Sep 17 2010, 04:28 AM
Ok here the list of characters for the thread (format is character name/board name):
Eklipse/NotsoevildmFat Man/UmaroVIZerone/JxJxA Fleet/FenrisCypher/BishopMcQEmilio/EmilioBreeze/HamagenStrangeglove/StrangegloveJon/LainQ/CopperheedPosting Conventions (IC):I'd like to follow something akin to a normal literary template for posts. I realize that we have a riot of color, fonts, etc. available to us, but if I have to stop and think about what a particular format means I lose some of the enjoyment of the reading. So here goes:
Please pick and use a single font (except as listed below) throughout the life of your posts in the IC thread.
"Speech should be set off like this, in double quotes. Please make sure to end paragraphs before lines of spoken dialogue, and to start new paragraphs after the dialogue. Just like a book. Please use this color - the code is #00FFFF"Any internalized comments or monologues should be italicized, like so.Dialogue or information passed in a digital format should use the font=Times New Roman and Color=Light Yellow tags, as I've done here. This includes texts, files, maps, etc. The color code is #FFFACD. If it's in a language other than English, please set it off in orange. That's the easiest way to distinguish, since otherwise it should look like any other dialogue or internal conversation. The color code is #FF8C00. Please
bold the names of characters or NPCs to make it easier for me to find elements within the posts. Feel free to bold proper nouns if you want such corporations or locations like the Looking Glass etc but its not a requirement - I just need the names.
Posting Conventions (OOC):I would like everyone to please use
Invisible Castle which can be found
here. Then copy and paste your dice rolls to the OCC thread please.
Optional Rules Being UsedLearning Metagmagics (Street Magic pg 52)
Learning Echoes (Unwired pg 145)
Spellcasting Drain: net hits do not add to the Drain Value
Whenever you're changing the gear your character is wearing or carrying, please post it here. I will check for the last "Gear Worn/Carried" entry for your character and assume that's what you're wearing / carrying. Same for PAN settings and False ID's. Astral and AR/VR states I'll take from IC posts, unless you explicitly state something here.
In this thread I would like you to answer any of the above questions/concerns. Also feel free to ask questions here or if you prefer more privacy then PM me.
You will get 1 karma a week every Monday starting next week plus additional points rewarded (roleplaying, pushing the story forward, completing a major goal, etc) by me in this thread. Please PM me with any karma expenditures you make. I will ask for updated character sheets from time to time so make sure you have a current copy.
Sep 17 2010, 04:54 AM
Weird, that's the first time that happened with the char builder file. I'm resending in an older format
If that doesn't work, how do I copy/paste to a pm for the char sheet? Is there a faster way than trying to copy the sheets and then deleting the wacky spaces?
Sep 17 2010, 05:20 AM
I haven't tried it myself, but have you tried exporting it out as a PDF and copy/pasting from that?
Sep 17 2010, 05:27 AM
It's worth a shot. Thanks, Fenris.
Atomic Communist
Sep 17 2010, 05:59 AM
I thought I was in this game? I PMed my stuff and everything. Oh well.
Sep 17 2010, 06:06 AM
You can try to resend it to me via PM - I went down the list in my in box. Your choice.
Sep 17 2010, 06:54 AM
crippler was the intended namee Buddha. Looking forward to using it.
Sep 17 2010, 07:14 AM
Post up, let me know if everything is okay.
Sep 17 2010, 12:22 PM
Yeah, character alias is NullPointer. Primary method of getting work: ShadowSEA (4/4 contact.)
Sep 17 2010, 05:39 PM
Twists most common sources of jobs are her contacts, usually the fixer Jenkins (Connection 3, Loyalty 2), but once in a while she does favors for either her Street Doc "John" Fung (Connection 3, Loyalty 2) or her Ex, Det. James Prestor (Connection 4, Loyalty 5) of Seattle's Lone Star Branch.
David Jenkins is an information broker who specializes in "human resources." In other words, if you need to find out something about someone or need someone to help with a job, he can find out or find someone to fit the job. That's what he claims, anyway. The truth is, as far as Fixers go, he's still relatively small time, with dreams of growing his operation. He's generally a decent guy and tries to look out for his "stable" of assets, but sometimes bites off more than he can chew.
To Kei "John" Fung is an extremely skilled surgeon, who specializes in Bio-Tech, though he is good with Cyber as well. Rumor has it he worked in Chiba at one point but had to flee due to a "misunderstanding" with the Tong, Yakuza or a Horizon exec, depending on which version of the story you've heard. Whatever the case, he's skilled, professional and still relatively well connected.
Detective James Prestor works in the Organized Crime division of Lone Star in Seattle and he's very good at his job. He's the one who introduced Eva to Jenkins and "John" Fung when she first came up with her revenge plan; something he's regretted since.
Sep 17 2010, 06:32 PM
Eklipse's only contacts in Seattle are:
Magda Reiner (C1:L1), a corp secretary in the spec ops division. Magda knew Heidi well and knows that Eklipse came to Seattle looking for her. While she is willing to help him find out what happened to her, she wont do anything that could lose her her job over it.
Thomas O'Malley (C1:L1), is a desk sergeant for KE. Although the missing woman is strictly an S-K problem, he provided Eklipse with some info on Yakuza activities in Seattle, although no real leads. A grizzled veteran, O'Malley is not bent, but might have some links to the mob and knows when to look the other way.
Sep 17 2010, 07:33 PM
I am dumb and did not read the full post.
Zerone normally gets jobs through his church's theurgist talismonger, Rev. Joshua Hannibal (elderly dwarf; C6:L5). Hannibal is Zerone's primary sponsor in the church, and therefore has the complete and utter trust of the scatterbrained, naive elf. Hannibal usually sends Zerone out on missions to protect the church's congregation, paying him via church donations or magical goods (especially if the magical goods are in lieu of actual nuyen). Outside of that, Zerone might get the occasional request from a fellow church member. Despite his willingness to exploit Zerone as a powerful resource, Hannibal legitimately cares about the elf ("He's one of the few good souls still left in the world today...I just hope his obliviousness to reality doesn't get him killed...").
Zerone's other primary contact is Dr. Rebecca Huxtable (mid-40s human; C3:L4), a physician who volunteers at the church's free clinics. Huxtable might know of people who need protection, but she rarely has any job offers for Zerone.
Sep 17 2010, 08:07 PM
QUOTE (JxJxA @ Sep 17 2010, 12:33 PM)
How is that pronounced? Zerr-one, Zee-row-one, Zerr-own-ee? I'm having a hard time getting it to stick in my head.
Sep 17 2010, 08:18 PM
Hehe, the first works. I pronounce it ZEE-rown. It's just a condensation of the symbols he saw on his cloning tube-Subject 01-PO.
Sep 17 2010, 08:33 PM
Main Contacts
Firugi Vespuci (Fixer) 3/3
Firugi Vespuci (Magic Fixer, Elven Male) - Firugi Vespuci focuses on getting magical people and formulae, but knows who to talk to for magical goods. Meets folks in Firenze's. He dislikes the Mafia due to their prejudice against metahumans and magic (and for the bad name they give good Italians like himself). He is a xenophile and loves the strange.
Firenze's Italian Bar and Restaurant (Italian Restaurant & Bar, Medium)
This business is actually not run by any Mafia. Firugi Vespuci works out of here.
Malcom West (Wares Fixer) 5/5 Black Market Pipeline-Wares
Malcom West (Male Caucasian human) - alcolm is a skilled surgeon with a singular flair for augmentations. He was a legitimate surgeon until he conducted a few too many Cyberware experiments without proper approval. It was nothing sinister and no one was actually hurt, but a colleague with a political axe to grind used it to get him kicked out of his private practice and blacklisted in professional circles. Although he resents the series of events that drove him into being a street doc, the doubling of his income and ready access to very dangerous people that like him has eased the pain. As for the doctor that wronged him...well, he was party to a personal Cyberware demonstration.
Sep 18 2010, 04:16 PM
I'm traveling until the 22nd, so I will probably be posting IC on the 22nd/23rd, but I will definitely have it up before midnight of the 24th.
Fat Man's only friend in Seattle is James Wang (C2;R4) the talismonger/magical goods smuggler whose shop he rents the upper floor of. Fat Man is a bit of a recluse, but he'll do odd jobs and solve magical problems for anyone James trusts enough. He sometimes takes jobs from various fixers, or with shadowrunners he's met in the past, but he doesn't have a current standing relationship with any fixer because he hasn't met one he trusts yet.
Sep 19 2010, 10:58 PM
Gear Carried
Day to Day
Street Clothes (various outfits, typically Jeans and a button-down shirt)
Armor - Concealed Set (Lined Coat, FFBA w/ NC 4)
Public Commlink w/ Legal SIN
Private Commlink (skinlinked, no Wireless)
Ares Predator IV (On person in low Sec areas, on the Harley in higher Sec Area)
AR Gloves
Doing Legwork
Street Clothes (various outfits, typically Jeans and a button-down shirt)
Armor - Concealed Set (Lined Coat, FFBA w/ NC 4)
Public Commlink w/ Fake SIN
Private Commlink (skinlinked, no Wireless)
Ares Predator IV (On person in low Sec areas, on the Harley in higher Sec Area)
AR Gloves
On Run, or On Alert
Armor - Full Run Set (Camo Suit w NC 4 & TD 6, PPP suite)
Private Commlink (skinlinked, no Wireless)
Ares Predator IV
FN P93 Praetor
AR Gloves
Sep 20 2010, 06:51 PM
Thanks Fyndhal!
Gentle reminder all I need the gear list like above please. Thanks!
Sep 20 2010, 07:31 PM
Eklipse's gear
Note: until he gets himself set up in Seattle, Eklipse typically has all his gear with him at all times. On the street and for formal meetings with Mr J., his weapons and other gear are stored in his duffel bag. He typically checks the whole duffel bag in at places with a no weapon policy.
Formal meeting with Mr J.
Corporate suit
Form-fitting full body armor (custom: S-K logo, non-conduct. 3, thermal damp. 3) 6/2 but without hood and gloves so armor rating might be less: half suit is 4/1
SecureTech forearm guards 0/1
SecureTech shin guards 0/1
Commlink: CMT clip + Renraku Ichi OS + upgraded firewall 3 + Trodes + Sim Module (Response 1, Signal 3, Firewall 3, System 2)
Contact Lenses (R:3 with flare compensation and smartlink)
Duffel bag with rest of gear - typically checked in at entrance.
On the street
Cheap duster, possibly worn over corporate suit
Form-fitting full body armor (custom: S-K logo, non-conduct. 3, thermal damp. 3) 6/2 but without hood and gloves so armor rating might be less: half suit is 4/1
SecureTech forearm guards 0/1
SecureTech shin guards 0/1
Commlink: CMT clip + Renraku Ichi OS + upgraded firewall 3 + Trodes + Sim Module (Response 1, Signal 3, Firewall 3, System 2)
Contact Lenses (R:3 with flare compensation and smartlink)
Duffel bag with rest of gear
On a run
Cheap duster
Form-fitting full body armor (custom: S-K logo, non-conduct. 3, thermal damp. 3) 6/2
SecureTech forearm guards 0/1
SecureTech shin guards 0/1
Bike racing helmet 1/2
Commlink: CMT clip + Renraku Ichi OS + upgraded firewall 3 + Trodes + Sim Module (Response 1, Signal 3, Firewall 3, System 2)
Contact Lenses (R:3 with flare compensation and smartlink)
Katana (weapon focus 3)
HK227X, smartlink, suppressor, retractable stock, RC 1(2), SA/BF/FA, 28c, conc. 0, 5P + chameleon coating + personalized grip + ceramic components (1) + 5 clips regular + 2 clips explosive
Duffel bag containing:
5 Flash-Bang Grenade
5 Thermal Smoke Grenade
2 Expendable Jammer, area (1-10)
Medkit (R:3)
2 Plasteel restraints
Stealth Rope 100m
Grapple Gun
Rappeling Gloves
Survival Kit
Sep 20 2010, 08:45 PM
QUOTE (Buddha72 @ Sep 20 2010, 11:51 AM)
Thanks Fyndhal!
Gentle reminder all I need the gear list like above please. Thanks!
Happy to oblige. I've added Twist to the "Cast of Shadows" sticky thread, including a portrait, in case anyone is interested.
Sep 20 2010, 09:16 PM
Blarg, I always forget street clothes... (I have the money to buy some, is it still okay Buddha?)
[Street clothes]
Comlink w/ sim module and trodes-Novatech Airwave running Novatech Navi (Response:3, Signal:3, Firewall:4, System:4)
Linguasoft (Rating 4, if in non-English, non-Sperethiel speaking area)
Fake SIN (Rating 4-Zerone Rhomicron)
Pocket Mage Library (Rating 3, written in Sperethiel if possible)
Modified Yamaha Pulsar in concealed holster and 4 loaded spare clips (Extended clip, additional clip, advanced safety electro-shocker, smartgun system, gecko grip)
All other times also the following minus the Fake SIN:
Counterspelling Focus (Rating 3, silver crucifix pendant)
Sustaining Focus (Rating 3, Jesus fish pendant with the Greek letters Iota, Chi, Theta, Upsilion, Sigma)
Power Focus (Rating 3, wicked-looking elven pendant carved with Sperethiel chants, looks like something inspired by the Path of the Wheel)
Leather Jacket (customized look)
Medical Kit (Rating 4)
Survival Kit
[Magical Lodge materials Rating 6 if he has yet to set up his lodge]
Sep 20 2010, 09:43 PM
Crippler keeps to himself unless needed, those that need to get a hold of him know how. so he always runs his com in passive mode unless in places where it is considered rude or out of place.
he always uses his fake SIN and LIcence everywhere he goes.
he usually wears what ever clothes he can find at the discount outlets around seattlle usually consisting of cut off camo pants and a hoody.
Crippler has his Com set to hidden and always wears his form fitting body armor and armored vest as well as camo pants and lackland loafers. As he is always ready if he is going to start the job then and there, you never know where the shadows might take you or when. He keeps his Colt 2066 stuck in the small of his back in case he runs into something he can't beat down in areas he knows he can get away with it, or if he knows the area is going to be high sec he leaves it in the small compartment on his bike when traveling. since it doesn't have a signal rating he only worries about MAD detectors, he keeps his Fake License's explaining his modified body on him at all times ensuring no questions are asked from the legal system about why he has such extensive augmentations or from border crossings.
Sep 21 2010, 03:42 AM
Kat Doktor
Medical Work
Medkit R 6 with 10 supplies
Medkit Supplies with 5 supplies
Fake Sin Rating 4 Doc Holiday
Fake License Rating 4 Doctor, Ares Predator IV
5 Antidote Patch
1 Trauma Patch
5 Tranq Patch 6
5 Stimulant Patch 6
Novatech Airware-Response 5, Signal 5
Novatech Navi-Firewall 6, System 5
*Eastern-Tiger Palladium
*Eurosoft Clavicula
*FTL Matrixware Power Suite
*Iris Antivirus
*Singularity Seeker
Glasses 4, Flare Compensation, Vision Magnification, Smartlink, Vision Enhancement R3, Thermographic, Skinlink
Ares Predator IV-Skinlink, Personalized Grip, Smartgun Camera Vision Flare Compensation, Smartgun Camera Vision Enhance 3, Smartgun Camera Vision Magnification, Smartgun Camera Vision Thermographic with 4 extra clips
Scrubs Desert Wars Camo pattern with a built in holster for Predator
Form-Fitting Body Armor Half-Body Suit Fire Resistance -3, Insulation-2
SecureTech Vitals Protector
Medkit R 6 with 10 supplies
Medkit Supplies with 5 supplies
Fake Sin Rating 4 Doc Holiday, Ares Predator IV
Fake License Rating 4 Doctor
5 Antidote Patch
1 Trauma Patch
5 Tranq Patch 6
5 Stimulant Patch 6
Novatech Airware-Response 5, Signal 5
Novatech Navi-Firewall 6, System 5
*Eastern-Tiger Palladium
*Eurosoft Clavicula
*FTL Matrixware Power Suite
*Iris Antivirus
*Singularity Seeker
Glasses 4, Flare Compensation, Vision Magnification, Smartlink, Vision Enhancement R3, Thermographic, Skinlink
Ares Predator IV-Skinlink, Personalized Grip, Smartgun Camera Vision Flare Compensation, Smartgun Camera Vision Enhance 3, Smartgun Camera Vision Magnification, Smartgun Camera Vision Thermographic with 4 extra clips
Deep Brown Synergist Business Longcoat-Fire Resistance -3, Insulation-2
Red Hawaiian Jungle Bird Shirt Pattern
Dark Green Pleated Slacks with wide cuffs
Form-Fitting Body Armor Half-Body Suit Fire Resistance -3, Insulation-2
SecureTech Vitals Protector
Dirty Business
Medkit R 6 with 10 supplies
Medkit Supplies with 5 supplies
Fake Sin Rating 4 Doc Holiday
Fake Licenses Rating 4 Doctor, Ares Predator IV, HK 227X
Novatech Airware-Response 5, Signal 5
Novatech Navi-Firewall 6, System 5
*Eastern-Tiger Palladium
*Eurosoft Clavicula
*FTL Matrixware Power Suite
*Iris Antivirus
*Singularity Seeker
Glasses 4, Flare Compensation, Vision Magnification, Smartlink, Vision Enhancement R3, Thermographic, Skinlink
Ares Predator IV-Skinlink, Personalized Grip, Smartgun Camera Vision Flare Compensation, Smartgun Camera Vision Enhance 3, Smartgun Camera Vision Magnification, Smartgun Camera Vision Thermographic with 4 extra clips
HK 227X- Skinlink, Personalized Grip, Smartgun Camera Vision Flare Compensation, Smartgun Camera Vision Enhance 3, Smartgun Camera Vision Magnification, Smartgun Camera Vision Thermographic, with 4 extra clips
Synergist Business Longcoat-Fire Resistance -3, Insulation-2
Form-Fitting Body Armor Half-Body Suit Fire Resistance -3, Insulation-2
SecureTech Vitals Protector
SecureTech Helmet
Gel Packs
Lucky Dragon (Black) Hawaiian Shirt
Quick-Draw Holster
5 Antidote Patch
1 Trauma Patch
5 Tranq Patch 6
5 Stimulant Patch 6
4 Flash-Pak
4 Smoke Grenades
4 Thermal Smoke Grenades
Sep 21 2010, 04:49 AM
Street Name: Null Pointer Exception (Abbr. Null, Null Pointer, NP, etc.)
Clothes: Street
Armor: None
SIN: Fake (4)
Mobility: Transys Steed
Escort: Renraku Manservant-3
Weapons: Defiance Protector
Commlink: Transys Avalon (res: 4 / sig: 4)
+ OS: Novatech Navi (sys: 4 / fw: 4)
+ Satellite Link
+ Printer
+ Subvocal Mic
+ Electrode Net
+ Skinlink
Eyes: Glasses
+ Flare Compensation
+ Imagelink
+ Smartlink
+ Vision Enhancement 3
+ Vision Magnification
+ Skinlink
Ears: Earbuds
+ Audio Enhancement 3
+ Skinlink
Hands: AR Gloves
Other: Emotitoy Minidrone, Biomonitor.
Meetings: As daily
Armor: Ares Industrious Coveralls (5/4)
Commlink: Transys Avalon routed through disposable commlink.
Weapons: Defiance Protector, Ares Predator IV (silencer, subsonic ammo)
On the run: As daily
Armor: Ares Industrious Coveralls (5/4), Ares Industrious Hard Hat (+0/+2)
Commlink: Transys Avalon routed through disposable commlink.
Mobility: Evo Orderly
+ Gecko Tips
+ Rigger Cocoon
+ Chameleon Coating
Weapons: Defiance Protector, Ares Predator IV (silencer, subsonic ammo,) Ares Predator IV (silencer, stick-n-shock ammo, Smartgun platform.)
Sep 21 2010, 05:24 PM
Eeveryone welcome
Dreadsister who currently has board gremlins in the worse way. I edited the beginning post to reflect the information given and thanks all for getting posts up.
UmaroVI no problem as you've seen RL hits all of us from time to time. Post when you can and what you did was perfect. You let me know what was up and that you were still here paying attention.
Respect & courtesy Y'all - that's what it's about.
PS punchy up most of the night with my daughter who thinks sleep is optional at my age.
Sep 22 2010, 12:50 PM
Sorry about not posting yet, my boss has shifted my schedule from a 2nd swing shift to an early morning and my body is having severe coping issues. I'll definitely make it by the deadline but I just wanted to apologize for the lack of any communication lately.
Sep 23 2010, 02:29 PM
Fat Man's equipment:
Setup 1: Default.
Note: Fat Man will sustain a Physical Mask spell (not through foci) when the Steampunk outfit would be out-of-place, such as in a slum.
Discrete form-fitting full body armor and SecureTech PPP worn under Vashon Island Steampunk line, completed with a armored top hat.
All fetishes foci carried and active; Sustaining foci hold Increase Reflexes, Logic, Willpower, and Intuition (Force 3).
Telescoping Staff (collapsed)
Commlink: MetaLink with Vector Xim and Skinlink.
Rating 4 Goggles with Image Link, Ultrasound, Vision Enhancement 3 (Note: these are one-way mirrored, and are designed with a steampunk aesthetic).
Rating 3 Contacts, with Image Link, Flare Compensation, Low Light
Ratiing 3 Earbuds with Audio Enhancement 3
Betel gum (various amounts; currently he has 20)
Assorted junk food.
Setup 2: Pink Mohawk. Fat Man will set himself up like this if he thinks he's going to get into a fight and doesn't care how heavily armed he looks.
As Setup 1, but with a Ballistic Shield and with Telescoping Staff extended and held.
Fat Man might wear Setup 2 with a Physical Mask under some circumstances.
Setup 3: Socialization (no mask)
Fat Man uses this if he is going into a serious social situation where he does not want Physical Mask active, or where he needs it active at force 5 (because he needs to fool electronic sensors). This is the default for stuff like meeting a Johnson, meeting new associates, et cetera.
As Setup 1, but replaces Increase Willpower with Increase Charisma.
Setup 4: Socialization (mask)
Fat Man uses this if he is going into a serious social situation where he wants Physical Mask active, but can afford to have it active at force 3 (if he doesn't need to fool electronic sensors). Fat Man would use this if he was told to or needed to disguise himself for a meeting.
As Setup 1, but replaces Increase Willpower and Increase Reflexes with Physical Mask and Increase Charisma.
General note: The telescoping staff, SecureTech PPP, and Form-Fitting Full Body Armor are all easy to hide and completely legal, so Fat Man will normally always have them. If for some reason he can't bring them somewhere, obviously, he won't have them, but I didn't think it was worth having a seperate setup listed for them.
Sep 23 2010, 02:31 PM
Oh, hey, I have an error on my character sheet. Fat Man does not normally have Increase Reaction active through a focus. I think I miscounted. The parenthetical Reaction should be 3 and the parenthetical Initative should be 11 on the sheet I sent you.
Sep 24 2010, 09:16 PM
Spade usually carries:
Ruger Thunderbolt w/ Smartlink (For times that it won't stick out)
Ares Predator IV (For times that carrying around a cop's gun will)
Armor Jacket
Honda Spirit (Subcompact)
Commlink : CMT Clip
Directional Expendable Jammer (Rating 2)
Directional Smart Jammer (Rating 2)
Ballpoint Pen Micro-transceiver (Rating 3)
+ Laser Microphone (Rating 3)
Maglock Passkey (Rating 3)
And in his wallet is his fake license and SIN for when he needs to be someone else, as well as his Maglock Passkey. He also carries around a few Tranq patches if he needs to calm someone down.
Sep 24 2010, 10:01 PM
WEbcrawler was settup in his low rent room in seattles southside disterict. Jacob had
contacted a local technoshaman with kivanet as soon as he arrived in seattle. Talks with
Shadows(TW) was his calling, he set me up with a fakesin r4 that has me listed as a matrix
security consultant out of PCC, name Ira White. TW also got me a room in a area of town
where I wont be bothered, has a delivery service for food and supplies, and he knows the
local security providers. He didnt question what I was here for which was good since I
didnt know, I did ask him to put some feelers out to see if my services might be needed.
He did ask if I could help with some work that the local nodes needed, to which I heartily
agreed. I seperated all my gear into what I would think a logical order.
everyday wear: street cloths, light long coat, googles, earbuds, fairlight
caliban/novatech navi(comlink). The googles and earbuds along with comlink help keep my
abilities under cover.
Business meetings, low probability of combat:body armor, Actioneer business
cloths,goggles, earbuds, lined coat, ares IV, commlink.
Runs combat likely: body armor, urban explorer jumpsuit/helmet, chameleon cloak, ares IV,
googles, earbuds, comlink.
I also have on hand a satalite uplink, 500rnds ammo, nanomemory, nanopaste disguise, and
some datachips. I rarely leave my living quarters, its really just a locker for my body.
So I mostly work from the room, traversing the trix, waiting for the test to begin.
Sep 24 2010, 10:15 PM
Just a gentle reminder that tonight at midnight is the deadline for the intro posts though most of you have posted already.
I will be throwing up a post this weekend so we can move to the meet up next week for the thread.
Sep 24 2010, 11:13 PM
Okay, my post is up. I should generally be a bit faster on the response than that.
Sep 26 2010, 04:31 AM
Just a quick heads up
Fenris is still here but contacted me (easy to do since he's my husband and lives here) but he's been giving me a break from the kids so I'm giving him some slack on the due date. I hope that doesn't piss anybody off too much and I would be willing to give you more time if you babysit
I will be throwing up the post tomorrow to move the thread forward.
Sep 26 2010, 10:17 AM
cool beans. no worries.
Sep 27 2010, 03:50 AM
I'm here, I'm here!
Daily gear list:
Tsvali x2 (Customized pistols)
Concealable holsters x2
Fake SIN (Jonathan Lion-Chaser, registered member of the Souix tribe)
TranSys Avalon (commlink)
Full Synergist Line Executive suit
Baklava (full face mask)
Half-suit Form Fit
Running gear list:
Armored Vest
Full-Suit form fit
Tsvali x2
Concealable holsters
TranSys Avalon
PPP Forearm guards
PPP Shin guards
PPP helmet
Sep 27 2010, 04:19 PM
Post is up you have roughly 24 hours before the meet so feel free to post any actions you're taking (calling contacts, investigating the news story, checking out the address etc).
Sep 27 2010, 05:07 PM
Request for clarification: "You are surprised to find a small package waiting for you in what passes for your home these days." Does this mean that the package was left at the door to the residence (by whatever passes for FedEx these days) or was actually found inside our residence (implying that a B&E occurred.)"
Also, message to Nomad sent Text/Encrypted (Rating 5.)
(I don't know if you want us to roll these or post and wait for you to roll.)
Legwork: Information on target area (Address in International district.)
Contact: ShadowSEA (L: 4 / C: 4)
Contact knows: Connections + Connections (8) = [3 hits]
Contact tells: Charisma + Etiquette + Loyalty (10) = [4 hits]
Relevant info table: 3 (Facts beyond what has been released to the media)
Edit: I forgot that most people don't use exploding 6s on non-edge tests. Rolling agian.
Sep 27 2010, 07:35 PM
Forgot to mention that I wanted Zerone's linguasoft program to be the local lingo of the area where he was going (like a purchase after finding the destination). Is it okay to have it be Japanese? The availability is 2, so I figured he'd just pop into a shop and buy it.
Sep 27 2010, 09:03 PM
Null.Pointer Rolling is perfect since it lets things move along a little quicker and the post format was great.
JxJxA Fine by me.
Sep 27 2010, 11:00 PM
Sep 27 2010, 11:09 PM
Forgot to roll starting nuyen: Low Lifestyle (3d6 * 50) = [500 Y]
I'm hoping one round of Google-fu doesn't take all day. Next search is for information on the late Kenichi Yamamoto.
Contact: ShadowSEA (L: 4 / C: 4)
Contact knows: Connections + Connections (8) = [2 hits]
Contact tells: Charisma + Etiquette + Loyalty (10) = [4 hits]
Relevant info table: 2 (Details about the specific situation)
Also, was the package found waiting outside the door for those of us that maintain secured residences or placed inside?
Sep 28 2010, 01:22 AM
I am not sure what type of roll, if any, is needed for "look and see if there's anything on the security cameras." Fat man's lifestyle has Security 3 if that matters.
Summoning the shen: Conjuring+Specialization+Mentor+Magic+Power Focus (14) = [4 hits], spirit resists with Force (5) = [2 hits], for two services.
Resist drain: Willpower+Intuition (11) = [3 hits] takes 1 Stun. Resting for an hour, Body+Willpower (16) = [5 hits], more than enough to heal 1S.
Scouting: Depends on what's there. I'm going to include an Assensing and a Perception, but you can (or I can) roll more stuff if you want. Assensing+Intuition+[specialization] (10, 12 if it's aura reading) [3 hits, 4 hits if it's aura reading], and Perception+Intuition (7) = [1 hit]. Fat Man will not spend more than an hour astrally projecting, if he's not done looking around he'll head back anyways.
I wrote the rest of the post assuming he doesn't find anything there that would make him decide on a course of action other than "go there for the meeting but be careful."
Fat Man is going with Setup 3, and is including a Force 5 Physical Mask sustained by himself without foci. He's putting that up before swapping Increase Willpower for Increase Charisma.
Cast Physical Mask: Spellcasting+Magic+Power Focus (15) = [6 hits, but capped by 5 due to force]. Drain is 3S, Willpower+Intuition (11) = [4 hits], no drain.
Cast Increase Charisma (dropping Increase Willpower to do this) through a focus: Spellcasting+Magic+Power Focus - Sustaining Penalty (13) = [3 hits], drain is 0S.
The hero
shen is a force 5 Guardian Spirit with the special ability Elemental Attack (Sonic) ["Sonic blade"]. He'd be on standby when going to the meeting, and looks like
Sep 28 2010, 01:22 AM
Null.Pointer Outer security was bypassed (outer security doors, etc) but it was not placed inside actual apartments or rooms. Sorry I missed the question earlier.
Sep 28 2010, 06:27 AM
Summoning sleuth sprite compiling+resonance+paragon [9] 1 success, sprite resisted with rating [4] 1 success, compiling failed, resisted fading with Charisma+resonance [9] 2 successes - no damage
Compiling machine sprite compiling+resonance+paragon [9] 4 successes, sprite resisted with rating [4] 2 successes, 2 net successes sprite compiled, resisted fading with Charisma+resonance [9] 1 success - 3 stun, register sprite registering+resonance+paragon [9] -1 due to stun, 5 successes, sprite resists with 2xforce [8] 3 successes, 2 services
Healing stun damage body+will [8] 1 success, 1 success, 2 successes 3 hours spent resting
Browsing attempt to find info on murder victim logic+browse+analytical mind [9] 3 successes
Sep 28 2010, 06:47 AM
Olfactory based perception test: Perception + Intuition + Olfactory Boosters: [5 hits]
Sep 28 2010, 09:10 AM
Oops, seems like I forgot to take Perception skill. Guess that's where my first karma points will need to go. Here's a roll for checking out the location on a driveby.
Intuition (4) - Defautling (1) + Enhanced perception (1) + actively looking (3) =
Remaining inconspicuous while checking out the meet site.
Stealth (3) + Agility (5) =
Sep 28 2010, 11:20 AM
I'm going to copy Notsoevildm and use
Invisible Castle to make my rolls.
Action: Examine Device
Target: Trid Projector
Roll: Logic 5 + Hardware 1 (6) =
[3 hits, glitch]Result: Device examined.
If the device is not wireless-enabled or was somehow damaged by examination: the action below auto-fails (no connection.)
Action: Analyze node (AR/Wireless)
Target: Trid projector
Roll: Computer 4 + Analyze 5 + 2 (11) =
[4 hits]Result: For each hit scored, you can ask for one piece of information about the object
Q1: Is the device transmitting?
Q2: Does the device have any IC?
Q3: What other functions does this device have? (Looking for cameras, GPS, microphones, etc.)
Q4: Are there any other files located on this device?
Sep 28 2010, 05:39 PM
Scouting the meet site
Perception 3 + Intuition 4 + Enhanced Vision 3 --
(10d6.hits(5)=4)Remaining inconspicuous while checking out the meet site.
Infiltration 3 + Agility 11 --
(14d6.hits(5)=6)How are the Yakuza likely to react to this attack?
Knowledge Criminal (Yakuza) 3 + Logic 3 --
(6d6.hits(5)=2)Data Search -- Looking for more info on the story
Data Search (Default) 2 + Browse 4 --
Sep 29 2010, 03:27 AM
Browse 5
Agent Pilot 3
Kat D Software Suite Search RollsFirst Roll for Kenichi Yamamoto 1 hit
Second Roll for Nanotattoes Dragons and Phoenix 1 hit
Third Roll for Seattle Yakuza 3 hits
Forth Roll for Location 3 hits
Sep 29 2010, 03:56 AM
Webcrawler will attempt to reregister a rating6 paladin.
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2704687/ reregister failed
9 stun recieved and slept off