Dec 2 2003, 04:35 PM
And now for something completely different......
A man with nine legs
he ran away
Trading spell points for build points. Is it built in, and if so, where. I'm failing to use it, and it's one of those trade off things that make a conjurer some what more balanced (7 more build points) as apposed to those pesky sorcerors.
Dec 2 2003, 05:11 PM
QUOTE (Bearclaw) |
Trading spell points for build points. |
Look under Magic -> Spells in the lower right hand corner
Dec 2 2003, 05:59 PM
Nothing happens when I push that
Dec 2 2003, 06:19 PM
Whoops, it does work.
First, you must be using the points system.
Then, you must select your class (conjurer, sorceror, etc.)
Then the button shows up.
Dec 2 2003, 06:19 PM
[edit] Yeah. It has to know you have spell points before it'll let you sell them
And the only system that lets you do that is the BP system, so that also makes sense
Dec 2 2003, 07:07 PM
McMackie, yeah, some of the stuff that I had put into the GEAR.DAT file didn't get updated. Its my fault, I forgot I did it and didn't tell you it was there. If you still have a copy of the DAT that I sent you, go under the ammo section and you'll see that I added into the "Full Clips of Ammo" section a listing for AV ammo. If you don't have that file anymore, I'll redo the enteries and send them your way sometime this week.
Dec 2 2003, 10:00 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
It has to know you have spell points before it'll let you sell them |
That, and the fact that it is not necessarily clear in canon that a Conjuror has access to Spell Points at chargen, and Mcmackie wants to stick as close to canon as possible.
Dec 2 2003, 10:17 PM
Does it ever state that they don't? All other types of groggies have them without it being specifically stated other than in the description of Aspected Mages, so it'd take a specific word otherwise to give any reason why they wouldn't.
Dec 2 2003, 11:29 PM
A case can be made against Conjurors receiving them since they are specifically called 'Spell Points', and Conjurors cannot use spells. Sorcerers get them, because they can, in fact cast spells. I am not quite sure if Adepts get them by canon, although most GMs allow them to. What other types of groggies are there that receive Spell Points?
I don't have book access at the moment to find any relevant quote though, if one even exists.
Dec 2 2003, 11:50 PM
Sorcerers, Elementalists, Shamanists, and every other type of aspected mage.
If adepts are included under the term "groggies" then I misspoke. Aspected magicusers get spell points, and nowhere does this exclude conjurers; furthermore, there are canon uses for Spell Points for binding spirits and foci (though the latter is optional).
Dec 3 2003, 12:01 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Sorcerers, Elementalists, Shamanists, and every other type of aspected mage. |
These are all Aspected spellcasters, so aren't really good examples of non-spellcasting-magical-types receiving Spell Points.
Dec 3 2003, 12:36 AM
No, they aren't, but they're aspected mages. There is no group spellcasting aspected mages, just aspected mages.
They're grouped in under the same heading. Really, why is this so hard to understand?
Dec 3 2003, 12:49 AM
Hey guys, this is a thread for discussing the NSRCG, why don't you open a new topic for this, or better yet, start posting in one of the ones already open about the subject, as I'm sure its been talked about a few times before.
Dec 3 2003, 04:13 AM
QUOTE (Grey) |
McMackie, yeah, some of the stuff that I had put into the GEAR.DAT file didn't get updated. Its my fault, I forgot I did it and didn't tell you it was there. If you still have a copy of the DAT that I sent you, go under the ammo section and you'll see that I added into the "Full Clips of Ammo" section a listing for AV ammo. If you don't have that file anymore, I'll redo the enteries and send them your way sometime this week. |
Got the AV ammo... it'll be in the next update... hmm. I'll just ship you the latest to look over.
Dec 3 2003, 05:03 AM
Check that email I just sent ya, the DAT you sent crashed on me.
Dec 3 2003, 04:06 PM
Found a small bug:
1. When you "sell" spell points for build points, if you go back to the build point screen, it resets the spell points, and gives you credit for the points you spent (by saying you've got 130 points for example).
Then you can sell the points again, and again, etc.
Dec 3 2003, 04:10 PM
That's not a bug, it's a feature.
Dec 3 2003, 04:15 PM
OK, found a real bug.
It's still not computing magic loss correctly.
I purchased enhanced articulation (.6 bio) and SGL2 (.5) essence and ended up with a magic rating of 4. It should be 5.
Dec 3 2003, 06:57 PM
I was just playing around with buying cyber and bioware and seeing how it effected magic. Here is how the test went...
0.4 cyber and 0.4 bio gave me a magic of 5, which is right.
0.4 cyber and 0.6 bio gave me a magic of 5, which is right.
0.4 cyber and 0.8 bio gave me a magic of 5, which is right.
0.4 cyber and 1.0 bio gave me a magic of 5, which is right.
0.4 cyber and 1.2 bio gave me a magic of 4, which is wrong, it should still be 5.
I also tested out what Bearclaw reported and the magic stayed at 5, so I think Bearclaw just needs to download the latest version of the program.
The last result of my tests though is still a bug. 0.4 of cyber and 1.2 bio should only take away 1 point of magic.
Dec 3 2003, 07:29 PM
Thanks. Mine was dated 11/25. Silly me
Got the 11/29 version, and it works corretly.
Now, for a new wish.
I'd like to be able to create an ally spirit in the CG.
Dec 3 2003, 10:02 PM
Hey I really dig the app. It's a bit bear bones but it does a great job. I'm surprised that Fan Pro hasn't offered to buy it from you? Think about it if you had some extra cash you could clean it up a bit and put more time into it. It would be a great app to bundle with a SR3 book or other books. It provides value added goodies for their books? Anyone like Wizkids email you with requests for upgrading the application?
Any plans to make a GM type of NPC generator? Basically something that works like a Microsoft Wizard would be neet. Say you want to create a gang quickly you could specifiy say 7 members choose their race or not and set a few attributes like experience level, lethality, and resources and a randomly created gang could pop up. That would be kind of neat. Any plans to go this route? Do you work for copious amounts of beer?
- B-Gizzle
Dec 4 2003, 09:06 PM
OK. Gotta mention this, even though I'm sure I'm not the first.
If I create a character, and I use the extra point of anything advantage, then save the character, I always come back with either stat or skill overflow. Essentially, the program doesn't recognize the advantage as a valid source of a stat point, so when it sees that I've got 31 points of stats, it goes back and tries to knock 2 skill points off. Since those points have already been spent, I've got an illegal character, and it won't print right
Is this being worked on, or is it not fixable?
Dec 4 2003, 10:52 PM
QUOTE (kryton) |
Hey I really dig the app. It's a bit bear bones but it does a great job. I'm surprised that Fan Pro hasn't offered to buy it from you? Think about it if you had some extra cash you could clean it up a bit and put more time into it. It would be a great app to bundle with a SR3 book or other books. It provides value added goodies for their books? Anyone like Wizkids email you with requests for upgrading the application? |
I'm sure Wizkids for FanPro would love too, but they don't own the software rights to Shadowrun, just the books. Micro$oft owns the Shadowrun software rights and they are basicly sitting on them and not doing anything with them.
Dec 4 2003, 10:54 PM
QUOTE (Bearclaw) |
OK. Gotta mention this, even though I'm sure I'm not the first. If I create a character, and I use the extra point of anything advantage, then save the character, I always come back with either stat or skill overflow. Essentially, the program doesn't recognize the advantage as a valid source of a stat point, so when it sees that I've got 31 points of stats, it goes back and tries to knock 2 skill points off. Since those points have already been spent, I've got an illegal character, and it won't print right ![frown.gif](
Is this being worked on, or is it not fixable? |
What type of generation are you using? Priority or Points? If you use Points, you can just buy 31 points at the generation menu and not worry about it. If the problem is with Priority, then I don't know what to tell ya.
Dec 4 2003, 11:38 PM
QUOTE (Grey) |
I'm sure Wizkids for FanPro would love too, but they don't own the software rights to Shadowrun, just the books. Micro$oft owns the Shadowrun software rights and they are basicly sitting on them and not doing anything with them. |
Actually, Microsoft owns the Interactive rights, which includes all games in the electronic media, but does not include game aids for the RPG itself. They still belong to WizKids.
Dec 5 2003, 12:05 AM
Where did you get that information?
Dec 5 2003, 12:15 AM
From Adam and Rob. Where did you get yours?
Dec 5 2003, 12:25 AM
From Brian. I'll ask him about it again, cause its something I bitch about quite often.
Dec 5 2003, 12:29 AM
That's cool. It might be that I'm misremembering, but I don't think that's the case. We have discussed this very subject before in regards to mcmackie's (and others') program.
Dec 5 2003, 02:51 PM
Gah, note to self, read errata first.
Dec 5 2003, 04:42 PM
So, no interest in the Ally Spirit thing?
Dec 5 2003, 05:10 PM
There has been interest in getting something like that to work, but as of now, there is no program for it.
Dec 5 2003, 05:27 PM
QUOTE (Bearclaw) |
So, no interest in the Ally Spirit thing? |
Thanks for any and all kind words
As for the Ally Spirit thing, I've done some research and was penciling it out BUT..
I'm in a massive rewrite of the SRTracker. Basically, even though it will look the same, the internals: data structures, et all, will be different.... So until I finish that, I cannot work on anything else
Dec 5 2003, 08:06 PM
QUOTE (Bearclaw) |
So, no interest in the Ally Spirit thing? |
I've got nothing on my plate and I'm getting close to the end of the semester. I'll take a look at it -- probably just a program that allows you to select your options while calculating the total amount of karma it will cost to create the ally. I'll post to the Community Projects board if I get anything running. Look for it in approx. two weeks (okay, so I'm focused, but not too focused
Dec 6 2003, 04:27 AM
QUOTE (mcmackie) |
I'm in a massive rewrite of the SRTracker. |
Thank you... thank you... thank you. I love the Tracker as it works now, limited though it is, and any improvement is great in my book. I hope that you understand that even with all the bug reports and silly questions we post here that there is at least one (probably more) of us who appreciate what you are doing.
Dec 8 2003, 07:32 PM
I'm having some trouble. I take the Cerebral boosters II in NSRCG, but it doesn't add the Int bouns or the task pool. Anyone know how I can use the .DAT files to fix this?
Dec 8 2003, 07:48 PM
What version are you using? Have you made sure you're using the latest? I've never had a problem with that.
Dec 8 2003, 07:57 PM
Never mind, dipped into the .sr3 file with notepad and manually made the correction. THough I will upgrade to the newest version. THanks for mentioning it.
Dec 8 2003, 09:10 PM
Alright!!! an update to the Tracker - WHoopee!!!
are you working on anything for melee combat? I like the autoroller in the last version, but trying to do melee combat is a bear...
Thanks for all the good Work!!!
My copy of the Dossier should be here soon, and then I'll get started on the XSL to print that out in a similar format.
-Mike R. (fahr)
Dec 10 2003, 10:08 PM
mcmackie: I was wondering about the feasability of incorporating the purchase of Permits into NSRCG. Even better would be a way to tie them to specific SINs, but that sounds like a lot of work to me.
Also, would it be possible to either have the 'Books' default include all the canon SR3 releases, or maybe just a seperate 'SR3' button that would perform the same function?
Dec 11 2003, 09:28 AM
Some annoying customer question :
- Is there a planning for integration of the latest M&M errata ?
- Is there a planning for integration of SSG lifestyle rules ?
- would it be feasible to have an option in the spells section to have a personal version of spells that could be relevant as personal ? I mean, I would be able to choose for instance the Armor spell, but I could also select it, then check some option that would make it "Armor (Personal)" wit hupdated stats, then I add it to my list ? At the moment, the only mean to do that would be to create a customized spell.
- several spells are specific but don't ask to specify. For instance Detect (Object). You have according to the rules to choose the specific object when learning the spell. In tool, it should ask to choose, but doesn't.
Less annoying question :
- to become a real customer, how could I send you some cash to support your efforts ?
edit : keyboards can ruin your day
Dec 11 2003, 10:58 AM
A proposal : a French version of NSRCG.
your tool is already quite popular in the French community, but it would really rock in French.
What I propose you is to make the translations for you, and you would only have to integrate them into a new build.
I would also be able to host the deliverables if you wouldn't like to allocate space for them on your web site.
Contact me if you're interested so that we can discuss the details of the process.
Dec 11 2003, 03:45 PM
QUOTE (Namergon) |
- to become a real customer, how could I send you some cash to support your efforts ? |
According to his website, he has a PayPal account.
Dec 11 2003, 05:13 PM
something else nice that I was wanting (today)
a way to spend becks karma on quickened spells or some other way to put a line in the gm-area or background to the effect of
I spent X karma on Y
where x was a number, and Y was a user entered text.
-Mike R.
Dec 11 2003, 05:17 PM
That actually sounds like a good idea. That way you can account for things you spend karma on that aren't specifically in the program.
Dec 11 2003, 06:55 PM
Except you won't be a customer, you'll be a supporter who donated. Becoming a customer means getting him in all sorts of legal trouble.
Dec 15 2003, 04:48 PM
Mabey Im inept, but where would you add echos to an existing otaku? Where is the submirsion thigie?
Dec 15 2003, 04:51 PM
Its not there. At least as far as I've ever known. NSRCG doesn't support Otaku all that well. I'd like to see a lot of improvement there, cause I really like Otaku.
Dec 17 2003, 12:50 AM
QUOTE (Grey) |
Its not there. At least as far as I've ever known. NSRCG doesn't support Otaku all that well. I'd like to see a lot of improvement there, cause I really like Otaku. |
Right, Otaku are supported to beginning character creatoin. Continuing characters would require more ... That's a low priority task at the moment.
All other bug reports should be fixed now. Check my site for the update.
Dec 17 2003, 12:53 AM
QUOTE (Namergon) |
A proposal : a French version of NSRCG. your tool is already quite popular in the French community, but it would really rock in French. What I propose you is to make the translations for you, and you would only have to integrate them into a new build. I would also be able to host the deliverables if you wouldn't like to allocate space for them on your web site. Contact me if you're interested so that we can discuss the details of the process. |
I hear you but my time is limited. It's not the translation but the writing the code and extracting the strings would be time consuming... If you're just talking about the DAT files, you can do that yourself... If you want, I can get you all of the error messages and you could build a text file for translation At what level of translation do you want to go?
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