Apr 27 2004, 08:51 PM
QUOTE (OurTeam) |
I'm concerned about that modifying a type definition to ADD another field will make the program crash or produce strange results when used with any .SR3 file made before the new version. For example, NSRCG crashs with the archetype files from 2001. Is this a concern for you, mcmackie?
P.S. I can reliably change one type number to another throughout a file in a few minutes without error, using an automated editor. |
I've tried to make the program more crash resistant so that errors just force messages rather than 'blue screening'. That said, yes it is a possibility that I'll have to check (but I don't anticipate any issues). Maybe a field named "Notes" where things like Legality can be stored might be a better solution.
I thought that I had removed the architype crash from this version. Do it still do that? If so, send me the SR3 file and I'll take a look at it.
Apr 27 2004, 09:08 PM
I'd like to have a legality field AND a notes field added to each item type, come to think of it. Legality is the only standard number that isn't currently present, and notes would allow for future expansion. The only quesiton is whether or not this would affect characters created before the change. If it would cause them not to work, then I'd rather not go through a week's worth of .dat editing only to make everyone's lives harder
Apr 27 2004, 09:11 PM
Ah, it may not crash any more. I remember it crashing in February.
One other thing regarding Cybereyes, which I learned recently. The official way to handle options that exceed .5 essence is to select some options to be completely inside the eye, and the rest are completely outside the eye. For example, the Covert Ops Specialist described in the example on p. 61 has .80 total options, but only .48 fit inside, leaving .32 outside. NSRCG calculates it as if .50 fit inside and .30 outside. Just FYI.
Apr 27 2004, 09:48 PM
I have a minor request (at least it seems like a minor request, it may not be). Whenever there are lists with the + breakdown (equipment, cyberware, etc) it would be great to be able to expand the + with a key on the keyboard. I use the program on my laptop and its much easier to use the keyboard than have to try to get the mouse pointer over to the + to click on it.
Now this may already be possible, but I've tried everything I can think of to make it happen.
Apr 27 2004, 09:56 PM
Oops, already posted.
Apr 27 2004, 10:01 PM
QUOTE (Berzerker) |
I have a minor request (at least it seems like a minor request, it may not be). Whenever there are lists with the + breakdown (equipment, cyberware, etc) it would be great to be able to expand the + with a key on the keyboard. I use the program on my laptop and its much easier to use the keyboard than have to try to get the mouse pointer over to the + to click on it.
Now this may already be possible, but I've tried everything I can think of to make it happen. |
okay, it's already there but it is NOT intuitive.
Hit the "+" key on num keyboard or on number row of main ->Expand
Hit the "-" key on num keyboard or on number row of main ->collapse.
Austere Emancipator
Apr 28 2004, 12:28 PM
Ooooooyeah! My dice are now officially retired.
It's even easier to make the players scared, when you don't have to keep idly rolling your dice on the table all the time -- I can just keep clicking on my screen and they'll never know when they're screwed.
Apr 28 2004, 04:18 PM
Bug report: Purchasing spell points costs 25 nuyen instead of 25,000
It doesn't let you buy any points if you have less than 25k, but when it lets you, it only deducts 25 nuyen. This should be the latest version, and I'm running Windows XP.
Eyeless Blond
Apr 28 2004, 10:53 PM
Bug: having a bit of a problem adding a geas to my starting character. I'm getting a message saying you can't use geasea to increase your Magic attribute, but it's already down to 5 because of bioware. This kind of thing worked previously, but only when I added cyberware to the character; I think the program is using the Essence attribute to figure out if you can take a Geas instead of the Magic attribute.
Running version 3.65 in win2k
Apr 29 2004, 03:51 AM
That probably has something to do with the fact that you can't geas magic loss from Bio, because it's "virtual magic loss"

Apr 29 2004, 03:59 AM
Someone didn't read the errata.
Apr 29 2004, 04:56 AM
Whoa? Huh? What errata? WHERE?
(Excuse me, I haven't played SR in a looooong time.)
Apr 29 2004, 04:59 AM
Man and Machine errata. They did away with "virtual" magic loss; now you lose magic at 1/2 your Bio Index plus your full Essence Loss, rounded up. Two points Bio Index gives you one point of magic loss, geasable.
Eyeless Blond
Apr 29 2004, 05:58 AM
Yeah, it kinda does away with the whole problem of bioware magic loss not being geasable while cyberware loss is. I thought that was kinda dumb myself.
Apr 29 2004, 05:21 PM
Wow. I had houseruled it that way...years ago.
Now I feel special.
Apr 30 2004, 03:41 PM
I thought this important enough (FYI) to post it again.
QUOTE (GreatChicken @ Apr 30 2004, 02:00 AM) |
Plus, the character generation program NSRCG has a complete list of them (although it doesn't really explain fully what the edge/flaw does). It's not an accurate character generator, but it's potential for quickref is pretty good.
*WARNING* The latest version works well on my PC, but my friend was forced to reformat his after he installed. This proggie is hereby labeled 'unstable'. Your mileage may vary; when in doubt, get the older version SRCG which doesn't rely so much on VB coding. |
Would you please submit the details to me? There is no reason why the program would corrupt your friend's system. It makes only one entry in your registry for a OCX control ARProgBar.OCX. It uses an 'old' INI file so that settings never touch your registry for this information. Other than that it uses the usual MS VB DLLs and such. In other words, there should be NO WAY it would force a reformat

I've had lots of installations (for over two years) and this is the first report of any causing a machine to need a reinstallation.
As for the inaccuracies, please report them so that I can correct the program. In the event I cannot, I will generate a list so that GMs can search for them. I get this constant criticism based on the original program (and subsequent versions) but nobody (except those reporting bugs) is actually telling what's broken. I respond to all emails (so far).
Given the inconsistent rules structures ("its this way except when you do/add this or..."(see Shapeshifters)), I'm surprised that it works as well as it does. Yes you can find thngs that are wrong (costs, etc) but given how large and complex SR is, I cannot find/fix them without help.
I find those that critisize it the most are those who insist on a complete knowledge of the SR chargen rules before one is allowed to set pencil to paper. NSCRG allows for newbies to make absolutely horrrific characters with no gameplay balance and completely unbelievable backgrounds (my favorite example is how everybody's relations have all died, no brothers, no sisters, no father, etc .. no hooks).
Please blame to tool ... educate the users. Is this equivalent to gun control where the belief that banning guns will reduce violence?
Sorry for the venting but thank you for your attention.
Apr 30 2004, 03:44 PM
And this:
QUOTE (A Clockwork Lime @ Apr 25 2004, 09:58 PM) |
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Apr 25 2004, 10:24 PM) | Much as I agree with your estimation of NSRCG, I don't believe anything has superseded Shadowbeat, which makes Performance solidly an Active skill. |
Well, save that it's a "Special Skill," of which Shadowrun 3rd Edition doesn't have any. And then there's the bit where "Knowledge Skills" weren't created until 3rd Edition. You might as well say that Firearms is still a valid 3rd Edition Active Skill. Sure, 3rd Edition has Pistols, SMGs, etc. But it doesn't have a Firearms Skill, whereas 1st and 2nd Edition solidly lists it as one.
On the other hand, going through Shadowbeat, you'd have to change "Nose for News" (paraphrasing the name of it) from a Knowledge Skill to an Active Skill. Same goes for most of the "Special Skills" the handful of archetypes in there have.
Valid point. My intent with NSRCG was to stick to SR3 orthodoxy, that is "canon." Unfortunately, because of the differences in SR3, SR2, and various books, issues like this can occur.
You'll note that usage of the module system (books) allows one to remove (mostly) material one wouldn't want in your game. Most of the house rules incorporated are "OPTIONS" allowing anyone to turn off / remove. The exception is the inclusion of BeCKS. That was due to its popularity (including its controversial free language, please bring that up with the author as I'm not him).
Please, if you find an error, let me know (include book and page number) and I will fix. Many of the changes people want are non-canon i.e. elves shouldn't cost more than dwarves etc...
The NSRCG is the results of many people working on the DAT files and suggestions for improvements (canon only, please). Rather than just gripe, help me to fix it.
I understand that the guys/gals who have been playing for a long time "don't need no stinkin character generator." That's fine. However, the newer players who don't understand all of the complexities could benefit from a bit of hand holding. The CharGen found a number of arithmatic errors with the base Archetypes already and that was with people who created the system.
In conclusion, it is simply a tool. And like any tool, it can be misused /abused and yes, even encourage min-maxing. That is where a strong GM comes in... Any GM who falls for "NSRCG allows it!" should have his/her examined. Knowledge of the rules including Character Creation is a requirement.
Thank you for your time.
Apr 30 2004, 03:47 PM
Feature request: if it wouldn't be too difficult, any chance you could make spending points in point-build dynamic across skills and attributes? For instance, currently you have to allocate X points to skills and Y to attributes; if you decide later on that you want Z skills and AA attributes, you have to go back to the special allocation screen and reallocate instead of being able to, for instance, just drop two points of a skill and add one point to an attribute.
May 3 2004, 03:33 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Feature request: if it wouldn't be too difficult, any chance you could make spending points in point-build dynamic across skills and attributes? For instance, currently you have to allocate X points to skills and Y to attributes; if you decide later on that you want Z skills and AA attributes, you have to go back to the special allocation screen and reallocate instead of being able to, for instance, just drop two points of a skill and add one point to an attribute.
~J |
Hi McMackie. This has always been something I didn't like as well, but I know you did it for a reason. Out of curiosity, why did you do it that way? Is it because that maps it to one of the non-points-based systems for internal purposes? Anyway, thanks for the prog, let us know how we can help.
May 3 2004, 10:10 PM
McMackie, I sent you an email about integrating NSRCG and CCOC, with an attached demo app in VB (I hate this thing

). Please take a moment to look at it. Changing a specific string from "CCOC.CcocServer" to "Valkyrie.ValkyrieServer" will allow you to access the Valkyrie Module using the same code. You will, however, have to wait another week for a new Valkyrie Module which is SIFF-compliant (SIFF ? Shadowrun Interchange File Format. People've been discussing it a year ago)
May 4 2004, 03:34 AM
QUOTE (Venndigram) |
McMackie, I sent you an email about integrating NSRCG and CCOC, with an attached demo app in VB (I hate this thing ). Please take a moment to look at it. Changing a specific string from "CCOC.CcocServer" to "Valkyrie.ValkyrieServer" will allow you to access the Valkyrie Module using the same code. You will, however, have to wait another week for a new Valkyrie Module which is SIFF-compliant (SIFF ? Shadowrun Interchange File Format. People've been discussing it a year ago) |
I'll start looking at it... kinda of swamped but will try to make time. Slow down... I can't keep up

"Captain, she's breaking up"
May 4 2004, 03:38 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Feature request: if it wouldn't be too difficult, any chance you could make spending points in point-build dynamic across skills and attributes? For instance, currently you have to allocate X points to skills and Y to attributes; if you decide later on that you want Z skills and AA attributes, you have to go back to the special allocation screen and reallocate instead of being able to, for instance, just drop two points of a skill and add one point to an attribute.
~J |
Okay, it should work now. Let me know if there is a problem.
As to why I did it that way:
Originally, the program only supported Priority based CharGen.. Period. When I added points-based, I wanted to keep the number of possible broken variables down so I kept the format / structure I had been using. Since then, I've updated / upgraded to a more Object-oriented schema but had never revisited my initial set of decisions. Note: this is only one way. If you want points subtracted from attributes to be placed in skills, it won't work (yeah, right)
May 4 2004, 03:42 AM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond) |
Bug: having a bit of a problem adding a geas to my starting character. I'm getting a message saying you can't use geasea to increase your Magic attribute, but it's already down to 5 because of bioware. This kind of thing worked previously, but only when I added cyberware to the character; I think the program is using the Essence attribute to figure out if you can take a Geas instead of the Magic attribute.
Running version 3.65 in win2k |
I was unable to replicate this problem. Tested with my current version and it does use the new calculated essence = essence lost + 1/2 bioware cost. => rounded down equals initial magic rating. Tested in new character mode. If you doing something different, let me know or give me a copy of SR3 character file with steps to replicate <===== Note to all bug submitters.
As for the 25 nuyen vs 25K nuyen bug, it should have been fixed earlier. What version are you using?
NOTE TO ALL: New version posted: 3.66.
May 4 2004, 03:46 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
I'd like to have a legality field AND a notes field added to each item type, come to think of it. Legality is the only standard number that isn't currently present, and notes would allow for future expansion. The only quesiton is whether or not this would affect characters created before the change. If it would cause them not to work, then I'd rather not go through a week's worth of .dat editing only to make everyone's lives harder |
Current version supports the addition of empty fields ie check out Edge Weapons type 1 in the Gear.DAT file. You'll note that although fields are defined in the type definition and there are no actual fields in the data areas, the program does NOT crash. This will you to add (when you want to) the additional fields to the data.
NOTE: this only works in GEAR.DAT. If you like (and after more testing), I can add it to the other DAT file formats.
May 4 2004, 03:53 AM
QUOTE (OurTeam) |
Ah, it may not crash any more. I remember it crashing in February.
One other thing regarding Cybereyes, which I learned recently. The official way to handle options that exceed .5 essence is to select some options to be completely inside the eye, and the rest are completely outside the eye. For example, the Covert Ops Specialist described in the example on p. 61 has .80 total options, but only .48 fit inside, leaving .32 outside. NSRCG calculates it as if .50 fit inside and .30 outside. Just FYI. |
I hear you but am having issues with this. This would require a mechanic to handle a notation for inside vs. outside the eye. The Valkyrie module program would be a better solution. I'm trying to work with Venndigram to let him handle the really 'complicated' issues like this. This is the classic container inside of container inside ...
Frankly, I wanted the chargen to handle most (but not all) of the cyberware issues. For those of you building cyberzombies, you may need a something more .. sophisticated. (see above).
Thanks for the info... Maybe I need documentation to note inconsistancies like this for the GMs.
May 4 2004, 04:40 AM
Maybe it would be better if you could send me an updated source code and any other components I'll be needing; so i just slip the required code inside. It won't be perfect but I suppose it would be better than nothing.
Eyeless Blond
May 4 2004, 05:44 AM
QUOTE (mcmackie) |
I was unable to replicate this problem. Tested with my current version and it does use the new calculated essence = essence lost + 1/2 bioware cost. => rounded down equals initial magic rating. Tested in new character mode. If you doing something different, let me know or give me a copy of SR3 character file with steps to replicate <===== Note to all bug submitters.
As for the 25 nuyen vs 25K nuyen bug, it should have been fixed earlier. What version are you using?
NOTE TO ALL: New version posted: 3.66. |
Yeah, I'm not sure why, but it's working fine now, and I swear it didn't before. Oh well; bug fixed, if indeed there really was one.
Eyeless Blond
May 4 2004, 05:46 AM
One thing I'd love to see in the Valkyrie Module, especially if it gets integrated, would be the ability to handle ECU of stuff from the Gear section. In other words, be able to put other stuff, like a deck or a medkit, into an arm or a torso.
May 4 2004, 07:14 AM
Just FYI, regarding cybereye options that exceed the capacity of a Cybereye (.5):
It appears to me that a user can put eye mods "outside" a cybereye by adding them first, as Retinal Mods, and then adding the Cybereye, and then adding more modifications which the program counts as Inside the eye.
May 4 2004, 01:23 PM
QUOTE (OurTeam) |
Just FYI, regarding cybereye options that exceed the capacity of a Cybereye (.5):
It appears to me that a user can put eye mods "outside" a cybereye by adding them first, as Retinal Mods, and then adding the Cybereye, and then adding more modifications which the program counts as Inside the eye. |
Hmm. This is the way it works in the program. Everything that has an eye tag "E" in the Cyber.DAT is counted EyeEssenceCount. If you have a "Eyes, Cyber Replacement" or equiv, your EyeEssenceCount is reduced by 0.5. If you have more than 1.20 in EyeEssenceCount, a message will warn you that you have exceeded the max of 1.20. There is a EyeEssenceCount at the bottom. There is NO inside or outside of a cybereye. Just a running count. For it to work otherwise, I would have to have a container mechanic and track things like ECU. Following this path leads me to the usage of a database (which I was trying to avoid).
If it is NOT working like that, let me know and I'll double check.
May 4 2004, 03:39 PM
I don't know that the 1.2 essence thing cares at all about internal or external eye systems. It's probably fine just doing a straight count. Where it gets important is in the free essence sense since you only get .48 free essence (generally) for alphaware. Not sure what you can cram in for betaware.
May 4 2004, 04:28 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
I don't know that the 1.2 essence thing cares at all about internal or external eye systems. It's probably fine just doing a straight count. Where it gets important is in the free essence sense since you only get .48 free essence (generally) for alphaware. Not sure what you can cram in for betaware. |
Okay, now I'm confused (or haven't found the errata). Where does it say you only get 0.48 essence on alphaware eyes vs 0.50 essence on standard?
Eyeless Blond
May 4 2004, 04:37 PM
QUOTE (mcmackie) |
Okay, now I'm confused (or haven't found the errata). Where does it say you only get 0.48 essence on alphaware eyes vs 0.50 essence on standard? |
It doesn't. But you can only put whole systems into cybereyes, as per Cannon rules. Since most alphaware eye systems have Essence costs that are multiples of .08, hence .48 is usually as good as it gets before stuff starts to overflow the .5 limit.
May 6 2004, 11:51 PM
BUG report: the HTML output on SKILLS does not print knowledge skills.
Fixed in new version 3.66a. (Needed it fixed ASAP). I am looking at the rest.
May 7 2004, 12:27 AM
Okay, time for the fun stuff. This is the revised definition I plan to use for firearms. If you have any comments, additions, or subtractions, speak now or forever hold your peace.
0-3|Firearms|10|Concealability|Ammunition|Mode|Damage|Weight|Availability|$Cost|Street Index|Accessories|Book.Page|
0-3|Firearms|12|Concealability|Ammunition|Mode|Damage|Weight|Availability|$Cost|Street Index|Accessories|Notes|Legal|Book.Page|
May 7 2004, 12:39 AM
It would be better if you didn't move the book-page to the end. As I demonstrated in the GEAR.DAT, just adding the new fields would be easy. Just tack the new information at the end. That way you won't have to re-enter or shuffle the data (less chance for error). See Type 1 in the GEAR.DAT, note how adding this new field does NOT cause a crash. Adding the information at the definition AND data is now possible.
The original version required the Book-Page to be at the end, now I simply search for the field. is NOT required to be at the end.
May 7 2004, 01:00 AM
Yeah, went through and added empty fields with them in the middle and it doesn't work well. I'll try again...
do I need to have certain dummy data in the Legal field?Geeze, it's a whole lot easier this way. And I don't even have to much with the sr2 stuff
May 7 2004, 04:06 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
Yeah, went through and added empty fields with them in the middle and it doesn't work well. I'll try again... do I need to have certain dummy data in the Legal field?
Geeze, it's a whole lot easier this way. And I don't even have to much with the sr2 stuff |
I'm confused. How are you handling it now? Does the new improvements work they way I wanted? No dummy data. You can fill it out or not.
Another topic.
BUG report: version 3.66a. Gear costs 50% more than they should. seems DNI was always on (in my code).
Now fixed with version 3.66b. They just keep coming and ...
May 7 2004, 04:08 AM
Yeah, I mean that by tacking the fields on to the end, they became optional. I could just change the definition and not worry about the rest (I'd already done it the long way once, and it was giving me errors).
The only problem is that you have to scroll the window in the program in order to see the options.
There aren't any plans to give us different size windows for higher resolutions, are there?
May 7 2004, 04:30 AM
No, I wasn't planning on supporting resizing. Do you have a better idea? Perhaps placing some things together like Street Index and cost on same line? Harder to read?
Main reason I don't support resizing: It would look like hell when expanded and I'd have to play lots of games to make it look right.
Another question: regarding your 0.48 cap on eye essence using alphaware. That statement is mostly true... as long as the items purchased are multiples of 0.10 essence. When you something like 0.15 or 0.25, it breaks. Damn and it looked so good. Further research indicated the caps for betaware would be 0.48 and for deltaware 0.50. RATS... I don't know if its worth worrying about 0.02. What do you thnk?
May 7 2004, 04:50 AM
Hmm. I just redid the Gear screen so that cost does not show up again and there is more area for display. If you download now, you should see latest version. Let me know if you need more.
Eyeless Blond
May 7 2004, 05:00 AM
Well, sometimes it becomes *very* significant. For example, say you want to put in an eye datajack (.20 Exxence alpha) and an eye gun (.32 Essence alpha) into cyber replacement eyes (.16 Essence,l alpha), for God knows what reason. Under your system the whole thing would cost about .18 Essence; under cannon it would have to cost .36, twice as much.
May 7 2004, 06:06 AM
I have a somewhat pertinent question, and I hope it's not too much potential trouble: since my
Canon Revision project is firming up a bit and will be getting some webhosting once I finalize things, how feasible would it be to include it as an optional component of NSRCG?
May 7 2004, 06:15 AM
mcmackie and TinkerGnome, I just added "||" to the end of every line for Edged Weapons (type 1) in today's GEAR.DAT (3.66b) and sent it to McMackie. This lets people edit the lines and know which is the next-to-last field and the last field without counting. I can do the same for all type 3 (Firearms) if you want, TinkerGnome, in just a minute with one of my editors.
ourteam -a-t- comcast -d-o-t- net
May 7 2004, 08:05 AM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond) |
One thing I'd love to see in the Valkyrie Module, especially if it gets integrated, would be the ability to handle ECU of stuff from the Gear section. In other words, be able to put other stuff, like a deck or a medkit, into an arm or a torso. |
As far as I know, Valkyrie Module already does that....
Eyeless Blond
May 7 2004, 08:59 AM
QUOTE (Venndigram) |
As far as I know, Valkyrie Module already does that.... |
Well you certainly keep track of ECU, very well at that. But whenever I try to install stuff into the limb I still end up losing Essence over it. Is that supposed to happen? Also I noticed you hinted at a way to add cyberdecks created in your CCOC program to stuff in Valkyrie, but I can't figure out how that works. It's probably me forgettins tomething obvious again, like dragging and dropping router ports, but if it confuses an idiot like me, it'll probably confuse the other idiots who try to use it.
May 7 2004, 09:24 AM
As far as I remember (again) there are limb accessories that cause Essence loss because they require DNI; other items do not. Take a look at M&M, it might hold the answers.
About adding decks, it already works, but because I haven't finished testing it and implementing all I want, it hasn't been released yet. Soon enough, have patience.

Seems I
really have to get around to writing a manual, or at least a FAQ...
May 7 2004, 12:19 PM
QUOTE (OurTeam @ May 7 2004, 02:15 AM) |
I can do the same for all type 3 (Firearms) if you want, TinkerGnome, in just a minute with one of my editors. |
If you want to, go for it. I don't intend to touch any of the sr2 holdovers or most of the non-canon items when I start on the legality thing so having the blank space there is probably a good thing. I can probably get the weapons done in a few days at the outside. Delving on into the file will be much more fun since I'm sure that some things are not in the most appropriate format to begin with
May 7 2004, 02:35 PM
QUOTE (OurTeam) |
mcmackie and TinkerGnome, I just added "||" to the end of every line for Edged Weapons (type 1) in today's GEAR.DAT (3.66b) and sent it to McMackie. This lets people edit the lines and know which is the next-to-last field and the last field without counting. I can do the same for all type 3 (Firearms) if you want, TinkerGnome, in just a minute with one of my editors.
ourteam -a-t- comcast -d-o-t- net |
YEss. exactly. That's what the new version 3.66 allows. Before it would either not show up OR crash the program. This was deliberate on my part. Aren't I a clever boy?
May 7 2004, 02:58 PM
Remember the cardinal rule: Anything that enhances the game is fine except *IF IT REPLACES THE RULEBOOK* The program and DAT files should not make it possible to operate without the rulebooks. If you copied the entire listing for every weapon into the notes field, who would need the book anymore? This is probably not an issue with weapons (except for some) as all they list are stats.
A good example is the Bioware.DAT... Although I have a notes field, I've never allowed too much information ie the stress levels for each is NOT listed.
IT would be better if the notes had short notes as a memory aide rather than completeness. This would still require the books.
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