Jul 11 2005, 03:08 PM
22:56:03 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower
"Uh, I think this is it," Tyler said in a somewhat awed tone from the driver's seat. In response to Megan's low whistle from the back seat, he added, "Yeah. Big."
As Twiggy squeezed past Megan to get a look he said, "What? What are you guys lookin' at? Oh. Oh! Max lives here? Here? Wow. That's a tall building."
John had asked the young ganger to drive to Max's so that he could go over the floor-plans and other docs that Finn had given him. Even though it wasn't a long drive, it had given him a chance to become familiar with the Clinic's layout, though he'd only been able to skim the rest. Most looked like tax forms and other financial records, so in addition to being above his head, they would be of little use to them here. Now, hearing the kid's reactions, he shuffled the papers around, stuffing them back into the folder. "What are you little fraggers goin' on about?" Leaning over so that he could see Lincoln Tower, the old runner covered his surprise by saying, "Uh, yeah. Forgot to mention that this was a nicer area than we're used to. C'mon, let's go."
"No fraggin' way they let us into this joint dressed like this!" Megan plucked at her dirty jacket. "And Twig's been hidin'-out for over a week. He stinks!"
The young elf cried, "Hey!" and promptly shoved the girl next to him.
"A'ight, a'ight! Calm yerselves. Max told me that he'd tell the guards to expect us, so I assume that means descriptions too. Should be fine." Reaching under the seat, John pulled out his canvas bag, opened it and removed the things that he had gathered from Nora's room to aid the shaman's ritual tracking of his niece. Replacing the bag, he then opened the van's door. "Everyone out. Let's not keep Max waiting."
"Uh, old-timer? Maybe you need those eyes overhauled. Sign says 'No Parking.' Or maybe you can't read?" Megan pointed at a street sign a short distance away.
"What the frag...?" Getting back in, his face slightly flushed with embarrassment, John turned to Tyler and said, "Ok, kid. Circle 'round the block and find us a place to park this heap."
Jul 11 2005, 10:16 PM
12:28:57 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
A smile pulling at the corners of this mouth, Tony replies to Marquis's question. "My plan?" he says in the same soft southern drawl that he used just a moment ago. "We're going to drive them off. Pull up past them to my car over in the corner; I hop out and open up. I've got a bit more bang bang in there than just this, but we may not even need it," Tony says quickly, gripping the heavy pistol and sliding it under his long coat to rest on his left leg.
"That is unless, of course, you have a better plan. You can drive off or stay and play, if you're packing. No shame either way" Tony says, turning his head fractionally to catch Marq's response.
Jul 11 2005, 11:00 PM
23:05:45 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower
John and company circle Lincoln Tower and its surrounding area, looking for a place to park. One Lincoln Tower was originally build in the early 2010’s as a combination shopping mall, hotel and luxury home complex, sort of a precursor to modern-day arcologies. The building itself has gone through a number of renovations, the major of which was the eventual buy-out of the Westin Bellevue Hotel by a former Microdeck board member Charles Whatley, who renovated the hotel proper buy creating luxury apartment-homes out its original rooms. Still a luxurious high-rise, One Lincoln Tower is beginning to show signs of its location on the Touristville side of Bellevue. The shops that line Lincoln Square and the adjacent Bellevue Mall show the tell tale signs of graffiti, security doors and roll down cages that are common protection in the seedy portions of Seattle and look somewhat out of place in Bellevue. A closer inspection of the Tower itself as you round N.E. 6th Street onto 105th Ave N.E. towards the underground parking garage reveals to John’s practiced eye a number of High-tech security measures as well as armed security personal walking the campus grounds.
You begin to feel a little uneasy as you pull up to the garage entrance and an armed guard waves you down.
The guard eyes you warily, but after giving your name and Max’s, he reaches back into his booth and hits a switch causing the security doors to One Lincoln Tower’s underground garage to open up before you.
“Take the elevator up to the lobby and let the front desk now where you’re headed.” He says as he pulls his coat tighter around him to fend of the weather.
Tyler eventually finds a parking spot for the van and everyone piles out. Finding an elevator is easy and the ride to the lobby quick. The elevator door opens up to what used to be the lobby of the Westin Bellevue hotel and now serves as a lobby and security check point for the One Lincoln Tower luxury apartment complex. The lobby still maintains most of the décor of the original hotel. Crystal chandeliers hang from the vaulted ceiling illuminating the entrance way and the security station complete with metal detectors and who knows what else. To the left of the station and farther into the lobby is a depressed section of floor with a number of comfortable looking couches and chairs in front of a large ornate fireplace. A young, good-looking couple of wage-slaves sit in front of the fireplace on one of the couches with a couple of wine glasses in hand. Most likely from the small bar that stands in front of the plate glass windows that look out onto a roof-level pool. John spies a bank of elevators along the wall behind security desk. A pretty, dark-haired young woman sits behind the security desk smiling at John as he steps out of the elevator. She is dressed in a dark business suit of almost military cut. As the group makes it’s way towards her they can make out her nametag, pinned above her right breast. It is a gold plaque that reads.
Lincoln Tower Security
Amy Cruz
If she is surprised by your appearance she doesn’t give any indication.
“John Standard?” She inquires when you approach.
Jul 12 2005, 01:00 AM
23:14:26 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower
"Yes, ma'am," John says while placing his hand, the meat one, onto the counter. "My associates and I are here to see Mr. Steiner. I believe he is expecting us."
As the security officer looked to her monitor, John took a discrete glance around at the various security measures in the lobby. The ability to look in a different direction than expected was one of the benefits of his mirrored eye-shields.
Well, the metal detector is obvious, and probably mainly here to make the residents feel safer. I'm sure the really wiz drek isn't quite so fraggin' easy to spot. I wonder if I'll have to worry about any of them, since we came up from the garage?
Jul 12 2005, 06:38 AM
12:28:57 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
"As long as we dont scratch my car, Im good," Marquis replies with a serious smile. "From there, my plan is wing it."
With that Marq drives past the crowd with little interest, but still aware of their movements incase he has to slam on the gas. However, his first goal is to find cover for his car, maybe park behind a van to let Tony out.
Jul 12 2005, 04:52 PM
23:15:05 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - Lobby
She gives John an amused little smile at his associates, not mocking, just amused and says.
"Please leave any firearms or weapons here with me. They will be secured in our weapons locker, until you decide to leave. Place all metal objects in the tray," She motions to a small metal disk next to her on the security desk. "step through the gate and I will call an elevator for you."
Jul 12 2005, 09:37 PM
23:15:55 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - Lobby
Wordlessly, John reaches under his jacket and removes a Manhunter. Pointing the heavy pistol at the floor, he ejects the clip into his free hand via the smartlink. He then ejects the chambered round, lays everything onto the counter, and reaches back under his jacket to repeat the process with his second pistol. When both lay on the counter, he removes a spare clip for each and adds them to the pile. Finally, after fishing-around in his inside pocket, he adds a silencer for each. Turning to the tray he deposits his keys, credstick, and lighter.
Stepping back, he patted himself down to make sure that nothing was missed. That done he looked to the guard. "I think that's everything miss. Except for this," he help up his left hand, "and a few other little things. None of which can be comfortably removed." He flashed a lopsided grin and waited.
The guard politely returned his smile. "That won't be required, Mr. Standard; you've been vouched for by a resident. Please step through the gate and wait for your companions."
John did so, all the while watching the guard from the corner of his eye. As he stepped through the gate, he felt, or maybe just imagined, a slight pressure as he was scanned by the gate's full suite of sensors. The guard's eyes widened slightly as several warnings flashed across her monitor. Looking up as he came to a halt she said quietly, "More then a few little things, it seems." The smile now looked a little forced.
Turning to where the gangers stood close together, looking (and probably feeling) more than little out of place, she nodded to Megan. "Miss? You're next. Please place all weapons on the counter and all metal objects in the tray, then step though and wait with Mr. Standard."
Glancing back at her companions, then glaring at John, the young elf stepped forward and reached up under her jacket to pull a small pistol from the waistband of her jeans. Throwing what looked to be a tiny holdout pistol onto the counter, she said, "There. Don't break it or you owe me a new one." She then turned her pockets inside out and said, "I ain't got nothin' else," before stepping through the gate to stand near John, arms folded.
The guard seemed to smile at Megan's antics in spite of herself. "I can assure you that your weapon will be quite safe in our locker, miss. No need to worry." Turning to Tyler, she added, "Sir? Please follow the same procedure."
After a few minutes, with Tyler depositing a weathered Fichetti pistol and his knife, and Twiggy's surprising addition of a pair of brass knuckles, Amy Cruz adds all of the weapons to a bin marked "Penthouse 3" and places it out of sight. She then taps her monitor and an elevator door opens. "This elevator will take you to Mr. Steiner's penthouse. I'll inform him of your arrival. Have a pleasant evening."
As the elevator doors closed, Twiggy turns to look back at the group, eyes wide. "Penthouse?"
Jul 12 2005, 10:59 PM
23:15:55 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower – 41st Floor – Max’s Penthouse
You feel a slight compression as the elevator starts its ascent and begins to pick up speed. The floor numbers flicker by unexpectedly fast as it climbs rapidly towards its destination. In less than a minute you see the numbers begin to slow as the elevator nears the 41st floor. Gliding to a stop the elevator doors open into a well-lit foyer. Just outside of the doors stands an antique wooden stand with a terracotta, footed bowl, inside of which are a set of keys, a credstick and a wallet that you assume belong to Max. Across from the doors is a brass coat rack currently occupied only by Max’s Mortimer Greatcoat. A number of oil paintings depicting mythological and no longer mythological beasts line the foyer walls as well as a statue of a leering gargoyle that appears to keep watch over the elevator. A dark wood, two- tiered shelf is tucked away on the floor in the corner, with a number of pairs of slippers and shoes occupying it.
23:16:32 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower – 41st Floor – Max’s Penthouse.
Max had received the phone call from the security station and was just reaching the foyer when the elevator doors opened. He had changed out of the close he had been wearing at the club and was currently dressed in a pair of loose fitting, slate grey, drawstring trousers and dark grey, long-sleeved v-neck shirt with a white t-shirt underneath. His long hair was pulled up into a ponytail more for comfort than appearance and a pair of soft-soled slippers adorned his feet. He watched the group exit the elevator, before speaking.
“Come on in.” He says as John takes a step into the room. “I hope you didn’t have any trouble finding it.” He adds with a slight smile. Max knew that people sometimes reacted oddly the first time they entered his apartment, whether from shock, amazement or sometimes a fear of heights. He can still remember the first time he had viewed it and it still amazes him to think that it is really his. “If you don’t mind.” He motions to the shelf containing the slippers for their use.
Jul 13 2005, 12:05 AM
12:29:02 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
"Don't worry about the car," Tony says, looking discreetly for any obvious security measures in the concrete cavern as they pass the group by, "they'll be shooting at me. Pull off around the corner if you need to, they won't be coming that direction, and I'll bail out and open up" he says to Marquis, the smile still lingering on his face at the thought of combat.
Noticing the security cameras that were located at the corners of the parking garage as Marq pulls slowly toward the Americar, Tony gets another idea. Cameras. Need a drek-hot decker to get to them quick. The smile that had pulled at his mouth suddenly becomes a wide laugh; the exhilaration of the moment took over as a name came into his mind.
Pulling out his psec, Tony thumbs down quickly to Todd's number. "Todd," he says, joy filling his voice as the call connects, "have I got a job for you."
Jul 13 2005, 12:51 AM
12:29:05 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Apartment 875, Parkewood Village Apartments, Tacoma
The red LED lights up in the corner of Todd's vision, informing him of an upcoming call. He checks the ID and smiles inwardly, "Tony, whats up buddy? I've been waiting for your call."
Jul 13 2005, 01:19 AM
12:29:09 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
"Oh," Tony says in a non-chalent but happy voice, trying to think of something that might size up the situation and failing "not much. Got a favor to ask of you though before we get along with your stuff" he says, as the car slides past the group, their faces bathed in red light from Marq's tailights.
"I need you to kill, disable, point in the other direction, something to the security cameras in the Sea-Tac Long Term Parking garage. From level 4 down. And open up the toll gates at the entrance. Both pronto, jefe, 'cause me a friend are going to light this place up" Tony says calmly, keeping track of the group in the rearview mirror as Marq's car creeps toward the Americar.
Jul 13 2005, 01:24 AM
12:29:13 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Apartment 875, Parkewood Village Apartments, Tacoma
Todd chuckles to himself, Everyone loves having a TrixWhiz for a friend.
"Null sweat bro, I'm on it. Keep your phone handy, I'll give ya a signal when things are good to go."
Todd flicks off the trid show he'd been watching, Sk8 0r D1e!, gets comfortable, and slides the dataline into his jack...
Jul 13 2005, 02:31 AM
12:29:19 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Apartment 875, Parkewood Village Apartments, Tacoma
Sliding through the virtual vistas of Seattle's LTG, Todd pauses just outside the vast construct of Sea-Tac's public host. With a quick glance around, he slides inside, bypassing the sentries posted at the entrances. The long term parking host is tucked away in a quiet, unobtrusive corner. Bypassing the relatively simple access controls, Todd locates the fourth level's security cameras. Someone has already beaten him to the punch, though.
A trio of icons turns as he drops into the host, vague humanoids dressed in flowing cloaks of storm clouds. Bolts of black lightning crawl up their bodies, collecting in their eyes.
Jul 13 2005, 08:10 AM
12:29:15 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
"Don't you think those guys already decked into the system? You may want to be sure they can't cut and edit the recording to see only us go in and out during what is about to transpire. And, make sure you don't open fire too quickly, I want to get in on the action."
Marquis pulls around the pillar, out of view of the standoff. Leaving the engine running, he brings the car to a slow hault. Placing the gear selector in Park, he turns to Tony, who's smile has more than doubled in size. About to check his new found comrade for his state of readiness, Marq can see it in his eyes.
Marquis releases his belt slowly and zips up his coat. He again checks his passanger, but he is already on the move.
Jul 13 2005, 02:35 PM
12:29:21 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac Public Host
Doing this best to blend in to his surroundings, Todd looks the icons over, trying to decern what they are.
Jul 13 2005, 04:58 PM
12:29:24 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac Public Host
Todd's scan indicates that one of the icons is a decker, while the other two appear to be frames of some kind. Two of them move towards him, weapons coalescing in their hands, while the decker hangs back.
Jul 13 2005, 06:31 PM
23:17:13 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower – 41st Floor – Max’s Penthouse
John paused as he started forward, hand half-extended towards Max. He followed the shaman's gesture, though it took him a second to realize what was expected. It took a look back to the soft slippers their host wore for everything to click. "Eh? Oh, sure thing, chummer. Just a sec."
Kneeling, he quickly removed his steel-toed work boots and motioned for the kids to do the same. When he'd finished, he stood and padded across to the stand, carrying the bundle of Nora's items in one hand and his damp boots in the other. Placing the boots in an empty slot, he choose a pair of slippers and put them on. Straightening, he turned and waited for the gangers to finish.
Twiggy was trying to look everywhere at once, somewhat awed. He distractedly placed his soggy sneakers into the stand and took a pair of slippers in return. Megan seemed uncharacteristically self-conscious, standing with one foot covering the other in an attempt to hide the many holes in her striped socks, head slightly downcast. Seeing this, John took a pair of the smaller slippers over to her and took the dripping men's boots she held in exchange. Tyler, always stoic and quiet, was standing near the shoes-shelves wearing a pair of the slippers when John returned. He wiggled his toes and said, "Comfy."
That complete, John looked to their host, patiently waiting near the gargoyle statue. Something about that image struck him as fitting, though if pressed he wouldn't have been able to explain any further. Stepping forward, he continued with his original intent and stuck out his hand. "You look better, Max. Rested."
As the two shook hands Max said, "Thank you, John. I do feel better." Nodding at the bundle the other man carried he added, "What have you there?"
Taking the bundle from under his arm, John handed the items to the pale shaman. "You said you needed some stuff of Nora's that was more personal, so I stopped by my doss. Grabbed one of her favorite shirts and a couple other things. The folder is the info on the clinic."
Accepting the folder and what appeared to be a girl's blouse wrapped around one or two small items, Max said, "Ah, yes. Perhaps we should go somewhere more comfortable before we continue? If you will all follow me..."
Jul 13 2005, 07:41 PM
23:20:01 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower – 41st Floor – Max’s Penthouse
Max takes the bundle from John and for the first time John notices that Max is not wearing gloves. His fingers are elongated and would be the envy of every concert pianist if not for the long, slightly curved and razor sharp claws that sit where a normal persons fingernails would be.
Turning away from the dinning area and parts beyond, Max leads the group into the main living area of his home where they are greeted with a panoramic view of Bellevue far below them from the floor-to-ceiling windows that make up the outer walls of Max’s home. Two bronze spiral staircases with cherry wood steps stand near the foyer. One apparently leads to the second floor and the other to a small loft area full of bookshelves over the entertainment center. An over-stuffed, brown real Leather couch and matching chairs are arranged around a short coffee table, giving the perfect view of the state of the art entertainment center next to an old English style wet bar. On the far north side of the room is a set of closed double doors.
Max turns to the group of young adults. “I’ll give you guys a choice. You can come into the study with John and I, while we figure out what we are going to do to find Nora and Keira, or you can hang out here and watch the Trid or play some Playstation 2054. I managed to get an advanced copy of the console along with ShadowrunnerX, Ultimate Urban Brawl and World Combat Bike - Xtreme. Choice is up to you. There is also soda in the bar and the bathroom is back down the foyer to the hall on the right, first door to your right.”
Jul 13 2005, 08:04 PM
12:29:25 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac Public Host
Todd sends out a quick text message to Tony,
I've got company in here, give me some time to work it out. |
He then faces his foes, tugging his jacket around him, then kicking his skateboard into his hands to be used to defend himself if nessisary.
"Call 'em off or I'll do it for you."
Jul 13 2005, 08:12 PM
12:29:26 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac Public Host
The pair of frames split to the sides, flanking Todd. Black lightning crawls up the legs of the decker's icon, circling its hands in bands of snarling energy.
"Leave, now, before the burndown."
Jul 13 2005, 09:33 PM
23:25:07 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower – 41st Floor – Max’s Penthouse
"Aww sweet! I call first game!" shouted Twiggy as he raced to the trid, hopping over the couch in the process and making Max wince.
"Whoa there, hold on. We came to help Nora and Keira, not play video games Twiggy. We should be there to help them," Megan interrupted, causing the young elf to pout.
"But Megan..." he whined, "When are we ever going to get the chance to play the Playstation 2054 again? Huh? This place is great! Besides, Max is probably gonna do his magic stuff, and we'd just get in the way anyway, right Max?" He looked up at the shaman pleadingly from the floor, his hand only centimeters from the on button of the Playstation.
He looks like a little kid, dying to open his presents on Christmas morning, but being told that pictures had to be taken first, relatives visited, and phone calls made. thought Max. Then it occurred to the shaman that these kids probalby never had a Christmas before. That it was at best a concept they'd heard of, at worst...well, he didn't want to think about it.
Smiling gently, he said, "He's right Megan. I'm sure us old fogeys can handle the magic stuff just fine. Don't worry, we'll tell you everything we find out when we're done."
"Yeah kid," John chimed in gruffly. "We may be old, but we still know how to get the job done."
"As long as it doesn't involve reading street signs," Tyler added under his breath as he walked over towards the fridge, prompting a burst of giggles from the street kids.
In response to Max's questioning eyebrow, John hurriedly says, "Never mind. Anyway, let's do this, huh?"
Megan still looks a bit uncertain, but Twiggy has already turned the console on and is obviously enraptured by the flashing graphics and smooth, state of the art sound. Walking back from the fridge, Tyler handed Megan a soda he'd gotten for her and put one on the floor next to Twiggy.
"Come on Megan, when's he going to get a chance to play again, huh? Let him have fun, even if it's only for a few hours."
Nodding reluctantly at last, she followed him over to the couch and sat down next to him as they watched Twiggy begin his first game ever of ShadowrunnerX.
Motioning to John, Max led the way back towards his work area.
At the last moment, before following Max in, the street samurai turned around and saw that Tyler had his arm around Megan, who was now resting her head on his shoulder.
Interesting... was the only thing he had time to think before Max called out, "Hey, you coming or what?"
Jul 13 2005, 10:55 PM
23:25:36 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower – 41st Floor – Max’s Penthouse - Study
Leading John to the study Max pulls back the dark cherry-wood doors and allows him to step through. The study’s North and West walls are completely covered by bookshelves and a few ferns and gargoyles nestled between the top of the bookshelves and the ceiling The Southern wall is dominated by an exquisite grandfather clock and two smaller end tables each containing varies pictures and artifacts. A gargoyle perches on top of the clock as if guarding it. A beautifully carved desk and comfortable looking leather office chair are set before the only window-wall in the room. Two more chairs sit before a desk. They match the two couches in the center of the room. A soft glow emanates from recessed lighting in the ceiling upon John entrance.
“Grab a chair and lets have a look at everything.” Max says as he sits behind his desk, setting the bundle off to the side and flips open the dossier on the clinic. He reads through it in a few of minutes, brow furrowed in thought before looking up from the printouts.
“All seems like pretty standard stuff. Lets talk about what we do know and how we might go about finding Keira and Nora. Did you find out anything from your trip to the clinic and could you possibly describe to me the location. I would like to astrally survey it tonight if possible. Maybe I can catch a glimpse of Keira’s aura if she is still there or was moved recently. I am sorry I don’t know enough about Nora to spot her in the same way, though her aura may have some things in common with yours as you are family.”
His face takes on a slightly embarrassed look as he continues. “I have also been reading up on ritual magic as this would be the first time I would be attempting to use it to find anyone and it turns out that I am in need of the assistance of another shaman. I do not know anyone off hand that would be able to help, though I may be able to contact a friend to see if he does. This would have to wait until the morning though. I am sorry John, I thought I would be able to do it alone and I was wrong. I have other spells that may help us, but at the moment the range between Keira and myself is to great for them to be effective.”
Max pauses a moment to see if John has anything to add before he continues…
Jul 14 2005, 02:44 AM
12:29:28 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
"If they've gotten into the system and frag around with Todd, I'll say a prayer over their graves; he's good enough to make the footage look like a mass sucicide attempt. Don't fire until I do, and stay safe," Tony says as the smile begins to melt from his face as he sees Todd's text message. "He'll tell me when we're ready, I'll get in position."
Opening the car door and getting out of the warm Caddie, he keeps the pistol in his left hand, away from the group, and begins to half walk, half stagger-and-stumble toward the Americar, trying to do his best impression of someone who hit the bottle a little too hard. Hopefully, they buy the drunk sariman routine for a minute or two he thinks to himself as he fumbles in his pockets for his keys, trying to keep an eye on the group without looking too obvious.
Jul 14 2005, 07:16 AM
Hidden behind the cover of other parked cars and a large cement pillar, Marquis quietly opens his car door and climbs out. Two gold plated Guardians emerge in his hands, as he sneaks his way toward the end of the pillar. Quietly he charges his heavy pistols, while watching Tony stumble oddly to his Americar. What the frag? Is he drunk? I didn't notice him limping before.
Jul 14 2005, 05:46 PM
12:29:27 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac Public Host
"Right then. Lets do this."
Todd pushes foward, trying to break through the line of flanking Agents, going directly towards the Decker.
Jul 14 2005, 11:16 PM
12:29:36 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
Tony stumbles, half falling and backtracking somewhat at a few points that don't really resemble a straight line, until he reaches his car. I never really thought I'd use a martial arts technique as a cover he thinks to himself as he stumbles forward onto the left rear corner of the car. Catching himself with his right hand, he semi-steadies himself and reaches for his keys.
Reaching into his pocket, he hits the 'UNLOCK' button on his keyfob; the audible electronic 'DING-DING' echos thru the cavernous space. He's just some drunk, pay no attention to him he thinks, as he sits down in the back seat, acting for all the world as some comic drunk while reaching for the duffel bag he has in there.
Jul 15 2005, 12:30 AM
23:29:04 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse - StudyJohn unconsciously wiped his right hand against his pantleg as he watched
Max flip through the files
Finn had given him. Specifically, he couldn't help but stare at the shaman's hands and wonder how he'd missed the claws that tipped the pale elf's fingers.
Elf? Is he an elf? Those hands... Suddenly aware of his actions,
John felt his face flush slightly in shame. He clenched his fist and gave his head a slight shake.
C'mon, pull yourself together ya fraggin' idiot! Doesn't matter if he's a fraggin' dragon, he's been nothin' but straight with me so far. I've never judged anyone just on race, specially since Charlie died, so why start now? And why start with a guy who's offered to help find Nora? I should be better than this...this petty drek.Only years of running, of hiding his reactions from opponents looking for any advantage, kept
John from jumping out of his chair when
Max suddenly broke the silence. "All seems like pretty standard stuff. Lets talk about what we do know and how we might go about finding
Keira and
Nora. Did you find out anything..."
Willing himself to focus on the task at hand,
John listed patiently until
Max finished with his apology about ritual magic. Giving him a lopsided grin, he said, "Nul persp, chummer. That would've been too easy anyhow, right?
"As far as another shaman, I got a close chummer who's a mage. She might know someone. I'll give her a call when we're done here. She's already helped out by doin' some astral recon on the clinic. She knows
Nora, and couldn't find her or anything else outta the ordinary. She don't know
Keira, but couldn't find any evidence of anyone being held prisoner, so I imagine that they've been moved...or were never there."
Max rubbed his chin with slender fingers. "Hmm. That is interesting, but I will still want to have a look for myself. Astrally, of course."
"Natch, chummer. The address is in the files and I can tell ya how to get there if needed. That ain't everything though."
John nodded at the file, "That data there was gathered by another chummer. He said it was real easy ta get too; all out in the open like. He also said that those tax forms mean that this place is registered as a non-profit. My guess is so no one will come sniffin' around too close. Put everything out there, make it look like there's no money to be had, and no one's the wiser, right? But we know they're up to no good, 'cause
Twiggy and
Nora saw somethin' they shouldn't and
Keira was snatched for just knowin' they saw."
When the older man didn't say anything further,
Max leaned forward in his chair. "Yes. And...?"
Finn--that's the chummer what got us the docs there--
Finn seems to think that if they had somethin' ta hide, it may be that they'd have an isolated system onsite. Who knows how hard a fragger like that would be to crack. So I looked around, and I managed to find us a couple of code-slingers willing to do the work. Thing is, I can only afford one or the other.
"First one's a kid. Raw, but good. He'll do it for 500

upfront and a share of any paydata on the system. The other's a little more seasoned. She's run a couple jobs for
Finn. He says she's good, and that means she is, but she wants 750

and the same share."
"So you are saying that we need to break into this clinic..." Opening the file,
Max reads aloud, "The Research for Practical Applications Clinic?"
"Right. Unless my mage chummer can scare us up a shaman, I think it's our best lead. And I think we should go tonight."
Jul 15 2005, 12:13 PM
12:29:45 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
Ok, time for the hard part Tony thinks, taking a deep breath and rolling his head around, finally propping it upright as if he has just realized that he was sitting in the back seat. Leaning forward slightly, he gently slides the duffel bag closer to him, carefully grabs the handles, and manouvers awkwardly out of the car.
Slamming the door behind him remember, he's just that drunk. Pay more attention to the guy pointing the gun at you he breaths silently to himself, as he staggers forward a step, opens the drivers door, and sits down hard, gently setting the duffel bag down half a second after slamming down into the seat. Swaying back and forth while leaning out of the car, he finally slumps over and collapses forward back out of the car, trying to appear as if he's passed out after a bender.
Play times over Tony thinks after laying there for a moment. Carefully unzipping the bag and removing his Semopal and katana from the bag, he removes the items slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible.
Jul 15 2005, 08:31 PM
23:32:15 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Study
Max did not notice John’s reaction to his hands. He was to lost in the paperwork before him to notice much at the time.
After inquiring about John’s input, Max listens to his assessment of their situation.
“Well I can’t make heads or tails of the finances, but your friend is right about the clinic hiding something. They have none of their specialists or doctors listed. I mean what kind of clinic doesn’t advertise the type of services and care they can provide.”
He shuffles through a number of sheets before finding the one he wants and putting it on the table facing John.
“I did however notice a number of interesting contributions from a number of sources including Humanis Policlub. I may know a few individuals that would want to know that there money is going to some very shady people. They may even be able to help with some background on the company, but I won’t be able to get in touch with them until tomorrow, so that leads us to your solution. “
Max knew he would have to make some hard choices after the unexpected turn his life had taken, but he hadn’t expected breaking and entering to be one of them. He knew now that it was a definite possibility, but wasn’t ready just yet to make that leap. He had to find Keira, but he would try it his way first if he could.
“Make the call to your friend John. I would prefer to do this somewhat legally if I can. If that way is blocked, then we can do it your way. While you make your call, I will try finding the clinic astrally.”
Max again waits for a confirmation or question from John before removing himself from behind his desk and walking to one of the large leather sofa’s in the study and laying down. It was odd separating himself from his body. The world was no longer overlaid as the physical world slowly faded from his view and his astral presence hovered over his body.
Jul 15 2005, 09:05 PM
23:35:50 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Study
John slid the sheet Max indicated closer and read while the shaman continued to speak. When the other man finished, he looked up and pointed at the list of contributors. "This seems fraggin' weird to me. Humanis is on here, but so's a buncha more meta-friendly groups. Seems wrong that they'd be giving money to the same place, right?"
Handing the sheet back, he continued. "I'll call my friend, but even if she can help, we're gonna step into the shadows at some point, chummer. These fraggers aren't just gonna give Nora and Keira back; we'll have to take them."
Max stood and started over towards one of the large couches. "Maybe so, John, maybe so. Look at it this way though: the longer we can avoid that step, the better. If something went wrong who would find our friends?"
"A'ight, Max. I'll call her. Good luck findin' the clinic. I'll be out in the living room when you get back." Turning, John exited the study, closing the dark wooden door behind him and leaving the shaman to his search. On his short walk to the main living area he pulled his phone out of his jacket and dialed Rosa's private number. I can't remember if she was goin' back to LA tonight or not. Frag, I hope she's home...
Jul 15 2005, 11:43 PM
12:29:30 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac Public Host
Todd slips between the two agents, slamming his skateboard into the decker's icon. At the last second, a swirling shield of energy coalesces around the decker as he tries to block the attack. The maneuver only partially works. Todd can see a tear in the decker's icon, a discontinuity that leaks electric blue blood. His elation turns to dismay, though, as the first agent pivots and locks on to his icon. The glittering blue saber in the construct's hand whistles through his icon, and a haze of pain and interference spikes through the link. Todd falls back, blocking to the front with his skateboard. Unfortunately the second agent has him bracketed, striking home with its attack program. The virtual world of the matrix de-rezzes as his persona crashes, leaving him shaken and alone in the darkness of his apartment.
Jul 16 2005, 11:01 PM
12:29:48 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
Marquis watches Tony stumble in and out of his car, from his hidden location behind the pillar. What an odd fellow, but if it works... the mechanic thinks to himself. The garage is cool, somewhat protected from the weather, but his adrenaline going and his armor keeping him more than warm.
Jul 17 2005, 12:21 AM
12:29:48 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
Tony gets the assualt rifle and sword out. No fragging way am I going to be able to carry both of these thru these cars he thinks to himself, and sets the katana down gently on the deck of the parking garage. Holstering his pistol, he silently checks the magazine on his rifle. No gels, nice he thinks, and rolling into the strap on the rifle, he snakes off, dragging himself prone by his elbows and hips thru the underside of the cars parked next to his car.
Whoever this is, their getting my dry-cleaning bill Tony thinks, as he slugs thru the water-ice-and-IceMelter mixture that makes up the edge of the parking garage; the chilled mixture seeps thru his clothes as he pulls his way thru it.
Jul 18 2005, 03:31 AM
12:30:00 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
Crouched against the cement wall of the parking garage, Tony has an angle on most of the participants in the stand-off. Not much has changed in the minute it has taken Marquis and him to get into position. Both sides appear to remain locked in a stand-off, unwilling or unable to be the first to pull the trigger. As Tony watches, one of the standing figures turns towards where he and Marq are waiting. She's wearing a dark crimson jumpsuit and a secure longcoat, with an HK 227 submachinegun slung beneath the coat. The weapon is held ready, the modular Vltor stock nestled into her shoulder, but muzzle down for the moment. Tony is struck by the delicate beauty of her face, though, and its calm, almost serene expression.
Jul 19 2005, 01:46 PM
23:37:00 Monday 08 January 2063 - Research for Practical Applications Clinic - Astral Space
Shortly after finishing his discussion with John and launching his consciousness into astral space, Max was zipping around with the speed of thought. Flying past several watches, spirits and other magicians, Max kept a wide berth from anyone who even remotely looked like they might be out for trouble.
A couple minutes later, an eternity in astral space, he found what he was looking for. Bingo! Looks like John's directions were on. Way to go chummer.
Carefully, he scopes the place out, not quite venturing inside just yet, lest he give himself away. When he's satisfied that no one was watchinng him astrally, nor were there any nasty surprises inside, he zipped through the building, taking a quick tour of the place.
Interestingly enough, there were no nasty astral surprises, nothing remotely shady or dark. The place was cold and sterile, but nothing significantly worse than what he'd experienced working in the labs back at the university. By their very nature, after all, research places were supposed to be cold and logical.
Still, something didn't sit right with him. He felt a vague hint of oppression, as if even moving through astral space itself was a bit...difficult. Like moving through molasses, although that might be an extreme way of putting it. No, the place just felt...disconnected maybe, like it wasn't as alive as it should have been. Almost as if it was more distant from the astral than another place.
That doesn't make sense though. How could a place be more 'distant' from the astral than another? thought Max. Yet despite his inability to completely analyze and understand the problem, he was wise enough to know that by no means did it mean the problem did not exist. There was definitely a problem here, nothing recent that he could discern, and covered up quite well, but all his astral senses screamed at him that whatever it was, it was something very, very bad indeed.
23:35:09 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Study
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, to use an old 21st Century expression, John was muttering into his cell phone. Unfortunately for whatever reason, he just couldn't get through to her. The only thing he could do was leave a message, which he was about to do when his phone rang, indicating an incoming call.
Reasoning that he could always call Rosa back, he switched over just in time to hear Cheryl Lin saying in her flat, monotone voice, "John Standard. Haven't talked to you in a while. You too rich to need a job or are you interested in some cash?"
A loud incoherent scream, followed by something that sounded vaguely like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shocked John into action, and he charged into the main room, popping his cyberspurs on the way.
Expecting the worst, he instead saw Twiggy with his head buried in his arms, pounding the ground with his fist, apparently grieving over his sudden and unexpected loss to Megan in the latest version of Urban Brawl 9, or whatever the hell the series was at. She was being anything but a gracious winner, while Tyler was sparing no effort in rubbing it in.
"For chrissakes! I thought something happened to you clowns. Keep the fragging noise down, would ya! You want us to get busted or something?"
"Oh chill out old timer. The guy owns a friggin penthouse! You think he doesn't have a few loud parties up here every once in a while?" Megan called back mockingly.
"You kids got no friggin respect. Why I oughta..." What he ought to have done never quite made it out, since the kids quickly turned back to the trid, ready for the rematch, and before he could say anything, Cheryl's voice rang through the phone loudly, "John! Are you there? John! What happened? Is everything all right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine...just some...local neighborhood punks making noise and being pains in the hoop, that's all."
Megan turned around and stuck her tongue out at him, and despite the fact that he must've had something like 30 years on her, John stuck his out right back at her, causing her to burst into giggles. It was immature and all, but he couldn't help it. Lousy friggin kids, no respect for their elders these days. Someone oughta...
Once again, what someone 'ought' to do never quite cleared the threshold of thought, because Cheryl's voice smoothly answered, "Well if that's settled, you haven't answered my question. Are you interested in scoring some nuyen?"
Jul 19 2005, 04:26 PM
23:36:22 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Great Room
John retracted his spur, the quarter-meter of sharpened steel sliding home with a 'clack.' Still shaking his head at the ganger's antics, the old runner turned away from the trid and booming sound-system and walked a short distance away before answering his usual fixer's question.
"When don't I need money, Cheryl?"
The fixer's accented voice sounded less than convinced. "I don't know, John. I hadn't heard from you in a while..."
"Yeah, well sorry 'bout that, chummer. I got back from that last job you got me and ran right into some personal bidness. Still tryin' to put that to bed. But," he added quickly, before she could interrupt, "I'm always on the lookout for a little cred. Give me the specs and we can go from there."
Frag it! I'm not at the point where I can turn away work, and I'm startin' to get low on nuyen, but I can't stop lookin' for Nora. I hope I don't have to turn this down...
Jul 19 2005, 10:36 PM
23:45:56 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Study
Concluding his surveillance of the clinic Max dejectedly returned to his body. As his spirit self returned to his body, the surrounding room slowly came into view. It was an odd sensation wanting colors return to your vision as the dead walls lost their inky darkness. It was almost like watching a traffic sign come into view on a dark highway at night. If not for the feint glow of the wooden furniture, the emerald and gold illumination of the potted plants and Max’s own aura the room would have been pitch black in astral space. But as Max opened his eyes his two worlds merged seamlessly into one. John had left the room. The study doors were closed, though he could still hear the sounds of the young gangers playing the latest trideo games.
‘She wasn’t there.’
He had held out hope of finding Keira at the clinic, but it was empty. Worse, he knew that something horrible had happened there, very possibly to her and to Nora. John was right, sooner or later he was going to have to do something he didn’t want to do in order to find her. There was nobody else that could at the moment. Tomorrow he would try to find help, but tonight he was going to have to go into that clinic. Information was there and he needed it.
Max removed himself from the couch and pushed open the study doors quietly. The kids didn’t even notice him at first and John had his back turned and was conversing with someone on his cell phone. He waited quietly until John was done with his conversation before speaking.
“She wasn’t there.” He said, his voice monotone. “In fact at the moment no one is. Your right John, we need to get into that clinic and now is as good a time as any. Tomorrow I can call a few people to help, but right now it is just the two of us and hopefully one of the deckers you mentioned before. I am not going to sugar coat this John. Something very bad happened there and whoever is behind this has gone to great lengths to cover it up. We need to go as soon as possible. The kids can stay here tonight if you are worried about their safety while we are gone. In fact you can crash here too when we are done if you like. I have a guest room down the hall. “
Jul 20 2005, 03:27 AM
23:36:50 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Great Room
John can hear the smile in Cheryl's voice as she answers, "Now that's what I like to hear John. How about lunch tomorrow, say noon at Lee Chee Garden Downtown, at 5th Avenue West and Elliot Avenue?"
Jul 20 2005, 04:02 AM
23:37:04 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Great Room
"Works for me. See you then."
As the call ended John slowly lowered his hand, still holding the phone. He began to stare at a painting on Max's wall, lost in thought.
I don't know if that was such a good idea. Cheryl's just starting to send some work my way, and real runs too. If I can't make that meet tomorrow I could really frag things up, but I may have to...if any of this pays off and we get a lead on Nora.
With thoughts racing over how much he's let his niece down, and how he's about to jeapordize his current meal-ticket, John catches Max's reflection in the painting's frame. Quickly putting the cell into his pocket, he turns to the pale shaman just as he starts to speak. "She wasn't there. In fact, at the moment no one is..."
Listening until Max finished, John had just opened his mouth to reply when Megan practically sprinted up to them. "Oh, no! No fraggin' way! We're all in this together, a'ight? 'Sides, you need us there. Twig knows his way around the place and..."
"Hold yer fraggin' horses!" John cried, nearly shouting to be heard over the young elf. "Nobody's going nowhere yet. Just calm down." Putting his large hand onto her shoulder, he added in a quieter tone, "Nobody's trying to leave you behind here, OK?"
When she nodded, however reluctantly, he turned to Max. "OK, we go tonight. I was gonna go with the decker Finn suggested, unless you think we should use the other...or both?"
Jul 20 2005, 03:42 PM
23:38:22 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Great Room
"That is fine by me. You know more about this sort of thing than I do."
Max knew nothing about this sort of thing.
"Any tips on what I should bring or what type of clothing I sould consider changing into? All I know about breaking and entering is what I have seen on the trid."
He gives John a weak smile.
Jul 20 2005, 08:40 PM
23:38:59 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Great Room
Returning Max's smile in what he hoped was a reassuring manner, the older runner said, "Nul persp, chummer. If it's as empty as you say, then we'll be fine. As far as what to wear, the trid probably ain't too far off. Dark, not too fancy, armored if possible. Nondescript is the word of the day. If they catch us on a security camera, we don't want to give 'em nothin' to go on.
"Speaking of, you are, uh, ...a pretty unique lookin' guy. You might want to get somethin' to cover your face and hair. Ski mask or scarf and stocking hat.
"Now, as for what to bring, I'd say anything you think will help. Not to state the fraggin' obvious, but guns help. If you need somethin' to cast your spells, like a focus or something...bring it. If you know first aid and you got a kit...bring it too."
John pulls his phone back out of his jacket, and begins to go through his pockets for the decker's number that Finn had given him. "I'm gonna call this decker. See when she can meet up. Why don't you go get your gear? When you're ready, we can go over how we want to go about this. It'll also help if you give me some idea of what you can do. Spells and spirits and drek like that."
Finally locating the number, John waits a second to see if Max has anything to add before punching in the decker's number and putting the cheap cell to his ear.
Jul 20 2005, 10:09 PM
23:55:18 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse.
Still not sure if it is a wise idea to bring the kids along Max decides to drop the subject for now. If John thought it would be ok, then he would trust him. He had to.
“Right. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Max says and walks towards one of the spiral staircases. He makes sure to avoid walking in front of the Trid and blocking it from the young gangers view.
Heading up to his bedroom, he pulls out his form fitting body armor and this time makes sure he grabs the hood and gloves that go along with it. He then grabs a charcoal grey sweater and some black loose-fitting gym pants and a pair of old dark grey sneakers. After changing, he retrieves his Remington Roomsweeper and the four clips of ammunition from its lacquered case in his nightstand.
He returns downstairs and remembers to grab his secure long coat, it would be much less noticeable than the Mortimer. When he is ready he returns and again waits for John to finish his phone conversation.
When he is done, he informs John of what equipment he is carrying.
“…As for Magic, I am very adept at conjuring spirits of all types, though I have a very good report with the spirits of the city. I can render someone or a group of people either unconscious or severely hurt, though I would prefer the former. I am also especially good at detection spells. I can detect living things to a radius of about eighteen meters as well as see and here things in other locations that are in that same distance. I can cause you to float, confuse and addle people and equipment and see through astral barriers. I am also what you would call dual-natured. I can see in both the physical and astral realms at the same time. And in case things go really badly I can heal to some degree, though it is not really my forte. That is about it for me.”
Jul 21 2005, 03:38 AM
12:30:00 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
From his vantage point crouched at the corner of the last parking spot on his row, Tony thought that he had made it into position without being noticed. Upon seeing the women turn, he was struck at first by how she looked. Wow, she's way too calm to be in a Mexican standoff. And I haven't heard from Todd yet... was his last conscious thought as his body started reacting predictably to being seen by someone with a gun when he didn't want to be seen.
Still dripping wet and freezing from slugging thru the cold water, he wrenched the Semopal around into a ready position, and calmly yells out from his covered position "Let them go, and you won't end up like your decker." Big bluff, but you never know.. he thinks, as he waits for a verbal or nonverbal answer from the group.
Jul 21 2005, 05:39 AM
Upon the sudden command given by Tony, Marquis is ready for action. Crouched with his back against the pillar, which the party is on the other side, he rotates around, his left hand extended, wielding the gold Guardian. His right arm is parallel, mirroring the left arm below. From it also points the barrel of a golden heavy pistol, identical in almost every way. This leaves him on his left knee and right foot, and his body almost at a 45 degree angle, peaking around the cement pillar.
Marq waits for Tony, or the party to take the first shot. He doesnt know how much longer he can hold off the adrenaline, so someone better shoot, and fast.
He can see Tony a few meters ahead, and to the left, and wonders He better not be thinking Mexican standoff...
Jul 21 2005, 08:21 AM
12:30:01 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
The woman pivots to face Tony's call, her body bladed, weapon held at low ready. The expression on her face doesn't change. The moment stretches, silent and tense. All Hell breaks loose.
The gunfire from both sides is nearly simultaneous, with the Red forces leading by a microsecond. It is the time measuring life and death. Heavy pistol rounds snap across the space separating the two groups, while the shotgun booms once. The second subgunner pivots and drops to one knee, firing off a 30mm air-timed minigrenade from his underbarrel launcher. The last thing Tony and Marquis see before the projectile detonates is the woman, sprinting to the northwest, submachinegun blazing into the remaining Blue forces. Then the entire seven meter lane of the parking garage is filled with choking black smoke.
Jul 21 2005, 12:46 PM
23:38:59 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Great Room
While Max is off getting ready, John punches in the decker’s number, and a few moments later, hears a feminine voice reply, “ Iris here.”
“ Iris , name’s John . Finn told you to expect my call?”
“Yeah he did chummer. So I’m taking it that you wanna hire me? Since you’re a chummer of Finn’s , let’s make this simple. Tell me if you agree to my terms, and if so, when and where you want me to be.”
A bit naïve perhaps, and not so experienced at this, but she is saving time and cutting to the chase, and since time isn’t something I seem to have a lot of these days, maybe she’s doing me a favor…
Jul 21 2005, 05:56 PM
23:40:45 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Great Room
"Your terms're fine, Iris, or I wouldn't be callin' you."
"Uh, yeah, chummer. Ok. So, when and where."
John had to think quickly to come up with a meeting place that wasn't too far out of their way. Now that they had decided to move, he wanted to waste as little time as possible. "Petro-chem station. Shell, I think. Corner of 8th and 139th Court. Let's say 45 minutes? We'll be in an unmarked van."
"Got it. See you..."
"Hold a sec. I assume Finn gave you some idea what we're up to here, right? So you know that you need to show ready to rock, right? Anything you think you could need, you bring it. We can always leave extra drek in the van."
"I said I got it, chummer. See you in 45." With that, the line went dead.
Wasting no time, John quickly dialed Rosa's private line. Though hoping she would pick up this time, he was not surprised to get her voicemail. "Rosie, it's me. Listen, I'm about to go visit that place we talked about earlier. Hopefully I can find somethin' on our missin' girl, but if not I'll need your help again. I got a chummer willin' to do some ritual drek to find her, but to do so I guess he needs help. Another shaman. I was wonderin' if you got anyone like that on staff here in town? Anyway, let me know."
That done, John turned back towards the main living area of Max's amazing penthouse. Megan had wondered back to the couch during his time on the phone, and now appeared engrossed in one of the games opposite Twiggy. Seeing the two young elves side-by-side, he was once again struck by the similarities in their appearance. Twiggy suddenly laughed in delight at some moved he'd made in the game, reminding the old runner that for all of their tough talk and street-wise ways these were just kids. He was surprised at the lump that formed in his throat at the thought of them in serious danger.
Tyler leaned forward to ruffle Twiggy's hair, which the young elf tried to shrug off without removing a hand from the PS2054 controller. As he leaned back, John managed to catch his eye and motion him over.
"Hey," he said quietly as his slippered feet came to a halt.
"Hoi, Tyler. Looks like you guys're havin' fun."
This brought a crooked smile to the young ganger's face, and he glanced over his shoulder at his chummers. "Yeah, we don't get ta crash in wiz places like this too much."
"Ya know, kid, I was thinkin, maybe it would be a good idea if Megan and Twiggy waited here while the rest of us went to the clinic. We don't wanna attract too much attention, so the fewer the better, right?" Thinking of the glimpse he'd gotten of Tyler and Megan together as he first went into Max's study, John leaned forward and added quietly, "She'd be safe here, kid. They both would."
Jul 22 2005, 01:47 PM
23:45:00 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Great Room
Tyler looks at John for a long moment, and then finally says, “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.”
He pauses, weighing his words carefully, then continues, “Look John , we really appreciate you trying to keep us safe, chip truth. But let’s be honest here. We’re a bunch of punk gangers, and not even the big boys. We’re just another third tier gang running around Redmond that’ll be lucky to make it a couple years, if that. We could get geeked every single day for no reason at all. Hell, it happens all the time. We ain’t got nothing and nobody but each other, and we’ll be fragged if we turn our backs on one another when it counts.”
He shrugs. “Dangerous? Hell, we figured that when those corp suits came in asking questions. But it ain’t gonna stop us from doing right by Nora . It didn’t then, and it won’t now. I’m not going to insult Megan or Twiggy by telling them they’d be risking their lives coming. They knew that from the start, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.”
He glances over at Megan , who chooses that moment, for whatever reason, to turn around, catch his eye, and give him a wink and a smile, which he returns. Without looking back at John , Tyler whispers, “And neither would I.”
Jul 22 2005, 02:25 PM
23:47:20 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Great Room
"Ok, kid. I tried. I ain't going to pretend I like it, but I also ain't gonna fight you over it. I can't fraggin' stop you. Like you said, it's your choice." Waiting until the young ganger turned around, John lowered his voice and spoke urgently. "But you guys go, you're part of the team, right? Everyone on the team has a job. They don't do that job, and it frags everyone. That I will stop."
"Listen, John, I..." Tyler began to speak in the same urgent whisper, but the old runner held up his cybered left hand to halt his complaints.
"Listen, you kids may think I'm some kinda fraggin' joke, and maybe I am. But you can't deny that I got the most experience outta anyone here. I'm callin' the shots on this one. Why? Cause I wanna get Nora back!"
Taking a deep breath to calm himself, John added, "You really wanna help? You'll follow my lead."
Jul 22 2005, 02:58 PM
23:47:55 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Great Room
Tyler opens his mouth like he’s going to say something, stops, opens it again, stops, and then finally says, “All right John , we scan you, serious. We know you’re the guy calling the shots, and we can respect that, for real. We just give you a hard time, ya know? But when push comes to shove, you’re the man, and we recognize that.”