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Fresno Bob
I see then.
Large Mike

Um, Mickey, I just checked your character sheet, and I seem to be missing your contacts. Feel like maybe sending those to me?
Large Mike

Did all my players dissapear again?
LM: Did you get my last private message on the questions about my character?
LM, I couldn't remember your Email, so here's my contacts: Tony, a level 1 contact of the "squatter" type
Dr/ Karl Mallus, a level 1 contact of the "street doc" type.

That's it.
Large Mike

Grey: There was a small flurry of PMs between the two of us yesterday as you'll recall, but I don't remember having you ask any questions. I'll check my inbox again, but just in case I know the question: No, you can't be invisible. nyahnyah.gif
Large Mike
Wait, found the message. Reply away, Grey.
I'll finish up the character tomorrow.
Fresno Bob
Hey Grey, you wouldn't happen to have an EzBoard account called GreyJake, would you?
Fresno Bob
Nick has a phone...I guess you call him...
GreyJake? Nope, not me.

LM: I know I said I'd have the character done today, but I only got 3 hours sleep last night (did a midnight show of Lord of the Rings, then went to work the next morning). I'll get it tomorrow instead, cool?
Large Mike

Dude, go crazy broadway style if you want. It's not like we're on a deadline.

Oh, and to those of you ahead of him on the list... you drive me from Anaheim to LAX when you have better things to do and you can jump line too.
QUOTE (Grey @ Dec 17 2003, 07:00 PM)

Smoking's bad for you! Stop, drop, and roll!

Edit: Goodness, how many games are we in together, Grey?
Well... I'm in just about every game on here. Lets see... including this one, I'll be playing in 8 and GMing 1 of my own. Its nice having a job where I sit on a computer all day and get to check here frequently. smile.gif
Lucky SOB...

I have to work away from any real technology.
Fresno Bob
Well, I don't have a job, so....
Yes, Voorhees, Mickey would call Nick too.
Fresno Bob
Eh, I'm not even going to bother with taking your call. Perhaps you wouldn't have called him. He's been at the Diner most all day, so...whatever.
Okay: Police Procedures 3 roll:1,3,4. Where's the Star and how long should the response time have been.

He'll count the shell casings and pick one up for investigation purposes. If there's more than one type of casing, some of each. Perception test roll: 1,4,10,1,3. I have the perceptive edge. Gimme the scene. What way was he facing when he fell? Wounds in the front or the back? and how many wounds? Was the grouping close or spread? Basically, was he shot by one guy or more than one and by what kind of weapon? If it helps, here's a Small Unit Tactics roll as background: 2,3,9.

Next a Stealth roll so noone will remember me (heh...riiiight biggrin.gif ) :3,4,4,1,2. Well, that sucked!

He'll take a non-organic yet recognizable token for a funeral ceremony thing...preferably something distinctively his and not too blood covered. Scrounge roll: 2,2,3,7,9.

Finally, an Etiqutte test to find out what happenned. 8,9,10,4 (5,10 if it's street). Holy crapola! Awesome roll! I bet that's all successes! I speak English and Japanese so I can ask a larger base of people. If it helps, here's a Leadership roll as a background skill:1,3,5,5.

Lastly, another perception roll to see if any rival gang members are on site: 2,3,4,3,5. I have the perceptive edge.

With all of that I am hoping to get a crime scene picture.
Large Mike

Umm... see IC for what I put here.
Fresno Bob
Hmm, I want to put something about Nick suspecting the Losers didn't really kill Promo, but then I don't want to use Metagame knowledge...damn.
Digital Heroin
Gonna have someone sneakernet word soon to Skags about Ghost... since Blitz is phone free atm...
Fresno Bob
It appears the GM answered your cries.
Kewl...there's gonna be a fight!

Who's gang signature is the rusty nail? Gang Identification roll: 1,2,3,5,11
Background skill gang territory roll:2,3,5,5,7

I allready guessed it wasn't the losers. But I gotta figure out how Mickey would guess that.

Large Mike

As far as you can tell, *nobody* does the thing with the rusty nail.
Ok, looks like interesting times ahead of us.

Athletics (running-faster): 2, 2, 2 (err... maybe not so fast, then)
Intimidation (Physical): 4, 5, 8, 1, 2
Biotech: 10, 5, 1
Medicine (Anatomy) (*): 9, 5, 1, 5

(*) LM, I'm not sure if anatomy can count as a complementary skill (forensics looks like the right specialization), so you can take the first two rolls if you like.
Oh yeah...spreading the word of the bounty Mickey just set (yes he has enough cash to cover it)...Street etiquette roll: 1,2,2,3,5,11

As a possible complimentary skill, I'll go with Leadership...getting the crowd to spread the word:1,2,5,5

I figure in the barrens 2K oughta get a lot of people talkin'.

If anyone else is interested in chipping in, we can make that bounty grow and get some real action happening.
Large Mike

Everyone involved in this little interaction: Perception and Charisma.
Fresno Bob
Perception: 4, 2, 3, 2, 5, 4

Charisma: 2, 4, 3
Perception: 1,3,3,4,17 (Whoo!) I have the perceptive edge.

Charisma: 4,5,1,4,14 (Whoo again!)
I'd like to see if I recognize this Rusty Nail guy.
Gang Identification:2,2,3,7,9
Large Mike

Mikey, you have heard of him. He was, up untill recently, a liuetenant for the Losers. He's an alcoholic bastard elf. And you'll bet the messy room at the Losers HQ was his.
Ooohh! That gives me an idea. Gonna have to check and see where he gets his booze from, though. cyber.gif
Fresno Bob
Mmmmm, Poison.
Fresno Bob
Oh yeah, the Smartgun has the following mods

Gas Vent 2, Folding Stock, and Shock Pads.

The clip currently in it is normal ammo.
OK, I'm back after having my PC not hooked up for three days. Went to a LAN party and just never took the time to put it back together.
Perception: 1, 4, 3, 8, 5

Charisma: 5, 10, 2, 3
Hey, Jong, did we not rule on the perception and charisma rolls? biggrin.gif
Large Mike

As far as anyone can tell, she's telling the truth, and is scared shitless that you aren't believing her. Mikey and Painkiller, she is the least afraid of you, you might actually be able to talk sense with her.
Fresno Bob
Damn Nick's lack of charm.
Digital Heroin
Ok... massive catchup time... damned sorry about the drop off there... travelling a lot for the holidays, and my laptop took a spill... just got everything working again...
QUOTE (last_of_the_great_mikeys)
Hey, Jong, did we not rule on the perception and charisma rolls? biggrin.gif

Hey, after the last game I ran, it was about time I had a good roll. nyahnyah.gif

Large Mike: I think I'll call/meet one of my contacts after we're done with Ghost's funeral.
Large Mike

Everyone knows the basics on this gang, roll gang ID for specifics. They are a motorcycle gang, and a fairly large one at that. The size class of the Bleeding Edge and the Losers is nothing compared to their 50-60 strong force. For as long as anyone can remember, they usually just show up to a warehouse or empty lot, throw a party, crash there for a few days, and then go do something else. Seems they're looking at something a little more permanent.

Now, I'm going to tell you, I do not want any of you to die. Please get creative. Winning toe to toe is... possible, but *highly* unlikely.
Fresno Bob
Gang ID: 4, 11, 1

Wait, do I have 2 or 3 gang ID? I'm away from my character sheet right now.
Large Mike

Remember, guys. Not all cranial bombs are area. Micro and kink bombs are way more common.
Gang ID: 1,1,3,9,11
Gang Territory as a complimentary skill: 1,2,4,4,5
Also, to understand how they fight, I'll roll small unit tactics: 2,3,4 (That sucked!)
And also for background Street Etiquette so I know their reputation: 2,3,5,7,8,9

I think he was thinking Jennifer was more of a killer than the bomb in her head.
Large Mike

Well, for their rep, they ride hard, party hard, and fight hard. They take life in *big* bites. They have a tendancy to do either old-fashioned hand-to-hand rumbles, or overrun with their bikes.

You know of the guy in charge. He's a crafty ork with an alcohol problem named Match. His fighting skills are ledgendary, as are his drinking skills. One of his lieutenants is also rumored to be a Desert War vet. That's about all you know. (Only two successes, and all.)

I'm ruling that territory is not a complimentary skill, because they have none.
Well, I guess it's not very seret, but this is my idea. Weaken the house's support and rig up some boom boom. Get as many of the bikers into the house and drunk, by hook or by crook. Blow the hell out of the place so it caves in on 'em. Elimenate any not in the house with an ambush. If they're on their bikes, use grenades and cover fire to force ride skill rolls. Whattayathink, guys? We got the resources to pull it off?

If we need to make more explosives, if anyone has the skill to make ammo, they can break open bullets to get the gunpowder from them and Diablo can work with it (As well as any PC's that have the demolitions B/R skill). Or we can buy/steel the stuff to make it. But it's gotta start now!
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