Sep 16 2005, 12:58 AM
Con Test:
[ Spoiler ]
6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1 = 6 Hits.
Also, I'm curious, does my Seattle Street Gangs knowledge give me a shot at recognizing the gang colors on these people? Kind of curious who we're dealing with.
Sep 16 2005, 01:14 AM
I'll wait to post something IC until I get Tempty's actions, but it's safe to say you succeeded. I'll call it a Free Action, so you can delay your other actions if you like.
I wouldn't recommend trying to walk away while SlicerDicer is standing there though. He may not find you a worthy opponent, but he might just give you a nasty cut on the back for wasting his time.
Sep 16 2005, 01:17 AM
Oh don't worry, Rydell's not walking away...
Winter (who has a nefarious plan)
Sep 16 2005, 01:19 AM
Tempty will activate her Wired Reflexes 2 as a free action.
She will move to square K14 (should be about 9 or 10 meters), hopefully the shelving will provide some cover as only the rightside of her body will have to be exposed so that she can fire.
As she moves (since I don't think moving takes an action, she will quickdraw and fire her Predator IV at Wiley.
Quickdraw roll
[ Spoiler ]
Hits 4
Quickdraw shot roll she will do a called shot to avoid the armor if any that Wiley has, so -X(whatever armor)
Her second simple action will be another shot at wiley, again bypassing armor, don't know what armor, or dice pool will be, beyond the -1 additional for recoil.
Pistols (Semi-Auto) +8, Agility +7, Smartlink +2
Sep 16 2005, 01:40 AM
Ok, to k14 would be 10m, but your movement has to be divided up evenly among your initiative passes.
Humans have a walking rate of 10m per turn and a running rate of 25.
Since you have 3 passes (at least I am assuming you used your Free Action to turn on your reflexes), you can only walk a little over 3m this Initiative Pass, or run a little over 8m.
After 3.33m of walking you would be at Long range for your heavy pistol, giving you a -2 dice pool modifier. After 6.33m of running you would just barely be in medium range, suffering a -1 dice pool modifier. But you would also suffer -2 because your running.
Wiley also has partial cover from the large Spirit of the Beast that has just manifested itself in front of him (damn, forgot to add that thing to the map), giving another -2 dice pool modifier.
If you are firing from behind cover for yourself, its yet another -1 dice pool modifier.
Wiley is wearing a lined coat with some synth-fur on it that has 6/4 armor. So that would be -6 to your dice pool to try and bypass it.
To summarize: If you walk to cover, you suffer a total dice pool modifier of -11.
------------------If you run to cover, you suffer a total dice pool modifier of -12.
------------------If you walk closer, but don't fire from cover, you suffer a total dice pool modiifer of -10.
------------------If you run closer, but don't fire from cover, you suffer a total dice pool modifier of -11.
Sep 16 2005, 01:51 AM
Actually, I wont have the extra 2 passes till after this round I don't believe, so it should be the full 10 meters this pass.
Sep 16 2005, 01:58 AM
Ok, you are right, your Initiative score goes up thanks to the Reaction increase, but you don't get the extra passes until after the next Initiative roll. I missed that before.
So you can walk the 10m, and if you are firing from cover you have suffer a -10 modifier. If you don't fire from cover it is a -9 modifier.
Sep 16 2005, 02:07 AM
Firing from behind cover both times
17-10= 7 dice for Shot 1
[ Spoiler ]
3 Hits
17-11= 6 dice for Shot 2
[ Spoiler ]
2 hits
Sep 16 2005, 02:39 AM
I have now updated my die roller to allow for multiple rolls without needing to rerun the program, next stop is edge.
Sep 16 2005, 02:51 AM
Ok, the first shot hits him fairly well (he only got 1 success on his Reaction Test to defend). With the 2 net successes, the DV is bumbped up to 7 and thanks to your called shot, he can't even use his armor to resist the damage. But he lucked out and got two successes rolling his Body, so he has taken 5 boxes of damage and hurting bad.
He really, really got lucky on the second shot and it just grazed him (he only had two dice to roll and he got 2 successes).
I'm too tired to post something IC right now. I am going to get some sleep and post in the morning.
For information for
Crosshair's actions, Catcher is going to be moving forward and leaping/sliding over the counter top to grab Wanda and use her as a human shield. Zany is going to be moving to get good cover against Darhar and shooting at him with her H&K.
Stuffer Shack Map has been update to reflect those actions already.
Feel free to post your actions based on that
HMHVV Hunter.
HMHVV Hunter
Sep 16 2005, 04:15 AM
I think pulling the guns and cocking them used up my simple actions (if SR4 is like SR3 in that regard), but if I have anything left, I'd like to do something else. If not, I'll just wait till the next pass.
Sep 16 2005, 09:06 AM
Wow! I go to sleep and look what happens....anyway - now that I have unveiled myself ("AND IT IS MAUVE NOT PINK! Pink be colour your blob on ground will have when me smash you
" )
A few rules questions :
[ Spoiler ]
> What would DarHar know of the spirit - Is it impervious to normal rounds? Would flechette work better?
> What are the modifiers with shooting with the off hand? Would that be smartlinked too? Or does it need to be specifically stated at char gen time?
> My superhero clothes are MAUVE not PINK
> I presume Wired Reflexes are on otherwise DarHar does that the next time he has a free action
> The chic gunger near me is holding an SMG if I am not mistaken? While the spirit will be thundering towards me? Can I hope the spirit will take more than one pass to get to me?
> Don't remember if I stated it in my inventory post - the Predator is loaded with gel rounds.
> My superher clothes are MAUVE not PINK
Hello everybody - I am suprised nobody didn't pass areal-life perception test to notice that th elist of active players did not include me even though I was the first to post on the OOC thread
anyway- let' see how this pans out- it looks like its gonna be a crazy scenario
Sep 16 2005, 12:47 PM
QUOTE (HMHVV Hunter) |
I think pulling the guns and cocking them used up my simple actions (if SR4 is like SR3 in that regard), but if I have anything left, I'd like to do something else. If not, I'll just wait till the next pass. |
Readying a weapon is a simple action, you have one more simple action. If you wanted, you could quickdraw and fire as 1 simple action and have a second left over. But as you have seen, quickdraw requires 3 successes.
Sep 16 2005, 01:44 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Hmm....the Ready Weapon action doesn't say anything about allowing you to ready two weapons at once, but since you can Quick Draw two weapons as a single Simple Action (two tests w/ threshold of 4), I'll allow it. so you do have another simple action.
From where you were standing, you could see SlicerDicer, though all the people (specifically the obese Mrs. Needles and her equally round son) give him good cover from your current position. So you could do a Quick Draw and (if you succeed the Pistols + Reaction (4) Test on each) fire them both at him.
By the way, Mrs. Needles is in a state of panic and charging down the aisle pushing her shopping cart straight towards your position. You may not be able talk her into trusting you, and she is still screaming her head off so a whisper definitely ain't getting through to her. If you want to try, it will take an etiquette test. Too bad for you, I don't think you have the etiquette skill so you will be Defaulting to Charisma with a -1 modifier.
[ Spoiler ]
1)Hmm....what would DarHar know about spirits? I don't see anything in his character sheet that would say he has any knowledge of spirits at all. So he probably doesn't know the answer to that at all. However, he has heard stories of even the heaviest bullets bouncing off such creatures. But that is just rumors and ghost stories. (That being said, I don't think I am going to be so evil as to give it the Immunity to Natural Weapons Power, Hardened Armor 10 would just be too brutal). Oh wait....Materializating automatically gives him Immunity to Natural Weapons. Ok, I'll reduce his force to 4 then. He'll still have Hardend Armor of 8, but if you get enough successes you should be able to hurt him.
2)The off-hand suffers a -2 dice pool modifier. Also, smartlink cannot be used when shooting two weapons at once.
3)I know that, I was just harassing you through one of the characters.
4)You did turn on you Wired Reflexes during your turn, but you don't get the additional Initiative Passes until after the next Initiative roll.
5) You are right the ganger chic has an SMG. Unfortunately for you, the spirit can charge you on it's next Initiative pass. Damn I put you bad position, I think I'll have the chic change targets.
6)You hadn't mentioned that but its fine.
7)LOL. yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever you say.
And I am going to say you changed into the Mauve cape and mask in the same round you ran into the back room. Coming out and saying what I typed for you IC only took a Free Action. So I'll say you are delaying the rest of your movement (another 10-11 meters worth) and two Simple Actions or a Complex Action (Currently you do not have any weapon out).
Ok, I think that is all the questions that needed answering. I still need to post IC for the previous actions, but I'm a little busy at work right now. i'll get to it as soon as I can.
Sep 16 2005, 04:37 PM
Ok lets see just what Zany can do to
Tempty and Mr.Nick.
[ Spoiler ]
She's using a full wide burst on the two of them (equivalent of one Long Wide Burst at
Tempty and one Short Wide Burst at the dwarf).
From her current position she would not have cover from either of them so she doesn't suffer the -1 modifier for firing from cover.
Tempty has good cover from her shots, so Zany will suffer a -4 modifier from that.
She gets a +2 modifier from smartlink and she has 3 points of recoil compensation on her H&K which takes care ove most of the recoil on the burst hitting
TemptySo against
Tempty she's rolling...only 4 dice unless she uses Edge, which she won't do.
[ Spoiler ]
1, 3, 4, 5
Getting only 1 success.
Shalimar needs to roll Reaction for
Tempty's defence. Unfortunately for her, Zany was using a Long Wide Burst against her which means
Tempty suffers a -5 modifier on that roll, leaving her with only 1 die to roll for this defence test. You can have her sacrifice her next Complex Action to go on Full Defense at this time, which would let you add her Dodge Skill to that roll.
I'll just go ahead and summarize what happens to Mr. Nick rather than going into all the computations. Zany rolled 7 dice getting 2 successes. Being a dwarf and store manager he's not too quick on reaction and doesn't have the dodge skill so, combined with the -3 from Zany firing a wide burst, he doesn't have any dice to defend with. Putting the DV at 7. Without armor he simply rolls his body of 4 to resist the damage, getting 2 successes. So in the end he takes 5 boxes of damage.
and is hurting pretty bad.
I'll wait to get Tempty's rolls before posting what happened to Mr. Nick IC thought.
Sep 16 2005, 05:31 PM
Oh yeah forgot about Wintermancer wanting to know what gang these guy's belong to. I'm not sure that Rydell has gotten a good enough look at their gang symbol that is on the back of their coats (only a couple of them even have the symbol on them), but I'll let you roll your knowledge skill to see if you recognize them from other cues.
Sep 16 2005, 06:09 PM
Tempty will spend a point of edge to add 4 dice to her test (her edge), and invoke the rule of 6
5 Dice to dodge, reroll 6s
[ Spoiler ]
rolling 6 again
4 hits on the dodge test
Sep 16 2005, 06:21 PM
I'm wondering at Catcher's logic here. I mean, going for cover, great idea. Threatening to blow away his cover if we don't throw down our weapons so his crew can kill us... ugh. Logic isn't his strongsuit seeing as his gang has already tried to take a few of us out. What if we simply don't care about the girl?
Sep 16 2005, 06:26 PM
Looks like you were able to dodge out of the way of the hail of bullets, but because you went on Full Defense to do it. So you've already used up the Complex Action you would get on your next turn.
Also, it looks like the bullets riddled the shelves you were standing against demolishing the baked goods that were there. as you dodged away from the bullets your face arms were spray with some multicolored syrupy liquid (probably from some pastries or the like). And you are now going to be suffering a -2 modifier on all of your tests because of it.
Sep 16 2005, 06:27 PM
QUOTE (Shalimar) |
I'm wondering at Catcher's logic here. I mean, going for cover, great idea. Threatening to blow away his cover if we don't throw down our weapons so his crew can kill us... ugh. Logic isn't his strongsuit seeing as his gang has already tried to take a few of us out. What if we simply don't care about the girl? |
Your right, logic is not his strong suit. He's a sprawl gang leader that rules by strength, not personality or intelligence, so what do you expect?
Sep 16 2005, 06:34 PM
QUOTE (Slacker) |
Looks like you were able to dodge out of the way of the hail of bullets, but because you went on Full Defense to do it. So you've already used up the Complex Action you would get on your next turn.
Also, it looks like the bullets riddled the shelves you were standing against demolishing the baked goods that were there. as you dodged away from the bullets your face arms were spray with some multicolored syrupy liquid (probably from some pastries or the like). And you are now going to be suffering a -2 modifier on all of your tests because of it. |
Umm, I didn't use dodge, I spent a point of edge. I still have my full action next time.
Sep 16 2005, 06:46 PM
Nevermind, you're right. I am just being slow today.
Sep 16 2005, 07:04 PM
I'm going to wait so see if HMHVV Hunter wants to change any of Crosshairs' actions before I post actions for the rest of the NPC's.
netlich, at any time you can post what other actions DarHar wants to take since I said he was delaying.
Also, everybody, feel free to post IC your own versions of what is happening to your characters (thoughts, feelings, etc.). I'm kind of surprised that ther hasn't been much of that thus far, but it's not necessary if you don't feel like it.
Sep 16 2005, 07:11 PM
Knowledge Skill Test:
[ Spoiler ]
6, 5, 4, 4, 2 = 2 Hits
Also, the moment I hear GUNFIRE (aka Tempty getting riddled with holes), I'm going to take my delayed actions.
In fact, given the context of your IC post, I think that action is basically going to try to convince these gangers that they're more out of their element than they think. To this end, Rydell intends to draw her pistol and level it at SlicerDicer while shouting, "Freeze! Lone Star P.D. I've already commed for backup, so let the girl go and put down your weapons or you're all a bunch a dead motherfraggers. Do it, now!"
Sep 16 2005, 07:57 PM
First off, you succeeded in your Sprawl Gang Knowledge test. These gangers call themselves the Chiller Thrillers and their gang sign is a skull with a bloodstained icicle stuck through its left eye. They are a small thrill gang that stick to small time activities like raiding the local Stuffer Shack.
They have no problems with killing anybody that fucks with them.
That being said go ahead and roll an Intimidation Test (Influence Skill Group + Charisma) with a -1 modifier because you don't seem all that imposing to SlicerDicer but SlicerDicer's fancy swordplay had some minor effect on you.
By the way, you won't have another Simple Action after this. I've been overly generous with you and the skills. Normally using a skill takes a Complex action, but since you are just talking, I let the first Con attempt use up your Free Action for this Initiative Pass. And this new attempt to Influence the gang, to take up your second Simple Action (the first having been used up in drawing your pistol).
Sep 16 2005, 09:33 PM
Well, unless I'm misinterpreting something from reading the book, talking is a free action, but you can trade simpl actions for free actions.....? Or is it the talking is free but application of the skill to the talking is a higher form of action...?
The roll:
[ Spoiler ]
6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2
Edge (rerolling non-successes): 6 ,6, 6, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1
Rerolling exploded 6's from edge: 6, 4, 3 (you don't reroll again do you?)
Total Hits: 8
As an aside, yes, by the math in my head as well, this should be Rydell's last action in the pass.
I'm just stating the above in the interests of clarification since we're all learning here.
Sep 16 2005, 10:42 PM
Speaking a single Phrase ia a Free Action. However, using a skill is considered a Complex Action.
However, here's how I've been doing your attempts at Influence:
[ Spoiler ]
I've been lenient on this. So when your turn first came around I let you use a Free Action to talk SlicerDicer out of attacking you and you delayed the rest of your actions. Now you have jumped in and you used one Simple Action to draw your weapon. And due to my leniency I am allowing you to take an extra Free Action in place of your second Simple Action.
How it would be done strictly by the book:
[ Spoiler ]
When your turn first came around you attempted to Influence SlicerDicer using the Con skill. That would be a Complex Action. Leaving you with only a single Free Action to take in the remainder of this Initiative Pass
Now about the roll. When you have applied Edge to get exploding 6's then all 6's explode, even those that have exploded already. Meaning a single very lucky die could get you many successes.
Unfortunately for your plan, this particular gang has a leader that leads through intimidation. By addressing him directly about the girl and the gang in general by shouting and threatening SlicerDicer with the pistol, you made it a group test using the best possible dice pool +1 for each extra group member(max of +5). And he used his own Edge to reroll his unsuccessful dice too. Not only that, but you get the distinct feeling that they know something you don't know.
When all is said and done, he actually got a whopping 13 successes! A hell of alot of 6's, but that doesn't matter since they don't explode when using them to reroll failed dice. So, unless you can get another 6 successes out of that one die you have left that still needs exploding, you fail miserably.
Sep 16 2005, 10:50 PM
Nope, it came up a 4. Though I personally think Rydell was Conning them since she was lying through her teeth about being a cop, trying to con them into believing she really is a cop and there really is abckupo on the way. Not trying to intimidate them to back down.
EDIT: abckupo = backup... That mispelling is so amusing I didn't want to edit it out of the post, so just added this addendum instead.
Sep 16 2005, 11:00 PM
The reason I had it be an attempt at Intimidation instead of Conning is they don't give a rats arse if you are with Lone Star, so even if you succeeded (which you certainly would have) nothing would change. They would just rush to kill any witnesses and then get out of there before your backup arrived.
I assumed you would at least like a chance at getting them something accomplished.
Sep 17 2005, 01:54 AM
QUOTE (Slacker) |
The reason I had it be an attempt at Intimidation instead of Conning is they don't give a rats ass if you are with Lone Star, so even if you succeeded (which you certainly would have) nothing would change. They would just rush to kill any witnesses and then get out of there before your backup arrived. |
Ok, I can agree with that logic: Lone Star or not is inconsequential to determining the NPCs action, so the next level involves intimidation. Gotcha.
Sep 17 2005, 02:24 AM
A couple of things. Taku will have a second initiative pass (just a reminder). He'll use his delayed action and take out his pistol from the holster. What can he see (you just need to tell me when it's his turn to take action).
Sep 17 2005, 09:50 AM
Sorry for the delay gang.
So essentially DarHar is in trouble with the beastie...One gun has flechette which I doubt will penetrate and the other has gel rounds as he wanted to incapacitate....doh!
Ok DarHar quick draws the Viper and shoots (twice if I am not mistaken right? QuickDraw+Shoot, and thenshoot again ) to see how hard this beastie is....
As I might not be able to get online tomorrow and Monday I will post some rolls
and hopefully they 'll do....I take it I am at 13 dice (3 agility, 8 pistols+spec,smartlink) right? Do I get any penatlies on the second shot?
[ Spoiler ]
Not sure what to roll for quick drawing I will let you roll for me Slacker - sorry
QuickDraw shot:
1,1,2,6,1,2,3,1,5,6,1,4,5 - 4 successes - 5 ones - that sounds bad - depending on how the quick draw rolls pans(if it is still a roll I can fail I want to know what effects it has) out I will probably have to use Edge
Second action shot:
5,1,6,1,6,6,6,4,6,3,2,2,5,4 - dunno if it is 13 dice again - just subtract from them if it is less because of thesecond action....otherwsie 7 successes
Not very good rolls I will need to get some help on my options before I decide on whether to use Edge to try and net a good deal of successes to hit the beastie.
I have rolled 13 dice for both shots and I am nto sure what effect the flech. roudns will have on it either...Soz for the delays I am still learning the system
Sep 17 2005, 01:38 PM
Honestly, I would recommend DarHar run/move to cover and switch out the gel rounds for some explosive rounds, but being a wannabe superhero, that might go against his character. Remember I am letting you have the remaider of his movement, which is 10-11m walking. I'll even let him switch to running (rules say you can't) meaning you could run about 22m.
As far as your shots go, you will be suffering some modifiers. From where you are standing, the spirit is at Long Range for your pistols so you suffer -2 dice on both, plus an additional -1 die because of recoil on the second shot. So first shot would be 11 dice to roll and second shot would be 10.
The QuickDraw Test is Pistols + Reaction with a threshold of 3. Meaning you have to get at least 3 successes for it to work. I went ahead and rolled for you and you did make it.
Just to let people know, this thing is like a tank.The only people that are going to have much of a chance against it are Talu and Crosshairs because their killing hands bypass the Immunity to Natural Weapons. I'll go ahead and say the beast spirit released a roar in acknowledge mention of Wiley's command, so both of them are aware of some new creature having appeared on the scene (and can safely assume it is a spirit).
Sep 17 2005, 02:09 PM
Well let' s not completely change my original move as I already post it- Taking the dice off the rolls I end up with:
first : I rolled 3succeses and 5 1s
second : 6 successes (for some stupid reason I gave you 14 rolls!)
So waht happens now? IS the first roll bad news for me?
If I don't get a chance top reply tonight th eplan fo rthe remaining phases is to (provided he realises his flechette ) shots stand no chance of wounding - he walks to the left and around th eplace Zany was - tryin got flank her so she has targets in both sides of her - and change rounds...I don't have explosives with me so I am chnaging to standard ammo aftrew switching weapons (taking the Predator out and holstering the Viper - or holding it in the off hand if that's possibble)
Sep 17 2005, 03:32 PM
I had figured Taku would have to fight the beast in close combat at some point. He should make quick business of this as it is his specialty. We'll see anyways.
Sep 17 2005, 07:04 PM
Ok, first the 1s are ok. You only get a Glitch if you roll at least half of your dice as 1s, and you were just one 1 short of that.
On the first attack, the spirit got two successes on the defence, giving you only one net success. Because you are using flechette ammo that is not enough to get past its Immunity.
On the second attack, it rolled only one success and a Glitch. I'll say the glitch increases the DV of the attack by 1. So with your 5 net successes and its glitch the modified damage is a whopping 14, easily getting past the 8 points of hardened armor it has from the Immunity.
Now lets see how well it resists the damage. It got 10 successes (after using edge to reroll) to resist damage. That means you did 4 boxes of damage, still a fair amount. I guess this thing isn't as tough as I thought it was going to be. Good going!
I'll go ahead and tell you that it will take a while to do the rest of what you were saying you will do in the future. Holstering the Slivergun would be a Simple Action (or switching it to your off-hand would be a Free Action), drawing your Predator would be another Simple Action, ejecting the Current clip would be a Free Action because of your smartlink, and inserting a new clip of regular ammo would be another Simple Action. All together that will take you another 1 1/2 Initiative Passes, so half of your actions for the next Combat Turn would be used up.
I'm going to give
HMHVV Hunter another day to see if he wanted to change
Crosshairs' actions after I last posted more detailed information on his situation, before I post the actions for the remainder of the NPC's in this Initiative Pass. Then we'll take care of those people with multiple passes.
Sep 17 2005, 07:29 PM
With 5 successes, he gets a critical success, right? Or is that not how it works?
Sep 17 2005, 08:10 PM
QUOTE (Shalimar) |
With 5 successes, he gets a critical success, right? Or is that not how it works? |
That is correct. Any time you get 4 or more net successes on a test, it is considered a critical success. I'm going to be giving the spirit a penalty because of it.
Sometimes, you can get an extra point of Edge from a Critical Success, but since it was more due to the Spirit's poor roll, I don't think its worth that.
HMHVV Hunter
Sep 18 2005, 02:28 AM
Damn, I'm sorry guys. Real life is incredibly hectic these days.
Alright, I'm gonna make that charisma test, but I'm not going to change anything else about my action. I was thinking of having Crosshairs dive behind the last endcap (closest to the south on the map), but I don't know if that's a simple or complex action.
Here's my test:
[ Spoiler ]
Charisma test (-1 die):
3, 3, 5
Sep 18 2005, 09:05 PM
Ok, looks like the first Initiative Pass is over with. I didn't post anything IC for Jack and Angie because none of you can see them at all.
Looks like the only people to get a second Initiative pass during this Combat Turn is Catcher (who had turned on his reflexes before entering the store), and
Taku and
Crosshairs who have the adept power Improved Reflexes which is always on. Others who turned on their Reflexes (or switched into VR mode in the case of
Zelda) during this Combat Turn don't get the extra Initiative passes until the next Combat Turn.
So its now
Taku's turn. Next will be Catcher. And
Crosshairs will finish up the second Initiative pass.
As you can see on the
map gobogen,
Taku can pretty much just see
Tempty amoung the demolished baked goods and Static pointing his shotgun at her preparing to fire. Oh and you may be able to see the fat kid harrassing
Crosshairs with questions, you can certainly hear it anyways.
The striped areas on the map indicate difficult terrain.
Sep 19 2005, 01:02 AM
I don't know how this might work but I don't want to see Static shoot at Tempty so I'll have to shoot first. Poor thing...
Anyways, here we go. I aim for his trigger-hand-side (likely right-side) arm so that he can't fire. Shoulder or more likely the elbow if I can see it.
Also. Taku keeps on walking while doing that, next combat round he'll likely be running.
[ Spoiler ]
Agility: 5
Skill with spec: 6
Regular Ammo.
Call shot -??
Smartlink +2 (??)
Walking -??
Target's motions .. +- ??
Something else ??
Aim +1 (??)
Rolls (in order, so keep the ones which apply, let me know what the modifiers are if possible, and tell me a little about damage levels if possible although I have guessed a bit by now)
1: 3
2: 4
3: 5
4: 2
5: 6
6: 5
7: 4
8: 5
9: 6
10: 4
11: 2
12: 3
13: 5
14: 3
Sep 19 2005, 02:18 AM
Ok, Damage Levels don't exist in SR4.
[ Spoiler ]
Damage Codes on weapons are now a Damage Value (DV) number and either a P to indicate Physical damage or an S to indicate Stun damage. Weapons simply do damage equal to their DV + net successes on the attack roll.
Now every three boxes of damage you take gives you a -1 dice pool modifier. So two boxes has no modifier, but 3 boxes gives you a -1, 6 boxes gives you a -2, etc.
Also note that the Condition Monitor is now variable in size. You have a number of Physical damage boxes equal to 8 + (Body/2), and you have a number of Stun damage boxes equal to 8 + (Willpower/2), rounding up on each.
For your shot, I'll say you're trying to do a Called Shot to make his right arm unusual and call it a -4 modifier on your dice pool (the same as if you were just trying to shoot the gun out of his hand). Smartlink does add +2 dice pool and Aiming does give you a +1 per simple action, but you can take no other action while doing it. Neither your walking nor the target's walking has any modifier associated with it. And you aren't currently suffering any other modifiers. So your dice pool for this shot 10, giving you 5 successes.
Static got 2 successes, giving you a 3 net successes. Now the Predator IV he is using has a DV of 5 and an Armor Penetration (AP) of -1. With your net successes the DV is upped to 8 and now he rolls to resist the damage (he'll add Edge to it).
Thanks to the use of Edge to reroll he got 7 successes, and only takes a single box of damage. Sorry, but that is not enough to make his arm useless.
In most games it would end there, but in this particular scenario I also roll on another table every time a shot is fired and you got lucky. The shot has ricocheted off of something metal he is carrying into a display of Maxiblast Sugar Bombs cereal (in all three popular flavors: Red, Green, and Purple), it the bounce up into the light fixture overhead causing it to fall down on Static (with possibilty of giving him stun damage, though he was able to resist it). The sparks and falling light fixture have also partially blinding him.
I'll post it IC along with Catcher's actions shortly.
Sep 19 2005, 02:40 AM
Oh yeah, almost forgot Static still had a Simple Action he was delaying until he saw somebody destroying his "friends".
He turns on Taku and fires a shot, getting 3 successes. Now you need to roll Reaction to try and avoid the damage. If you want to sacrifice your next Complex Action, you can add your Dodge dice to it. Or you can use Edge on the roll.
HMHVV Hunter you can post Crosshairs' actions any time.
Sep 19 2005, 03:40 AM
I'll add dodge and lose my next complex action. Full defense baby, I don't like being shot at with a shotgun and it seems like two shells might make the thing explode anyways.
[ Spoiler ]
Reaction 5 + Ranged Dodge 6
Roll Result: 4 successes, so I guess that means I manage to dodge ?
Edit: I see the splash of cereal on the ground, but I don't see where Taku ends his move. He was still walking so I'm just wondering.
On another note, how far can one jump according to the rules ? (here's a good rule to test
HMHVV Hunter
Sep 19 2005, 04:02 AM
Making a Perception roll to see if Spike's back is turned (may be a bit unnecessary, but oh well).
[ Spoiler ]
Perception + Charisma (7 dice)
1, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 6
I'll make my next move this pass based on the results of this.
Sep 19 2005, 01:09 PM
[ Spoiler ]
You didn't really see the bullet ricochet off the shotgun, you just know it ricocheted off something metal and that is what you have deduced it was. If you wanted to use up a Simple Action to Observe in Detail and see the extent of damage, you could do so next time you get an action.
I didn't move you on the map yet, because I had meant to ask you just where you wanted to move to, but forgot in typing all of that up. You can move up to 3 squares in any direction. Just tell me where on the grid you want to end up.
You were able to dodge the shot without much trouble, but lets see what collateral damage was created (by the way, he's using slugs and not shotshell). Look's like he did as well as you on that. You now have egg all over your face, well AlmostEgg anyways, along with some BacoSoy. His shot went past you and hit a pair of shelves that contained the two products. You are going to be suffering a -2 modifier on all your actions from now on, the terrain around whereever you stopped at is now difficult terrain, and you need to resist a low powered Stun damage of from the shelves hitting you. The DV of the shelves hitting you is only 3 so I doubt it will do anything. Roll Body + Impact armor to resist it.
HMHVV Hunter:
[ Spoiler ]
First off, Perception Test are you Perception skill + Intuition, not Charisma. But you forgot to add your +1 die from the adept power so you used the correct number of dice for a Perception Test.
That being said, you don't actually have to make a test for obvious things. Without a test you can see that Spike does not have his back to you, he's sort of sideways to you and there is a little girl a few meters from him. If you want to know any more details you will have to use a Simple Action to Observe in Detail.
Also, your actions with the boy used up a Simple Action and have not perturbed him one bit. He is already moving to get up and his questions have become even more earnest and annoying as you have just absolutely confirmed in his mind that you are a shadowrunner.
Everybody, while we are finishing up the actions for
Taku and
Crosshairs go ahead and give me another Initiative Roll, since we are about to start the second Combat Turn.
Sep 19 2005, 01:33 PM
Tempty Initiative
[ Spoiler ]
5 Hits
Intiative 15, 3 Passes
Sep 19 2005, 04:33 PM
Walking toward the troll. As mentionned before, armor was something I forgot at creation by mistake, basically because I didn't have a book to scroll through and to make sure that I'm not forgetting anything, Taku has his armored suit (8/6) in his backpack since it doesn't seem appropriate for him to wear that in a store like that.
[ Spoiler ]
Body of 3: 5 1 5. Luckily two successes.
Is there any way for Taku to eventually take the egg out of his eyes? I mean how bad can it really be..
Sep 19 2005, 05:09 PM
@gobogen: Well you were out frequenting Shadowrunner Haunts earlier. You were just stopping off here before you went home for the night. If you want, you can be wearing the armored suit. As it stands now, you took 1 box of stun damage from the shelves hitting you.
For your movement, I wasn't sure if you wanted to continue down that same aisle or continue you on up closer to the top of the map. From what you are saying, it looks like you are going with the former. So I'll place you in T12 on the map grid. The map won't be updated until I get home though, because I can't upload from work.
The AlmostEgg is more than just only your face. I just thought it sounded more humorous to simply say you had egg on your face
. Along with the BacoSoy and other products, it splashed most of your torso and hands. It will take a Complex Action and at least a relatively clean cloth (or similar item) to clean it off yourself to a sufficient degree that you aren't suffering the -2 modifier.
Sep 19 2005, 09:09 PM
Have I seen any such item in the store? Do I know where they are?
As for the suit.. well that's gonna help. All right.. hmm... as of right now .. hmm... I'm wearing armor, yay, thanks!
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