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QUOTE (Vagabond Elf @ Aug 13 2012, 02:14 PM) *
I had some verteran players building characters with this last night, and they were all being very impressed with how smoothly it worked, so thank you muchly for that!

However, I've had some weirdness happen. After saving a file, NSRCG can see it - I can load it, edit it, etc. But Windows 7 won't see it. I can't copy it, attach it to an email, I can't even see it in windows explorer.

Any ideas? Given how old the last post is I didn't bother reading the thread, so forgive me if there's somethign burried in there.

This same kind of thing can happen for older games too, like Baldur's Gate 2. It's because in Windows 7, Program Files is a protected folder.

Start looking here:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)

You may need to tweak the visibility of system/hidden folders first.
Vagabond Elf
Aha! That did it.

I have learnded. Thank you! A thousand blessings upon your cameleopard.
One thing I noticed last night on my friend's netbook is an issue with printing characters in Windows 7. He would print the file, save it as normal, but Windows couldn't find the file. The solution I came up with was to simply save the .htm file to the desktop instead of the default folder. Hopefully, that'll save someone the headache it caused me trying to find that damn file.
Same Problem as with Vista.
The Shadow-Storage thingie.
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