Jul 14 2009, 08:39 PM
06:29:40 Sunday, December 04, 2061 - Mount Shasta
Relentless, RG and V roll out in the beat up old van. Kliko, Bubba and Duster climb into the Bronco, and take off as fast as possible.
06:50:13 Sunday, December 04, 2061 - I-5 Shasta, California
"Ughhhh," put your damn boots back on, Bubba. You could gag a maggot with those things!" Duster starts rolling down all the windows in the back of the Bronco, letting the cold winter air in, and the hot stench of Bubba out.
07:44:17 Sunday, December 04, 2061 - I-5 Redding, California
They switch vehicles in Redding, leaving the Bronco for Relentless' contact to clean. Before allowing Bubba in his nice Land Rover, Kliko and Duster make him promise to leave all clothes in place. It costs them a trip to a local doughnut shop, but much worth it.
12:30:01 Sunday, December 04, 2061 - Antioch, California
Kliko crosses the Antioch Bridge on Highway 160, and pulls into the parking lot of the Cafe Delta. There Bubba and Duster can pick up their bikes, make their ways home, and get some much needed rest. And more doughnuts in Bubba's case.
13:30:00 Sunday, December 04, 2061 - Pittsburg, California
Kliko grabs a bite to eat at a local greasy spoon, and then finds a nearby coffin hotel. The place is reminiscent of a submarine racks, but with doors. Kliko's room is enough for his bed and his gear, but that is about it. Down the hall is a public bathroom, which is actually quite clean and has a decent showering area. Not bad way to spend 15 nu.
14:00:00 Sunday, December 04, 2061 - Clyde, California
After hitting up Frank for some day-olds, Bubba heads home. He thinks about washing his stinky self off, but decides to go right to bed and take care of that business later in the week.
17:00:00 Sunday, December 04, 2061 - Antioch, California
Knuckle Duster is already cleaned and rested up. He has class early the next morning, so he figures he might as well start on his homework, before catching a few more zees.
20:00:00 Sunday, December 04, 2061 - Antioch, California
Kliko heads out to his safe house to clean his equipment, prep it for any trouble that may await, and to store his gear he doesn't keep around the house. Just before midnight, he returns home to greet his wife and half dozen kids.
22:00:00 Monday, December 05, 2061 - East Bay Area
Nothing eventful happened for the most part of the day, which is normally good news. However, Relentless was supposed to contact the team this evening when he met the Johnson. It is getting late, and it seems no one has heard from him, or the others that flew out of Shasta.
21:57 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [DUSTER>>>KLIKO, BUBBA] >>> You heard from the guys? Can't reach them.
21:58 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [KLIKO>>>DUSTER, BUBBA] >>> No. Did you call all of them?
21:58 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [BUBBA>>>KLIKO, DUSTER] >>> werhes orwemnonee??
21:59 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [DUSTER>>>KLIKO, BUBBA] >>> Yes. Been trying since about 5. Should we hit that LTG he gave us?
22:00 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [BUBBA>>>KLIKO, DUSTER] >>> wwjhat boutm ore miomee
22:01 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [DUSTER>>>KLIKO, BUBBA] >>> I shouldn't have copied this to Bubba - have no idea what he is trying to type.
Jul 15 2009, 05:43 AM
22:03 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [KLIKO>>>DUSTER] >>> Nope, you shouldn't have. He wants his nuyen so we best bring it to him. Hit the LTG. I will check with Jaxx whether any of them reported in with him.
22:06 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [KLIKO>>>JAXX] >>> Jaxx, we tango-ed with a dragon last weekend. Now R, RG and V failed to report back in. You by any chance received word from them?
Jul 15 2009, 06:25 AM
22:04 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [DUSTER>>>KLIKO] >>> Oh, thats what hes saying. Mmonee = money. Now I speak giant! - Hitting the LTG.
22:05 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [DUSTER>>>BUBBA] >>> Working on getting your money. I will contact you shortly.
22:12 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [JAXX>>>KLIKO] >>> Drek. No I have not heard from them, chummer. Good luck, and keep the words "tangled with a dragon" off my phone!
Glad to have you back in one piece, and I will try to find your friends. Stay in the shadows, chummer.
Jul 15 2009, 07:17 AM
22:16 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [KLIKO>>>JAXX] >>> OK, we go ahead and collect our pay-check with the J. Are you available to hold their cut in escrow until they report in?
Jul 15 2009, 10:31 AM
22:17 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [JAXX>>>KLIKO] >>> Sure, no problem, chummer. I will let you know if I hear from them and you do the same. I got some contacts up north and around the ucas, so I will have them keep an ear to the ground. Keep in touch and watch yourselves, chummer.
A simple "yes" would have been fine, but even Jaxx's text messages are somewhat long winded.
22:22 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [DUSTER>>>KLIKO] >>> Got us a meet at midnight. At Excelsior. I will have to look that up.
Jul 15 2009, 01:51 PM
22:28 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [KLIKO>>>DUSTER] >>> Ok, let us know what you find on the place. I want to know in advance whether I have to dress for the occasion and we need some time to get there. Bubba acts as primary backup in case its a setup.
22:31 TEXT MESSAGE SEND [KLIKO>>>JAMES] >>> James, I'm meeting person named Radek later this night. You don't happen to have a rep sheet on this mr/ms Johnson right?
Jul 16 2009, 01:18 AM
22:33 TEXT MESSAGE SEND [JAMES>>>KLIKO] >>> Never heard of him. I will do some digging.
22:40 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [DUSTER>>>KLIKO] >>> It is a pretty nice place. Ties are not required, but seem appropriate.
Jul 16 2009, 05:38 AM
22:44 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [KLIKO>>>DUSTER] >>> Better change into something tres chic. Can I pick you up somewhere?
22:44 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [KLIKO>>>BUBBA] >>> We need you to act as backup for our meet with the J. Think you can make it to an establishment named Excelsior before midnight? I want you lurking outside the backdoor. We see eachother afterwards to distribute the cred.
Jul 16 2009, 10:12 AM
22:44 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [DUSTER>>>KLIKO] >>> Just pick me up in front of my apartment complex. Directions are attached.
Jul 16 2009, 02:31 PM
22:45 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [BUBBA>>>KLIKO] >>> i w111 b3 three. i nede Mmonee!!
Jul 16 2009, 06:15 PM
22:51:00 Monday, December 05, 2061 - East Bay Area
Kliko ripped the plastic covering from the tres chic suit dangling in the closet. He kept all kinds of outfits in there. 'Look cheap and the J will pay you cheap.'. He checked the concealed PB-120 in his ankle holster routing through the smartlink II diagnostics programme before donning his armor vest and dressing up as the expensive suit he pretended to be.
Looking in the mirror 'damn you look smart, ought to get me one of those tusk-rings which are coming into fashion. Some jewelry would not look misplaced on this chummer' he slid the remaining strands back across his skull, using saliva to get the few curling hairs on there in place.
It was not long before he drove the land rover up to Duster's appartment.
23:17 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [KLIKO>>>DUSTER] >>> ETA 12 minutes. Make sure you're at the kiss&ride. I'm not planning on hanging around and playing the sitting duck.
Jul 17 2009, 12:15 AM
23:18 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [DUSTER>>>KLIKO] >>> I will be there.
23:28 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [DUSTER>>>KLIKO] >>> Waiting. Look for the very attractive AmerIndain.
23:29:27 Monday, December 05, 2061 - Antioch
The Land Rover pulls into the small cul-de-sac that acts as an entrance to Duster's apartment complex. Standing in the shadows of the office awning, Kliko spots an AmerIndian, but does not find him at all attractive. However, he does recognize him.
Duster climbs into the Rover, and the two head over the hill to Concord/Walnut Creek area.
23:58:09 Monday, December 05, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
The Excelsior is well lit from the outside and easy to find. Parking however, isn't. Not only that, but it costs money to cram the large truck in a parking garage with spaces that hardly fit one of those little battery-cars. Kliko and Duster make their way back down to the entrance of the restaurant, ready to get paid.
00:00 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [JAMES>>>KLIKO] >>> Cannot find a single thing on that name you gave me. Will keep digging.
Jul 17 2009, 06:12 PM
22:46:00 Monday, December 05, 2061 - Bubba's Apartment
After recieving the text messages, Bubba continued to slouch on his musty, sweat and stink stained couch and flip through the channels on his old TV resting on a broken stand. He thought about taking a shower and getting clean since he hadn't done so from the return of the last mission, but that seemed like too much work for him for what little time he had before his rendezvoous at the club. Bubba continued to flip through the channels as the clock ticked.
23:32:00 Monday, December 05, 2061 - Bubba's Apartment
Bubba decided to spruce up a bit since a shower wasnt in the agenda, so he splashed a bunch of cheap cologne on which seemed to meld with his natural stink into something even more potent. He put his nicest clothes on, which still showed some wear, which included some slacks and a button up shirt. Bubba finished up by grabbing his sole grease stained tie and attempted to put it on... eventually he got it on, but it looked no better then what a five year old could do. One final look in the mirror and Bubba was satisfied with his spruce up job. He grabbed his lined coat, which fortunetly covered the hole is his left shirt elbow, loaded his lined coat with his extendable batons and a few throwing knives. He made sure his cyber guns were loaded and then headed out the door.
Bubba enjoyed the ride to the Excelsior as the cool air helped cool his sweaty body. Like usual, he hung his tongue out of his mouth and thought about how many donuts he could buy when he receives his paycheck.
0:02:09 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
At the Exelsior Bubba parks the bike and struts, as if he owned the place, towards the back door of the building. There he waited while sending a text to Kliko
Jul 19 2009, 07:07 PM
00:00:11 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
Inside, the restaurant is dimly lit, with accent lighting being the main source. It reflects off the tops of the walls from behind a shelf, giving off a soft and warm orange-red glow. Directly to the right is a nice waiting area with a few couches and a pair of large chairs that would look nice in a study. Some darker red lights come from beneath the bar, and above it as well. It sits ahead of you, and off to the right. The main dining area is divided into two rooms, it seems. One straight ahead, and one off to the left, divided by a half wall, topped with some ivy. Each table is softly lit with a small candle inside an red or orange glass.
The place is not packed, but enough patrons to see why such a place is open at midnight on a Monday. There is an older gentleman of Asian decent, waiting at the podium when Kliko and Duster enter. He smiles warmly at the two and says, "Good evening, and welcome to Excelsior." His words are warm and elongated. Every syllable pronounced perfectly, if not overly so.
Duster responds, "We have a reservation at midnight. We are meeting with Mr. Radek."
"Oh, yes, sir. Right this way, sir." The host leads the way through the main dining area, around the front of the bar. To the side of it is a door. He opens and holds it for the customers. "Mr. Radek is waiting."
Through the door is a conference room, with one large rectangular table, that can probably seat ten or twelve people. Or two Bubba's. The room is probably big enough for one or two more of these tables, but it is the only one in the room at this time. It is decorated very similar to the rest of the dining area, if not exactly. There are only four chairs at the table, one at the head near the door, one on each side about halfway down, and one at the head on the far end. The last being occupied by a slender man in a suit. He rises as the two enter.
His face remains somewhat covered by the shadows in the room, but you can make out a clean shaven face, strong jawline and hair that is a few inches long, but combed back. He is wearing a dark suit, with a matching tie, and dark shirt of a different color, but it is not identifiable in this light.
"Good evening gentlemen. I am Radek. Please, have a seat." His words are kind and he does not seem to hold any hostilities in his posture or tone.
Jul 20 2009, 08:54 PM
00:00:17 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
Kliko and Duster seat themselves next to Radek. 'I know this game, perhaps not as well as you do mr Radek, but I've come a long way'. The trick used to be to seat yourself in a co-operative place. Apparently a 90 degree angle was supposed improve people's communications-skills... that and you could slam their heads into the table real easy when things spiralled out-of-control.
"Good evening sir, my name is Kliko and this is my associate mr. Duster. Unfortunately our other associates couldn't make it in time and we understood you're on a very tight schedule, is that right sir? 'Now just trick him chummer, its his schedule, his problem. Whatever that file is and what's in it, he wants it and he better ups his pay if he wants to get it fast.' His attitude and posture screamed merc, with a tiny layer of varnish to pass off as a 'respectable' entrepeneur perhaps... yet as long as the suit would buy him his J's cred, Kliko would wear it gladly...
Jul 20 2009, 09:44 PM
00:00:25 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
Radek sits down after Kliko and Duster have seated themselves. He watches Kliko as he speaks and responds quickly with a smooth deep voice, "Yes, Kliko, that is correct."
"Well gentlemen, I do not want to waste too much of your time. You had a long difficult mission, and deserve sometime to rest. Money always makes resting easier." He reaches inside his inner jacket pocket, Kliko and Duster are both ready for a weapon to appear, but instead he pulls out a small black case. He sets it on the table, then slides it across the six feet that separate him and Kliko.
"Inside you will find three credsticks, each holding fifteen thousand nuyen."
Jul 21 2009, 10:53 AM
00:00:31 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
Fat credsticks appearing out of nowhere always had something of a tantalizing effect on Kliko. Yet he was here as the teams representative, not the lone entrepeneur looking out for himself.
"Thats all nice and fine mr. Radek but you are probaply aware that three of our associates haven't reported in yet. These credsticks, how fat they may be, do not cover their remuneration. I will need some security to make sure they get paid when they show up again… perhaps you could put similar amounts in escrow with my associates fixer?
I mean, if they don't show up in a month or so, the fixer could provide you with a refund..."
Jul 21 2009, 05:08 PM
00:00:37 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
"Your friends were paid up front. That is the remaining of the balance owed. How you divide this is up to you," Radek pauses, watching Kliko.
"I would appreciate having my information I have paid for."
Jul 22 2009, 08:16 PM
00:00:43 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
Kliko put the flash-drive down on the table in front of him before inspecting the black case.
"Now see, mr. Radek, the point I'm trying to make is I think you haven't paid us yet and I think you pay us cheap... to cheap in fact... Now these," flipping the black case around and open... "covers about me and my close associates pay."
Please do not mistake them for our friends sir, they are not. In the end they are small-time professional entrepeneurs delivering a broad range of very unspecific services, much like myself mr. Radek . You find the result of such services right here on this table." tapping next to the flash-drive
"It would not be more than fair to increase your compensation in-line with this previous proposal for... say an extra 30k sir... Word is the interstates up north are not as safe as they used to be with these elven go-gangs around nowadays..."
Jul 22 2009, 09:11 PM
00:00:55 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
"That is the total owed. How you split it with your team is up to you. I gave the job to the one called Relentless, and we agreed on 60. I gave him 15 up front, plus another 10 for expenses. If you feel you are not getting your fair cut, that is between you and them.
"If you're worried about your safety, you should not be. My associates have word that the incident is quickly being covered up by the affected party. She would rather the information not get out, rather than extract vengeance, at this time.
"The time for negotiations on this subject is over. I have paid what I said I would for the information on that disk. When I have another job, we can negotiate then. I would hate for our relationship to turn sour. Then I would not be able to hire you for that job."
Jul 23 2009, 07:35 PM
00:01:01 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
"Can't have that sir..." Flashing a big grin, tusks protruding in defiance "...our blossoming relationship turning sour, now can we? Please be advised mr Radek that jobs involving the wizworms call for hefty premiums nowadays. You pay me not to care, but they give us every reason to demand such premium." Pocketing the credstricks from the black case.
"Whatever is on that disk is yours sir, but I'd advise you to thread carefull with it, after all you know how the saying goes..." sliding the flash-drive across the table. It spins to halt within Radek's reach.
Jul 23 2009, 09:47 PM
00:01:20 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek"Ah. Yes. I forget how superstitious the people of your profession are. How does the saying go; 'Never deal with a dragon?' Well, that is not entirely true. It should be, 'Never cross a dragon,' but in your profession I can see how it is one and the same.
"If you would like, I can take the rest of your copies of the information,"
Radek pauses for a short second, letting
Kliko and
Duster thinking it over.
Duster slides his flash drive over as well. It only took that second for him to think of agents of
Hestaby finding it in his possession.
Radek stops the sliding flash drive with his hand. "Very well. If you have any other copies you wish to dispose of, contact me via the LTG number you have."
"Now. To the next order of business." He pulls another black case out of his inner coat pocket. He pops it open and inside are a four credsticks. "How do you feel about being on our payroll? I am prepared to offer you 40,000

, each, for your services at a later time. This is on top of what ever the job pays, and is to help your recovery and hold you over for the next six months or so. This does not exclude you from running other jobs, but hopefully encourages you to rest up, rearm, and lay low."
Duster looks at
Kliko, giving him a look that can be taken as "why not."
Jul 24 2009, 12:16 PM
00:01:48 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
'A blossoming relationship indeed'
Positively surprised Kliko looks at the new credsticks before looking up at Duster and Radek 'how come there's only four of them?'
"Sir, could we turn a job down or subcontract certain activities in case the risk outweighs the reward? In my opinion we'd best work on a stand-by basis with a response of say 24 hours max until we're all available. That provides some time to wrap things up in case we got any other activities going on."
"Something else comes to mind as well… how come there only four credsticks down there?" nodding towards the case "We got another associate lurking nearby and three more returning to this area in the next few days. If we cut one of my associates out, or other entrepeneurs in, on this deal, I want to know and meet them beforehand… "
Jul 24 2009, 12:57 PM
00:02:10 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek "I have already made this offer to your 'out-of-state associates.' Two accepted a different offer: to lay low for a few months provided with a lesser payment. The decker declined the offer and is out on his own. Something about having some research to do.
"I am hoping the credstick gives you enough to hold you over until you are called upon, though I know your line of work is sporadic and you may feel the need to take work as it comes. That being said, you will have more than enough time to 'wrap things up' as you said. Unless an emergency job comes up, of course.
"You will be able to subcontract out some activities, but remember, we are paying for
your services. You have proven yourselves highly skilled and resourceful, that is why I would like to work with you again, and not so much your lackeys. If you turn down a job, we will most likely terminate our ties with you, passing the work onto another contracted team.
"Back to the four credsticks. One is for you,
Mr. Kliko. One for you,
Mr. Duster. One for your friend, who is 'lurking around.' And the fourth... You asked about 'cutting in other entrepreneurs in on this deal.' Well, I feel it is best you do meet them beforehand. This fourth credstick holds 30,000

, for you to spend as you please. However, I believe it should work nicely as a signing bonus for any associates you wish to add to your team. I rather you find additional team members, than I just throw some jerks onto your team that may or may not mesh."
Radek looks now at
Kliko more directly, instead of switching between him and
"I trust you to fill your team, or use that money to subcontract needed team members for each mission, as you see fit. It is your team, your money, your judgment, your decision.
"I hope I answered all of your questions."
Jul 25 2009, 07:00 PM
00:02:32 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
'Not too bad a deal, not a bad deal at all... actually a pretty good fraggin deal! I get to assemble my own team!'
Looking back at Radek, Kliko shows a smile telling more than a thousand words. "Well now that sound like a reasonable proposition to me sir." Picking up the additional credsticks, transferring one to Duster next to him. He retrieves a pocket secretary from his inner coat. "I trust you want to exchange a number of drop boxes, LTG#'s and perhaps some encryption-strings to stay in touch sir? Would be waste to have another fixer cut into our new relationship, right?"
Jul 25 2009, 09:01 PM
00:02:50 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
"What do you have against us fixers?" Radek tries some sarcasm, but it does not come out right. He continues before anyone can feel too uncomfortable.
"So I assume by taking all four credsticks, you are speaking for your giant friend. Or associate.
"I look forward to working with you, Duster and Kliko. Assemble your team, but try not to get into too much trouble in the next few months. I would hate to have to find another team. He slides an mPhone over to Kliko. Everything you need to contact me is on that phone. Keep it on you. I will call when you are needed.
"Now gentlemen: If there is nothing more I can do for you, I would like you to enjoy dinner. It is on me."
Jul 25 2009, 10:26 PM
00:03:02 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
"Sir, you are to kind. Could you excuse me for a moment? I've got a couple of calls to make first mr Radek" 'I'll shove my head as far up his ass as long as it squeezes an extra nuyen out of him...'
00:04:06 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>JAMES] >>> Willing to pay.
00:04:07 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>BUBBA] >>> Hang on out there. It is taking a bit longer than we expected. There's some bonus and extra work in it for you as well.
The remainder of the dinner was spent with pleasant conversation. Now was a time to be really sociable to the J who just paid 40k nuyen up in advance. 'How the frag am I going to prevent Bubba from slotting BTL's in the mean time?' In truth he was flattered and really happy with the assignment of gathering and training his own team. They'd best do some kittykat runs as well for them to get some training together.
Runners live and die by their rep. In truth Kliko preferred to live being a cautious badass motherfragger as opposed to die a glorydog.
Jul 27 2009, 01:01 PM
00:04:35 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [JAMES>>>KLIKO] >>> Willing to dig
00:06:58 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
The waitress returns with Kliko and Duster's drink orders. "I will be back shortly with your food."
Radek stands, "Thank you gentlemen; for your time and your service. I look forward to working with you again."
Jul 27 2009, 02:42 PM
0:04:32 TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED [BUBBA>>>KLIKO] >>> 0ks... i hun5riees
Jul 27 2009, 08:19 PM
00:07:16 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - The Excelsior, Walnut Creek
"Lets enjoy this real food while we're at it Duster. We'll talk bizz later tonight when we get some soykaff and some donuts for the giant alright." Shutting of the mPhone "for all we know its wired including a tracking signal and all that shit. I'll keep it with me and setup a forwarding service, re-routing stuff to my own mobile office" tapping the pocket where he kept his own pocket secretary.
00:12:53 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>BUBBA] >>> Hold on, we get you some donuts on our way out of here. there are few things we need to talk about chummer.
Jul 28 2009, 09:38 PM
00:35:06 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>BUBBA] >>> We're coming out, lets get a donut and talk bizz chummer.
00:39:27 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Walnut Creek
They left the Excelsior stuffed as little plumb turkeys before Halloween-weekend... if you could damn afford them nowadays. Both Duster and Kliko returned to the SUV they left on the parking lot, signalling for Bubba to follow them. It was not until a few miles further down the road they found a StufferShack with a nice and quiet coffeecorner to get them all the soykaf and donuts a even Bubba could ever whish for.
01:03:24 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Stuffer Shack, Martinez
"Alright, Bubba, this is the basically what our J is looking for." slurping from hi soykaf. "He needs a team to run his jobs for a six month period. He wants them to train together, work together, shit together all that type of stuff, real professional setup. Now here's the good news," leaning closer to Bubba "if he ain't got no bizz going, we still get the nuyen... 40k a piece, what ya say?"
Jul 28 2009, 10:39 PM
Bubba contiued to pound donuts as he was completely focused on the conversation. Donut crumbs fell out of his mouth as he robotically inserted donut after donut. As Kliko brought up the 40k Bubba's eyes grew bigger and he stopped the donut chopping motion.
"Yous can counts me ins, but I needs me my nuyens now!" Bubba held his incredibly large hand out waiting for Kliko to slip him his well earned cash. 'I may like donuts, but I need my cash too, so far I have been able to trust Kliko'
Jul 29 2009, 10:37 AM
01:21:54 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Stuffer Shack, Martinez
Kliko slips the 40k credstick accross the table. There you go Bubba, I suggest you use it to pay your rents up in advance chummer.
"Now the bad news is that you will be running in my team. Real pro setup, running for the big nuyen if you know what I mean. This J is looking for some talent to climb along the top with him. We need to have a clear understanding that you'll have a suitable supply of donuts on you at all times. I can't have you chasing around car parks with some underwear on your head in search of a not so fresh donut supply allright. In fact I can't have you sneaking around with the underwear on your head at all."
"I mean you got great improvisational potential Bubba and the jobs we'll be running requires us to show some fraggin adaptability more often than not, but it pays to come prepared. Now that is where I come in. Being in my team means I'm not going to leave you out there somewhere to whither and die. It means I got to take care of you and we really got to supply you with some additional kit, starting with a helmet really. You know they got troll-versions of these things as well. Imagine you had one of those when the fraggers shot you with the PAC huh" winking.
"Now we are two strongarms and Duster got some mojo going for him, but I gather we have to recruit some additional talent to make the trip with us. I have to setup a meet with Jaxx anyway somewhere tomorrow, perhaps we should see if he got any connections that could be usefull, right? I mean we seriously going to need a B/E specialist or some petite Face, a true Drone Rigger and perhaps even an extra spell-slinger."
"Yeah, V choose to lay low for a while… bugger that. I guess we can hire deckers on a run-to-run basis really. What are ya looking at?, focus man. What ya think? We're not only paying for your muscle but your brains to Bubba."
Jul 29 2009, 03:58 PM
"I could think betters if you gaves me all da monies, the job paids 15Ks and you saids the J gaves us this 40ks to lay lows. Dat means I am 15Ks short..."
Bubba just stares at Kliko, expressionless, waiting for his credstick.
"I like yous Klikos, you knows whatcha doings... I am always down for some new gears, it beats da smelly underwears... I can be adaptables, buts I really likes to smash tings -you gives me tings to smash and play straights with mes and Ill take bullets for yas."
Jul 29 2009, 06:01 PM
01:23:17 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Stuffer Shack, Martinez
"I'm playing it straight with ya" flashing a big grin and slurping some soykaff "Its just that the job was 10k per runner and we received three credsticks with 15k each. Now I have to be straight to the others as well, see. I made an arrangement with Jaxx and he will hold the 15k in escrow for the others... we get Jaxx to break the remaining two sticks in three of 10k each and divide them between us three."
"...I don't doubt Jaxx can't get his hand on some of the kit I plan to use, but it would be unwise to rely on just one supplier. Now I do happen to know a friend of a friend who can get his hands on that hot milspec gear we'll be looking for I you catch my drift.... I mean don't expect to find any cheap street knock-offs in my crew right. Like I said, real pro-setup... you get to smash you fair share of stuff after I say so."
Jul 29 2009, 07:01 PM
"Alrights buddies," Bubba proceeds to put his arm around Kliko and nestles him close, followed by a noogie. Bubba's stinky cologne and B.O. mixture is intensely intoxicating and nauseating.
Jul 29 2009, 07:25 PM
'I've raised seven spawn of my own... I'd be damned if I can't raise this one.'
"Mind the suit will you..." gently removing Bubba's arm from his shoulders "dry cleaners cost precious nuyen chummer. What are your thoughts on this Duster, you think you can handle the mojo-department?"
Jul 30 2009, 01:02 AM
"I am not a mage. I am not a jedi. But I will try to do my best in both areas," Duster says with a little light-hearted sarcasm mixed with a little frustration at peoples misconceptions of physads.
Jul 30 2009, 05:13 PM
"Is your best going to be good enough Duster? I mean, my vast knowledge of mojo-slingers comes from the kids watching repetitions of Karl Kombat mage on the trid." Kliko exclaims with a wink. "So that makes you kind of our expert in this field. Now decking is easily outsourced so I guess we could use someone in the BnE field and perhaps an extra con man to round things of. If its alright with you guys I will see Jaxx and my dealer somewhere tomorrow and we'll see what talent they got on their files."
Jul 31 2009, 05:01 AM
12:10:18 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Kliko's Home
The phone rings around noon at the Kliko home. "Daddy, Daddy... your phone is calling!" one of his daughters exclaims as she brings him his cell. He can tell by the ringer ID that it is one of his fixers, Jaxx.
"Heya chumma! Good ta have ya back in da Bay Area. Heard ya all pulled off a big one, but knowin ya, I will keep it quiet. Sorry ya needs ta find a new team, but glad ta hear that last one worked out well for ya, chum. I don't have anything new commin up, so I dont know whatcha lookin for a team already, but I be lookin! I know you like em well trained and experienced, but the pool is low right now. Speakin a which, you wanna join our baseball pool commin up in April? Its pretty fun, justa bout a grand each-"
Kliko cuts in, and goes right to business, "Did you find anyone that you can recommend?"
"Oh, yeah, chummer! First I got a girl named Ludi. Damn she is a little fire cracker, but I bet she can handle your B and E needs, and she can handle herself. And probably a couple other, too. She is ex-mil, and great to have as a team mate. However, with her thick accent, chummer, she is sometimes hard to understand. I doubt she and Bubba will even be able to communicate."
He continues right on, to the next candidate. "Sugar is also ex-military and I believe ex-ganger, judging by his tats. Seems to be a pretty smart guy, but can fight it out if he has too. He, like Ludi, is pretty cybered, and you don't have to worry when the mission comes to a fire fight. He also has some B and E skills, and is a great asset to any team.
"Both seem exactly what you are looking for, chummer. Ex military with combat, stealth and team skills. I will keep my eye open and an ear to the ground for some 'mojo slingers' as you call them."
Jul 31 2009, 05:44 AM
12:11:03 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Kliko's Home
"Thank you darling, now go get yourself a lollipop will you, daddy's got to work."
"Jaxx, sounds good, setup a meet. You know I like ex-mil, makes sure we're operating on the same wave-length. Tell 'm to bring their BFG's. I want to see what they're packing and how they pack it after the meet."
Aug 1 2009, 01:43 AM
12:11:15 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Jaxx's Office
"Will do, chumma. I know what you are lookin for in a team. Did I ever tell you bout that one guy I used to run with? Think his name was Screw, or somethin like that. But anyways, man, he is the reason I became picky for teammates. This guy-" [click] "-ran around wearing his face painted white, with bright ass red tattoos all over, and giant purple mohawk! Can you believe that chummer? Not only that, but he did it all in some crazy colored Armanti suits that Dion Sanders would not even wear... nuts man. Then in the middle of gunfire, he would stop at every office desk to hack their computers, just to chane their wallpapers to something ridiculous, disgusting or pornographic. Often a combination of the three... Can you believe that, chummer. Amazin, huh.
"Hello. Hello? .... Hel-lo. Hmmm- damn phone is acting up again," Jaxx looks at his cell, wondering why it keeps dropping calls.
Aug 3 2009, 08:54 PM
12:11:35 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>JAXX] >>> Battery dead? Did people ever tell you, you talk to much over the phone? Want to get social, get us tickets for the next Orcasm gig down in San Jose will you
12:13:43 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Kliko's Home"Alright darling, daddy got to go to the office."Fondling throught he girls hair. "We got some new crew coming in at work and me better get them ready for our next job. You tell moms I'll be back for dinner."
Driving down 18th street and back to his shop he had just one other text to make.
12:18:14 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>BUBBA] >>> You still alive? Hate to find you burnt down on BTL's you know. I'm meeting my dealer shortly, you still interested in that helmet I told you about? Cost you approx.
700. Troll versions get expensive with the horn mods and such. Looks real pro too.
Aug 4 2009, 03:49 PM
12:19:36 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [Bubba>>>Kliko] >>> ye4h butdies! ca1l m3
Aug 5 2009, 08:02 PM
12:25:36 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>JAXX] >>> Can we meet to put the cred in escrow?
13:40:58 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>BUBBA] >>> Can I pick you up somewhere?
Aug 6 2009, 06:14 AM
14:40:32 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [JAXX>>>KLIKO] >>> i got a couple of ideas for runners. When do you want to meet?
15:00:01 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Zina's Salon, Walnut Creek
Ludi's cell rings as she sweeps up the floor after finishing up with a customer. She looks at it and watches it ring.
"Who is it honey?" Zina asks with Russian accent.
"Work," Ludi replies with a thicker one.
The caller ID reads "Jaxx" as Ludi continues to watch it light up and ring away as she contemplates answering it. She could use some work, but is it worth having to talk to Jaxx? Just before it goes to voicemail, she decides yes. Yes the work is worth listening to Jaxx run down her cell phone battery. She braces herself and answers the call.
"Heya chumma! I got a guy lookin to form a new team. They already got some muscle, and the head guy is a pretty straight shoota. He is ex-mil, a team player, and a good leader. I think you will like workin with him. Well, this guy is my top runna, and lookin to build a new top tier team. He runs wit a giant, who ain't too bright, but a great smasher, if ya know what I mean. Reminds me of this guy I used to run with, I think his name was Captain Jackass. Crazy guy, but crazy good. I remember..." Jaxx rambles on.
15:05:20 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Sugar's Place
Sugar's cell rings and rings. At the moment, he is not in the mood to deal with Jaxx, so he lets it go to voicemail. A minute later he checks it.
"Heya Suga! It still makes me feel creepy sayin that. I only call certain people suger, and one of them is my mom. So you can see why it freaks me out, chum. Any ways ... I got a guy formin a team. He is my top runna, and he is formin a new team. He is ex-mil and runs with a big smashin giant. You interested? If ya are, I can set you up with a meet. I am only offerin him my other top runners, so ya might wanna get in on it when ya can, Suga. Yuck. I did it again ... Anyways chum, he says he has a good thing goin, but needs to get a reliable team to-" The voicemail cuts Jaxx off do to time limits. He used to call back two or three times to get most everything in, but this time no follow up is made.
Aug 6 2009, 02:40 PM
13:45:18 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [BUBBA>>>KLIKO] >>> i at frannks d0nuts... it fulll o f YUM5!!
Aug 6 2009, 10:35 PM
13:50:16 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>BUBBA] >>> My PocSec gives me directions for five seperate Frank's Donuts in the Bay area. Is this guy running a franchise? I need an adress chummer.
Aug 7 2009, 02:56 PM
13:50:16 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [BUBBA>>>KLIKO] >>> Antioch, cornners 0 f s4camore and l strreat... down strret form mi ho45e.
Aug 10 2009, 09:16 AM
14:15:23 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Frank's Donuts
This day wasn't a bit like yesterday. Did the tres chic suit dressed to impress mr. J make him feel out of place. Today Kliko could afford to wear his regular combat fatigues pants, white-ish shirt and synth leather jacket, his Predator III concealed in the shoulder holster. Who cared the jacket was not the real deal? People knew better than to mess with a guy dressed like this driving around an overly expensive car like that.
Entering Frank's Donuts it was obvious Bubba was a regular patron around heren. 'What gang dare harras Frank with Bubba around?'
"Good afternoon, I'll have a Pebble Beach and soykaff please... oh and whatever Bubba is having"…. "You must be Frank right?"