QUOTE (Mach_Ten @ Jul 10 2013, 04:31 AM)
Charging through cover at the pilot,
My connectivity will remain poor until sunday, currently in someones house on a scottish island borrowing their wifi
Slacker feel free to roll my attacks etc, you have my sheet,
Um....I'm thinking you will really regret saying I could roll the dice for you....On 19 dice for charging the helicopter pilot...
you only got 2 hits!?! :'(
The helicopter pilot easily sidesteps the clumsy swing with his 4 hits.
Following that
TundraWolf already posted his infiltration roll to continue down Maynard Ave.
Gardner can still post actions if he comes up with anything he wants to do.
Needle g
ets 1 hit on trying to make the van go a little bit beyond it's top speed.
Now it's the shooters turn. The helicopter pilot fires a wide burst at
Silas... I guess Invisible Castle isn't liking attacks today.
He only got 1 hit.Silas comes close to glitching, but manages to get the one hit he needed. So no damage
Then the pilot fires off another wide burst doing much better this time
with 3 hits.
Silas again only gets 1 hit. So he needs to roll damage resistance which shouldn't be that bad. Base damage is 5P +2 from net hits and no AP.
Um....yeah...I think i'm going to let us wait until
Silas is back if he we need any more rolls from him. Invisible Castle only gave him
2 hits out of 18 dice. So, he takes 5 boxes of stun damage (the DV didn't exceed his armor rating, so it's just stun damage). When
Silas gets back he can use Edge if he has any left to reroll the 16 failed dice.
Then there is the guy firing from the truck and trying to hit the van. He doesn't have much of a chance between it being Long Range, him in a moving vehicle, and trying for a called shot to a tire. But he'll use his first simple action to take aim so that he can have a whopping 1 die for his shot.
No hits.TundraWolf is able to notice that the gunfire without any trees to dampen the sound has finally attracted the attention of the two KE officers in the patrol car as the tail that was hanging out of the window starts swinging around wildly as the officer tries to right himself.
Mr. White can post anything he wants to do.
Then we are back up at the top for IP2. Like I said, I'm just going to wait for
Silas to be around to make any more rolls. I don't feel comfortable making decisions for him with Invisible Castle giving me such shitty rolls for him.
But we can still do the actions on Maynard Ave. The driver of the truck gets
3 hits on his acceleration roll bringing him to just under the speed of the van.
TundraWolf can post his actions. The van still hasn't passed your position. At the end of this pass the van will be parallel to your current position though.