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At really high levels of power, with a GM who's more about fun (and sometimes silly) RP than about combat, a RiggerDeckerShamUrai can actually be amusing.
I could dig up her stats sometime, if anyone is interested. She didn't really work out like I wanted. She was capable enough in most fields, but with the rest of the team being specialists in those fields, she was the eternal second-stringer.

She was a Physical Mage on the Tir Na Nog Path of the Warrior, which means that she could summon three kinds of elementals and one kind of nature spirit, could cast spells and do all the funky Phys Ad stuff as well. Along with a geased Smartlink and Datajack.

Could do anything, but was never an expert.
Squinky it then? smile.gif

Kyoto Kid's Violet Sketch
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (Squinky)

Kyoto Kid's Violet Sketch

..OMG that is absolutely perfect! That is her.

Demure yet very dangerous.

Love the facial expression, love the detail on the Fabuki, love the background.

Thank you,thank you,thank you,thank you. notworthy.gif

No changes needed.

BTW is that perchance a flock of drones in the air behind her?
Drones and other things, yeah. Glad you liked it, I redrew her body a ton, and after all that frustration I am glad I got it right smile.gif

I'll put her on board the ink train then, thanks!
Kyoto Kid
...yeah, petite women can be tricky to draw. Took me a while to get it right. All to often (especially in comics) I've seen them turn out to be just "sized down" versions of the bigger overly buxom heroines.

Kids can be a real challenge too. When I get some time I have a couple sketches of Leela in her more youthful days as well as my 12 year old Otaku, Akima I did that I'll upload to my DA gallery.
I would really dig that, I was poking around your gallery today, and wanted more.

Your images have a cool style to them that I can't put my finger on, Love to see more.
And here is Violet inked smile.gif

Kyoto Kid's Violet inked
QUOTE (Squinky @ Nov 24 2007, 12:43 PM) it then? smile.gif

Ja! I'm looking forward to seeing her.
Coolness, I've read your PM and will try to incorporate it. I'll get inking right now.

Also, throwing aside all past moral issues I went ahead and tried the KK and Skate picture again. I worked from memory though, so both of you guys let me know:

It features mild nudity, so be warned all

KK and Skate topless thing NSFW


Also, got Chase inked up as well:

Wargears Chase finished
Very nice Squinky. You're churing them out today like a machine.

Well done.
QUOTE (Squinky @ Nov 25 2007, 01:53 AM)
throwing aside all past moral issues

Ok I get that you have issues and it is understandable however as always you never fail to impress.

Once again you have done a great job bringing peoples characters to life.
Thanks guys!

Glad you like it Wargear, and sorry for thinking your name was Wargear this whole time smile.gif

Here is a first attempt at an image for Aaron's Mission module the last run:

Last run aztec cowboy sketch

Aaron's Missions and other stuff are available at:
Aaron's Shadowrun Resources
Heres another sketch:

El ray sketch
Love the El Ray sketch... has to be my fav so far!
QUOTE (Squinky)
Coolness, I've read your PM and will try to incorporate it. I'll get inking right now.

Also, throwing aside all past moral issues I went ahead and tried the KK and Skate picture again. I worked from memory though, so both of you guys let me know:

It features mild nudity, so be warned all

KK and Skate topless thing NSFW


Also, got Chase inked up as well:

Wargears Chase finished

Judging from the look of those two mugs in the background, it looks like KK is going to need that pistol, and I'm hoping that Skate is calling for drone-air support with her wireless. smile.gif

Kind of a shame, really. I mean, a good day at the pool gets all wasted when you have to spill blood, especially if it goes into the pool. Otherwise very nice job, though it's a bit unclear. I'm presuming that KK is the one with her back mostly-turned, in order to show off the tatoo.

I've long since stopped trying to direct what Skate looks like except in the most broad terms, since what I get when I give the artists free hand is invariably better than anything I could try to cajole them into making. She's pretty far from the thin, small-chested, short-brown-haired Japanese girl from the Matrix Online (beta) that she started as.

Although it does look like she's trying to flirt with KK with the hair-flip, which is entirely in keeping with her character. nyahnyah.gif

Love it, just wish it was larger and a bit clearer. Can't wait to see it inked.
Awesome, just need to get the go ahead from Kyoto and I will ink this monster.

I worked from memory on it, and all I could recall was the widows dress thing and the matrix stuff. And that she was Asian. So I took a shot.

I think I'd like to do another picture of her on her own soon, though, so maybe we can get one a little more to your liking smile.gif
QUOTE (Squinky)
Awesome, just need to get the go ahead from Kyoto and I will ink this monster.

I worked from memory on it, and all I could recall was the widows dress thing and the matrix stuff. And that she was Asian. So I took a shot.

I think I'd like to do another picture of her on her own soon, though, so maybe we can get one a little more to your liking smile.gif

I was not at all saying it was not to my liking, Squink-master. smile.gif

Just that she had seemingly mutated, and I'm okay with that. She's still Skate, just more buxom and curvier. nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Squinky)
Glad you like it Wargear, and sorry for thinking your name was Wargear this whole time smile.gif

Not a problem. Loving the art...might have to start excavating the Deeper Well in search of the relics of Campaigns Past...and put them up here for illustration smile.gif
El Rey looks awesome, thanks again!
Kyoto Kid
...been pretty busy over the holiday I see and I like the results very very much. smile.gif

Again Vi just looks perfect. appears that she's looking over he shoulder to make sure old "Uncle Olaf's" goons aren't following her. I will be including your portrait of her on on her character dossier. Even though she's my character, I feel you captured her far better than I could (the sketches I did look too much like either the Dee Dee from the Death comic series or Emily Browning who actually played the character in the Lemony Snickett film).

Seeing chase inked is wonderful. Another nice addition to the gallery of "Bad Girls" you've done.

I like the silhouette style background you did in both illustrations, it gives depth and fills the frame nicely without making things too busy and distracting from the main figure.

El Ray looks cool, can't wait to see the inked version.

Last Run is a nice scene. Looks like a lot of work will be going into it with all the little details around the shop.

Now on to the Swimsuit sketch. What can I say? so far very nicely done. Only one teensy thing, will KK have her tattoo? Wasn't clear in the sketch. I'll take a longer look at it after I get home tonight and PM you then (at work now & could only view it briefly while on break, my personal system also has a much better display).

[addendum 11/27]

...unfortunately couldn't get a stable connection last night on our citywide free WiFi & the weather here was absolutely horrible (39° & driving rain which I rode home in) so I didn't feel like going to a hotspot. Will do so tonight. grinbig.gif
Thanks guys. And yeah, KK will have some of the Tatt showing. I'll wait for your go ahead on it though.

Thanks again guys, I'm taking the night off of art to play some WOW though smile.gif (kinda like last night, that game is a little addictive)

Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (Squinky)
Thanks again guys, I'm taking the night off of art to play some WOW though smile.gif (kinda like last night, that game is a little addictive) too? Man that's all several players in my group seem to talk about. Sometimes it's hard to get back on track with SR.

Never really got into MMORPGs partly due to the fact I do not have cable or other form of hardwired internet service, Partly because I like the "in person" style of gaming more (somehow a cockney accent doesn't come across as well in text mode), and finally, the time factor. Heck I even don't have Civ on my computer (played it & found it way too addicting) & feel bad enough when I blow a couple hours here on DS or playing Madden NFL or MLB.

...of course as of late, I have been messing around a lot with Daz3d, Blender, and other software drawing tools only to look up & see it's like 12:30 AM or later. grinbig.gif
Well, you're probably better off smile.gif

Here is:

El Ray inked
Kyoto Kid
...I like very much. cool.gif
El Ray looks awesome, I must confess.

That said, KK, hurry up with the official "go-ahead" on the inking, because I don't think he understands your approval. smile.gif
Kyoto Kid
...already PM-ed grinbig.gif
I was so pleased for that pict of Raven so here I am again...

Second character which I'd like to introduce is Ricardo Cerrano or RC which he likes better.

RC is young, 19-yrs old latin male human, bald (or maybe short straight black hair) and he even might have light beard, he's member of South Side Punks gang and they are in to the cars, tuning (or could you say pimp my...) cars, street races and of course guarding their own turf against other gangs... And RC is good racer, hes good at tuning cars but hes also good at his mouth.

Hes body is quite strong and muscular but nothing like you could get from bodybuilding more like athletic (football, running and that) he is about 1m80cm in height and 85kg in weight.

He's got tattoos (skulls & bones, dragons, cars, gang marks, girls) allmost all over his body (not head or hands) but nothing cybergear, nothin' at all. And his hands, you could say that they are allways covered eith grease or oil... he likes or loves to fix cars and hes hooked in novacoke...

Usually he wears jeans and Leather jacket with gangmarks, in fights he uses chains, knifes and pipes (close cambat group) he's got this one peace he loves to use, Super Ruger Warhawk. All these gears are without cyber... no smartlink nothing... they are the skumm of the streets and they are trying to survive...

Hmm...Im thinking because im quite pleased with the drawings ive gotten before, ill put number 3 up for possibility.

Eryn Stone(known as Vassago, rather piratey-like nickname), is a human male who is indeed a modern/cyberpunk pirate, around 6'3'', and about 89 kilos of wirey-strong muscle(more swimmer/athletic type). He's fair-skinned, with wavy, raven-black hair almost to his shoulders(combed back), and a very trim goatee around his mouth. Not a spot of gray which makes him look a fair bit younger than his 34 years. He's got deep blue(his natural color), the other a deep red(he was born with a blue eye and a brown eye, and the brown eye was so light it looked red. he kept it and enhanced it a bit). No visible ware(some muscle augmentation and toner, pheremones, aluminum bone lacing and wired reflexes) except a datajack on his right temple.

He's got two styles of dress, and Squinky, ill let you pick the one you think would be more fun. One is his 'pirating' gear when he's out on his boat/on a run, which is black cargos, heavy boots(both water-resistant), with a knife on the side of one, a dark colored tight shirt, his curved monosword at his side and a pistol in a chest holster. He wears black gloves as well(with some and a black armored jacket(easily movable if having to swim). He also slings a shotgun over his shoulder. He also utilizes a sniper rifle in some cases; but this is more in the water when having to fire at a very long range target.

His more 'everyday' gear is less weapons intensive, utilizing similar cargos and boots, with a longcoat, t-shirts or tank tops, and fingerless gloves; his telltale red eye is covered with an eyepatch(sorry, i had to. grinbig.gif ) He usually goes weaponless(though his gloves have black iron sewn into them). Hair is worn the same way. Around his neck is a strange looking fetish type thing; he found it on a trip to South America and looks like it could be possibly old Aztec style.

ok, have fun biggrin.gif

Kay, will add those to the que directly.

Here is:

Shev inked
QUOTE (Squinky)
Kay, will add those to the que directly.

Here is:

Shev inked

Cue "Battle without Honor or Humanity". That is awesome.

But when I saw the name, I thought "Shev? Shev the Shiv?"
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (Squinky)
Kay, will add those to the que directly.

Here is:

Shev inked

...very nice. Again, as with St Cyr, Delea (non SR characters) & my sweet little Violet, I like the way some of the elements of the picture extend beyond the frame.

I once did that with a painting back in my college art days. It was of a 727 jettliner in a banking turn done on a 6' 8' canvas (my BIG art phase) where about 8" or each wingtip and part of the tail extended beyond the edge of the canvas. People said it made it appear that the plane was actually 3 dimensional and coming at them.
Hyzmarca's Free spirit

The the breast have sesame seeds on them and the waist area will look a little bun like. Best I could come up with as far as a hamburger woman smile.gif

Link has boobies, so beware:
Skate and KK NSFW
QUOTE (Squinky)

Link has boobies, so beware:
Skate and KK NSFW


I just have a couple questions.

(1), why has Skate mutated into an Elf (or Elf Poser)? Not that I'm complaining, mind, just curious.

(2), why is the image resoloution so small? Hard to see anything.

(3), what's with those mugs in the background?
Kyoto Kid
...very sweet. cool.gif

Yeah the Sake is more fitting, most definitely.

I like the No Troll Diving sign. that'd be worse than a cannonball. (then, the thought of a Troll cannonball is really scary, that would empty the pool).

ShadowDragon is right, Skate does appear to have elf ears...

...yup, just enlarged the view with Picassa2 & they definitely are pointed. Maybe that is why KK has such an odd expression (she is not terribly fond of elves considering what she went through growing up in Salem, TT).

The goons, hard to tell about the Orc with a pistola in hand, could be security who just doesn't notice the ninja yet (ninja are that way). The Ninja on the other hand, now he could be bad news. Hope Skate has a few drones on call.
Not only drones, she looks like her enhanced cyberears have just picked up the telltale sound. That subtle tic in her eye is her Wired Reflexes 2 kicking in, and the wireless traffic is her Smartgunlink telling the Ares Predator IV on the table to chamber a round. It's loaded with Ex-Ex, by the by.
Yeah, heh. I'll try and fix those ears....I worked from memory and I guess my memory sucks smile.gif

I was suprised at how small it posted as well, I'll see if I can get it to be biggasser.
QUOTE (Squinky)
Hyzmarca's Free spirit

The the breast have sesame seeds on them and the waist area will look a little bun like. Best I could come up with as far as a hamburger woman smile.gif

She looks less like Mayor McCheese than I had expected, but not bad.

Kyoto Kid
...this will be interesting to see inked. grinbig.gif

@KK & Skate...yeah, KK's charged up her Killing hands and Elemental Strike while her little pistola is loaded with S&S.

Electricity & water...bad combination. grinbig.gif
That mug is in Trouble. Note the capitalization. smile.gif

Ironically, I originally considered re-imagining Skate as an elf when I decided that the best inspiration for a Shadowrun character that I had was my character from the Matrix Online beta-test. I scrapped that idea after I came up short on chargen points and really, desperately needed to reclaim points from somewhere.

As far as Hyzmarca's Free Spirit... Well, it'll be interesting to see inked, I'll admit. Scary, maybe, but interesting. smile.gif
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
QUOTE (Squinky @ Dec 2 2007, 12:59 AM)
Hyzmarca's Free spirit

The the breast have sesame seeds on them and the waist area will look a little bun like. Best I could come up with as far as a hamburger woman smile.gif

She looks less like Mayor McCheese than I had expected, but not bad.

Hey man, I have no problem sketching up another. Some things about this one bothered me a bit....

So, are you imagining her like the doods in the burger king comercials (costumes with arms and legs and head sticking out) ?
Kyoto Kid
...nothing else can really be any more scarier than Bubba the Love Troll. grinbig.gif
QUOTE (Squinky)
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Dec 3 2007, 02:47 AM)
QUOTE (Squinky @ Dec 2 2007, 12:59 AM)
Hyzmarca's Free spirit

The the breast have sesame seeds on them and the waist area will look a little bun like. Best I could come up with as far as a hamburger woman smile.gif

She looks less like Mayor McCheese than I had expected, but not bad.

Hey man, I have no problem sketching up another. Some things about this one bothered me a bit....

So, are you imagining her like the doods in the burger king comercials (costumes with arms and legs and head sticking out) ?

Haha, in the future, all my free spirits are gonna look like prinnies... DOOD!
QUOTE (Squinky @ Dec 3 2007, 02:20 PM)
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Dec 3 2007, 02:47 AM)
QUOTE (Squinky @ Dec 2 2007, 12:59 AM)
Hyzmarca's Free spirit

The the breast have sesame seeds on them and the waist area will look a little bun like. Best I could come up with as far as a hamburger woman smile.gif

She looks less like Mayor McCheese than I had expected, but not bad.

Hey man, I have no problem sketching up another. Some things about this one bothered me a bit....

So, are you imagining her like the doods in the burger king comercials (costumes with arms and legs and head sticking out) ?

I was, but I like what you've done. I think a humanoid form is better. But her hamburderness is ill defined and it should be more obvious. The Beef torso and the human face are good. Bun breasts are just unattractive.

Now I'm thinking more along the lines of beef torso and upper limbs, uncoiled onions for lower arms and hands, stacked tomato slices for lower legs and feet, human face with lettuce hair and sliced pickle ears, bun clothing/armor, and cheese and condiments dripping from the cleavage and other strategic bits.
My gawd, you are a madman smile.gif

But I'll give it a go, sounds fun.
I've never made a request, perhaps when you have time you could have a crack at a "villain" in my campaign, creeper?

[ Spoiler ]

You can take a few liberties with him, but he should be mean and scary. Scarred, completely hairless, with either strange patterned nano-tattoos or even blending in to the environment if you can manage it. Have fun with the bladed Kid Stealth legs, and feel free to add any blades or spurs you like. A stealthy, sinister feel would be good. Creeper is quite mad.

Also, if you have the inclination, I wouldn't mind an impression of John Doe. He's wearing the clothes of the israeli troll's human daughter. He's got a vertical scar across his left eye and a nasty scar across his throat. He's also got some nasty burns focused mainly on his right arm, with a missing hand some-where below the elbow. You can take some liberties with him, too, if you don't want him to be ol' stumpy, you can give him a cyberhand (which he'll have to get at some point) and you can also insert a new cyber-eye where the old one was whipped out, if you don't want to have a creepy stitched up hole or eye-patch, but it's all up to you. Juxtapose it with him wearing the clothes suited to a teenage punk girl, a skuzzy and the gonzos or Darwin's Bastards t-shirt and some converse-like sneakers.

John Doe, despite being an amnesiac, is a heavily conditioned covert ops specialist and assassin, so if you want to have him snapping the neck or garotting some hapless security guard, ganger, or whatnot, that would be pretty cool.
Kyoto Kid
...I can't wait to see the prelim on him. Nasty sounding character.

Maybe a sometime I'll request the "Black Spider of Beograd" Rita Kovec or the "IceWoman" Natasha Zymanski, two very bad gals from one of my campaigns
Hey guys! I'm relatively new to the boards posting wise (lurking wise...another story) wanted to say love the art Squinky and just wanted to share a bit of mine with all of you fellow players ^_^

This is just one of my characters for now, my most recent named Kira.

Thats not her normal run gear, don't worry she's not that bright when running the shadows nyahnyah.gif I have some other characters I'll post up in the next day or so for you guys to see ^_^

If anyone decides to glance around at other things there on my gallery and becomes interested in me giving them a sketch like this of their characters I'd be happy to give it a go no strings attached other than pure unadulterated sharing of the love of the game grinbig.gif Enjoy all!

Looking forward to seeing even more new art Squinky! <3<3 Love it all!
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