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Cool. Would she be able to look around in the astral before materializing inside the building? If that takes a simple action, it'd probably be worth spending a turn having a good look around before deciding how to proceed. smile.gif
You always get what's immediately obvious without a roll or action like there's a guy there with an assault rifle pointed at the door. It's a simple action to perceive in detail for things like a woman hidden behind a desk holding a grenade.

As an example....
Ok I rolled Isabela's materialized initiative dice instead of her astral ones, so I guess she'll spend a complex action to dematerialize and a free action to move through the door.

I'll put up a post ASAP. I slept through all of my alarms (it's Saturday where I am) and realized I slept through about a 1/4 of my weekend. x_x

Edit---Never mind on dematerializing, I did that before we went into initiative. Gosh, I must still be addled from being sick. She'll float in and astrally perceive:

Astral perception: Spending a point of edge for open hits
Int(6) + Astral Perc(6) + Edge(6) = 18d6 for 7 hits.
Remember front door team is making a ruckus before the stealth team goes in. Also, if Isabela doesn't open the door the first pass, everyone on that team is pretty much standing outside for the pass.
I figured that moving and materializing would finish up her action, making her wait a second pass to have a free action left to open the door. This way, she's doing something other than giving away our position (and setting us up to get majorly ganked before the door opens). If she can move in, materialize and open the door, then I'll ask the table:

Should I do that?

PS-I'm a bit gunshy on putting my characters out there, Bishop. Based on how Uetz and Quauhtli are doing in your game, you should know why... nyahnyah.gif
It's a Complex to Materialize and a Simple to open the door. Either way you do it, the spirit will have one pass to stand there and take it. Without any magical support, the spirit should be able to take a beating from the mundane guards. (Immunity to Normal Weapons means anything with a Base DV of 12 should bounce, and automatic fire adds afterwards, so she should be good unless they have high-powered rifles with APDS, or gun adepts to get lots of hits to add to DV.)

(In my game, you were facing a mage who specialized in shutting down enemy mages through counterspelling and killing spirits. Slightly different situation then mundane guards and doctors.)

Two options would be, have her materialized on the street, presumably the guards won't know about it. Her first action is to burn the door down. Alternately, if her materializing is what launched the Surprise, her first action is look around and open the door. I'm not sure when Buddha was having the Surprise round start--before or after she materialized.
If she doesn't open the door, the rest of us will indeed be stuck outside with nothing to do. Eklipse will be in the door as soon as it opens (Thrill Seeker flaw) regardless of what is going down.
I was picturing the spirit materializing in the clinic as the action that starts the surprise so it would have actions to take i.e. materialize then initiative starts.

That being said what do you want to do?
Okay, I'll have her materialize then. Disregard the astral perception roll and give me a chance to edit my IC post.

Edit-IC post edited. smile.gif
So, as the team in at the backdoor depending on the front team's distraction, I'm assuming you're going to go 'Loud and Distracting' next pass, then?
And the spirit has all its actions since it materializing starts the surprise - so a complex or two simple plus a free action. What were you going to have it do? Sorry if I was unclear before in my previous post.
Okay, oops. Sorry, that was what confused me nyahnyah.gif. I guess she'll do this:

1 Simple Action-Perception (using the above roll since her astral perception/perception are the same skill)
1 Free Action-Tell Zerone what she sees
1 Simple Action-Unlock the door

Does that work?
Sounds great - will post tomorrow.
Happy Monday all! Hope you had a great weekend all and as usual add the weekly drip of 1 karma to your character sheet.

Surprise Order
Shen 7
Ayo 5
Fat Man 5
Security 1 5
Zerone 4
Eklipse 4
Isabela 4
Security 2 4
Security 3 4
Tech 4
Nurse 1 4
Cypher 2
Security 4 2
Doctor 2
Emilio 1
Nurse 2 1

Initiative Order
Isabela 22/2 IP
Ayo 14/3 IP <<<<
Zerone 14/2 IP
Emilio 14/3 IP
Shen 14/2 IP
Eklipse 13/2 IP
Security 4 13/2 IP
Cypher 12/2 IP
Fat Man 12/2 IP
Security 3 12/2 IP
Doctor 12/2 IP
Security 1 11/2 IP
Security 2 10/2 IP
Tech 10/1 IP
Nurse 1 9/1 IP
Nurse 2 8/1 IP

To assist with the Surprise pass the guard in the waiting room is Security 4 so people know who they can act on or against. Ayo is up!
Ayo is going to delay until Cypher can open the door. I edited my post to reflect that.

Surprise Order
Shen 7
Ayo 5
Fat Man 5
Security 1 5
Zerone 4
Eklipse 4
Isabela 4
Security 2 4
Security 3 4
Tech 4
Nurse 1 4
Cypher 2
Security 4 2
Doctor 2
Emilio 1
Nurse 2 1

Initiative Order
Isabela 22/2 IP
Ayo 14/3 IP delayed
Zerone 14/2 IP <<<<
Emilio 14/3 IP
Shen 14/2 IP
Eklipse 13/2 IP
Security 4 13/2 IP
Cypher 12/2 IP
Fat Man 12/2 IP
Security 3 12/2 IP
Doctor 12/2 IP
Security 1 11/2 IP
Security 2 10/2 IP
Tech 10/1 IP
Nurse 1 9/1 IP
Nurse 2 8/1 IP

Zerone is up!
Eklipse is still a bit down the list but here's his Thrill Seeker composure roll to avoid jumping into a risky situation:

Will 3 + Cha 3 =6d6.hits(5)=1 - oops, needs 2 hits - risky situation here we come.
My plan is to open the door, charge across the room and spin the desk chair around (I'm presuming the doctor is sitting in one) to face Ayo. Ideally, I can use the desk as cover, in case the door to the rest of the clinic is open. Then the kiss kiss bang bang part will hopefully be over for me, and I can spend my next pass wreaking havoc in the computer.
Ok, let me just doublecheck my math and rules. (I'm at work and will get a post up soon).

1-The background count is going to reduce my magic attribute and all of my foci by 1, right?
2-The Force of a spell will be reduced by 1, but the drain will be the same, right?

So, if I cast a Force 7 stunbolt using a power focus, my dice pool will be reduced by -2 (-1 for magic and -1 for power focus). I'm sustaining an Increase Charisma spell, so that spell's Force will be reduced. The spell's effect will be Force 6, but I'll resist drain as if it's Force 7 as normal, right?

Here's the pool with and without background count:

W/O MBC: Magic(7) + Sorcery(3) + Power Focus(3) + Mentor(2) - Sustain(2) = 13d6
W/ MBC: Magic(6) + Sorcery(3) + Power Focus(2) + Mentor(2) - Sustain = 11d6

Sorry, I just want to check everything because I've been getting confused with my dice pools x_x
That's almost right (and in this example, it makes no difference) but actually what happens is that you cast it at the force you want, and the BGC is added to that for drain. This comes out to the same thing, except for the maximum you can overcast by. If you want, you can cast a Force 12 stunbolt and resist the drain as if it was Force 13 (even though with magic 6, you couldn't cast a force 13 stunbolt).

Your pool is right though.
Okay, cool. Thanks, Umaro! smile.gif I've only ever played Shadowrun via pbp, so I keep forgetting the rules between pauses in action. x_x
Here's my turn:
1-Complex Action: Casting stunbolt
2-Free Action: Centering(citing scripture)

Okay, casting a Force 6 Stunbolt in the BGC(1):
Magic(6) + Sorcery(3) + Power Focus(2) + Mentor(2) - Sustain(2) = 11d6 for 3 hits.
Resisting Drain of (Force+1)/2 - 1: 2S
Willpower(4) + Charisma(10) + Centering(1) = 15d6 for 7 hits. And here I casted at a lower Force not wanting to take stun damage in the beginning of the run... Silly me! nyahnyah.gif

Once again Invisible Castle shows it's contempt for my NPCs.

Surprise Order
Shen 7
Ayo 5
Fat Man 5
Zerone 4
Eklipse 4
Isabela 4
Security 2 4
Security 3 4
Tech 4
Nurse 1 4
Cypher 2
Security 4 2
Doctor 2
Emilio 1
Nurse 2 1

Initiative Order
Isabela 22/2 IP
Ayo 14/3 IP delayed
Zerone 14/2 IP
Emilio 14/3 IP
Shen 14/2 IP <<<<
Eklipse 13/2 IP
Security 4 13/2 IP
Cypher 12/2 IP
Fat Man 12/2 IP
Security 3 12/2 IP
Doctor 12/2 IP
Security 2 10/2 IP
Tech 10/1 IP
Nurse 1 9/1 IP
Nurse 2 8/1 IP

Emilio had a Strength Test for his action which I posted in IC with his results and that puts the Shen up next!
The shen is also waiting for Cypher to open the door.
Looks like Eklipse is up next.

He will move into the reception area and engage any targets there.

Quick perception test to spot anyone hiding (not actively looking):
Int 4 + Per 3 + Enh. Senses 2 + Audio/video enhancements 3 + Keen ears 1 = 13d6 [5,1,2,3,2,4,2,3,3,4,4,5,2] = (2) - ouch, hoped for better than that!

If he sees anyone not strapped to a bed, they are considered hostile and closest gets 2 narrow bursts from SMG (using gel rds: base DV 4S, +2AP, resisted with Impact armor):
Burst 1: Agi 5 + SMG 5 + Smartlink 2 + recoil compensated = 12d6 [6,3,1,3,2,4,4,6,3,2,5,5] = (4)*
Burst 2: Agi 5 + SMG 5 + Smartlink 2 - recoil 3 = 9d6 [3,6,3,1,6,3,4,1,1] = (2)

If he needs to spend a simple on the perception then only gets one burst off.
Not sure if tacnet adds to any of the rolls: Perception, Burst 1, Burst 2 = 3d6.hits(5)=0, 3d6.hits(5)=1, 3d6.hits(5)=0 = increases hits on Burst 1 to 5.
As long as you are with the team, you get bonuses to Combat (Melee and Ranged), Dodge, Infiltration, Perception, and Surprise Tests. Basically if the system can provide information from the others to be of help, you get the dice. When I hack the node, it won't help me but could conceivably alert me if one of your feeds sees a security guard running in my direction.
Soak 11S

Soak 8S

Surprise Order
Shen 7
Ayo 5
Fat Man 5
Zerone 4
Eklipse 4
Isabela 4
Security 2 4
Security 3 4
Tech 4
Nurse 1 4
Cypher 2
Doctor 2
Emilio 1
Nurse 2 1

Initiative Order
Isabela 22/2 IP
Ayo 14/3 IP delayed
Zerone 14/2 IP
Emilio 14/3 IP
Shen 14/2 IP delayed
Eklipse 13/2 IP
Cypher 12/2 IP <<<<
Fat Man 12/2 IP
Security 3 12/2 IP
Doctor 12/2 IP
Security 2 10/2 IP
Tech 10/1 IP
Nurse 1 9/1 IP
Nurse 2 8/1 IP

Cypher is up!
Kill them! Kill them! Save me! Save me! (And don't hurt the chair, I want to take it home.)
Surprise Order
Shen 7
Ayo 5
Fat Man 5
Zerone 4
Eklipse 4
Isabela 4
Security 2 4
Security 3 4
Tech 4
Nurse 1 4
Cypher 2
Doctor 2
Emilio 1
Nurse 2 1

Initiative Order
Isabela 22/2 IP
Ayo 14/3 IP delayed
Zerone 14/2 IP
Emilio 14/3 IP
Shen 14/2 IP delayed
Eklipse 13/2 IP
Cypher 12/2 IP <<<<
Fat Man 12/2 IP
Security 3 12/2 IP
Doctor 12/2 IP
Security 2 10/2 IP
Tech 10/1 IP
Nurse 1 9/1 IP
Nurse 2 8/1 IP

At this point delayed actions go off starting with Ayo!
Movement is free, entering the office. Free action to Call the Shot to ignore armor, based on Impact since I'm using Flechette, Simple Action to Aim.

Talked to the GM, the good Doctor's wearing the equivalent of armored clothing, which is Impact 0. So, taking a 0 penalty on my Called Shot to Ignore Armor.

Agility(7) + Pistols(6) + Specialization(2) + Smart Gun Link(2) + Reflex Recorder(1) + Enhanced Articulation(1) + Point Blank Range(1) - Impact Armor(0) (20d6.hits(5)=6)

Ack, + Aiming!

Aim(1) (1d6.hits(5)=0)

6 hits, 0 Impact, Damage Value is Base(5) + Flechette(2) + Net Hits after her dodge.
Soak 13P Adding Edge to the roll

So taking 9 boxes of damage - she lives....barely.

Surprise Order
Shen 7
Ayo 5
Fat Man 5
Zerone 4
Eklipse 4
Isabela 4
Security 2 4
Security 3 4
Tech 4
Nurse 1 4
Cypher 2
Doctor 2
Emilio 1
Nurse 2 1

Initiative Order
Isabela 22/2 IP
Ayo 14/3 IP
Zerone 14/2 IP
Emilio 14/3 IP
Shen 14/2 IP delayed
Eklipse 13/2 IP
Cypher 12/2 IP <<<<
Fat Man 12/2 IP
Security 3 12/2 IP
Doctor 12/2 IP
Security 2 10/2 IP
Tech 10/1 IP
Nurse 1 9/1 IP
Nurse 2 8/1 IP

Ok Fat Man's spirit is up!
There is also a guard at the back door, yes? I'm assuming so and will modify if no.

Fear Charisma (4)+Magic (4) = 4 hits, accounted for BGC, on the guard.
I believe it was "Tech", but the Shen is high enough on the Surprise Test to effect anyone, so it's all good. My life may be spared!! Though cleaning the blood off my new chair will be hard.
I guess it's time to buy a new knowledge skill: Cleaning(Upholstery). That'd help. nyahnyah.gif
Forgot about the TacNet wink.gif

TacNet(2) (2d6.hits(5)=0)

Not that it mattered, apparently! lol
Happy Monday all! Don't forget your weekly drip of 1 karma to your character sheets.

UmaroVI there is indeed no guard in the room but there is a tech. Did you want to use the Fear attack on the tech or do something else? Let me know and I will post rolls and results.
Sorry about that. The spirit will target the tech, then.

Awesome! The love continues at Invisible Castle.....
The tech will run for four Combat Turns.

Surprise Order
Shen 7
Ayo 5
Fat Man 5
Zerone 4
Eklipse 4
Isabela 4
Security 2 4
Security 3 4
Tech 4
Nurse 1 4
Cypher 2
Doctor 2
Emilio 1
Nurse 2 1

Initiative Order
Isabela 22/2 IP
Ayo 14/3 IP
Zerone 14/2 IP
Emilio 14/3 IP
Shen 14/2 IP
Eklipse 13/2 IP
Cypher 12/2 IP
Fat Man 12/2 IP <<<<
Security 3 12/2 IP
Doctor 12/2 IP
Security 2 10/2 IP
Tech 10/1 IP Feared 4 Combat Turns
Nurse 1 9/1 IP
Nurse 2 8/1 IP

Fat Man is up!
If Fat Man does see another guard, they are getting a Force 6 stunbolt. If not, he is going to spend one simple action on Sprinting, and another on Observe.

Stunbolt: 5 hits (should be 17 dice, I remembered to deduct 1 for 1 less magic but forgot to deduct 1 for 1 less power focus force, but the last die was a 2 anyways).

Drain is floor[(6+1)/2]-1=2, 4 hits

Sprint: 2 hits (7 strength, -1 defaulting)

Observe: 1 hit (5 intuition (including 1 less point of Increase Intuition)+1 Perception + 3 Vision Enhancement -2 Running Penalty)

Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day yesterday if you celebrate it!

Fat Man you will need to spend a Simple to open the door that leads deeper into the clinic so I dropped the sprint part of your actions. Let me know if that's a problem.

Cypher, Fat Man & Eklipse you may make Interception Attacks on the Tech as he runs past you. It is a melee attack that costs you a free action. Let me know if you are so I can post the results. I may go back and modify the post itself so combat can keep moving along.

Ayo & Cypher you may also make an Interception Attack on the Doctor as she attempts to flee. I will modify the post if needed depending on your choices and rolls.

OK I posted the rest of the actions for the NPCs finishing out the the first pass so on to the second pass - keep in my mind the restrictions of the Surprise Pass are gone so everyone can affect everyone now. Those people with with 0 IPs are out of actions until initiative restarts.

Initiative Order
Isabela 22/1 IP <<<<
Ayo 14/2 IP
Zerone 14/1 IP
Emilio 14/2 IP
Shen 14/1 IP
Eklipse 13/1 IP
Cypher 12/1 IP
Fat Man 12/1 IP
Security 3 12/1 IP
Doctor 12/1 IP
Security 2 10/1 IP
Tech 10/0 IP Feared 3 Combat Turns
Nurse 1 9/0 IP
Nurse 2 8/0 IP

Isabella is up!
Eklipse will intercept with a nasty little elbow to the throat:

Agi 5 + Unarmed 5 = 10d6.hits(5)=6 + tacnet 2 = 2d6.hits(5)=1 - 7 hits in total, base damage is 3P (killing hands, critical strike 1).

Might not kill him but should definitely stop him escaping.
No problem on swapping the sprint to open door.

Fat Man will pass on the intercept.
Aiming to Trip - 8d6.hits(5)=2 (Agi 4, Unarmed 2, TacNet 2) No change if we back off the last 2 dice for the tacnet not having sufficient info.

Cypher's Strength is 3.

Not hitting the tech since it sounded like he was running towards the rest of the team and they have guns.


6P to the Tech and he is stopped by Eklipse


3 (Cypher's Strength) + 2 (net hits) is greater than her Body so she is knocked on her ass.

Initiative Order
Isabela 22/1 IP <<<<
Ayo 14/2 IP
Zerone 14/1 IP
Emilio 14/2 IP
Shen 14/1 IP
Eklipse 13/1 IP
Cypher 12/1 IP
Fat Man 12/1 IP
Security 3 12/1 IP
Doctor 12/1 IP
Security 2 10/1 IP
Tech 10/0 IP Feared 3 Combat Turns
Nurse 1 9/0 IP
Nurse 2 8/0 IP

Isabella is up!
Ok, Isabela is going to move into the hallway. Code Black sounds bad, so she'll take point and move cautiously towards the area where Zerone and Fatman found Emilio during recon. If she sees the feared tech, she'll let him go by. Anyone who looks like a threat is getting put to the fiery sword (or a face full of noxious breath power)! nyahnyah.gif I'll put up an IC post in a bit. smile.gif
Ok I will post after you.
Ok, I'll try to get something up soon. smile.gif
Isabela has a target in the form of a security guard - have at!
Isabela will use confusion on the guard. She hasn't felt her summoner take a life yet, so she'll play by his pacifist rules. smile.gif

Confusion (with BGC of 1)
Magic(7-1) + Willpower(7-1) = 12d6 for 6 hits. Edge rerolling misses for 1 more hit. Total of 7. Hopefully, that'll keep him muddled enough for Zerone to come up and toss a stunbolt at him. biggrin.gif

I'll get an IC post up soon. smile.gif
Happy Monday all! I am back in town (had to take a quick trip to Portland over the weekend) so sorry about the posting slacking off. Add your weekly drip of 1 karma to your sheet and let's get this thread going again, shall we?

Security 3

So that leaves me with a -5 dice pool modifier.

Initiative Order
Isabela 22/1 IP
Ayo 14/2 IP <<<<
Zerone 14/1 IP
Emilio 14/2 IP
Shen 14/1 IP
Eklipse 13/1 IP
Cypher 12/1 IP
Fat Man 12/1 IP
Security 3 12/1 IP Confused -5 dice pool modifier
Doctor 12/1 IP
Security 2 10/1 IP
Tech 10/0 IP Feared 3 Combat Turns
Nurse 1 9/0 IP
Nurse 2 8/0 IP

Ayo is up!
Alright, so, I'm just going to shoot her in the face again. Taking a free action to take a called shot to increase damage (to the max +4).

Agility(7) + Pistols(6) + Specialization(2) + Smart Gun Link(2) + Reflex Recorder(1) + Enhanced Articulation(1) + Point Blank Range(1) + TacNet(2) - Called Shot(4) + Aim(1) (19d6.hits(5)=5)

[Edit] Pull off that last success, so just four hits, DV 5 + Flechette(2) + Called Shot(4), 'cuz I'm moving. [/edit]
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