Aug 10 2009, 06:01 PM
15:20:50 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Sugar's Place
'Prior service. Sounds good, hope we don't know some of the same people though...'
Sugar closed out the game of chess he was playing with his computer and tossed the empty synth-beer can into the compactor. He went to the coat hanger by the door and grabbed his jacket, slinging it across his tatooed back and over his silenced Walther. Flipping the weapon out of its holster he checked the chamber. Satisfied, Sugar grabbed his cell;
15:22:35 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [SUGAR>>>JAXX] >>> Interested. meet at stuffer shack on buchanan, 3 hrs?
15:25:12 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [JAXX>>>SUGAR] >>> Heya chummer! Sure thing, i'll be there. bring yer shooters. your new team leader wants to see what kinda iron you got.
'careful what you wish for, little Dreamer, you just might get it,' he smiled to himself and ticked off a mental checklist of what he needed to bring for this, in case it went sideways.
15:45:48 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Stuffer Shack, Buchanan & Gentrytown
Turning off his Land Rover, Sugar settled down into his seat to begin overwatch on the meet site. He glanced around the area to figure out where his next spot would be as he drew a quick sketch in a small notebook.
Aug 10 2009, 07:52 PM
15:45 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [JAXX>>>KLIKO] >>> Got two for you, chummer. Meeting 1 at 630.
Aug 10 2009, 07:58 PM
14:15:25 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Frank's Donuts
"Hey Klikos!" Belts Bubba as Kliko enters the donut shop, Bubba was very happy that Kliko actual cared enough to come to his neck of the woods. "Hey Franky dis is my good buddies... treat him goods."
Aug 11 2009, 04:49 PM
14:16:43 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Frank's Donuts
"I'm fine chummer. I trust Frank's soykaff is more than a match with the O'Tolley's down the block." putting enough corp script down the counter to cover for the donuts and soykaff. "Lets go for a drive, I want you to look at some tech we talked about the other day."
15:51 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>JAXX] >>> Today/Tomorrow? Any word on the second guy yet?
Aug 11 2009, 06:52 PM
15:51 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [JAXX>>>KLIKO] >>> Sounds like she will take the job... will call you later with more detail
Mister Juan
Aug 11 2009, 10:20 PM
Business had been rather slow this day. As a matter of fact, every single day at the beauty parlor was something of a slow day. Zina had opened up the shop when her husband had died, some twenty odd years ago, and the place hadn't changed much since then. Sure, Ludi had wired a new telecom unit last year, and installed a rudimentary security system... but that was about as high tech as the place got. The posters that clung to the walls had long ago lost most of the their vivacity, displaying the trendy haircuts of the late 40s. The clientel hadn't changed much either... which meant that almost everyone Ludmila saw on a regular day was between 50 and 70, and most of the old gals didn't quite trust their hair to a woman who dressed mostly like a man... It all meant that Ludmila mostly got to deal with the odd walk-ins, which was something they got very little of. With most of the neighborhood business mobed up, everyone just assumed the beauty parlor was just another front. Fact was, even the mob left Zina's place alone. Everyone knew who Ludmila was, and everyone knew who she was connected to.
Ludmila swept the floor, her mind wondering off and out of the fogged up store front. Every time winter swung by, she grew nostalgic of her homeland. Sure, it sometimes got cold in the California Free State, but it never snowed. At least, almost never. Ludi had always been quite fond of the great white steps of Russia. All that snow... So quiet, so peaceful. There was nothing calmer than a city after heavy snow falls.
She finally snapped out of her reverie when Zina cleared her throat in an exagerated manner. Out of one of the many pockets of her cargo pants, Ludi's p-sec kept ringing.
“I though I told you not to have that on when you're working!� snapped her aunt in russian.
Ludmilla started fishing around for the phone. “There's no customer Zina...� replied Ludi in something of a tired voice. She loved her aunt deeply, and she knew very well she loved her back... but her temper was even worst than her own.
Finally getting the phone out, she simply stood staring at it.
It wasn't that Ludi didn't like Jaxx; he had a pretty decent taste in music. What she didn't like was the fact that more than half of the time, he made her feel like a total idiot. She would have never admited it... but she almost never understood what he said. As Jaxx launched into his speech, Ludmila's brow started to furrow... as she struggle to make heads from tails as to what in the hell he was talking about. Jamming one finger in her ear to cut off Zina's rant of how cell phones were bad for her brain, Ludmila did her best to hold the phone with her shoulder so she could grab her coat and head out.
By the time she was out the door, and on the sidewalk, she had no clue in hell what Jaxx was talking about. When he took a split second pause to take a breath, she cut him off.
“Jaxx. I am sorry, but I have.... how you say... bad reception. I not hear you well. Did you say when job was?�
Aug 13 2009, 07:26 AM
14:20:13 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Frank's Donuts
"Klikos! You are silly. How could ya not find this place? - this is the onlys Frank's Donuts. The others are ripoffs. They are spelled differentlies."
"Okay, big guy, but with your texting abilities, I was not sure." Kliko doesn't mention Bubba's spelling ability.
"Have ya heards from Uncle Buster?" Bubba asks with concern.
"Who's Uncle Buster?"
"You knows! Dat physad guy. The jedi."
"Oh! Knuckle Duster. No, actually, I haven't heard back from him. I will text Jaxx; see if he's heard anything."
There is a pause as Bubba continues to pile doughnuts into his mouth. "So yous got a jobs den?" he asks, as clumps of assorted pastries fall from his mouth.
"Yeah, Jaxx is looking for some new crew members. Plan on meeting up with them tonight, or maybe tomorrow."
"We gonna do it heres? Dis is a great place for meets!" Bubba informs Kliko.
"No... I thought we might use a place unassociated with us. I will have one of my contacts set us up with a place."
"Another doughnut shop?"
Kliko laughs, then realizes the giant is serious. "Uh, no. Probably not."
Bubba looks down at his empty doughnut box, dejected.
"Let's go look at that gear, chummer," Kliko pats him on the back.
14:30 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>DRAKE] >>> Can you set me up with a place for a meet this evening? It is with other shadowy figures.
14:31 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [DRAKE>>>KLIKO] >>> No problem, Kliko. Give me an hour or two.
15:03:43 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Outside Zina's Salon
By the time Ludi was out the door, and on the sidewalk, she had no clue in hell what Jaxx was talking about. When he took a split second pause to take a breath, she cut him off.
"Jaxx. I am sorry, but I have.... how you say... bad reception. I not hear you well. Did you say when job was?"
"Uh... yeah... it may be my phone," Jaxx tells Ludmila. "It seems to be dropping calls lately - AND ITS BRAND NEW!!! I had the same problem with my last phone. Odd. I must live near some weird nexus of the universe or something. It's like-"
Ludi cuts Jaxx off out right this time. "JAXX!" The phone line is silent for a second, before she exhales a calming breath and continues, "Jaxx. You said something about a job?"
"Oh, yeah. Sorry, chumma. Yeah, got some of my top guys lookin to recruit for a new team. I thought you might workin with them. If you are interested, I will call you when they got a meet set up. One of the guys is some big muscle, the other is ex-mil, take no shit kinda guy, and then they got this physad who is a bit odd, but skilled. Plus, I thought you might like them, because they are all big fans of that band you like, Orcasm! They are pretty nova. In fact that reminds me, I owe him some tickets to a show..."
"Yeah Jaxx, I am interested," Ludi says into her phone as she walks down the sidewalk.
"Groovy, chumma. I will call you with the details-"
"Just text me, Jaxx." Ludi hangs up the phone before he could get a long winded reply started.
15:12 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [DRAKE>>>KLIKO] >>> Talk to Keith at Comtract supply company. Give him a 100 and he will set you up. 7pm ok? >>> FILE ATTACHED>>> ComTract Supply Co.
15:12 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>DRAKE] >>> Perfect. Thanks. Again.
15:58:09 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Stuffer Shack, Buchanan & Gentrytown, Antioch
Sugar waits in his Land Rover, scanning the parking lot for any signs of his contact. He spots a man the long messy hair entering the Stuffer Shack. Man, how does Jaxx do that, Sugar whispers to himself, as his contact had almost slipped past him.
He follows the fixer into the Stuffer Shack, spotting him getting a Slooshie. He walks up to him and Jaxx strikes up the conversation, of course.
"You know, the Slurpees at the 7-11 across the street are much better than these sack of shit Slooshies."
"Uh... okay. So, what's the job?"
"Right now- nothin chumma. Got a guy setting up a top tier team, and I thought I would send him you. You know, they don't even have Coke flavor. What the hell knock off frag brand is Classy Cola? This is not worth my two nu." Jaxx dumps the Slooshie half assed into the machine's spill basin and tosses the half full plastic cup at the trash. The cup misses, flopping onto the floor, throwing the brown sticky substance across the floor.
Sugar cannot hold back a small smirk at the discovery of something that shuts Jaxx up. Classy Cola Slooshies. "Count me in. Text me with the meet information." He turns and makes his way toward the exit.
Jaxx continues to sulk while staring at the Slooshie Machine's poor menu.
16:12 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [JAXX>>>KLIKO] >>> Got 2. When and where do you want them?
16:28 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>JAXX] >>> Make it 1900 at ComTract Supply. I am sending you a link. >>> FILE ATTACHED>>> ComTract Supply Co.
16:32 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>LUDI] >>> Meet Kliko and Bubba at 1900 at ComTract in Martinez. Attached is the address and directions. Word in the shadows is besides from being a commercial vehicle supply company they also have some other businesses, including an indoor range. >>> FILE ATTACHED>>> ComTract Supply Co.
16:32 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>SUGAR] >>> Meet Kliko and Bubba at 1900 at ComTract in Martinez. Attached is the address and directions. Word in the shadows is besides from being a commercial vehicle supply company they also have some other businesses, including an indoor range. >>> FILE ATTACHED>>> ComTract Supply Co.
16:34 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [JAXX>>>KLIKO] >>> They will be there.
16:35 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [KLIKO>>>JAXX] >>> On another subject - have you heard from Knuckle Duster? Cannot reach or locate him.
16:35 TEXT MESSAGE SENT [JAXX>>>KLIKO] >>> No. But I havent been looking. Will look into it.
18:45:11 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Martinez
ComTract Supply Company is in the warehouse district of Martinez. While the area has many businesses in the area, from other commercial vehicle supply and rental companies, industrial supply warehouses, shipping companies and junk yards, most of the lots are covered in dirt or gravel, and surrounded by wire fence topped with razor wire.
ComTract has a dirt parking lot sitting in front of a small office building. Behind the office is a lot filled with all kinds of construction vehicles from pick up trucks and trailers, to scissor and boom lifts, and telehandlers, to fork lifts and steam rollers. They have everything.
The lot is surrounded by a wire fence with green plastisteel slats and topped with razor wire. Besides all the various vehicles and equipment, the lot behind the office also contains a large warehouse and small building.
Bubba and Kliko enter the ComTract office. The sign says closed, but the door is unlocked, and a young woman sits behind the counter in the lobby. She is attractive and dressed in business attire.
"Hello, gentlemen. How can I help you?"
"Uh... Hi!" Bubba exclaims before Kliko can speak.
"Hi," she says with a genuine smile.
Kliko steps in front of Bubba, "Hello. My name is Kliko. Is Keith available?"
"Yes, he is." She stands and come from behind the counter. "This way gentlemen."
She leads the pair down the hallway on the left and toward the rear of the building. There is a glass door at the end of the hallway leading to the lot. The secretary stops in front of it and indicates to an open door on the right. Inside the two shadowrunners find a man sitting behind a desk. He is of average height, noticeably physically fit and of Italian decent. He is wearing a suit of average quality.
He rises and says, "Hello gentlemen. So you guys are friends of Michael. My name is Keith."
After introductions, Keith continues, "Michael tells me you need a place for a meet. I will unlock the gate. Bring your vehicles around to the building out back."
Inside the small building there is a lobby that looks long out of use. The door behind it leads to a room that is set up like an old Irish Pub, and much cleaner than the lobby. There is a full bar and a few tables, as well as some flat screen trids along most of the walls, all tuned into different sports channels. There are two guys at the far end of the bar, both in their late 20s, drinking beer and watching the trid.
"Will this do? Or do you want to use the range at the warehouse? We also have the casino down stairs."
Aug 13 2009, 01:45 PM
18:52:35 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Martinez
"Probaply talks some bizz here before heading of to the range and unload a few magazines when bizz turns out good. How much you charge for four shooters? perhaps a fifth associate of mine shows up late, but we'll see about him."
"They'll be asking for me and might be a bit suspicious at first. Meeting new friends is of course always somewhat of an intimate affair." winking Keith "then again we don't expect any trouble really. If the chemistry isn't there, they're free to go as they please. Its not my rep on the line you know."
"Is there a comm we can use when we want to head out for the range?"
Walking back Kliko starts up the Land Rover's engine, driving the vehicle around the back of the small building and onto the premises. Bringing back two large suitcases into the pub and putting them in the far corner. "Come on Bubba, if you really like we can probaply get you a troll-modded rental shooter around here. Expenses are on the team's account tonight."
Aug 13 2009, 03:07 PM
18:52:35 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Martinez
"The range is covered, and you can purchase any ammo you want there. Aaron, the bartender, will show you the range when you are ready. If there is nothing else, I will leave you to your business. We will let your friends on through," Keith says, then exits the same way you entered.
Aug 15 2009, 01:04 PM
18:58:56 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Martinez
Kliko ordered another slurpie and soykaff for Bubba and himself. Seating themselves in a booth near the side of the bar. He looked Bubba over one more time. 'You up to it big boy? There's only big money and big risks down this road. Best not have you run into anymore assault cannon shells.' In his mind Kliko was already setting-up different team configurations. Magic and Matrix action would have to be outsourced though. He didn't like it a bit Duster, being their only magical asset, hadn't report in yet.
Mister Juan
Aug 15 2009, 06:45 PM
15:03:43 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Outside Zina's Salon
Slipping her phone back into one of her way too numerous pockets, Ludmila burried her head under a well used chapka. She had gotten it not long after being deployed to the Norweigian border, and she had probably never been so thankful to a piece of cloathing. Sure, most people thought it looked funny enough to actually mention it... which either got them an angry look if they were big, and a broken nose if they were small. But she still carried it where ever she went. It was warm and comfortable as hell. Beside her combat boots, it was the only thing she never went out without. Well, that and a gun.
For a brief moment, she considered going back to the salon and helping Zina close up. Her aunt had taken her in, no questions asked, and for that, she was eternally greatful. The only issue they had going on was that they were way too much alike. Both were women with a very short fuse, and large powder keg at the end. Deep down, Ludi knew all too well that most of Zina's outbursts were caused by the fact she was simply worried. Worried for her niece, the woman who had become something of a daugther to her... but also worried for Lana. Ludmila hadn't chosen the safest of lifestyles, and she was quite aware of the repurcussions her work might have on her personal life. Up until today, she had never brought anyone or anything from the shadows anywhere close to her family. But she knew that, no matter how cautious or good she was... some day, someone was bound to show up on her doorstep, looking for trouble.
In about half an hour, she'd have to go pick up Lana from school. And then she had to make her supper... And get her own gear ready for the meet. Time was on the short side of things, and she didn't like it. Rummaging through her pockets, looking for that ever elusive pack of smokes, she cursed in her mother tongue. Why was it she could never find what she was looking for....
18:58:56 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Martinez
Smoke stuck to the corner of her mouth, Ludmila readjusted the strap of her bag.
From behind the counter, some well dressed receptionist smiled at her.
Pearl white teeth.
All too straight.
The perfect smile.
There was nothing a bit of surgery couldn't fix now a days.
Pulling on her cigarette as he eyes narrowed to two slits, Ludi wipped her heavy combat boots on the carpet.
“Hello Miss. How can I help you?�
Slowly, the russian woman took the cigarette out of her mouth, exhaling the hot smoke through her nose.
“Kliko.� she said in heavy accented english. “I am here to see Kliko.�
“Very well. If you would be so kind to bring your vehicle around the back, you can meet your friend there.�
She pulled on the smoke again.
Mister Juan
Aug 15 2009, 08:40 PM
She threw her cigarette butt on the gravel, eyeing somewhat cautiously the front door. She trusted Jaxx to the extent that it was bad for fixers to burn their own runners. Almost everything in the shadows was based on street cred, and getting your runners killed on a bad meet was a sure way to ruin it. The fact she had been told to bring most of her toys had also put her a bit more at ease. If things did go south, she had more than enough bang to punch her way clear through anything. Again, she tugged on the strap of her bag. The custom carbine AK, tac vest and all the ammo was a little on the heavy side... and way the weight was awkwardly distributed didn't help her temper.
It was only until she was in the bar that Ludmila came to realize something; sure, she had a name. Actually, she had two names... but Jaxx hadn't told her what they actually looked like. Luckily, the entire place was filled with 4 people. Five if you counted the bartender. Odds are, she wouldn't make too much of a fool of herself.
She stood a few more seconds in the doorway, lighting herself yet another cigarette to ease her nerves.
Aug 16 2009, 08:01 PM
18:59:05 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Bar Room, Martinez
Kliko ordered a SlurpeeTM for Bubba, which confused the barman for a second. Then he decided the poor orc didn't know how to pronounce margarita-either that or strawberry daiquiri-but an orc and troll combo didn't look the daiquiri type. He hands Kliko a slushy lime green drink lined with salt and the soykaf, with a smile. A smile that hopefully is disarming of any repercussions for misinterpretation.
19:05:30 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Bar Room, Martinez
The entrance to the bar opens and in the doorway stands a tall slender woman. Her hair is short and dark, as dark as her eyes. She scans the room over, looks down and pulls a pack of cigarettes from her pocket, extracting a single slender white stick. Replacing the pack with a lighter, she ignites the cigarette, takes a large inhale while making the lighter disappear once more, and exhales.
A giant in the corner table, snickers at her chapka, but shortly realizes he wants one. It does look soft, like a rabbit. With him sits an orc, wearing camo pants and leather jacket. Both of them are obviously armed and well built.
At the bar are two human men, both probably in their mid-20s, who look like they are more interested in some sporting event on the trids than anything else. Of course, when the young woman entered, she gained quite a few once-overs and double-takes from just about everyone, including the barman.
She inhales another hot nebula from the burning stick and exhales its greyish smoke. Probably the guys at the table she thinks. Plus, they have more guns.
She shifts the large pack on her shoulder, which takes some attention from her natural female form. The two at the corner table give each other a look and then continue to watch the Russian, the orc using peripherals, the troll using his dangling tongue to help stare.
Aug 17 2009, 10:11 AM
18:56 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., outside
He's been slouching in the seat of his Land Rover for the better part of an hour now. Sugar scribbles furiously into his notebook as the dark-haired woman arrives, and for a full minute after her departure behind the doors leading inside. Afterwards, he quickly slides his pen into place among the spiral binding and tosses the small notepad into a gym bag alongside a Predator III and Ingram Smartgun kept in immaculate shape, accompanied by their loud little compadres. Outside, the dark is a familiar friend that beckons; it calls to Miguel, begging him to escape from the light. He shakes it, sliding out of the seat, and slinging the grey gym bag across his shoulder he stretches his body all the way down to his toes. Sauntering into the joint, Sugar has a brief flash of something, but it's too fast for him to focus on. "Whatever," he thinks to himself.
19:05:33 Tuseday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Bar Room, Martinez.
With Ludmila's arrival, an almost uncomfortable silence had descended upon the bar. Each in turn, she eyed the patrons about the room and decided on who she figured must be her contacts. Very nearly as soon as she made a movement towards Kliko and Bubba the door behind her moved aside to show another entrant onto the scene. Miguel passes Ludi while she languorously fights with her cigarette and slides his way into center stage. "De como va, eh?" Sugar wears OD green faded cargo pants and hiking boots, and short black hair. There's just something a little 'off.'
Without seeming to even acknowledge the rest of the room, Sugar beams a smile at both Kliko and Bubba as he moves, giving a wide space to Ludi- "I'm trying to find Kliko...?" he asks, as innocently as he can fake. His demeanor is in fact designed to put someone off the iniative; to assume he's less dangerous than he actually is. Perhaps an easy-going attitude might help to distract from the obvious fact that this man is heavily cybered.
That's what it was. That's what makes him seem 'off.' The unnantural curves along his muscles, or perhaps his striking brown 'eyes'. The man was so chock full of invasive hardware it was disturbing.
Standing somewhat awkwardly, Sugar seemed to await Kliko's response...
Aug 17 2009, 11:17 PM
14:25 Tuesday, Dec 6, 2061 - Old BART station, Concord, CA, parking lot
Getting dropped off at the old BART station, Jeremy straightens his suit, then sighs. He had to go help his family, there was no way around that. Familial duty trumps all others, but he left his friends in a potentially serious mix-up, and now he would have to make amends. He doesn't have a clue what they have been up to since the Shasta run. He has no idea if the Lodge found out who hit them, or what was going on, at all. And time is still passing as he stands here ruminating about his future.
Watching as the limo drove off, he sighs again. At least his Uncle was alive. That was the important thing. He would recover, and the Triads in this area just might not...though they were quite the hydra, with one head gone and another reappearing somewhere else. He looked down at his hands. He still couldn't get used to it, the tip of his left pinky...gone. Everybody in the families would think it was a giri cut, to waive off a minor failure. And the tattoos his uncle...recommended, would only reinforce that. But such was life.
Jeremy re-adjusts his tie one last time, looks at the hills, at the puny mountain, draws a deep breath, and then Knuckle Duster pulls out his phone, to call Jaxx and see how his team was, to see if they would understand what pulled him away from them in their time of need, and if they would accept him back.
Aug 18 2009, 03:34 AM
14:25 Tuesday, Dec 6, 2061 - Old BART station, Concord, CA, parking lot
"Holy drek! Dusta, everyone's been lookin' for ya, chum. No one knew where you went after the Shasta run. Kliko is reassemblin a new team. Give him a call..."
Aug 18 2009, 07:07 AM
Knuckle Duster stares at his phone. That quick. No questions, no demands to know what he was up to...just give a call. He shakes his head, then punches in another very familiar number.
"Hey, Klik, what's the job? You know who it is, omae. You need me on this one, tell me where and when to meet. I'll be there."
Aug 18 2009, 03:01 PM
19:05:20 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., outside
Bubba realizes that he has been staring too long with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. In a desperate attempt to gain some composure Bubba starts slurping away on his margarita slushy. Bubba's eyes stay fixed on Ludi and he once again forgets what he is doing as his margarita slurpy rapidly dwindles to empty. Bubba immediatly feels some head trauma as the cool liquid and alcohol freezes his brain. Bubba grabs his head in pain, looks down, and quietly and painfully shares with Kliko, "i got da brain freezes... I stareds too longs." Bubba frowns as this brain freeze seems eternal.
Bubba recovers from the brain freeze but his rapid slurping of the alcoholic beverage must have gone to his head. A glazed look comes over Bubba as he smiles joyfully while twiddling his thumbs.
Aug 20 2009, 01:34 PM
14:26 Tuesday, Dec 6, 2061 - Kliko´s workshop down Pittsburgh
"Olla chummer. We got a get together scheduled with two new prospects. Meet us at ComTract Supply Co. 1900 sharp. I expect to see you there. Bring your irons if you got any, otherwise I can lend you one of my oldies."19:05:38 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Bar Room, Martinez."Well, you found him."
Kliko exclaimed with a broad smile "Please have yourselves seated."
´Oh my, Jaxx was right, this chummer is cybered back and forth.´ "Care for a drink?
Aaron here can get you anything you need. From slurpies
tm to ammo and a nice cool soybeer to ease the mood."
Comtract Supply Co. was undoubtedly a favorite Merc hangout. A place people came down to keep their edge, meet kindred spirits and have some fun while away from the job.
Kliko dressed every bit that part of being a regular with a white sleevless shirt, combat fatigues pants and a synth leather jacket and holster hanging from the booth´s side. It should be obvious to the newcomers this guy wasn´t looking for trouble. Hell without any armor they could frag him in the blink of an eye... perhaps somewhat faster with the cyber
Sugar was booting.
"Please have yourselves seated"
Kliko calls out for
Ludi down at the bar. "You found me, now I´m yours." before continueing in a more business like manner. "Lets get down to bizz shall we. An up and coming Johsnons wants to bind a team to him for the next six months. We got my man
Bubba here another associate of ours who will join us shortly and myself. Now that´s an awfull small team and I´m looking for some talent comitted to make the trip with us. Now this is where you two come in... I will look after you as will your other chummers. We´ll train together on the teams account. We probaply do some kitty cat bizz together and get familiar with eachothers capabilities. If bizz is good, we stick together. Otherwise after the six month period everybody is free to do as he pleases."
Looking over the new prospects before continueing "Now in order to retain your services our
J is willing to pay you some

6,000. That´s

1,000 per month, enough to pay for a comfortable lifestyle don´t you agree?... that´s of course apart from any pay-out from actual bizz chummers..."
"So what ya say?"
Aug 20 2009, 05:38 PM
19:05:54, 3 minutes out from ComTract Supply Co, Martinez
TEXT MESSAGE SENT [DUSTER>>KLIKO] B there soonest. Bike in shop, long talk with buddy. U want me 2 join u, or b backup at bar?
Knuckle Duster is sitting in the back of a taxi, swearing to himself in every language he knows as he puts away his phone. 'Never loan your only ride to a friend! #@$!@#%!$^%!&!$%&@$^@#%^*@!#$%!@%!%^@@#&^#$%^*!!!!!!
Aug 20 2009, 05:57 PM
19:06:50 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Bar Room, Martinez.
Maybe it had something to do with the Margarita Slushy buzz or the brain freeze or maybe Aaron included a home brew of trollshine in the drink.
Immediatly after Kliko's question, Bubba blurts out while slamming his fist to the table, "I shaysssh Yeshh!" While the attention is now on Bubba and his agreeable outburst, he smiles to himself, interlocks his fingers behind his head, and leans back in his chair awaiting the other responses -oblivious to the fact that Kliko's question was directed to the new comers.
Just as the others were about to respond Bubba looks at Sugar cross eyed and says, "Why dosh they callssshyou Shhugars? Sheeems kindassh sweetshand tastiess.... SHugars and SPishes everythings Nishesh... hehehe! ...BURP!" Bubba is apparently amused by his buzzed bantor.
Aug 21 2009, 07:43 PM
19:06:45 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Bar Room, Martinez.
Pleased with the courteous introduction, Sugar flashes an easy smile and slides into the booth with the large duo, placing a heavy-looking, plain grey gym bag beside his boot. Off-handedly he glances around as he sits to see the two men watching the trid and allows his gaze to slide quickly over Ludi all in one pass of the head. He doesn't know what it is just yet, but there was something about this woman that made him wary. Just can't seem to put his finger on it. As for the ork, Sugar was at ease, or at least as much as one can be in what was the first meet of a hopefully profitable enterprise whose business centers around controlled chaos. Still, they seemed to be on the same page. They both wore the similar style of one who has done this kind of thing for a very long time, the reality of it permeated into his being.
"Seems confidant. Good. The giant seems devoted to him, too. There might be something to this team. Emborracharse en el cumplir es malo, aunque."
Sugar's inner monologue is broken by Bubba's sudden explosion and drunken entreaty. He looks at the slobbery troll for a moment then visibly turns his attention to Kliko.
"It doesn't sound too bad, but I have a couple questions. Medical expenses included? Ammunition? And most importantly, is there a job lined up for us immediately? Steady credit is good, but a grand a month only goes so far, jeffe. What kind of work does the J have in mind?"
He beckons to Aaron and when he approaches near enough asks for a soycaff, then turns back around.
Slowly grinning, he looks at Bubba, "Why, mijo, it's cuz I'm so sweet."
Mister Juan
Aug 21 2009, 10:10 PM
19:06:45 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Bar Room, Martinez.
After sitting down, the very first thing Ludmila had done was to grab the ash tray and set it in front of her. No one else struck her as the smoking type... at least, not at this present moment in time. Cigarette expertly stuck to the corner of her mouth, she turned her chair a bit, so she could lean her side on the back of it. It wasn't a particularly comfortable position, but with the Makarov stuck in her lower back, it was the only way she could draw while sitting. As Kliko launched into his speech, the russian woman pinched her cigarette between two fingers, tapping it gently on the edge of the ashtray.
In front of her, she could feel the troll's eyes boreing holes through her clothes. She did her best to keep her jaw from twitching. All through Kliko's sale's pitch, she simply kept on nodding. Overall, the deal was pretty simple and straightforward. She had never been part of an actual team, at least, not in the shadows. Sure, she had her share of jobs for the Vory V Zakone, and had dealt with the same people... but she had almost always worked alone. There was that, and the fact that she didn't quite get along with most people.
Once again, she took the cigarette out of her mouth. When she spoke, her ethnicity was painfully obvious.
“Kliko� she started, clearly prouncing each syllable seperately “you seem like good man.�
Putting her forearm down on the table, she leaned forward, her eyes locking with the ork's.
“I need you to tell your friend here� she gestured toward Bubba with the smoke “that if he looks at me like this again, I put bullet in his head, da?�
As laid back and friendly as Sugar might have seemed, Ludmila sounded dead fragging serious.
The smoke went back to the corner of her mouth as she leaned back into her seat.
“I say before; you seem like good man. Our friend that speaks too much said good things about you. So I trust you. I am ok with deal.�
With one last and long pull, she killed what was left of her cigarette. It wasn't even completely curshed yet that her left hand was fumbling around for her pack.
“I am Ludmila. Friends call me Ludi. So call me Ludmila.�
Tapping her pack agaisn't the back of her hand, to dislodge a smoke, she handed it to Sugar, her green eyes peering between two short strands of black hair.
Aug 21 2009, 10:46 PM
19:07: Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Bar Room, Martinez.
"Ammo expenses, medical bills are all on the teams account. We don´t have a job lined-up pronto since I first want to get to know eachother better. Work some team strategy and tactics, run some kitty kat bizz, before joining the big game.
I invited you to this place with good reason..."
Adressing Ludi in mediocre Russian "My associate took a Panther shell to the head. I trust you´re not packing one of those in that bag of yours." displaying a broad grin and nodding towards the rather big cases next to the booths side. Switching back to his native English. "Welcome on the team chummers. Lets start with some proper introductions shall we? They got a nice indoor range here. Lets head there and blow some steam together chummers. Time to see what we´re all packing, aye."
Aug 22 2009, 12:51 AM
19:08:42 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Bar Room, Martinez
Receiving no reply, K.D. decides to play it safe. He walks into the bar, and heads towards the main bar. He scans the group on his way, and sees Bubba. Hard to miss him, actually. Noting him, he then scans Kliko, knowing that Bubba would probably be caught off guard by a 56 year old ork samurai posing as a girl scout selling cookies. Kliko seems to be okay, no sign of trouble nor duress...a meet that went off without a hitch. They do exist!!!
Knuckle Duster drops his pretense and heads over to his group. He decides at the last second that he probably shouldn't sneak up on Bubba, as the Troll seems to be even more unsteady than the norm. Instead, he walks next to the group, to see how long it takes Bubba or Kliko to realize he is there.
Mister Juan
Aug 22 2009, 01:02 AM
19:08:44 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Bar Room, Martinez
Ludmila had her mouth half opened for a reply, when she caught something out the corner of her eye. Years spent hunting foreign spies had put her on a constant edge... something she was still grateful for.
Instinctively, her right hand disappeared under her jacket, stopping somewhere in her lower back. As casually as she could, she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, her eyes going towards Knuckle Duster.
Aug 22 2009, 04:40 AM
As the conversation of the gang began to deepen Bubba's short attention span had his eyes wandering the room. Suddenly Bubba perked up as he noticed a familiar face. Bubba jumped to his feet in such a speedy fashion the group could tell he was wired unnaturally, especially since blubbery giant bodies dont move like that. Bubba rushed over to Duster yelling "Its da foo foo boysh! Bubba grabbed Duster in a huge bear hug. "We thoughts the lizards atessh you!" Bubba released Duster stilll keeping an arm around him while tucked in close and looked at Klilo, "Looks the foo foo boys came homesh."
Aug 22 2009, 09:34 PM
19:08:49 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Bar Room, Martinez
Eyes waiting in anticipation for Ludi´s reaction he barely manages a "don't" in his mediocre Russian before the situation unfolds... 'Alright´ "Aye, team, this is Duster, Duster these are Ludmilla and Sugar, the prospects I told you about. Duster is our only magical asset, so be gentle with him."
Aug 23 2009, 12:58 AM
Glah!! It never ceased to amaze Knuckle Duster just how quickly somebody could move, when they removed the thought process from their actions. He let Bubba hug him, 'cause honestly, it was going to happen. He then maneuvered quickly to get out of the engulfing embrace. He turned to Kliko and gave a small bow, then, as that monstrous appendage landed across his shoulders, he inspected the two newcomers, knowing they were doing the same to him. He wondered what they made of him.
K.D. showed up to the meet in nice business clothes, slacks, long-sleeved shirt, and loafers. He doesn't seem to be packing, but everybody knows what that means. He is obviously human, not-so-obviously half-breed Amer-Ind/Japanese, stands 6'2" tall, weighs in around 225 (102 kg.). His long hair is black, not dyed, but the natural black of his peoples. His eyes are brown and slightly upturned. He has no facial hair. Oh yeah, and he appears to be cyber-free.
Mister Juan
Aug 28 2009, 12:16 AM
Ludi's thumb pushed the holster's release. Her ears barely caught the butt end of Kliko's “don't� when the Makarov came clear... but she never got very far. Faster than she could blink, and she could blink pretty darn fast, the huge troll has Duster in what might have been called “a bear hug�.... that was, a bear that lived mostly off of donuts... and who was big... on the heavy side...
Kliko made the introductions, to which Ludmilla simply responded with a nod. She eyed the amerind, from head to toe, in a way that was somehow too obvious. When she met his eyes, it seemed as if her upper lips wanted to curl up into a snarl. Ludi held her breath for a moment that seemed to stretch on uncomfortably between herself and Duster. Her eyes never left his.
"Magic.... Panyatno... What kind?" she said, slowly, her tone sounding as cold as her eyes looked.
Aug 28 2009, 05:04 AM
Duster dropped his patented smirk-grin, a flash of an upturned corner of his mouth, before his face goes back to what he liked to think of as 'stoic'. Yes, 'stoic' was nice, it was safe, it was professional, it was...he gives a slight shake of his head, and looks at Luid, quickly, almost dismissively. Still shaking his head, in mock sorrow, he says, "It is not magic. I am no mage. I am no shaman." He looks at Bubba at this next one, "I am not a jedi. I don't throw fireballs. I don't turn invisible. I don't call spirits out of the sky to fight for me. And the only way I mess with your mind is by punching you, really hard, in the face until you are unconscious."
His voice, still very quiet, becomes slightly more accusatory, "And you look at me with disgust, you who have sold your soul to the machine for unnatural strength, for speed that you can barely control. You rape your bodies, when you could work with them, form a partnership. You abuse your soul, when you could cooperate with it, to do things you wouldn't dream possible. You..." Duster breaks down in laughter, unable to hold back any longer. "Oh man, I have got to learn how to say all that with a straight face, or my cousin won't take me seriously."
Getting himself back under control almost instantly, he addresses Ludi, "I'm an adept, faster and stronger than any non-cybered machine, and sneaky as they come. I am pretty sure I can break a board with my hands, what with the fact that I have broken cybered bones with them. I have not a drop of metal in me, so I can get into places you can't," he looks at the crew, and amends his sentence, "at least, I can get into these places through the front door. And when my cousin finally initiates me, and starts my real training, well, just you wait, cyber-maniac. You will be struggling to keep up with me, instead of vice-versa. Heh."
He then extends his hand, first to Ludi, then to Sugar. I am, depending on whom you ask, Jeremy, Yuki," again, flicking his eyes at the giant next to him, "Jedi-man, or whatever he calls me. My street name is Knuckle Duster, but I respond to almost anything."
Aug 28 2009, 06:22 AM
"Well," Sugar flicks a glance at Ludi "I think there might be a surprise or two you haven't seen yet..."
As the facetious rant proceeded Sugar seemed to bridle but visibly relaxed once K.D broke the facade. "Besides, adept or not, that's still mojo you're slingin' and who knows what the frag can happen with that drek."
Sugar seemed to have frozen in an easy-going posture, but his face looked like it was carved from rock. "I'm not sayin' I can't work with you, all I'm sayin' is when we're on the OBJ, you stay the hell away from me. We're not friends, buddies, or chummers. Just so long as we stay in our seperate areas everything will be just fine, roger?"
He fixes an unnatural eye on Knuckle Duster for the space of a couple heartbeats. . . then, after casting a glance about the bar and specifically at the hard-edged woman, turns back towards the table.
"Dios mio, why didnt Jaxx tell me there was gonna be finger wigglin' on this team? I mean, it has its uses, but you just can't trust that drek. She knows this, why don't they?"
Aug 28 2009, 10:06 PM
19:15:05 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Bar Room, Martinez
"Alright, you three knock it off. I expect you to cover each other asses and act like the professionals our friend claims you to be. At times that will mean you get up close and intimate with eachother. This is not about who swings the biggest gun, puts up his worth in a melee or personal views on magic and wiz-tech. Its about the role we fulfill in this team and everyone of you motherfraggers can bet his ass he gets to play his part. I wouldn't have contacted you in the first place if I'd think this team could do without you..." glancing in Bubba's general direction.
'Pride, now play their professional pride chummer'
Now if that's not for you, fine" pointing at the door "You're free to go, but don't expect any cred from me."
19:20:19 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Shooting range, Martinez
The introductions being settled Kliko led the team on to the back of the building bringing a medium and large sized suitcase. Bringing his trusted HK227 to provide Duster with a proper iron. Picking up a modded, but indistinguishable Ares Alpha from the larger suitcase himself. This afterall was the Elite's signature weapon and Kliko happily paraded the weapon around for his teammates to see. 'You might not be as fast, tough or strong like the rest of them, but hell who has to be when pouring down lead from over 200 meters away?'
It was not for long before the teammates were putting rounds down the range. Single shots rapidly followed up with burst and finally full-automatic fire being hosed down the range in disturbingly small spreads for those who knew what to look for on the distant target marks.
Ammo expenses were on the team's account after all...
Aug 29 2009, 09:40 PM
Showing of skills was one, judging his crew's firepower second. 'Oh my, we got some teambuilding left to do'.
Kliko brought the crew back to the hills around Somersville after they hit the 200 round mark. They made up for a mixed motorade, two similarly colored Land Rovers, Ludi in her Honda sports car and Bubba on the road hog. Stopping briefly at the Pittsburgh Stuffer Shack, picking up some sixpacks of soybrew on their way.
21:46:33 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Black Diamond Mines - overlooking the Pittsburgh sprawl
Bonding was a difficult process, but in order to work together each of them had to have a vague idea of who they were and what they did. Starting up the campfire wasn't as half as hard as what came next when he passed around the brew. "Alright, I think its important for each of you to know how we ended up here together... around this fire. So I guess I'll start off first. I have worked with a number of Merc outfits before ending up with one operating under the name Combat Inc. Now for Duster and my man Bubba here that might not ring a bell, but they're tough ass-fraggers operating from Macao nowadays.
I might or might not have been deployed in areas like Central America and - Africa, Manchuria and the Cal Free state" emphasising the last theatre of operations "Anyway, I've been around some of this worlds most hostile regions and survived to see today. In such conflicts it doesn't really matter which side you're on. All that matters is you live to live life another day. If any two of you" indicating Ludi and Sugar "got issues with that feel free to share them here..."
He was trying to open them up. Make them understand cyber and magic were just fragging scary to eachother, but had to work together to be succesfull in this type of bizz. It was all a mix-match, each member fullfilling his niche with applying huge amounts of violence in a very short amount of time being the usual common equator. Kliko liked that, not running with a crew of psychopaths, but people who could flip that switch on a moments notice. They were to be a real professional crew and Kliko would make damn sure they'd get their fair share of team-training and practice together in the next few weeks, acting their part... acting professional.
Mister Juan
Aug 30 2009, 04:47 AM
19:20:19 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - ComTract Supply Co., Shooting range, Martinez
Ludmila made a small whistling sound. She eyed the Ares Alpha Kliko had just unpacked, stretching her hand towards it. The very tips of her fingers slid gently on its composite surface, tracing its contour and curves gently. She peered at ork, her green eyes sparkling between two strand of jet black hair.“I had not picked you for fancy man, Kliko.� she said, pronouncing again his name is two very seperate syllable.
She tapped on the gun's receiver with two fingers. “This is very fancy gun.�
Ludi withdrew her hand and slid a cigarette out of her pack, tucking it behind her ear.
“Has more moving parts than car.�
The russian woman lifted her bag unto a nearby table, and started to shrug her heavy winter jacket off.
“Americans and their fancy guns...� she seemed to mumble for herself.
She unceremouniously rolled her jacket into a ball. Under, she had been wearing a simple form fitting, long sleeve black shirt, and it left little to the imagination. It was obvious the woman was quite in shape. From the waistband of her beige cargo pants (which sported so many pockets one might need a spreadsheet to organize it all) the handle of her Makarov poked out. She took a drop leg holster from the bag, attached it to her right tigh, and unholstered the Serbian made CZ-99 it had been carying. It was obvious from the ported look of the slide that it had been heavily modified... either to lower it's recoil action, or to make it shoot in bursts. In a practiced manner, she did a quick brass check before reholstering it. From the same bag, slid out a collapsed stock AKS-74U. The usual wooden parts had been replaced with polymer, finished in that “in vogue� shade of non-reflective dull gray. The barrel had also apparently been swaped out for a threaded one... which spoke rather loudly about the sort of work the small carbine was usually employed for.
Letting the AKS hang from it's sling, Ludmila strolled to the shooting stand next to Kliko. Pulling the cigarette from behind her ear, she stuck it between her lips without lighting it.
Mister Juan
Aug 30 2009, 06:45 AM
21:46:33 Tuesday, December 06, 2061 - Black Diamond Mines - overlooking the Pittsburgh sprawl
With her chapka low on her head, the collar of her jacket turned up, and her hands buried deep in her pockets, Ludmila looked somewhat cold. It was either that... or the fact she had finally ran out of cigarettes somewhere along the ride.
She leaned forward, letting the light spill from the fire and unto her face. Ludmila had never been the kind of woman to talk about herself, even to her friends... and especially to strangers. Her past was still a heavy burden she carried, and reopening old wounds around a campfire wasn't something she was about to do gladly. But, by the look of her apparent new team leader, he expected all of them to “share something� about their background. She could see the advantages of knowing where the person standing next to you came from. It gave you an idea of how they would act, and react. It told you what you could expect of them. It also meant they could dig up dirt against you... and throw it in your face.
Eyeing each man around the camp fire, one by one, Ludmila sighed. Pulling the fur hat off her head, she ran a quick hand through her short hair, as if she was trying to shake something away. She wasn't too worried anyone could actually track her down. Her last “real� employer had made sure very little trace of her were left back home.
“I was agent with Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti, doing...� her eyes went up, as she translated the words in her head “counterintelligence.�
“So you were an FSB spy hunter?� asked Kliko as he stired the fire a bit more.
“Spy killer.� Ludmila corrected, in a tone that made it sound like she had been insulted.She started to rub her hands togheter as she looked into the flames.
“I was also cryptanalyst at Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, in Moscow, and before that, Signal Interception Specialist with army unit, near awakened territory of Yakut. �
Aug 31 2009, 10:09 PM
Thursday, 12th January 2062 – East Bay Area
Running a couple runs which Kliko considers “fluff� over the past two months, he is getting a good feel for the new team. Though he would still like to add someone with full magical capabilities, it seems some of the team are still weary of the physad’s abilities.
Bubba on the other hand, is happy with any work. For work leads to money, money leads to donuts, and donuts lead to happiness. It is the circle of life and well-being in his eyes.
Knuckle Duster is back in the groove of things, and is slowly trying to break down the walls between him and his two new comrades. Freshly initiated by his cousin, Duster hopes for the chance to prove himself as a very powerful ally. Not that he wants theirs, or anyone’s approval, but he needs to know his new friends have his back and aren’t going to bug out when things get hot.
Ludi has fallen right in with the team. Though they all have their quirks and some definite strong personalities, it seems this motley crew will make a good team. You got almost all your bases covered, and that magic guy ain’t too bad.
Sugar has shown his worth out in the field, but he has been hard to crack during the down time. While he has tried to keep his distaste for the arcane to himself, it slips out now and then. Mostly he just tries to keep his distance from that mojo.
While the runs didn’t pay as much as most of the team was used to, it did cover the bills. You know, the house payments, food, ammo, matrix porn subscriptions, you know, normal stuff. It did however, get the team somewhat comfortable with each others abilities and skills, or strengths and weaknesses if you like.
13:00:21 Thursday, 12th January 2062 – Zina’s Beauty Parlor
It is a slow day, as Thursdays generally are, at Zina’s. Not only that, but not many women visit the establishment on stormy days like today. Ludi sits in one of the barber chairs next to Zina as they watch the afternoon talk shows with their ridiculous stories titled “Are You My Daddy� and “I Slept With Your Troll Cousin.�
The part-time hair dresser, part-time shadowrunner exhales loudly. Enough to be heard over the static audio of the tv, the shaking doors from gusts of wind, and the waterfall from the heavens. She needs a cigarette, but does not see a break in the downpour anytime soon. She misses the cold snowy Russian winters, where you could put on a coat and chapka and be fine.
What the hell? Where is all the sunshine? I thought this was the Golden State!?
Since she has lived in Cal Free State, at least in Northern California, the winters have been horribly wet and cold. From mid October through March it’s generally just above 30 degrees to 65 degrees, speckled with 95 degree days here and there. From December through April and May, it seems to rain for weeks at a time. And when it rains, it pours. And it pours like in the times of Noah.
The summers have been humid. In late July and most of August she has seen temperatures that have almost hit 120. She misses Russia. At least in the winter and spring, the surrounding rolling hills that surround the Bay Area and all the way up the valley, are green. Unlike the rest of the year, those same hills are brown and yellow, and somewhere there is at least one wildfire burning acres and acres away.
Ludi knows she will see the same hand-wringers from this week on the news and in the media, in the summer. Today they cry about the devastation of the floods and strain on the levies, in six months they will be crying about drought and global-warming. She guesses they need something to struggle against since life here is not bad, not bad at all. She wishes she could make these people spend a week or two living with some of the poorer families in north east Russia, or in the ghettos of Moscow. Drek. Even let them spend a week on the streets of Cleveland or Buffalo so they would know what harsh weather and hard living is.
Yeah, she thinks, this rain still sucks. She isn’t going to bitch about it though, knowing there is nothing she can do about it. Not even Duster can do about it, at least to her knowledge.
Ludi’s thoughts are interrupted by a thirty-second cut of Orcasm’s “Snickerdoodle� that is her ringtone for a fixer named Miron. Zina gives her a sideways look, one that shows distaste and disproval of her music selection.
“I need a cigarette.� Ludi stands, grabs her coat and chapka. Heading for the rear exit, she silences the music on the phone by pressing the answer key.
“Dobriy den’ Ludi.�
Ludi pulls her pack of cigarettes from her coat, extracting a single white stick from the pack. She places it in between her lips and replaces the pack in her coat.
“What is up?� she asks, trying to say it casually, but forgot to contract the “is�.
She ignites the cylindrical tobacco device as Miron replies, “I heard you got a new organization. A fairly reputable one at that…�
“Are you offering work… or trying to work up the nerve to ask me out.�
Though the fixer is used to Ludi’s direct approach, he was not ready for it to be directed right at him. He pauses for a second, as if maybe there was some truth to it. “Uh… work! Definitely work. Uh… is your team available to meet a Johnson tomorrow night?�
“What kind of work?�
“The shadowy kind…? He said it is out of state work, and he needed an experienced team.�
“Where is the meet?�
“You taking the job?�
“Is that not between me and Mr. Johnson?�
“Oh… yes. Very well my lady. I will let him know I have a team making the meet. Tomorrow, 5 p.m., meet on the east Antioch docks. He said bring your weapons if it makes you more comfortable. A man by the name of Smith will meet you there.�
She ends the call, finishes her cigarette with a little more joy than she started it. Finally, something to do.
Mister Juan
Sep 2 2009, 12:04 AM
Thursday, 12th January 2062 – East Bay Area
The cigarette hissed loudly when it hit the puddle of water, next to the curb. Through the fogged up storefront windows, Ludmila could see Zina slouching in her chair, making good point of ignoring her. The past month had been somewhat busy, yet somewhat boring. Training, training, some cake walk runs and more training. Parts of it had reminded her of her first military deployment. Some forgotten listening station up near Scandanavia. She had spent the better part of a year with earphones glued to her head, sifting through an inane ammount of radio chatter. The only thing she had actually gotten out of the entire mission was a single superbe skill: making tea. She had become damn good at making tea. Talk about army experience...
Sliding the phone back into one of her numerous pockets, she walked a few blocks until she came across a public telecom unit. All she had ever given to her team was a pager unit. Not that she didn't trust them. Well, she didn't entirely trust them, at least not yet.... but she didn't know “who� they knew. What if something went wrong along the line, and others came gunning for them? Standard FSB protocol said “leave as few links between you and your assets as you can�. After all, it only took the pull of a single thread to unwind an entire ball of strings.
From memory, Ludi punched Kliko's number.
“Priviet. I got work.�
Sep 2 2009, 10:18 AM
Thursday, 12th January 2062 – East Bay Area
After a number of re-routings Ludi's call is finally forwarded to Kliko. "No shit work, can I pick you up somewhere and catch up over a cup of tea?"
It was blunt, it was short, but it was also more secure then discussing business by phone. They didn't have their next team-session planned until tomorrow morning and it would give them time to think things over before summonning the others.
Mister Juan
Sep 2 2009, 09:27 PM
Thursday, 12th January 2062 – East Bay Area“We have meet with man named Smith, tomorrow 5, Antioch docks.�
She switched the telecom unit to her other hand, fishing around her pockets for her pack of smokes.
“You...� she sighed, not finding the pack “You pick me up in two hours. We go to docks and see the place.�
What she did finally find was a pack of chewing gum. Better than nothing. She started chewing, rather loudly, over the line.
“I wait at old Antioch-Pittsburg Amtrak Station.�
Sep 3 2009, 04:53 PM
13:17:55 Thursday, 12th January 2062 - Kliko's workshop
"Old AP Amtrak in two hours would have sufficed. I'll be there."
15:23:37 Thursday, 12th January 2062 - Antioch-Pittsburg Amtrak Station
The Land Rover rolled to gentle stop in front of the old Amtrak station. Doors slammed open and shut, an everyday pick-up. Who would know the difference?
Mister Juan
Sep 4 2009, 02:05 AM
15:23:37 Thursday, 12th January 2062 - Antioch-Pittsburg Amtrak StationEyes hidden behind a pair of polarized Oakley's half-jacket sunglasses,
Ludmilla gave
Kliko a quick nod and a tight lipped smile, and settled in the passenger seat. As the ork started to drive away from the station, she heaved into her lap the bag she had been carrying. Ludi started to fiddle around with something inside.
"Tell me
Ludmilla, you trust your contact?"
“I have known him for very long time. Like you americans say, we go way back. He use to be weapon smuggler in Vladivostok. Now he is fixer here.� she started, not looking up from the bag.
She clicked something on and off a few times, before finally looking at
“I do not think he would set me up. That would be bad for him. He knows I have brothers and sisters who will put many bullets in him if cross me.�
She zipped the bag close.
"Anyway, I don't think this is a setup. See these docks? There's just so many ways to setup a solid overwatch and get you out alive, my personal favorite being the water really."
“Da. I agree. But we do not have boat. And meeting is tomorrow afternoon, five,� she said, holding up five gloved fingers to the ork.
After a few minutes of drive, she started to fish around for her pack of smoke.
"Did he or she tell you what the job was about?"
The russian woman was a bit surprised to find Kliko handing her a half empty pack of his own. She pulled a smoke with her lips.
“Spasiba.� she mumbled, the smoke bopping up and down as she handed the pack back.
"Keep it, I'll be trying to quit anyway sooner or later."
“You can always get new lung.� she said with a small smile.
“My friend did not have many information on job. Man named
Smith call him, looking for experienced team. So he call us. He said job would be out of state, but did not say where.�
She reached for her lighter, and was about to light Kliko's cigarette when she stopped, remembering something.
“He also said we could brings guns if it make us.... comfortable.�
Ludi finally lit the cigarette. She took a long pull before continuing.
“He knows we are team, but not how many.�
They drove a few more seconds in silence.
“Any suggestions on how you want to handle this?� said
Ludi bit her lower lip, obviously thinking. She slid her glasses off and hooked them in the collar of her shirt.
“I meet with
Duster. The rest on overwatch. If meet goes bad,
Duster is best for close.... how to say... intervention."
“I got one question.�
“Whats in the bag?�
“Eyes and ears.� she said flatly.
Sep 4 2009, 02:12 AM
15:56:22 Thursday, 12th January 2062 - Highway 160, Antioch Bridge, North Bound to Sacramento
While Kliko knows his way around Antioch, he sometimes forgets how long it takes this time of day, especially in the pouring rain. He is unable to fly down 10th/Wilbur like it is two in the morning, but instead finds the downtown thoroughfare jam-packed with working stiffs, all driving like it is their first time behind the wheel.
Instead he ops for the side streets, and though it saves him only the a smallest amount of time, if any, it is a lot less stressful than sitting in bumper to bumper traffic, surrounded by assholes.
The SUV arrives at the Antioch Bridge, formally known as the Nedjedly Bridge but only Officer Nedjedly's kin and Kliko's mapping software call it that. Kliko stops at the bottom of the steep sloping bridge, parking his Range Rover just in front of a sign that reads, "NO STOPPING ON THE BRIDGE."
He and Ludi step out of the vehicle and take a quick look. Though the traffic has loosened after the HWY-4 split to 160, it will still take police a long time to reach them, just to run them off.
"Tell me Ludmilla, you trust your contact? Anyway, I don't think this is a setup. See these docks? there's just so many ways to setup a solid over watch and get you out alive, my personal favorite being the water really.
Did he or she tell you what the job was about?" seeing her fiddling for another cancer-stick he pulled up a half-empty pack. "Keep it, I'll be trying to quit anyway sooner or later."
Sep 4 2009, 04:58 PM
16:02:39 Thursday, 12th January 2062 - Highway 160, Antioch Bridge, North Bound to Sacramento
"I'd rather get myself one of those internal air tanks Yamatetsu markets nowadays." Kliko exclaims absently while running his routine "the truth is I was somewhat disturbed by a Tsunami team I once met someplace... these fraggers flared up all across the sensor array we'd put in place to watch our outer-perimeter. Turned out they were all cybered up to the max... I sure as hell don't want to stand out like that."
Finishing the mapping routine he turned to Ludi "You got a plan in place to retrieve those eyes and ears? Otherwise you best head out there. I'll turn on the far-end of the bridge and come back here to pick you up in 15 minutes. There's a pair of wire clippers in the back."
9:13:57 Friday, 13th January 2062 - Kliko's workshop
Visibly enjoying the cup of soykaff Kliko started off today's briefing. Sure as hell they started out fresh and turned out boring after a few weeks of practice. Yet, the cred was good, the heating broken, the soykaf warm and Frank's donuts indeed turned out to be ok.
"Crew, this is the real deal. We got a meet scheduled 5 P.M. today at the Eastern Antioch docks. Johnsons goes by the name of Smith" looking over the crew "so I guess he's a real funny guy huh. Its supposed to be an out-of-state job, so prepare any kit out in advance. I expect we'll be away for a few days upto two weeks. I trust you all to make any necessary arrangements in the course of the day aye." before returning back of the subject.
"Now our first priority is to be safe, we were requested to bring irons if that'd comfort us. Speaks for itself we're not going to flash around our guns at this meet. Second priority speaks for itself" displaying a big grin, this afterall was the opportunity they had been waiting for "Lets do some profitable bizz chummers... Sugar, you got any armour on that car of yours?"
"They're already expensive enough when you get the stock-version, no I don't.
Pity, get some then keep the edge."
"Alright gentlemen, this is the setup" lacking a proper computer and holoprojector Kliko had to make do with an outdated whiteboard flapover "Like I said, prio 1, getting Ludmilla out safe and sound. We roll my wheels in there. If the shit hits the fan, I put my Land Rover between whatever opposition and Ludmilla. It provides a) cover and b) the means to get the hell out of a killzone.
In case any boogies follow in pursuit we put Bubba and Duster, here" pointing at the far-end of the flap over "that's some 200 perhaps 300 meters away and puts you at a discrete distance, yet within range to respond to whatever shit hits the fan.
Sugar, you got overwatch. Pick whatever place you like. If you lack a proper rifle you'll find an old, but serviceable kalashnikov in the case right in that rack there behind Bubba" pointing somewhere at a rack filled with cases of various sizes and shapes "It needs some adjustments, but we should get her up and running in no time.
Now back to prio 2, Ludmilla, can you take it from here?"
Mister Juan
Sep 5 2009, 02:44 AM
The last cigarette of Kliko's pack resting on her ear, Ludmilla sipped the soykaf with the very tips of her lips. She made a small hissing sound, obviously burning herself. Or something close to it. She blew gently on it. While the big ork made his team speech, she seemed a little more interested in her drink. As a matter of fact, the young russian woman looked somewhat tired... “Beat� would have been exagerating. But she did look like she hadn't had a very full and quiet night of sleep.
Kliko stood there, staring at her for a few seconds before Ludi realized it was her turn to speak.
“Da. Ok. The job came through fixer I know well.� she took a sip from her soykaf “Odds are it is good job. I do not have intel on Smith, or job... so I will have to negotiate... how to say... on the?�
She made a sort of wing flapping gesture.
Sugar cleared his throat once, “Fly�.
“Yes yes. On the fly. Not very good position to be in, but it is not first time. I will have live audio feed running for everyone, if you have special request, or question. We already have cameras on site, so we can monitor situation.�
She took another sip.
“If I believe something is wrong, I light cigarette. We keep radio contact to minimum. And no names on air.�
Sep 5 2009, 05:13 AM
15:57:33 Friday, 13th January 2062 - Antioch East Marina
The team arrives early, scouting out the place before hand. All of Ludi's “bugs" are in place, and nothing looks too out of place. They surround the Antioch docks, east of the bridge.
16:44:56 Friday, 13th January 2062 - Antioch East Marina, Main Dock
Though the bridge itself gives a great overview of the entire marina, it is also crawling with traffic. Instead, Sugar hides near one of the raised bridge supports that has a twenty feet of elevation on the docks. Most of the boats are in covered docks, but the ones tied along side the open dock seem to be small fishing and sport boats, which gives Sugar a clear shot over them.
Bubba, pleased with his job responsibilities, sits on his Harley scanning the parking lot of the marina. There aren't too many families out to play on the river with the rainy weather, which Bubba is glad has let up for the meet. Nothing is worse than riding your hog in the rain. Plus it would get his bag of donuts soggy.
Kliko waits in his idling Range Rover, parked in an inconspicuous area just outside of the marina parking area. His SUV blends in with other parked cars avoiding the three nuyen parking fee, though his ride is a bit nicer than the beat up Americars and the like.
Ludi exits the passenger door of Kliko's truck, Duster the door behind it. The Russian carries her Walther as well as an array of other weapons, the AmerIndian follows, a tomahawk strapped at his side, a back up to his deadly hands. Through the complex they make their way to the main dock. With the dock in full view now, they wait by the boats sitting on trailers in dry dock, using the large vehicles as cover.
Ludi pulls a cigarette, lights it, and goes back to scanning the area with Duster. As the clock approaches five, eye contact between the two signal time to move. They walk down the sloping pavement toward the wooden dock. Two minutes short of five, and now Johnson, Smith, or anyone else in site. Of course Sugar, Kliko and Bubba wait out of sight, but what about this contact and his associates?
A sport boat speeds across the Delta, and under the Antioch Bridge. Ludi watches it closely, as does Sugar from his makeshift sniper's nest. Duster scans the other direction, up river.
The boat slows down quickly, then cuts sharply at 90 degrees, heading for the dock. It steadily moves for the dock, cutting the engines as it nears the edge. The boat holds two men, one dressed very nicely, the pilot in shorts, a polo shirt and a light wind breaker. The driver hops off the boat, and ties it down. Afterwards, the man in the suit steps off, looking a bit wobbly.
Ludi tosses her butt into the water as she and Duster walk down the dock. The man in the suit straightens himself out, then his suit as he sees his potential clients approaching.
Mister Juan
Sep 5 2009, 08:29 PM
16:44:56 Friday, 13th January 2062 – Antioch Bridge
Ludmilla took her shapka off, shoving it inside her jacket. She was well aware the hat looked somewhat silly, even though it was the most comfortable thing on earth. But, there was no telling what sort of impression it would make on their future employer.
Her boots thudding a few steps, she stopped some distance away from the man. Odds were, this was their contact, but there was always the off chance this was a fluke of destiny... and that this man had no business with them.
Hands shoved into her pocket, she gave the man what she thought was an honest looking smile.
“Good evening� she said, trying her best, but failing none the less, to hide most of her accent.
Sep 6 2009, 04:40 PM
15:59:45 Friday, 13th January 2062 - Antioch East Marina, Main Dock
"Greetings," the man says, "and thank you for coming."
His voice is deep and dry, and has a definite accent hidden in his speech. From spending so much time with Ludi, Duster thinks it sounds Russian. Ludi knows that it is German.
"Let us get directly to business," he continues. "I require a group of persons with your particular talents to kidnap a corporate scientist in Kourou, French Guiana. He must be abducted within one week and must be kept out of circulation until ten days from today. I do not wish him to be harmed, and there will be no ransom demands or exchanges that you need to be concerned with. Ten days from now, you may simply let him go. I can provide you with transportation to and from the area, information regarding the target's movements and whereabouts and a secure place to keep the target if you so desire. What would your fee be for such an assignment?"
A Johnson, or Smith, that is direct to the point? No wine and dine first? It reminds Duster of one of his early 21st century trideos he loves so much. This meet seems to come right out of a movie, but kind of a fresh of breath air, right off the Delta.
Mister Juan
Sep 6 2009, 06:11 PM
15:59:45 Friday, 13th January 2062 – Antioch Bridge
When Miron had mentioned that the job would be “out of state�, Ludmilla somehow hadn't thought of anythin even remotely close to this. French Guiana? She hadn't even ever set foot in South America, let alone in a place like that. This wasn't just out of state... this was a whole other fragging continent. I meant they would probably all be way out of their element. Maybe.... Maybe all except Kliko. As Smith continued his sales pitch, Ludi started to pray the ork's contact network extended as far as French Guiana.
So, all pretenses aside, the job was an extraction. And probably one with an unwilling subject... since Smith had used the word “kidnap� and not “extract�. And they'd have to hold him and lay low. And all that in a foreign country where they would, without a doubt, be out of their elements.
On a personal instinct basis, she felt like telling the man she was not interested. Not even one bit. She simply didn't like it. On the other hand, she wasn't supposed to be there speaking for herself; she was speaking for the team.
With her hands still stuck inside her pockets, she narrowed her eyes a bit. Somewhere in the wetwired memory core stuck inside her brain, Smith's face was burnt. Well... more like digitalized. Ludmilla knew from experience that the usual asking price for an extraction was about 10 grand. But this, this was going to be a heck lot more complicated than a simple corporate extraction. Fiffteen each seemed a lot more reasonable.
“Eighty Thousand.� she finally said after a few seconds.
Sep 6 2009, 09:21 PM
15:59:45 Friday, 13th January 2062 - Antioch East Marina
Kliko is quickly surfing the matrix database for all information on Kourou and French Guiana. It is one of the few areas in northern South America not (or not yet) conquered by Amazonia. Guiana is surrounded by Amazonia on three sides, and the fourth side is boarded by the Atlantic Ocean. French Guiana is, as it's name implies, is still a protectorate of France, which may be what is stopping Amazonia from advancing on it's territory.
Guiana's resources are somewhat limited, but their industries include forestry and gold mining. Neither supply the country with a great deal of income. Its main asset is its location, laying right above the equator. This makes it ideal for launching rockets into space...
Kliko hears the transmission:
"Eighty Thousand." Ludi finally said after a few seconds.
Smith pauses, then replies. "Eighty is a little steep. We were looking around fifty."