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Large Mike: Did you get my character? I emailed it to you the other day.
Large Mike

Must not have. I was starting to wonder when you'd show up, though. Try PMing me he text of it. That's almost guarenteed to work.
Leadership roll: 4,5,9. Trying to get the three to do what I the erea in the A-1 grocery.

By the way, did I need to spend karma to get Hellbringer support?
Large Mike

Regarding the Hellbringer support: You'll see.

Um, I know for sure at least Trash is dead. I'm pretty sure Bruised is, too. So, uh... pick somebody else. Cause, commanding dead people rarely works without experience in the matter, and I don't see that skill on your character sheet.
Oh my...uh...I gotta go through the thread to get names...
Fresno Bob
Bruised is still alive, I think. Yeah, he just got his arm broken in the fight.
Large Mike

Right. I knew that. Good enough.
I edited the post. smile.gif
Large Mike
Nick, ettiquette. Street, preferably.
Fresno Bob
Good, thats the one I have.

3, 2, 5, 11

Man, that kind of sucked. I hope I only need one or two successes. Ming's Level 2...don't I get extra dice for that?

*Goes and checks*

Yeah, one extra die.

Fresno Bob
Wow, he sure came early. Hope I can get the money in advance...
Large Mike

Buddy, if you could make 10k in one night, you'd move fast too. (And, actually, I gave opportunity for things to happen. Keep in mind this *is* a couple hours later.)
Fresno Bob
Fair enough.
Fresno Bob
Now, keep in mind, I did say "In the neighborhood of 10k", so I'm assuming he won't be pissed if I only scratch 8,000 or so.
Large Mike

Ooh! Technicality. We'll see how that turns out. You did *imply* 10k-ish. I'm sure he won't murder you or anything over it.
Fresno Bob
For the record, I'm showing him Techie's bike...not the beat up one I found.

Just so we're clear.
With Mickey still at the door. A short russian comes up behind the Dwarf at the door. "Oh, I don't suppose I know you, do I?"

Behind the Russian comes a fairly motley, but specialized crew. There's a pair of pale orks that seem to be almost exactly alike, despite the fact that they obviously aren't related. There's a hard looking young woman, and a scrawny little man with a crewcut and a LARGE dufflebag over his shoulder. There's a long-haired guy in a leather jacket, with a huge grin on his face, a dwarf with a shaved head and dark sunglasses, a Troll with his horns clipped off (popular in some social circles, but not the kind he looks like he would belong to), and a young lady with a cyberskull and only small bits of real flesh remaining on her face.

I know or know of any of these guys?

Gang Identification: 4,5,11,11,15. Aw, man, why do I get the feeling I wasted the rolls with something I don't have the right skill for? I never get these rolls in the fights! Grrr!

If that skill is not apropriate you can have it be Intelligence which has the same number of dice or Street Etiquette which gets one more die (Rolled a 2)

If it counts I'm gonna go munchie on ya and try and roll Gang Territory as a supplementary skill: 2,2,3,4,11

If I know anything about these guys I'd like to know before I say "hi"
LM, what do I get for my rolls?
Sorry for the slow IC reply guys. Work got busy on me. I'll try to have something done durring my lunch break to introduce my new character.
Large Mike

Jong, I trust you to roll your own dice.
Err, I was talking about the rolls I made for Ghoul Hunts, Organlegging, etc....
Fresno Bob
Heh, we had 420 posts before this one...

Oh yeah, I need some resolution on the bike sale...
Large Mike

I already made this reply, but then my internet cut out, so... again.

You know of two groups of ghouls in the area. There's a bunch that live in an abandoned townhouse about 4 miles from the Losers HQ, and there's a group that works with, but is not the same as, the organlegging group that works out of the Sewers near A-1 grocery. They also live there.

As for the bodies... it depends entirely on the condition. Could be literally millions, could be nothing. Depends on the salvagability of their organs.
Hey, Large Mike...I know any of those guys at the door? Or were my rolls wasted?
Large Mike

None of them gangers. Sorry. I guess you wasted those rolls.
Grah! mad.gif I knew it! I knew it! Drat! Such waste!
Fresno Bob
Er, you think you could match some names to their faces?
Large Mike
The names and the faces are in the same order. The twin orks are Baroch and Bolokoc, the girl is Iasa, the litte guy is Big Tom, leather jacket with the big stupid grin is Orlov, the dwarf is Melenkov, the troll is Tuck, and girl with cyberskull is Genevive.

Large Mike

Blitz, I need a leadership roll. Failing that, I need a raw Chrisma roll.
Fresno Bob
Would you like some making fuck, Ber-zer-ker.

Oh yeah, Billy Idol is freaking awesome.
Large Mike

I'd give you karma for that, but I think you're outpacing everyone else. I wondered how quickly someone would finish the line.
I didn't bother, it was too easy nyahnyah.gif
Large Mike
The dirty dancing pinp. That's... aweful... and yet awesome.

1 Karma because you almost made me spurt milk from my nose.
Fresno Bob
Yeah, that was pretty damn funny.
I'm assuming this fight'll be run like the one with the Losers?

To get the edgers rolling, Leadership roll: 1,3,10,11

For getting things set up, Small Unit Tactics roll: 5,5,17
Other possibly applicable rolls: Stealth: 2,3,4,7,8
Security Procedures: 1,8,10,11
Police Procedures: 4,5,5

Man, I love my red dice. LM, I know I been rolling pretty high a lot. If ya want me to reroll or even roll for me yourself I won't be offended! Even I'm having a hard time believing it!
Fresno Bob
I'd post, but I can't really think of anything to add.

If we could get some monowire, or something, we could set up some kickass bike traps.
Large Mike
Heh, I love how you guys think I'm done with setup already. Remember, painkiller called a doc, and he said if he could round people up, he would.

(They'll still outnumber you, though.)
Fresno Bob
So? We'll smash those cockarochas!
When is the war going on? Durring the day tomorrow, or tonight (IC of course)? I just want to know when I should summon up my spirits and whatnot.
QUOTE (Voorhees)
So? We'll smash those cockarochas!

Trying to sling the lingo? nyahnyah.gif

In Spanish it's "cucarachas". The "u" as in "doom", and every "a" as in "as". End of the lesson. proof.gif rotfl.gif
I never said you were done with setup, dude. I just figured it was time to really prepare and call everyone in! Mickey knows a bit about strategy and tactics, so he'd want enough time to have everyone in their places.

And thank gawd we have a magician now! I was feelin' the lack before!

Regarding the Wild Riders: Hulk Smash!
Fresno Bob
Actually, it was a line from Scarface, and I haven't seen the movie in a while, but I think thats how he pronounced it.

Cucarachas. I took 3 years of high school spanish, so I know a bit. Not a lot, but a bit.
Ok, if the fight is happening tonight, then I'll do my summoning now, but if the fight is tomorrow, then I'll summon the spirit in the morning. I'll go ahead and roll for it now. I'm gunna try for a Force 6 City Spirit.

Summoning (+2 dice from totem): 15 11 08 07 07 05 05 03 #D:8 TN:6 HR:15 S:5 (holy crap! 5 successes!)

Drain (6M): 09 09 04 03 02 01 #D:6 TN:6 HR:9 S:2 (light drain, but I'll just spend a few minutes resting to heal it)

Let me know when a good time to make the IC post for this will be, cause its gunna depend on when everything with the war is going to start.
Fresno Bob
LM, can we get some story advancement? Maybe a little fast forwarding...

The Bleeding Edge is becoming less like gangers, and more like gangsters.
Large Mike

Yes, you can, but not until the morning. I *need* some sleep.
Fresno Bob
Sleep is a poor substitute for caffeine.

*Sips from mug of coffee, with Jolt Cola used instead of milk, and crushed No-Doz instead of sugar.*
Large Mike

Alright everyone. I need a perception test and two willpower tests.
Perception: 1,1,2,7,11

Willpower 1: 1,1,3,4,4,15

Willpower 2: 2,2,4,5,5,11

How was that sleep, LM? Have some pleasant dreams?
Fresno Bob
Perception: 4, 4, 3, 1, 2, 7
Will 1: 2, 2, 5, 5
Will 2: 4, 1, 4, 3

It had better have been good, or POW!

*Shakes fist*
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