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Hi all. I have noticed something in the data files that may or may not be correct. On the magic page under the Magical Items tag in the available gear section under the Magical Supplies listing is a listing for expendable fetishes. Now the concept of expendable fetishes doesn't make sense to me but I was wondering if it was in the rules somewhere. And before anyone says look it up using the book page from the program, I tried that. The program references page 305 of SR3. Which doesn't say anything about expendable fetishes. If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.

I'd like to open up a conversation about XML Namespaces in Shadowrun programs; has anybody already done some work about this ?
QUOTE (bit_buckethead)
Hi all. I have noticed something in the data files that may or may not be correct. On the magic page under the Magical Items tag in the available gear section under the Magical Supplies listing is a listing for expendable fetishes. Now the concept of expendable fetishes doesn't make sense to me but I was wondering if it was in the rules somewhere. And before anyone says look it up using the book page from the program, I tried that. The program references page 305 of SR3. Which doesn't say anything about expendable fetishes. If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.


Expendable and Reuseable Fetishes are from 1st and 2nd Ed.
Eyeless Blond
QUOTE (kevyn668 @ Jul 11 2004, 03:19 AM)
Expendable and Reuseable Fetishes are from 1st and 2nd Ed.

Then I believe this would be a bug in the DAT files, yes? Perhaps someone with the necessary knowledge and inclination should change them?
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond)
QUOTE (kevyn668 @ Jul 11 2004, 03:19 AM)
Expendable and Reuseable Fetishes are from 1st and 2nd Ed.

Then I believe this would be a bug in the DAT files, yes? Perhaps someone with the necessary knowledge and inclination should change them?

Sorry, new computer issues resulted in me being off the air....

Then the should reflect that i.e. SR2.XXX. That way excluding the SR2 book allows when to be SR3 compliant while still being useful to the SR2 people as a lookup resource.
QUOTE (Venndigram)
I'd like to open up a conversation about XML Namespaces in Shadowrun programs; has anybody already done some work about this ?

Wordman was the original proponent of XML for SR. I worked with his ideas except where I had alternative ideas. I looked at his home page but was unable to find the reference. You can probably email him. His home page is : Wordman's page
QUOTE (Phayd2black)
I've been trying (note that word) to add to the DAT files, but in the program it's self, I just keep getting an 'unknown MOD' message...any chance of a list of the possable MOD's? I know a lot to ask, but i'm getting rather frustrated by not getting what I want done! lol!

grate Program, I almost like it better than playing! lol!

What are you trying to do? I'm reluctant to give the list as I can see abominations like +8 Bod, +12 STR, +13 CHR etc... Easiest fix: Find something that does what you want in cyberware, bioware, etc and mod that. Yes people cheat but I'm opposed to making it easy for silly, stupid people. biggrin.gif
When I buy Edges/Flaws on Points System/BeCKS, it doesn't affect Skill Points.
I'm trying to fill in some of the blanks, like the way a Tactical Computer works, adding maybe the exessively expencive but none the less desirable Epselon grade Cybernetics, and some opposits to some of the flaws (sesetive system for an example)! Also the group that I run and play Shadowrun with have a house rule for Bioware so it doesn't impact on Magic ability, and getting that in would be good for us at least!

A list of the Mod's would aid me no end! I can understand the fact that this could open up abuse of the system, and we all have our days where we are less than rule abiding! lol!

I've tried the look for something that is simular, but I can't find anything, it's getting really frustrating! lol!
THere is a bioware item that one can purchase call a "Mnemonic Enhancement". At level 2 Cultured, the character get -1 Karma for learning new, or improving Skills. As far as I can see, there is no way to make NSRCG give that bonus, or anyway to fudge those results. Is this something that might be resolved one day?
Occasionally on a run, you might find an item. As a feature request, I would like to be able to add an item to my character, with the money not coming from his credit, but it shows the item added free in the GM-Info section. Other wise, I have to add a credstick with a load of cash, purchase stuff. Subtract the amount from the credstick, then delete the credstick. Very Clumsy and tedious.

Thanks for the prog, McMackie!
QUOTE (KeyMasterOfGozer)
Occasionally on a run, you might find an item. As a feature request, I would like to be able to add an item to my character, with the money not coming from his credit, but it shows the item added free in the GM-Info section. Other wise, I have to add a credstick with a load of cash, purchase stuff. Subtract the amount from the credstick, then delete the credstick. Very Clumsy and tedious.

Thanks for the prog, McMackie!

Thanks! biggrin.gif
But it would be easier to simply go into NoRules Mode, add the item, it will automatically show up in the GM's screen as added for no nuyen. (or another way... it's already in there). smile.gif
QUOTE (KeyMasterOfGozer)
THere is a bioware item that one can purchase call a "Mnemonic Enhancement". At level 2 Cultured, the character get -1 Karma for learning new, or improving Skills. As far as I can see, there is no way to make NSRCG give that bonus, or anyway to fudge those results. Is this something that might be resolved one day?

It works correctly as it programed now. New characters DON"T get the bonus and existing characters only get it when they add/improve a skill. This is per the errata. The Max Karma discount is 1.
Technicality: mnemonic enhancement doesn't provide a discount for learning a new skill, because level 1 in all skills costs one karma and ME can't reduce below 1.

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Technicality: mnemonic enhancement doesn't provide a discount for learning a new skill, because level 1 in all skills costs one karma and ME can't reduce below 1.


Hmmm, where did you see that?
The description (MM.73) of Mnemonic Enhancer indicates it helps with improving and learning skills. It also indicates the minimum Karma cost for learning or improving a skill is 1. Therefore, it reduces the cost for learning a new skill (new skills are always obtained at rating 1) by reducing the Karma cost from 1 to 1. proof.gif
Little bug I just found in the program: acording to Man and Machine page 33, cyberlimbs have a strength and quickness independent of the user. In the case of an orc, the limb has a base strength of 6 and a quickness of 4. My orc has an actual quickness of 6 and a strength of 5. I want his arm to move as fast as the rest of him, and I want it to be as strong as possible without essence loss (+2 quickness, +3 strength). Note that he has enhanced articulation, which is not compatible with cyberlimbs that alter quickness. In theory, what I'm doing should be legal, and should result in a character with a quickness of 6 all around (no enhancement to quickness), and a strength of 5 normall, 9 with that arm. However, the generator flags the character as illegal for having upped the quickness with the articulation, and gives him an overall strength of 5 (cool.gif. I understand the strength thing might be hard to program (since his strength in one limb is different from the rest), but the quickness thing should not flag it as illegal, since with +2 quickness the arm has the same quickness as the rest of him.

Because of the oddities of the SR3 character generation system, cyber arms are considered STR and cyber legs are QCK. Which means the calculations for base STR are (4) + racial mods and QCK are (4) + racial mods. If you pump QCK, you also change your movement rate as you move QCK meters per turn walking. If you increase your cyber arms QCK, do you move faster? The quickness mods are for Cyberlegs and that's probably correct. You could always edit the incompat.dat file for this instance.
You can see that the base system and its descriptions do not handle these issues. Send me your SR3 file and I'll try to determine what was illegal and whether I can exempt it as a general rule.
Perhaps the solution is QCK mods only for cyberarms. Any thoughts people?
It is my hope that Venndigans M&M program can handle issues like this.
Quickness doesn't only matter for running, it also matters for shooting. If you want to duplicate my results, just make the same character... give him a base strength of 4 and quickness 5, then add superthyroid gland and enhanced articulation. Now add a cyber arm, and try to raise it's quickness and strength.

The quickness thing could be easily solved. Have the program calculate the difference between the character's quickness and 4, and allow that many quickness increases to the limb without complaining if you have enhanced articulation. Also, require that many increases in quickness before the quickness stat is changed on the attribute screen.

Not to be annoying, but here's another bug. If you buy a cyberware weapon, such as a spur, in the cyberware section, then flip to the gear section, then flip back to cyberware and remove the spur in favor of a retractable spur (I do this a bit when I'm not paying enough attention) when you go back to gear it will tell you you have both the new retractable spur as well as the old non retractable one, and there's no way to get rid of the old one.

QUOTE (Namergon @ Feb 8 2004, 10:07 AM)
Then, when I want to load a character, here is the message I get:

Permission problem: check write protect

Now if I double-click on a .sr3 file, NSRCG opens and I get the following message:

NSRCG filename <CR> and filename must exist

Any idea?

Not sure if anyone has solved this or come up with a workaround, but I also get those errors (WinXP Pro, all admin-rights on domain-user), but only for the predefined characters. I found a workaround though; After getting the error-message I pressed Save and then Cancel in the File-dialog, and hey presto smile.gif, I could browse the character as normal.
so many complications to what seems to be a simple program (not to imply that it is a small or easy task, thankyou for the great program). No wonder we still havn't seen a new shadowrun game yet. Once we get this part perfected, perhaps we will.

Keep up the good work though, this is the first step to a future of great computer gaming. biggrin.gif
I'm having 2 issues (minor) with the XML output:

1) For some reason, the "level" of lifestyles are not getting into the XML and the "cost" is set to "0".
2) Decks and Programs and other stuff purchase for Decks don't have <cost/> values.

3rd separate issue:
I'm also still having an issue that everytime I open an already existing character, I have to "Finalize" it before I can Print it. Even if it has been finalized and printed many times before.
Another bug, this one easy to fix... with the default set up, if you try to buy additional offline storage for your cyberdeck, the prices are wrong above 500Mp... they all cost the same as the 500Mp level. They should cost 50 + 5 * MP.

The main bug I see right now is that the .zip file on the web site is empty... 172k, that's it, without any files in it.
Another little one...

When Path of the Magician Adept is selected and points assigned to Magic Power, going from a different page (like gear or attributes), will cause the Spell Points to skyrocket with every page flip.
I just want to say thanks for what your doing with this program. I use it all the time for every character ive made over the past several sessions.
Yeah, I would also like to express my immense respect and appreciation for the work you've done. This program saves so much time and the print outs are amazing. The page references and the additional rules are SO helpful. Thanks again!
Totally agreed.
I always use this program to create characters or to try out ideas.

Thanks a lot for making it.
I tried the link to see this program and it said the page was unavailable, is something up or is it just me?
The problem seems to be with (the non-forum portions) rather than with McMackie's site specifically.

Oh, well that explain ALOT.
Sorry, been busy with work. I noticed that the site was offline and sent an email to Adam. He apparently fixed it as it now UP. Everything should work now. Yeah Adam smile.gif I'll get to bug fixes ASAP. As for the broken downloads, everything works so check for viruses, trojans, and bad ISPs.
I noticed that when a mage character takes an initiation with a familiar ordeal that there is no feature for the karma cost of the familiar within NSRCG.

A feature request maybe??

Also a magemask has a cost of 200 nuyen and not 400 nuyen under Gear section according to pg 170 MITS. This is a typo.

Thanks for all the hard work on this program. I use it a lot.
I seem to be having instances of where the essence costs being deducted are not matching what is listed in the information for the cyberware. Standard or alpha, it seems to be removing double the cost.

EDIT: Seems that you can't just hit new character button to start again. I was playing around with a metavarient under the Build system that had bio-rejection or whatever the flaw that doubles essence loss is. I hit new character, started an elf sam with the SumToTen and the settings under the Build system where still effecting the character. Restarted the program and all is well.
Is there some way to add SSG credstick/false ID edges and flaws? I can't seem to find a way to add credsticks to the basic data page.
QUOTE (Bigity)
I seem to be having instances of where the essence costs being deducted are not matching what is listed in the information for the cyberware. Standard or alpha, it seems to be removing double the cost.

EDIT: Seems that you can't just hit new character button to start again. I was playing around with a metavarient under the Build system that had bio-rejection or whatever the flaw that doubles essence loss is. I hit new character, started an elf sam with the SumToTen and the settings under the Build system where still effecting the character. Restarted the program and all is well.

Thanks! Your observation helped me to isolate and fix the bug quickly. I appreciate it! biggrin.gif... I couldn't replicate it as it wasn't there on the first pass. The next version should be out for beta testing soon. This is necessary because the mechanism to handle credit and credsticks has been revised considerably.
No, thank you for the program to start with biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Kincaid)
Is there some way to add SSG credstick/false ID edges and flaws? I can't seem to find a way to add credsticks to the basic data page.

The current version is difficult. The next version will allow you to associate an identity with the purchased credstick. To use a SSG edge/flaw, have code number as part of the identity ie "John Jenkins #34". That way your GM can check his notebook for the edge/flaw which should be unknown to you anyways. BUT you'll havve to wait a bit... sorry frown.gif
QUOTE (SentineloftheMountain)
I noticed that when a mage character takes an initiation with a familiar ordeal that there is no feature for the karma cost of the familiar within NSRCG.

A feature request maybe??

Also a magemask has a cost of 200 nuyen and not 400 nuyen under Gear section according to pg 170 MITS. This is a typo.

Thanks for all the hard work on this program. I use it a lot.

Yes, it'll have to be a feature request... it's already on my list and should be fairly easy to do... that said, it took me a month to fix credsticks. But the good news is its probably the next thing I'll work on. smile.gif
QUOTE (tjn)
Another little one...

When Path of the Magician Adept is selected and points assigned to Magic Power, going from a different page (like gear or attributes), will cause the Spell Points to skyrocket with every page flip.

Thank you for any kind words! /blush

Yes, I see it and again, the next version will fix it. <Yes, it's a genuine bug... STOMP IT!>
QUOTE (KeyMasterOfGozer)
I'm having 2 issues (minor) with the XML output:

1) For some reason, the "level" of lifestyles are not getting into the XML and the "cost" is set to "0".
2) Decks and Programs and other stuff purchase for Decks don't have <cost/> values.

3rd separate issue:
I'm also still having an issue that everytime I open an already existing character, I have to "Finalize" it before I can Print it. Even if it has been finalized and printed many times before.

Okay, I've found the lifestyle bug and it'll be fixed.
You're correct. Decks didn't have <cost> printed. Next version, yes?
Yeah. I've been toying with this problem. Try the next version where I remove Finalize but now make you pay with credsticks! smile.gif
QUOTE (deeweef @ Jul 20 2004, 05:48 AM)
QUOTE (Namergon @ Feb 8 2004, 10:07 AM)
Then, when I want to load a character, here is the message I get:

Permission problem: check write protect

Now if I double-click on a .sr3 file, NSRCG opens and I get the following message:

NSRCG filename <CR> and filename must exist

Any idea?

Not sure if anyone has solved this or come up with a workaround, but I also get those errors (WinXP Pro, all admin-rights on domain-user), but only for the predefined characters. I found a workaround though; After getting the error-message I pressed Save and then Cancel in the File-dialog, and hey presto smile.gif, I could browse the character as normal.

Regarding permissions: Something I noticed, if you move the files from a CDROM to your system, the Read-only bit is set. This will cause the issues described. Could you please verify that the Read-only bit is NOT set. Thank you.

Further info: I've checked my original files and they have the read-only bit set. When saved, they probably retained those settings and transferred them to the install program. Change the READ-ONLY BIT.
QUOTE (kevyn668)
I just tried to open my NSRCG and got the following notice

Run-time error: '68'
Device Unavailable.

I just used it yesterday. What gives? Is there anyway to at least grab the characters out of it?

The files saved are: charname.sr3 and charname.rtf. You always can grab these files. The issue probably is read-only settings or user not having access rights. My program is SO BASIC that I have no idea how it could be setting those parameters. My program does nothing with permissions. Are you moving the files from one system to another? This is where most of the problems start... frown.gif
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond)
I've got a question for ya, mcmackie: what do the "IntelligenceMax=" and similar fields mean? They're supposed to be the named attribute's racial modified limits, yes? But, when I go and manually edit them (in an attempt to make a custom race for a player--long story), it seems that the NSRCG does not actually use these values at any point in the creation process, at least not with BeCKS.

Is there any way to change the racial modified limits under BeCKS without messing directly with the system or turning rules off, which has its own oddities (namely the inability to find out how much Karma the resulting character requires)?

Sorry, didn't notice this one. Well the problem is that many of these stats are recalculated when you chose a race so even going to that screen will trigger a recalc. In answer to your question, I cannot support all of the mutations that people want to create.... THe structure of the program is NOT built for it and the SR3 char creation process makes it difficult. I ned up with a huge IF-THEN-IF-THEN rule structure (I know about CASE). The point is that the program already is overloaded with bizarre rule structures ie. Essence is 6 unless you're a shapeshifter. Magic is your essences unless....
I'll keep your request in mind for a restructure. Ideally, it would be better if race was a DAT file.... hmmm. Have you explored NoRules Mode?
Alright. I'm ready to post the new version with all of the fixes. Let me know if you're isn't addressed yet as I can lose track very easily smile.gif. I'm not going to post this to the web site yet as I'm not sure of the mechanics (of how it should work) yet. I'd like anybody interested to download it and test it. Please let me know what you think and improvements are possible. 1) Credsticks should be more intuitive... purchase on the gear page, and edit/charge on the banking page (General/click Banking button). and 2) Did away with the repetative "Finalize" button issue but now you have to pay for your purchases before you print. Other small improvements... let me know. biggrin.gif
I keep getting told my character is illegal. The same character worked under the old system. It keeps saying:

Incompatible: biorejection vs biorejection(magic active) cite:src19
Incompatible: biorejection(magic active) vs biorejection(magic active) cite:src19

I got this when making the character from scratch, but I also got it seperately when trying to import the character. I rebooted my computer between those 2 attempts.
Is there somewhere in a dat file to edit the starting spell points a full magician gets?
Hey mcmackie... terrific work. Unbelievable really. Thanks!

I have a question about generating meta-variant characters. It seems like you can only select the meta-variants if you build your character with the Point-Buy system or the BeCKS system.

Is this by design?
QUOTE (ES_Sparky)
Hey mcmackie... terrific work. Unbelievable really. Thanks!

I have a question about generating meta-variant characters. It seems like you can only select the meta-variants if you build your character with the Point-Buy system or the BeCKS system.

Is this by design?

AFAIK, there is no option for metavariants in priority.
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