Feb 7 2005, 07:33 PM
Hey mcm. I know this is a hell of a thing to ask, but as a suggestion, have you ever considered coding the CG as a Java Appelet, and running it off a webserver with ASP code? I kjnow it would be hell(I'm already proficient in Java and Jscript, and know the hell they can induce) but I think that you may be able to get rid of the compatability errors and quirk bugs from the fully downloadable version.
Feb 7 2005, 08:26 PM
QUOTE (=Spectre=) |
Hey mcm. I know this is a hell of a thing to ask, but as a suggestion, have you ever considered coding the CG as a Java Appelet, and running it off a webserver with ASP code? I kjnow it would be hell(I'm already proficient in Java and Jscript, and know the hell they can induce) but I think that you may be able to get rid of the compatability errors and quirk bugs from the fully downloadable version. |
=Spectre=, you might want to look in this
thread ...
Feb 7 2005, 08:42 PM
QUOTE (=Spectre=) |
Hey mcm. I know this is a hell of a thing to ask, but as a suggestion, have you ever considered coding the CG as a Java Appelet, and running it off a webserver with ASP code? I kjnow it would be hell(I'm already proficient in Java and Jscript, and know the hell they can induce) but I think that you may be able to get rid of the compatability errors and quirk bugs from the fully downloadable version. |
Thanks for the suggestion but I know NOTHING about any of that. I don't know PERL and any of the server-based stuff. I do know that it took many hours and the efforts of heroic volunteers to accomplish what little I have.
If you're volunteering to actually do the coding in JAVA & ASP, I'm really impressed! To many people (on the outside) it looks simple, just code a few lines... How could it be hard, I've done some programming in high school? The reality is quite different. A professional programmer may only change a few dozen lines a day after he takes into account testing, debugging, etc. I've been challenged by other people on the boards who say "I can write a better program than that!" My reply is consistently the same. "Please do. It would make my life simpler." sorry sour grapes

To answer your question: no. I only learned Visual Basic 6 on a lark. That's what the program is written in... Anybody who wants to write a better program, please do. If you want to use the DAT files, I only ask that you preserve the names of the people who contributed to the DAT files. It's only fair.
Feb 7 2005, 08:48 PM
After finalization, when you try to add a new credstick the program doesn't charge you any money for it, and it doesn't show up on the Gear section, though it does show up in Banking. |
It should charge you for credstick, unless you put 0 for the price. This is correct behaviour. You purchase in GEAR (as that's where you purchase everything Gear related). Then the program automatically (when you leave the gear page) transfer it to BANKING (where it belongs).
In fact, unless you push "Cancel" in the first pop-up window, where it asks you how much you're paying for the credstick (which I presume is another bug? |
Correct behaviour again. The reason it asks is because you might get the credstick as a gift OR purchased it for a lower price (SSG rules) or higer (SSG again). The actual price is upto your GM. I just leave you a way to change it. The pop-up is the price of the credstick (I suppose I should make it clearer).
In the event you delete the stick (prior to saving), you'll get the price back.
As for loading the credstick, that's all done in BANKING.
I hope that makes things clearer
Eyeless Blond
Feb 8 2005, 12:46 AM
QUOTE (mcmackie) |
QUOTE | After finalization, when you try to add a new credstick the program doesn't charge you any money for it, and it doesn't show up on the Gear section, though it does show up in Banking. |
It should charge you for credstick, unless you put 0 for the price. This is correct behaviour. You purchase in GEAR (as that's where you purchase everything Gear related). Then the program automatically (when you leave the gear page) transfer it to BANKING (where it belongs).
QUOTE | In fact, unless you push "Cancel" in the first pop-up window, where it asks you how much you're paying for the credstick (which I presume is another bug? |
Correct behaviour again. The reason it asks is because you might get the credstick as a gift OR purchased it for a lower price (SSG rules) or higer (SSG again). The actual price is upto your GM. I just leave you a way to change it. The pop-up is the price of the credstick (I suppose I should make it clearer). In the event you delete the stick (prior to saving), you'll get the price back. As for loading the credstick, that's all done in BANKING. I hope that makes things clearer  |
I guess that wasn't too clear. The problem is that, after you puch Cancel when it asks you how much you paid for the credstick, the program doesn't charge you any money, but the credstick still shows up in Banking. When you push OK to actually *pay* for the credstick, you still don't get charged, but you also don't get to put a name on your new credstick, and it doesn't appear in the Banking section at all.
Basically, after you finalize the "OK" button works like one would expect the "Cancel" button to work, and the "Cancel" button works like you would expect the "OK" button to work, except no matter what you put in for the credstick's cost it doesn't actually charge you a thing.
Feb 11 2005, 03:49 PM
Dear mcmackie,
I encountered a problem while working with the German data pack (that is, however, a program error IMHO).
I use the latest program and german data versions available from your site and I created a magic character.
I entered the "spell" window and added some spells. First I found that the column spacing is sometimes (e.g. the Heilen spell) to narrow for the data resulting in a shift to the right of data (i.e. duration becomes range, range becomes drain, drain becomes power and power just isn't displayed any more).
Secondly, every time the range description contains "(F)" (e.g. Betäubungsball) I cannot choose Drain Casting Only Fetish any more. The error "cannot do both" comes up if I try to do it. I have copied the stunball to the spell.dat and experimented with the range description by using "LOS(A)", "LOS(FC)", "LOS(T)" and LOS(F). The later consitently produced to above error.
Thanks for creating such a wonderful program I use it for all my characters all the time!
Feb 13 2005, 08:15 AM
I downloaded the latest version and was wondering how you get it to work?
I ran set up and it didn't work the way the old one did. Any help appreciated.
Feb 19 2005, 12:16 AM
Couple of quick questions:
Why do Maglock sequencers only go to rating 4?
Why is there no Microscopic Vision in the Adept powers?
Feb 19 2005, 01:14 AM
Why is there no Microscopic Vision in the Adept powers? |
There is no Microscopic Vision for Adepts IIRC
Feb 19 2005, 01:29 AM
QUOTE (AngelGabriel) |
QUOTE | Why is there no Microscopic Vision in the Adept powers? |
There is no Microscopic Vision for Adepts IIRC
Sure there is.
There are a few Improved Senses Powers that aren't present.
Eyeless Blond
Feb 19 2005, 03:42 AM
There are also no transmitor/receiver models of the dataline tap (p. 290) in the program; doesn't mean they don't exist.
Feb 19 2005, 06:36 AM
I also noticed that it doesn't change the power point cost of an adept power below 1 if a geas is added.
EDIT: This is not a bug. I reread MitS - big oops on my part. My bad.
Feb 19 2005, 12:49 PM
I dont know if Im doing something wrong, but heck - something that is odd. I use the point system, and points is set to 120 points.
when I choose edges and flaws and I chose:
Blind (Magic Active) & Bonus Attribute (INT)
the generator says its an illegal char, I dont know why..
Feb 21 2005, 06:26 PM
Ok, I've finished the update, except for a few problems that I've sent to Raygun. As soon as he responds, I'll send the update.
Feb 23 2005, 01:57 AM
I replied to your email a couple of days ago. Hopefully you have it by now. If something went haywire, the things you asked about are now fixed on my site, so you can find the info there.
BTW, thanks for putting all the work into adding my stuff to the character generator, guys.
Feb 23 2005, 06:05 PM
Yeah, I got the email. I spent yesterday testing everything, fixing minor errors, etc, and sent the update in today. If there's any problems, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Mar 3 2005, 10:33 PM
Any word on when the dat file with Raygun's guns will be available?
Mar 5 2005, 01:26 AM
Hey guys, I also have the "Permission problem: check write protect". I did check the "read only" tab, that isn't the problem. And it's not the first time it happens to me. I had about 20 NPCs ready for a game, and all of a sudden, I could not load and print them. Needless to say, I'm rather pissed at the moment. If anyone knows of a way to solve this, let me know.
Mar 6 2005, 09:53 PM
QUOTE (kerensky) |
Hey guys, I also have the "Permission problem: check write protect". I did check the "read only" tab, that isn't the problem. And it's not the first time it happens to me. I had about 20 NPCs ready for a game, and all of a sudden, I could not load and print them. Needless to say, I'm rather pissed at the moment. If anyone knows of a way to solve this, let me know. |
New version posted that should address this issue (I tested as best as I could). Let me know if it doesn't work.
Any word on when the dat file with Raygun's guns will be available? |
This version includes Thistledown, Jetmaster, and Raygun's contribution. Please thank them (I do!)

I dont know if Im doing something wrong, but heck - something that is odd. I use the point system, and points is set to 120 points. when I choose edges and flaws and I chose: Blind (Magic Active) & Bonus Attribute (INT) the generator says its an illegal char, I dont know why.. |
I need more information than this. You could send me your file (if you can, the "illegal" might prevent. I've tested and on a new character, will not fault. Sorry

There are also no transmitor/receiver models of the dataline tap (p. 290) in the program; doesn't mean they don't exist. |
I"ve looked and they're in there. Click on the binoculars for the entry headings...
Why do Maglock sequencers only go to rating 4? |
I found "Keypad sequencers" that go to level 6. Any missing items, please add yourself and email the updated file. I'll incorporate into the next version and then everybody benefits (see THANK YOU Thistledown above).
I downloaded the latest version and was wondering how you get it to work? I ran set up and it didn't work the way the old one did. Any help appreciated. |
Hmm. Running the setup should work. Let me know if this version does NOT work correctly. I tested this one and it should work okay.
Mar 6 2005, 09:56 PM
QUOTE (thepatriot) |
Mack, I have a request that I'm sure has been mentioned before:
In the Contacts section, I resort to using valuable text space for giving pertinent stats to the PC's contacts. Is there any way you can incorporate a spot for each primary attribute that will then calculate secondary attributes? It doesn't sound hard to me, but I'm not you, and am admittedly not very experienced at tinkering with your toys 
Also, I sent you an email about this next subject:
I am continuing to compile .SR3 files for commonplace critters using the SRCritters utility. You have not responded to me about this in awhile, and I noticed your post here. I don't get on the forums much anymore, so I thought I'd try to reach you this way. I realize that the only use for such files would be for SRTracker. Are you still interested in these files? |
Question: What secondary attributes? Initiative? Skills? More information please.
As for the Critters stuff, I really need to make time to re-examine the SRtracker concept. Since it follows a similar format as the SR3 files, it may be possible that other tracker programs (that read NSCRG format files SR3) can use them as input as well. Anybody? Does anybody use SRtracker (broken as it is)? Please let me know. Thanks!
Mar 6 2005, 09:52 PM
QUOTE (Mephisto @ Feb 11 2005, 08:49 AM) |
Dear mcmackie, I encountered a problem while working with the German data pack (that is, however, a program error IMHO). I use the latest program and german data versions available from your site and I created a magic character. I entered the "spell" window and added some spells. First I found that the column spacing is sometimes (e.g. the Heilen spell) to narrow for the data resulting in a shift to the right of data (i.e. duration becomes range, range becomes drain, drain becomes power and power just isn't displayed any more). Secondly, every time the range description contains "(F)" (e.g. Betäubungsball) I cannot choose Drain Casting Only Fetish any more. The error "cannot do both" comes up if I try to do it. I have copied the stunball to the spell.dat and experimented with the range description by using "LOS(A)", "LOS(FC)", "LOS(T)" and LOS(F). The later consitently produced to above error.
Thanks for creating such a wonderful program I use it for all my characters all the time!
Regards! |
The issue with the column spacing (range, etc) will not impact the program working correctly, It simply won't display correctly (the spellname was too long, could be fixed with an abbreviation probably).
As the range abreviation (F), my program uses that to track if the fetish status. As you correctly surmised, (F) (FC) (E) (EC) are already in use. Could you use another abreviation ie (FX)? Let me know and thanks for the kind words!
Mar 6 2005, 10:18 PM
Cool ... thanks mcmackie (and others).
Mar 6 2005, 10:31 PM
Is it me? I was creating a new character the other day and I could not find ID's in the kit section, can you get them for a starting character and if so where are they!
I have just installed the new version if that helps?
Am I just being blind?
Mar 6 2005, 11:06 PM
They can be found in the Gear section, under Lifestyle -> Credsticks.
Mar 7 2005, 03:51 PM
QUOTE (kerensky) Hey guys, I also have the "Permission problem: check write protect". I did check the "read only" tab, that isn't the problem. And it's not the first time it happens to me. I had about 20 NPCs ready for a game, and all of a sudden, I could not load and print them. Needless to say, I'm rather pissed at the moment. If anyone knows of a way to solve this, let me know.
New version posted that should address this issue (I tested as best as I could). Let me know if it doesn't work. |
Thanks mcmackie, so far seems to be working, and I've been able to recuperate pretty much everything I had done.
Mar 7 2005, 09:12 PM
QUOTE (mcmackie) |
The issue with the column spacing (range, etc) will not impact the program working correctly, It simply won't display correctly (the spellname was too long, could be fixed with an abbreviation probably). As the range abreviation (F), my program uses that to track if the fetish status. As you correctly surmised, (F) (FC) (E) (EC) are already in use. Could you use another abreviation ie (FX)? Let me know and thanks for the kind words! |
Well, the problem with the spacing cannot be solved by abbreviation because 10-E(BW) is as short as it gets.

The problem often time is not the name but the drain. Some more spacing room would be fine.
For the (F). Using something different is of course possible but it would require a re-translation of the german SPELLS.dat and it would deviate from the official abbreviation used in the rule book. Maybe the program should only check for the (F) in the first part of the text string?
I have fixed an error in the german cyper.dat and the edge.dat. I can sent the files to you if you like. Is the hotmail email still active?
Further I tried to fix the (german) TOTEM.dat but the file is extremely touchy. As it seems every line can only be of some 50 (?) characters. If the line is loner the whole descriptions of totems will mess up. Could that be changed to reading the whole line until </p> was met?
Finally, yes, I did use SRTracker but there are some areas that could need some work. I will gladly beta the program some more and give you feedback if desired.
Mar 7 2005, 09:17 PM
Would it be possible to adapt the program so that it compensates for the Mnemonic Enhancer's (and Cognition's) Skill Point cost reduction?
Eyeless Blond
Mar 8 2005, 12:51 AM
QUOTE (mcmackie) |
QUOTE | There are also no transmitor/receiver models of the dataline tap (p. 290) in the program; doesn't mean they don't exist. |
I"ve looked and they're in there. Click on the binoculars for the entry headings... |
Yes they are, but those correspond to the receiver-only models. Take a look at the description on p. 290 SR3: for models that can transmit as well as receive you have to pay Rating*1,500Y instead of Rating*1,000Y. So, as I said, they're there, but the transmit/receive version is not.
Mar 8 2005, 06:06 AM
QUOTE (Mephisto) |
Well, the problem with the spacing cannot be solved by abbreviation because 10-E(BW) is as short as it gets. The problem often time is not the name but the drain. Some more spacing room would be fine. For the (F). Using something different is of course possible but it would require a re-translation of the german SPELLS.dat and it would deviate from the official abbreviation used in the rule book. Maybe the program should only check for the (F) in the first part of the text string? I have fixed an error in the german cyper.dat and the edge.dat. I can sent the files to you if you like. Is the hotmail email still active? Further I tried to fix the (german) TOTEM.dat but the file is extremely touchy. As it seems every line can only be of some 50 (?) characters. If the line is loner the whole descriptions of totems will mess up. Could that be changed to reading the whole line until </p> was met? Finally, yes, I did use SRTracker but there are some areas that could need some work. I will gladly beta the program some more and give you feedback if desired. |
I'll look into the spacing issue.
Sure, I can see if I limit to the name (where the abreviation is used)... no prob.
You can send the update german DAT files to me at the hotmail address. That would great for the German players!
The 50 character limit is only so that when it displayed in the box, the lines won't exceed the display space. Add as many lines as you need as there is no limit but maintain the 50 char (it's around there) limit. Otherwise my program would need to know how to word wrap (I can do it but ...)
Thanks for the feedback. I'll incorporate ASAP.
Mar 8 2005, 06:09 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
Would it be possible to adapt the program so that it compensates for the Mnemonic Enhancer's (and Cognition's) Skill Point cost reduction? |
Actually everybody asks for this and it is correct! If you go to the
Errrata for Man and Machine under p. 73 Mnemonic Enhancer [4]. You'll see that theyve changed the effect. My program is correct (SR3 canon compliant). Sorry
Mar 8 2005, 08:38 AM
I know what the Errata says in regards to the ME. The benefits have been reduced, but there is still a reduction in the cost of skills of 1 per level (to a minimum cost of 1). The Cognition Metamagic also grants the same bonus.
QUOTE (Errata) |
p. 73 Mnemonic Enhancer [4] Under Game Effects, change the third paragraph to read:
Because memory retention is key to learning, the Karma cost for learning or improving skills and specializations is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1) for any character with a mnemonic enhancer. |
Are you saying that the NSRCG already gives the cost reduction of 1? If so, I have played with it extensively and just don't see it doing so.
Mar 9 2005, 04:53 AM
I've noticed that while using NSRCG that some items that exist in the data file don't show up in the generator, like the Ares Dragon in the vehicles data file and the axe in the gear data file.
Mar 9 2005, 05:19 AM
You might have the option checked that prevents anything of a higher than an 8 Availability to show during chargen. Go to Options and uncheck the particular box.
You also might want to check the book list (also in Options) to make sure that you have the appropriate books made available.
Mar 9 2005, 05:16 PM
That got it, thanks.
Mar 9 2005, 08:51 PM
yeah... how do you remove cyberspurs from the gear section.
ie) you clicked on them in cyber ware, but now you decided agianst them.. what do you do?
Mar 9 2005, 08:59 PM
There is no way that I have found to do that, short of starting over and making the character again.
Eyeless Blond
Mar 9 2005, 09:25 PM
Well I guess you could edit the .sr3 file in Notepad. I do it all the time to change descriptive text and such, especially when making custom spells/adept powers/decker utilities (like the aforementioned Improved Sense: Microscopic Vision, or an Analyze 6 program with Sneak 1-2).
Mar 10 2005, 03:44 PM
QUOTE (LynGrey) |
yeah... how do you remove cyberspurs from the gear section.
ie) you clicked on them in cyber ware, but now you decided agianst them.. what do you do? |

How did you add them? Answer: On the Augmentations/Cyberware page. So to answer your question, delete them from the Augmentations page and they'll automatically be deleted from the Gear page.
Long Answer: The spurs are on the Gear page so that the weapons stats for these weapons will be displayed (how much damage they do) on the appropriate printouts (HTML, XSL, etc). In other words, Cyberweapons are both Gear(Weapons) and Cyberware.
Mar 10 2005, 03:56 PM
That doesn't seem to work, at least in the previous version of NSRCG. I haven't tried in the new version.
And you didn't answer my response about the Mnemonic Enhancer/Cognition question.
Mar 14 2005, 01:57 AM
I have a question which may have been answered, for that I am sorry but I am afraid I just don't know where to begin searching this massive thread, but can I adjust an existing character?
So I want add a car skillafter character creation, and I have finalized my character, what do I do?
Mar 14 2005, 05:47 PM
Ok, so you're using a finalized character?
First, add some karma on the secon to last page. it will take out karma for pool when it needs too. Once you have enough for the skill you need, go to the skills page.
Adding a new skill will give it with a skill rating of zero. Then when you click on it, a box will apear on the right and you can raise or lower the level of the skill, then hit apply.
Any changes you make can be undone until you hit the finalize button again. You'll need to hit this in order to print again.
Pretty much anything can be added to an exisiting character, but you can't really get rid of stuff besides gear after you finalize.
Mar 15 2005, 03:54 AM
Thanks, I'll be trying this out shortly.
Mar 15 2005, 09:04 PM
Been meaning to check on this, has support been added for MRJLBB optional power level changes?
Mar 15 2005, 10:24 PM
Your work, mcmackie is astoundingly appreciated. But I guess you have a lot more hard work ahead. SR4 may mean a complete re-write of your program, or maybe just an adjustment. I guess we'll all see when the new BBB comes out.
Mar 16 2005, 02:05 AM
Yeah dude you own. We may need to start passing a hat for donations though I swear!
Mar 17 2005, 10:37 AM
QUOTE (mcmackie) |
How did you add them? Answer: On the Augmentations/Cyberware page. So to answer your question, delete them from the Augmentations page and they'll automatically be deleted from the Gear page. Long Answer: The spurs are on the Gear page so that the weapons stats for these weapons will be displayed (how much damage they do) on the appropriate printouts (HTML, XSL, etc). In other words, Cyberweapons are both Gear(Weapons) and Cyberware. |
Doesn't work. They disappear from cyberware, but remain in the gear section. If you add them and remove them a few times (I've done so when wavering between dikoted and non-dikoed), you can end up with tons of entries in the gear section, and you can't delete them.
Love the program, btw.
Mar 20 2005, 08:37 PM
QUOTE (JaronK) |
QUOTE (mcmackie @ Mar 10 2005, 10:44 AM) | How did you add them? Answer: On the Augmentations/Cyberware page. So to answer your question, delete them from the Augmentations page and they'll automatically be deleted from the Gear page. Long Answer: The spurs are on the Gear page so that the weapons stats for these weapons will be displayed (how much damage they do) on the appropriate printouts (HTML, XSL, etc). In other words, Cyberweapons are both Gear(Weapons) and Cyberware. |
Doesn't work. They disappear from cyberware, but remain in the gear section. If you add them and remove them a few times (I've done so when wavering between dikoted and non-dikoed), you can end up with tons of entries in the gear section, and you can't delete them.
Love the program, btw.
Okay, new version 3.68a posted. This version will allow (good and bad) the deletion of Cyberweapons from the gear page. If you deleted it and didn't want to, don't complain to me. I've given the power and responsibility.
Side note: I've tested extensively and cannot recreate your error. It always works for me. =)
Mar 20 2005, 08:38 PM
QUOTE (Nikoli) |
Been meaning to check on this, has support been added for MRJLBB optional power level changes? |
My plan has always been to incorporate MJLBB optional creation rules into the program... now to find some time ... hmmm
Mar 20 2005, 08:50 PM
QUOTE (Fortune @ Mar 10 2005, 08:56 AM) |
That doesn't seem to work, at least in the previous version of NSRCG. I haven't tried in the new version.
And you didn't answer my response about the Mnemonic Enhancer/Cognition question. |
The new version should fix this as well. NOTE: Characters created under the old versions won't work. Cognition needs a "(MNE) added to it's name to fix in the SR3 file.
Apologies to everyone who complained about Mnemonic before. It used to work and I never checked until Fortune brought it up. Since he's not a new user, I re-examined the program and discovered it had broken in a prior update. Thanks and again my apologies.
Mar 20 2005, 08:45 PM
QUOTE (mcmackie) |
QUOTE (Mephisto @ Mar 7 2005, 02:12 PM) | Well, the problem with the spacing cannot be solved by abbreviation because 10-E(BW) is as short as it gets. The problem often time is not the name but the drain. Some more spacing room would be fine. For the (F). Using something different is of course possible but it would require a re-translation of the german SPELLS.dat and it would deviate from the official abbreviation used in the rule book. Maybe the program should only check for the (F) in the first part of the text string? I have fixed an error in the german cyper.dat and the edge.dat. I can sent the files to you if you like. Is the hotmail email still active? Further I tried to fix the (german) TOTEM.dat but the file is extremely touchy. As it seems every line can only be of some 50 (?) characters. If the line is loner the whole descriptions of totems will mess up. Could that be changed to reading the whole line until </p> was met? Finally, yes, I did use SRTracker but there are some areas that could need some work. I will gladly beta the program some more and give you feedback if desired. |
I'll look into the spacing issue. Sure, I can see if I limit to the name (where the abreviation is used)... no prob. You can send the update german DAT files to me at the hotmail address. That would great for the German players! The 50 character limit is only so that when it displayed in the box, the lines won't exceed the display space. Add as many lines as you need as there is no limit but maintain the 50 char (it's around there) limit. Otherwise my program would need to know how to word wrap (I can do it but ...) Thanks for the feedback. I'll incorporate ASAP.
Okay, this version should work. I"ve included the moded German files for download on the site. Let me know
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