Mar 5 2007, 06:18 PM
15:13:14 Thursday, 11 January 2063 – Outside McHugh's #4891, 4601 Linden Ave, Downtown Seattle, UCAS
Leon Mordred
After giving a bit of thought, Leon finally decided on a place to offer up, “Ok, how about we meet up at the McHugh’s on the corner of Galer and Queen Anne? We can grab something to eat there and talk about old times.
After that, we move on to the ‘Tooth and Nail’ where we can party on the floor for as long as you like. There are also some back rooms there we can talk in some more if you need a break. What do you think, Freya?”
For a second or two, all Leon could hear was the wind whipping just outside of the alcove he stood in. Then his sister’s voice broke through it via his headphone clips with a cheerful voice. “That sounds great! I’ll see you there, big bro!”
The changeling couldn’t help but smile at the sound of his sister’s voice as he finished out the conversation with a quick, “Ok, I’ll see you there.” Quickly pressing a button on his comm, the connection went dead and the AR window closed on its own. ‘Now to figure out what I’m going to do until seven…’, he pondered for a second before moving out of the alcove. ‘I know… I still need to get some grub to fill my fridge.’, Leon decided as he turned down the street towards the local 'Stuffer'.
Mar 7 2007, 12:16 AM
15:26:31 Thursday, 11 January 2063 - Linden Ave, Downtown Seattle, UCAS
Leon Mordred
The next thing that came to his mind were cursed out with a heart felt, “Damn this wind!” If the wind cared at all, it didn’t reply but to just keep blowing all the same. Leon just grumbled under his breath and continued on down the street. ‘As if one man could change the wind…’, he thought to himself as he shook his head slightly.
After walking for a while, he looked to his left at the vehicles moving at a crawl on the pavement and felt something was off. Even at his slow pace on the sidewalk, he still seemed to pass the vehicles to his left, though he seemed to be passing the same vehicles he saw earlier on the way to the McHugh’s. Thinking about it for a second, the changeling just chuckled to himself and shook his head. ‘My mind must be playing tricks on me.’, he decided with a slight grin.
Even so, he continued on passing vehicles and also people who were walking the other direction down the sidewalk. As he gazed over the other people making their way through the cold, he noticed that the few that bothered to look at him only did so for a few seconds before looking somewhere else. ‘At least that’s something good about being outside right now. No one wants to bother staying outside in the cold any longer than they have to just to stare at me.’, Leon thought to himself.
After walking a few more blocks though, that thought had lost it’s shine in the face of the ever present cold. By the time Leon saw the easy to recognize ‘Stuffer Shack’ sign, he was wanting nothing but to be back inside a warm building once again. “Finally… I’m almost there!”, he said to himself under his breath as he pushed himself faster for the last stretch. It wasn’t that much longer until he was reaching out with his hand to pull open one of the entrance doors and pulling it open to step into the heat of civilization once again.
Mar 7 2007, 01:54 AM
22:00:41 Sunday, 14 January 2063 – The Grounds, 2810B Mercer Ave. Downtown Seattle, UCAS
"It's been my experience that given either of those two alternatives, it's more likely to be a suicide run. But one can always hope. I've done a bit of work on the exterior layout, plus the information that you've given me. I don't anticipate any surprises once inside since the building is neither owned by a major corporation nor does it possess the infrastructure capable of sustaining a heavy security response."
Xayide drinks from her coffee cup again, the hard exterior of her face creasing ever so slightly in wry humor at her statement to Tony.
Mar 7 2007, 02:20 AM
22:01:37 Sunday, 14 January 2063 – The Grounds, 2810B Mercer Ave. Downtown Seattle, UCAS
Tony grinned broadly on seeing that Xayide was joking. First time today I can remember laughing he thought as tension he didn’t know he had vented with the grin. “Doesn’t look that way to me either. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn’t missing anything. Meet you at 0100 at the fire door? If you can undo the alarm on it quickly, I’d like that to be our entrance.” he asked.
Mar 7 2007, 02:43 AM
22:01:56 Sunday, 14 January 2063 – The Grounds, 2810B Mercer Ave. Downtown Seattle, UCAS
Xayide nodded.
"0100. Don't panic if you don't see me. You probably won't until the door opens. You lead once inside and I'll cover our six."
Mar 7 2007, 03:21 AM
22:03:02 Sunday, 14 January 2063 – The Grounds, 2810B Mercer Ave. Downtown Seattle, UCAS
Probably true, and if those eyes are half as chill as they look you’ll know where I am before I do Tony thought. Cyberware hadn’t ever been much of an option for him, but even that and the trained dislike the Academy had bred into him didn’t make him a bit envious of how damn practical it was sometimes.
To Xayide he nodded, still half-smiling. “I’ll bring enough to party with. Vaya con dios,” he said, tossing his cup in a wastebin and turning up his collar as he walked out of the coffee shop, stiff wind off of the sound making him wish for self-warming outerwear.
Mar 8 2007, 12:51 AM
19:26:28 Wednesday, 10 January 2063 – Pasha’s, 3900 Bryn Mawr Road, S Downtown Seattle, UCAS
"Carmen, could I get the check?"
The young woman brought the bill a few moments later, the total coming to 20 nuyen and some change. Leo slotted 30 and stood up from the table, tucking in his chair as he rose.
"Is there a dataterm I could use around here," he asked, anxious to get in touch with the principal as quickly as possible.
"Sure is, right over there in the corner," Carmen answered gesturing to a station on the far side of the bar, "and thanks," she said, indicating the digital billing unit by raising it slightly, "stop back in sometime soon."
Leo gave a half smile and nodded, then crossed the room to the terminal. Entering the LTG he waited for the call to connect.
Mar 8 2007, 01:49 AM
19:27:03 Wednesday, 10 January 2063 – Pasha’s, 3900 Bryn Mawr Road, S Downtown Seattle, UCAS
The phone rang several times, long enough for Leo to be surprised that it wasn’t a voicemail response that answered.
” Nas, been meaning to talk to you,” a male voice asked, not passing video in the call.
Mar 8 2007, 09:14 PM
15:49:02 Thursday, 11 January 2063 – Stuffer Shack #1293, 5492 Linden Ave, Downtown Seattle, UCAS
Leon Mordred
The feeling didn’t last long, though, because just after he stepped inside he saw some of the other customers walking through some of the isles and the changeling could feel the growing anxiousness inside. Leon quickly brushed off the growing anxious feeling as he picked up a basket from a stand near the door and then started his way into the store. ‘If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all… Well, barring any layout changes to try ‘n make it more unique.’, he thought with a slight grin as he looked at the store itself.
As he scanned the Stuffer for the dry foods isles, the changeling noticed in his peripheral vision that the store clerk, some human kid who looked like he hadn’t even turned seventeen yet, had finally glanced up from the magazine he was reading. The boy hadn’t even spent the time to fully recognize what he saw before him before he returned to reading his magazine. Leon grinned a bit as he saw the teenager jerk slightly as if he was about to do a double take, but just a second later a huge troll woman stepped in the way to try and check out.
Shrugging it off, he made his way through the isles picking up dry and canned goods. Nothing really grabbed his interest as he picked his way through the products until he came to the end of the isle. Just as he turned the corner at the end of the row, a sign caught his eye. ‘Afterburner Bar! Fill yourself with the fuel you need for the day!’, it read, which he smirked at the accompanying images on it. Still, it had the desired effect as Leon picked up one of the single wrapped bars and flipped it over to look at the stats on it.
Reading over the numbers and ingredients, or trying to figure out what the ingredients were, took a while as he also weighed the price into buying it. His concentration was broken after a bit though as he felt his tail brush up against something and then felt a slight pulling sensation on it. Instinctively his claws extended in his free hand as he looked back behind him, but as he turned, Leon saw nothing but open air. It wasn’t until he looked down that he saw the source of the tugging and retracted his claws while feeling ashamed of himself.
There, standing no taller than his hip, was a little human girl with her hands still on his furry tail and a wide innocent smile on her face as she looked up at him. ‘She couldn’t be any older than around five…’, Leon thought as he looked down at the girl wearing bright pink overalls. He didn’t make any move to pull his tail out of her grasp since she wasn’t strong enough to hurt, but he was surprised when she giggled and squealed “Big kitty!” at him.
The feline changeling was taken aback for a second, but then just grinned down at the human girl. ‘She doesn’t know any better…’, he told himself but still pined for when this wouldn’t have happened. It was only seconds later that a worried human woman, presumably the girls mother, hurried up and said, “Jill! Come on, let go of the nice man’s… tail.” The woman stuttered for a second after realizing what her daughter was holding on to, but merely smiled nervously and nodded as her child let go while saying a cheerful, “Bye-bye, Mr. Kitty!”
Watching the mother and daughter move on through the store, well away from him, he saw the mother start chastising the girl. Obviously the woman wasn’t too happy with her daughter, but Leon could easily guess what she was saying. Shaking his head, he let out a small sigh as he thought, ‘That didn’t go too bad… it could have been a lot worse.’
‘Still…’, he continued as he looked around to see a few of the other customers staring at him instead of the shopping they were doing only a minute ago. Letting out another sigh, Leon put the energy bar back on the stack and moved through the isles towards the front counter, doing his best to avoid anyone else. All the while, he could feel the eyes following him, though he ignored them as best he could.
As he stepped up to the counter and placed his basket of food on it, he noticed the teenager on the other side just staring at him with that blank stare he saw all the time. Leon waited patiently for a bit before getting annoyed at the clerk and burst out with, “Hey, kid! You going to do your job or stare at me all day?” With this, the clerk broke out of his trance, mumbled some unfelt apology under his breath and scanned all the items in the basket before bagging them. With a quick slotting of his credstick, Leon picked up the bags and made his way out the Stuffer Shack.
16:17:14 Thursday, 11 January 2063 – Leon’s, 3600 Apt 203 Linden Ave, Downtown Seattle, UCAS
Closing and locking the door behind him, Leon was glad to be back in the small place in the world that he could call his. As he set down the bags on the small counter, he relished the warmth of the room compared to the cold wind he suffered on the relatively boring trek back from the Stuffer. ‘Home, sweet home…’, he thought before adding, ‘It’s better than on the streets… alot better…’
While he put away all the food he just purchased, Leon listened to the trid to see if anything new was on the news. Hearing the usual going on about LoneStar making some arrests and other happenings that were pretty commonplace, he started to tune it out as he finished and moved over to his closet. Reaching in, Leon pulled out a small backpack and stuffed some workout cloths into it. “Of on my next big adventure…”, he wryly commented as he turned off the trid and stepped back outside into the foreboding weather.
Mar 8 2007, 09:24 PM
01:00:02 Wednesday, 10 January, 2063 – A Warehouse in the Barrens
Max scrambled across the dirty floor, his white hands covered in a brown smudges of dust, trying to get away from the dangerously teetering shelves. His heart pounded in his throat as survival took hold of his mind. He normally stunning intellect had been ripped from him when the wharehouse exploded into sound and gun fire. Aura’s blazed like white phosphorous from the combatants only to flare and fade as there life’s blood decorated the wharehouse walls. Max’s flight instinct screamed at him to hide and his body was doing its best to accommodate.
Crawling up against one of walls he tried to fight against curling up into a fetal ball.
“Get up!” Gargoyle roared in his skull. “You are not a coward! Get up and fight or I will leave you stripped to the marrow of my blessing.” The anger and hunger that sprang from that voice shredded his soul, ripping the primal fear violently from him.
Gargoyle was not a kind totem.
“Get up!" Gargoyle hissed again and Max’s body jerked like a marionette twitching on it’s strings. The fear bled slowly from Max’s “wounds”. Not fast enough for his mentor spirit. Again he torn into Max’s hunkered form. Max could feel it’s clawed hand gripping his heart, slowing it’s beat to a dull roar in his ears. Max was sure the scream he let out was just as real as the one that sounded in his soul.
“Yesssssss.” Gargoyles voice sounded in wicked pleasure. “NOW GET UP!”
Max’s eyes flared open. He hadn’t realized that he had been squeezing them shut. The fear was still there. Max would have been inhuman if it weren’t, but at least it no longer overwhelmed. He looked up and saw John perched on the shelving and Nora dangling from Lady Dove’s hand.
The arcane mutterings tumbled from Max’s mouth as he drew power from Gargoyle’s blessing.
Mar 9 2007, 07:43 PM
18:32:37 Thursday, 11 January 2063 – Leon’s, 3600 Apt 203 Linden Ave, Downtown Seattle, UCAS
Leon Mordred
“Whew… I feel a lot better now!”, a very wet Leon said to himself happily as he stepped out of the shower. Grabbing his towel off the rung, he proceeded to dry himself off and then moved out of the bathroom to get dressed. As he started to clothe himself, Leon couldn’t help but grin about how something as little as working out could change his mood. “It’s got to be that endorphin high that does it,.”, he said with a grin.
It wasn’t long before he was fully dressed, save for his jacket, and standing in front of the bathroom mirror once again. He saw the same things as he did earlier in the afternoon, but his outlook had changed some for the positive. ‘Even with the changes, I’m one sexy beast. Now if I could only get Luna to think the same…’, he thought to himself as he rotated his head around to get a good look. After a bit of looking at himself, he finally chuckled at himself for standing there for so long.
“I have to finish up or I’ll be late…”, Leon chastised himself mildly with a grin as he pulled on the mirror to reveal a medicine cabinet full of toiletry items. Pulling out what he needed, he then began with brushed his teeth and finished up with a splash of aftershave. ‘Got to smell nice for the ladies…’, he thought as he put up a ladies’ man smile and thumbs up into the mirror before snorting to himself in good humor.
Heading back out into the main room, the changeling finished gathering his stuff. After equipping his gear, he moved over to the door and checked his messages one last time while putting on his jacket and gloves. Nothing new had come in between the last time he had checked it, but it was a habit and nothing lost anyways. Noting the temperature loss though on the room’s comm station, he knew it would be a little colder out there. ‘I better get there before it lowers too much more.’, he noted.
Closing and locking his door, Leon made his way down the street towards the nearest train station, noting how dark it had gotten since he had last been outside. It didn’t bother him though, since his natural low light allowed him to see pretty well with the glowing street lamps. Even then, as he looked around, he saw the red glow of heat from every person he came across, but he had gotten so used to it over the past year and a half that he didn’t mind it much attention save for the fact that it helped him out.
Other than the cold wind, the walk to the subway station was really uneventful. Even inside the subway tunnels and on the rails, nothing happened worth noting. He ignored the people who bothered to look at him, and just made his way to the destination. ‘I’m going to see my sister and have a good time tonight and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you normies ruin it!’, he thought with a snort.
18:56:11 Thursday, 11 January 2063 – McHugh’s #1739, 19 West Galer St, Downtown Seattle, UCAS
The three block trek from the subway to the McHugh’s was chilly as Leon could easily notice the temperature drop. It might not have been much of a drop, but when it goes just a few more degrees towards freezing, one can tell. Still, it mattered not for now, as he sat in a table near the main entrance and waited for his sister’s arrival. He knew Freya would have little trouble finding him, but he wanted to see her as she entered as to not keep her waiting.
It was only a few minutes after he sat down that he noticed a pink and purple haired elf walk in the doorway and look around. As the green eyed changeling stood up from the table he sat at, she looked at him and smiled before walking over. Embracing each other in a hug, Leon said in her ear, “Freya, it’s good to see you!”
After releasing her from the hug, the taller of the two siblings took a slight step back to get a good look at his sister. He had to admit that the black synth-leather halter and mini-skirt did look good on her, but he had to brush off a wave of a brother wanting to protect his baby sister. As his gaze quickly went up to her face, he smiled back at her as he looked into her pretty green eyes that were framed by her hair which she kept back in a ponytail like his.
“You look great!”, he said outloud, but inwardly he thought, ‘Damn… It’s hard to think that my baby sister is starting to look hot…’ Though looking into her eyes he noticed, like he always did, the fact that her eyebrows were the same color as her hair.
Just as Leon had suffered changes under the effects of Haley’s Comet, so to did his sister. The only change Freya had though was her hair color, which changed from the same brown his was into a mixture of pink to purple colors, with almost each strand of hair a different color in its own right. It came together into a dazzling display that almost nothing else could duplicate, and the ones that could were the weirdoes who replaced their hair with those fiber optic strands that changed color.
While Freya was technically a changeling just like her elder brother, she could still keep her identity as an elf, which her brother had lost at that time. ‘At least you don’t have to go through what I have because of your change…’, Leon mused with a bittersweet feeling on that fact as he continued to smile at his sister.
Mar 13 2007, 10:32 PM
19:31:01 Wednesday, 10 January 2063 – Pasha’s, 3900 Bryn Mawr Road, S Downtown Seattle, UCAS
"No, this is Leo; Nastasya should have told you I would call, sir," Leonid said, looking at his reflection in the empty vidscreen. "I'll get right to the point so I don't take up any more of your time than necessary. Is there somewhere I could meet you to go over the situation in more detail?"
Mar 15 2007, 06:29 PM
10:30:31 Sunday 14 January 2063 - outside The Green Papaya, 600 East Pine St, Seattle, UCAS
Vedic scanned the street again as he waited for the call to connect on his commlink. The week old snowfall was piled high against the curbs and sidewalks, colored a dirty gray by the offcast of vehicles and pedestrians alike. The melt and refreeze cycle left large patches of rough ice that wouldn't fully vanish until well into spring time. The revolving connecting... icon switched over to the Openwater Aquarium business graphic, while a gravelly voice on the other end opened the conversation.
"We said eleven hundred," replied Vedic, "600 East Pine Street, The Green Papaya."
Mar 15 2007, 08:09 PM
00:03:41 Saturday January 13, 2063 - NYK Shipmanagement Staging Lot A-6, E Marginal Way S At S Michigan St, Seattle, UCAS
"Worry less about how I conduct my business in the future and focus on how we are going to complete our transaction now. I am reluctant to release any of the principles involved since I have no guarantee that he has not misled you as well. I am, however, appreciative of your concerns. May I suggest that I ride with you to the location and Mr. Scratch accompany my personnel? That way you have at least some assurance that I desire to conclude this business in a mutually beneficial fashion."
As she speaks, Ms. Johnson motions with her left hand, a small gesture which brings her security team to an 'at ease' posture rather than braced for imminent combat.
Mar 16 2007, 02:41 PM
11:50:17 Thursday, 11 January 2063 - 03:18:49 Thursday, 11 January 2063 - Mirror Dark Magic Shop, 6300 Woodridge Road Suite 5, Renton, Seattle UCAS
Grimacing at her choices, she settled for a turkey and avocado half sandwich with tomato slices and a Cascades spring water. As it was being constructed Litany inquired casually, "Say is that a real magic store over there?"
Mar 16 2007, 03:55 PM
19:31:18 Wednesday, 10 January 2063 – Pasha’s, 3900 Bryn Mawr Road, S Downtown Seattle, UCAS
”Situtation? What sit…wait a second, you mean she was really serious about that bulldrek bodyguard thing? Roderick said, incredulity coming through loud and clear even over the relatively loud lounge noises of Pasha’s
“I can’t believe that slitch would do that. Your joking, right?”
Mar 16 2007, 04:10 PM
19:01:11 Thursday, 11 January 2063 – McHugh’s #1739, 19 West Galer St, Downtown Seattle, UCAS
Freya practically beamed at Leon “Great to see you too! Come’on, let’s get some food. I’m starving” she said, dragging Leon up to the order counter.
The register jockey, apparently having a bad reaction to the sight of a cat-featured Changeling and minimally-clad-multi-hued-haired-elf together, didn’t register verbal orders until Freya snapped her fingers a few times right in front of the young human's eyes. The clerk, visibly composing himself, managed to take their order, and a minute or so later they were back in their plastic table with a tray laden with soyburgers, fries, and cola.
“So, how’s your week been?” Freya asked in between bites of a SoyPounder.
Mar 16 2007, 07:39 PM
19:31:40 Wednesday, 10 January 2063 � Pasha�s, 3900 Bryn Mawr Road, S Downtown Seattle, UCAS
Leo exhaled slowly between his teeth, producing a soft hissing noise. He didn't enjoy hearing strangers bad mouth his friends, but it looked as if he'd have to let it slide for now.
"No, sir, this isn't a joke. Nastasya," Leo accented the name to chastise Roderick despite himself, "wants me to keep you in one piece for a few days. I trust that is in line with your plans for the next week or so?"
He waited a moment to see if there was an answer to his rhetorical question, then continued, "Again, I don't want to use your valuable time, sir. Is there anywhere we can put together a plan to go about this?"
Mar 16 2007, 09:49 PM
22:06:02 Sunday, 14 January 2063 – Outside The Grounds, 2810B Mercer Ave. Downtown Seattle, UCAS
Time to kill Tony thought to himself on the way back to the car, taking a brief look at the time on his psec then shoving his hands back into his pockets as if to keep frostbite from setting in. The gusty wind cutting through his coat made him wish for a flask, or even make a quick stop at the Spirit for something to ward off the cold.
Just a sip or two of the good stuff. Just enough to keep you warm…
And just enough to light on fire if you breath wrong. You’ve got either no rep, or worse, someone that can look up who you used to work for. Breathin’ whiskey fumes on them isn’t going to win anyone favors
It’s just one drink. And rep didn’t seem to stop you on Monday
Wasn’t working with anyone Monday. No way I’m going to be responsible for someone being hurt or killed because I’m drunk. No way
It steadys your aim! Calms your nerves! You don’t want to shoot the purple-eyed chica instead of the bad guys
Tony kept up this internal debate for a good while, even after getting into his car, even after he’d got in the car. Even after the car heated up and he turned the blower up. Driving around in a random path vaguely toward the Landing on mental autopilot, he suddenly found himself in front of the Spirit[/b]. [i]Quick walk in, quick couple of fingers, you’ve got the time the part of him that wanted a drink intoned as he came to a stop at the intersection. There’s even a parking spot…
No! Stay away from that drek. You’ll need a few after. Have them then! You don’t want to screw with either Xayide or Zedya, and you don’t want to be ‘that drunk guy’ if you pull this off.
One drink isn’t going to hurt you at all. You’ve done this a bunch of times
Remember Priest? You’ve got to get her out. Getting a bad rep isn’t going to allow that to happen. Stay sober for a few more hours.
That seemed to suffice for the moment. It still seemed a lot harder than normal to put the car back into drive from reverse? I actually stuck it in reverse? and pull away from the bar, punching up the parking deck for the Landing on the autonav. Despite his decision, his eyes still lingered in the rearview until the car took the next turn and put the Spirit out of view.
22:59:15 Sunday, 14 January 2063 – Miner’s Landing, Downtown Seattle, UCAS
Tony blew on his hands to warm them as he entered the foyer of the Landing, trying to restore circulation from the cold, blustery walk from the parking deck. “I had a takeout order,” he said to the hostess.
Mar 16 2007, 10:00 PM
23:02:38 Sunday, 14 January 2063 – Miner’s Landing, Downtown Seattle, UCAS
"One moment please, sir," replied the young woman standing behind the maitre d' stand. She motions to one of the busboys who nods and disappears into the kitchen. A minute later he returns with a large brown paper bag held in a way that suggests it holds something significantly heavier than a takeout meal of pork chops and baked potato. The young woman beams a smile at Tony, though, as if she were delivering the best cooked meal in all of Seattle.
"Enjoy your dinner, sir!"
Mar 16 2007, 10:33 PM
19:32:06 Wednesday, 10 January 2063 – Pasha’s, 3900 Bryn Mawr Road, S Downtown Seattle, UCAS
”If you’re calling me on this number, I probably don’t have to ask how you got it from Nas-tas-ya" Roderick said, stressing the fixer’s name, mocking both Leo’s sternness and his accent.
”You downtown?”
Mar 17 2007, 05:55 PM
22:25:07 Wednesday, 10 January 2063 - Klassy Kat, Second and Virginia, Downtown Seattle
As Lana applied well deserved pressure to O'Halloran's groin, his eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed quickly as his face contorted into a scowl. Moving faster than she expected, he grabbed her left arm with his left and wrapped his right arm around her neck and used a surprising amount of strength to hurl her deeper into the booth, slamming her against the wall.
"You dirty little slitch!" he screamed. "Who the frag do you think you are!? Who the frag do you think you're dealing with!? You wanna come here and talk to me like that!? I'm going to teach you a lesson you're never gonna forget!"
Although she wasn't hurt, Lana was definitely feeling cornered, with her back literally against the wall and O'Halloran blocking the way out of the booth. The music had cranked up to a pounding roar with the latest dancer on stage, who unfortunately was using strobe lights as part of her act. She didn't know if Aidan had seen what had happened, but she hoped to God that he had.
Cracking his knuckles, O'Halloran smiled viciously. "You want to play rough slitch? Fine. Let's play." With an evil gleam in his eyes that clearly communicated his intentions, be began moving through the booth towards her.
Mister Juan
Mar 18 2007, 01:05 AM
00:03:59 Saturday January 13, 2063 - NYK Shipmanagement Staging Lot A-6, E Marginal Way S At S Michigan St, Seattle, UCAS
When the Ms. Johnson motioned to her goons, Ludmilla actually thought about drawing her Predator and double tapping the slitch in the hearth. From where she was, she could easily make the shot... but it would be her very last act. No matter how much juice flowed in her hyped up nervous system, she could never duke it out in a close quarter gunfight against that many opponents.
There wasn't anything else to do but play ball.
Her hands tightened into fists.
“Da.... Ok.... I will take you to the key.”
She turned around, holding herself with one hand agaisnt the opened door of her car. She leaned in. The russian woman gave Scratch a long and good look. Biting her lower lip, Ludi hesitated on how to break the news to the kid.
“Change of plans. I'll take her to the key... you stay with them. Once she's got the data, you'll take the money. We'll meet back outside the Funhouse.... Da?”
Mar 18 2007, 02:56 AM
00:04:11 Saturday January 13, 2063 - NYK Shipmanagement Staging Lot A-6, E Marginal Way S At S Michigan St, Seattle, UCAS
Scratch returned Ludmilla's look with one of dubious belief, tension clearly evident in his shoulders and the grip of his pistol.
"As long as you think this is the best thing to do." The slim hacker tucks the pistol back into its holster before opening the car door and stepping out into the chill night air. Ms. Johnson motions to the open door of her own Nightsky, stepping around to the open passenger door once Scratch has moved forward. She settles herself in the plain cloth seat, the attache case resting on her lap. After a moment, she glances across to where Ludi still stands.
"Shall we?"
Mister Juan
Mar 18 2007, 03:34 AM
00:04:29 Saturday January 13, 2063 - NYK Shipmanagement Staging Lot A-6, E Marginal Way S At S Michigan St, Seattle, UCAS
I'm going to need to change car.
That was the very first, and only thing Ludi could think of as she slid into the Comet and clicked in her seatbelt. In one swift and practiced motion, she pulled the hair thin cable from the dashboard, flicked her short hair to the side and plugged it into her datajack. One hand on the wheel, she gave one last look to Scratch before turning towards the woman seated next to her.
Inside her, Ludi could feel her temper starting to approach boiling point. If Scratch, and her reputation hadn't been on the line, she would have wiped that smug smile and confident mask off Ms. Johnson's face. She would have taken a fistfull of that silky and shiny hair. She would have pounced that pretty face a few times on the dashboard, until her perfectly white teeth started to hit the floor. She would have bloodied her face into pulp.
Ludmilla popped a few joints on her free hand.
Without a word, or any move for that matter, the russian woman started the car. Using the car's navigation system, she called up the shortest route to 811 Stewart St.
Her nervous system still jacked up, Ludi could feel the stress building up right next to her anger. Her fingers kept drumming on the wheel... and she could feel her jaw twitch.
Mar 18 2007, 05:27 AM
00:21:46 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Greyhound Bus Depot #202, 811 Stewart St, Seattle, UCAS
The trip across town to the depot where Byte hid the code was one of the most uncomfortable trips Ludi remembered taking. The adrenaline raging through her system gave her perceptions razor edges, and it did nothing to ease her anger towards the slim woman sitting next to her. Ms. Johnson doesn't say a word during the entire fifteen minute ride, merely sitting quietly, her hands resting easily on the case in her lap. By the time she slams the vehicle into park, Ludi is ready to do something, anything, to release some of the tension pulling her shoulders into knots. Ms. Johnson exits the vehicle at the same time as Ludi, waiting to follow her lead. The black corporate Nightsky pulls to a stop across the street, idling in the chill darkness. Ludi glanced up and down the street, her eyes travelling across the empty entrances and alleyways of the block. The ways in which this meeting had gone wrong were exceeded only in the ways it could still end in disaster. She made a noise in the back of her throat, half growl, and stalked through the double doors leading into the depot.
The dingy linoleum floor and industrial gray walls combined to give the building the appearance that it was stamped whole from an assembly line. Automated ticket kiosks clustered against the left wall, while the right was dominated by five ranks of lockers. Ludi's practiced eye scanned the interior, cataloguing additional exits, surveillance cameras, and any (meta)human threats. Almost, she wished for someone to say something, to provide some excuse for action. The empty expanse of the depot mocked her, though, leaving her no recourse but to retrieve the key to locker 914 from the planter in between the bathrooms. Or what passed for a planter, in reality both the short cylinder and the plant it sprouted were made from cheap extruded plastic. Ms. Johnson waited silently as Ludi located the appropriate locker and retrieved the OMC bearing the encryption key. Resisting the urge to flip it at her like a throwing knife, Ludi simply offered it in her open palm. Ms. Johnson retrieved it, slotting it into one of the interface jacks on her commlink. Minutes passed in silence. Finally, Ms. Johnson looks back at Ludi with a smile.
"The data is here and is complete. I appreciate your flexibility in this matter. This concludes our business. Your friend is being released as we speak."
Opening her attache case, she withdrew a slim certified credstick.
"Our agreed upon fee."
Ludi snatches the slim cylinder from her hand, barely preventing her lips from curling in a snarl. Later, when she would have time to think about it, she would realize that she could already hear the high pitch whine of counter-rotating rotors. But now, in the heat of the moment, anger boiling through her system, all she could think about was controlling the almost irresistable urge to socket her weapon in this woman's eye and pull the trigger until the slide locked back.
"You can go now," she hissed. Ms. Johnson's smile never wavered. Closing her attache case, she turned and took three steps towards the door. A shadowed movement outside finally raised all of the warning flags in Ludi's mind to conscious level, but it was too late. The double glass doors disintegrated beneath the fire of the Ingram White Knight. The 8mm steel jacketed rounds whipsawed through the empty depot, sparking from the floor. Six rounds from the ten round burst caught Ms. Johnson center of mass. Ludi spun away into cover, her face moist. The image of splintered bone and ruptured organs was a comfort, albeit cold and distant at this time. Downwash from the rotodrone hovering in the street outside punched through the open doors, sending fragments of glass skittering across the floor. Ludi risked a glance around the heavy bank of lockers she covered behind, pistol in hand.
The drone danced in ground effect, wind and rotor wash reflected from the buildings and street complicating its flight algorithms. Across the street the doors of the Nightsky opened as Ms. Johnson's team rolled out into the street. Assault rifle fire stabbed through the darkness, short bursts as the team moved into cover. The drone's weapon swiveled on magnetic bearings, ripping out another long burst of automatic fire.
Mar 18 2007, 08:05 PM
00:21:49 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Greyhound Bus Depot #202, 811 Stewart St, Seattle, UCAS
The rotodrone swayed to the side, deftly avoiding a pair of bursts from one of Ms. Johnson's surviving security team. Round sparked from its armor, though, drawing smoke instead of blood. The light machinegun on its underbelly turret, though, still tracked with murderous precision. The Mitsubishi Nightsky came apart beneath the hammer of its rounds, windows shattering and body panels bent inwards around heavy caliber entrance wounds.
Mister Juan
Mar 18 2007, 09:42 PM
00:21:49 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Greyhound Bus Depot #202, 811 Stewart St, Seattle, UCAS
She heard the whine of the drone engine.
She heard the Ingram chamber it's first round.
And just when things were going so well.
As Ms. Johnson exploded in gory fireworks of bones and entrails, Ludmilla didn't stand to watch it all unfold very long. Part instincts, part training, the russian woman simply dove to the side, taking cover behind a row of lockers.
Sitting on the floor, her back flat agaisnt the cold locker, the Predator literally materialized in her hand. The smartlink interface kicked into gear, brighting up her vision, showing weapon status, ammo count and line of fire.
In the big empty depot the Ingram's fire sounded twice as loud, it's echo bouncing back and forth between the narrow rows of lockers. Ludmilla cursed her amplified hearing. If she got out of here alive, she was going to have one damn fine headache. Quickly leaning out of cover, for a split second, she peaked out into the street. The drone was a good distance away... but the shot wasn't impossible to make... From the looks of things, Ludmilla could easily tell she wasn't the target of this ambush... Johnson was. No matter, she wasn't going to stick around to find out. She had the cred in her pocket. There was nothing holding her back from just bolting out.
Standing halfway up, Ludmilla was about to take a step in the opposite direction, away from the drone, when she realized one thing.
Ludmilla barely knew the kid. Actually, she didn't know him at all. But he trusted her. He had put his life into her hands. By the sound of the Ingram in the street, odds were the young decker was already dead meat.
The young woman had already left comrades behind. She had sworn never to do it again. Cursing out loud, Ludmilla crouched back down ejecting the gel clip from her Predator and swapping it with live ammo.
Mar 19 2007, 03:16 AM
22:25:08 Wednesday, 10 January 2063 - Klassy Kat, Second and Virginia, Downtown Seattle
Lana’s breath caught in her throat as she saw the evil gleam in O’Halloran’s eye as he advanced, and time seemed to shift to slow motion. Too many thoughts tumbled through her mind all at once. She wanted to yell for help, but she knew she wouldn’t be heard over the music. She wanted to fight back, but she knew from the way he grabbed her she wouldn’t be able to do much damage without a weapon. It left her two viable options, she could try to run, or she could try to talk her way out of it. Perhaps a combination of both was the best course of action.
She pressed herself against the back of the booth for leverage as she drew her knees up to either aid in an escape move if he grabbed for her, or to kick him in the balls. Inside she was a world of chaos and panic but her face still managed to hold some semblance of a seductive glance.
“I heard you liked it rough baby, I just wanted to give you what you liked.”
Mar 19 2007, 05:26 AM
00:21:50 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Greyhound Bus Depot #202, 811 Stewart St, Seattle, UCAS
Ludi growled curses beneath her breath, swapping clips with smooth efficiency. She paused momentarily to wipe her face with her sleeve, annoyed that it came away stained red. Automatic gunfire sounded loud in the street again, but her enhanced hearing told her that the firefight was moving away from her position. The downwash from the rotodrone was less intense now, adding fuel to the suspicion that it was moving off, having completed its mission. Ludi let her Predator lead her around the corner just in case, though. Her suspicions were correct: the drone had moved off down the street, pursued or pursuing the remaining guards of Ms. Johnson's retinue. The sight of the broken and burning Nightsky sent a tendril of ice coiling about the base of her spine. Until she spotted Scratch, alive and apparently unhurt, scrambling backwards away from the vehicle. His Viper Slivergun was clutched, forgotten, in his right hand, while his eyes stared in terrified surprise at the vicious gunbattle taking place less than a block away.
Mister Juan
Mar 19 2007, 05:47 AM
00:21:50 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Greyhound Bus Depot #202, 811 Stewart St, Seattle, UCAS
Holding her weapon in both hands, scanning left and right ahead of her, Ludmilla made for the depot's door. She literaly threw herself at the side of the wall with enough strength to bruise her upper arm. But at this point, Ludmilla cared very little.
She could tell the drone was moving away... but there was no telling if it was coming back to finish the job.
Even from across the street, the russian woman could easily feel the burning heat from the wreck Nightsky. Nevertheless, she ignore it. Her whole entire being was contained in one little slow-motion bubble. She felt nothing; thought nothing. Ludi simply acted.
Holding a crouched position near the doorway for a few seconds, she breathed in and out a few times. Bringing her weapon back up, she launched herself into the street in a low crouch, her weapon low but still ready. A few steps later, she caught up to Scratch, grabbing him firmly by the collar of his beaten jacket.
“Come on kid. Let's get the frag out of here” she simply said in her thick russian accent, her tone making it sound like everything except a suggestion.
Without waiting for an answer, she pulled the decker towards her own car.
Mar 19 2007, 06:12 AM
19:32:19 Wednesday, 10 January 2063 – Pasha’s, 3900 Bryn Mawr Road, S Downtown Seattle, UCAS
"Yeah, I'm a bit south of the metroplex, but I'm in the area. What do you want to do?" Leo asked.
Mar 19 2007, 11:36 AM
19:02:21 Thursday, 11 January 2063 – McHugh’s #1739, 19 West Galer St, Downtown Seattle, UCAS
“Not too bad, all things considered…”, Leon replied to his sister’s inquiry, before taking another bite of his burger. The time it took to chew and swallow allowed him to quickly run his mind over the week’s experiences before he continued. "This weather is different, but it’s keeping me from riding my bike and other than the few troublemakers n' drunks down at Luna’s club, it’s been pretty boring.", he complained to his younger sibling while motioning with the burger he still held in his hand.
"Course, there were some good ones, like this one girl who caused a ruckus a couple of nights ago. What made it interesting was the fact she had SURGE'ed with some claws similar to mine.”, the changeling said with a grin as he set down his drink and put his other hand to his chin. “When this girl was dancing on the floor, she must have caught someone's eye who was already taken because some other girl in an expensive looking dress came to start something. When it ended, the clawed chick had shredded the other girl's dress but didn't leave a mark on her. We all had a good look though as it fell to to the floor in peices, though.", Leon continued on with a chuckle.
When he finished his tale, the feline changeling took another drink and let out a quick sigh. “So, enough about what’s been going on with me; how have you been this last week?”, he asked with a smile.
Mar 19 2007, 12:14 PM
00:21:47 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Greyhound Bus Depot #202, 811 Stewart St, Seattle, UCAS
Scratch is unresisting as Ludmilla yanks him towards her car, but the young hacker doesn't quite have the motor control to help her. To Ludi's adrenaline charged muscles, though, he seems a barely consequential weight. Pushing him towards the passenger side, she hustles around to the driver's side, never taking her eyes off the direction the drone disappeared. The Comet's engine catches the first time the starter turns over, and she slams the little vehicle into reverse, slotting the cable into the jack behind her ear only after she's moving away from the scene of violence.
"Did you see the fraggin' size of that gun?" whispered Scratch, his eyes fixed on a point a thousand meters beyond the dirty windshield of the sedan.
Mar 19 2007, 04:03 PM
11:50:17 Thursday, 11 January 2063 - ABC Convenience Store #2071, 6350 Woodridge Road, Renton, Seattle UCAS
The middle-aged Korean woman manning the checkout counter glanced up at Litany with suspicious eyes over her bifocals. Not missing a beat in sliding her purchases through the laser scanner, the woman nods her head in a sharp, bird-like motion.
"Yah, yah. Big magic. Always smell bad. Not good for business. Not good for pretty girl to get messed up in. That seven nuyen, please."
Mar 19 2007, 06:43 PM
22:25:10 Wednesday, 10 January 2063 - Klassy Kat, Second and Virginia, Downtown Seattle
O'Halloran's smile gets darker as he positions himself to block the way out of the booth. "Oh I like it rough baby. I like it real rough. The only thing is, I'd rather give than receive, you know what I mean? You're such a bad girl, why don't you let me show you? I promise, you'll love it!" His words trail off as he lunges for her, his hands reaching out to grab her.
Mar 21 2007, 02:47 AM
22:25:12 Wednesday, 10 January 2063 - Klassy Kat, Second and Virginia, Downtown Seattle
Lana’s fingers clutched hard on the edge of the cheap velvet booth’s seat and just before the sleaze’s hands could tighten a grip on her upper arms she kicked both her legs forward at the same time. She watched his face contort in the strobe light flashes, his eyes going wide with both surprise and what she thought was pain as she heard him make an attempt to draw back in the breath she knocked from him as he stumbled backwards.
Seizing the moment, she let go of the booth and launched herself upwards, twisting just slightly to clear his bulk and she hopped up on the cushion of the booth and the end just to give her a little more room to get away. She was so focused on putting as much distance between O’Halloran and herself while getting to Aidan’s side that she didn’t look back over her shoulder to see what the creep was going to do next.
Mister Juan
Mar 22 2007, 05:47 AM
00:21:56 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Stewart St, Seattle, UCAS
Ludmilla didn't answer Scratch's question. She didn't quite need to. She had not only seen and heard the Ingram... She had felt it's effect on Johnson and on herself. Something hot and humid was still sliding down her face and neck.
After reversing up the deserted night street for a few more meters, Ludmilla gave the wheel a sharp jolt to the side. Using her direct neural interface to lock the back wheels of the small seden, she sent it into a spin; switching front and back end in a few seconds.
For what seemed to her like eternity, the Comet stood idling in the middle of the street. The gear shifted down in a hurry, gearing back up as the wheel started to spin on place, burning rubber and filling the air with that stingy smell.
Trying to put as much distance between herself and the ambush, the russian woman kept one eye on the road, and one on the virtual rear view mirror in the upper right corner of her field of view. At first glance, no a soul was following them. But Ludi wasn't especially afraid of souls... more of drones with heavy machine guns.
“Are you hurt?” she said in the calmest tone she could muster at the moment.
She took a sharp turn on a random side street.
Mar 22 2007, 04:34 PM
00:22:09 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Stewart St, Seattle, UCAS
The young hacker didn't respond to her question, his eyes remaining fixed on some distant point.
"Whole car just came apart..." he mumbled. Ludi swerved left through traffic onto Messner Ave, a snarl curling her lips. Tucking the Predator beneath her right thigh, she reached over and ran her hand over Scratch's chest before pushing him forward and feeling across his back. She didn't feel the tell-tale warm tackiness of blood anywhere. She pushed him back into his seat and returned her focus to the road and the vehicles on it. Scratch continued to squeeze the grip of his Slivergun, though, with a kind of fixed intensity which suggested that he was in pain.
Mar 23 2007, 04:13 AM
22:25:18 Wednesday, 10 January 2063 - Klassy Kat, Second and Virginia, Downtown Seattle
As the strobe lights continued to flash, it turned Lana’s attempted escape from O’Halloran into a series of still images. Jerky movements visible to other patrons as she hauled ass across the distance between her and the booth that Aidan was waiting in. She grabbed his hand and pulled with all the strength she could muster, the action accentuating her few words.
“I fucked it up. Time to go. NOW.”
She barely paused at the booth as she kept her eyes on the doorway, to where she’d be able to breathe a little again. When the deck wasn’t stacked as high in O’Halloran’s favour.
Mister Juan
Mar 23 2007, 07:39 PM
00:22:28 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Messner Ave, Seattle, UCAS
Ludmilla eased her foot off the gas, slowly the sedan down to a more convenient and legal speed. The very last thing she need at the moment was to get pulled over for speeding... covered in blood with a freaked out 16 year old decker.
She peered in the rear view mirror again, making sure no one was following them.
"Trust me... there are worst things than what you saw tonight."
As the car ate more and more of the street, Ludi's survival instincts were starting to ease off their grip. Her mind and body were starting to be her own again. Using the back of her sleeve, she wipe her face clean as best as she could. A few more miles and she'd find herself a Stuffer Shack.
Now... what just the hell happened back there...
Ludi was more than glad she was still alive... but she kept wondering why she was. The drone that had opened fire on Johnson could have easily gotten her also. If it had entered the confine of the depot, she would have been no match... It had also left Scratch apparently completely unscathed. Odds were, whom ever had crashed the exchange wasn't there for Ludi or Scratch. Maybe it was something personal against Ms. Johnson? Maybe it was who ever Scratch and Byte had stolen from. Odds were, they had been followed from the yard to the depot.... Unless the drone was already waiting for them there... Unless Byte had sold them off...
Setting the car's autonav on, Ludmilla unhooked herself from the dashboard and turned to Scratch.
“Relax kid. Breath easy. In and out.” she said in a calm tone, reaching over and patting him in the back.
“You're in one piece. It's all that matters.” she added after a few seconds.
Holstering her Predator, she pulled herself a smoke and lit it inside the small car. Tipping her seat slightly backward, she exhaled deeply, letting out a sigh of relief.
A freaking drone.... I have to start packing heavier rounds...
As she went to put her pack away, he hand found the credstick Ms. Johnson had given her. With a smirk of satisfaction, she handed it to Scratch.
“There you go. I didn't get the chance to verify it yet...”
She took another drag, cracking her window slightly open to air the car.
“Your friend.... Byte.... how much do you trust him?”
Mar 23 2007, 08:09 PM
00:23:05 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Messner Ave, Seattle, UCAS
Scratch coughs suddenly, blinking his eyes in response to the cigarette smoke and glancing over at Ludmilla. He shivers, looking at his hands. Realizing that he still has his pistol out, he reholsters it with an awkward motion. Taking the offered credstick, he slots it into his commlink to verify the amount.
"Byte? He and I have worked together for three years now, there's nothing that I wouldn't trust him with. Well, except a good bottle of rum, but that's besides the point. The pay's all here, I'm pulling ours out, you can take the credstick."
The young hacker seems more relaxed now that he's back on familiar ground dealing with familiar tasks, but that image passes quickly.
"Wait, worse things out there?"
Mister Juan
Mar 23 2007, 08:20 PM
00:23:15 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Messner Ave, Seattle, UCAS
The cigarette dangling to the corner of her mouth, Ludmilla cocked her head to the side, giving Scratch one long good look. She felt like telling the hacker that things would be fine. That tonight was an exception. But that would have been a lie. One big fat lie. This... This was business as usual.
All she could muster out after some time of silence was.
She took another long drag, trying to breath the fire out of her lungs.
"We're going to stop by the Stuffer. I want you to run in and get me a few bottles of water, and paper towels, ok?"
She looked at her blood covered sleeve, frowning as she blew smoke out of her nose.
Mar 23 2007, 08:47 PM
00:23:42 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Messner Ave, Seattle, UCAS"Sure, whatever."
Scratch nods, once again calming from an agitated state. Disconnecting the credstick from his commlink, he passes it back over to
Ludi. The digital readout indicates 1500

. She barely glances at it before slipping it into her jacket pocket. Bright neon on the corner ahead advertises just what she was looking for, and she brakes the car to a halt in the parking lot of the Stuffer Shack.
Scratch slips out of the car and makes his way inside, hands stuffed into the pockets of his jacket and his eyes jumping left and right in an attempt to scour the entire scene. Minutes later he returns with a two liter bottle of water and a small pack of paper towel.
Mister Juan
Mar 23 2007, 09:12 PM
00:26:37 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Messner Ave, Seattle, UCAS
Taking the water bottle from Scratch, Ludmilla opened her door, stuck her head out, leaning foward and popped the cap of the bottle open.
Tipping it over, she poured some of its content in her hair and on her face, trying to clean herself up. In the cold winter air, the water felt almost painful; little stings of ice stabbing at her face. Grabbing a handful of paper towels, she wiped herself clean.
It was far from being the first time Ludmilla had found herself with someone else's blood on herself... and not just in a figurative way. The very first time, it had profoundedly affected her... With the years, it had, however, passed. Ludi had grown thick skined. She had built up an emotionless shell to protect herself.
He short hair still wet, she closed the door of the Comet back, shivering as cold water trickled down her neckline and into her shirt.
The car's engine roared to life.
"Do you need me to drop you somewhere?" she said in her thick russian accent.
Mar 23 2007, 09:25 PM
00:26:37 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Messner Ave, Seattle, UCAS
"Yeah, Byte says he's back at The Funhouse. You can drop me off there." Scratch's nervousness returned as he glanced at the pink sodden mass of paper towel Ludi dropped on the floor of her car. The young hacker swallows convulsively twice before he gets his stomach back under control.
Mister Juan
Mar 23 2007, 09:55 PM
00:26:44 Saturday January 13, 2063 - Messner Ave, Seattle, UCAS
Ludmilla nodded once in silence before pushing the Comet out of the parking lot.
The whole trip was spent in silence; Ludi's eyes simply watching the city's light go by under the blanket of winter. Beside being covered with Ms. Johnson's inside, the whole night itself hadn't been the worst. Things could have gone sourer. With the cred she had gotten tonight, she would be able to pay part of the rent.
As they started approaching the Funhouse, the russian woman decided to at least bestow one advice on Scratch before they parted ways.
"If I was you" she started, turning to look at the young ork "I would lay low for some time. This might not be over yet... people might come looking for you."
She pulled up to the curb.
"If you need to reach something, you can go through our common friend. He will know how to get in touch with me."
Mar 23 2007, 09:59 PM
11:50:35 Thursday, 11 January 2063 - ABC Convenience Store #2071, 6350 Woodridge Road, Renton, Seattle UCAS
"Aww, it smells? Too bad, cause I heard that a man with the right magic can do absolutely wicked things to make a woman feel good."
Thumbing confirmation of the payment through her credstick, Litany smiled conspiratorially broadly as she reached for her sandwhich, "You sure you aren't just keeping a treasure trove of magical young men for yourself?"
Mar 23 2007, 10:04 PM
00:41:08 Saturday January 13, 2063 - The Funhouse, 206 5th Ave N, Seattle, UCAS
Scratch nodded in agreement, his hand on the car door.
"Oh don't worry, I'll be scarce. I should have known better than to think there was such a thing as easy cred. I wish I'd never heard of Oracle or Epoch."
The young hacker closes the door firmly and heads into the club, sparing a glance up and down the block. Chill air licks around the interior of the vehicle before the Comet's environmental control system overcomes it.
Mar 23 2007, 10:06 PM
11:51:02 Thursday, 11 January 2063 - ABC Convenience Store #2071, 6350 Woodridge Road, Renton, Seattle UCAS
"CHEAYYH!" The old woman makes an unintelligible noise of offense, her hands making a warding gesture against Litany.
"You no good! You leave now!"