May 21 2013, 07:56 PM
11:15:53 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - The Emporium, 8047 Fall City Road, Redmond, Seattle
"I'm starting to think I don't have a clue," Joslyn replies with a frown "You see that kid's eyes? All white...looks kinda young for disturbing cyberware."
He continues to help Remy pack up
"Do you know anything about that tracking device, reckon we could we follow the signal if we stuck it in with the cooler? We could even give your pretty lady friend a heads up about it...throw a bit more fuel on the fire, see if anything lights up."
May 21 2013, 10:02 PM
09:44:35 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - 35010 Von Schilling Way, Renton, Seattle
"Pain is weakness leaving the body," replied Kovacs, his own chest rising and falling as a result of the exertion. He passed her a bottle of water, drinking deeply from his own.
"Wednesdays are arm days, plus sparring. It's a tough workout so don't try and keep up. Do what you can and we'll increase the intensity when you're ready."
Kovacs led the way back to the workout studio, stripping off his running gear until he was in just his compression shorts and t-shirt. Mac admired the play of muscles in his back and legs as she walked behind him.
An hour later found Mac gasping and blinking sweat from her eyes. Her shoulders and biceps were on fire as she followed Kovacs through the routine. He was relentless, moving from set to set, exercise to exercise with only enough of a break to swallow some water or to wipe away the sweat that poured from their bodies. When he finally called the last set over, Mac flopped on her back, wheezing. She was heartened to see that he was winded as well, lifting his arms over his head and taking deep, but controlled breaths.
"All right, sparring. From the way you move, you've had some training so we won't need to start out at square one. As soon as you're ready, I'll introduce you to Sam."
May 22 2013, 07:48 AM
11:16:42 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - The Emporium, 8047 Fall City Road, Redmond, SeattleQUOTE (Joslyn)
"Do you know anything about that tracking device, reckon we could we follow the signal if we stuck it in with the cooler? We could even give your pretty lady friend a heads up about it...throw a bit more fuel on the fire, see if anything lights up."
Danny had me fetches it over to a friend alreddies, Chummer scanned it and said basic'ly it's too new, new hot to track.
But I was finking of either calling her up.. fer a date y'knows .. or just to sez we seen da guys she wuz after."
Remy considers the possibilities with the tracker
"Dat fings no use to us, may as well chuck it on da cooler .. can eider try an' follow da kid and watch da fireworks
but I finks his 'parents' would see us too quick.. or follow
Xade, buts dat
Nolan feller looks kinda fugly, ya scan ?"
May 22 2013, 08:44 PM
10:07:12 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - 35010 Von Schilling Way, Renton, Seattle
Mac shrugged against the floor before she sat up as the discussion of her past training came up and she continued to rise up to her feet.
“It’s more like protect your own ass kind of training, mostly self-defense. Lot of good it did me the other night, hmm? I suppose I need a better instructor.”
She moved before him, squaring off, sweat still spilling over the curves of her bare skin.
"Go easy on me at first, ok?"
Her attacks showed promise but room for improvement as she had an almost street quality to her fighting skills. She often would choose inefficient moves, or overextend her attack, leaving her vulnerable. Mac was however much stronger in her evasion of attacks, able to dodge and sidestep most of Kovacs' advances and attacks.
May 22 2013, 09:44 PM
10:28:06 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - 35010 Von Schilling Way, Renton, Seattle
Kovacs watched with a critical eye as he sparred with Mac, keeping his speed down to seventy percent and his power down to about sixty percent. This was her first time and it was still only practice. Her training clearly showed, a Krav Maga style he found familiar and well suited to fighting in the shadows. Hers seemed optimised towards defense, though, she spent most of her time sliding past his strikes, turning them aside and moving in and out of range. Her attacks were less coordinated, linear strikes aimed towards vulnerable targets like the groin, solar plexus, throat, and head.
He kept her at it for half an hour, evaluating and making notes about areas to focus on, before calling a halt.
"All right, that's enough for today." They grabbed a drink of water, and then he lead her through a series of cool down stretches that ended with them seated cross legged on the floor.
"Close your eyes," instructed Kovacs, resting his hands on his knees and closing his own. "Focus on your breathing. Your breathing is the interface by which we can affect the autonomic nervous system. Controlling your breathing allows you to control your heart rate, your response to pain, things which normally lie outside your ability to affect. Try and focus on breathing with your whole lungs, let your entire chest expand and contact. Pause after you inhale to allow your body to use the oxygen. Inhale. One. Two. Exhale. One. Two. Inhale. One. Two. Exhale. One. Two. Concentrate on the rhythm, let it fill your mind. Feel nothing but the air rushing into your lungs. Hear nothing but my voice as we concentrate. Let your body relax as you breathe."
May 22 2013, 11:19 PM
10:36:32 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - 35010 Von Schilling Way, Renton, Seattle
Mac was riding the endorphin high she always got after a great workout. Her muscles burned from fatigue and her breathing was labored. After stretching she instinctively pressed the soles of her feet together and drew them tighter to her hips as she closed her eyes as instructed.
Her heartbeat echoed in her ears, threatening to drown out Kovacs’ voice. Her shoulders rose and fell as she controlled her breathing, slowing everything down, rhythmical breaths in and out as she fought to listen to his voice. Calm and authoritative, there was something about it that drew a soft smile to her lips as she continued to breathe, feeling what her Yogi always referred to as Zen.
The more she focused on her breathing, the more the drumbeat of her heart quieted in her ears and she became more acutely aware of the other noises in the house around them. The electronic hum of the appliances from the kitchen, the wind against the windows and mainly the sound of Kovacs’ breath, in sync with her own in a slow and steady rhythm.
Her eyes fluttered open slowly and she looked up at him through her lashes and held his gaze in silence.
May 23 2013, 04:19 AM
11:09:48 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - 35010 Von Schilling Way, Renton, Seattle
Kovacs' gaze was empty, his mind focused on some internal horizon. The flat stare of his cybereyes unnerved Mac, and she glanced away, her eyes traveling the room. They lit on a small wooden chest tucked away in the far corner. It was about sixty centimeters long, and half that high, stained a dark cherry and closed with a very modern looking padlock. It piqued her curiosity as it seemed at odds with the austerity of the rest of Kovacs' house.
He was present when she glanced back at him, humanity once more inhabiting his gaze as he smiled back at her.
"Shower," he said, "then lunch."
Mac couldn't agree more. He let her go first, waiting for her to step out of the shower and offering a towel. As she wrapped it around her body, drying off, she once again couldn't help but admire the play of muscles beneath his skin as he stripped off his workout clothes. She'd rarely met someone so comfortable in their own skin, he wasn't hesitant or awkward being naked around her. She finished drying off before going in search of her bag full of clothes.
11:28:36 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - Big Mike's Sub Shop, 7040 Travertine Path, Renton, Seattle
"I like to support local business," explained Kovacs, holding the door for Mac as they walked into the small restaurant. She shrugged, her curiosity born more out of a desire to understand his daily routine rather than a question of selection.
May 23 2013, 03:53 PM
11:33:11 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - Big Mike's Sub Shop, 7040 Travertine Path, Renton, Seattle
“And here I thought you just liked to eat.” Mac chided with a smile as she slipped by him. She was greeted by the warm rush of humid air and the delicious scent of baking bread. As they stood in line, she realized just how hungry she actually was after their workouts and reading the digital menus as they waited wasn’t helping.
She turned her back on the line as it snaked forward slowly, stepping backwards as it moved, and looked up at Kovacs.
“So… Are most days going to be like today?”
May 23 2013, 07:55 PM
12:02:38 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - Big Mike's Sub Shop, 7040 Travertine Path, Renton, Seattle
"The day's not even half over," replied Kovacs, gesturing Mac ahead in the line. "But, yes, the days are pretty much like this. I prefer my workouts in the morning, others that I've ran with prefer midday or evening workouts. But every day we train. As soon as your weapons are ready we'll be doing firearms training, usually a couple of hours a day. And we get to read up on the latest corporate machinations, gang movements, what the Mafia and the Yaks and the Triads are up to, as well as the trade journals to see what the state of the art is in intrusion countermeasures and detection devices. We'll hit the streets eventually, I'm sure you know what kind of maintenance a social network requires."
They'd reached the head of the line. Kovacs waited patiently while Mac ordered, a bit slower due to her unfamiliarity with the place. But they weren't in any rush, their next event was back at the house anyway. He planned on walking her through gear setup and making sure everything they'd bought at The Emporium yesterday fit correctly.
When the young girl behind the counter looked expectantly at him, he ordered his usual turkey bacon club on wheat. He paid for both meals, and Mac found them a table for two in back, as private as they could get in such a small shop.
May 23 2013, 11:12 PM
12:08:01 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - Big Mike's Sub Shop, 7040 Travertine Path, Renton, Seattle
Consciously, Mac grabbed the seat with her back to the rest of the shop, letting Kovacs have the better vantage point. She already knew he’d never stop scanning and watching the place anyway. She picked at the stray pieces of lettuce that had escaped her sandwich while she digested all that laid before her in the days and weeks to come.
“So, do you ever take a day off? Do anything that’s purely just for fun?” She quirked a brow still trying to unravel the layers of mystery that wrapped around the man sitting across from her.
“I mean, the other night at Linda’s studio, day off, or were you working there too?” Her eyes glittered with curiosity mingled with a pinch of desire as she pressed to find out more of what made Kovacs tick.
May 23 2013, 11:18 PM
11:20:42 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - The Emporium, 8047 Fall City Road, Redmond, Seattle
"You worry too much Remy," Joslyn tells him with a grin "If Xade and Nolan are looking to follow that weird kid, why would they think we're following them? We'll ask for something in exchange for the setup so they think our business with them is done...I'll ask about my chummer Romano, you ask for a date."
He places the last piece of equipment in the box and checks the time
"Okay, you call Xade and set it up, try to get them round to the shop before that weird kid turns up, I'll go grab the tracking device and meet you back there."
Joslyn orders a cab back home, once he gets there, he grabs the tracking device and his pistol in it's holster then hurries down to his car and drives as fast as he dares back to Danny's.
May 27 2013, 05:20 AM
12:11:16 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - Big Mike's Sub Shop, 7040 Travertine Path, Renton, Seattle
"No," he replied, a hint of sharpness in his tone. "No days off."
His features, though, softened after a moment. "But there's always room for fun. At least, you should always try to take a moment and enjoy yourself when you can. Too often we're too busy to do so, but when the time comes, seize the opportunity."
Kovacs pauses to take a sip of his drink, his brow furrowed. Mac gets the impression that he's searching for the correct way to frame the answer to her question.
"The other day was one of those times. Emily and I are...well, it's complicated. In its simplest form, I'm a rope top and she's a rope bottom. We scratch each other's itches without engaging in any relationship dynamics."
May 27 2013, 03:25 PM
12:16:51 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - Big Mike's Sub Shop, 7040 Travertine Path, Renton, Seattle
Mac nodded in understanding not only of boiling down his kink into the barest and simplest of terms she was well familiar with, but more importantly that of emotional separation.
“Trust me, I get it.”
She’d been living her life with that emotional distance since she was twelve. Twelve, when her mother chose drugs and an asshole over her own flesh and blood. Thinking about it caused Mac’s hands to clench into involuntary fists. Keeping her relationships at arms length is what had allowed her to process what she did for a living along with her past without too many visible scars. Mental ones however, those were a completely different story.
She forced herself to relax and downed the rest of her water to give her a few extra moments to clear her head. She chose to focus on her immediate future, the routine that was about to consume her life and the dawning realization there wouldn’t be any time for Wayne anymore. Having that decision taken out of her own hands per se caused an invisible weight to lift off her shoulders.
She balled up what was left of her sandwich into the wrapper and focused her attention on Kovacs across the table and flashed a teasing smile.
“So I suppose I’ll just have to be sure to remind you to have fun every once and awhile. I’d hate to see you turn into Baendyrmal’s clone.”
May 27 2013, 06:06 PM
12:20:07 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - Big Mike's Sub Shop, 7040 Travertine Path, Renton, Seattle
Kovacs chuckled, finishing the last of his sandwich. "Don't worry, I've always got plans for a bit of fun up my sleeve. It's something I learned a while ago."
He crumpled up the wrapper, and wiped his hands on a napkin.
"Baen's problem isn't that he never stopped to have fun, just that he never had anything else that he enjoyed doing. Metal working is his life. When he got into the business it was only in an effort to make money to save his parent's farm and the family's forge. But then people started finding out about his blades and how good they are and business took off. Which is great, until the shadows catch up. They killed his parents, burned the farm down. Did it with blades he'd made and sold. Now the one thing he ever loved, the only thing he's ever done, will always remind him of his parents' death."
Kovacs shrugged, glancing out the front window of the store at the traffic moving past on the street. "You're right, though. I should call Emily and see if she's free this week."
He looked back to Mac. "Finished?"
She nodded, standing and drawing on her coat. Kovacs mirrored the action.
"Good. I want to introduce you to another friend of mine. The one who's going to find us some work."
May 27 2013, 06:20 PM
12:21:31 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - Big Mike's Sub Shop, 7040 Travertine Path, Renton, Seattle
A chill ran through her as Kovacs told Baen’s story and she was grateful for the excuse to pull on her jacket. The faintest twinge of something else ran through her and she couldn’t quite put her finger on just what it was.
“You lead, I follow. Seems like it’s going to be this way for a while.”
She started for the front door, aware of Kovacs pacing just a step behind her.
May 27 2013, 07:36 PM
12:32:47 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - westbound 405 out of Renton towards Downtown, Seattle
Kovacs slid behind the wheel of the Range Rover, firing up the heavy diesel and pulling out into traffic. He took the onramp to the interstate, heading towards Downtown. The sun was doing its best to peek through the heavy clouds, and pieces of the city sparkled beneath its light, snow glittering like chrome.
"You may be training with me now, but don't forget our ultimate destination: you as a capable operator. Even now, don't rely on me to catch everything. Keep asking questions, keep your eyes out and your senses alert. You might catch something that I miss. Moreover, you might ask the question that I didn't think to ask. We'll cover this in more detail when we get your weapons and I start teaching you CQB. Close Quarter Battle."
He explained the acronym before Mac had a chance to ask. "No days off, huh?" she said instead.
"No days off," he confirmed.
May 27 2013, 08:08 PM
12:38:03 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - westbound 405 out of Renton towards Downtown, Seattle
Mac nodded her understanding and acceptance. “Got it.”
Her eyes scanned up the highway, moving occasionally to glance in the side mirror as they drove on. She popped a piece of cherry bubblegum in her mouth as the silence between them on the road was becoming comfortable in its repetition.
“What kind of work are we going to be able to do while I’m still training,” Her voice finally broke the silence and the riot of thoughts running through her head. “And what am I going to do about my other job.”
May 27 2013, 10:17 PM
12:47:11 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - Miner's Landing, Pier 63, Downtown, Seattle
"Is there something about your other job that needs to be taken care of?" asks Kovacs. Mac chews her bubblegum, uncertain as to how to reply. A day ago she was contemplating killing Wayne. That thought was still present, but somehow seemed less attractive now that she's had a chance to calm down and think about it. She needs to be rid of him, but the best path to that goal remains shrouded and unclear.
"Yeah, but I'll handle it. I'll just need some time."
Kovacs nods. "There will be time in the training syllabus for you to take care of personal business. As for the work we can do, it will run the spectrum, we'll just have to be choosy about the jobs since we're only a team of two."
He pulled the Range Rover into one of the parking lots that served the Downtown restaurant walk area. Before heading out, he palmed the flash pak off his belt as well as the Cougar fineblade knife, stashing them in the center console.
"Weapons check," he replied to Mac's questioning look. "Permits, even fake ones, are specific."
Together they stepped out of the truck, Kovacs leading them along the waterfront walk to Pier 63 and the faux rustic longhouse building that housed Miner's Landing. Bypassing the line in front of the maitre d's podium, he took the stairs to the bar on the second floor. The lunch rush didn't reach into the bar, and it was just before happy hour, meaning only half a dozen other patrons filled the vast space. Mac followed Kovacs to the bar and spent the better part of five minutes examining the voluminous list of microbrews they offered before simply ordering the same pint that he had.
She sips carefully when it arrives, finding it fruity and hoppy and not altogether unpleasant even if she preferred mixed drinks. After a couple of minutes, an elf stands from one of the back booths, exiting the bar quietly. Kovacs motions to Mac, and they make their way through the maze of tables to the same booth, joining an older, well dressed gentleman who regards them cooly over the rim of his coffee mug.
"This is an unexpected pleasure, Kovacs."
"We were in the neighborhood," the taller samurai replies. "Zeyda, this is Mac. She's going to be working with me now. And work is the nature of our visit."
Zeyda arches an eyebrow in something like surprise, his glance towards Kovacs penetrating. Something unspoken passes between the two men before the fixer turns his gaze to Mac. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mac. I've been working with Kovacs for quite a few years now. Hopefully, you and I will have the same tenure."
May 27 2013, 10:55 PM
12:48:23 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - Miner's Landing, Pier 63, Downtown, Seattle
Mac smiled at the introductions, not ignoring the moment that passed between the two men. More questions for another time, right now she was all charm.
"The pleasure is all mine Zedya, and I can only be so lucky to create a similar, profitable, relationship in our future."
She raised her glass in a simple toast before taking a sip and regarding the fixer with a gaze that on the surface was casual and friendly. Beneath it all she was running all the angles, those she could play and those that could be played against them. She approached it like any other first meeting she'd experienced, only she dialed back any overt sexual advances, that wasn't the game they were playing.
May 28 2013, 03:01 AM
12:51:43 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 - Miner's Landing, Pier 63, Downtown, Seattle
"Well you've picked a good teacher," replied Zeyda, turning to fix Kovacs with an inquisitive stare. "Although when last we spoke you claimed to be retired."
Kovacs shrugged, a gesture Mac was learning that could speak volumes. "Plans change. Sometimes the universe doesn't go along with my ideas."
A smile ghosted across Zeyda's lips, and once more Mac catches a memory shared between the two men. "Anything in particular you're looking for?" asked the fixer.
"No, but so far it's just the two of us, so if it requires matrix or magical support, unless you can field additional personnel we'll have to pass."
Zeyda consulted an old, worn pocket secretary. "I'll see what I can come up with. Might take me a day or two since most of the jobs require a full team."
"Null sheen," replied Kovacs. "I'm still getting her gear straight."
"Fair enough, then. Can I convince you to stay for lunch?"
"Thanks, but no, we've already eaten. We've got more stops to make." Kovacs slides some cred across the table, more than what's required to cover their tab. "It was good to see you again."
"You, too, old friend," replies Zeyda. "And it was a pleasure to meet you as well, Mac. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around."
May 28 2013, 12:41 PM
12:58:17 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – Outside Miner's Landing, Pier 63, Downtown, Seattle
Mac nodded graciously and took her cue to step away from the table. She worked her way back through the maze of still empty tables and paused at an open spot at the bar to leave her half-full pint glass. She waited for Kovacs to gesture her towards the door and out towards the parking garage that held the Rover.
“So, now we wait for word from Zeyda, the day’s barely half over and I know you’ve got more up your sleeve for me today. So what comes next?”
She was eager to keep going, pushing and learning along the way. If they were potentially going to be working together within a couple of days, Mac knew she wanted to be as prepared as possible.
May 28 2013, 03:14 PM
11:22:42 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - Vehicle parking, Outside The Emporium, 8047 Fall City Road, Redmond, Seattle
"So, what angle are ya workin' here kiddo?"
Danny's question is innocuous enough but it leaves Remy floundering for an answer, he mouths at words but seems suddenly incapable of constructing the sentence he wants to.
Not waiting for him to focus Danny continues " I mean, these guys seem pretty handy, ya scan ? and I'm not seein' what you are gonna get outta this"
with a shrug he turns and closes the trunk of their gear after a half days wasted trading before walking to the drivers side door
"just throwin' this out there, I got work to do, so, if you gonna spend the rest of your days chasing ghosts pal.."
Danny turns to look directly at Remy placing one arm over the roof of the vehicle casually "well you got a choice to make, cause I needs ta find someone who helps me pay the bills, if that's you then great, if not, then drek, I need to put a vacancy sign in my shop window!"
The words are not harshly spoken, in fact it comes over as Remy is his immediate concern but the feelings of guilt for dragging his uncle into this fantasy gnaw at him.
"I gots ya Uncle Danny, it's jus' is not likes in alla dem trid movies innit... Ya don' see Sylvester Swarzenegger doin' his day job in between blowing the drek outta bad guys"
The analogy puts a smile on Danny's sun creased face "No Kid, that ya don't .. Look, lets get back to the shop, I'll get sammiches on the way over you call that hot piece and let her know to come over too, I got a plan where we can both get looked after."
At the mention of a second free lunch this week Remy perks up
"I hear dat!" he grins back "But what about Joslyn and the freaky kid ..and ..."
Danny interrupts knowing full well Remy doesn't intend to let Joslyn down.
"Call her over, then when the kid leaves with the cooler, you can bargain with her, you got a piece of that puzzle"
" an if she wants it, then you got leverage, make her pay in cold hard currency kid ! "
" if I get Joslyn right, then I'm thinkin makin her job easier'll make your job easier, scan ?"
It makes perfect sense to Remy and he doesn't know why he didn't think of it earlier, nothing in life is for free and now he knows that Xade would not trust anything she got for free either.
"Hey Danny!" He calls back as his uncle slides into the drivers seat "Which ones are tha bad guys ya fink?"
Danny looks back again, gives him a knowing wink and slams the door shut. The truck springs to life coughing black diesel fumes across the grey dirty slush and snow and he drives away.
"Drek, nuffinks simple!" Remy muses under his breath,.
Stamping his feet in the cold and wet to drive some sensation back into his toes he looks around for another payphone and pulls the small white card from his pocket and sets off across the icy street.
The call rings for three short tones and Remy almost hangs up as a lump rises in his throat and then it connects "Hello?" a female voice.
"uhhhmm Hi ! .. this is Rem.. Rembrandt.... uhhh .. from the pawn shop ...Danny's Pawn shop ... uuhhh ... is dat Shade ?"
May 28 2013, 07:56 PM
11:24:19 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - Vehicle parking, Outside The Emporium, 8047 Fall City Road, Redmond, Seattle
"Rembrandt. From Danny's Pawn. Ah, yes, I remember you. What occasions your call?" Although her voice is airy and distant, scratched by whatever encryption algorithm she's using, Remy's mind fills in the subtle shades of tone needed to convince him that she really does remember him from their brief meeting this afternoon. He rubs the suddenly damp palm of his hand on his pants.
"Uh, I...ah, I've gots information for you abouts the guy you was asking about yesterday."
"Indeed. I thought perhaps you knew more than you were letting on."
Her tone has turned kittenish, and Remy shifts uncomfortably in the narrow comm booth. "No...well, not then...I mean, now, yes, but...." He gropes for an appropriate way to relay the message before finally blurting out "I can't tell you on the phone!"
"I see. Perhaps a meeting at the pawn shop again? Say around noon?"
Remy exhales a breath he doesn't know he's holding. "Noon is good. See you soon!"
He waits for a reply for a moment before realizing he's listening to an empty line. Hanging up the receiver, he heads towards where his bike is parked, sending Joslyn a text as he goes.
Xade will be at the pawn shop at noon.
May 28 2013, 08:37 PM
13:00:48 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – Outside Miner's Landing, Pier 63, Downtown, Seattle
To her surprise, Kovacs tossed her the keys to the Range Rover.
"Tours," he said. "I'll take you around Downtown, then into Redmond. Then we've got one last stop to make before dinner."
Mac shrugged, climbing into the driver's seat and adjusting the mirrors for her sightlines. Kovacs leaned over and showed her the recessed panel beneath the dash.
"This is where our illegal electronics hide out. The first rocker switch cycles the spoof chip so that it computes a new vehicle ID. That keeps us anonymous on the Grid Guide network. The second one is to change our license plate. Always cycle the spoof first, because the vehicle ID is formulated into the license plates. If you change the plates first, any Lone Star cruiser who interrogates the truck is going to spot the discrepancy."
"Got it," said Mac, clicking the first and then the second switch. A green telltale momentarily glowed to life each time.
"All right, cut across on Madison Ave and turn left on First Street." Kovacs gestured generally in the direction he wanted her to take and she eased the truck out of the parking lot. Surprisingly agile for its size, the Range Rover was still more massive than her bike by an order of magnitude, and it took some getting used to. Especially in the downtown traffic.
"This is pier 59," said Kovacs, "it's home to Freddie's Salmon Eatery. Underneath the Eatery is a black market clinic that treats any patient. All you need is nuyen. If you're in a dustup, it's a great place to get patched up, but don't loiter. The Star knows about it and it's one of the first places they check when a run goes down in the area."
Mac glanced at the colorful facade, noting the name and location. She turned the truck onto First Avenue.
"That's the Seattle Federal Building, and its basement is linked into the Ork Underground. The restaurant next to it is The Big Rhino. Good ribs." Kovacs pointed to a squat, five story masonry structure, blocky and bureaucratically stolid.
"Club Penumbra's down here on the corner. Used to be the place to go. Now, if someone wants to meet there, ditch the job. No one serious about the business meets there anymore."
May 28 2013, 09:21 PM
13:05:31 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – Outside Miner's Landing, Pier 63, Downtown, Seattle
Mac did her best to split her attention between getting used to being behind the wheel of Kovacs’ truck, paying attention to traffic and most importantly not missing out on the vital information he was sharing.
“I didn’t think anyone went to Penumbra anymore outside of posers and tourists.”
She shrugged as she moved in and out of the traffic, avoiding the beater boxes and slow mom-mobiles but avoiding anything too erratic as she still got the feel of the vehicle.
“So places like today, better locations for meets or is that more on the terms of the person providing you the job?”
May 28 2013, 10:18 PM
13:37:23 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – southeast-bound on 5th Avenue, Downtown, Seattle
"Most Johnsons will have a place they prefer to meet, a club or bar that they've worked before, someplace they're comfortable. You'll get to know them soon enough: Syberspace, 77, The Lost & Found, Pit Ratchet, Babylon, The Other Bar. Some Johnsons prefer to do their meets in parking garages, or beneath overpasses. It's wherever they feel they've got the best operational security. Unless you've got a team backing you, though, always insist on someplace with other people around."
Kovacs leaned back in his seat, seeming relaxed for the first time today. Mac gets the sense, though, that he's perfected the kind of casual situational awareness of a great hunting cat. He gestures to other landmarks as they cruise the downtown streets. The corporate headquarters need little introduction, Mac has grown up gazing at the glittering steel and glass towers. But down on the floor of the urban jungle, beneath the triple canopy and hidden from the light of day are the dark dens, the shadowed groves known only to the crowd of predators who's ranks she sought to join.
"All right," he said at last. "Drive me to Redmond and find us a place suitable to go to ground at for a few days."
May 29 2013, 01:25 AM
13:58:09 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – southeast-bound on 5th Avenue, Downtown, Seattle
Mac inwardly cringed as soon as Kovacs mentioned Redmond. Redmond was about the last place she wanted to hole up for a couple of days, Kovacs at her side or not. Still she drove on, taking 5th down to James and going under the I-5. She stuck to surface streets, winding her way through the neighborhoods to the Northwest.
The further along they went they moved into the more opulent neighborhoods and Mac decided to pick up the 520 in the middle of Montlake and Madison Park. They were riding through the neighborhoods she always dreamed of living in some day when she was so much younger, a time that felt like a million lifetimes ago.
She was extra careful to drive within the limits of the various neighborhoods not wanting to draw any more attention to them than necessary.
Once she hit the 520 however, she was feeling much more comfortable behind the wheel, and they were moving with traffic at a decent rate. Her hands did tighten around the steering wheel as a small pack of bikers, all flying their blue and green colors moved up behind them before splitting their pack and going around the Rover. She dropped her speed just slightly to give them some distance as they approached the edges of Bellevue.
“Last chance. You sure you want me to take us into Redmond? I mean outside of sticking to Touristville, there’s nowhere that this ride isn’t going to draw attention. Especially with me behind the wheel.”
May 29 2013, 03:40 AM
14:00:38 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – eastbound Hwy 520 headed into Renton, Seattle
"You'd better pick us a good spot then," replied Kovacs. "What if this was the only set of wheels you had to make your getaway in? What if you didn't have time to ditch it for something else? Despite all of our careful planning, the enemy never seems to fully cooperate. You're going to have to be able to handle rapid contingency planning."
May 29 2013, 09:01 AM
11:25:01 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - Vehicle parking, Outside The Emporium, 8047 Fall City Road, Redmond, Seattle
Swallowing the remains of his half eaten pretzel, Remy tries to center himself and regain control of his heart as it pounds in his chest.
Can do dis, jus breave and relax, breeeeave .... aaand relax ... Frag it .. s'not workin, les' jus drive, with that thought, he turns back to the parking lot and moves to find his bike, head spinning a moment before recollection hits him square in the face, Aaaaww DOUBLE DREK, I came wiv Danny ..Frag!
Plunging his hands into his pockets he searches for his credstick, panic rising momentarily until his hand finally tracks it in a hole in the pocket and lining of his coat.
11:53:07 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - Danny's Pawn and Loan, 15710 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, Seattle
The Orange Cab pulls up into a slush filled stopping bay down the block from the shop and Remy swipes the creds,
taking care to tip the driver after he got him here safely,
despite the wintry conditions and maniacs on the road determined to wipe themselves and everyone nearby, out.
He steps onto the sidewalk and sets off as fast he he can without risking injury on the ice, heading for the front door to Danny's
The alarm buzzes loudly as the door opens and he stomps in, shivering after only moments outside, Danny briefly visible in the repaired bead curtain checking for customers before vanishing out back, the sound of the kettle whistling as it boils ready for some instant-Kaf.
"S'only me... they not arrived yet then ?" He calls out to his uncle and steps around the counter "I'm starvin' ... Is Joslyn here yet"
May 29 2013, 08:11 PM
11:55:07 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - Danny's Pawn and Loan, 15710 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, Seattle
Remy has only just gone through the door when a sports car pulls up outside the shop, Joslyn hops out and hurriedly enters the shop, he checks the time on his commlink and sighs
"Phew, I knew I got that car for more than just it's looks." he smiles at Remy and produces the tracking device from his jacket pocket "Got a cooling unit for this?"
May 30 2013, 08:00 AM
11:55:52 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - Danny's Pawn and Loan, 15710 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, Seattle
A lump rises in Remy's throat as the door buzzer chimes behind him, expecting it to be the strange child with his stranger adult cohorts, or even Xade
He turns slowly and exhales loudly as Joslyn hurries into the shop, his cheerful greeting wearing away Remy's tense nerves.
"Yeah, Sir I finks we have just da fing for da importants client likes yourself, but keeps it under your hat"
He gives Joslyn a conspiratorial wink and points into the kitchen.
A pot of fresh coffee steams away in the corner, filling the room with the aroma of synthetic coffee, it's acrid flavour burning the nostrils and almost as offensive as burning tyres, but Danny thrives on the stuff
"Cuppa Joe?"
he smiles at Joslyn and Remy, waving an empty cup around with his left hand then sipping from the full one with his right and breathing a huge sigh of satisfaction.
"No Fanks Danny, dat stuff gives me stomach aches!"
He looks around at the cooler on the tabletop, considers what they are about to do and says
"Second foughts, yeah go on den... just a small one wiv extra milk an' four sweetners!"
A look of mock horror and disgust crosses his uncles face at the thought of ruining the coffee with milk and sweetener, but he does it anyway,
making a show, stirring the dark brown sludge with a plastic spoon held in his fingers as if he dares not touch it, and of how offended he is at spoiling a vintage year of soy-kaf with such pollutants.
"Here, take your swill and be happy that you are in good company, I'll need to talk to you when you're older about your dirty drinking habits!"
Remy is happy to take the humour and swallow the bitter tasting brew as they both help to calm his jittery nerves.
He holds the warm cup in both hands and paces the small room, waiting once more for the door bell to buzz.
May 30 2013, 01:03 PM
14:18:51 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – Corner of 118th Pl. NE and NE 130th Lane, Kingsgate, Seattle
“Got it.” Mac’s voice was clipped and she nodded as they crossed the border in to Redmond. Mac avoided the Barrens like the plague most of her life, crossing into Touristville only when necessary and she was coming in well North of there. She jumped on the 202 heading south, closer to more familiar territory a little hesitant to jump off the relative “safety” the highways provided.
She finally did leave the highway as they worked their way into Kingsgate, just North of Touristville but deep enough into the Barrens it might be easier to find a place to ditch the Rover and go to ground. She looped and doubled back on various streets, avoiding the burned out cars and feeling like no matter where she drove there were a million eyes on them.
She pulled off onto 130th, in the middle of broken down light industrial buildings hoping to find something that would conceal the truck. She watched the streets looking for signs of a predominant tag or turf marker. Not finding anything consistent, she did however spot a building that piqued her curiosity. She doubled back and circled the block a second time before pulling the Rover into a pull-thru loading dock, its doors long gone.
Mac left the engine idling before she turned slightly to face Kovacs for his assessment of the spot she had settled on.
May 30 2013, 08:18 PM
11:58:25 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - Danny's Pawn and Loan, 15710 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, Seattle
Joslyn takes a steaming cup and sips, Remy suppresses a snigger as he sees someone new suffer the joy of Danny's brew, anticipation turns to surprise to half concealed disgust. He smiles after the first mouthful.
"Thanks Danny," he says with a nod to the older man "This should keep me awake." he forces down another swig and turns to Remy
"I reckon we play this more or less straight," he suggests "She wants to know about Romano and his boys, I tell her he's a chummer and he turned up dead, if she knows anything about it I'm ahead, if not, we've given her some intel and that might make her more...friendly towards you." he grins and takes another sip of the coffee "We can spring the tracking device plan on her if she clams up, she probably thinks it's still in the card and if she reckons she's hoodwinked you guys, she might not worry too much about spilling some beans."
May 30 2013, 11:32 PM
11:59:51 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - Danny's Pawn and Loan, 15710 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, Seattle
Remy is about to agree when the door buzzes open again, admitting both Xade and Noland amidst a swirl of snow. The tall ork remains by the door, still and statue-like within the concealing folds of his longcoat. Xade, in contrast, moves straight across the shop towards Remy, throwing back the cowl of her jacket and shaking loose her hair. Joslyn can tell immediately why she has had such an effect on the young ork. Her looks are a seductive combination of exotic and dangerous.
He takes another drink of his coffee, abruptly finding her eyes on him. There's no warmth in the emerald gaze, though, only a cold, raking calculation. Joslyn knows that look, too, once again reminding himself that this woman, her technology, and her companion, are not to be taken lightly.
"You have information for me," says Xade, stopping in front of Remy. Her tone is one of command, not questioning.
May 31 2013, 12:18 AM
14:33:49 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – Corner of 118th Pl. NE and NE 130th Lane, Kingsgate, Redmond, Seattle
Kovacs gestured for her to cut the engine, opening his door and stepping outside. After a moment, Mac followed suit, sealing her jacket closed against the chill wind. She leaned over the hood of the truck, relishing the warmth coming off the engine. Kovacs stood at the front quarter panel on his side opposite her, staring out at the empty street. His gaze travelled the edges of the block occupied by their chosen building, then the wreckage of the buildings on either side. Mac tried to follow his look, attempting to divine what it was that he saw.
Wordlessly, he turned and moved to the rear of the loading bay, checking back along the route they came. Mac followed, then stepped behind him and peered into the dim interior of the building. The floor was almost indistinguishable, covered with a thick layer of mud and trash, industrial detritus mixed with the leftovers of years of leaves and grass. She saw signs of habitation as well, nests carved out in corners and char marks from fires in the open areas.
Kovacs joined her at the door, glancing around, then stepped inside. "C'mon."
The low temps have turned the mud the consistency of concrete, Mac scuffs at it with the toe of her boot before wandering deeper inside. Kovacs finds a staircase, open steel grating leading up to the third floor. He tests the steps carefully before putting his weight on them. Mac checks the rest of the first floor, finding more evidence of squatter inhabitation and not much else. Most of the remains of whatever was inside the building appear to have been piled up against the corners of the main room. She hears Kovacs coming back down the stairs and joins him at the landing.
"Well?" As much as she tried, Mac couldn't keep all the challenge out of her tone.
Kovacs glanced around. "Not bad. The truck would still be obvious to surveillance, though, you'd have to ditch it away from here or camouflage it somehow. Solid roof and walls, no power, no water nearby, though. The roof access works and there are places for surveillance and sniper hides. The buildings around are the same height, though, so you don't gain any advantage, and they're enough to provide solid cover for an assault. You'd want to weaken them or trap the most likely avenues of approach through them. Not bad for a first time, though."
May 31 2013, 02:41 AM
14:35:25 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – Corner of 118th Pl. NE and NE 130th Lane, Kingsgate, Redmond, Seattle
Mac listened to all the ways she could improve the next spot she might have to find and tried to file them away.
"Ok, so Power and water. Super important to have, I get that. But in the Barrens, on the run, what should I be looking for the next time? I'd imagine those kinds of places are going to be in high demand with plenty of squatters or gangs calling those locations home."
She was eager to keep learning, to take in all the information Kovacs was willing to share at any given opportunity.
"And how the hell am I supposed to hide the Rover?"
May 31 2013, 04:12 AM
14:56:17 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – Corner of 216th Ave NE and NE 150th St, Redmond, Seattle
He grinned. "Mount up, let me show you."
Mac clambered into the truck as Kovacs fired up the heavy diesel, nosing the truck out of the loading dock and heading south on 118th Pl NE to get back to the 202 before pushing deeper into Redmond. Ahead of them loomed the dusty, abandoned neighborhoods surrounding The Verge. Kovacs dumped them onto the surface streets, maneuvering aggressively through the congestion of snow and refuse. After several blocks he slowed, his eyes scanning the ruined and abandoned buildings carefully.
It only takes ten minutes or so before he finds what he's looking for, a rare smile creasing his face. He pulls the Land Rover into an alleyway separating the businesses on a block. The end of the alleyway was blocked at one point by the wall of the last large business on the block, apparently a sizable dry-cleaning plant by the faded name stenciled on the brick. Large holes have been knocked in the wall and as Kovacs eases down the alleyway Mac realizes what he intends to do.
"Uh, that hole isn't big enough," she said.
Kovacs grins. He brakes the Rover to a halt just shy of the wall, then lets it roll forward in idle until it thumps against the brick. The truck was maybe six or seven centimeters too wide. He shifts into 4-low and slowly feeds the diesel fuel. The engine growls, the truck shudders and then crushes through the cinderblock opening. Mac winces at the squeal as the truck scrapes through. The Rover bounces a further two meters into the building before Kovacs brakes to a halt and kills the engine.
He's still smiling as he hops out of the truck to take a look around. Mac shakes her head, glancing at the damage to the paint job on both sides of the vehicle.
"This is what you meant, isn't it, when you said you use the tools as you have to?"
"Yep." Kovacs hopped down into a narrow trench that transected the building lengthwise, searching along it for a few meters before he found what he was looking for. He grunted in approval.
"Good, still here." He glanced up to find Mac's eyes on him. "I cheated a bit. I've prepped this place to use for just this contingency. Well, not a teaching contingency, but having to go to ground. There's an illegal powertap here, and across the road is access to water via the storm sewers."
May 31 2013, 08:25 AM
12:00:37 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - Danny's Pawn and Loan, 15710 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, Seattle QUOTE (Xade)
"You have information for me,"
The icy tone of her voice does little to dull the sultry aura emananting from
Xade and even less to stem the sudden onset of perspiration down
Remy's spine.
He watches her stride across the short space from the door to the counter like a big cat, full of confidence, purpose and imminent violence only held in check by a mild interest in her prey,
the contrast between her and
Noland stark as black and white, as the big Ork stands guard at the doorway, looking for all intents a solid rock gargoyle.
"Yeah, I gots sumfink for ya"
Remy stammers out,
taking a second to cough and clear his dry throat, her subtle perfume envelops him and he can feel his hand shaking as he brings the cup of kaf to his parched lips.
"I means, at great personal risk to ourselfs" He indicates himself and
Joslyn and remembers the confrontation with the four men who entered the shop before
"We has found somefink that should help you track your 'friends' down, most of them anyways, da one guy,
Romano, he caughts a bad case of religion, ya scan?"
Xade towers over
Remy and glares through him as if he were utterly insubstantial, her finely carved fingernails tapping impatiently on the glass surface.
each jarring counterpoint sending electric current through
Remy's already taut to breaking point nerves.
She leans forward slowly, her feline nature making him feel trapped like a small fragile creature as the panther draws in to strike, or as a woman leaning closer for an intense kiss and he freezes not knowing what or which to expect, an embrace or the eternal embrace of death.
She purrs quietly to him "spit it out, Rembrandt!" each syllable pronounced perfectly and slowly as if speaking to a small child.
A cough from out back draws
Remy back like a slap in the face, he looks at
Joslyn then back to
Xade and straightens his posture.
"Yeah, s'okay, but obviouslies, we needs sumfink to trade wiv you, A gestures of your goodwill, ya knows wot I mean"
He stands under the scrutiny of
Xade as he explains their offer,
"I means, you ain't da only chummers dat comes lookin' for dis feller, buts we tinks' you is da nicest of the bunch and want to give you da first option see!"
the silence stretches out as his heart hammers in his chest, he can almost feel the vibration of her purring and he relishes it,
'Keep purring, nice kitty ... good kitty, don't eat da Ork, we tastes nasty!' he thinks as she contemplates what
Remy has said.
May 31 2013, 02:05 PM
14:58:44 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – Corner of 216th Ave NE and NE 150th St, Redmond, Seattle
She was impressed, plain and simple. The fact that he already had a place like this, probably many places like this, spread out over the city that was so well hidden in plain sight even in the Barrens. And he was showing it to her, one more of his secrets.
“You should do that more often you know, not the whole driving the truck through the wall thing, but the smile. Looks good on you.”
Mac flashed a smile of her own down on him as more questions came to mind and tumbled from her lips in rapid-fire succession.
“Each of these places you’ve scouted and prepped, because I’m sure this isn’t the only one, besides water and power are you keeping extra gear at each of them? Or is everything on you or in the truck until you can get back to a more solid home base? Isn’t there a huge risk of everything disappearing, or your places being occupied upon an unannounced arrival?”
May 31 2013, 08:04 PM
15:07:16 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – Corner of 216th Ave NE and NE 150th St, Redmond, Seattle
Kovacs tilted his head a bit at Mac's first statement, his eyes going canny for a moment before he climbs out of the trench, dusting his gloves off against one another.
"As long as it's just squatters you're usually fine. If they don't scatter for survival reasons you can bargain with them for local knowledge and to run errands for you in return for food, clean water, blankets, shoes, et cetera. It's okay to prep locations defensively, but I wouldn't leave gear stashed here, too high a risk of theft. You can stash gear at other locations, though, and just do a drive-by resupply. Bus and train depots are great for this, they've got pay lockers that you can rent almost indefinitely. And they're easier to get in and out of then airports. Twenty four hour fitness joints work well, too. Members get access to lockers in the locker room, as long as you keep your monthly payments up you can store basic kit there for emergencies."
Jun 1 2013, 12:40 AM
12:02:02 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - Danny's Pawn and Loan, 15710 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, Seattle
Joslyn suppresses a grin as he sees Remy struggling to deal with the woman.
Sixty years ago, I might have been the same he muses, amused, as he steps forwards, attempting the break the tension by patting Remy on the shoulder and extending a hand to Xade
"Xade be it?" he asks with a smile, Remy notices with mild surprise that a West Indian accent has crept into Joslyn's speech "Anansi's de handle."
He lowers his hand with a frown when he realises the young woman isn't here to exchange pleasantries
"'Ere's da deal, girl." he continues, noting with pleasure her annoyance at being called a girl "My boy Rembrandt 'ere jus' gave you a freebie." Joslyn pulls out his commlink and produces the mugshot of Romano "Romano, one o' de boys you lookin' for...he drop two days back. Dis weren't me plan as I 'ad eyes on 'is movements as well." Joslyn pauses for a moment and shrugs "We done some diggin', Remy an' I, an' maybe we know how you find de others, but I be thinkin' we ain't a charity. You say, we say. Yes? Now why you lookin' on Romano? You know what he doin' an why he get got?"
Jun 1 2013, 02:25 AM
15:09:03 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – Corner of 216th Ave NE and NE 150th St, Redmond, Seattle
"Makes perfect sense. I see a new gym membership in my future."
Mac kicked at the layers of dirt on the floor and watched her feet as she kept thinking of questions to ask.
"How many places like this do you have? I'm guessing they're spaced all over the city? And back at the Landing, you said something about how permits, even fake ones are specific? I assuming you know someone who handles all of that for you, ID's, permits and the like. I mean I've had mine through my other job, and they have a guy... But I don't necessarily want to mix my two worlds any time soon."
Jun 1 2013, 05:46 AM
12:03:08 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - Danny's Pawn and Loan, 15710 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, Seattle
Remy glances at Joslyn with a mixture of confusion and relief on his face, grateful to have the back-up. As the other man steps forward into the negotiations, a grating sound intrudes on Remy's consciousness, and he frowns. It almost sounds like the back door of the shop opening.
Xade scans the image on Joslyn's commlink, her eyes narrowing. She comes to a decision quickly, though, her face relaxing into neutral blandness.
"I have reason to believe that he is...was assisting a cell of Winternight operatives in planning and executing an act of sabotage. I had hoped to track the cell to their operating base and eliminate them."
Remy listens to her answer with half an ear, shifting back so he can glance through the opening into the rear of the shop. Apparently Danny has heard the noise as well, rising from the chair in his office to stand in the doorway. He casts a questioning glance towards Remy, the young ork responding with a shrug. He wants to investigate, but at the same time he can't quite bring himself to leave the negotiations with Xade.
The moment's hesitation probably saves his life as figures explode from the back room of the pawn shop. The door slams open to its stops beneath the rush of armed and armored men, two of them approaching Remy at a run, the muzzles of their submachineguns gaping like hungry maws.
Jun 2 2013, 06:47 AM
15:11:37 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – Corner of 216th Ave NE and NE 150th St, Redmond, Seattle
"Half a dozen last I checked," Kovacs shrugged. "Most of them are here in Redmond or Puyallup, few of the other districts have the necessary abandoned areas that can sustain a long term prep site. These are only locations of last resort. Usually I'll have a couple of safehouses setup beforehand when on a run."
He checks the time in the upper corner of his vision.
"I do have a guy, he's on the list to visit today. But we can do so from the comfort of the house. C'mon, let's blow this pop stand."
He climbs back into the cab of the truck, waiting until Mac is buckled into the passenger side before easing through the ragged hole in the wall again. The Rover takes another set of scratches to its finish on the egress, but in less than five minutes they're back on the street and headed towards the freeway.
Jun 3 2013, 03:06 AM
15:16:11 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – South on the 405, Bellevue, Seattle
Mac couldn’t help but cringe visibly as Kovacs eased the Rover back out the way they came and the audible of concrete against metal sent shivers down her spine. She was quiet but alert as they made their way out of Redmond towards the 405. She was watching the buildings as they raced past, looking specifically for the things Kovacs had ticked off as being important for places to hole up if necessary.
Methodically, she pulled a piece of bubblegum from her pocket, unwrapped it and reveled in the sweet cherry sugar rush that filled her mouth. She kept shifting her gaze from the front windows to out the passenger side as they hit the onramp.
“So how many more things are on our to-do list today anyway?”
Jun 3 2013, 09:02 PM
12:03:09 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - Danny's Pawn and Loan, 15710 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, Seattle
Remy lunges forward with a shout, his rush taking the lead attacker by surprise. The two collide with a grunt, Remy's size and strength clearly an advantage as he wrangles the man into a jointlock. He doesn't have time to see if Joslyn moves, but Danny is already backpedaling into his office, hopefully in pursuit of the shotgun he had in the safe back there.
From his post by the front door, Noland flips open his longcoat, revealing the Ares Alpha slung muzzle down at his side. The weapon seems to leap into his arms, and a pair of three round bursts rip out, the muzzle blasts shockingly loud within the confines of the store. The second attacker grunts, his momentum carrying him forward a step until his brain realizes its dead on its feet and he collapses to the ground, skidding forward. Xade has her pistol out as well, rolling over the display case to her right in the pursuit of cover.
The third man through the door punches six rounds downrange. Glass cases shatter and Noland flinches from a hit. The fourth man swaps weapons, dropping his submachinegun to his side on its assault sling and drawing his Armtech MGL-6. The pistol burps out a projectile, the minigrenade describing a short arc before it detonates with a stunning concussion.
Jun 3 2013, 09:20 PM
15:42:03 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – 35010 Von Schilling Way, Renton, Seattle, Seattle
"Actually, Palatine is our last stop for today. After dinner the evening's yours. I've got some light reading for you to do if you're interested, but other than that I'm just waiting for a call from either Locus or Zeyda. Tomorrow we'll start at the same time, workout and then I'll give you a lesson in battlefield first aid. I'm going to call Sparx tonight, though, and see if he can't get me in tomorrow to have the bodywork done on the truck." The smile that crosses Kovacs' face is starkly gleeful, the childlike enthusiasm of a soldier allowed, finally, to do the job the quick and dirty way.
Mac chuckles, watching as her companion's face segues into a more feral rictus. She arches an eyebrow at him in expectant curiosity, waiting until he catches her look. He shrugs.
"And I'm going to call Emily to see if she's up for a little ropework tonight."
Oh I see, thought Mac, an unexpected stab of jealousy coursing through her. She shook her head quickly, chomping on her gum. The rest of the ride passes uneventfully, the afternoon traffic thickening as the end of the work day approaches. It's only fifteen or twenty minutes later that they pull into Kovacs' garage.
"Take five," he tells Mac as they make their way inside. "I've got to get the deck and the trodes setup."
Jun 4 2013, 03:54 AM
15:46:21 Wednesday 10 January, 2063 – 35010 Von Schilling Way, Renton, Seattle, Seattle
Mac settled herself on the now familiar sofa while Kovacs did what ever he needed to. She did everything in her power to avoid admitting to herself that she felt anything akin to jealousy. She didn't get attached. That was rule number one.
She flipped through the art book on the coffee table, losing her nagging train of thought in the various images and vivid colors, ending up on the familiar well-worn page with The Night Watch. She reached out to trace the pair of illuminated figures with her fingertips as a softness, almost a look of innocence washed over her features and betrayed her age as Kovacs re-entered the room.
Jun 4 2013, 12:41 PM
12:03:10 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - Danny's Pawn and Loan, 15710 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, Seattle
Dis isn't happening! it's not real, jus' a baaaad dream! .. as muscle memory takes over control of his body the thought drifts through Remy's consciousness.
the events in the shop seem to unfold in a morbid, slow motion dance as the bullets begin to fly around him.
The image caught in the corner of his eye of bodies moving in the back of the shop, Xade and Noland seem frozen in time but for subtle movements of the large Orks long coat as he begins to reveal the assualt rifle concealed there, like ripples on a mill pond.
And Danny backpedalling into the office a grim look on his face.
This is where all the late nights training with Master Popov begin to pay dividends, there's nothing sophisticated or showy here, no martial arts posing and saluting the other combatants with honour, this is pure dirty street fighting where the winner is the one willing to resort to the lowest common denominators ... Survival.. impulse and reflex
He launches himself in front of the nearest guy in black past the beaded curtain, reaching out his left arm in slo-mo like swimming through syrup, he catches hold of the strap on the guys shoulder and using his momentum against him, spins him around, drawing him by the neck into his own chest and clinging onto him there.
Ribs that are still sore from the dive he took the day before, send a shockwave of agony into his jaw making him clench his teeth tight with the impact, a muffled grunt of pain accompanies the shoulder-charge takedown.
In the glass wall cabinet he can see the look of abject horror on the insurgents masked face as he is suddenly unable to bring his weapon to bear on the teenager that seemed an easy mark moments before.
As they tumble against the wall a hail of lead erupts from the store front towards where Remy was standing just a mili second before, leaving Noland a clear shot at the guy framed in the doorway.
Drek me! dat wuz close .. he thanks his lucky stars as the momentum carries him and his mark out of the line of fire, but then from within the back kitchen. the *phunt* of a projectile launcher sounds followed by the airburst munition as the flashbang fills the room with light and noise.
The shock and disorientation sends Remy spinning and his ears ringing, he looses enough of his hold on the enemy for him to break free, standing with eyes rolling and his hands on his ears as the glass cabinets and displays explode, shards of glass twinkle in the harsh neon lights from over head looking like a refreshing shower of pure fresh water in the summer sun, only a rapidly raised arm prevents any physical damage as the lined coat he wears blocks the glass shower.
The thumping of booted heels pounding on the solid floor in the back room soon brings him back to the present and then .. time speeds back up.
Jun 5 2013, 09:18 PM
12:03:10 Tuesday, 09 January 2063 - Danny's Pawn and Loan, 15710 SE Newport Way, Bellevue, Seattle
The speed with which things had gone south stunned Joslyn, his reactions critically slow in the opening moments of combat. The gunfire from the assault rifle, while shockingly loud, was nothing compared to the brutal overpressure from the flash-bang grenade. His pistol was barely clear of the holster when the explosive detonated, shattering the remaining glass cases in the showroom. Ceiling tiles, pulverized by the blast, rained down in a hail of white confetti.
Joslyn found himself on his knees near a wall, which he used to brace himself upright and stagger towards the front of the store. He thought his eardrums might be bleeding.
Remy reels backwards from the explosion, the man he'd been grappling with now free but equally stunned by the blast. He blinks in the sudden haze of debris and propellant residue, searching for a target.