Mister Juan
Feb 15 2013, 09:33 PM
20:42:09 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 250 meters south of Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
With one knee in the dirt, carbine held low, Ludmila scanned her surroundings slowly. A faint tapping sound had her attention darting around until she realized it was her own finger drumming impatiently against the trigger guard. She sighed and looked ahead of her, where the men, well, all the men except Bubba, were huddled. She could hear the whisper of their voices, and saw their shoulders shift as they discussed something. Every now and then, Kliko would make a few hand gestures as he spoke. Duster looked a bit nervous.
She glanced at Bubba over her shoulder. Out of everyone, he definitely looked happiest. He smiled at her and waved. All Ludi could muster back was a nod as she pushed herself back on her feet. A few steps later, she was breaking into the Kliko-Duster-Felix cluster.
What the frag are you guys waiting for, tea and crumpets? she said as deep lines creased her forehead.
Look, let's just cut through that she said, pointing towards Dehtorkaman and hustle to the target.
And get shot by the local militia? I don't think so said Kliko
For a moment, she considered slapping him.
You are such a fragging pussy sometimes! When it comes to you getting shot at, you're all careful, but when it's someone else's ass on the line, you don't seem to mind too much. she snapped back, herself surprised by how angry she sounded.
We don't even know if there's such a thing as a milita. Plus, you think they'd really screw with us? Or with that? she added, jerking her thumb towards Bubba and his shiny Stoner machine gun. If you're so scared about an ambush, then, send the two bimbos ahead. They should at least be good enough to soak the bullets.
Feb 17 2013, 02:53 PM
20:45:12 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 – 250 meters south of Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Kliko was just munching away on a honey-sesame flavored ration bar as Ludi killed his appetite.
"Shut the frag up, we skirt this village along its eastern side, then move along the other side of that ridge right there" as pieces of crunchy sesame spilled from his mouth in the evening air. 'Bitch, you know fraggin well we did go out there to find Sugar bleeding all over the jungle floor,' "We're no good feeding our families when we're very brave and very dead and that's the end of it."
It was as if Ludi's challenge had cleared up his mind. They could have entered the village and barter for a ride with the village people. Truth was the place gave him the creeps. 'It was just about the right distance for a ghoul colony preying on the Tehran population' and no BattleTactm overlay could fix that for him right now. 'Heavy mortars on the other hand can fix about everything. Even only a little applied firepower woud make short work of any locals out there'
"This place has a bad vibe about it Lima. Your fancy poncho ain't gonna hide you from a pack of ghouls craving the flesh on your precious little face.... We're moving out." Without a further word he sipped some water from the camelbag and moved ahead double time. 'The sooner we are out here, the better'
Feb 18 2013, 04:53 AM
20:49:56 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern road boardering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Moving quickly and quietly along the road past Dehtorkaman, the runners keep their eyes on the town. The sounds of various animals has grown louder as they gotten closer, but it had shortly become quite soothing and tranquil.
A dogs bark breaks the peace. Then another. Then another. What started off with a few solo barks quickly escalates into angry barking, growling and howling from at least four or five dogs in the town, a block or more away. Chickens can be heard with their flapping of wings and now quick and loud whooing and clucking as they scatter from danger. It sounds like not all of them make it.
The pack seems to grow quickly as more barking takes the night, throughout the village.
"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." Ludi hears from her left. Not more than 10 meters away a large mangy mutt comes around from behind a wood pile. Staring her down, his head down, teeth bared, scruffy fur standing up, its growl continues as it slowly approaches.
Mister Juan
Feb 23 2013, 03:41 PM
20:50:02 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern road boardering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
She saw it come from around a pile of wood. Fur, fangs and full of bad attitude. Immediately, Ludi stopped in her track, he weight somewhere between her hip and her knee. She knew, not from first hand experience, that animals had a tendency to chase things that ran. Even domesticated dogs did it. It was hard-coded in them. She also remembered a corporal she had been stationed with, in Siberia, who had told her that wild animals only attacked humans out of hunger or to protect their young. And that was all of Ludi's expertise concerning animals. Well, beside Trotsky, the pet rabbit her parents had gotten her and her sister about 20 ago. Somehow, she didn't think there was a lot in common between bunnies and feral dog.
For a moment, she thought of the energy bar in her pocket. She could feel it pressing against her thigh, but in the time it would take her to grab it and unwrap it, odds were, the thing would be at her throat and all she could do was curse Kliko with her dying breath. Being killed by a dog, somehow, didn't seem like a good plan.
Ludi kept the AK at waist level. The carbine version of the tried and proven battle rifle had, originally, never been quite designed for suppressed fire, which was why Ludi had always favoured other weapons when it came to being discreet. With it's front gas block, placed just over the barrel, bringing the noise level down was possible, but not particularly effective. When the first shot went out, in the silence of the night, it felt to Ludi like a bomb had gone off. Dirt kicked off into the dog's face, making him wince for a moment as he jerked back. Right then and there, Ludmila felt glad she wasn't going to have to put it down. That and the fact she was using one of the most expensive ammo on the market to shoot a dog...
But things didn't go her way. What she thought would suffice in the dance of fight/flight/submit/posture hadn't quite worked. Apparently, this dog and her had more in common then she had expected: they were both dangerous in closer quarter, impulsive, and packed quite a bite. As she looked at it, growling and drooling, for a brief moment, all she could think of was Lana sitting in Bubba's donut shop last week and asking her if they could get a dog for Christmas.
It barked. She saw his muscle tighten up and coil themselves. The danger became immediate and Ludi's instinct kicked into gear. The dog inched forward. The three bullets were so close together it sounded like a single shot. In the cold air of the desert, condensation curled up gently from the thick sound suppressor. She kept the weapon trained on the dog's carcass for a beat, making sure it wasn't about to get up. It twitched twice, and would have probably made a sound, expect half its head was a few feet away.
Ludmila uncurled from her shooting position and began walking away.
She wondered why she didn't feel bad.
Feb 23 2013, 09:04 PM
20:51:08 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern road boardering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Kliko had stopped when he heard the dog bark so closely behind him. He turned in time to see Ludi put the poor mangy bastard down. He watched her as fell out of her shooting stance, and walked toward him.
As she approached, he noticed something odd. He was expecting a cold glare and some sort of an I-told-you-so response, but instead he saw a woman who had never seen: a happy Ludi.
"Why are you smiling?"
"I'm not," yet unbeknownst to Ludi, she was smiling.
"Was it necessary to take up target practice on some poor mangy mutt?"
"Poor? The thing was going to rip my throat open."
"I walked past him 30 seconds ago, and he didn't look too violent."
"Maybe he can smell his own-kind."
Kliko just glared at her, a glare that she normally gave him when he was being sarcastic.
"Anyways," Ludi continued, "I told you so."
By now the two idiots caught up with them.
"Ugh, I can't believe you guys shot that poor puppy. Ohmygod, he was sooooo cute!"
"Cute!? That fragger was at least 150 pounds of muscle and teeth... Why am I defending myself to these two?" At this point she turned to face V and Starling. "Next dog we see, why don't you guys go and pet it."
Kliko looked past them at the remains of the shepherd bastard mutt mix. It hadn't seemed that aggressive when he passed it.
Feb 24 2013, 10:53 AM
20:55:43 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern road boardering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Kliko worked out the math in his head as they followed the trail down to Tehran '4 shots, 28 nuyen a pop... that's one expensive puppy'.
Feb 27 2013, 05:31 AM
20:55:45 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road boardering Dehtorkaman 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Kliko quickened his pace to close the distance that had grown between him and the point men.
Ludi watched him hustle off, his gear softly thumping as he moved ahead. She looked back at the two dolts then back at the dog remains. Cute puppy? Didn't seem violent? Am I the only one taking a village full of barking rabies-infested dogs seriously?
She lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply as the two girls gave her looks of disgust.
"What now!?"
"Oh my god. Second hand smoke." V said as-matter-of-factly.
Ludi looks around at her surroundings, "Seriously? You're worried about this and not a dog about to eat your face."
"Second hand smoke kills," Starling informs her.
"Not reliably," Ludi breathes the smoke into their faces.
She adjusts her gear then falls back onto the trail.
Mar 1 2013, 12:05 AM
20:55:51 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Bubba approaches the group, "Donut breaks?"
Ludi continues on, and the girls just scoff.
Bubba frowns, looking at the headless carcass of the dog. If dose dogs gots Ludis and Klikos riled up, mees betta be readies to shoots dem. He shoves another couple donnettes in his mouth, stuffing his cheeks with a mixture of waxy chocolate and powdered sugar goodness. This brings a toothy smile to his face, but his muscles do not relax. A city full of barking dogs is giving him conflicting emotions which he cannot exactly place, and definitely can't put into words, or at least not proper English. All those dogs started barking as they approached the city, even though they had been extra sneaky. Something wasn't sitting right in his over-sized gut. On the other hand, he was looking forward to seeing what his machine gun could do to a pack of dogs. But me likes dogs...?
21:01:22 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
100 meters behind the point men, Felix and Duster
What the frag? Kliko hears some commotion ahead. He cannot understand what the man is yelling, seems to be gibberish on all his linguasofts.
Ludi hears it to. She drops to a knee, rifle shouldered, eyes down the sights, scanning the small section of village just off the road ahead of them. Bubba better be watching my back, she thinks, the memory of the dog still fresh in her mind. Of all people, she had never doubted Bubba having her back before, but she doesn't have any guilt about those feelings now. Her top priority is Lana, and getting herself home safely for her daughter.
21:01:22 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Point, 100 meters ahead of the group
Felix spots him first. Running down the road from the village toward Duster. He is carrying an old AK-47 and yelling, but he cannot make anything out except for a few Arabic curse words.
Duster turns to the yelling and gunshots, ready for battle with an opposing faction. Instead, he spots a man in tattered clothes, shooting a fully automatic rifle at random; in the air, into the ground, to his left, right, behind him, and in front of him - where Duster is standing.
The crazed man doesn't seem to know how to handle the weapon, but that doesn't make it's bullets any less deadly, just less accurate. However, it is apparent he knows one thing: how to reload.
Mar 1 2013, 11:37 PM
20:01:24 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Point, 100 meters ahead of the group
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Hearing the rattle of automatic fire, Felix rotates and flinches with the whine of unaimed shots passing far to near for comfort. He reaches out and with a sharp twisting motion sends of his hands sends magical energy pouring out around the crazed figure, sweat beading on the forehead of the floating shaman from the effort.
The man in tattered clothes breaks off his cursing midword, as his body collapses bonelessly to the ground midstride. The AK clatters to the ground just beyond his outstretched fingers as he lays there in the dust.
"Let's get the frag away from this village before anyone investigates."
Mar 2 2013, 09:39 PM
20:01:30 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 – Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Ludi and Kliko dropped to a kneeling firing position. Weapons ready, smartlink II interfaces whizzed into life in their field of view. By the time they were ready to call a shot, the wave of magical energy had already bull-rushed the tattered man some 100m down the road. It was all over before it even begun. Whatever "it" was. Turnign towards Dehktorman he scanned the outskirts for other threats, finding none immediate.
"Copy that Foxtrot, we're all clear. Lets move out double time. 'Guess this is what you get when you kill someone's pet dog.'
Mar 4 2013, 03:05 AM
20:01:59 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Hearing the rounds fired from ahead and listening to the comm link Bubba's combat anticpation began to elevate. He gripped the Stoner Ares HMG and cracked a smile. 'Whens am I gonnas get to use this bad boy!
"Why's use guys gets to have all the funs, nothins but crickets and dead dog carcasses back heres."
Mar 4 2013, 10:14 PM
21:03:12 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran, Rear guard, 20 meters behind team
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
The barking and howling dies down after Bubba clears the dirt road intersection. He was really hoping to answer the dogs' barking with the barking of his MG. If anyone were to look back at him, they would see that the giant was now dragging his feet in the dirt a little, and stomping a bit more. He takes his anger out on a small rock sitting in the road, kicking it off the road. He continues along, pouting, wondering why he didn't get something to shoot.
He looks back at the intersection he had passed not more than thirty seconds ago, and a smile creeps upon his face. He raises the S-A up to his shoulder, targeting three dogs, sitting there, watching him. The dog he has lined up cocks his head sideways, just like Bubba does when he is curious.
"Awwwwww.... Dammit," Bubba mutters. "Dey is too cutes for mes to shoots!"
He continues along, looking back ever few seconds, only to find that the curious dog is following. It stops and sits every time Bubba stops to look back, while the other two are still sitting at the intersection.
Bubba aims his gun again at the dog, and again it just cocks its head sideways. "Goes away! Me wants to shoot someting, but not yous! Stupid dog!"
21:03:31 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Duster and Felix are now following the road as it leads away from the village. They can feel the tension fall way as soon as they turned the corner.
Kliko scans the road through the sights of his rifle. He sees nothing but the dead body of the attacker Felix had taken down. Damn, it's great to have a mage like that on the team. He takes a knee, looking for someone to unload on, waiting for Ludi to take his position.
Ludi relieves him, and Kliko continues on the road, somewhat disappointed that no other crazy men attacked. No sooner had he taken his first step, Ludi called out, "I got movement."
Kliko spun on his heel, ready to open fire, but he saw nothing, even with his enhanced vision. "Where?"
Ludi squints, trying to locate the figure she had seen. "He was right out in the open. Not on the road but about 15 meters or so southwest of the dead guy. Then, I don't know, he just vanished into the shadows."
"Don't know. Didn't see a gun. Maybe."
Ludi and Kliko's pulses quicken with anticipation of battle. Fear of mages, or blood lust? Normally Kliko and Ludi are cool under pressure, and it is odd that they would have any physiological reaction to this situation, that is common in both their histories, and expected on this or any other mission. Maybe it is the air, that has seemed to have grown a bit colder in the past few seconds.
Neither Kliko nor Ludi say anything to the other, or notice the change in the other. Both are waiting for the shadow Ludi had seen to reappear; Kliko with a tight-lipped smile of anticipated excitement, another battle to win; Ludi with sneer of frustration and anger, ready to defend her life one more time.
Mister Juan
Mar 5 2013, 01:17 AM
21:03:46 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
One knee in the dirt, the skeleton stock of the carbine pressed into her shoulder, Ludi could feel a knot tighten just between her eyebrows. Her back molars kept grinding against each other. First some feral dog, now this? Someone had been there; right fragging there, standing out in the open like some kind of desert scarecrow. In the corner of her field of vision, at 30% opacity, her smartlink told her there was a round in the chamber and the weapon was hot. She knew Kliko was wired for ultrasound and that, even if by some 6th world trickery something had gone invisible, he could still spot it. But he didn't. All the bandwidths she went through came back blank. Slowly, she scanned from left to right, looking for movement amongst the dirt and rock. Looking for everything and anything.
In the back of her mind, something made of silicon and microcircuits came to life, translating thoughts into words. They ran down the silvery hair thin cord from behind her ear and to her combat vest. A microseconds later, her transduced voice came over the comm system.
Something's not right. said a slightly robotic voice that didn't quite sound like her.
She doubted Kliko would approve of her transmitting her personal opinion to everyone, but right now, it mattered little to her. She felt jumpy. She felt wired. She felt aggressive. She felt the air around her was seeping into her pores like some sickly oil. She felt hot and cold and wanted to shiver.
Ludmilla tried to swallow and found her mouth dry. She decided to swallow her pride instead.
Foxtrot. We had movement. 9 o'clock. Possible mage.
Her jaw twitched all the way to her temple. Part of her felt like filling the air with lead. The other part just wanted to go home. She switched frequency and transmitted to Kliko only.
I've got a bad feeling. Something's off here...
Mar 9 2013, 12:03 PM
21:03:52 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
They found themselves hunched in a keeling firing position just to the side of the dirt track circling Dekhtomoran. It sucked cock hard as cover, but right now any cover was better then no cover at all.
"Whatever the frag it is, its not physical. My audio bands come in negative and I'm hearing the dogs pitching just fine."
'We need to get the frag out of here'
"Foxtrot, Delta, hows the mojo world around here? Confirm we're clear to go"
Mar 10 2013, 07:41 PM
21:04:04 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 30m above the Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Spinning around to look back towards the village and floating higher for a better perspective, Felix continues to float slowly away from the village. He directs his attention partially towards the astral world as he becomes dual natured.
"I've got you covered from up high Kilo. You look clear for now. Recommend we regroup ~300m outside the village. If this little village felt like this, what is Teheran gonna be like?"
Mar 17 2013, 07:30 PM
21:03:55 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of TehranWeather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Bubba turned back again and the dog was still there. He stopped and looked at the mutt, cocked his head to the side, and studied him. The dog did the same.
"Stop followin me dumb dog."
He continued on, but the dog did not obey his command. Bubba stopped again, "Supid dog. Stop followin me!"
The dog stuck out his tongue, and panted. Bubba did the same, frustrated with the mangy canine.
"Fine then dog, you can bes my friend, buts you needs name..." he pauses, tongue hanging from his mouth, as he thinks.
Something's not right," Ludi said over the radio. Foxtrot. We had movement. 9 o'clock. Possible mage.
"Oh yeah," a wicked smile came over Bubba's face. The dog let out small growl at this. "Times to rock n' roll!" Bubba says, petting his gun. "Comon d- err... Comon SPRINKLES!"
With that Bubba heads for Kliko's position.
21:04:05 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
On the astral realm, a thin black ribbon touched Bubba's aura. It was hard for Felix to see it, but the fact that Bubba's aura darkened slightly at the same instant had caught his attention. He looked closer, but the dark ribbon was no longer visible.
Felix took a close look at the other members. Had their auras changed as well? He wasn't familiar enough with V or Starling, but their auras appeared... Different. Different than any aura he had seen. Almost as if they were empty somehow.
Duster looked fine, Kliko a little darker than normal, possibly. Ludi was definitely darker, and there it was. A thick black ribbon of smoke running into the village, fading away into the void. He scanned his teammates more closely finding a thin black thread running off Kliko's aura as well.
21:04:10 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Kliko waves V and Starling on as they approach the intersection. They continue up the road, seemingly unaware of any dangers.
"Ludi, go. Felix and I got cover until Bubba gets here."
Ludi reluctantly picks up and goes. She has the feeling Kliko doesn't believe her. Why would he not want her in the fight. Wasn't she the only one to actually see this "mage?"
21:04:10 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Bubba arrived shortly after Ludi had moved out. He took up position across from Kliko, Sprinkles a few meters behind him. The anticipation of combat had Bubba smiling, his MG's safety selector already in the full-automatic position, his fat sausage finger in the trigger well.
"Wheres do I shoot!?"
Sprinkles began barking and growling, alerting Kliko to his presence.
Kliko turned to find a dog, rabid as ever moving in on Bubba.
Mar 17 2013, 10:01 PM
21:04:12 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Seeing the thin tendrils connecting his team to the village set alarms ringing in Felix's head, and the dimmed auras moved things well into the sphincter tightening. With a deep breath and a mental shake he triggers his radio. "All units this is Foxtrot, pop smoke and break LOS with the village yesterday. Get your fraggin little selves over the ridgeline away from the village. Delta find us a nice little spot for us to regroup with the ridge between us and the village. Victor once you get to Delta come back on the astral to back me up if needed."
With the warning given, Felix takes another controlled breath to center himself before reaching back out magically to try and break the hold the black tendrils have on his teammates. If this was easy they wouldn't have hired us now would they... this is gonna hurt, just hope it hurts whatever this is more than the team... or me
Mar 21 2013, 08:31 PM
21:04:18 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 – Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
The mangy mutt was sneaking up Bubba, fangs bared, ready to hamstring the giant troll into a poor screaming, but foremost immobile and thus dead combat monster. 'No way Josι, you're going down' "All units this is Foxtrot, pop smoke and break LOS with the village yesterday...."
'Frag, mage...' Diving for cover ... again ... Kliko deployed one of two smoke grenades brought along for the occasion switching out his low-light vision mods for his thermographic one. As the smoke started pouring out, he found himself flanking back along the track's east-side, sneaking upon the Mangy mutt headed for Bubba's back end. 'Feel the wrath of my combat boots cocksucking mutt'.
It was to late by the time the rabid dog turned his head in Kliko's direction. The rubber-soled combat boots smashed into the rabid dog's flank with a firm *thud*, knocking the living shit out out of the poor creature.
Mar 23 2013, 02:52 AM
21:04:20 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 – Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
At Kliko's command of retreat, Bubba's shoulders dropped. His anxious excitement turned to sour disappointment. He watched as Kliko popped smoke and ran away. Who is dat guy to tells me whats to dos? Me wants to shoots a mage!
It took Bubba a second to realize his commander was running the wrong way. He was running toward Sprinkles, who was looking at the charging orc with that familiar confused look and cocked head. Sprinkles turned to run, but it was too late.
21:04:25 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 – Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
As Kliko approached, the dog turned, mangy hair standing up along its back. Kliko saw the dog turn towards him, ready to pounce, drooling and growling. With a heavy boot and a toothy smile, he place kicked the vicious beast down the road and into hell.
21:04:27 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 – Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Bubba watched in horror Kliko's boot had landed underneath the Sprinkle's ribs, lifting the 30 pound dog three feet in the air, flipping end over end. He let out a horrific yelp upon lift off, crashing down on his side with a whimper, 5 meters down the road, where the poor dog slid another meter or two along the gravel.
Mar 25 2013, 06:13 PM
21:05:27 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
"Damits Kilos you killed Sprinkles!! He was all alones! Yous and Limas needs to kill mages and not puppies!!"
Visibly upset at Kliko's actions towards the mangy mutt, Bubba relunctly followed Kliko's lead to cover.
"Whats we hiding from Foxtrots? I donts want to be next to a puppy killer for much longers."
Mar 28 2013, 02:32 AM
21:05:29 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 – Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Felix curses to himself as he watches the tendril reaching out from Kliko thicken and spread as his aura dims ever so slightly. That thin tendril had resisted just about everything that he could think of to detach it from his teammates. He curses again as he keys the radio to respond to Bubba
"Nothing I've ever seen before Bravo, after seeing Kilo just do that, it seems to drain something out of people based on their actions and emotions. Breaking LOS tends to stop most magics so get your donut loving belly away from that town. Delta should be securing a rally point over the ridge. Kilo get your ass moving faster, you could've outrun the fraggin dog."
Mar 29 2013, 12:56 PM
21:05:35 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 – Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
"That thing had teeth the size of my head and glowing red eyes. I wasn't going to turn my back on that!"
Kliko was running up the trail, teeth clenched as tight as his fists. Now he knew what Ludi had seen. Seemingly normal dogs turning rabid in a split second. He pondered this making his way out of the combat zone, when he came to a dead stop. Who is in charge of this mission? I want to kill that mage. He turns to look at the village, scanning for any movement his enhanced vision might find, wanting to make contact and unleash the full force of his combat training.
Shaking his head, What the frag? Mission first. Be smart. Think. With a few deep breaths, Kliko relaxes his body, slowing his heart rate which he didn't realize had been racing. Shaking his head again, he continues toward the rally point.
Bubba followed, though without the enthusiasm of Kliko. He looked back at Sprinkles, hoping he would pop up and start following once again, but he just laid there, in a lifeless lump. All alone. In the middle of the road, in the middle of nowhere. Bubba continued on his way, shuffling his large feet, his eyes not leaving the ground.
Felix watches the village as the last two squad members break contact. He still hadn't spotted the mage, but looking back at Kliko and Bubba, he couldn't find the black threads coming off their darkened auras any longer.
He took a close look at Ludi's aura as she passed en route to the rally point. It was still off, darkened or dimmed in someway. That wasn't the most disturbing thing, though. Being close to her, Felix could feel the "darkness" emanating off Ludi (more than usual) and into his own being.
Mar 31 2013, 12:39 PM
21:05:41 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Eastern Road bordering Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
His bioware enhanced heart was pounding in the inside of Kliko's chest. Racing up the hill before sliding into a prone firing position. 'Where the frag is this fraggin motherfragger!' Smoke from their smoke grenades drifted towards the shacks and shambles of in the area before blown into the rural hamlet of Dehtorkaman behind them by light gusts of wind.
"All clear here, lets move out of this shithole"
Apr 4 2013, 10:59 PM
21:15:12 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 East of Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
The team regathers at Knuckle Duster's position, then decide to put more distance between themselves and the village.
They recollect once they are in the shadows of the mountains, where even the moon has been hidden. They stop to take a five minute break, for damage reports and refueling. Duster is not really sure what happened in the village, but his questions are either ignored or answered with deflections, or simple yeses and nos. Looking at his teammates, he can see that something is wrong. Bubba eating donuts slowly, looking down at the dirt, Ludi seems to be scowling more than normal, Felix looks stressed, and Kliko isn't giving any work direction.
"Alright. Lets go," Duster says, collecting up his gear and continuing up the trail.
21:38:51 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Northeast of Dehtorkaman, 3 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Duster stops again, when he is halfway up the switchbacks leading over the hill. He waits for his team to gather again and chose the route. Looking at his map, cutting up between the two peaks should lead them straight to the road that wraps around another small village.
Apr 11 2013, 01:55 PM
21:18:31 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 East of Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
As the team re-grouped Bubba couldn't help but reflect on the mood of Kliko and Ludi. What Felix had said about the "something" draining their energies based on actions and emotions seemed nuts, but he could tell it was true. Kliko was all pissy and no longer leading the mission in his calm and collective way, Ludi well she just looked plain mean, meaner than he ever saw her. Bubba didnt want to make eye contact with either one so he stared at the ground slowly eating his donuts. Bubba knew something was off and the connection was that both of them killed a Sprinkles near the town.
Bubba began to wonder, what if they had been nice to a Sprinkles would the opposite hold true or would they still have been drained in some way? Did it feed only on aggression or was it any emotion shown? Everyone else that didn't kill a Sprinkles seemed fine to Bubba.
As Duster gave the order to move out Bubba was still unsettled and pulled Felix to the side.
"What happened back deres? How can wes fights something like dis? If dey didnt kills dah puppies dos you thinks they would be alrights? Whats our plans if we faces something like dis in Tehrans? Dos you tinks if dey beens nice to da puppies they wouldnts beens affecteds?"
After Felix answered his questions and turned to hike up the trail Bubba had an idea...
"Wait... Felix's do yous tinks if I offereds Kilkos and Ludis a donutses dey would get betters?"
Apr 12 2013, 01:52 AM
21:19:00 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 East of Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
"I'm still not quite sure what was back there Bubba, but there are always things we can do. If we went back we could probably find and destroy whatever it was, but some of us would probably get hurt and thats not what we are here to do. Because we're here for little item stashed in the mosque, it was easier and safer to get away from that thing, and with magic one of the keys is that if they can't see you they can't do much to you. Once that smoke cloud broke LOS and then again after you were safely over the ridge I don't think it can do any more to you. We still have to deal with what it did though." Felix paused for a second as he sorted through Bubba's list of questions. "If we see something like near the objective, I think the key may be partly to stay calm or non-lethal if possible. If I can find the thing itself on the astral I may be able to do more, but for now let's focus on getting to the objective alive and in control."
As Felix turned to head back towards the front of the group Bubba's innocent question made him smile and say "I don't think they're in a mood to understand the delicious truth of donuts right now Bubba. At the next rally point you might give it a try though. Never heard of a donut making someone angry." With a smile and a slight shake of his head Felix headed back down the trail towards Tehran.
Mister Juan
Apr 12 2013, 04:09 PM
21:15:12 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 East of Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Crouched in the shadows, Ludi was simply too angry to to think clearly. Whatever Felix was supposed to do to protect them against magical attacks had clearly not worked. He'd been dead asleep on the job, and they had gotten jumped. Even Kliko, with all his cyber bells and whistles hadn't spotted anything. Only she'd caught it. Taking the fired clip from her carbine, she slipped a new and full one back in.
When she had walked up to Felix, for a beat, the thought of putting a few rounds in him had flashed through her mind. After all, since he hadn't been able to take care of whatever awakened threat had been set upon them, what use did he now have? Was his presence worth a reduced share for everyone? In the chaos of the retreat, odds were most wouldn't notice. Actually, unless Kliko saw her, she could probably bluff her way out of the situation.
But the thought came to pass. For now
21:19:00 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 East of Dehtorkaman, 4 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Walking along at a steady pace, taking care not to twist her ankle on the rocks, Ludi started to crave a smoke. She knew her pack was stuck inside her left pocket, wrapped inside a plastic bag to avoid the smell from getting out. She could almost feel the heat radiating from it. She decided to change her mind by being moody over the comms.
Someone care to explain what the hell happened back there?
Even with the transducer link bleeding most of the emotion out of her voice, she sounded annoyed.
Cause as far as I can tell, we tucked our tails between our legs pretty fragging fast on that one.
Apr 13 2013, 12:56 AM
21:50:00 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 East of Dehtorkaman, 3 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
After a short rest, the team continued on their way. Going off trail, they climbed over the dirt and rock ridge to the northwest. With night and low-light visual enhancements, finding a path wasn't too difficult, and those without had enough starlight to at least follow their comrades. Still, the rough terrain provided quite a few missteps and rolled ankles for everyone except the gliding Felix.
Over top the moon came back into full view and the landscape became more discernible. To the northwest they could see the old city of Tehran spilling out into the valley from behind the mountains to the north. A small section far to the western end located the rebuilding district, while the rest of the city laid dormant in the darkness.
At the bottom of the hill was another small village, which looked abandoned from on top, but as they descended, smoke and the stench of poverty informed them of inhabitants, long before they were within sight.
Both Ludi and Kliko had the same thought, At least there aren't any dogs.
Bubba was somewhat disappointed in the same revelation, but at least he didn't have to watch another puppy get shot.
Apr 18 2013, 08:38 PM
21:55:00 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 East of Dehtorkaman, 3 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Ludi had developed a slight limp coming over the hill. There were a lot more loose rocks than she had anticipated. She tested each leg individually, shifting her weight back and forth. Once back on solid surface she jogged a couple steps. Sturdy enough she determined.
Bubba watched Ludi walking funny and came to the conclusion that she must have turned her ankle on the hillside as well. He tried to emulate her moves, but lacked the coordination. His right ankle shot electric and burning shots of pain up his leg when he stepped on it too hard or at the wrong angle. He scowled at his foot, wanting to punch it for causing him pain.
Bubba continued on, ignoring the pain. He was more concerned about being the "clumsy one," and searched his team for fellow gimps. Ludi seemed to have shaken it off for the most part, Knuckle Duster had a slight limp, and Starling was positively favoring her left side. This brought a smile to his giant face.
Duster led the way through the small village, his taser in one hand, his tomahawk in the other. The village seemed pretty quiet, but so had the last. Felix followed, looking for signs of the mage, or whatever it was, that had harassed the team at the last village. All looked clear. For now.
Apr 20 2013, 06:07 AM
21:56:19 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 East of Dehtorkaman, 3 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
The village was quiet, but then the quiet conversations inside the small shanties and huts ceased, one by one. It was quiet, too quiet.
Apr 21 2013, 06:56 PM
21:56:25 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 – East of Dehtorkaman, 3 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
The tactical overlay created a false sense of comfort and security as the team approached the ram shackle collection of huts. 'Keep your eyes on the mission and the mission on your mind' it had been Kliko's mantra since they broke a way from the Dehtorkaman. That Kliko's whiz-tech cybereyes registered most visual bands should help him detect any dangers to their job. 'Get a grip Hackman, whats happening to you?'
When the background noises faded away as they made their approach on New Zeit Moon Kliko raised his fist signalling his team to halt. Switching to the ultra-high frequency noise bands Kliko scanned their surroundings for any omen or sign of trouble down the road.
Apr 24 2013, 03:08 AM
21:56:43 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 East of Dehtorkaman, 3 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Everyone behind Kliko comes to a halt. Some faster than others, as V and Star don't understand the hand signals, but figure out what Ludi's rifle leveled at them means stop.
Kliko scans ahead. He doesn't see Felix, but that is normal. He however can hear Duster up the trail though, still softly walking down the dirt trail and muttering to himself, "How the hell am I supposed to cover point with a fraggin' taser?" Kliko turns listening closely to the town. Nothing looks out of ordinary, at least not for a third world shanty town. No dogs at least. Even with high sensitive hearing, he cannot make out the conversations inside the village, but it seems mundane. Then he makes out goodnight salutations.
Bubba squints his eyes, trying to peer through the windows, or wall holes, and cracks in the walls of the homes. He sees little movement, but nothing appears to be aggressive, or looking back out the buildings.
Apr 26 2013, 09:00 PM
21:57:01 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 East of Dehtorkaman, 3 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 50 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Kliko waved the team on. He jogged a bit to close the distance between himself and the point men.
22:58:38 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Southeast of Tehran, 3 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 45 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Duster holds up at the top of the last ridge. Overlooking what once used to be one of the largest cities in the world. Most of it still remained in ruins, inhabited now by the ghosts of time and squatters. A few fossil fueled lights speckle the blackened city as it approaches midnight.
On the horizon, far beyond the despair, far to the rest, the rebirth of civilization can be seen evident by electrical flood lights that surround construction sights. A signal of hope amidst all the decay.
May 5 2013, 04:15 AM
23:20:15 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 Southeast of Tehran, 3 miles south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 45 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
The shadowrunners descended out of the mountains and into the concrete terrain of a city that once was. Thought the surroundings were more familiar, they could not help but feel a sense of gloom wash over them as rock, dirt, gravel and sand gave way to asphalt, cement and litter.
May 5 2013, 09:36 PM
23:22:20 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 New Town Zeitoon, 1/2 mile south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 45 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Duster is standing where the village of New Town Zeitoon should be. Instead he finds the rubble and ruins of a suburb. There are no signs of life.
May 10 2013, 06:01 AM
23:22:37 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 New Town Zeitoon, 1/2 mile south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 45 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
As the mountains gave way to rubble and ruins, Felix made sure to stay floating high enough to look down on the roofs of nearby buildings. Triggering his radio he murmered "Out of the mountains finally, lets get through here and to the objective already. The sooner we get what we are being paid to get the sooner we can get the frag back somewhere comfortable."
May 12 2013, 07:25 PM
23:22:43 Wednesday, 11 October 2062 – New Town Zeitoon, 1/2 mile south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 45 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
The concrete and tarmac jungle, twisted as it may be from Tehrans razing by the great dragon Aden, was a welcome sight to Kliko and his team. 'At least here we have odds of winning a running gun battle' ... 'Wait.... keep your mind on the mission and the mission on your mind chummer. Go to the campus, grab the veil, get out. Killing dogs don't pay 400 nuyen a pop' It was about time they made themselves comfortable close to the IUST mosque.
"Copy that Foxtrot. Proceed and do a recon of the area once we get there"
May 13 2013, 09:42 PM
00:35:01 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Southern Road, 1/4 mile south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
The temperature has continued to drop throughout the night, but the runners barely notice it. The long five-hour hike to the city has left their bodies tired, but well self-heated. The only evidence of the cold are more perceptible fog upon exhaling, and the slight burning on the tips of everyone's noses, ears and fingers.
Scanning the area, it is a bit eerie that the four lane overpass, and the eight lane freeway below are almost completely empty. Even the backwoods of Antioch have a few cars on the freeway at this time of night.
Crossing the overpass, the team enters the city proper. Tehran; A city that was once a booming metropolis, now just the largest slum in the world.
00:54:16 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Behar/Horj Ebn-e-Adi, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Duster holds up at the corner of Behar and Horj Ebn-e-Adi. Nothing looks out of the ordinary, but something does not feel right to Felix. He scans the area, and finds nothing. Scans his team, no black tendrils, nothing out of the ordinary. He hovers down to confer with adept.
"What's up, Duster?"
"Got movement in that building to the south."
"Just squatters, man."
"Yeah. Just squatters. Just like those were just dogs."
Duster continues on, still uneasy at being point, with a taser as his long range weapon. His heart races as he passes on the north side of Behar, across the street from a once luxurious hotel, now a squatters apartment complex. After the experience earlier in the evening, Duster is uneasy, and feels exposed passing by the complex.
00:54:47 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Behar/Horj Ebn-e-Adi, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Ludi watches Duster and Felix separate. Duster looks uneasy, while Felix looks unconcerned. She grips her rifles grip a bit tighter, trying to figure out what has caused the uneasiness. Instantly her eyes go to the large hotel to her left. She moves to cover, and scans the building for movement. Through her sights, she deems the targets moving around the hotel to be innocent natives, but she has found her instincts wrong before. Memories of Orenburg, 2054 flash in her mind. Women and children used to lower defenses, only to deploy explosives, mortars, and machine guns against her comrades.
00:55:12 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Behar/Horj Ebn-e-Adi, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Kliko watches Ludi move past the Hotel Shahr judiciously. Since there was no radio contact, he passed it off to her over-conscious military training. He follows suit, hoping one of the locals has gun so he can let his own training take over. Unfortunately, everything looks mundane, and he doesn't get a repeat of Operation Desert Snake.
00:56:41 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Behar/Horj Ebn-e-Adi, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Bubba pulls up the rear, machine gun shouldered after watching his comrades ahead of him. Star and V seemed unconcerned, but Kliko ahead of them seemed to have his rifle aimed at the hotel quite a lot, and if Kliko did it, Bubba did it. He moved by the hotel, watching for something, anything, to shoot at. He is uneasy as he makes his way, then disappointed as he passes by safely. He looks back at the hotel again, as is necessary of rear security, but hoping for something to light up.
Mister Juan
May 13 2013, 11:25 PM
00:35:01 Thursday, 12 October 2062 – Southern Road, 1/4 mile south of Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
All along the way, Ludi’s energy was mostly directed toward cursing. Cursing at herself for slipping on the hill, cursing at her meaty ankle for not taking the abuse, cursing at the job for going crawl speed and, most of all, cursing at the two cackling bimbos. Somewhere along the way, she had made the conscious decision that, if push came to shove and one of them put the group at risk, she’d bury them out in the desert herself. Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that: the hazards of the job would take care of them for her, and everyone would get a bigger cut.
When her boots finally touched the concrete of the crumbling city, that nagging voice in the back of her mind finally began to quiet down. Although the nooks and crannies of the derelict city provided enough point of ambush to turn any seasoned soldier paranoid, Ludmila felt a bit more at ease. At least, here, there was cover and concealment. She had always found urban centers more conducive to her “style”. It allowed her to get up close and personal, and to use her strengths and skills more effectively. The FSB’s training had always put a heavy emphasis on CQB and urban warfare. This... this was her kind of world.
As a shiver of cold found its way into her jacket, she pulled the zipper a little higher, and tucked her body inwards. The air felt cold yet comforting as she breathed in.
00:54:47 Thursday, 12 October 2062 – Behar/Horj Ebn-e-Adi, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Still hunched next to some rubble, her carbine aimed at the hotel, Ludmila scanned the building slowly. Maybe it was the city’s ghostlike quality getting to her, or simply the architecture of the hotel that reminded her of Orenburg. Maybe she was just losing her goddamn mind. But for whatever reason, all she could think of was the smell of burning flesh. The searing heat of white phosphorus rounds splashing around her. Their youngest private, had gotten a chunk of the shell stuck in his cheek bone. It had taken three other men to pin him down, while Ludi dug the burning piece out of his face with her knife. He’d died of shock anyways...
She swallowed the memory and hustled past the building, stopping behind cover in order to provide overwatch for Kliko and Bubba.
May 14 2013, 08:30 PM
00:59:03 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Northbound on Keykhsravi, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Entering deeper into the sprawl that once was, the team moves slowly up the street, guns, and tasers, at the ready. Engulfed in the dark valley created by small two and three story buildings, so close together that only the rats and roaches can squeeze between some of them. The fact that there are no other signs of life, even at this time of morning, increases the surreal feeling that they are all in a dream, and not the kind that involve dancing girls, exciting action, infinite riches, or in some cases, raining donuts.
Duster's whisper as he mutters to himself, "As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." echos throughout the canyon, sending shivers up the spines of several of his teammates.
01:06:29 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Westbound on Qane, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Felix halts the team when Duster reaches the park on Qane. Duster runs for cover, taking a knee behind a cement half-wall in the middle of the park running alongside the sidewalk. He peeks over the wall, taser on his left hand, his right hand gripping his taser. Then he sees what Felix saw from the air, three softly glowing bluish-white orbs in the middle of the park, moving toward him.
"Corpselights. Three of them," Felix relays to the team.
May 21 2013, 09:44 AM
01:06:30 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Westbound on Qane, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
The three orbs hover rather quickly towards Knuckle Duster's position. Their brightness dims for a half-second, then returns to its normal illumination, possibly brighter.
Duster can feel them pulling on his body, or his mind? He feels weaker. The anger takes over and he throws his tomahawk as hard as he can at the lead orb. End-over-end, the bird of prey feathers adorned tomahawk spins through the air, through the spirit, then clanks loudly on the cement sidewalk in the park, before finding a soft patch of grass to lie down in.
May 21 2013, 08:05 PM
01:06:29 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Westbound on Qane, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
"Corpselights. Three of them," Felix relays to the team.
Bubba paused for a moment as he wondered how the hell he was going to kill a spirit. Then he looked at his Axe and cracked a small smile as he starred at the wielding lasers affixed to the axe. JJ had convinced Bubba to go with the weapon. Bubba wanted something larger and more powerful at a much lower price. He wanted to go with a combat axe, but JJ insisted he take the Laser Cresent Axe.
"Bubba," JJ said, "what will you do when you run into something awakened? Something that is only there in spirit? Your size and weapons talents will only get you so far. If you need to fight on a new level this weapon may just give you the edge you need."
Bubba thought for a moment and in the final seconds of a sales tender he chose the Laser Cresent Axe. After the purchase he moaned to JJ about how he didn't have enough cash to eat his fill of donuts or pizzas. JJ just patiently told him you will appreciate it one day. The experienced shadowrunner was right. That day was now!
Bubba slung the HMG and readied the Laser Cresent Axe. He flipped the laser switch on and the axe made a soft humming sound. The red glow of the lasers illuminated above his head. He charged towards the nearest Corpselight with his axe lifted high and no fear in his eyes! Just as Bubba was rushing passed V and Starling the muscle burn from his sprint and the excitement of combat stirred something fierce inside him. Naturally Bubba released a toxic spirit into the Bimbos open mouths...
Mister Juan
May 21 2013, 10:05 PM
01:06:29 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Westbound on Qane, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
As the call came over the radiowaves, Ludmila frowned. Even thought the Russian woman seemed to express almost all her range of emotion with her famous frowning look, this time around, she had a good excuse to use it.
She had, for all intent and purposes, no fragging clue as to what was going on. Corpselight? What in the holy frag were corpselight? Even with the recent English classes she had taken, the word wasnt familiar to her. Were they undead? Were they undead made out of light?
The most pressing thought that came to her mind shot along the hair thin cable that snaked from behind her ear and to her radio.
Can we shoot them?
May 22 2013, 05:49 AM
01:06:29 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Westbound on Qane, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Felix cursed to himself as the corpselights glowed brighter and floated towards Duster Didn't realize the fraggers could do that Reaching into a pouch, Felix grasps a painted crystal contained within a small copper net, needing to put a little extra power behind his spell to end this threat and quickly. Reaching down with his other hand he triggers the radio to respond You can shoot them but you ain't gonna do much to them. before focusing upon the Corpselights and simply pouring every erg of energy he can reach into the stunball. As the energies try to spiral away from his targets Felix reasserts his focus and will upon the etheric energy.
May 22 2013, 07:16 PM
01:06:29 Thursday, 12 October 2062 – Westbound on Qane, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
Energy shot forth from Felix's aura, ignited on the astral realm on the middle corpselight and exploded in an invisible sphere encapsulating all three will-o'-wisps. The echo of a jaguar's growl is felt in the back of the other runners' minds as two of the orbs dim and the center one disperses into the night.
V and Starling follow Bubba's lead, charging toward the park, reading combat spells and melee weapons.
May 25 2013, 01:40 AM
01:06:30 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Westbound on Qane, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
The two remaining corpselights dropped down onto Knuckle Duster's position. As the "body" of one engulfed Duster he let out a horrid scream. The pain was infinitely more painful than whatever the spirits had done to him before. He tried to run, but it felt as he had lost the power to move his legs, and his will to force them to move was fading fast.
Starling dashed forward past Ludi, Kliko and Bubba, a katana in hand. She leapt into the air, katana extended above her head, then slamming through one of the corpselights as she made her descent.
Instead of landing on her feet, she fell backwards with a high-pitched scream as the corpselight she had attacked, surrounded her. Starling landed on the cement, flat on her back, with the will-o'-wisp attached.
Duster managed to break free, scrambled to his feet and ran in fear away from the spirits and away from the team.
May 26 2013, 02:48 AM
01:06:31 Thursday, 12 October 2062 – Westbound on Qane, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
With a sneer that only Bubba, and maybe Vlad Taltos, could manage, the giant slams the laser crescent axe through the spirit who had been enjoying a nice Knuckle Duster sandwich. With an earthquaking blow the axe cuts through the corpselight and smashes into the sidewalk below, leaving a crater in the cement. Bubba slowly raises his head with a smile, knowing nothing could survive such a glorious smash, but instead of will-o'-the-wisp dust, he sees a fully intact bluish-white orb. His jaw drops, his eyes go wide, as he says, "Frag me-"
Then with an almost humorous sound, one Bubba was quite familiar with, the corpselight went poofffft as it dispersed into a cloud of smoke, quickly evaporating into the night. Bubba had no time to react to this turn of events as he suddenly felt as if a large predatory cat was batting his brain around like a house cat does a ball of string.
Felix unleashed his will upon the corpselights once again. He tried to mutter an apology to Bubba and Starling who would be caught in his wake, but it came out as a growl instead. His energy exploded in a sphere that only he could see, encapsulating the four combatants. One target was destroyed, but the other continued to feed on Starling, as her bloody screams continued.
Floating in the air, the shaman took a deep breath, gathering energy one more time, turning and focusing that mana on the one remaining spirit.
Following the stunball with a manabolt, V tried to clean up the pieces. A visible pink stream of energy extends from her hand to the corpselight, then disappears as fast as it had emerged, leaving the spirit still intact, and her confidence not so much.
May 28 2013, 05:51 PM
01:06:32 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Westbound on Qane, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
The corpselight ignored V's attack and continued it's assault on Starling, who's only defense was a dying scream echoing through the concrete canyon.
May 30 2013, 04:22 PM
01:06:33 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Westbound on Qane, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
V quickly regathered her confidence along with the mana that surrounded her and unleashed a second manabolt at the hovering orb. She grit her teeth has she resisted the physical and mental drain that such a powerful spell has on a caster, knowing it was worth it to eliminate this foe before it finished off her friend...
V and Starling had only known each other a short while, but they had grown close quickly. Both were young, but experienced, but the weight of the mission, deep in foreign land and foreign surroundings was more than enough to throw them off their game. Their speedy friendship had comforted them so much, they almost forgot about the mission entirely, regressing to childish behavior that neither were able to experience in their teens, both growing up as orphans.
While the dogs had no effect of breaking the spell each other's friendship had cast, the corpselights tore it to shreds. Duster's screams, then subsequent desertion, brought the girls back to the real world, and reminded them how dangerous it was. Starling had ran into the fray and fallen prey to the terrible spirit, and now it was up to V to save her.
Surely this manabolt had destroyed the spirit. She had put everything into that she had, felt the energy connect the target, and the energies absorbed into it. Regaining her balance and catching her breath, V watched the spirit, expecting it to dissolve into the air like the others. The corpselight instead faded for a split second, and continued its assault on the crying Starling.
May 31 2013, 08:13 PM
01:06:34 Thursday, 12 October 2062 Westbound on Qane, Tehran
Weather: Approximately 42 degrees Fahrenheit, partially cloudy, light gusts 5-8 mph NNE
With his beautiful smash not obliterating the first corpselight, rage has quickly built up inside of Bubba, and he is going to unleash it on something. Luckily for the concrete surroundings, as well as his friends, the troll spins to find a second corpselight, sitting on top of Starling's prone body. With a few steps he closes the distance, bends his knees, elbow up, he lefts his left leg so he can step into his swing, then unleashes a monster swing that would knock a baseball easily over 500 feet.
The axe blade cuts right through the spirit, which follows the axe in its backswing as a cloud of smoke, that slowly vanishes into the night, much to Bubba's delight.