Dec 2 2016, 02:11 PM
She needed the edge just to survive it lol, but I mean teenage girls cannot run faster than dogs.
edited post 1047 to:
With hands glowing from electricity Dana dashed toward the dogs, until she could see enough of them and had a clear path of fire. She channeled a terrifiying beastial growl as she channeled more and more electricity into her hands, shaping a huge ball of lighting that reduced a group of dogs to nothing but rubble. The spell itself was so powerful that Dana spasms as she channeled it, and her internal organs felt like they were around to blow, her nose bled and so did her eyes. "Lunchtime is over!"
she said, as she wiped the blood from her face, coloring them like some Indian war colors.
Dana looked around her, trying to count how many other dogs there are and figure an appropriate strategy.
Dec 2 2016, 05:18 PM
Works for me! You've cooked several of the nastier ones...just not all of them...and you've made yourself very visible!
Are you going to levitate in 1.2 (assuming you don't get really bad rolls now you have wound mods)? I don't think any of the dogs are around to do anything to you in 1.1! So I know for my IC...
Dec 2 2016, 05:31 PM
I'll have to get to the second round first. Do explain how many opponents there are? Dana needs to decide if it is fight or flight.
(She is in bad shape already.)
She might just run in a different direction after the dogs got her attention.
Dec 2 2016, 07:45 PM
You are on to phase 2 - and easily have the highest initiative still!
You can see 3 more dogs and hear more in the trees!
Dec 3 2016, 09:50 AM
Some questions:
1. Are they hurt?
2. How far are they?
3. Do they seem like they are going to fight or run?
If they are going to fight can Dana run away?
If combat is not avoidable then I guess Dana is going to use IP 2 to activate her elemental body. If it is, Dana is going to make sure that the dogs follow her and then run as fast as she can leading them as far away as possible from the main camp.
This entire scene gets me confused, how many dogs are we speaking of ? how do so many alpha predators even find food in that wilderness. Not complaining and I feel like I am going against the flow here but running from faster animals does not seem an option for me. I mean, how are we going to out run them? and even if we do... why do we want to lead them to the big camp?
I am not sure how much more Dana can take and as Aria tells them as infinite in number, and limitless in determination I am not very optimistic about Dana. However, the simple solution of leading this pack to the main camp and letting the slowly running children get eaten just makes no sense for her, she lives to protect. if these are her options then she will gladly sacrifice her self to give the rest some time.
Dec 4 2016, 06:50 AM
1. No, nothing survived your crazy spell!
2. On the edges, almost as if keeping watch... highly unusual dog behaviour
3. I doubt they'll run yet... you may be the apex predator but they are Pack!
All told there were about 20 dogs, most displayed unusual intelligence... the pack is large because someone keeps dropping all these juicy children in their laps

Of course you can run! But backing away slowly is probably a better course of action, dogs chase things that run! Claire's sacrifice had bought you an escape until Dana charged in

I did try and warn you at least twice! Live by the sword and all that...!
Dec 4 2016, 07:30 AM
Well these tasty children are going to be expensive to hunt
but after six-legged mountain lions, a pack of dogs does not come up as so menacing.
Dec 5 2016, 12:57 PM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Dec 4 2016, 07:30 AM)

Well these tasty children are going to be expensive to hunt
but after six-legged mountain lions, a pack of dogs does not come up as so menacing.
Don't you believe it! The lions were always a threat but whenever PCs outnumber something it is going to be a shortlived fight! This one should be more of a challenge...although I'm not going to try and string it out otherwise Dana will be monopolising posting time (as nobody seemed keen / insane enough to follow you!)
Dec 5 2016, 01:03 PM
For honesty, Dana is a teenager that can shoot lightning balls, turn into a bird, levitate heavy items and kill with a mere touch. It is not insane for her to think that she is the apex predator. In most rooms she entered she was the most dangerous person, and what she lacks in capability she makes up in being a stupid reckless and overconfident teenage girl.
Dec 5 2016, 01:19 PM
Well I've updated the IC and the combat log! Dana needs to resist the spirit's noxious breath... 5 stun with the possibility of nausea! I'm pretty sure as an aoe attack there isn't a dodge roll as such, although perhaps the R&G dodging grenade rules could be used...?!
Dec 5 2016, 04:12 PM
Noxious Breath
Type: P Action: Complex
Range: Special Duration: Instant
A lot of critters have bad breath—this one’s breath is
actually toxic. The critter with this power can incapacitate
targets with a nauseating stench. This is treated as a
ranged attack using the critter’s Exotic Ranged Weapon
skill + Agility [Physical]. The damage is a toxin attack with
an inhalation vector (Speed: Immediate, Power: critter’s
Magic, Effect: Stun damage, nausea; see p. 409). Armor
is useless, but respiratory protection will help guard the
target (see the Toxin and Drug Protection Table, p. 408).
This blast of breath extends in a cone out to (Body)
meters and can catch up to two targets who are within
one meter of each other.
So this is ranged attack.
Breath attack:
11d6t5 5dodge + full defense:
18d6t5 4Dana is hit but apparently she can just hold her breath:
Holding Your Breath
Sixty seconds (twenty Combat Turns) is the base time
a character can hold his breath before any tests are
needed. A character needing to hold his breath longer
can make a Swimming + Willpower Test (with the
Controlled Hyperventilation specialization coming into
play if you have it). Each net hit extends the clock by 15
seconds (5 Combat Turns).
Once the time expires the character must breathe or
take 1 box of Stun damage at the end of each Combat
Turn until they breathe (this damage cannot be resisted).
Once all the stun boxes are filled, the character loses
consciousness. At this point the character takes one box
of physical damage at the end of each Combat Turn until
rescued or dead.
Dec 5 2016, 04:28 PM
Seems too easy but I guess it's ok

I need to know if you are activating elemental body and then levitating?
Dec 5 2016, 06:56 PM
No, no time for that - and Dana is already in badly shape.
I was wrong about the damage from the ball of lighting it is stun because the total hits did not pass her magic. (bad roll, even with edge).
By the way I forgot to account for background count:
11d6t5: 5 [11d6t5=5, 2, 1, 6, 6, 4, 3, 3, 1,
6, 5]so I take out the bold hits and the attack misses anyhow.
Dana will attack the beast, unarmed: Dana has: 7 agility + 6 unarmed + 2 specialization + 2 mentor -2 wounds -2 background count + running = 15 dice.
Unarmed + running:
15d6t5 6Her damage is 6 STR + 2 (bone density) + 1 striking callus + 1 critical strike + 1 killing hands =11P - the spirit armor does not count.
10d6t5 3Dana hit with +3 net hits so total of 14P damage. spirit resists with body:
7d6t5 5so spirit takes 9 physical damage. (it has 3 physical boxes left -- holy crap 5 hits with 7 dice... nothing is ever easy
Initiative round 3 Dana is still attacking, (I a not sure about running - on one side she was 'running' the previous phase but on the other movement is measured in combat turns not initative phases) so I'll let Aria decide.
unarmed + running ?:
15d6t5 7 - (if she is not 'running' in the third initiative phase then it is just 6 hits).
I am not sure if spirits have wound penalties but if they don' t:
spirit defense:
10d6t5 0 wow dice are really crazy these times.
The spirit will be disbursed in the third initiative pass and will not get another action unless something else kills Dana in between.
Dec 5 2016, 07:27 PM
Well this particular spirit doesn't feel the background count, go figure...
You aren't running, it started its attack within 5m of you! And yes, it isn't alone so hold off on phase 3
And I thought your drain was automatically physical if you overcast?!?
Oh, and killing hands doesn't add to damage!
Dec 5 2016, 07:30 PM
Mercy: do note that Pierre tried to patch the tent with the hole in it. I narrated that it was only partially successful (no way to seal a seam short of dabbing pine pitch in place and hoping it held, so water running down the tent is apt to to come under the patch). A second round of patching may help, but there could be other options too, in terms of getting more/better shelter)
Will try to IC some of that later today.
On the Dana vs dogs subject, much though Addie is torn up by not being there to protect Dana, she knows that she lacks the right skills/gifts/ware to fight a pack. She's just trusting that Dana is good enough to come out alive, and that the rest of the girls can make like a strong herd and keep the predators at bay until they can join up with the others and make a stronger herd yet. But I imagine that the dogs are apt to keep tracking the kids for quite some time (maybe eventually spirits can pick off enough of the leaders to discourage them?)
Dec 5 2016, 07:31 PM
This is why I like Anarchy! Too many bloody rules in 5! Lol
Dec 5 2016, 08:01 PM
Lucky spirit ! Nice catch, about killing hands I did not know that oh well. I thought my champion was a bit more lethal...
So the spirit has 4 physical boxes remaining (suffered 8 damage) - I'll let you continue declaring 2nd phase attacks before posting. (Dana is the first one at the third phase).
No I thought that too, but apparently: 282 core rules:
You must declare the Force at which to cast the spell.
The Force acts as a limit on the spell. Higher Force
spells are more powerful, but cause more Drain. You
can cast a spell at a Force up to twice your Magic rating.
If the number of hits (not net hits) you get after applying
the limit exceeds your Magic rating, the spell’s Drain is
Physical instead of Stun damage.
Dec 5 2016, 08:08 PM
Well I am not sure if Dana is surviving that, she is a glass cannon at this moment - but in any case she'll be happy that her lover survives.
Dec 6 2016, 05:59 AM
@Beta I know that Pierre did a repair job. Cailin had used magic to make some clothes and I was hoping that maybe she could do something to help with the tent as well.
Dec 6 2016, 12:48 PM
Ok, Gilga, defence against the other 2 hounds please... I've updated the Combat log on OP if you need to see the rest but otherwise in summary...
2 radhounds sweep in charging attack, 5 hits and 6 hits, damage is 6P - 1AP (don’t forget – 1D and – 2D for multiple defences, although full def counts)
Dec 6 2016, 12:54 PM
Defense (-1):
17d6t5 5 dodged the first:
Defense (-2):
16d6t5 2 2nd attack hit. (reroll faliures 3rd point of edge ouch).
14d6t5 3still hit resist 7 damage
damage resist:
14d6t5 61 stun damage (forgot AP - fixing:)
14d6t5: 6 [14d6t5=6, 2, 5, 5, 3, 5, 2, 2, 6, 3, 3, 3, 6, -1-]
Dana has 7 stun damage (I think her armor mitigated the attack to stun).
Dec 6 2016, 03:11 PM
Okay, I understand that Dana's initiative was reduced to 30 due to wound penalties so she lost her forth passage.
I'll roll initiative for her for second phase.
12+4d6 31
Dec 6 2016, 04:03 PM
Wound mods to initiative?! And I'll leave you to describe the nip from the hound

Anyway, you go first, 3 possible targets!
Dec 6 2016, 06:43 PM
Aria, in the dogfight page you reduced it so now I rolled with -2 to initiative.
Dana will activate elemental body - god help her.
Dec 6 2016, 10:24 PM
I forgot the spirit's attack on 1.3 so let's assume it breathed on you again!
The other dogs are circling just out of immediate reach, the two radhounds are indeed getting bigger! The spirit is holding action for now as I don't have my notes on me!
Your go on 2.2!
Dec 6 2016, 10:43 PM
I hope that Lindsey's spirit does something soon -- numerical advantage is quite strong in SR.
Dec 7 2016, 04:42 AM
Whack the Rad hounds instead.
13d6t5 6Damage is 12P -3 AP + net hits.
11d6t5 5Dana hits with 1 net hit: 13P damage
resist damage:
7d6t5 2Rad hound KO as it took 11P damage.
Dec 7 2016, 07:36 AM
QUOTE (Beta @ Dec 6 2016, 10:43 PM)

I hope that Lindsey's spirit does something soon -- numerical advantage is quite strong in SR.
It has been rolling against the beast to little avail, lower force and -2D are not in its favour
Dec 7 2016, 07:39 AM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Dec 7 2016, 04:42 AM)

Whack the Rad hounds instead.
13d6t5 6Damage is 12P -3 AP + net hits.
11d6t5 5Dana hits with 1 net hit: 13P damage
resist damage:
7d6t5 2Rad hound KO as it took 11P damage.
Except it's probably sparky toast when you add in elemental body!
Fighting while holding your breath has to be tough though!!!
Dec 7 2016, 11:28 AM
Well if she breaths she dies, will probably die when the elemental body ends as well - unless the dice gods are kind to her. Technically speaking, I'll probably need to burn a bunch of edge and even then - she is in really bad shape. The fun stuf is that the combat is just a few seconds, really so even if she was breathing normally she does not miss that many breaths.
They are fighting for just 3-4 seconds...
Dec 7 2016, 12:52 PM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Dec 7 2016, 11:28 AM)

Well if she breaths she dies, will probably die when the elemental body ends as well - unless the dice gods are kind to her. Technically speaking, I'll probably need to burn a bunch of edge and even then - she is in really bad shape. The fun stuf is that the combat is just a few seconds, really so even if she was breathing normally she does not miss that many breaths.
They are fighting for just 3-4 seconds...
Not as tough as what is about to happen!!!
Excerpt from the OP:
21 Dana: dispatches one of the radhounds with strike + elemental body
11 Radhound nr Dana: called shot to vitals w. edge re-roll 7 hits, 11P – 1 AP, then resist 12P – 3AP from elemental body, 3 hits, 9 boxes physical and knocked flat
You've still got enough initiative to go Full Def if you want?!?
Dec 7 2016, 01:14 PM
dodge + full defense:
18d6t5 8 Not this time Rad hound...
Attack the second Radhound:
13d6t5 5dodge:
8d6t5 3Dana hit +2 hits + elemental body.
resist damage:
7d6t5 4takes 10 damage.
Dec 7 2016, 05:32 PM
More carnage coming Dana's way...

21 Dana: dispatches one of the radhounds with strike + elemental body
11 Radhound nr Dana: called shot to vitals w. edge re-roll 7 hits, 11P – 1 AP, -then resist 12P – 3AP from elemental body, 3 hits, 9 boxes physical and knocked flat- Dana Full Def, dodge
11 Uberhound: _casts invisibility_ on radhound
11 Radhounds (x2) circle
9 Beast Spirit uses Fear on Dana Will+Magic vs. Will+Log 4 hits vs. ?2 Lindsey’s Spirit: ???
2 _Ordinary_ Dogs (x8): circle
-11- 1 Dana: takes out radhound with strike + elemental body
1 Uberhound: Commands pack
1 Radhound (x1) charge attack -10- hits (limit 9), 9P – 1 AP, then resist 12P – 3AP from elemental body 3 hits, 9 boxes physical and knocked flat
1 Invisible Radhound (x1) charge attack 6 hits, 9P – 1 AP, then resist 12P – 3AP from elemental body 5 hits, 7 boxes physical and knocked flat
- 1D and – 2D def for multiple attackers
Dec 7 2016, 06:11 PM
Dodge + Full defense:
17d6t5 9 not today Rad hound!!! - but still takes the elemental body.
Fear: Dana -->
6d6t5 1 --> same result takes damage Dana is untouched.
Dodge + Full defense:
16d6t5 6 - second one is fired with no damage to Dana.
Dana is running due to fear... she eliminated elemental body and took 1 more stun damage.
Dec 7 2016, 07:55 PM
Bit confused by the fear?! If you got 1 hit to resist then you are running, the pack chasing you! So no spell casting etc for a bit, mind is too fearful!?!
The dogs have been coming out of the trees following commands, you did know there were more out there! The uber hound was the one that you first saw who slunk out of sight!
Fog of pbp

... should perhaps have done a Google map overlay... sorry
Dec 7 2016, 08:02 PM
OK - then no charging the spellcaster hound - she is running - and if the spirit is alive then it will cast movement on Dana I think that was the intention.
She dodged 9 and 6 hits and electrecuted these dogs - I have this and it is nice;) She survvied her elemental body... perhaps she'll get out of there. Dana can probably run faster than dogs.
8d6t5 4She has agility 7 so she moves: 28 + 8 = 36 meters per combat turn.
Dogs run at 8*3 = 24 meters per turn - they need 3 hits in running test to match Dana.
If the spirit indeed casts movement then Dana should be safe with a whooping
36*4 = 144 meters per turn... (insane really).
Dec 7 2016, 10:25 PM
Sadly you aren't out of the woods yet, time for one last confrontation with uber hound and his spirit, courtesy of the spirit movement power
Dec 7 2016, 10:27 PM
And can you randomly determine which direction you flee in please with a D12?! 2 o'clock will take you towards the rest of the group 5 is towards the toxic more or less!
Dec 8 2016, 04:36 AM
Dec 8 2016, 10:33 AM
South south west, ok, at least you aren't leading them towards the others! Will carry on the epic battle in a bit!
Dec 8 2016, 01:23 PM
There is no way the spirit can accelerate all the dogs? can it?
Dec 8 2016, 08:15 PM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Dec 8 2016, 01:23 PM)

There is no way the spirit can accelerate all the dogs? can it?
No, as far as I'm aware it can affect a number of targets equal to magic, so 4 dogs and it!
Dec 8 2016, 08:23 PM
uber spirit and 3 dogs? or did uber stay away?
Dec 8 2016, 10:23 PM
Excerpt from OP
xx Dana: Still running! Assume Full Def
21 Beast spirit (9 boxes damage): melee teamwork Combat Skill + Agility 8D vs Dana’s Intuition 5D, 3 net hits
21 Uberhound: charge attack 16D, 6 hits, 6P – 1AP
20 Radhound 1 (7 boxes damage): melee teamwork Combat Skill + Agility 15D vs 5D, 4 net hits
18 Radhound 2 (9 boxes damage): charge attack 19D, 8 hits, 9P – 1 AP
11 Dog: charge attack 10D, 3 hits, 5P 0AP
Note: Uberhound looks just like an un-singed version of the 2 radhounds!
3.1 – 3.3
xx Dana: Running! Full Def is acceptable, no other actions can be taken for 3 turns!
22 Uberhound: Drops invisibility, _casts Fc 6 combat sense_ on itself 6 hits (- 2D for sustaining), edge Drain no drain
20 Radhounds 1 & 2 pick themselves up, begin pursuit
20 Beast spirit uses Movement on itself and 4 dogs
Dec 8 2016, 10:26 PM
To anyone else watching this unfurl...sorry

Normal play will resume shortly but I wanted to do the fight justice and I'm amazed that Dana is still with us!!!
Dec 8 2016, 11:08 PM
I so want to help, but know that Addie would be toast very quickly in all of that
Dec 9 2016, 03:56 AM
Been AWOL with life more. Looks like Aria did reasonable things with Lindsey's spirit, so thanks for that. Sorry for not running it myself. Looks like it's alive but hurt and failed to stop the pursuit on Dana. Does Dana have enough of a lead for Concealment to matter?
Dec 9 2016, 04:36 AM
If you are up for it, make the spirit use astral combat and expand edge - if the spirit dies Dana is out of the hook.
@Aria - I am completely at odds with you with Dana unable to defend herself. She is afraid of the spirit not the dogs, is there ANYTHING she can do to defend herself?
Because I did not KNOW that when she rolled for fear resistance. I thought she can escape in other means. (shape change?) Why can't she strike back?! Why do the fear still affects her when she has no choice but to remain in combat - she is not thick she understands that they are much faster, I feel it is abuse of that power. Also due to the nature of PbP I dropped elemental body because I thought that Dana ends up as a bird - so if she is no bird - elemental body stays - ESPECIALLy if it remains the only thing Dana has shielding her from the big bad wolf. So lets take a step back now that I understand how you interpret fear power.
Dec 9 2016, 05:08 AM
If Lindsey has the spirit do something that ends up with the spirit dead, you lose Movement, which I think spells the end of Dana. And her spirit would only be able to stop one of the others, right? Your call!
Dec 9 2016, 07:11 AM
DO IT, this is the only way Dana stays in the story if that spirit is not taken out Dana cannot strike back (?!) and the movement is dramatic but it is not really helping us - they are still faster.
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