Jan 22 2011, 04:29 AM
19:19:39 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Aurora Outlet Mall - Empire Garden, South Havana Street, Aurora, CAS Denver
Mr. Johnson watches Kliko intently as he discusses the job, but when it is his turn to speak, he looks at his colleague.
"Okay Mr. Long, you make a very good point. You are correct, we would very much like our friend to be unharmed, in hope that we are very wrong about him. Oh we do pray.
"What can we do to help you? What do you need?"
Jan 22 2011, 02:07 PM
19:27:17 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Aurora Outlet Mall - Empire Garden, South Havana Street, Aurora, CAS Denver
'Cold ass religious chummer, what about your people man!'
"First we and our cars need to be able to move around the Denver sectors sir, any kind of pass, or help obtaining proper visa, or other support would be appreciated... Second we be needing information on your brothers whereabouts, his time schedule and security at those places, is he magically active?" 'Because that freaks me out.' "and his private computer, hooked up to the matrix, a stand alone system or on an mPhone or similar?"
... "Third we be needing some hardware, for which I can supply you a list." ':
- Tranq patches, lots of trang-patches, or an IV-drip... or both
- Dart pistol plus something to knock him clear of his feet
- Four small automatics or shotguns, with some spare gel-round magazines and/or ample stun shells, just in case we got to shoot our way out...
Deliverered in our mark's sector... We'll be arranging our own safehousing fragger. Lets stay in control of our own opsec..'
"You also want to think of how and especially where and when you want your brother delivered sir... We can move him across sectors" 'just the way Felix lifted me' ", but its another complication to take into" 'my bank' "account sir, ma'am."
Jan 22 2011, 04:47 PM
19:27:17 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Aurora Outlet Mall - Empire Garden, South Havana Street, Aurora, CAS DenverMr. Johnson starts to speak, but is stopped by
Mrs. Johnson putting a gentle but firm grip on his wrist. They give each other a quick look, before they both turn their eyes on
Kliko. "If I can arrange these things, you will take the job?" she asks.
"Yes, after we discuss the payment options." Mr. Johnson looks at Mrs. Johnson, who continues looking at Kliko.
"Which are?"
"First, we would like the final payment to be held in escrow with our mutual friend, that way we each know we have to complete our end of the bargain." the man looks at the woman again, some what confused.
"Can you excuse my colleague and I for a moment." she states rather than asks.
She stands and
Mr. Johnson follows. They walk towards the bathroom hall, but stay within sight of Kliko and Felix. It is not far enough away for
Kliko to overhear with his amplified hearing, or
Felix with a little magic.
"You said you would hold onto the money, so they don't just split with it! I don't like this!"
"This is normal bargaining," she reassures the man. "Do you want them to take the job? They seem very well prepared and I asked for and we are paying for a top team with extraction experience."
"Yes. You are right. I trust your decision, but I feel safer with you holding the money."
"Okay, I can work with that.
Dice will take you home."
"They are listening," he makes a small gesture toward the table.
"If they are, doesn't that lay proof of their skills and abilities?"
"You are right again." He hands Mrs. Johnson a yellow-orange 5x7 envelope. It doesn't look very full.
Upon their return,
Mrs. Johnson stops by the ork who is eating alone. "Take
Mr. Johnson home."
He seems more upset about having to leave his meal left unfinished than having to chauffeur
Mr. Johnson home. Dropping a few odd looking bills on the table, the ork leads the man out, who nods at the two remaining seated at the table he once occupied.
Mrs. Johnson rejoins the table, with a genuine "Johnson smile." Waiting a few seconds for
Mr. Johnson and who we can presume is
Dice to be on there way, she continues negotiations, "I am sorry for mine and my colleagues unprofessionalism. We seem to have a disagreement on where your payment should be held. I assure you
Radek can vouch for my reputation. Faulting on a deal would not only destroy that, but also his. You cannot stay in this business without a solid rep, on both sides of this table.
"Now, we are willing to move some of this money up front if that will make you more comfortable."
"That sounds agreeable. How much are you moving?"
"An additional ten," she waives the waitress off as she approaches the table. Before they can object the woman adds, "Plus your list of supplies."
"Are those covered or deducted."
"A little of each, depending on what you are looking for. I can connect you with some cover IDs for a good price, and any tools your trade requires, though some may not be in stock. I will provide you with less-than-lethal ammunition at no cost for the run, and I can arrange safe houses at little or no cost, if you need one."
"Is there a less-than-lethal bonus then?"
She smiles coyly, "Since you put it that way, yes. Another ten for not causing the end of any cult member."
"What about a dealing with mages bonus?"
"Now that is what we are paying you to do, but don't worry too much. You will be dealing with religious nuts, not trained combat mages."
"Where is the temple and where do you want us to bring him?"
"So we have a deal then?"
Kliko pauses, waiting for
Felix or
Jamie to interject, but they seem to be waiting on him. "Yes."
Mrs. Johnson reaches her hand across the table to shake hands, first with
Kliko, then with
Felix. She reaches into her blazer pocket and pulls out her cell phone. She hands it to
Kliko, "Enter a number and a name for yourself. Give me your phone and I will do the same." Kliko gives her the cheap throw away, which she looks at, either amazed that something like that is carried by a "professional" or knowing its exact purpose.
They trade phones back, and he finds a new entry for
Mrs. Denver Johnson. "Text me your list and I will see what I can do. While Mr. Johnson believes this an urgent matter, you really have time to plan your work. Call me when you have the package, and we will arrange the meet." She slides the envelope
Mr. Johnson had gave her a few minutes earlier over to
Kliko. "Here are some maps
Mr. Johnson made of the
Children of the Dragon Temple in UCAS-Denver. Also access codes to everything except the highest security areas and systems, which only
Morningstar has."
She hands
Kliko three credsticks one at a time. "Here is the ten for the meet. Here is the five up front, and here is the other ten up front."
"If you decide you want IDs, send me head shots of each of your team members and basic height, weight, eye color information, and I will get those for you."
Mrs. Johnson stands, as do
Kliko and
Felix. "Please enjoy lunch on me gentlemen. The food here is great," she looks around, "and a lot more authentic than the decor." They shake again and she leaves them to enjoy lunch if they choose to do so.
So that is the job.
Joshua Morningstar,
Acquire his datafiles at the
Children of the Dragon Temple,
Mrs. Johnson for drop location.
The payment broken down:

for the meet,

up front,

minus equipment costs upon completion, plus a

bonus for no
Children of the Dragon member deaths.
Jan 22 2011, 09:41 PM
19:30:37 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Aurora Outlet Mall - Empire Garden, South Havana Street, Aurora, CAS Denver
"Lets have some chow shall we?" Slipping the enevelop in his folded secure long coat. Kliko waves the waitress over. "What do you think?" adressing Felix.
Jan 23 2011, 02:37 AM
19:30:42 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - CAS Denver RTG
Jamie stood watch over the commcall they were using. Kliko handled it well. That's probably better than I could have done. Nothing he asked seemed unreasonable. And this one appears to be a bit of a humane job. It did seem a bit unusual that it got turned over to Ms. Johnson. If there were problems with Mr. Johnson, why didn't Ms. J just handle it alone.
Then Kliko orders dinner.
Jamie blinks a moment, then drops over the line, "Seems the meeting's over. I'd like to get started on research unless you still need us."
Jan 23 2011, 11:52 AM
19:30:45 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Aurora Outlet Mall - Empire Garden, South Havana Street, Aurora, CAS Denver
"Pls do Juliet, perhaps given time Charlie can also take a look at this temple and surroundings with his drones? We'll see what the J brought with him once we hop the wall again and start planning. I'm also going to contact Lima and see if she can set us up two safehouses." They would make sure to enjoy their free dinner, real food was a luxury nowadays after all...
Jan 23 2011, 07:48 PM
19:30:37 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Aurora Outlet Mall - Empire Garden, South Havana Street, Aurora, CAS Denver
"It seems simpler than I thought it might be, I was a little worried that the group was more magical, but considering the... emotional... connection that Mr J came through with when talking about Morningstar it does seem more religious and that he's worried about a false prophet / schism developing." Felix pauses before continuing "It seems pretty cut and dried. The biggest question is simply where the temple is, but that shouldn't take more than a second or two."
Felix pulls out his pocket secretary and attempts to pull up directions to the Children of the Dragon Temple. With a curse Felix raps his pocket secretary against the table and tries again. "Stupid electronics" he mutters as it starts working again.
When the waitress approaches, Felix will flash her a smile and order one of the house specalities.
Jan 23 2011, 09:19 PM
19:35:07 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Aurora Outlet Mall - Empire Garden, South Havana Street, Aurora, CAS Denver
Ordering the Chef's special 'Whatever that may be, as long as it ain't given me the runnings'
"Any luck with that PocSec? you should have gotten the lastest mPhone model. Works wonders, but those apps just eat power. I expect Jamie to dig up a full profile on this cult... If Corsair's worth his nuyen hes getting some surveillance footage on that temple and surrounding as we speak."
"We'll have to check what's inside the J's-file after we make it back to the others, we make up a list of hardware we gonna need, nothing exotic of course. We do two days of surveillance to check up the J's data. And we do what we do best somewhere mid next week or so... then we haul our asses back to the coast and be home before next weekend. I think we need to bring Ludmilla in on this, costs us all some nuyen, but she's great for arranging stuff like safehousing... she rocks in the B&E department too you know."
The remaining dinner talk was about possible complications with magic. As far as Kliko was concerned they'd infil, they'd tranquilize the frag out of their mark and get the frag out. Use a diversion in case things turned sour and exfil. In case they had to deliver their mark in another sector, they'd move one car first, move the mark the way Felix did with Kliko, before rejoining the teams. 'Piece of cake'
Jan 24 2011, 10:23 AM
19:35:35 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Aurora Outlet Mall - Empire Garden, South Havana Street, Aurora, CAS Denver
Felix replies to Kilko over the course of dinner. "The challenge is if the mark is magical, you can't simply tranq the frag out of him without running the risk of magical damage. It sounded like Mr. J wanted him unharmed, and you can bet that if his Magic is permanently damaged that's not such a good thing. The only other concern I have is that it seems like you've already decided to acquire him from the temple. We might want to take a look at his schedule and figure out if it will be easier to grab him while he's away from the temple instead. Not saying we have to do it that way, but just to keep the other options in mind."
Felix types up a short list of somewhat esoteric items needed to safely detain the magically active persons and sends it to Kilko's mPhone. "Mrs J should be able to get her hands on most of this, it's stuff that only comes up when dealing with magic, but then it's indespensible."
Jan 24 2011, 03:43 PM
19:50:06 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Aurora Outlet Mall - Empire Garden, South Havana Street, Aurora, CAS Denver
Looking up from his plate Kliko ripostes "Flexibility is good, initiative is better."
"Course we got to be flexible. If this guys walking about withouth a security detail thats the way to go, you're right that we shouldn't fixate to much, keep our options open and get the other's angle on this."
Checking Felix list "Whats a mage mask? You mean like ski-goggles with a taped visor right? Those manacles look like they cost a fortune... you know the going rate of tasers? about 1k, I don't know about this FAB-stuff, guess that's your department. What if he has some heart disease or something?... One little dart won't kill an awakened, I've seen magic users snort up all sorts of stuff... a little drugs won't kill him right?... right?" looking for Felix' confirmation.
Jan 24 2011, 04:14 PM
19:30:54 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
Having checked in with Kliko, Jamie logs out. She gets up and stretches. She walks over and refills her cup with soykaf. She leans against the counter and looks over at Corsair. "Kliko is interested in a preliminary recon of the Cult of the Dragon temple. I've got a dossier to work up on this Morningstar slag. Now that we've got what the job's about, what do you think about it?"
Jan 24 2011, 06:50 PM
19:52:12 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Aurora Outlet Mall - Empire Garden, South Havana Street, Aurora, CAS Denver
"There's abit more to a Magemask then just taped over goggles. They look more like a gimp mask and come with a gag, earbuds and a display on the inside of the goggles. The earbuds and display play loud white noise and erratic flashes of light to keep the subject from concentrating and going astral. If a magic user is able to go astral and manifest he can appear and tell others what happened to him. The setup isn't easy on the fraggers head, but it keeps him from doing much of anything." Felix pauses to eat another few bites of food. "Going back to chemicals, a knockout drug won't hurt the mage, but keeping him under anesthesia for several days can quite possibly lower his magic potential permanently. Alot of those mages you see snorting novacoke are already on their way to burnout."
"Those manacles aren't cheap, but you're overestimating the taser involved. It's closer to the old handheld version that the pistol style. FAB is several strains of bacteria that flouresce when astral forms are in the area, so in other words as soon as the guy in them attempts to go astral, they'd shock him back to reality." Felix shrugs and continues "The pair I saw were a semi-custom job though, never tried to acquire a set for myself."
Jan 24 2011, 08:36 PM
20:06:58 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Aurora Outlet Mall - Empire Garden, South Havana Street, Aurora, CAS Denver
'What the frag!, thats fraggin inhumane! I'd love it, if it wouldn't suck so bad if they put one on you'
"Sounds pretty intense, a mage mask... sounds like a pretty good fraggin plan to get one if you'd ask me. Magic or mundane, he won't know who hit him... I like the bite of that."
Minutes after dessert and a soykaf to round things up, they left the Empire Gardens and bill for their new found employer.
Shutting of the disposable com and removing its batteries, they had a long drive in the cab ahead of them...
20:39:34 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>JAMIE, CORSAIR] >>>: "We'll be in position in another hour and a half. Pls standby your side of the fence and arrange for a smooth pickup."
21:20:05 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Somewhere close to the Ute-border, CAS Denver sector
Reactivating his mPhone Kliko selected his 'in-business' profile before ringing Ludmilla. 'She better made some progress with her relocating.'
"Hye, how's life? ... yeah, we got the job, uhuh,, hmm, yes, extraction. Some nutcase dragon worshipping cult, uhuh... yeah, I know. You want to earn a cut? We be needing two safehouses for this job, 1 UCAS near Commerce city, and pick one sector for a backup... uhuh, yeah, big garage for our rides, this and next week yeah. How much? that much? Ah, I see... What if we cut one week? See what can be done... Like to have you here as well, can you spare some time this week?... the weather is beautifull up here" 'Hah!'
Jan 27 2011, 08:32 PM
0:00 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
Not feeling the need to sleep, and knowing that it would take some time, Corsair launched his two Condor drones to allow them to head over the temple that he was to survail. Based on the wind conditions, they should make it over there and get into position for a few hours. Kilko had previously discussed with him what he'd like to have, if it was possible. So Corsair was hoping for the best. I wanted to prove his usefulness to the team leader.
Jan 28 2011, 04:59 PM
19:31:15 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
Corsair didn't seem interested in discussing the job. Jamie shrugged and went back to her deck. Jacking in, she started looking around the Denver grid for information about Joshua Morningstar. A couple hours later, frustrated, she moves on to the UCAS grid, hoping to uncover information about his early life.
Jan 28 2011, 08:07 PM
07:15:03 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
Felix stretched and worked out the kinks in his back as he awoke in the cheap motel bed. With a quick pas through the bathroom and a hit of magic, he dresses and pulls out his pocket sec. Muttering to himself, he pulls up directions to the nearest donut shop and finds it close enough to walk to.
07:28:43 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [FELIX>>>KLIKO] >>>: "Getting some donuts and coffee for the brainstorming this morning. Think a dozen should be enough or do I need to grab two?"
07:40:13 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Dunkin Donuts, Ute Sector, Denver
"Better make it two dozen assorted to go with the six soycafs. Gotta make sure I won't eat all of them before I make it back." Felix tells the clerk with a grin. As Felix walks out the door balancing the box of donuts and tray of soycafs, he eyes the icy sidewalk with a grimace. He then chuckles to himself before levitating the food before him, with his hands on it for appearances. Walking carefully he heads back to the motel.
07:45:36 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
Felix lets himself into the main room and sets the soycafs and donuts on the table before pulling out his pocket sec. It's fun being a morning person sometimes.
07:28:43 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [FELIX>>>ALL] >>>: "Donuts and Soycaf are here, time to get out of bed and start planning."
Jan 29 2011, 10:13 PM
07:28:44 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
Kliko's mPhone green LED flashed indicating a message arrived only milliseconds before a wave of electrons erupted from the base of his neck all the way down his spinal cord. Kliko found himself instantly awake. He wasn't what you call a morning person. It was just he was used to long days and getting up early. The jolt-alert worked wonders during precious few pauses between fighting long battles and prolonged campaigns too...
07:28:47 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>FELIX] >>>: "You want to be friends with Bubba? Frag, who doesn't want to be friends with Bubba? Lets take the rides for a spin when you get back. See what we got to work from."
Disconnecting the fiberoptic cord running from his right forearm jack to his mPhone, he blinked thrice, initiating the cybereyes morning clean-up sequence... 'Good morning Denver'
Jan 31 2011, 05:23 PM
22:15:25 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
After returning from the meet with the J's, Felix retires to his coffin room for a nap to recharge his shamanic skills. When he awakens, he takes a short venture to the common latrine to freshen up before returning to his cramped quarters. He folds the bed up into the wall, and slides the bench couch out. Sitting upon it, he relaxes his body and mind, ready to venture onto the astral realm. It takes longer than normal for him to find his path due to the noise from other guests cutting through the walls.
On his astral adventure Felix finds that Denver to be an odd plane, yet he cannot describe its differences or quite put his finger on it, as it is more of a feeling than anything else. Maybe it is just the high altitude. There seem to be a few more free spirits wandering about than one would expect to find as he makes his journey.
At the temple it seems the first floor is open to the public, but there is no traffic this late at night. There are some watcher spirits around the building, at least two to three. Keeping his distance they seem to ignore Felix as he glides around, free from his mundane body. From afar he is able to assense an above average ward that covers the second and third floors. There seems to be no security to the first floor, other than the watchers.
After a few passes, Felix's astral body returns to his human one. He slowly opens his eyes as the real world comes back into focus.
01:41:22 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
Exhausted after a search that hasn't yielded much, Jamie is ready to turn in. So far all she learned about this Joshua Morningstar is that throughout his late teens and early twenties he was involved in a lot of radical causes, which could be assumed of any religious cult leader. What she did find interesting, was the various news articles mentioning his arrests, mostly for civil unrest, vandalism, disorderly conduct and the like. No mention of the "big three": rape, assault and murder. Nevertheless, it looks like the man isn't unwilling to get his hands dirty for a cause he deems just.
Current events about the man's religious views. He really believes in a vision he had about Ghostwalker being the reincarnation of Dunkelzahn. He was able to convince enough members of the Children of the Dragon that his vision was real that they have fractured off into a separate faction of the church.
00:55:55 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
Corsair sits in his "captain's chair" guiding his drones around the UCAS sector of Denver. There seems to be a lot of drones, and small aircraft traffic throughout the city as his mini-blimps plug through the light atmosphere. They seem to be a little more touchy on the controls and little faster in the thin air of the mile high city. If only they flew like this on the Pacific Coast.
Feb 1 2011, 04:02 PM
07:28:44 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
Jamie's cellphone chimes with a text message. Jamie reads the first word, then swears a blue streak, "Drekky, hoop-fragged inconsiderate, bunch of lunatics." She grabs the phone and slings her arm back to throw if across the room checking herself before she actually does it. I have got to break them of this early morning crap.
Pissed off, Jamie throws the covers off and dresses in a hurry. She storms out of her room and down to Felix's room. She throws open the door and glares at him. "You bastard. Just 'cause you got your beauty sleep doesn't mean the rest of us weren't working. I put in two more hours after you went to bed. The least you could do is let me sleep like a reasonable human being."
Jamie grabs a cup of soykaf and heads back to her room to get cleaned up.
Feb 1 2011, 07:35 PM
07:33:41 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
Along came Jamie's petit figure stampeding through the coffin motels corridors. 'What slot her off so bad?' Kliko moved down the isle for the refreshing and relaxing sonic showers. Dressed in nothing but some throw away flipflops and a white towel covering his underbody he could not help but ask "Wassup?"
A five minute rant later he was getting chilled... 'Go away! I just want to get to the shower!' he knew full well that women behaved irrational at times and telling her "Why didn't you shut your phone off?" and assorted other smartass remarks like "why don't you get a jolt-alert like I have?" didn't really help either.
By the time Felix got back from his donut-fetch morning run Kliko really lost all interest, relieved to see Jamie's frustration now focussing on Felix... Kliko could hear the Bubba's footsteps coming around the next isle of coffins 'Following his nose most likely.'
Feb 1 2011, 11:55 PM
07:28:48 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
Bubba sits up in bed as he reaches for the auful vibration of his phone. "What... donuts... oh yes!, someone else brought donuts!" 'Message is from Felix, he sures has been nice to mes.' Bubba started throwing whatever clothing on he could find as he darted towards the door of his room. He passed by a mirror and upon taking a glance of himself he stopped. He looked himself over, took a sniff of his body, and headed to the shower, 'I dont wants Klikos mad at mes again.' Bubba quickly cleaned up in the shower and returned to the room and put his business suit on. He looked himself over in the mirror and with a proud face he headed to the meeting room.
Bubba sees the pink box of heaven sitting on the table, he inhales deeply through his nose as he smiles at the fresh scent of donuts. The smell was even better today because someone else got them.
Bubba sits down and starts munching away, while chewing and donut crumbs spilling out of his mouth he says to Felix, "I'll takes a bullet for yous, a box of donuts is worth at least one bullets." Bubba smiles and then continues to chow down.
Feb 2 2011, 03:03 AM
07:40:25 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
The team is stuffed into Felix's coffin-room, and there is barely enough room for Bubba's hands to move from the small table to his mouth without bumping into Kliko and Corsair. The temperature is rising in the room, which is bad news for the team when one of their team members is very large troll with an overactive sweat gland. Jamie stands in the doorway with nowhere to sit. Not only is this meeting way too fragging early, but it's way too fragging cramped. She can't even reach the table to grab a soykaff.
Feb 3 2011, 07:34 PM
07:41:25 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
"My astral recon really didn't turn up anything of interest, and it didn't sound like the rest of you had collected much beyond what Mr J gave us. At the same time, this seems like it should be a simple job. First thing I think we'll all agree is to get into the right sector and find someplace a little bigger and more secure to plan. Any word about that from our compadre back in warmer weather? Otherwise I've got a few thoughts from the intel you guys have gathered. If you have something different in mind, feel free to rip it up and plan yourselves." Felix gestures to the scratch pad on the table next to the donuts with his notes on it.
Feb 3 2011, 08:13 PM
07:41:32 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
Jamie reports grumpily, "I'm still working on the dossier on our person of interest. I have not yet started on the organization. Additionally, we need to define contingency plans for if someone outside the building takes an interest in our activities. There is an assumption that a powerful patron may be involved."
Feb 4 2011, 07:43 AM
07:41:58 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
Felix replies, "True, that reminds me. I really need to put up some heavy duty wards on the vehicles for this run. That will at least slow down any ritual tracking, letting us hand of the package. Might as well get started on that, since it looks like we're going to need more reconnaissance before we get too deep into the plans."
"It sounds like the plan is to remain in the Ute for another day or two until our friend arrives and then move to her place for the final prep work or are we planning to cross the border today?"
08:03:12 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel parking lot, Ute Sector, Denver
Felix mutters a prayer of thanks for tinted windows, as he climbs into the back of the SUV and begins meditating and crafting the wards for the vehicles. He pauses during the rituals to stroll past the temple on the astral plane twice during the seven hours required for the wards.
15:03:12 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel parking lot, Ute Sector, Denver
With a muttered curse and a hungry stomach, Felix finishes the warding and heads back inside to see what others have come up with today.
Feb 5 2011, 06:27 PM
07:49:08 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
Kliko found spending nights in a coffin motel was always nuyen wel spent. They were as good a place as any to ly low after a run, the sonic showers were refreshing to say the least and best of all, nobody bothered you while going about your own business.
'Time to get out of here', with the team holding up other guests in the narrow corridors time to get out of there was past due, they were starting to attract unwanted attention... something they could do without for now. "Lets roll out and get some breakfast on the way... Lets keep our lips tight util we can find a Rent-an-office or something. Anyone of you happen to have a white noise generator?"
Grabbing one of Felix' huge soykaff styrofoam cups Kliko makes for the exit.
Mister Juan
Feb 6 2011, 02:06 AM
10:47:11 Friday, 31st March 2062 – The Soren's
Ludmila woke up in a startle. Her hand grabbed at her waistband, where her weapon would have been, but it only found the scratchy fabric of wool sweater. Short of breath, senses in overdrive, she turned on the couch. Zina was standing in the middle of the rather bare living room, flanked by two large plastic bags. She had dropped them rather carelessly on the floor so she could cross her arms and scowl at her niece.
"Just what do you think you're doing young lady!"
With her brain still fogged up by a strange mix of sleep and adrenaline, Ludi pushed the cover off and sat on the couch. Rubbing at her neck to work out a kink that had apparently taken up residence there, she tried to remember what she had been doing. She had placed a few calls, and started doing a quick read-through on Denver. Somewhere along the line, she must have fallen asleep. She looked up at Zina, meeting dark angry eyes that resembled her own too often.
"I was tired. Fell asleep." She said to her aunt, dismissively.
"And what about your daughter?" continued Zina, still frowning.
In a moment of pure panic, Ludi was on her feet, her toes catching themselves in the cover she had hastily pushed. She ran to the back door, throwing it open to look into the backyard. Gone. She was gone. She had been just there, just a second ago it seemed.
"Oh my God! She was just there! I fell asleep and..."
Somehow, Zina had made her way to the kitchen and was unpacking the groceries she had used to wake Ludi up.
"She's playing in her room." She said without looking at her, the contempt dripping from her voice.
It was Ludi's turn to glare at her aunt. When she slammed the door closed, the old woman wasn't ready for it and jumped a bit.
"How the frag dare you do this to me!" said Ludi, her cheeks flushing red with anger.
"I'm teaching you a lesson young lady. A real mother never leaves her child out of sight, even when she is tired."
Ludi tore the bag of grocery from her aunt's hand and threw it across the room. Something made of glass broke and spilled on the floor. Zina's hands were shaking.
"You think you have something to teach me about motherhood? Please aunt, remind me, how many kids did you have?"
Zina opened her mouth to spit back some remark that choked halfway up her throat.
"Right. Just who do you think you are! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be anything Zina."
This time, the old Russian woman anger overcame her fear.
"I took you in when you had nowhere to go! With a child, no husband, no papers, no future. I took you, and gave you a roof over your head and an honest job."
"And honest job?! Cutting hair?! Do you realize the only reason why your stupid fucking salon hasn't been burnt to the ground yet is because of me? Do you think that keeping the mob, and the gangs and all the fucking crooks away from you and your ridiculous little store is an easy thing to do."
"I've never asked you to..."
"Go back to your debt , and your hunger and your fear Zina. If you don't like the life I've given you, then get out of my home!"
"And leave your child alone with you, so she can become an assassin and a whore like her mother?"
Ludi didn't think. Her brain didn't have the luxury of time to reflect upon things. It just happened. Her closed fist shot out and struck Zina. The old woman doubled back, hitting the kitchen counter with a yell. Trembling hands went to cover her face, doing her best to shield herself as her niece grabbed a hold of her arm and raised her fist again. She struck her, again and again, until fell to her knees, crying and cursing her.
Letting go of her aunt, Ludi took a few steps back, the horror of what she had just done sinking in. They always argued. Always. Zina always came at her, bitter and poisonous... but she had never hit her. Never in her life had Ludi raised her hand against her own blood. Zina struggled to get back on her feet, and instinctively, Ludi tried to help her. She jerked back in fear, a small cry escaping her lips.
"Zina I..."
Zina's left eye was already starting to swell up.
"Don't touch me... you are not my niece..." she said, steadying herself on the counter's edge.
Ludi's eyes went down as she found herself unable to look at the deed she had done. For a long time, both women kept at arm's length, letting the silence build up. Ludmila discovered her throat drier than she had expected.
"Varya is coming by later to babysit, so you won't have to watch Lana.... I'm..."
Zina had turned her back to her, making a show of looking out the window and ignoring her niece. It was no use. Whatever Ludi would say, Zina saw her as a monster. And she was right, by all means. Grabbing her coat, Ludi left without a word. She knew very well there was nothing she could say; not even beg for mercy. She didn't deserve any, and she knew it all too well...
In the car, the music was loud and her foot heavy on the accelerator. She found found herself wishing some truck would hit her head on as she drove to meat Morris for coffee.
Feb 6 2011, 03:47 AM
07:49:18 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Rent-a-Room motel, Ute Sector, Denver
About time. Jamie was past ready to blow this drekking hotel too. Problem is where to go. I don't have a bug scanner. Nor a white noise generator. Inside a room should be fine, I can neutralize a laser mic, no problem.
"Not me." she quips as she heads back to her coffin to get her stuff.
Feb 8 2011, 09:49 PM
08:55:18 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Somewhere in Ute Sector, DenverThey'd been driving around the Ute sector for the better part of an hour discussing run setups and unknowns. The soykaff was starting to cool down and
Bubba was munching through his donuts at an incredable rate mistaken them for breakfast. It took
Kliko over more than the better part of half an hour before he found a backroom in one of the new Lakeside casino's congress centers. The light tubes glare would undoubtedly kill all resemblance of a cosy atmosphere.
'Strictly bizz, no frills' But at least the place came with a premium matrix subscription, a holographic datadisplay unit, conference call dome-style telephone and an old-fashioned flap-over on a easle in the corner. It wasn't much, but at 50

an hour
Kliko considered it money well spent to maintain the resemblance of a secure run. Besides
Ludmilla assures him safehouses clocked in at only marginal lower prices... this would just have to do for the day.
'and, they provide free soykaff re-fills too... ain't that a charm.'09:30:47 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Lakeside Congress center - Ute Sector, Denver"Alright now, just smile as I take these pics for your new Denver passes"
'Now say fraggin CHEESE!, chummer.' Taking his teammates pictures and create their individual profiles was routine enough. How the frag get the profiles to his disposable and from there to
ms Johnson was a whole different matter. In the end
Jamie established a secure line before
Kliko was ready to send the Denver pass profiles.
Mister Juan
Feb 8 2011, 10:03 PM
11:31:03 Friday, 31st March 2062 – Some park in San Francisco
Sitting on the park bench, Ludi smoked her cigarette as she watch mustard fall on Morris' tie. Everytime he took a bite, something would come juicing out and drip down. Either the man didn't notice, or simply didn't care at all.
“You sure you don't want any” he said between two bites.
The young woman simply waved her hand dismissively, cigarette leaving a trail of smoke behind.
“Best hotdogs in the whole damn city. My wife won't let me eat any at home...” he finished with a sigh.
“Which is why getting wife is not very good idea Morris. It is why I do not have husband.”
Ludi pulled on her smoke, closing her eyes at the same time. She heard Morris chuckle on the bench next to her.
“You know, back in the days, we actually had a pool going on at some point. The boys thought you were a woman's woman.”
Cocking her head to the side, Ludi frowned. Americans and their goddamned expression never made any sort of sense. Morris didn't even acknowledge her face, he simply went on munching. He looked at the park in front of them, chewing slowly.
“This sort of reminds me of your old turf.”
Again, Ludi looked puzzled. There was no link what so ever between this flimsy excuse of a park and Russia.
“Are you doing insult to my country Morris?”
He laughed again, his belly bobbing up and down.
“Alright, I'll be the first to admit it ain't exactly the same. You guys did have better parks. Dreadful weather, but nice parks. I don't know...” he took a deep breath “I think it's the cold air. Reminds me of the good old days.”
Ludi found herself mimicking Morris gesture; leaning back into the bench to gaze at the park. Somehow, what he meants made some sort of sense. She did miss spending time outdoors.
“Was not very much good old days. You and I are free now.”
Morris shrugged as he balled up a napkin and threw it in the garbage.
“Truth be told miss, I sort of miss it. Wasn't always as clear cut and clean as I would've like, but then again, I didn't have two ex-wives back then.”
“And less fat on you” shevsaid, pointing at his belly with her chin.
“Comes with the exes Ludi. Part of the deal.”
This time around, they both smiled at each other.
“Anyways! If you wanted to talk about the old days, you would've asked me out for a drink. What can I do you for.”
Ludi leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees.
“Denver. Do you have people there?”
“Ghostwalker's turf? Hell no. Denver is almost worst than Berlin ever was in the previous century. The place is a damn cluster fuck ever since that Dragon took over. People are paranoid as hell, which ain't real good business for the agency. I'm sure we still got a few contractors I could ring in, but nothing on the intel side of things if that's what you want.”
Ludi pinched her cigarette between two fingers and tossed it away.
“So, there is nothing you can do for me?”
“Afraid not.”
She bit her lower lip, frowning. Morris was her only really solid UCAS contact. Sure, he now lived in NoCal, but his ties were still to his old home. With him unable to provide even a safehouse there, her options were narrowing down pretty quickly.
“How about emergency exfiltration?”
“From Denver?”
Morris seemed to chew around something in his mouth.
“Well... Yea, sure. I know a few people in Ute who could pull your hoops out, if you placed the call.”
“Could you set it up, just in case?”
“Sure thing lady. Just you?”
“Six.” she said, holding up the corresponding amount of fingers.
“Gimmie the call, and we'll pull you out.”
Ludi extended her hand, giving Morris a firm shake.
“I appreciate very much Morris. You are good man; you should tell that to your wife.”
When she came to withdraw her hand, Morris held steady, keeping her lock with him.
“You know Ludi, it ain't ever too late if you want to switch sides... They could still use you, you know. Do some good for a change. Work for the good guys.”
It was Ludi's turn to laugh as she got up.
She stuck a new cigarette between her lips.“There are no good guys Morris. Not anymore. And you have mustard on tie."
Mister Juan
Feb 8 2011, 11:01 PM
13:14:22 Friday, 31st March 2062 – Duffy's office
The light blazing ontop of her didn't help any. The back of her head was buzzing and it seemed like someone was digging around her brain with a rusty spoon. The good thing was, she wasn't feeling anything beside the headache.
“Still ok?”
She couldn't move her mouth, or even nod, so all she mustered up was a thumbs up.
“Almost done. I know it's not the most comfortable of all position.”
Now, there was an understatement. Over the past few weeks, Ludi had noticed an increasing lag in her vision; especially while shifting from one spectrum of light to the other. She would've prefered to fix it herself, but doing micro cyber adjustments on one's own eyes was a little tricky. She hated having her face paralyzed so Duffy could do his work, but there was no other way. At least, this way, she was still concious and well aware of what he was doing. After all, the man hadn't lost his medical license for nothing. He had once told her it was because he had been caught selling prescriptions to the side. Ludi had dug enough around to know it was because he enjoyed groaping some of his underaged patients. So, going fully under with him around was never something Ludi looked forward to.
“Alright, that should do it.”
With soft click, Ludi vision went dark for a moment, leaving her alone with her thoughts and the sound of her heart in her head. Things came back to her fuzzy, with the colors mostly off.
“Your eyes are going through a quick self diagnosis to make sure everything works; should only take a minute to calibrate everything back into range.”
A few minutes later, Ludi's vision was back to normal, and her face was starting to unfreeze itself. She swung her heavy boots around, bringing herself to a sitting position on the table. She blinked a few times quickly, looking at her hands.
“Many thanks doctor.”
“Actually, I'm starting to feel more like a mechanic every day”
Ludi's eyes went up to meet the street doc's face. She found him chewing on the corner of his lip rather nervously. He snapped out of whatever dream he was in and met her eyes. Suddently, the street doc looked somewhat nervous.
“So... you.. Everything gone well with your trip down south.”
“No side effects from the shots or anything.”
“No Doc, everything go very well, thank you.”
For a moment, Ludi almost decided against asking. Usually, Duffy's creepiness didn't put her off. He was a damn good doctor, both medically and cybernetically speaking. And his prices were more than affordable... probably on the account that just by being he tended to put a lot of people off. But somehow, today, she just didn't feel like being in the same room for any longer than she needed.
“I wondering...”
“Yes?” jumped Duffy in, a little too rapidly for her taste.
Ludi took a longer pause than she needed, just to make sure he knew who was in charge of the conversation.
“Do you have any friends in Denver. Medical friends.”
Duffy started to squirm a bit on his metal stool.
“I... hmmm.... well...” he said hesitantly, giving Ludi an uncomfortable look. She urged him on to spit it out.
“Not really no. Well, I did, but I don't. I used to though.”
Ludi didn't need to hear any more. She knew her street doc well; there was no way she could blame other people for not wanting to associate too much with the man. Pushing herself off the table, her boots thudded heavily on the floor.
“Again; many thanks for fixing my eyes. I see you later.”
He got up to follow her out of the room, bumping into her back as they walked out.
Mister Juan
Feb 9 2011, 12:04 AM
16:32:10 Friday, 31st March 2062 – A greasy spoon off the highway
Ludmila slid into the booth, across from Millard. Holding the paper with one hand, eating soup with the other, he didn't even give her a split second glance. His forehead was creased by whatever article he was reading. Upon not finding any menu around, Ludi decided on lighting herself a smoke.
She was about halfway through it when Millard decided to get a spoonful of soup into his mouth.
"You know" he started, eyes still glued to his newspaper "that look suits you pretty well."
Ludi's mouth went halfway open in a mixture of confusion and anger... neither of which she was really sure why she felt.
"The hair."
Millard folded his paper and noded across the table to her. Instinctively, Ludi's hand went to her shaved head, as if she could coaxed back the hair she had buzzed away.
"Thank you..." she said, still somewhat unsure on how to feel about the remark.
Millard slid his soup in front of him and started sipping it again. Ludi couldn't help but feel like she had to say something to fill in the silence that hung over the table.
"Not many people like it. They say I look like sick person."
Finally, that stopped him from ignoring her. Deep brown eyes went from the soup to her, where they stayed long enough to make Ludi want to hide between the cracks of her seat.
"Well, they're a bunch of idiots then. Gives you a certain... edge."
Ludmila wasn't entirely sure what the word "edge" meant, but she decide to take for granted that it was a good thing. She force a smile to crack her face and noded a thank. Millard went back to his soup.
"Stuck under the table." he finally said after a few more minutes of silence.
Ludi's fingers went prowling around under the table until she found the envelope. She slid the piece of folded paper into her jacket's pocket, without looking at it.
"Many thanks Millard."
"Don't mention it."
Sliding out of the booth, Ludi was about to leave when Millard looked up from his meal.
"One last thing."
He turned slowly, peering back over his shoulder.
"Grab the salt for me."
Once well inside her car, Ludi checked the envelope's content. All it had was a small handwritten street adress, in Denver's Sioux Sector, writen on a post-it.
Well, at least, she had accomplished one thing today.
Mister Juan
Feb 9 2011, 01:17 AM
23:52:41 Friday, 31st March 2062 – A deserted parking lot
Ludi's throat was starting to feel like sand paper. Every time she got into a fight with Zina, and it was starting to happen more often, she'd start going through packs of smokes like there was no tomorrow. She'd taken up smoking out of boredom when she had her first posting, decrypting communication from the Norweigian airforce. She'd kept it up in Siberia because... well.... because everyone smoked. She kept it up because it calmed her down. Today, she overdid it as a form of punishment. Tomorrow, she'd hit the gym early and push her body as far as she could. She could always go back to Zina to apologize... But she knew very well she would never do it.
Wrapping her mouth around the smoke, she pushed it out in neat little circle, looking up at the starless sky. She missed them, the stars. A sky nicely filled up with little sparkingly dots was the only thing she had truly enjoyed about the last mission in French Guiana. The rest had been hell. Especially the part about getting shot in the gut because Kliko was too trigger happy. At least, this time around, she wouldn't be at the meet so he could get her shot.
Putting the smoke back into her mouth, Ludi folded her arms behind her head.
It was a few smokes later that she heard the car coming up the ramp. With a push, Ludi slid off the hood of her sports car and landed on the concrete of the parking lot. She shivered a bit and decided to snuggle her shaved head back into a beanie hat.
Miron's car did a wide circle in the empty lot, coming to a rest a few feet away from Ludi, it's headlight shining on her. She thanked Duffy internally as her eyes compensated smoothly and rapidly for the glare. Hands in plain sight, she watched two goons step out from each side. They looked around carefully before opening the back door. Miron skinny frame, tucked into an oversized aviator jacket, stepped out.
She had first met the Serbian when he was a “simple” gun runner. Her unit's supply sergeant had recruited her squad into his personal little enterprise. He'd help them round up their montly paycheck if they provided him with a bit of security while he lost a few crates of guns and ammo. Back then, Ludi had been struck by how thin Miron looked. His hallowed cheek, his bony arms. The way his eyes seem to sit too far inside his skull. He looked sickly and diseased. Now, almost 10 years later, his skeletal look didn't bother her anymore. It actually warmed her somehow; made her think of the days when she was a worry free crooked army grunt.
Ludi had to admit it, she sort of liked Miron. The fact he spoke Russian fluently made things so much easier.
“I like the coat.”
“Want me to hook you up with one?”
Ludi cracked half a smile and shook her head. He came to a stop within arms reach, his two goons hovering behind him.
“No thanks, I'll be ok.”
“Missing out on a deal girl” he said, pulling on the cuffs “these are the real deal and they ain't cheap!”
“A little too flyboy for my taste, but looks good on you."
It was his turn to crack a smile.
“Enough about my stupid coat. It wasn't really easy to get everything you wanted, but I think I got it covered.”
He took a manila envelop from inside his coat.
"It's not the top of the line, but it should fit your purpose. You should think about shelling the cred for the whole solid thing you know."
Ludi took the package from the fixer.
“I know. This was somewhat short notice so... I'll keep it in mind though.”
She emptied the content of the enveloppe on the hood of her car. A few ID cards and an optical chip fell out. Flipping through the ID cards, she inspected the work fast. It was good... Not top of the line, because she hadn't paid the top of the line price, but good enough for a few uses.
Then she read the name.
“Valentina Tereshkova? Are you fucking kidding me?”
This time around the fixer laughed.
“Hey, I thought you'd get a kick out of it.”
Grumbling and mumbling to herself, Ludi stashed the IDs and chip into her jacket.
“I fucking swear; if they bust me at customs I'll curse your entire family.”
“Speaking of, that's just ID you know. It won't get you into Denver unless you've got a visa.”
“That's already in the works.”
“What about the rest?”
“On the chip. I couldn't find you anyone I knew first hand, so you'll have to make due with recommendations from friends. I can't vouch for them, so you watch your back.”
“I wouldn't have expected anything else.”
“Right. First guy, goes by the name of Hawk. Supposed to be a reliable smuggler. Runs a lot of goods between CFS and Denver. Knows his way in and out of the city. He charges five grand for a trip, so he ain't exactly cheap. I also got your the number for a local fixer, Daze. I haven't dealt with him personally, but he should be able to cover you for a safehouse and gear, if you need it.”
“Did you set up a meet already?”
“Na. Held off in case you decided it wasn't worth the risk. You've got his number though, so you can just ring him up when you get there.”
“So; you got something for me also?”
Ludi gave him a coy smile she usually reserved for security guards she was about to knock out, or hot dates she was about to jump on.
“Come on Miron, I thought we were friends.”
The fixer held his hands up apologetically.
“Hey, not my call! Gotta pay the forger babe.”
Ludi tossed him a credstick, which Miron simply pocketed without looking. Friends were hard to come by in the shadows, and Ludi liked to think that Miron was hers. At least, partly.
“Did you get any fallout from our last trip?”
“Not a peep. Apparently, somebody took care of Smith before you had your little... jungle accident.”“So we got a third party involved...”
“Looks like it. Couldn't get anything definitive on who it was though... Your friend is well on his way to recovery, last I heard.”
“Thanks Miron.”
She shook his hand.
“You're a real doll.”
“You to Ludi; you to. You have yourself a nice trip.”
Feb 9 2011, 04:57 PM
09:30:50 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Lakeside Congress center - Ute Sector, Denver
Jamie settles into the new office without comment. Kliko's got a knack for finding the odd bolthole. At least it's a more civilized hour. She puts on a photo face for the pics, then goes right back to her deck. Over the next day, she continues her search for information about Morningstar, but, jacks out every hour for soykaf or food.
Mister Juan
Feb 10 2011, 10:56 PM
10:30:11 Saturday, 1 April 2062 – Some gym
With music blasting in her ears, Ludi kept her leg pumping. She couldn’t remember the last time she had jogged for that long. Her legs burning up all the way to her neck, and every breath seemed to pull in less and less air. She’d told herself that she was going this because of Denver. The air was going to be a lot thinner, and she had no idea the sort of physical work she’d have to pull off for the job. But deep down, she knew all too well she was just punishing herself for what she had done to Zina. Some people went on to cut themselves. Others drank or did drugs. She took her guilt out on her own body.
She grabbed the sidebars of the treadmill, which slowed down automatically. Dark spots had begun to cloud her vision, and her hearth was trying to beat itself out of her chest. Sweat stung her eyes as she reached for a towel.
As she walked towards the showers, some guy on a stationary bike smiled to her, a smile that Ludi ignored. Usually, she might have returned the smile of a nice looking guy. Today, she felt like locking herself in her workshop and forgetting about the entire world. Lana had asked her, at breakfast, if she was going to leave again. Ludi had been spending more time home than usual, much to the joy of her daughter. She was well aware that her little girl had inherited her smarts, since all it had taken was for her to spot the briefcase her mother had set aside to know that something was going on.
“It’s only a short trip honey. You’ll barely notice I’m gone.”
She hadn’t said anything back; she’d only lower her eyes and made her cereals go round and round. When she had kissed her goodbye before leaving for the gym, she hadn’t kissed her back.
As she started emptying her locker, Ludi noticed she had a message waiting on her psec. She had been expecting Kliko to call soon, but not so soon... and she was right. It turned out it wasn’t him. Sometime, at the wee hours of the morning, travel visas for Denver had been delivered under the name of Valentina Tereshkova. Part of her was glad she now had a mostly guaranteed way into Denver. The other part still wondered what in the hell the job was actually going to be...
21:20:05 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - The Sorens
“Mooooooooommmm!” yelled Lana, over her shoulder.
Sprawled on the carpet, head a few inches from the trid, Lana Soren hated having her “before bed time trid time” interrupted... especially by her mother’s phone. Ludi came up the den’s stairs, skipping a few steps.
“What is it honey?”
All Lana did was point toward the psec on the kitchen table, without looking at it. Ludi hurried to it.
It was Kliko.
Feb 11 2011, 07:19 PM
21:20:05 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Somewhere close to the Ute-border, CAS Denver sector
"Эй, как это жизнь... Говорите английском языке, пожалуйста ... yeah, we got the job alright..."
Mister Juan
Feb 11 2011, 10:18 PM
21:20:05 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - The Sorens, SF, CFS
Ludi frowned at the other end of the line. As annoyed as she felt, she did her best to keep it out of her voice.
“What is it?”
“Extraction; the head of some nutcase dragon worshipping cult.”
This time around, it was easy to hear Ludi frown across the line.
“You know what they say about dragons Kliko...”
“Yea yea yea. I don't like it anymore than you do. We're going to need two safehouse; one UCAS, and one backup.”
“That is already done. I have one confirme for Sioux. I have meeting, Monday night, to get second one in UCAS.”
“Good. We're also going to need someone who can get us some gear.”
“I have number for fixer already. And I have friends from Vory there also.”
“When can you get here?”
“I have flight monday afternoon, arrive at 6pm. I will need someone to pick me up with car.”
Feb 11 2011, 10:57 PM
21:20:10 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Somewhere close to the Ute-border, CAS Denver sector
"I'll be there. You want my shopping list now or then?"
Mister Juan
Feb 11 2011, 11:03 PM
21:20:10 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - The Sorens, SF, CFS
For a moment, Ludi chewed on her lower lip.
"Better to send now. I will review before flight."
Feb 11 2011, 11:28 PM
21:20:16 Sunday, 2 April 2062 - Somewhere close to the Ute-border, CAS Denver sector
"Let me think for a moment" ...
'- Flash paks, one redundant,
- Extendable baton for Bubba
- Flashbangs and some more flashbangs!
- Shotgun'
The line stays quite for some time
"You still there? ... Ok, here goes, we be needin some flash-paks, lots of flash bangs, shotgun, and one of these extendable batons for our big friend. Nothing fancy, just in case drek hits the fan. Just don't mention you're with a team. Can't risk some fixer looking into this bizz, copy?... Yeah, we got the nuyen to cover these expenses, J paid some 25k up front..."
Feb 13 2011, 05:23 PM
11:35:47 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Lakeside Congress center, back room - Ute Sector, Denver
They had been staring at the flap-over sheet for the last 10 minutes, soykaff in their hands, sitting back at the table and munching some new donut supply. 'I got to start watching my weight.' Kliko knew from experience even the best plans didn't survive first contact with an enemy, 'security or otherwise'.
He and Bubba were supposed to offer a distraction in case things turned sour... 'Fraggin great...' meaning they'd be exposed, and got to operate loud as hell. Ms J's indication armed guards escorted Morningstar out side the temple probaply meant they had armed guards inside as well. 'Though we could probaply push right through them if need be.'
Finally there was Ludmilla's issue with the jaguar shaman. Not being a happy fan of the big unknown himself, he respected her opinion. But the infil team had to be a minimal three men crew too and the only three team members who fitted through those windows were Felix, Jamie and Ludmilla...
'Anyhow, we got to get those passes soonest.'
"Anything missing or something we overlooked?"
Feb 17 2011, 12:15 AM
06:38:04 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Sacramento International Airport - Sacramento, CFS
Ludi normally parked her car out in the boonies to avoid dents and dings, but this time she felt more comfortable leaving it squeezed in between a brand new full sized Chrysler and a small red sports car in the front of the Long Term Parking lot. With fractured relationships at home, she wasn't going to ask for a ride.
Her car was well in view of the toll booth where the security guard slept. He may not stop any crimes, but a criminal would more than likely go after an easier target.
The rain started up again as she was making her way across the lot. She smiled as the benefit of little to no make up and a buzz cut showed itself once again. She remembered that she was wearing make up and an expensive blond wig and hoped the extra money she spent would add to her disguise. Entering the airport she tossed her cigarette towards an ash can, not watching to see if it landed in the DZ.
The line at the check in counter was long, but not like it would have been at the larger airports in San Francisco, Oakland or San Jose. As the cities around the Bay Area and the Sacramento-Sierra Valley have grown profoundly in the last two or three decades, the capitol had continued to spread itself in small suburbs instead of skyscraper metroplexes. The locals still refer to it as a big cow-town, usually not in a loving tone.
Ludi, steps up to the counter dropping her bag on the scale next to the counter. She hands her the ID provided by Miron. With years of experience, keeping her cover was easy, but Ludi could feel something growing inside her. Her feelings of fear and anxiety moved to anger as she thought of what she would do to Miron if anyone picked up on...
"Okay... Miss... Teri ... Terish ... coma..."
"Valentina is fine." Ludi smiled as the clerk butchered her name.
She let out a breath, a disguised sigh of relief, as she made her way to security. Passing through the x-ray machine, with all loose items and clothing, such as shoes, scarves and overcoats going through their own x-ray machine along a mechanical belt. She was chosen for extra screening, as 25% of travelers were. She thought it was the cyberware, until she saw the security agents were two young men, with shy smiles. She walked through the full body scanner, aka the perv screen, to find the two "agents" giving her the full up and down look over. When they met eyes, their faces reddened. Unlike most women, she was not embarrassed, though she did find this completely unprofessional, not by the agents, but by the system. Thoughts of violence flashed in her mind, but she let it go. There would be another time, and this was another fight. Enemy countries and agencies from back in the day probably had better and more embarrassing images of her from the "old days."
"I would break you," she said with a wink as she regathered her items once again. As they snickered, somewhat shocked by her brashness, their expressions turned to fear as she stared them down. The redness left their faces and was replaced with ghostly white. They knew it to be true, but the delivery was ambiguous, definitely a threat, but not quite flirtatious. She smiled and walked away.
She was relieved she was done being scanned and inspected. She was not sure if security was thinking with their wrong heads, or if they were just not educated enough to recognized the name, but she passed through security safely. Ludi assumed it was both. Today's education system was in disarray. Kids knew more about pop stars and trid stars than they knew about history and literature. She felt a wave of sadness as she thought of Lana being stuck in the California public education system, and she remembered why she lives the life she does.
11:38:04 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Lakeside Congress center, back room - Ute Sector, Denver
"Anything missing or something we overlooked?" Kliko asks.
A sea of blank faces look back at him, then at each other. There a few shrugs of the shoulders, a few shakes of the head and one troll still guarding pink boxes as he shoves those colorful circular pastries in his mouth less than quietly.
Noticing the room suddenly quiet, Bubba looks up from the box at a four pairs of eyes staring back at him. "Huh? Yes. Sounds ... good ... Let's do it!"
With that the meeting is adjourned for them to go about their different duties. Corsair returns to his aerial recon and Jamie to her matrix search. Felix, Bubba and Kliko head to the boarder for another "jump" over the wall.
Packing List:
1 Mage Mask
1 Metal Restraints/Handcuffs
1 Dart Pistol
5 Narcojet Darts
3 SMGs Sandler TMP if available
Plus ammo as promised, to include SMGs and shotgun shells.
12:01 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>MRS. DENVER JOHNSON] >>> Okay. I can have that list filled by tomorrow afternoon. Working on the other thing. They should be ready at the same time, still in negotiations with contractor.
12:41:22 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Denver International Airport, - UCAS Sector, Denver
Valentina Tereshkova had to fix her hair and reapply her makeup due to the damage done by the rain, if she were to make herself presentable. It took her longer than she had expected, but at least it wasted some time that would have been spent scanning overpriced useless items in Skymall.
When she exited the aircraft it had already been a long day. She had spent more time passing through security and being visually molested than actually traveling. The flight itself only took two and half hours. That plus the one hour time change put her well past lunch time.
12:52:03 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Denver International Airport, - UCAS Sector, Denver
Daze sat at the Mile High Club Bar and Grill at Denver International eating deep fried Rocky Mountain Oysters and drinking a Front Range Iced Tea, which was basically a Long Island iced tea made with local liquors. He sat where he could spot the red scarf he was looking for. The only other information he had was that the blond would be arriving sometime after 1130. He dipped another appetizer in spicy ranch and dropped in his mouth. It was amazing how in shape he stayed with the kind of food he ate, and the amount of alcohol he consumed.
"Another drink, sir?" the waitress asked.
He paused for a second, then figured, what the frag, he might as well enjoy waiting on a client that doesn't look like they are going to show. He had kept updated on his mPhone's Airlines Ap, and no flights were delayed. "Yes," he told her, and as he looked up from his phone he spotted his client. "Can you also add me a double of your finest Russian vodka? On the rocks."
"Irene!" He called out as instructed as the woman entered the lounge. The woman in the red scarf turned and spotted the well dressed man, wearing a black suit, as instructed, with pinstripes and a red shirt, also as instructed. The suit was one he really enjoyed, but didn't have enough opportunities to wear, and enjoyed this encounter that reminded him something out of an old spy movie.
She joined the man, giving him a long hug as if they were separated ex-lovers. He knew it was part of the act, but enjoyed it none of the less. He usually was attracted to the tough, brunette and less makeup type, but this business type blond flipped his switch in someway. Maybe it was that he knew she was some sort of runner underneath this guise, maybe it was the four inch heels instead of tactical boots, but something was intriguing about this woman.
They sat down and introduced themselves, at which time the waitress returned with their drinks.
"One Front Range Ice Tea, and one Stolichnaya Elit, on the rocks."
Valentina gave Daze an inquisitive look.
"Our friend told me you enjoyed a fine Russian vodka."
Valentina smiled, as did the waitress, who knew a blind date when she saw one. They did make a cute couple, even if the girl was late, and the man was probably intoxicated.
The blond with the red scarf passed him a typed up note that included the list of items they required. Daze smiled, took a drink, then opened the note looking it over.
1 Defiance T250
4 Concussion grenades
2 Flash packs
1 Extendable baton, troll mod
Valentina enjoyed the cold vodka, which went down smooth. It reminded her of home for some reason, though back then she could not afford the luxuries of a twenty five nuyen glass of vodka.
"This should be easy enough. I can have it ready tomorrow afternoon, if not in the morning."
13:01:11 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Ute/UCAS Boarder - UCAS Sector, Denver
With the giant in tow, the team gets an easier look over the 10 foot wall separating the Ute Sector from the UCAS Sector. Bubba was a little harder to lift than Kliko, leaving Felix drained by the time they made their way over the wall and few blocks down where they could rest at a small restaurant. Felix for one, would be very relieved when their IDs came in, and there would be less need for levitating these mammoths.
They found a run down motel, called El Ray Motel, near the Children of the Dragon Temple to set up base. From there Felix can rest and get back to astral recon. Kliko and Bubba head down the street on foot, towards the temple.
Kliko finds a building to lean against where he can watch over the area while being unnoticed.
Bubba continues on, harassing random people on the street, who are easily frightened off by his lack of etiquette, personal hygiene and overall size.
"Heyya mista, do yous knows what dis church is about?"
"Heyya ma'am, can yous tell me wheres me find da Dragon Chillen?"
"Heyya sir, cans you tell me wheres to find Jesus?"
"Heyya dude, where is a good place a dude can worship?"
Finally, after many flee from the poor young soul, a pair of men approach Bubba cautiously.
"Hello sir. Would you like to hear the word of our savior Ghostwalker?"
"He has returned to save us."
They hand him a pamphlet about the Children of the Dragon. Bubba looks at it and smiles, knowing he found a great clue.
"Can you tell me more?" Bubba digs.
"Oh yes," the two missionaries smile like salesmen, knowing they have another soul ready and willing to be saved. "My name is Brother Branson, and this is Brother Tate." They reach to shake his hand.
"Uh..." he returns the gesture, "I am...erhh ... Brother Bubba," he says trying to fit in.
"The humanitarian great dragon Dunkelzahn has returned from death to save mankind, as Ghostwalker."
Bubba thought this was far-fetched, but he didn't know the business of great dragons, or regular dragons for that matter.
"Yeahs... me needs to be saved. I break commendations all the time."
The two missionaries look at each other, then back at the prospect member. ""Brother Morningstar gives sermons all day on the weekends, and every weeknight at seven. You should come. Or we will show you around now, Brother Bubba."
Bubba feels welcomed and accepted, and he gives the two men in brown robes a genuine smile.
From his spot in the shadows, Kliko cannot hear what is going down with Bubba, but it looks like he has been made. He soon sees his partner being escorted toward the temple.
Up the steps and into the old brick warehouse, the two gentlemen escort the troll. Inside the double doors is small foyer. They guide him through the door on the left.
"This is our cafeteria, where the clergy eat. We also open this up to feed the homeless and the downtrodden, as Ghostwalker has taught us."
They continue the tour, walking through the cafeteria to a door in the right corner.
"This is our kitchen. Through that door is our storage area, and through this door," they lead through the door on the right that leads back to a hallway, "leads us back to the foyer where we came in."
There is a small office that is directly across from the front doors, now on their left.
"This is our office, where someone is 24 hours, to help the needy."
They continue forward through another set of double doors. The room is inviting with a few couches and a few end tables topped with pamphlets and literature.
"This is the lounge, where worshipers can mingle without interrupting the services. And to our left..."
They enter through yet another set of double doors. The large room has two sets of pews, one to Bubba's left and one to his right. At the end of the walkway running between the benches, is a raised area which holds a pulpit that is well decorated. Behind it are four stained glass windows depicting western great dragons, two gold, two white. The room is shaped in an upside down L, with the would be bottom off to his left. There sits some chairs and an organ. The ceiling is tall and in each corner Bubba spots large statues of dragons climbing up the walls.
The missionaries sit down with Bubba in the front row near the alter.
"Are you ready to hear the word of Brother Morningstar and his vision of Ghostwalker?"
"Mes do!"
They tell in great detail of the vision and Morningstar's astral walk with the great Ghostwalker. The story traps Bubba in its world and he soon forgets these people truly believe what they are saying. In fact, he soon wants to believe as well, as it is an epic tail of the fall and salvation of all mankind through the love of a greater force. Bubba feels loved and welcomed by Ghostwalker and his Children.
Felix rests on the bed of the motel. His spirit is once again freed from his restrictive body as it enters the astral realm. He finds himself once again at the Children of the Dragon Temple, observing the area first from afar. While he has found Denver to be filled with astral lilfe, ghosts, spirits and other astral beings, the temple area is a virtual hotbed. While some of the beings are just passer-byes, many stop and explore the temple before leaving. The watchers are obvious to Felix after a short time monitoring the area, and he decides to join the explorers.
Felix enters the halls of the temples first floor and knowing he is probably being watched he slowly goes over each of the dragons in the worship hall. He spots Bubba coming in with two "children." They are both magically active, though not actively projecting anything of concern. Felix flies around the group in a tight circle and goes back to inspecting the statues. The building seem to be filled with feelings of love and friendship.
Kliko changes positions, watching closely for any threats. The only thing he spots are some more church members in brown robes trying to convert the locals. A light goes off. Holy drek. Bubba is in!
He watches as Bubba exits the front doors. At the top of the cement steps leading to the large wooden doors Bubba shakes hands with the two missionaries. He leaves with a wide smile and a handful of literature, obvious to Kliko that he is overjoyed with a successful mission.
Bubba leaves the temple overwhelmed with the reincarnation of the Great Dragon Spirit. He happily bounds off toward the hotel room to share the teachings of the Children with Kliko and Felix.
Mister Juan
Feb 18 2011, 11:41 PM
12:52:03 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Denver International Airport, - UCAS Sector, Denver
One leg crossed over the other at the knee, Ludi kept her foot bouncing gently, as if she was listening to music only she could hear. Now and again, she'd flash pearly white teeth at Daze, pushing a strand of long flowing blond hair behind her ear. The man was not only pleasent to look at, but pleasent to talk to, which was enough to surprise Ludi herself. She made small talk with him, smily coyly at his jokes, running her fingers on the rim of her glass every so often. The flight had been crappy, customs had been crappy, and all in all, the young woman generally had a pretty crappy week behind her... and maybe even ahead.
Strangely enough, she enjoyed Daze's company. It soothed her nerves and calmed her down. After all, maybe she could find other ways to vent steam out in Denver...
When the fixer looked up from the note, Ludi slid the last of her ice into her mouth.
“This should be easy enough. I can have it ready tomorrow afternoon, if not in the morning.”
She smiled at him and reached across the table. The tip of her manicured fingers brush his elbow. Ludi took her time; she spoke a little slower and quieter than she usually did, trying her best to hide her accent.
“I will also need place to stay. Something discreet, in the UCAS sector. Something with a few rooms.”
Her green eyes went searching for his.
“Can you do this for me?”
Feb 19 2011, 12:06 AM
13:04:25 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Mile High Club, Bar and Grill - Denver International Airport - UCAS Sector, DenverAfter learning the basic recipe for rocky mountain oysters,
Valentina decided she was not hungry. It looked like they would have the equipment for the job by tomorrow, and knowing
Kliko, he probably already has two or three plans already in the work. All of which no doubt include an itchy trigger finger.
Looking up from his PSec,
Daze brought the conversation back to business, for which
Valentina was relieved. "It looks like I will have a safe house available. It is a small house, in a not so friendly neighborhood. Your clients should fit in well."
"How much? For everything."
After some negotiations they settled in on 2200

including use of the safe house through the 15th. After that it was 500

per week. The costs were a bit more than average, but due to the low availability of black market items in Denver, it wasn't unexpected. The good thing is she was able to get everything she needed and quickly.
Daze finished his second Front Range Iced Tea since
Valentina had joined him. He returned the ice and lemon filled glass to the table, grabbing the thin cardboard coaster it had sat on before. He jotted down some information and passed it to
"Here is my contact information and the address to the safe house. The windows all have bars, fitting in with the rest of the neighborhood, and there is a maglock and deadbolt on the garage, front, side and back doors. You can use a four digit code to access the building and there are directions on the panel how to change that code.
I will reset that code to 2062 tomorrow, after 1700. At that time you will have access to the property, and your gear will be inside, in a wall safe in the master bedroom. It will be coded the same as the doors."
Valentina prepped a credstick and passed it to
Daze, pocketing the coaster.
"It is pleasure doing business," she stood gather her things. The fixer stood as well, out of some sort of formality.
Valentine finished her drink, as the waitress reapproached the table. The women smiled at each other as they passed.
13:11 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [LUDI>>>KLIKO] >>> Pick me up at airport, UCAS. Look for blond with red scarf.13:12 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>LUDI] >>> Frag! Haven't got car across yet. Sending you address of our hotel. Have cab take you here.13:35:33 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Denver International Airport, - UCAS Sector, DenverLeaving baggage claim, thankfully with everything,
Valentina walked out to the Pick-Up/Drop-Off Zone out front. She was a bit aggravated over not having a ride, but there were cabs lined up waiting on potential customers.
"Is there a nice hotel nearby?"
After a short ride, and a few nuyen,
Valentina entered the lobby of the Marriott Grand.
13:55:21 Monday, 3 April 2062 - Marriott Grand, - UCAS Sector, DenverLudi exited the side entrance of the hotel and walked up the street to a corner coffee shop, where she could hail a cab. It wasn't long, and the fresh winter air felt nice. It had been a long time since she experienced snow. The winters in California were cold enough alright, but seemed more intent on rain storms and wind.
14:30:41 Monday, 3 April 2062 - El Ray Motel, - UCAS Sector, Denver"
Bubba exclaimed when she entered the small motel room. His overjoyed face was shortly transformed in one mixed of surprise and "oh drek." He held a large finger to his mouth, "Shhhhhhhhh...
Felix be doin' shammin stuffs."
"Hi Bubba," she whispered back, looking at the shaman who appeared to be sound asleep.
He handed her some of the literature he had gathered at the Temple. "Mes sneaked into temples and dey thinks mes a brotha now. Good stuffs here. Me been studyin cause me don't wants to wakey wakey da mage."
"Where is everyone else?"
Klikos still scopin' da place out. And
Cursor is doin rigga stuff. And
Jamie doin' decka stuff. But look here, it says
Dunklyzhan is da Great Dragon Spirit... and yous know whats? He be reincarcerated as
Ludi put her finger to her lips this time, as
Bubba's voice started rising. "Is that so..."
"Yeahs. He comes back to saves all mans kinds... even trolls and orcs!"
Ludi put her finger to her lips again, reminding
Bubba of the working shaman.
"Like mes and Klikos," he turns back shuffling through the pamphlets, "we can be saves too..."
"Oh дерьмо..."
Feb 19 2011, 08:28 AM
19:45:41 Monday, 3 April 2062 - El Ray Motel, - UCAS Sector, Denver
With a shudder, Felix returns his consciousness to his physical body and lays there for a few minutes, processing and filtering the lingering emotions from the astral space of Denver. The slight strain of working with the unrestrained magic of Denver was nothing compared to the emotional vortex of the Temple. Reaching over to the nightstand, he grabs his PSec and starts scribbling notes in it. Looking around, he finally realizes that Ludmilla and Bubba are here.
"Glad you made it out here, has Kliko gotten back yet? Sometimes it seems the more time you spend scouting a place out, the more questions you end up with. What did that place look like on the inside Bubba? Any thoughts on a different route into the building an up to the third floor?"
Felix shakes his head. "Quite a few of the members are magical, and so walking into an alerted building could get really nasty really fast. Depending on how big services are when Morningstar preaches, a fast grab could be an option however." Felix sighs and rubs his head. "Working any sort of magic from within the Temple grounds is going to be a tough thing to do. I can play defense just fine, keeping two or three of them off your backs without a problem, but we'll have to take them down in the physical world. Best case scenario, their magicians will be effected as well and we'll be just fine. Worst case, I play defense inside the Temple and nail them when we leave."
Mister Juan
Feb 19 2011, 11:35 PM
19:45:41 Monday, 3 April 2062 - El Ray Motel, - UCAS Sector, Denver
With one boot resting on the edge of the table, Ludmila barely lifted her eyes from her psec. She gave Felix a single nod and went back to whatever she was doing. Kliko had given her a bit of detail concerning the job, but she still needed to be brought up to speed. Bubba had tried his best to do that, which had only added to her general confusion. At least, she had to give him an A for effort. Maybe, if they had some free time in Denver, she'd take the big troll to see the sights.
It wasn't easy to tell if the woman paid any attention to Felix when he spoke. She didn't nod, or make any sort of sound. When he was done though, she spoke without looking up.
"No. You stay in car and do nothing. That is best case senario."
She lifted her head and looked at Bubba.
"When is Kliko coming back, I need to have word with him."
Feb 20 2011, 01:59 AM
19:45:41 Monday, 3 April 2062 - El Ray Motel, - UCAS Sector, Denver
Felix's frustration with the russian woman boils over after the stresses of the astral plane. "I'm glad that you seem to know what to do when infiltrating a building with magical security and extracting an unwilling magician who almost certainly has multiple levels of initiation. If you know anything of the situation beyond the photos and writeup on your little gizmo, please feel free to share it with the rest of us."
"Somehow I don't think you'd make it too far when a spirit you couldn't even detect, much less harm, conceals the exits and confuses you. You would wander back and forth all night long, thinking, if you still could, that the exit was just through that door, never realizing you were just going back and forth through a single door. A little russian hamster spinning in its wheel." Felix sighs, "While you might prefer that I simply sit in the car and take a nap, you need to wake up and smell the mana chica, this is the sixth world. You can try and ignore magic all you want, but it won't ignore you."
Mister Juan
Feb 20 2011, 03:05 AM
19:45:59 Monday, 3 April 2062 - El Ray Motel, - UCAS Sector, Denver
Ludmila stretched and yawned like a cat. Grabbing her smokes off the table, she pulled one out with her lips.
“A little fiesty when you are tired, little mage.”
She lit her cigarette, taking a long pull.
“You do not know me yet, so it is alright. After all, I do not know you. Do not make mistake of thinking I am new to this.”
She exhaled a thick dark cloud and leaned back, getting comfortable in her seat.
“All I say is” she continues, the cigarette hanging at the corner of her mouth “best senario is we not need you. Best senario is we also not need Bubba and Kliko.”
Ludi tilts her head towards Bubba and puts a reassuring hand on his arm.
“Best senario is Jamie and me do work, and everyone watches, smiles and waves.”
She turns back towards Felix.
“If you have problem with being on... how to say... side line, then...”
Ludi jerks her thumb towards the door.
Feb 20 2011, 04:18 PM
20:06:41 Monday, 3 April 2062 - El Ray Motel, - UCAS Sector, Denver
The white plastic bags with takaway chow filled both Kliko's arms. Both hands filled, he had to kick the motel room's door to make his presence known. The smile on Bubba's face was priceless "FOOD!" 'at least that makes for one happy chummer.'.
Moving down the room past Bubba the atmosphere turned cold as ice. "What the frag is going down here." looking down at Felix and Ludmilla. 'Bugger, and all I wanted was some warm chow.'
Feb 20 2011, 06:05 PM
20:06:53 Monday, 3 April 2062 - El Ray Motel, - UCAS Sector, Denver
"Just the usual disdain and contempt from people who fear what they can't control. Hardly something new, although rather less professional than I expected." Felix pauses for a second before shaking his head. "The Temple grounds are soaked in emotional noise. It did seem like every one of the fraggers working in the Temple is magical to one degree or another. That will make manipulating mana more challenging there, and effecting them with direct spells difficult, but nothing that should effect the current plan."
"That being said, if people prefer to go fast and noisy, it looks like we could make the grab during one of Morningstar's sermons unless they really crank up the security for those. A combination of confusion, concealment and blindness can go a long way towards making a quick exit work."