Dec 17 2004, 02:33 AM
Oh, and my finals ended last week, so I know how the rush is.
Dec 17 2004, 03:21 AM
That's exactly what I was aiming for. Groovy, then my folder system will mesh pretty well with yours. Yeah, I've just got Microprocessor theory to go, I just wrote Introductory controls so I'm a weee bit brain dead. I'll get started on the rest of those as soon as I can.
Edit: Who's going to compile our efforts into one file? I'd do it, but my dat files are tweaked especially for a "Not Quite Shadowrun" game (Pimps In Space) which uses the same gear and what not, just a lot of specialized equipment and weaponry (like covenant weaponry from Halo)
Dec 17 2004, 05:34 AM
I'll compile, no problem.
Mcmackie, should I add it onto the 2064 update that I sent you? That way you only have to make one new dat set.
Dec 19 2004, 10:01 AM
QUOTE (Thistledown) |
I'll compile, no problem.
Mcmackie, should I add it onto the 2064 update that I sent you? That way you only have to make one new dat set. |
Sure, no problem. I usually do a file compare so that items that are not "kosher" don't make the cut (if labeled correctly). A few items can slip through but I try to keep everything SR3 canon. Raygun's stuff is no problem as it is treated like a module and people who don't want it can simply exclude it. Thanks to everybody for the hard work. I'm very dependent on the volunteers for the DAT file updates. I handle the program itself (bugs included). thanks again
Dec 22 2004, 03:37 PM
Im working out a conjurer, and as soon as I click the radio button, it removes all spell points.
Also, seems that if I have a charcter open, if I tell it to make a new one, it carrys the gear between them (makes accounting kinda tough).
Thanks =) and keep up the awsome work.
Dec 22 2004, 03:38 PM
bloody double post...
Dec 22 2004, 06:38 PM
McMackie: Any reason why your site is giving me a 404 Error when I'm trying to access it right now?
Dec 22 2004, 07:09 PM
It looks like all the other Dumpshock sites are down at the moment.
Dec 23 2004, 02:00 AM
McMackie: I'm once again getting the old error when trying to print to html.
"no output"
Dec 23 2004, 11:34 PM
The one day I set aside to finish transcribing all of rays stuff, and dumpshock picks it to move servers.
Dec 24 2004, 09:30 AM
Transcribe? As in copy down mannually?!?!?
HTTrackIs a wonderful program. I've been using on those websites that haven't been updated in years - and in danger of dissappearing forever....
Dec 24 2004, 04:56 PM
Transliterate would be a better word. Read above, Eldritch, we're putting into .dat files.
Dec 26 2004, 06:17 AM
QUOTE (Thistledown) |
I've got a strange problem. When trying to load characters which I had previously backed up onto cd, most of them fail to load with a "Permission Problem: Check Write Protect" error. I checked it, and the file isn't write protected. It also seems that many of the file names are written in all caps, while a few are not. Those which are in lower-case open fine. Changing one of the caps to lower doesn't help it any.
If I open the sr3 up in notepad and re-save it, overwritting the old file, it fixes the file. |
I have this problem also. Only I haven't backed up any characters I'm just trying to load the nagee ones that came with it. No dice.
Dec 28 2004, 05:26 PM
When you back up files to a CD, a lot of times they are marked with a "Read-Only" tag. Check the properties of the files and make sure that Read Only is turned off.
Dec 28 2004, 06:11 PM
That's been checked already.
Patrick Goodman
Jan 4 2005, 05:56 PM
Not sure if this has been covered, but how much of a pain in the arse is it to implement the high- and low-power chargen rules from MJLBB? Is it something I can do myself, or has it already been done and I just haven't downloaded the newest version (which I have, but it's not installed yet)?
Jan 5 2005, 06:43 AM
Any more progress done on the Raygun stuff guys? I can do some more sections if you want.
Jan 5 2005, 04:07 PM
I'd love to say yes, but I woke up to the smell of burning bearings and a loud squeal from my computer. Suffice to say my HD was letting the magic smoke out. You know, the smoke that's crammed in every peice of electronics, and if it gets let out the thing in question never works again?
I just recently (last night) got my OS restored, but I'm afraid all the files are looong gone. I'll start work again.
Jan 5 2005, 05:01 PM
I've noticed the spell point problem with the conjurer as well.
Mr. Man
Jan 5 2005, 07:00 PM
A feature suggestion:
In the "print to XML" dialog maybe fill some of that white space with a description pulled from inside whatever .xsl file is selected.
Jan 6 2005, 11:12 PM
I'll take over assault rifle, you keep working on submachine guns.
Jan 7 2005, 02:57 AM
Can do, i'm about 1/4 done now.
Jan 7 2005, 07:56 AM
Hello. I just wanted to say that I think I found a small error in the "Spells" data file. I think in the current version of Spells.dat that the Oxygenate spell has a Drain of +1(M), when both SR3 and MITS state the Drain is +2(L).
There was at least one other spell or entry in the SR3/MITS grimoire that I remember having an incorrect variable of some sort, but I don't recall what it was and I edited my DAT to correct the error already.
Jan 7 2005, 05:45 PM
QUOTE (LordHaHa) |
Hello. I just wanted to say that I think I found a small error in the "Spells" data file. I think in the current version of Spells.dat that the Oxygenate spell has a Drain of +1(M), when both SR3 and MITS state the Drain is +2(L).
There was at least one other spell or entry in the SR3/MITS grimoire that I remember having an incorrect variable of some sort, but I don't recall what it was and I edited my DAT to correct the error already.
LordHaHa |
Ok, I found and fixed the oxygenate spell and added it into my update. Looked through but the only other error I saw was fashion had a lower case L instead of a capitol.
Jan 7 2005, 08:55 PM
Got another bug for you. If you have a flaw that is marked to check for compatability, ie: total pacifist, then remove it, then decide to add it again, it's not removing the flag, and it won't let me finalize.
Sensitive neural structure and color blind are having problems too. Just having the listed is making them reference themselves as incompatible.
I looked at the dat file for them, nothing looks out of the ordinary.
edit: I found them referenced in the incompat.dat file, and commenting them out fixes the problem, but I don't see why it's having a problem to begin with.
Jan 10 2005, 06:51 AM
You might want to look at the SURGE benefits of Goblination again. The rules state that humans can goblinize into orks or trolls, while other metahumans can goblinize into one of their metavarients. There is no cross-race goblinization, nor does anyone change from human to either drawf or elf, or change from any race back to human. This is applicable throughout canon history, including SURGE.
Jan 14 2005, 07:07 PM
Sorry people, I had a minor update planned incorporating all of the found bugs but find I no longer have access to FTP on my site. This does not have MJBB rules incorporated yet... working on it.
Somebody asked how hard it would be to change the code. Answer: very hard. It's currently hard coded in. I'm working to make it more flexiable using a DAT file to hold the changes. That way, people could change the values for themselves to tweak the settings.... attribute points, skill points, etc NOT race settings as they don't change between the various campaign levels (high/low).
Board Moderators: Could you please contact the appropriate people? I've tried email and had it bounced back as does NOT work.
Jan 15 2005, 09:16 PM
This is applicable throughout canon history, including SURGE. |
With the exception of Preying for Keeps.
Jan 18 2005, 05:35 PM
This might already have been brought up and fixed, but in case it's not I'll mention it. Cyber eye replacements appear to be counted against the 1.2 essence allowable in a pair of cyber eyes. Seeing as how the limit is on the accessories installable in a pair of cyber eyes, then it doesn't make too much sense that the optics count against it.
EDIT: There is also no good reason why the SL-II rangefinder should be an eye modification. Making it one has always been a logical jump that's not backed up by the rules, but the last round of M&M errata made it even more unlikely with the requirement for the weapon to have a rangefinder device. Most likely, the rangefinder is just a subprocessor that interprets rangefinder data. Make it an option (or put both versions in there), but it shouldn't be the default.
Jan 19 2005, 05:15 PM
Ok, I got your's Jetmaster. I'll compile tonight. Fix-it, any update on shotguns, pistols, and snipers yet?
Jan 19 2005, 06:41 PM
Fix-it if there's a section that you're not on yet, fire it to me. I've got a pile of free time right now and I'm bored out of my skull. Otherwise, if we're done: Good job guys.
Jan 21 2005, 08:10 AM
Found another thing to repair, DAT-wise. The Impulsive flaw is listed as requring a Willpower (4) Test, but the SRComp states that it requires a Willpower (6) Test.
Jan 21 2005, 05:29 PM
QUOTE (LordHaHa) |
Found another thing to repair, DAT-wise. The Impulsive flaw is listed as requring a Willpower (4) Test, but the SRComp states that it requires a Willpower (6) Test.
LordHaHa |
Jan 22 2005, 09:02 AM
I went ahead and did the sniper rifles too. Wasn't many of them. I don't even want to start on handguns though.
Jan 23 2005, 03:08 AM
Did you already fix the SURGE Goblinization errors (form YotC)?
Could you add the 'Dossier on File' Flaw (from SotA63?)?
Jan 23 2005, 06:41 AM
Jan 23 2005, 06:44 AM
D'oh, right. Thanks.
Jan 23 2005, 08:15 AM
No problem!
Jan 23 2005, 09:58 AM
Another thing I just noticed is that it seems that the cyberware file does not contain any information on Cortex/Cranial Bombs, aside from Kink Bombs.
EDIT: Sorry, it does have full Cranial Bomb info. My bad. It just isn't showing up when I generate a character for some reason. I did notice, however, that the Cranial Bomb flaw does not "award" a free Cortex Bomb to the character (although all things considered, it could be done by shutting off legalities momentarily).
EDIT2: It seems I left the Max Availability setting a tad on the low side, which explains why nothing was showing up. Grr.
Jan 23 2005, 08:31 PM
Hey McMackie, just wanted to say you and whoever else helped out on this program, you all have my undying graditute for what you've done. I don't want to seem like I'm only bitching about bugs in this thread. You can't even imagine how much stress and time you have saved GMs. Thanks.
Jan 23 2005, 09:37 PM
OK, now that I am actually awake and it's 3:30 in the afternoon, I feel coherent enough to report something else. In the ammunition section of the Gear.dat file, regular ammunition prices are based off the sum of 25 nuyen per 10-round magazine. The cost of the ammunition is listed as 20 nuyen per 10 rounds in the BBB and the back of CC.
EDIT: Arrg. I forgot to factor in the cost of the magazine. The prices make sense now.
Jan 24 2005, 01:00 AM
I just noticed something, in the Rigger/Vehicle section. Is it just me, or do the costs for the Autosofts look a bit on the low side? For example, the cost for the Sharpshooter program at, say, Rating 1 is listed in the program as 2000 nuyen. But if I use the stated price calcuation method in R3 (MP size times 250), the price ends up being 16000 nuyen (64 times 250).
EDIT: OK, I'm taking a break from reporting things for a little bit. This is the third time today that I've cried wolf. I was reading the Program Multiplier table wrong. I mixed up the Program Rating and Multiplier rows (which explains why I got a 64MP program size).
Jan 24 2005, 06:12 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
Did you already fix the SURGE Goblinization errors (form YotC)?
Could you add the 'Dossier on File' Flaw (from SotA63?)? |
Everything from Sota64 is already in my update, so yes.
Ok, I fixed the surge re-goblinization stuff. There's still nothing to stop you from taking it (I'd have to work with the incompatibles file) but I added notes It now looks like (without the code):
RE-GOBLINIZATION|E SRG:Gob. Lose Elf (to varient) : Lose Elf Metatype (elves only, must take varient) SRG:Gob. Lose Orc (to varient) : Lose Orc Metatype (orcs only, must take varient) SRG:Gob. Lose Dwarf(to varient) : Lose Dwarf Metatype (dwarves only, must take varient) SRG:Gob. Lose Troll(to varient) : Lose Troll Metatype (trolls only, must take varient) SRG:Gob. Gain Elf varient : Gain Elf Metavarient (elves only) SRG:Gob. Gain Orc varient : Gain Orc Metavarient (orcs only) SRG:Gob. Gain Dwarf varient : Gain Dwarf Metavarient (dwarves only) SRG:Gob. Gain Troll varient : Gain Troll Metavarient (trolls only) SRG:Gob. Lose Human(ork/troll) : Lose Human Metatype (humans only, must take Orc or troll metatype) SRG:Gob. Gain Orc (was human) : Gain Orc Metatype (humans only) SRG:Gob. Gain Troll(was human) : Gain Troll Metatype (humans only)
Jan 27 2005, 08:51 PM
Ok, shotguns are done. Just waiting on handguns now. Then I'll package it up and send it to McMackie.
Jan 29 2005, 12:59 PM
Mack, I have a request that I'm sure has been mentioned before:
In the Contacts section, I resort to using valuable text space for giving pertinent stats to the PC's contacts. Is there any way you can incorporate a spot for each primary attribute that will then calculate secondary attributes? It doesn't sound hard to me, but I'm not you, and am admittedly not very experienced at tinkering with your toys

Also, I sent you an email about this next subject:
I am continuing to compile .SR3 files for commonplace critters using the SRCritters utility. You have not responded to me about this in awhile, and I noticed your post here. I don't get on the forums much anymore, so I thought I'd try to reach you this way. I realize that the only use for such files would be for SRTracker. Are you still interested in these files?
Eyeless Blond
Feb 6 2005, 08:48 PM
I think I've got a bug when making new credsticks. This only happens after you finalize the character; beforehand it's just fine. After finalization, when you try to add a new credstick the program doesn't charge you any money for it, and it doesn't show up on the Gear section, though it does show up in Banking. In fact, unless you push "Cancel" in the first pop-up window, where it asks you how much you're paying for the credstick (which I presume is another bug? Is this pop-up supposed to be asking how much cash you're putting into the credstick?) it won't even do that much.
Feb 6 2005, 10:41 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
You might want to look at the SURGE benefits of Goblination again. The rules state that humans can goblinize into orks or trolls, while other metahumans can goblinize into one of their metavarients. There is no cross-race goblinization, nor does anyone change from human to either drawf or elf, or change from any race back to human. This is applicable throughout canon history, including SURGE. |
Sorry, I'm real busy with work and personal issues.
Fortune, are we talking existing or new characters? The rules are in place (I believe) for new. For existing, there are no real rules in the section devoted to it. If you're talking about the flavor text, they can talk about it but I only really devote efforts to clearly marked out rule sets. Otherwise, it get's too ... complicated. Lots of rule-lawyering, etc... Could you point to the section (page number plz)?
Feb 6 2005, 10:47 PM
QUOTE (Thistledown) |
QUOTE (Fortune) | Did you already fix the SURGE Goblinization errors (form YotC)?
Could you add the 'Dossier on File' Flaw (from SotA63?)? |
Everything from Sota64 is already in my update, so yes.
Sorry didn't see this post... You could add this as an edge BUT.. If you want the program to recalculate the racial modifiers, that's another story. I can do it but it'll take time also where's the reference page number from the rules (book-page)? I've looked and cannot find it. Thanks for the help!
Feb 7 2005, 05:30 AM
What I meant was that the current SURGE Goblinization 'Flaws' in your program include options that are not allowable according to canon. Goblinization is on page 141 of YotC (in the rules section, not the fluff), and is quite specific as to what race can change into what different metahuman variant, whether the characters are new or 10 years old.
Humans can only goblinize into orks or trolls, while all other races can goblinize only into a metavariant of their same species. No cross-race goblinization is possible, nor does ant metahuman change into a human.
Thistledown seems to have fixed this though, eliminating the non-canon Goblinization options, as well as the stuff from SotA64.
Feb 7 2005, 05:31 AM
Interesting multiple post!
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