks for that one

I think this is clearly a case for the tribunal rather than Rick ruling outright, wouldn't you?!?

...of course he would rather put the whole mess off until he hears about the toxic but we'll see if he gets the chance?!
Aug 15 2016, 01:04 PM
Yeah, I figured this was a good chance for the tribunal to do something as well as for the small campers to stick their noses in.
Aug 15 2016, 06:08 PM
Hey, I just thought of something...maybe Lindsay IS the toxic shaman...
Aug 15 2016, 06:23 PM
Got an IC post up. On my phone so didn't bother with colours. I suspect that Lindsey may not want to be on prisoner watch, so I wouldn't assume this division of labour is decided yet.
And yes, Addie was deliberately trying to keep Lindsey oout of the camp, as she is beginning to finally specifically think Lindsey is trouble, and she's trying to keep things from getting inflamed.
Addie is aiming for something approaching a trial, but the rest of the council may not go for that.
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