Jun 23 2016, 06:50 PM
I'm waiting to see what Beta is going to do before advancing the main group. Don't want to ninja him.
Jun 23 2016, 07:57 PM
Sorry, busy day, hadn't even read today's posts until just recently. Have posted IC now.
Aria -- just double checking that you are good with Addie and Lindsey staying with the large group? Addie could yet take offense at Rick and head off (and at some point yet she may well do so, but so far her code of honour won't let her leave those who may need her protection 'just' to be with a group she likes better). In her view of things Rick's group has most of the weakest (as well as some of the strongest), while the breakaway group looks like they are mostly pretty capable and together. She also views what happened as a massive personal failure (a bit egotistical of her, but such are teenagers), so staying with the bigger group and trying to keep it from becoming too horrible is probably just punishment for her failure, at some sub-conscious level.
Jun 23 2016, 08:14 PM
Go where you feel you would, I've no problem with running PCs who aren't together!
Jun 23 2016, 09:16 PM
Left the main camp timeline at Addie's reentrance so she can rejoin. The grand 'tribunal' is down to 4 now though. With the loss of Maya and Rafferty I'm not sure if Rick would keep with it or just toss the whole idea to the side now.
Jun 23 2016, 09:38 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jun 23 2016, 10:16 PM)

Left the main camp timeline at Addie's reentrance so she can rejoin. The grand 'tribunal' is down to 4 now though. With the loss of Maya and Rafferty I'm not sure if Rick would keep with it or just toss the whole idea to the side now.
Actually down to three, lost Maya and Rafferty. I don't know how that will play out now. I think Addie will let it ride until the move is at least well underway. Honestly not sure what Addie does next. I'm sure she'll come up with something though.
Jun 23 2016, 09:43 PM
Well Simon replaced Maya.
Jun 23 2016, 10:11 PM
Feel free to add another likely NPC! Rick will get things going in the evening once camp is established. You can all freely IC until then!
Jun 23 2016, 10:47 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jun 23 2016, 10:43 PM)

Well Simon replaced Maya.
Thanks, I'd missed that post somehow. Now, who is Simon? NPC, PC?
Jun 23 2016, 11:14 PM
NPC. I referenced him a few times in my IC posts. He's kinda sorta the leader of the older non-ork group in the big camp.
Jun 23 2016, 11:54 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jun 24 2016, 12:14 AM)

NPC. I referenced him a few times in my IC posts. He's kinda sorta the leader of the older non-ork group in the big camp.
Ah, drat, I think I may have been thinking Simon and Sim were the same person.... I think I need to re-read the whole thread and find what else I missed, forgot, or got confused!
@Aria: one of those "I don't know how weird this place is" questions. Addie is reasonably fair skinned, and was out in the open most of the day ... is she sunburned?
Jun 24 2016, 04:26 AM
@Gilga You indicated that Nora and her friends were coming with us, right? How many and do you have names?
Does anyone know about Vincent? Which way he might go or just stay a bird and fly away?
Jun 24 2016, 05:01 AM
I haven't heard from Raider in a while - I hope he is still with us. There is Nora and Dave and the other three has no names yet - feel free RPing conversing with them - the only thing about them is that they feel unsafe since that girl was almost raped and want to be able to defend themselves.
Jun 24 2016, 05:06 AM
Do you know how old these kids are or is that something we can make up?
Jun 24 2016, 05:24 AM
We can make up, I see Nora as a teen 16(?) but have no clear vision of the rest.
Jun 24 2016, 03:30 PM
OK. It looks like Maya might be elected into a leadership role, so I need to start pumping karma into that skill. Consider the skill bumped to 2. It is just a start and there are probably still others with better skills, but no one is jumping up to take charge.
Jun 24 2016, 03:47 PM
You should update OP. She's still CHA 1 on there.
Jun 25 2016, 07:48 AM
Sorry to be awkward but can I ask for some IC revision so that Vincent hasn't returned yet? I'd rather not NPC a player at the moment... He can limp back when Raider returns to us!
Jun 25 2016, 07:57 AM
In that case it makes little sense for Dana not to wait for him, tough.
Jun 25 2016, 08:45 AM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Jun 25 2016, 07:57 AM)

In that case it makes little sense for Dana not to wait for him, tough.
But presumably he would find you from the air, the terrain is fairly open!
Can Maya's group give me some idea of where you are headed on the Google Map!? Oh, and Google Earth is really well modelled in this area too, worth a look!
The link is on the first page of the master ooc if you need to find it again!
Jun 25 2016, 11:29 AM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jun 25 2016, 09:45 AM)

But presumably he would find you from the air, the terrain is fairly open!
Can Maya's group give me some idea of where you are headed on the Google Map!? Oh, and Google Earth is really well modelled in this area too, worth a look!
The link is on the first page of the master ooc if you need to find it again!
Um, so, about the map...
Shall we assume the road is there or not?
We are right now following a stream downhill - but the only waterways I see on the map are well the east and west of us...can we just make up the stream we're following and decide where it goes, otherwise sticking with the map provided?
Jun 25 2016, 12:13 PM
Stream, yes make that up, it will head towards the valley to the east, where the main group are going...
You must might find faint traces of road when you are right on top of it...
Re the NPCs with you... I would like to point out that the rapist was dealt with, but as you didn't go to the meeting perhaps you missed that. Grok will in fairness point out that he was tied up... I think they might decide then to join the main group...possibly they are now more intimidated by Dana and her magic confession
Jun 25 2016, 12:24 PM
They might as well do so now than find out later when she starts shooting lighting bolts or something.
Jun 25 2016, 08:16 PM
Addie may be working through some sour grapes at the departure of the small group!
Anyway, full post up now (earlier it did not have the part about marking where they had gone vs covering their trail)
Jun 26 2016, 07:11 AM
@Mercy: those 3D you have in leadership and 0D in negotiations are being stretched a little! Most ordinary people have never met a full blown mage let alone in a tense survival situation... They are seen (with some truth) to be bat shit crazy, and teenage mages... Eek!!!
That said this is story rather than D based so let it stand and keep boosting those social skills please
Jun 26 2016, 10:51 AM
completely justfiable, Dana can kill with a punch and as a follower of Shark may go bannanas once she take damage.
Jun 26 2016, 01:49 PM
Leadership ought to be five dice by now and I have another few karma I can put into negotiation. This would have worked much better if someone else had stepped up to be the leader. Maya would never have stayed with Rick and should have just gone off on her own, it seems, but someone had to stand up to him. Justifiably, almost no one listened to her. I can have Nora and the others change their minds again. After all, they are teenagers and are allowed to do that, right? I can build up my skills and then make another try if we bump into them later.
I have a question about our direction of travel. Did you say that we are headed to the same place as Rick's group is going? If so, that will cause us to make a detour.
24 posts now, so 12 karma earned. I used 6 for leadership and can now use the other 6 on negotiation. That will give me 5 dice in each. Still not much to yell home about, but it is showing an improvement in her social skills.
Have we lost Blank as well as Vincent?
Jun 26 2016, 02:13 PM
I haven't checked but could you update the OP please?
Streams go downhill, unless you are going extreme cliff edge that means more or less the same as Rick for now
Jun 26 2016, 03:22 PM
Lets go west towards civilization. or toward the herd Vincent saw.
Jun 26 2016, 03:34 PM
OP is updated for both leadership and negotiation.
@Gil I am not even sure that Vincent has returned to tell you about the herd or the civilization.
Jun 26 2016, 05:12 PM
Speaking of spending karma, I'm planning on investing posts and karma in Addie getting to better know the kids in the main group. Anyone have thoughts on the best way to model that?
Too many to really do it with relationships, I guess could model it as some sort of knowledge skill? Less likely but maybe possible as a specialization to a social skill?
Seems to be one of those situations the rules don't address squarely.
Jun 26 2016, 05:26 PM
Yeah. Sounds like a use of etiquette to me. Perhaps a specialization in young people?
Jun 26 2016, 06:00 PM
@Aria I have some unspent karma from a different thread. Is it OK to use that here or should I stick to only posts from Maya to improve her?
Jun 26 2016, 07:44 PM
QUOTE (Mercy @ Jun 26 2016, 06:00 PM)

@Aria I have some unspent karma from a different thread. Is it OK to use that here or should I stick to only posts from Maya to improve her?
Within the rather nebulous caveat of 'provided you don't go overboard' then you can spend rewards from any 2075 game in any other (although this one won't net you 2000 nuyen!). It might be easier to 'over power' this one than some of the others so just be a little cautious, but upping social skills will be fine, particularly as that is how you've been roleplaying the character!
@Beta: Etiquette and a specialisation sound about right! 'Young people' or 'survival situations' might be appropriate?!?
@Gilga: the terrain is harder to the west, at least immediately: the trail head goes south east...and Vincent still hasn't returned after turning him into a bird...better hope he lands before sunset!
Re: the NPC kids, they can stay for now but they will keep throwing frightened looks at Dana when she's not looking! I've got Nora and Dave, have you named the others yet?
Re Blank: I'm pretty sure it was mentioned in another thread that he's away for a bit?!? He's off on his own for now anyway so you can carry on regardless!
Jun 26 2016, 09:11 PM
@Aria --- any response from Rick about whether he'd rather leave a marked trail, or try to be subtle? (if nothing in a bit I'll just write it that he's harried and figures it will be obvious no matter what, so don't waste time with either)
Jun 26 2016, 10:28 PM
QUOTE (Betx @ Jun 26 2016, 09:11 PM)

@Aria --- any response from Rick about whether he'd rather leave a marked trail, or try to be subtle? (if nothing in a bit I'll just write it that he's harried and figures it will be obvious no matter what, so don't waste time with either)
Might as well mark the trail... Too many to hide!
Jun 27 2016, 02:38 AM
Have a feeling Addie and/or Rick/Sim will have something to say at this point.
Jun 27 2016, 02:39 AM
Great post
Jun 27 2016, 01:17 PM
OK. I used karma and added Jack of all Trades quality and then picked up my three levels in leadership and negotiation. Not too overboard, I hope, and will give my 6 dice for both skills.
Jun 27 2016, 03:14 PM
QUOTE (Betx @ Jun 23 2016, 11:54 PM)

Ah, drat, I think I may have been thinking Simon and Sim were the same person.... I think I need to re-read the whole thread and find what else I missed, forgot, or got confused!
@Aria: one of those "I don't know how weird this place is" questions. Addie is reasonably fair skinned, and was out in the open most of the day ... is she sunburned?
I meant to reply on this one... The sun is hot, if you don't keep out of it expect to start suffering sun burn!
Jun 27 2016, 03:36 PM
Thanks for the sun info, Aria!
Latest reply is in response to Lindsey's latest rabble rousing, but also following up on Aria's earlier confirmation that there is at least one other comm-link in the group, to allow for some future PC with one. Finally got that into an IC post, but will let that stay as a loose end for now.
I'll have an IC post coming covering the hike, but trying to keep things a bit shorter than some of my earlier soliloquies. (Much props to those who are good at concise posts, I've yet to master that talent)
Regarding getting to know the other kids, I was looking more at knowing those kids, rather than kids in general. Still I could see picking up a specialization on etiquette to go with her specialization on psychology -- the more applied side of understanding kids well. But overall I think that maybe there is no substitute for a knowledge skill for knowledge about the group (names, skills, backgrounds .... ).
Jun 27 2016, 03:47 PM
There's nothing that restricts what can be a knowledge skill. Just buy points in 'Knowledge: Main Camp Kids (Run!)' or something similar?
Jun 27 2016, 03:53 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jun 27 2016, 04:47 PM)

There's nothing that restricts what can be a knowledge skill. Just buy points in 'Knowledge: Main Camp Kids (Run!)' or something similar?
Yah, that is what I concluded eventually.
Jun 27 2016, 04:33 PM
I've still been vague on the other 'links so that it allows for future NPCs / PCs as needed...but assume Addie has access to them (unless they are hiding)...
Jun 27 2016, 06:21 PM
Artisan 1 + agility 4 = 5 dice, enough to buy one success at fashioning a sun hat, of sorts. I think Pierre may (stereotypically) have higher artisan skill, so his and Dewie's may be a two success version

(and FYI, 'Dewey' is probably actually the Vietnamese name 'Duy')
Jun 27 2016, 10:07 PM
@Aria: Do you want there to be any other magically active people in the main camp other than Sim?
Jun 27 2016, 10:18 PM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jun 27 2016, 10:07 PM)

@Aria: Do you want there to be any other magically active people in the main camp other than Sim?
Allowing for future possible PCs it is unlikely there will be more than a couple of others, and that's above the average of 1% of the population!
Jun 27 2016, 10:33 PM
So what you're saying is I can't say there are none?
Jun 27 2016, 10:51 PM
I was wondering about this too ... was thinking that the quiet boy who slept with Dot might be awakened, , and that is why he has been avoiding people. Not saying he is. Just someone who could maybe go unnoticed by staying away from others most of the time.
Jun 28 2016, 09:51 AM
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jun 27 2016, 10:33 PM)

So what you're saying is I can't say there are none?

Exactly, there are one or two possibilities, they will probably deny it if questioned... And you may just have missed some!
Jun 28 2016, 08:56 PM
1) I apologize for another monster post -- so many things I want to address in this game!
2) I figured that survival three (8 dice) and artisan 1 (5 dice) should be enough to make a really terrible lean-to. It might be more psychological than practical right now, but hopefully they can teamwork it tomorrow and upgrade it.
3) I figure Addie has spent most of a day, on-and-off, getting to know the other kids, so am going to spendhave spent 1 karma on "Knowledge (Street): Main Camp Kids" Will update character sheet, but I also need to count posts and figure out how much karma she has left, and update her sheet with that. and have updated her character sheet with that and karma earned so far.
4) I've added several more of the NPC to the list on OP. Please let me know if I should stop naming people -- I just got tired of 'a human boy and an elf girl' when names are getting known now.
5) Addie should wake up by around 3-4am, and will join whoever is keeping watch once she is awake.
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