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20:08:23 Friday, 21 Apr 2062 Red Robin Parking Lot - South East of Rocky Mountain Shipping Company - Aztech Sector, Denver

Felix watches the last glimmer of the setting sun fade from the horizon before setting back in the SUV and calling upon the spirit of the city to answer his call. The energies of the city respond readily enough, and with a mental word, Felix asks the spirit to await his commands on the astral. It's always best to have your own backup ready to go before things go south.

23:55:23 Friday, 21 Apr 2062 Parking Garage near the CAS/Aztech Border - Aztech Sector, Denver

With mission time drawing closer, Felix settles himself once again, this time drawing upon the astral energies to create a trio of watchers. Three feline forms melt into existence upon the astral, stalking around the area before returning to Felix's side. With his astral companions now arrived, Felix turns his attention to the physical world, and to Kliko and Bubba standing there in full kit with the charges prepped. Reaching out and manipulating the energies around them, first Bubba and then Kliko seem to melt into thin air, with only the sound of their breathing to indicate their presence. "Let's get this done, I want to get back to Cali where it not fragging freezing all the time." With one last thought, Felix commands the waiting City Spirit to prevent accidents on his team and to conceal the two invisible ones.
13:08:01 Friday, 21 Apr 2062 El Chubby's Mexican Restaurant - South East of AzCorp - Aztech Sector, Denver

Corsair snaps out of whatever day dream he was in this time. It has gotten worse as the days go on, he is more zoned out when he isn't plugged in than when he is in his "captain's chair."

"I will need a good place to drop the load. It might be quicker and easier to divide up the load into two shipments."

13:08:22 Friday, 21 Apr 2062 El Chubby's Mexican Restaurant - South East of AzCorp - Aztech Sector, Denver

"Take as much time as you need. I'll be waiting on the other side with the car. Radio-in if you're not feeling comfortable." Appointing two alternate drop-off points, Kliko headed out with Bubba and Ludi to the other side of border. Trusting in their passes to hold up.
13:08:22 Friday, 21 Apr 2062 El Chubby's Mexican Restaurant - South East of AzCorp - Aztech Sector, Denver

Jamie squints in thought."Perhaps a coffin motel is not the right angle. If I'm with Ludi, I can display the cameras in real time using the trid projector. Then she could work the layout, leaving me free to handle Matrix security, such as it is. I'd really hate for me to have to deck security and my lack of attention leave you guys in limbo."

"I think we should look for something within radio range to the site that is private, and has a Matrix access. Not sure what that might be?"
13:08:45 Friday, 21 Apr 2062 El Chubby's Mexican Restaurant - South East of AzCorp - Aztech Sector, Denver

Corsair reiterates, "Just make sure the DZ is clear for my drone to make the drop. You know how those Azzies are. Don't want to fail the mission due to the supplies being hijacked."
00:13:17 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 Traffic lights Florida avenue/Sth. Savannah street - Aztech Sector, Denver

Bubba and Kliko found themselves hunkering down near Florida avenue's traffic lights for the last fourteen minutes. It felt like a fraggin eternity exposed in the Denver cold. 'At least Felix spell is holding up, things will get real messy real soon if it don't.' Dressed in his urban cammo fatigues Kliko looked more the paramilitary part then he'd like to admit 'but who gives a frags about looks when the bullets start flying?'.

One of the company trucks regularly frequenting the RMSC came up at Florida avenue. "Bravo, this is the one." Running up the trucks backdoor as it halted in front of the traffic lights Kliko wasted notime climbing up and securing himself to the trucks rear loading doors. 'If only Bubba could see me hanging here being all smart in my climbing harness.' It helped balancing Kliko, while retaining a grip on his kit. Nobody wanted his AR or the explosives they were carrying to clang about wildly while sneaking ninja.gif into a facility...
00:14:41 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 Traffic lights Florida avenue/Sth. Savannah street - Aztech Sector, Denver

With a loud hiss of air, the tractor-trailer's brakes release and it continues on toward its destination a little bit heavier.

"I got eyes on the boat. Are you two aboard?" Corsair relays over the radio.
19:12:36 Friday, 21 Apr 2062 K Motor Lodge - South of RMSC- Aztech Sector, Denver

Jamie and Ludi walk into the lobby of the K Motor Lodge on Montview Blvd. They get a room on the temp ID their questionable Johnson gave them.

Minutes later they open up the room. Jamie turns on the trid for background noise while Ludi sweeps the room for listening devices. After plugging in the trid unit into her deck, Jamie and Ludi settle down to wait for go time.

00:02:36 Friday, 22 Apr 2062 K Motor Lodge - South of RMSC- Aztech Sector, Denver

When the others are staging to the insertion location, Jamie lays back in the bed and jacks in.

Jamie starts with a fast run around Eastern Asia to bury her datatrail before returning to the Aztlan sector of Denver. Once local, she reports to the team that she's in position.
Mister Juan
00:14:41 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 Traffic lights Florida avenue/Sth. Savannah street - Aztech Sector, Denver

With a cigarette behind her ear and another one stuck to her lips, Ludi peered out the window for the thousandth time. Ever since she had joined up with the team, she had always been in the field. She had always been within arms length of the action, or at least, within shooting range. Now she was sitting back, which she hated even more. She knew all too well that Kliko and Bubba were quite capable men in their own accord. If they came upon a situation they couldn't deal with, odds were, her presence wouldn't change much. Nevertheless, nothing doing much simply made her nervous. It gave time for the gears in her head to turn. It gave her time to think about everything that could go wrong; about everything she could have done more, or differently to ensure that the boys came out unscathed. If things went sour and they got busted, Kliko had told her to take the rest of the team home. She had replied in kind and told him to go fuck himself.

Quiet as a mouse, Jamie was already doing her part of the job. Ludi decided it was probably time she got to it also. Putting the Ingram on a table nearby, she turned her attention to the trid screen.
00:04:42 Friday, 22 Apr 2062 - Denver RTG

Paraku transmits in a huskier voice, "In position for insertion." Then she settles back to spend a few minutes hanging out waiting for physical space to catch up with her light speed. Kliko would tell them when he was in position.
00:14:57 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 Traffic lights Florida avenue/Sth. Savannah street - Aztech Sector, Denver

Bubba felt his skin sticking to the trucks freezing exterior. Removing his gloves seemed like a good idea at first, to get that extra grip. Now he was getting second thoughts and they only barely rolled into the trailer parking lot! As soon as they rolled past the first line of trucks Bubba radio-ed in "I'm off".

'Frag' Kliko found himself wrestling with his security line that kept him safely attached to the trailer's back. 'Drek' "Copy that Bravo, I'm only a few trailer west of you"
00:19:22 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Trailer Parking Lot - Aztech Sector, Denver

Getting past the first guard was simple enough, as the insertion went almost as planned, even though Bubba disembarked early. He must have spotted something shiny, or a donut, or possibly a shiny donut, somewhere in the parking lot.

Kliko took a knee next to where Bubba knelt, safely hidden between two unattended tractor trailers in the middle of the lot.

"You got all your gear, Bravo?"
"Mes gots eburry ting yous give me."
"Double, check. Give me an inventory."

"Skies are clear. Ground is quiet. I got eyes on the yard and everything still looks routine," Corsair updates the team.
00:15:02 Friday, 22 Apr 2062 - Denver RTG

Frag, if they're on the ground, I'm behind. Paraku turns to the LTG she went through last time and speaks over her shoulder. Matrix Insertion starting.

She rakes her claws along her flanks, pulling out wispy bits of her icon. She spins and sculpts it in her palm, then blows it toward the Access node.
00:15:03 Friday, 22 Apr 2062 - Denver RTG

The slow motion of what others call real time resumes its normal resolution as Jamie emerges on the matrix as Paraku. A silver-white tendril fires from her form her form as it still takes shape of a dragon, and in the same instant the icon follows its trail to the Rocky Mountain Shipping Company LTG.
00:15:06 Friday, 22 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping company Host

As the host materializes in her virtual perception, Paraku is already moving. She cups her palms and huffs vapor into them looking through the clouds for the external camera slave nodes to be revealed.
00:15:08 Saturday, 22 Apr 2062 - RMSC Host

Before her is about fifty different camera feeds, from which she quickly prioritizes. While Paraku can take them all in at once, her will not be able to process that much data at once.

On display are several overlapping views of the truck lot, four wide pan views covering the warehouse, plus two moderate shots covering the entrances where the Kliko and Bubba should be entering, and then one covering the security office on the first floor, and one left to pan the warehouse floor when ready.

00:15:09 Saturday, 22 Apr 2062 K Motor Lodge - South of RMSC- Aztech Sector, Denver

The trid screen flickers as a blur of images flash by. Ludi shoots a look at Jamie, who looks like, well, a decker, but other than that no other signs of distress. She turns her eyes back to the trid to find it evenly divided into twelve screens.

The four on top cover the lot, overlapping and including the guard shacks. The four in the middle include clean shots of the warehouse doors where the trucks are being loaded, and one of the security office. The four screens across the bottom are wide shots of the warehouse.

Ludi charges her pistol, ready for action, then to her disappointment, she again remembers she is far away from the action on this one. She slowly holsters her pistol and studies the screens, arms crossed, and a scowl working its way upon her face.

00:19:42 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Trailer Parking Lot - Aztech Sector, Denver

Bubba and Kliko found themselves hustling across the trailer parking lot, leap-frogging their way up to the final row of trailers in front of the loading dock. 'Get your timing right chummer, left most door is ours for the taking' They'd studied the trailer routine long enough through Corsairs surveillance drones and the warehouse interior to know what loading dock to chose. It all came down to a matter of timing now, there was just a small enough window after departure of the truck and the closing of the doors for Kliko and Bubba to take advantage of.

00:28:34 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Trailer Parking Lot - Aztech Sector, Denver
"We're going in" as the both of them jumped up it took em seconds to cross the final leg to the doors rolling underneath the closing rolling door, they slipped past the container to their left. "We're in, copy all clear Lima."
Mister Juan
00:28:45 Saturday, 22 Apr 2062 K Motor Lodge - South of RMSC- Aztech Sector, Denver

By the time Kliko's voice came over the comms, five cigarettes laid crushed in the ashtray and a sixth one was on the way to join them. Hunched forward through the smoke, eyes like two slit on her face, Ludmilla's attention stayed glued to the screen. Everyone went about their business. No alarms. No one running around. All quiet on the western front.

Filters finely calibrated kept most of her background thoughts at bay, converting input from the Broca's and Wernicke's area of her brain into cohesive sentences. The synthesized voice, tuned to at least resemble Ludi's, minus the accent and emotional tone, flew down the hair thin cable behind her ear and to the comm unit strapped to her waist.

“Good copy. All quiet.”
00:28:43 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company Host

Paraku turns over her shoulder to transmit. Let me know which doors you're going through so I can freeze the camera feed.
00:28:45 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Warehouse Floor - Aztech Sector, Denver

Kliko rolled to kneeling position, his right eye looking down the sights of his AK-98, as it quickly scanned the floor left to right, from interior back to the doors, looking for any approaching targets that might have spotted them. Bubba knelt behind him and to the right, his Ingram Valiant shouldered and scanned the floor from right to left, just as planned. The workers show no reaction to the two intruders and go about business as usual.

"We gots mad sneakies, boss," Bubba whispered to Kliko. "They dont even knows we is here."

It didn't look like anyone spotted the two, with careful movement and invisibility, they would have to have been looking hard. Any clanking of gear was muffled by the workers loading trucks and the sounds of conveyer belts, fork lifts and other machinery.

"Lima, Foxtrot. Is our cover still intact?" Kliko asks, regarding the invisibility spell.

00:28:45 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company Host

Paraku mentally shrugs, That's Ludi's job. She's overwatch.

Paraku turns back to wrangling the Matrix.
Mister Juan
00:28:47 Saturday, 22 Apr 2062 K Motor Lodge - South of RMSC- Aztech Sector, Denver

Ludi paused for a beat as she watched the feed.

“All clear. Proceed with caution.”
00:28:50 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Warehouse Floor - Aztech Sector, Denver

'Breath... remember to breath' mojo or no mojo, act your part... act as if you belong here' With the forklifs moving back and forward and the warehousefloor buzzing with all sorts of activities, Bubba and Kliko waited their time.

"On my mark".... with another trolley rolled up to the stacks and pallets down the center of the warehouse floor.


Kliko made his move. Painstakingly slow he followed a trolley or forklift rolling up to the stacked pallets, maintaining a position wherein the trolley blocked the supervisor's direct line of sight, while walking along the 35 some meters between their infil point and relative safety of the stacked pallets.
00:28:50 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Warehouse Floor - Aztech Sector, Denver

Bubba bumps into the shelves of pallets next across from Kliko, eyes peeking to his left at works still loading trucks.

With a gap-toothed grin Bubba whispers, "Dey dont inspects a ting. We gots mad sneakies!"
00:34:30 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Warehouse Floor - Aztech Sector, Denver

Bubba starts to fidget after sitting there for what seems like an eternity, but has only been about five minutes.

"Boss...? We's gonna plants dese explodies or whats?"
00:38:30 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Kliko's SUV - Aztech Sector, Denver

What the frag is going on... did my radio stop working or something? Felix muses before keying his radio. "If you need assistance in there, let us know so we can do something. Everything going smoothly inside?"
00:38:30 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Warehouse Floor - Aztech Sector, Denver

"Uh... me donts knows, Foxtrots. Me been starin' at da' boss for 15 minutes. Is he okays magicallies? None of dese worker guys are lookin' at us, so we is just standin's here still. But Kilos justa standin' starin in da space. Me kinda worried. He never told me where to put da thingies, but I can guess and den carry him out!"
00:38:36 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Warehouse Floor - Aztech Sector, Denver

'Breath in, breath out. Don't get all wobly right now. You're in the right lane, now put them damn package up there and between the racks'.

Carefully retrieving the rigged package of phosphor grenades. Kliko found himself climbing onto the second "story" of stacked pallets. Putting it safely out of eyesight for any last minute inspections. Arming the little piece of Denver DIY was literally a piece of cake. Kliko had actually worked before with these type of timers. 'Frag, sure don't wanna be anywhere around when these little fraggers go off'

"Follow me" whispering to Bubba's presumed direction. "About time we plant your charge and get the frag out of here."

"One primed, one more to go"
00:38:36 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company Host

Paraku looks around the host making sure nothing seems to be noticing her just hangin' out. Maybe, I'll record this feed after the explosives detonate, to show to our employer. I need to strip them of any identifying marks though. I'd hate for these to get out. Perhaps I won't give him a copy, just show-and-tell.
00:38:36 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company Host

Paraku hears the radio response as a rumble in the background. About that time.

She cups her paws and huffs into them cascading mist up in front of her vision. She peers through the mist looking for the controls for the fire alarms and the water suppression system.
00:38:39 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company Host

The icons responsible for the emergency door lock and alarms reveals themselves easily. All right, let's start with keeping things quiet. Paraku rakes her claws down her forearm releasing wisps of her icon. She breaths on the filaments pushing them toward the alarms iconology where they seep to the icon to disrupt it's functionality.

Then she turns to the water suppression system and gently breathes the wisps into it as well again trying to disrupt the mechanism that will douse the facility with water.
00:38:39 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company Host

The icons of the maglock and fire alarm slowly shift forms, attempting to resist the filaments manipulating them before settling into place showing the door unlocked and the alarm hoodwinked.
00:39:12 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Warehouse Floor - Aztech Sector, Denver

Kliko and Bubba found themselves waiting again at the backside of rack nr.2 as the timer ccounted down in Kliko's image link '11:35, 11:34, 11:33, 11:32'. One more package to deliver down this rack from aisle nr.1 and they make their exfil along the NW emergency exit. For now they were waiting for Ludmilla to clear their approach as she monitored the Shipping Companies own security video feeds.

"Bravo Kilo in 3, 2, 1 second.... go" the Russian covert ops radioed in. Kliko walked past aisle nr. 2 not even looking down the aisle to their right. Trusting on their Ludmilla's assesment instead 'she must be down and out frustrated about not getting a piece of the action'.

Safe in aisle 1, Kliko assumed a standing firing position covering the aisle and its far end while Bubba darted down halfway, priming his charge as he went. Reaching up to hiss full height he put their grenade rig up the second story of packed racks, safe from any visual inspections at the least.
00:39:12 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company Host

Paraku turned over her shoulder and broadcast, Exit is clear. Exit is clear.
00:39:32 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Warehouse Floor - Aztech Sector, Denver

Kliko covers while Bubba moves towards the door, where he stops at the door. It is big and red, and that means stop, so that is what he does. Kliko joins him. "What are you waiting for you big dummy!?" he is thinking as he moves toward him, but then he sees what Bubba must see. A manual alarm on the door. If they open the door it will trigger a buzzer, alerting everyone the door has been opened.

"Sometimes you surprise me."

"Wells. Red means stops!"
"00:39:38 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Warehouse Floor - Aztech Sector, Denver"

'Smashing chummer' "Good job chummer, good thing Juliet decked their system" The Kalashnikov dangling in his tactical sling Kliko radios in "We're ready up here, Charlie copy exfil in two minutes minutes from .... now"


"Copy that Kilo, Bravo two minutes"

"00:41:36 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Warehouse Floor - Aztech Sector, Denver"


'Rock and roll' Kliko and Bubba charged out through the red fire door. Frag, breathing fresh air never felt so good. Meantime Kliko scanned Sth Galensstreet for Corsairs pickup ride...

"00:41:36 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Warehouse Floor - Aztech Sector, Denver"

"Kilo-One has arrived. Head out the back door, head west across, South Galena to East Carolina and turn left. Your vehicle is idling there, no one is around, residential area. Charlie out."

As Kliko pushed through the door an old fashioned metallic fire alarm buzzer rang from the door. Frag! Bubba quickly followed and slammed the door shut behind him.

"Oh dreks boss! Whats we do!?" He asks, aiming his machine gun at the now closed door.

"Lets go," Kliko taps Bubba on the shoulder, then he points west, indicating the direction of travel.

"Status report guys!" says over the radio, as he crosses the treeline between the west parking lot of Rocky Mountain Shipping Company and South Galena Street.

Via the video feed, Ludi and Jamie are able to watch the dock workers. The fire alarm on the door alerts the workers, who stop and look around for a few seconds, but then seem to go back to work, while the foreman and the security guard go to check the door. Once the door closes the alarm seizes.

After the door slams closed Jamie intercepts security radio transmissions via the matrix:
"We may have a security breach at the north west warehouse door. It just opened and closed. No targets identified."

"Copy. We are on alert. We will go back over the video feed and route backup to your position."
00:41:36 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company Host

Paraku speaks over her shoulder, Security is alerted due to the alarm. They have not seen you, but are going to be more vigilant.

Having control of the camera, Paraku flips the feed into an new location and goes back over the past few minutes looking for anomolies.
00:41:41 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company Host

Paraku knows almost exactly where Bubba and Kliko traveled through the warehouse and found no evidence of the explosives they had planted. She had spotted a couple boxes moving here and there, but only because she knew exactly where to look, and it was only the slightest of movements. Security would not likely discover the devices in time.

Scanning the other cameras, she scoped the security forces. A squad car closing in on the west side, two guards exiting the same door Kliko and Bubba exited a few seconds ago, four guards in the main building moving to the warehouse.

Matrix security? Not yet alerted.
00:41:45 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company Host

Paraku looks over at the patrol car coming in. Camera record is clean. Security is on site in the patrol car, but not through the fence. Watch your visual disturbances.
00:41:48 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Warehouse Floor - Aztech Sector, Denver

Hustling along East Galena Kliko and Bubba rapidly moved in on their getaway vehicle. 'No time to waste.'

Not until the SUV doors slammed shut and Corsair drived off he was copying "Kilo/Lima, make sure Juliet saves a video feed for the Johnson" 'I wonder how this place blows up'
00:41:52 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company Host

Smiling to herself about Kliko's thoroughness, Paraku reaches into her deck and expands the buffer she is using to spool data to Ludi. Hopefully, that will be enough to satisfy out Johnson.
"00:50:44 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Rocky Mountain Shipping Company (RMSC) Warehouse Floor - Aztech Sector, Denver"

Somewhere in the back of the RMSC warehouse two devices started beeping at a pitched tone. Three seconds later the warehouse interior was disturbed by the sound of two loud explosions followed by smaller metal objects bouncing along the neat rows of warehouse stacks. Some five seconds later the white phospherous grenades unleashed their unforgiving payload one after the other.

Two employees close enough to one of the explosions were unfortunate enough to get covered in phosphor screaming in pain before dying a horrible painfull deaths. When the facilities sprinkler installation kicked in moments later it only made matters worse spreading the phospor througout the facilities as secondary fires popped up left and right.

Jamie watched the inferno develop before her eyes as chemical fires spread their way across the warehouse floor. Saving the last of the security camera feeds it would be only moments until the physical cameras themselves would stop functioning. Trailing back het steps she barely dodged the security spider analyzing RMSC system.
00:52:36 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Southbound, Highway 83/South Parker Rd

The rigger-controlled SUV makes a left from South Dayton onto South Parker en route to the next target as Kliko and Bubba ready themselves for the next mission of mayhem.

"How long we got to the target Charlie?"

"Five minutes til we are at the DZ, and it looks like all local action is being routed to the previous exfil."

Kliko ends the radio transmission with Corsair and finds a confused Bubba looking at him.

"So, whats da plan again boss? We bringin' Loodies in... er Llama in on dis one? And where did Foxdrop go? Is we still indivisible?"

00:58:04 Saturday, 21 Apr 2062 - Southbound, South Havana Rd

'Unscatched, unhurt' Kliko flipped an energy drink in Ludmilla's general direction. The tension had been wearing him down and they had two more targets left ahead of them in this crazy night. Next stop was an Azcorp business compound, their goal to wreak the place as bad as they could while staying into shape for their last Mayhem target a few miles down the interstate 25. 'At least we'll get some rest during the drive down there'

Driving down St Havana road they cruised past the Azcorp office as they reach East Hampden road. Turning left again on South Dayton street and East Girard avenue they circled their next mark like vultures descending upon a helpless newborn lamb. Three minutes later Corsair pulled the SUV over in front of the Medical Plaza's parking lot.

"Calling in at Med Plaza parking, lets have a snack and Rock and Roll"

01:30 Saturday, 22 Apr 2062 - AzCorp, Denver - Aztlan Sector

Ludi, Jamie and Felix inserted on the east side of the AzCorp office, while Kliko and Bubba entered the south end. Securing the main lobby, Ludi and Felix left Jamie behind to attack the matrix, while they moved to the north wing. Kliko and Bubba quickly secured the south wing and moved to the second floor. After the first floor was cleared, the team met up on the second and prepared for destruction.

Once Jamie gave the team the all clear signal, the team set fires all across the second floor using white phosphorus grenades that would not be put out by the sprinklers. On the way out they set a few more around the first floor before making a stealthy exit.

Within a few minutes, the building was up in flames. By that time the team was well on their way to their final target.

02:30 Saturday, 22 Apr 2062 - Aztechnology Research Center, Denver - Aztlan Sector

Felix, Jamie, Ludi, Kliko and Corsair mounted the south wall under an invisibility spell. They placed charges at the entrance to every building on their way toward the north warehouses. However, they were detected by magical security, and found themselves in a heavy fire fight in the middle of the complex, only placing a few charges.

Bubba opened up his machine gun on the main entrance from across the street and Kliko blew the explosives they had already placed to cover their retreat. While the rest of the team, now visible, headed for the top deck of the six level parking structure, Kliko headed for the nine story building in the south west corner, with an invisibility spell recast on him. Bubba exited after the front gates were destroyed, and the team was in full retreat.

In the southwest building, the main entrance had been blown open, and security was covering the lobby. Kliko threw every last grenade he had throughout the lobby and down the hallways he could reach. Explosive, incendiary and white phosphorus grenades took its toll on the interior structure and the dug in security forces, who fired blindly out the open door at an invisible Kliko. As the gunfire died down, Kliko entered the office with his assault rifle finishing off the injured and fleeing guards.

Corsair was able to jack into a car with a rigging system, while the rest of the team covered the stairwells. After the new vehicle was acquired, Felix floated the team over the wall, where Bubba returned with one of the SUVs. As they were clearing the walls, three cars exploded on the top deck, which the team had planted explosives in. Once in the truck, Corsair took control of his stolen car.

Kliko secured the lobby, and placed his remaining plastic explosives throughout the first floor. In the largest office on the first floor, Kliko grabbed the computer tower, thinking Jamie might be able to get something off of it. It weighed him down, but he was able to escape out an emergency exit on the west wall. Rounding the south side of the building, he saw a car driving erratically, heading for the main gate, which was drawing fire from multiple directions, including all different levels of the parking structure.

The team had severely underestimated the level of security. However, they had a contingency plan and Kliko was about to use it. The south wall halfway between the parking structure and the southwest building exploded from both ends where they had planted breaching charges. However, it didnt make as big a hole as planned, and Kliko had to squeeze through with his loot. Thankfully Corsair's new ride had drawn enough attention, that he was able to make it through before the hole came under heavy fire. The second SUV was there waiting for him, and he made his escape. He blew the charges in the southwest building.
04:00 Saturday, 22 Apr 2062 - The Safehouse, Denver - UCAS Sector

The team is in the living room checking themselves over for any unaccounted for bullet holes. While battered and bruised, it looks like their armor held up, though some more than others. Corsair at some point took a through and through round in the arm.

The team is exhausted after taking on three missions in one night, and the amount and power of supernatural assaults on the last leg. Felix is sound asleep on the couch, depleted after sustaining so many spells, and being the main target of the magical assault.

"Well... this is worthless," Jamie informs the team as she drops Kliko's found computer on the floor in the middle of the room.

"What's wrong with it?" Kliko says defensively.

Jamie points at the three bullet holes running diagonally across the computer tower. "Hard drive seems to be fried."

Kliko rechecks himself for bullet holes, now realizing how narrow his escape was.

"So," Ludi takes a drag from her cigarette. "When do we contact the Johnson and get the frag out of Denver?" she says, smoke escaping her mouth with her heavily accented words.

12:00 Saturday, 22 Apr 2062 - Sticky's BBQ, Denver - UCAS Sector

Sticky's BBQ is a lone building in a large strip mall. Being lunchtime on Saturday, the area is rather busy. Kliko and Jamie are walking toward Sticky's when he spots the Man in the White Suit heading towards him. Now where the frag did he come from? Kliko was generally very alert, and he was scanning the area the entire time. Did last night take too much out of them?

"Got eyes on," Ludi relayed. She was near the entrance in Corsair's SUV covering the meet with Kliko's Alpha.

"Me sees him too!" Bubba was covering with his MG, hidden in the back of Kliko's SUV at the opposite end of the row.

"Holy drek - he appeared out of nowhere!" Corsair added.

Felix watched astrally, but the Man in the White Suit was masking his aura. He was either mundane or a very adapt mage.

The three meet in an open area of the lot. The Man in the White Suitseeming confident and happy, while Kliko and Jamie were a bit less so. Something was very... off, about this johnson.

He hands Kliko a credstick before salutations are even made. "Very well, Kliko. I knew I had not misplaced my confidence in you."

Kliko was suspicious, how did the johnson know his name. Before he could think about asking, he started to feel more at ease with him. He handed the credstick to Jamie who checked the flash drive on her phone.

"50 grand," she told Kliko.

"As promised. Did you have anything else for me."

Jamie hands him the flash drive with all the data she was able to acquire from Aztechnology missions.

"After I scan this for any valuable data, I will send you any additional funds it may be worth. I assume you kept a copy for yourself to fence, so you may be able to double your money. How would you prefer I pay you? Another meet? Perhaps a drop? Account transfer? Mail it to you in Calfornia? Or do you have a fixer you would like me to go through?"

I don't remember ever telling him we were from California - just out of town.

"Send it to one of my fixer's. Let me see your phone, and I will input his info." Kliko enters an email address for Jaxx and hands the phone back.

"How do I contact you if I have a job out in California? This same email?"

"Uh... yes..."

"Great doing business with you." The johnson turns and walks off cutting through the rows of cars. Jamie and Kliko look at each other, what just happened?

15:00 Monday, 24 Apr 2062 - Bay Area, California Free State

The team returns home exhausted, but well paid. 170,000 nuyen.gif richer, minus expenses, then when they left, plus whatever, if anything, they get for the acquired data.

08:00 Tuesday, 25 Apr 2062 - Bay Area, California Free State

"Hello," Kliko answers his phone out of reflex.

"Heya chummer!"


"I got a weird email this morning. It says to thank your team for the good work and I would be receiving 25k to pass along. I checked my account and found a large donation, so... well, great work chummer, though you haven't been doing any work for me for the past few months, glad ya are still around... so ah - "

"Okay Jaxx, I got it." Kliko hung up on him.

They were sure the Man in the White Suit was going to stiff them. After all, Jamie was still trying to shop the data around. It must be worth a lot more than they thought.

Kliko passed along the info, and they would meet at his safehouse on Wednesday night to divvy out the cash.

October 2062 - East Bay Area, California Free State

Over the summer the team worked exclusively for Radek. With two missions a month, he kept them busy and well funded. They made runs across the globe, including Germany, Hong Kong, New York and Alaska. Tensions between Kliko and Radek decreased, as the offers were always fair, and the payment was always made. While they had additions and subtractions with each run, the core remained the same: Kliko, Ludi, Felix, Jamie and Bubba.

The last few weeks had been different. The last job they pulled was in Wales almost two months ago. No one was hurting for money, in fact, the opposite was true. Corsair had left after the Denver run to pursue an Urban Brawl career. Jamie left in July to work on programming, but rumor is she still freelances, for a price. With work drying up recently, Bubba landed a dream job - he opened his very own doughnut shop - Big Bubba's Big Donuts.

The rest of the team remains on standby and enjoys the time to recuperate, restock on supplies and purchase new toys. They have even had time and money to rent out a space to train with these new toys.
12:00 Sunday, 8 October 2062 - East Bay Area, California Free State

Kliko's phone jolts to life playing one of his favorite songs, "Deadly Love (Troll Lust)" by Orcasm. I smile creeps across his face, knowing that is the ringtone reserved for Radek.

Kliko doesn't even have time to say hello, the fixer is right to business.

"I got work for you."
"What are the details."
"This opportunity just came up. Can you be ready to leave the country in two days? I have travel arranged."

After the complications in Denver, Kliko become less stubborn of accepting travel and identification arrangements from Radek. After several jobs where it saved not only time, but also money, and they hadn't been let down yet, Kliko became less weary. Not fully trusting, but less distrusting.

"I will talk to my team."
"Good. You may need some extra help on this. Can we meet tonight?"
"1700, the Salamander."
"I will make reservations."
"See you then."
"One more thing. If you need any equipment or me to contact any runners looking for work, I can do that. Your, my Alpha Team, but I may be able to get a few runners for you."
"I will keep that in mind."

Back to work. Kliko contacted Ludi and Felix.

Mister Juan
12:00 Sunday, 8 October 2062 - East Bay Area, California Free State

The RPG-9 round hit the BTR-80A at a slightly oblique angle above the second set of road-wheels. The standoff probe collapsed harmlessly against the steel armour, not finding any reactive armour to detonate because of budget restrictions and supply problems at the factory in Novgorod. The main warhead went high order, the jet of hot plasma formed by the sublimation of the copper lining the explosives cavity skewering through the thin skin of the Red Army APC with ease. Superheated air pistoned open the crew hatches, smoke pouring out into the chill air of the Kazahk steppe.

Ludmilla's world was a kaleidoscope of pain, her ears ravaged by the explosion and her skin punished by the overpressure that blew her clear out of the armoured vehicle. Precious seconds ticked past as she laboured to breathe against the restriction of her load bearing gear and the acrid smoke pouring from the wreckage of the APC. Red tracer fire snapped overhead, raking the surviving vehicles of the patrol. Return fire sounded close; 30mm A72 cannons from the APCs burping out eight and ten round bursts. She could feel the heavy rounds racing overhead, the displaced air pushing her down. Ludi rolled over onto her stomach, low-crawling towards the boulders which marked the edge of the gravel road her patrol had been following prior to the ambush. She found, to her surprise, that her AKS carbine was still slung at her side. Another RPG round detonated somewhere close, heat whipping over Ludi with a physical presence, followed by a light rain of gravel and dirt. Putting her back to the largest rock she could find, she slapped her weapon off safe, yanking out the folding stock and locking it in firing position. Three of the patrol's APCs were burning and out of action, now, and she could see the Separtist rebels pushing forward from their ambush positions, spatter camouflage cloaks flapping open in the wind.

Holding her carbine in low ready with her right hand, she keyed the handset on her R392 backpack radio. The bulky nine kilo unit was originally designed for Cold War era paratroopers, but had been pressed into service by the Red Army when supplies of more modern radios ran out. As her platoon's radioman, it was Ludi's burden alone. She’d never been more thankful for its weight.

"Battalion, Patrol Three West One, under heavy attack, request immediate air support!"

Static greeted her shouted request. She repeated the call, eyes scanning the ridgeline and road. A hollow voice broke through the hash on her radio. It sounded miles away.

"Three West One, Skorpion Six Four, pushing Novoya, forty five seconds your posit, request mark and ordinance."

A bullet whined peevishly off the rock Ludi sheltered behind. She sent six back the way it came while her mind processed the radio call. Novoya was the marshaling point for her Brigade's close air support aircraft. The Skorpions were SU-25UBMs, upgraded ground attack aircraft loaded with a mix of smart/dumb weapons.

"Skorpion, Six Four, Three West One, target is northeast of my position, dismounted infantry in the open, expend all ordinance first pass, clear to engage."

That only the platoon commander had the authority to give that order didn't even cross Ludmilla's mind, what remained of his body after the shaped charge charred his hips to carbon was burning in the wreckage of the BTR. Someone had noticed her firing before and now her rock was under a constant pepper of 7.62mm rounds.

"Skorpion Six Four, roger, clear to engage, fifteen seconds."

Ludi dropped the handset of the radio, pulling her carbine in close to her body. She could already hear the scream of the jet’s engines, watching behind closed eyes as the aircraft nosed over into a shallow dive.

Skorpion Six Four released four weapons, a pair of 250 kg unguided bombs and a pair of 100 kg napalm canisters. By chance or skill, the iron bombs bracketed the Separtist forces, while the napalm splashed up the centre of their formation. Heat and overpressure washed over Ludmilla, the sickly sweet smell of gasoline from the napalm canisters making her retch. Faintly, through the ringing in her ears, she could make out the snarling full power turn as Skorpion Six Four flashed past, headed back to the marshaling point. In the wake of the aircraft's attack, all gunfire had stopped, and only the crackle of flame filled the night air. Then, as nerves awoke from shock, the screams of the wounded rose, higher and higher until it seemed an impossible sound for a human throat to make. Especially one burned raw from inhaling air the temperature of red hot steel.

Behind her rock, in a corner of the universe still sane and not immersed in the madness of constant war, Ludmilla pressed her hands over her ears and wept, rocking gently back and forth.

"Momma? Momma?"

Something damp pushed against Ludi's face, and she awoke with a start, eyes flashing open and hand groping for her weapon. The sight of her daughter, kneeling next to her on the bed, though, brought her up short.

Lana? What?" The dream images, still vivid after waking, crowded around the angelic face of her daughter, and she chased them away with a shake of her head. Only then did she realize that her cheeks were damp with tears.

"Momma you were crying in your sleep. What's wrong?"

Ludi smiled, gathering her daughter into her arms.

"Nothing's wrong, baby, momma had a bad dream is all. Everything's going to be all right."

Lana handed her mother a small stuff bear looking animal. Mikhail had given it to her on her third birthday, and she and it had become inseparable.

“You can have him tonight if you want momma. He protects me when I'm afraid.”

Ludmilla smiled at her daughter and pulled her close, kissing the top her head.

“Thanks baby. Don't worry okay? Everything fine.”

“Okay...” said Lana almost sheepishly.

Ludmilla held her daughter for what seemed like a short eternity.

“Can we eat now... I'm really hungry...”

“Of course baby. Go on, I'll be right there.”

She kissed her again before watching her shuffled out of the room. With a sigh, Ludi fell back on her back, her head bouncing on the pillow. Her entire body felt sore and tired. The past few months had been busy and taxing, but her bank account, and Lana's college fund had grown exponentially. If things kept going this well, and if she could invest the nuyens wisely, in a few years, retirement was something very possible.

The young woman was contemplating whether she would rather own a restaurant or a bar when he psec became to skitter across the nightstand. With each ring, it inched itself closer to the edge. She caught it before it fell. It was Kliko... which meant that whatever she had planned for the rest of the weekend was probably done for.

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