Feb 16 2006, 08:18 AM
There are a few small things that you can change to make nick's character not look like a transvestite (because she kinda does).
First, the face has masculine features. The chin is very wide and the cheek bones are actually extremely wide and square. The face would be uncommonly masculine even on a man.
Second, the boobs look fake. The reason is they're very round, and if they were round because they're pushed up by the corset—they would be placed much higher up on her chest. Boobs that pout out that much on top are generaly puched up beneath the chin. I'd place them just beneath were the shadows of the collarbones are.
I guarantee you that she will look more feminine if you change those two things. Keep up the good work. Because other than the above, the style is fabulous. Your sense of detail and imagination to vary those details far surpasses mine.
Feb 16 2006, 03:33 PM
QUOTE (Squinky) |
Akimbo Hey yeah I like the character. Maybe it was the presentation though, heh.
Nick Sorry, I spent a good couple hours on it, so I can't say I didn't try. I wasn't happy with her face, but I called it good. I really don't agree with the transexual thing, but then again, I am biased I guess...Tell ya what, if you want I'll do her up again. Give me some more concrete description of her such as: An actress that she may look like, what hair style, stuff like that. I'll try and trim her up some and give it another go.
Anyways, heres the next one:
Kasheu's Human Adept |
i like it a lot
thx awesome drawing
Feb 16 2006, 05:00 PM
Glad it works, try not to focus on the different sized guns, heh. I kinda rushed it.
Yeah, Women drawings still turn out weird with me sometimes because I grew up drawing male super heroes with big muscles and strong chins. Sometimes I get going and don't always notice till it is too late. I used a reference picture for this, and, I swear to god, the woman had a thick neck like that and wide shoulders+the low slung jubblies. maybe it wasn't the best of references though. Anyway, I've decided to start up a new drawing of her, take it in a different direction.
Kyoto Kid
Feb 16 2006, 05:33 PM
QUOTE (mintcar) |
Akimbo Hope you don't mind me stealing a few submitions Squinky. I don't think I do this often enough to have my own art thread. |
Nice representation. Refreshing. Not overdone in certain parts of the anatomy like I usually see female characters drawn. I have frequently taken flak for my own character drawings of women because they weren't "well endowed" or sexy enough.
Years ago I was involved with comic book art, and always wondered how those women superheroes could fight with so much "mass" up front. Even when they were supposed to be teenagers, they were built like more like models for the SI Swimsuit issue. Just take a look at Kate Pride & Jubilee from the X-Men and try to convince me those are thirteen year old girls.
Feb 16 2006, 06:35 PM
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid) |
Years ago I was involved with comic book art, and always wondered how those women superheroes could fight with so much "mass" up front. Even when they were supposed to be teenagers, they were built like more like models for the SI Swimsuit issue. Just take a look at Kate Pride & Jubilee from the X-Men and try to convince me those are thirteen year old girls. |
It'd be difficult to convince me they're human.
But it's really just a style. Anime girls don't exactly have realistic proportions either (mostly). In those comic book styles, there are no different body types. Everyone is drawn after the same model, unless there's a point to be made of them being either extremely fat or extremely thin. I don't follow a mould in that way. Instead I just go with the build that I think fits the character.
Feb 16 2006, 09:47 PM
Okay, I worked my ass off on this, but hopefully now she looks more feminine. I think I learned a little something working on this edit, so hopefully I will be able to do women better in the future:
RazorBlade Redone
Feb 16 2006, 09:56 PM
Kyoto Kid
Feb 16 2006, 10:04 PM
QUOTE (mintcar) |
It'd be difficult to convince me they're human.
But it's really just a style. Anime girls don't exactly have realistic proportions either (mostly). In those comic book styles, there are no different body types. Everyone is drawn after the same model, unless there's a point to be made of them being either extremely fat or extremely thin. I don't follow a mould in that way. Instead I just go with the build that I think fits the character. |
Good point...
Carmine Infantino used Playboy centrefolds as his model for drawing women.
I also have a copy of "How to Draw Comics - The Marvel Way" which does teach the generic comic book style. In production art things have to stay simple, particularly when it involves a team effort and frequently rotating staff. Each artist does lend their own "look" to a book, but still within a set convention.
As a matter of fact, it is more the inker who more determines the style in comics than the penciller. Witness John Byrne. When he did his first stint for Marvel on X-Men I was impressed. However a couple of years later I realised it was not Byrne, but his inker Terry Austin who really made the book look so good, when he (Austin) did some work on a DC anthology comic over pencils by a friend of mine named Dennis Jensen. Looked just like the X-Men stuff even though Jensen's pencil style was completely different than Byrne's.
Eventually I dropped out of mainstream comics (even many of the so called "indies" like Dark Horse & Valiant) & instead developed a liking for some of the small press efforts that tended more towards a sensible visual portrayal of female characters.
Feb 16 2006, 10:34 PM
Have you done anything that I might have seen Kyoto Kid?
Btw. I have a copy of HTDCTMW signed by Stan Lee that I got at a Gothenburg book convention when I was 12 or something. Thought me alot. Then I went to art school and drew a lot of live nude models. Thing is that before then I really couldn't draw regular looking bodies, just muscular men and thin women. Heh.
Now I don't draw anymore at all. These few quick character drawings is all I've done in years. I found out I wasn't motivated to draw past visualizing rpg characters.
Kyoto Kid
Feb 17 2006, 05:34 PM
QUOTE (mintcar) |
Have you done anything that I might have seen Kyoto Kid? Btw. I have a copy of HTDCTMW signed by Stan Lee that I got at a Gothenburg book convention when I was 12 or something. Thought me alot. Then I went to art school and drew a lot of live nude models. Thing is that before then I really couldn't draw regular looking bodies, just muscular men and thin women. Heh. Now I don't draw anymore at all. These few quick character drawings is all I've done in years. I found out I wasn't motivated to draw past visualizing rpg characters. |
Nothing major. Mostly backup & fill in work, nothing that garnered a byline. After living several weeks in NYC (mind you this was the late 70s & New York was quite a different city then) I had enough of the hectic & oft dangerous lifestyle there, boarded a train & returned to the teeming metropolis of Stevens Point Wi.
Basically, back then if you wanted to get a start at either Marvel or DC (which were about the only acts "in town"), you HAD to live in New York. Tried to go indie myself, but the startup costs were a bit too much. Ended up in Computers (when the PC in the home was still the realm of Science Fiction) which at least offered a steady lifestyle. SInce then, I have been content to do the "$5 convention sketch" gig from time to time & provide drawings as setting aids for the FRP adventures and campaigns I ran.
Yeah, I still have a few story ideas kicking around, including what has grown into a major length SF work as well as a plot based on my character Leela & the last campaign I ran. However, Both of these are really too big to do as even a graphic novel and with my physical condition, such a project at this point would be more than daunting.
BTW, interested in taking a stab at Leela yourself? The full description appears earlier in this thread. Again, I like to see different interpetations too.
Feb 17 2006, 10:44 PM
Why not just do it as a web strip?? You could always get some help with it as well. Most of the best strips are partnerships. I know I would be willing to pitch in to help out.
Currently I follow
control-alt-deletePenny ArcadeDr McNinjaPet Professionalbut have been looking for something closer to shadowrun.
Kyoto Kid
Feb 18 2006, 06:43 AM
QUOTE (Platinum) |
Why not just do it as a web strip?? You could always get some help with it as well. Most of the best strips are partnerships. I know I would be willing to pitch in to help out. Currently I follow control-alt-delete Penny Arcade Dr McNinja Pet Professional but have been looking for something closer to shadowrun. |
Both of these are basically novel length stories that do not lend themselves well to a strip or graphic format.
The SF Idea has become very large, taking up nearly a bookshelf for all of the cultural, character bio, and historical notes, sketches of settings, characters, plans of ships, maps of worlds etc..
The background for Rhapsody in Shadow (Leela's story) now comprises about 80 pages of text.
Feb 19 2006, 08:20 AM
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid) |
BTW, interested in taking a stab at Leela yourself? The full description appears earlier in this thread. Again, I like to see different interpetations too. |
I might get around to it some day
All I can say is that it'll be first in line when I feel like doing a sketch again.
Feb 19 2006, 08:05 PM
This character originally started out as a joke during a Las Vegas campaign. There was an incident during a run on the Tropicana which involved a (highly illegal) Yeti barbecue. Draw her and you will win a million internets- I mean wireless matrices. If I tried to draw it would look like a fugly stick figure.
Gina - "Pornomancer"
Weekly performances at the Tropicana's Tropics Lounge, part of Showgirls of Magic. Tan, thin, somewhat flat chested, thin nose. Dancing and magic specialties.
Human, female
Age: 23, looks about 20
Hair: Iridescent purple, short, 1920's hairstyle (no curls)
Visible Bioware: Cat's eyes
Visible Cyberware: Cosmetic mods: Fox ears (pierced, nuyen symbol earrings), fox tail
Clothing: Knee length skirt, loose sleeveless top with lace at edges ties together at the neck, AR gloves, stockings, high heels.
Tattoos: Biohazard symbol on right upper arm.
Armament: Hammerli 620S (attached laser sight) in thigh holster.
Pose: Feminine smoking, cigarette holder
Use it in your portfolio, I don't care.
Feb 20 2006, 07:54 PM
DawnShadow's elf womanWorking on Razorblade, post soonish.
Feb 20 2006, 08:11 PM
Neat. Many thanks
Feb 21 2006, 03:38 AM
Here's another shot.
Nick's Unmanly Razor
Feb 21 2006, 06:50 AM
One more for the day. Hope this works for you Tinker.
TinkerGnomes Nvwati
Feb 21 2006, 10:15 AM
hey Squinky
I gots me a drawing to shows off...
It's my half-assed version of my troll character artpad thing is cool
Feb 21 2006, 11:00 AM
Feb 21 2006, 11:30 AM
That's 3 very competent renditions of female characters right there! You seem to have overcome your problems in a flash. Beautiful!
Sandoval Smith
Feb 21 2006, 01:09 PM
Are you up for taking any more requests at the current time?
Feb 21 2006, 04:27 PM
Heh, awesome Chuck! I can't stand drawing with those things usaully, they lack the control I expect. I used to frequent a whiteboard that let other people draw with you at the same time, that was pretty cool.
Yeah, I hit the anatomy books for a bit, and posted my female face issues on an art board. Thanks for saying they are better.
Heh, sorry it took so long. Thanks for pointing out the she-male.
Yep, just list in detail your character and I will add it to the list.
Of course I just woke up and found out that I had left my fine tip pen open all night, so that kinda sucks. I wouldn't mind if I could actually buy another in my town, but I have to drive an hour to get another....grr-cheese...
Feb 21 2006, 05:17 PM
ouch, that sucks, i went to art school (for video/film/audio production, not graphic design though) but i know how painful it can be to let any of those art pens out even for a half hour to an hour
Feb 21 2006, 05:29 PM
soak the end in nail polish remover for about 10 minutes, that might help unclog it ... I recommend you look into "teck" pens. You refill them in india ink, and are really awesome to work with.
Feb 21 2006, 05:35 PM
Teck pens? I'll have to check those out.
I currently use these Micron technical pens, .01 for the big lines and .005 for the faces and little stuff. I have a hard time finding even those here in Idaho, and I'm wondering how hard it will be to find these Teck pens to try out, heh.
I am really looking into using nibs eventually, but again, it appears I'll have to order those in if I want a go at em.
Feb 21 2006, 05:44 PM used the rapidograph technical drafting pens in college. They are really nice to work with, especially on vellum.
Feb 21 2006, 09:19 PM
i used to have a set of those pens...
lost in time or moving from Apt to Apt
i still have the big bottle of ink i would use to refill them with
Feb 21 2006, 09:29 PM
Me too. I even laid out the extra money to buy the finest tipped in the model that had a coating of translucent red on the end. I think it was sold as jewel tiped, but I don't know what the material was. It sure wrote smooth. That was decades ago though.
Kyoto Kid
Feb 21 2006, 09:35 PM
QUOTE (mintcar) |
That's 3 very competent renditions of female characters right there! You seem to have overcome your problems in a flash. Beautiful! |
Most definitely.
Now I am curious to see how the kid would look redux.
Feb 21 2006, 09:56 PM
Wow, those are some spendy pens! Heh, and I was unhappy about dropping a fiver on my pen, wow. I book-marked them though, it could be really worth it to try them out.
And Kyoto, I went ahead and put in a re-do of leela in the list up front, so it is definately gonna happen.
Feb 21 2006, 10:11 PM
I complained when my .3 Sakura Micron dried out. It was only like a $2 pen. Have you tried inking in Photoshop? My hands shake a lot so I decided to go digital. It's a lot more forgiving.
Feb 21 2006, 10:21 PM
I have messed with inking in Photoshop and Illustrator, but just wasn't digging it. My hands shake a good deal too, and I have this weird tightness in the pinky side of my hand, hurts when I sleep and sometimes I can barely move my hand without a strange sort of pain. But I still enjoy inking by hand, weirdly enough. It seems to get in there and knock out the details way faster, and much better.
I have a wacom, but the surface is to smooth for me, and when I do use it, I have to put a piece of rough paper over it to do anything with it.
Feb 21 2006, 10:38 PM
QUOTE (Squinky @ Feb 21 2006, 05:21 PM) |
I have messed with inking in Photoshop and Illustrator, but just wasn't digging it. My hands shake a good deal too, and I have this weird tightness in the pinky side of my hand, hurts when I sleep and sometimes I can barely move my hand without a strange sort of pain. But I still enjoy inking by hand, weirdly enough. It seems to get in there and knock out the details way faster, and much better. |
I know it is on the expensive side, making those technical pens look cheap, but if you have some sort of coverage you might look into a physiotherapist or a massage therapist that specializes in tendon stretching. You'll find the type that should be able to help you at a clinic that specializes in soft tissue pain. That is what it sort of sounds like, something torqued up the wrong way. The good ones will first get you on the mend in a session or few and but also set you up some home exersizes so you don't have to keep going back. If they are really good they'll be too busy to want a high repeat customer coming in.
Feb 22 2006, 01:24 AM
Wow, simply amazing. You've really done a great job with that one, Squinky.
Feb 22 2006, 09:20 AM
QUOTE (Squinky) |
I have a wacom, but the surface is to smooth for me, and when I do use it, I have to put a piece of rough paper over it to do anything with it. |
I gots me one of those too
that's what i was using for that artpad drawing
still haven't quite got used to it though
What I've been doing is a rough sketch in PS using the tablet. Then import it into Flash and "trace" it using the line tool. That way i can use it for toon or something...
Kyoto Kid
Feb 22 2006, 09:50 PM
QUOTE (Squinky) |
And Kyoto, I went ahead and put in a re-do of leela in the list up front, so it is definately gonna happen. |
Especially loved Tinker Gnome's Nvwati. Excellent pose and nice proportions.
Keep in mind Leela's rather petite, almost child like in appearance even though she was 18-19 during her career as a runner.
BTW, I also used tech pens - Mars Matic. Bought them way back in my college days for about $60 (set of 10 w/bow compass & attachments). In today's economy the same set would be nearly double the cost. Unfortunately lost track of them after several moves.
Feb 22 2006, 10:02 PM
those three definately look more femanine to me, the only thing i would say, and perhaps its just my horrible perception of body-depth, but it looks like on both Razor and Vvwati, the breasts appear just a tad off. On Razor, the one looks to be perky and firm, while the other is a bit looser, while in nvwati, they appear to be of different sizes.
But they're still VERY good drawings, better than i could ever do.
Feb 22 2006, 10:16 PM
Thanks, I'll have to look into that someday.
I am happy that it worked, I liked the feel of the drawing personally.
Yeah, I need to start using the wacom more, it would save me so much time.
Is it just me, or does everybody lose those pens while moving? Heh. And I will really try on the proportions. I'm making these women a personal challenge to do better.
I flat out agree with you, they have been bothering me too. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong there, but I am definately working on it. Thanks for pointing it out.
Feb 22 2006, 10:51 PM
QUOTE (squinky) |
I flat out agree with you, they have been bothering me too. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong there, but I am definately working on it. Thanks for pointing it out. |
Heh, as i understand it, you're far from the collegite life, but i could so hear some of my friends saying that to Prof's.... just to shut 'em the frag up... It's not a big deal tho, in reality, few females have "perfect" breasts to begin with, most of them are smaller and or lopsided, and it is only thanks to the marvels of the Brazire that they look so nice
Feb 23 2006, 01:59 PM
As you have a wacom board, you should really try out Painter. You propably got a copy of Painter Classic with the board, but the new versions are even better.
Here's a couple of pictures I've colored using the watercolour tools in Painter: stuff, because I don't put that kind of effort into it anymore
Anyway, it's great fun to play with. Much better than Photoshop if you want a genuine physical media feel to things.
Kyoto Kid
Feb 23 2006, 05:21 PM
Very Very nice. Particularly "Western"
Not sure how much effort goes in to do this digitally since I pretty much have done art the analog way.
I should consider upgrading (currently only have a 2 generation old notebook running Win 98).
In the past, I used to use ink & Mars Prismacolour pencils & for my character sketches
Feb 23 2006, 05:24 PM
Yeah, I'm 27 years old, so beyond the college years. I meant what I said though, thanks for pointing it out.
[b] Mintcar{/b]
Yeah, it came with Painter, and I tryed it out. I'm pretty used to photoshop and all it's hot keys by now, so it would have to do something that photoshop can't....
Cool pictures though, I remember seeing the Decker on the Shadowrun art site. I prefer the other one though, the colors seem to work more for me. I'll have to mess some more with is whe I am feeling adventurous.
Feb 23 2006, 10:23 PM
Squinky: Painter can certainly do a thousand things that Photoshop can't... You just don't get the organic shifts and unexpected mixings of colours in Photoshop, were it's all very artificial. If you like splashing around a bit, Photoshop really does not even compare. It does a lot of things a whole lot better too, of course. I've tended to use both in the past; doing all the coloring in Painter and then using Photoshop to patch together backgrounds and characters.
Kyoto Kid: I've never gotten past the learning stage when it comes to digital painting. So as I was constantly inventing ways of doing things such as leaving the inked lines intact—even just learning what brushes to use—it did take enormous amounts of time. The quick gray-scale sketches I've done here though, I could never have made as quick without the computer. As I've just used the quickest method I've discovered without trying out anything new in the process. So I guess it's all about knowing what you're doing.
Why don't you try your hand at a character portrait Kyoto? No scanner?
Kyoto Kid
Feb 23 2006, 10:51 PM
That is precisely it.
I actually have quite a folio I have amassed over the years.
Also do not have access from home to internet (kind of living in the 'Enemy of the State" [the movie] mode - I enjoy what little privacy I have when I'm off work).
Feb 23 2006, 11:31 PM
Hm. I can relate to that. Gonna try not to derail the thread, but I just read some things about the future of entertainment technology... copy protection... Sony... forced internet connection... "self-destruct-patches"... peace is war... love is hate...
I think I'm going to stop upgrading my tech toys for a while until this mess slows down.
Kyoto Kid
Feb 24 2006, 10:07 PM
QUOTE (mintcar) |
I think I'm going to stop upgrading my tech toys for a while until this mess slows down. |
I think the only way that will happen is if we have a Crash in RL.
Unfortunately, It looks only like it the curve is going to get even more logarithmic as time goes on. This is why I'm content with slightly older tech
I once remember these round black flat things called "records", phones that rang, bicycles with three speeds, cars you could work on in your garage...
Sorry, it's those flashbacks again to simpler days....
So back getting the train on the track...
If I can find means to scan & upload a few of the illustrations I've done I would like to post them. Just don't know how to go about it & where to post them since I do not have a domain.
Feb 24 2006, 10:49 PM
just use like squinky. you scan the image, then upload it through your browser
Kyoto Kid
Feb 25 2006, 07:50 AM
Thanks for the link.
Now I just need to find somewhere to get a few scans done this weekend.
Feb 25 2006, 08:17 AM
You can propably get scans done at any copy shop or photo store. Off course it's cheaper if you know someone with a scanner.
I use for hosting my images.