Jul 22 2005, 08:52 PM
23:47:15 Monday 08 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Great Room
His point made, John's face softened. He put his right hand on Tyler's shoulder and said, "Nul persp, kiddo. Look, I'm not much for apologies. I've wronged too many people to start now, let too many people down, but maybe I came on a little strong there.
"I know you guys are just razzin' me. I been around. Don't think it don't mean alot to me. It's just, well, I got to find Nora. I fragged things up for her so often and so bad... Anyway, I just can't let anything go wrong on this."
"I scan ya, John. Nul, worries. We'll..."
"Hoi!" Megan called across the room, looking over the back of the couch at them. "You two wanna be alone, or what? I'm sure Max'd let ya use one of his spare rooms." Though joking, she was obviously curious as to what was going on between the two. Raising her voice to be heard over Twiggy's laughter, she held up a controller and added, "Your turn, Ty."
Nodding to John, the young ganger walked over and sat on the couch, taking the controller from the elf girl. Megan watched him the whole way, a thoughtful expression on her face. After he was seated, she spared John one final glance before turning back to the trid.
For his part, John took his cell out again, deciding to try Rosa at work instead. As it was connecting, he noticed Max walk down one of the sweeping spiral staircases dressed in black and grey. He disappeared around a corner but quickly returned carrying a heavy longcoat. The call connected as the shaman approached and he waited patiently while John left virtually the same message as before. After the call ended Max explained his equipment and abilities.
"Good ta know about that healing, chummer. Hopefully we don't need it. What about these spirits? I've worked with shamans before, so I know they come in different types, right? What kinda stuff can yours do?
"Oh, and I talked to the decker and she's in. We're ta meet her at a Shell station in about 30 minutes."
Jul 22 2005, 09:41 PM
24:00:00 Tuesday 09 January 2063 - 6 Bellevue Way, One Lincoln Tower - 41st Floor - Max's Penthouse – Great Room
The muffled gong of the grandfather clock could be heard from behind the study doors.
“Great that should give us just enough time to get there.” He turns towards the kids playing on the couch. “Time to go.”
Moving quickly to preempt the inevitable protests from Twiggy, Max says. “Don’t worry, just save the game and I promise you I will invite you back up again to finish it.” It wasn’t much, but these kids didn’t have much and Max wanted to do what he could, no matter how small.
Turning back to John he says. “I’ll inform you of their capabilities on the way.”
It took a couple of minutes to get Twiggy to relinquish the controller, but finally they were in the elevator and on there way towards the lobby. Max said hello to Amy when the group stopped by the security booth to pick up their weapons.
“See, safe and sound.” She gives John a wink as she hands him back his guns.
Max kept pretty quiet all the way down to the van John and company had arrived in. Tyler remained in the driver's seat as the group pulled out of One Lincoln Tower and onto the streets of Bellevue.
“Ok let me know if you have heard this stuff before or if you having any particular questions. Mages summon spirits commonly called elementals, while shamans, such as myself, summon spirits of nature. Many of the spirits share similar abilities, though no type of spirit is quite the same as another. Nature spirits have a domain of influence and are incapable of crossing into the domain of another, unless of course they are a greater form spirit, but I have yet to master the conjuring steps to summon a greater form, so their unique capabilities are irrelevant. The three types of nature spirits that will be most use to us tonight are Spirits of the City, Building or Hearth Spirits and Storm Spirits. All three of which can take on a physical form, conceal us from observation and cause confusion. Hearth and City Spirits can be set to guard a location as well as search it while City and Storm Spirits can cause fear. Storm Spirits alone can attack someone with electricity. Another type of useful spirit is a watcher. They are not very bright as spirits go, but can act as simple watchdogs.”
It is apparent that Max could go on at length about this subject, but like any good instructor he notices the vaguely bored and confused expressions that Megan and Twiggy are giving him and stops in mid oratory.
“That is just a brief overview of course.”
“Geez teach, I never thought such a wiz thing like spirits could sound so boring.” Twiggy says, eliciting a giggle from Megan.
Max just smiles at the two of them, realizing he had slipped so easily into instructor mode.
“Any questions?”
Jul 25 2005, 06:00 PM
0715 Wednesday, January 10, 2063 - Land's End Magic Shop
Andie and the dog walk over to the park, so his four legged friend can relieve himself and then we can both go back to the shop.
It's too cold out here to do anything else anyway., Andie thinks to himself.
After playing in the snow for a while for some exercise the two start walking back to the shop.
Jul 25 2005, 10:38 PM
00:19:17 Tuesday 09 January 2063 - Heading West on NE 8th Street
As the old van squeaked and splashed it's way through the slush, John looked from Max to the gangers. Noting the glazed expression on their young faces, he spoke up. "Just one. You say that they can conceal us, right? That include hidin' us from electronic stuff?"
Twiggy actually groaned as Max opened his mouth to reply, but Megan elbowed him to silence even though she didn't look any more interested in the discussion.
After Max's explanation, John turned back around and hit the map light. Pulling out the file on the clinic, he quickly scanned through the docs looking for any details on the building's security. After a minute, he found a copy of the clinic's contract with Knight Errant. Fraggin' Ares! Got their grubby paws in everything!
After quickly reading the document, and skipping over the legal-ese, John turned back around and shoved the sheet at Max. "Hoi. You said there weren't nobody at the clinic, right? This says there's always two fraggin' guards on duty."
Before Max could reply, Tyler pulled the van to the side. "I think that's the place."
Across the street from where the van was stopped stood a large Shell station. A lone AmeriCar was at one of the pumps. It seemed that most people were avoiding the weather. "What now?" Megan asked. "Where's this decker chick?"
"Now we wait," John said while lighting a cigarette. "She's not gonna be here for a couple minutes."
Jul 25 2005, 11:29 PM
12:30:12 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Apartment 875, Parkewood Village Apartments, Tacoma
Todd rubbed his forehead, then called Tony.
"Hey man. I ran into company in there, got ganged up on and booted. It happened around the camera's, so I think its safe to assume that they are being handled. If you want, I'll go back in and make sure the gates are up for you, but I don't think I'm up to make another run at those guys."
Jul 26 2005, 04:02 AM
00:25:00 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Corner of 8th and 139th Court, Petro-Chem Station
Exactly 45 minutes from the time John had spoken to Iris, he saw a girl with short, spiky hair dyed in day-glo pink and green step out of the gas station and begin walking towards the corner of the gas station. She was dressed in what was almost certainly a synthleather jacket and matching skirt, with knee high boots encompassing fishnet stocking clad legs. Over her back was slung a knapsack that looked like it could fit a deck.
Grousing to himself about the depths to which he had sunk as far as his quality of help, Finn's recommendation notwithstanding, John couldn't help but think, Great, so much for subtlety. A professional, she's not. At least she's wearing all black. Except for that neon green and pink hair dammit...
Jul 26 2005, 05:05 PM
12:30:02 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
Seeing one of the targets standing in the open, Marquis takes advantage. His two heavy pistols rattle off quick bursts sending echos across the garage. Still in his squatted stance, Marq lets out a second three-round burst out of both guns. Both barrels remained locked on their target, waiting for it to fall.
Jul 26 2005, 06:26 PM
00:25:01 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Corner of 8th and 139th Court, Petro-Chem Station
...she fraggin' looks like what some corper drek-head would imagine a 'runner to look like. That or somethin' off a bad trid show.
Turning to the shaman, John said, "Think that's our girl. What's she look like to you, Max?"
Megan didn't wait for him to answer before she gave her unsolicited opinion. "Her hair looks pretty wiz."
"Yeah," Twiggy added. "She's fraggin' nova! Ow!" Rubbing his arm where Megan had slugged him, the young elf watched the sythleather clad decker through the van's frosted window as they all waited for Max's reply.
Jul 26 2005, 07:32 PM
00:25:11 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Corner of 8th and 139th Court, Petro-Chem Station
“Screams shadowrunner to me, or at least ganger, but then again my only reference, until tonight, has been the Trid.” Max replied looking at the girl as she scanned the Petro Station. “Stands out a bit doesn’t she? Of course look who’s talking, right?”
"No, I mean what does she LOOK like." John says pointing to his eyes.
"Oh, right. Pretty normal I guess, other than that hair and those clothes. She has some headware, but nothing out of place that I can see."
Jul 26 2005, 11:53 PM
00:25:35 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Corner of 8th and 139th Court, Petro-Chem Station
"A'ight. Wait here."
John opened the van door and almost stepped into a puddle of slush. Smiling to himself, he stepped over the puddle and shut the door. Making sure his jacket was opened far enough for quick access to his Manhunter's, he triggered his wires and stepped around the van.
Checking for traffic, he jogged across the street. Slowing to a walk as he approached the girl, he kept his hands visible. He actively watched the area as he walked across the lot. Stopping about 2 meters from where she stood trying to look casual, he reached up to remove his smoke.
"Iris? Name's John. Ready?"
Jul 26 2005, 11:59 PM
00:25:55 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Corner of 8th and 139th Court, Petro-Chem Station
Turning towards him, she blows a bubble, from 20th Century bubble gum apparently, pops it, and chews loudly. "I know. Finn told me what you look like so I'd recognize you. I'm ready to go if you are chummer, let's get this show on the road."
If she's nervous, she's doing a good job of hiding it... John thinks to himself, as she stands there, waiting for his response.
Jul 27 2005, 12:57 AM
12:30:02 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
The first three round burst catches the target on his left shoulder and chest, heavy rounds tearing through flesh and shattering bone. Shock pushes the figure backwards, his eyes empty and staring as the second burst cuts through him. Blood sprays across the wet concrete as he collapses into a heap, his weapon clattering from his hand.
Jul 27 2005, 05:20 PM
00:27:51 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Corner of 8th and 139th Court, Petro-Chem Station
John eyed the girl up and down silently for a moment, making no effort to hide his disapproval of her outfit. Looking her in the eye, he raised an eyebrow and asked, "You sure you're ready? I thought you said Finn told you what we was up to?"
Iris stared right back, the only outward sign of possible nerves or uncertainty was a slight shift from one foot to the other. Of course, that could have also been from the fact that it was cold and she was wearing a short skirt. In answer to his question she simply blew another bubble and let it pop loudly.
Sighing quietly to himself, John motioned for Tyler to swing the van around and pick them up. Sure you're ready, girl. Maybe had a couple easy runs, made some easy cred. Nothin' to it, right?
He took a deep drag off of his cigarette and angrily flipped the butt away, making sure that it was the opposite direction of the pumps. What the frag am I doing? Raiding a corp front with a carload of fraggin' kids, a decker not much older, and a parazoology consultant who probably saw his first fraggin' firefight yesterday! I'm gonna get them all fraggin' greased.
As the van started towards them, John reached into his jacket and pulled out the envelope containing what remained of the pay from his last job. Fraggin drek! Was that only 2 days ago? Or was it 3? Seems like 30. Whatever, hope I ain't wastin' this for nothin. With a glance around to make sure that no one was taking an unhealthy interest in them, he slipped Iris the envelope. She quickly pocketed it as he said, "There's the upfront. I don't know how much Finn told ya, or how specific he got, but if you haven't had a chance to check out this place on your own I got a file of the drek Finn collected. You can go over it on the way.
"By the time we get there, I want your thoughts on the place, plus your best guess on where our isolated system would be located according to the floorplans."
Iris popped another bubble and continued to chew her gum loudly. "IF such a system exists."
As the van pulled up, John could plainly see Twiggy with his face plastered against the side window. Iris, obviously shocked to see someone so young, turned on the older man. "What the frag, mister? This some kinda field trip, or what?"
Giving her a half-smile he said, "Nah. That's Twiggy. He's the muscle on this job." Leading her around the van and opening the side door, he continued, "That's Tyler driving, and Megan's next ta Twig. And this is Max."
Leaning forward, Max extended a gloved hand to help the young decker into the van. "Hello, Iris. Glad to have you onboard."
"Hoi," was all she said as she climbed in. John closed the door and then got into the passenger seat. As Tyler navigated the vehicle back into the sparse traffic, the old runner turned in his seat to continue and handed Iris the folder. "Here's the file. One last thing. How are you with security systems? I can handle the odd maglock, but not much more. Other than that, just let me know if you got any questions."
With that, he lit a smoke and waited for the inevitable: everyone to start talking at once.
Jul 27 2005, 06:56 PM
12:30:03 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
Still crouched down at the wall, Tony flinches a little at the rapid fire booming bursts that echo around the level of the parking garage. Barely making out a figure from the group punched backwards towards the south wall of the garage, he guesses that Marquis got off a good shot. Well, he did say he wanted action yesterday. Tony thought as he tried to peer thru the dense grey smoke to see if anyone was left alive.
He was barely able to make out the man and women that started him on this situation: they were both prone on the floor, and Tony was unable to tell if either were still alive. No one else seemed to be looking or (more importantly) aiming in either direction.
Not able to see anyone aiming at either him or Marquis, and not wanting to open fire for the drek of it, Tony settles for switching the Semopal to fully automatic fire and waits for something to happen. Let’s let Marq pick them off. I’ll keep ‘em busy if something happens
Jul 27 2005, 07:43 PM
00:30:00 Tuesday 09 January 2063- enroute to Practical Applications Clinic
“Once we get there I will take another run of facilities in astral. Maybe find those two guards the dossier says are supposed to be there.” Max says once they are safely on the way. “Then I will call a city spirit to help conceal us as we make our way closer to the facilities, but once we get inside I am going to have to summon another spirit to help conceal us again, which means we will have no magical cover for a few seconds. How can we rectify that?”
Jul 28 2005, 05:42 AM
12:30:03 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
As the firearm hits and tumbles across the cement, Marq scans the smoke filled garage for the next target. Both pistols stay even in his hands, lying in wait for their next victim.
Jul 28 2005, 07:14 PM
00:32:04 Tuesday 09 January 2063- enroute to Practical Applications Clinic
"Well," John said, turning from Iris to Max, "we may not have to worry about that once we're inside. I got an idea."
Smiling slightly, Max leaned forward. "Anything you care to share with the rest of us?"
"Yeah, spill already." Twiggy growled, wearing a grimace that John assumed was supposed to be "hard." In reality though, it looked like a cross between "near-sighted" and "constipated." Megan reached over and smacked him in the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for?"
"Just cause. What's this idea, old-timer?"
Shifting fully sideways in the van's seat, John reached up and removed the smoking cigarette from his mouth. "A'ight, now some of this depends on if the guards are where I think they'll be, which we'll know after Max scouts the place again. Lookin' at the floorplan, it looks like there's a security desk by the front doors. Twiggy?"
Rubbing the back of his head, the young elf answered, "Yeah, I think that's right."
"Good. If that's right and they're at the desk when we get there it'll go down like this: Megan and Twiggy drop the rest of us off a couple of buildings down from the clinic. Max calls a spirit to cover us and we sneak to the front doors. Then, me or Iris works on openin' the doors. Iris?"
The decker looks up from the documents long enough to say, "Long as it ain’t locked up like Fort Knox I can get us in nul persp." With a snap of her gum, the girl returned to the file, though it was obvious she had at least one ear open.
"Wiz. When the doors open Max zaps the guards. If they need further motivation to stay down, I'll give it to 'em. Just me. If for some reason we can't open the doors, or if we set off the alarm or somethin' Max just zaps 'em right away. We can break down the door if we have to. Once the guards and the station's secure, Tyler will stay to watch them and the cameras and stuff. Hopefully they got some radios or somethin' we can use to keep in touch.
"At this point, me, Max, and Iris will find the computer room. Even though the guards are down, we still need to be as fast as possible. Just assume we've already been made. No tellin' what kinda response time Knight Errant has to this place. I mean, with only 2 fraggin' guards they can't think it's too big a risk, right? Maybe, maybe not. We don't take the chance and find out.
"Once we find the computer room Iris'll do her thing. If somethin' goes wrong, we can always just fraggin' yank the hardware and crack it later. When that’s done we get out fast. Iris, lemme see the plan for the ground floor."
Shuffling through the file, she hands him the sheet with a creaking of synthleather. "Megan, Twig, your job is real fraggin' important, so listen up. You're both our main lookout and get-away. Once we're inside I need you to take the van and go down this side street," John held up the sheet for them to see, tracing a path with his finger, "turn the van 'round, and wait at the corner. Park back enough so you can just see down the street. You watch and see if anyone comes down the street. I'll give you my cell so if you see anyone you call Max's cell. Number's programmed already. When we're on our way out we'll give you a call. Pull around to the curb, right out in front. We'll meet you there."
"What about me," Tyler asked without taking his eyes off of the road.
"You make sure the guards don't get free. Watch the security monitors. Listen to their radio. That sort of thing. We'll grab you on the way out. Just keep your jacket's hood up and try not to look up at any cameras. Also, anything on ya that's considered colors, take it off. Don't want them to come lookin' for the rest of the gang, right?"
John took a deep drag off of his cigarette. "That’s it. Just remember that if the drek hits the fan and lead starts to fly, you gotta worry about yourself. If everything gets fragged, I want you guys to run. Max, Iris, and me can take care of ourselves.
"We'll stop just outside the industrial park for a weapons-check. Then I'll remove the van's ID and Max here will scout. If it looks good, we go. Anybody got any questions?"
Jul 29 2005, 05:08 PM
00:40:15 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Industrial Park
Tyler slowed the van to a stop just outside of the industrial park containing Practical Applications Clinic and hopefully a clue to what had happened to Keira and Nora. The constant driving that Tyler had been forced to do had at least gotten him used to the snow and he remembered to brake early to avoid sliding.
Max had listened to John’s plan, but remained silent.
‘…when the doors open Max will zap the guards…’
Other than the men that had attacked the Respite this morning Max had never used his spells to hurt anyone, let along ambush a pair of unsuspecting guards just doing their job. He hoped that his astral scouting would conclude as it had earlier in the evening with no guards to be found.
The truck came to a stop and John jumped out to take care of the vans plates and other modes of identification. Max leaned back in his seat and tried to calm his rapidly breathing heart. Slowly he felt his spirit separating itself from his physical body and he drifted through the roof of the van and towards Practical Applications.
It would appear that lady luck had abandoned Max again as the glowing figures of the two guards lit up the astral space of the lobby.
‘Poor bastards.’
Max took another quick fly through of the entire building, to make sure he didn’t miss anyone else before returning to his body and informing the rest of the team of his findings.
Jul 30 2005, 05:37 PM
00:42:06 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Industrial Park
After zipping through the clinic once again, to his disappointment Max discovers that the file was right, there are two security guards sitting on duty at the desk in the front lobby, munching on donuts and coffee, watching the trid, and generally living the life that all security guards in similar positions aspire to.
Other than that though, it's the same as his last pass through, the rest of the building, particularly the astral, is quiet.
Returning to his body, he opens his eyes and reports, with John nodding calmly, like he expected this.
He probably has, he's done this how many times? I feel like I'm in a trid here, is this what being a runner is like?
Popping her gum, Iris looks up at John and says, "All right boss, here's the scoop. I doubt the electronic security will be that tough, just some cameras and some maglocks. If we keep our heads down and don't have any identifying marks on our clothing, we might not even need to take them out. If you want to play it safe though, we can disable the cameras from the receptionist desk in the front lobby where the guards are. That won't solve the problem of the cameras in the front lobby, but I can erase those."
Nodding, John asks, "What about the isolated system, where do you think it is?"
Pausing, Iris answers, "If there's an isolated system, I would guess it's in the head administrator's office. From the plans, I just don't see anywhere that it'd be most likely to be. As long as we don't set off any alarms, we should be ok."
Thankful at least that appearance notwithstanding, she appeared to be reasonably professional, John mulled the information over, firming up the plan in his mind.
While he's thinking, Tyler speaks up. "Hey, if things get fragged and we gotta run, where should we meet back up?"
Jul 31 2005, 01:09 AM
00:52:36 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Industrial Park
John, fresh from removing the van's plates and disabling its transponder, stuffed his tool kit into his canvas satchel and turned to look at Tyler. "Good question, kid. How 'bout the Stuffer Shak over by my doss? It's open all night." Smart kid. He should do fine.
Turning to the decker, he continued. "We play it safe. Good call, Iris. So, we get in, disable the guards, then you take out the cameras. Then it's straight up to the admin's office. Lemme see that part of the floorplan."
He checked the sheet, committing the route through the building to memory. Handing it back, he addressed everyone. "A'ight, crew, time to lock-n-load. I'm packing gels, but I also got hot ammo in case the heavy drek starts. Remember that the best runs are the one's where no one gets fragged, from both sides. But if push comes to fraggin' shove, you can't hesitate to shove back.
"Check the action on your weapons and check your load. If you ain't sure about somethin' ask." So saying, John flipped his cigarette out the window, closed it, and pulled the Ingram from his satchel.
As soon as the grip hit the induction pad in his left palm the weapon's status flared across his field of vision. It told him that it was unloaded but reported no malfunctions. Reaching back into the satchel he pulled out two clips which he had taped together with blue tape. They were attached in such a way so that when one was empty, he could just flip them over and quickly load the other. Sliding the clip into place caused the smartlink status to change, now stating that the Ingram was fully loaded with gel rounds. Manually pulling back the bolt, he sat the sub aside, pulled the Manhunters from their holsters, and proceeded to check them in the same way.
As John was about to reholster his pistols, he noticed Twiggy and Megan. She was checking her tiny holdout pistol while he watched. Reaching back, the old runner handed the girl one of the heavy Manhunters. "Here. You'll need more firepower if you're gonna guard the van. Loan Twig your peashooter if he can handle it."
John turned back, reholstered his remaining pistol, and reached back into his bag to remove a black ski mask and gloves. He put the mask on, but didn't pull it all the way over his face just yet. Closing the bag, but leaving the top unsnapped, he slung it over his head and shoulder so that it would ride under his right arm. He then slung the strap on the Ingram over his head and other shoulder. He'd wait to open the stock until they were out of the van.
Taking a deep breath, he turned back to the others. "Everyone set? Everyone know what to do? A'ight, one last thing. Like I said before, we can't assume that we haven't been made. Ever. So once we go remember to use streetnames. I go by Scrapheap on runs. If you don't have a handle, make one up quick. Don't worry about being smooth or soundin' mean. Got it? Wizzer. Megan and Twiggy, you guys switch with Ty and me." As everyone shuffled around to their new seats, John gave Max's shoulder a squeeze on his way past. As the pale elf looked up, he gave the shaman what he hoped was a reassuring grin.
Once everyone was in place, Megan looked back at him. "All set, chummer. Just say when." Looking at the unlikely group in turn, John finally turned to the young girl. "Ready as we'll get. Let's roll."
Aug 1 2005, 09:08 AM
12:30:04 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
Spotting a shadow in the smoke making its way toward him, Marquis lets a few more rounds head down range. Two more three round bursts simultaneously echo through the parking garage.
Aug 2 2005, 07:48 AM
12:30:05 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
The six rounds of heavy pistol ammo spark and ricochet off the concrete column, whining angrily in the smoke-filled lane of the garage. The target snugs his submachinegun into his shoulder, leaning out around the column. The underbarrel 30mm launcher choomps, its air-timed projectile arcing through the haze to detonate just past Marquis' position. The punishing overpressure of the concussion drives him into the concrete hard enough to leave bruises. Car windows shatter in the blast, and a dozen alarms add their shrill cry to that of automatic gunfire.
Aug 2 2005, 08:06 PM
01:03:05 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Industrial Park
Max listens intently to everything John…Scrapheap has to say. He pulls out the Remington Roomsweaper and double checks the magazine and makes sure the safety is still on. When putting on the mask of his form fitting body armor he mimics the way Scrapheap keeps his rolled up, but easy to pull down at a moments notice.
‘A code name.’ The thought was almost laughable, but Max knew Scrapheap was not joking. ‘Hmm…of course.”
“Just call me Professor, I tend to answer to it anyway. By the way…were is your doss?”
01:04:52 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Industrial Park
Tyler starts the van back up and moves it into position a few buildings down from their target.
Taking a deep breath Professor calms himself and reaches out to the city, calling it to help him. Those near enough to him can see his shamanic mask begin to form. His face becomes grey, like the color of granite and odd shadows flitter around him as if shadowy wings were unfurrowing themselves around him and then they are gone. Wearily Professor lets his senses drift, seeking the consciousness that had briefly touched his own and responded to his call.
His astral sight detected a brief flicker of movement along the ceiling of the van. Peering upwards just in time to the head of a laughing gargoyle appear through the roof of the van.
‘What is it your require?’ It said with its ever-present, mocking grin.
Professor spoke out loud even though the others could not likely see the spirit in its astral form.
“I humbly request you assist my friends and I. I need you to conceal our presence until we leave your domain and then I ask you to return to this van and frighten anyone other than those you see here away. When I return, you will be free to do as you please. Is this acceptable?”
The spirit nodded in reply. ‘Of course.’
“Thank you, my friend.”
Professor had to stifle a laugh when he took his gaze away from the roof and saw the looks the others were giving him, all except Scrapheap that it.
“Don’t worry I haven’t cracked…we have the help of a spirit now to conceal us and keep the van safe.”
Aug 3 2005, 02:27 PM
01:06:00 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Industrial Park
The clinic is quiet, and other than a light in the front lobby, it seems like there’s no one there. A light snowfall and a small breeze blow through the night, freezing them all as they cross the lot to the front door, but the additional camouflage is apparently unnecessary.
The two guards manning the front desk are absorbed in watching the trid and absentmindedly eating their coffee and donuts, required gourmet fare for all in the security guard profession. Stealthily, added greatly by Max’s spirit, the group makes their way to the front door, unnoticed by the guards.
Step 1, getting to the door, complete. Now all we gotta do is take out the guards Scrapheap thinks to himself as they move into position near the front doors.
Aug 3 2005, 04:35 PM
01:03:19 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Industrial Park
'Where is your doss?' Nice fraggin' slip, chummer. Sure you're up for this?
"Sorry, Max. Iris. I took the others there earlier, so I guess I forgot you guys didn't know. The Stuffer Shak in question's at 11520 Avondale, near the corner of Avondale and NE 116th. I live in a housing co-op not too far from there."
01:06:23 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Industrial Park
Scrapheap peered into the lobby as the two guards stared blankly at the trid. As he watched, one leaned forward and felt around for another doughnut, all without taking his eyes off of whatever show had the two so enthralled.
Ducking back around the corner, he nodded to Iris, signalling for her begin on the doors. Then he caught Tyler's attention, pointed at his own eyes and then away from the building, trying to make it obvious that he wanted him to watch the street. When the ganger seemed to understand he adjusted the ski mask and knelt in a location where he could both watch Iris work and check on the lobby as needed. Motioning to The Professor to watch him, hopefully understanding that he was to cast against the guards as soon as the doors were opened, Scrapheap snugged the stock of his Ingram against his left shoulder and waited to make his move.
Aug 3 2005, 05:46 PM
01:06:59 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Industrial Park
Working quickly and stealthily, Iris manages to have the lock on the front door disabled in under a minute. Far from the best Scrapheap’s ever seen but certainly good enough for the circumstances. As soon as the red light on the maglock turns green, with the telltale beep, she moves out of the way hastily, not wanting to get in between a wizworm and his targets.
It doesn’t really matter, I’m not targeting it at her anyway. Oh well, no time to tell her, Max, no, the Professor thinks to himself. Concentrating hard, brow furrowing under the stress of casting a spell so soon after summoning a spirit, not to mention the stress of his first ever premeditated assault and battery with magical force, illegal breaking and entering, trespassing, unlawful intrusion with the intent to commit a crime, and a host of other laws he was breaking that he didn’t even want to think about…
He forced himself to concentrate and let the mana flow through him, and when he had shaped it the way he wanted it, let it loose in a stunball that arced towards the two security guards. It worked like a charm on one of them, who silently slumped in his chair and then hit the ground with a thud, completely unconscious. To his surprise though, the second shrugged it off without any effects whatsoever, his eyes widening for a moment before his body tensed, ready to dive for cover. And that’s when the drek hit the fan…
Aug 3 2005, 08:50 PM
03:00:00 Tuesday 09 January 2063 - Westminster Apt Complex, South Seattle
Ivan Ivan Ivan, when will learn comrade. Always, always put spare key in secret place. Now you lose key and you cannot get in. Well done.
Ivan stood outside the back door to his apartment. Well it was his only door really. The rental was contingent on him making himself as invisible as possible to the other renters. Something about 9 foot tall trolls scared them.
The snow was coming sown briskly and starting to pile up on the brim of his black Stetson. There he stood waiting for some form of inspiration. The building was four stories tall, 50 feet wide and two hundred long. His little apartment consisted of the unused portion of the basement that housed the boiler. It had no windows, or any access to the front court yard that was surrounded by two other identical buildings.
The weather was getting worse and he had only left to stock up on supplies. Now he was standing in the cold with three bags of groceries and no way into his apartment.
Except for kicking door down. Both loud and expensive.
The troll heave a big sigh. It was not his day.
Aug 3 2005, 09:19 PM
03:05:00 Tuesday 09 January 2063 - Westminster Apt Complex, South Seattle
Five minutes. Ivan stood motionless in the snow. His hat and immense shoulders collected the snow giving him a comical snowman look. He just didn't know what to do. He didn't want to damage the apartment, and he didn't want to call for help. He doubted the other renters would help him if he was lying bleeding at their doorstep.
You know, lock might give under strain, and not destroy whole door.
Ivan carefully sat the groceries down and moved into the slightly sheltered half stair case that led to his door. Looking to make sure no one was watching he popped the meter long titanium spur from his right forearm. The weapon made very little noise as it sliced through the door knob and lock.
The door gently blew in with the breeze.
Ivan shrugged. He had intended to attempt to pick the lock with the spur, not to slice right through it. But as often happened with the big troll, his intentions were not fulfilled.
Aug 3 2005, 09:32 PM
01:06:59 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Industrial Park
With the calm, practiced efficiency of one who’s seen many a run go sour before, Scrapheap raised his Ingram with lightning speed, bracing the stock against his shoulder, and let fly a quick, precise burst. The gel rounds raced through the air before the guard could dive for cover or call for help, and if they were really lucky, before any alarms could go off.
They hammered into the man with three dull thuds, causing him to jerk suddenly and drop to the floor, unconscious from the repeated impacts. No one else had had a chance to move.
“Cool…” Tyler breathed softly in the silence that followed.
Looking at him with a bit more respect, Iris nodded. “Not bad boss. Time for me to do my part now.”
Pulling up her hood, she moved into the lobby and pulled out her deck, then jacked into the computer, body going limp in the chair as her hands flew across the keyboard. Agonizing seconds ticked by, turning into a full minute. The others stood around, looking nervously at the street and back at the decker. Only Scrapheap stayed cool from the rising tension.
After about a minute and change, she opened her eyes and looked at Scrapheap, “Cameras are disabled, and I managed to erase the front lobby cameras as well. There’s nothing subtle about it, they’ll know someone did it, but they won’t be able to recover it. Course,” she looked down meaningfully at the guards, “I figured total stealth went out the window about a minute ago.”
Aug 3 2005, 10:05 PM
01:10:03 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Lobby
It had all happened so fast, Professor wasn’t even sure how it went wrong. The incantation was correct and both guards were well within the theoretical range of the spell, but there he was staring into the man’s eyes and watching the realization that he had almost died. At least that was what the man thought. He didn’t know that Professor had only tried to render him unconscious. His aura previously a nice blue calm sparkled with surprise then swirled a dark green with fear at the realization of attack and then was gone. Scrapheap had whirled into the open door the moment the guard had failed to drop and fired, pitching the guard backwards onto the floor. There was a brief flash of pain and now a disturbing sort of calm to the unconscious man’s aura.
Professor moved inside with the rest of the group, his mind still racing. Was Knight Errant on their way? Did some security guards at one of the other buildings hear them? An infinite number of questions sprain to mind, the most prominent.
‘What the hell am I doing here?!?’
Iris was saying something, but it wasn’t until a Scrapheap gave him a little nudge that he was able to refocus on the situation. Not saying a word he nodded to the old street samurai, knowing if he wanted to get out of this, he had better just follow Scrapheap’s lead and do what was asked of him.
Aug 4 2005, 05:26 AM
12:30:05 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
Hearing the loud BOOM from what sounded like a grenade, Tony springs into action. Rock 'n Roll time he thinks to himself as he lets off a set of fire toward his front, his left, and in the middle, designed to make everyone dive for cover. As the car alarms start up, the Semopal's action rachets back again and again as the caseless ammo flies out of the barrel. Drek, don't think I've hit anything, but now you know where I'm at. Fire at me! he thinks, as he readies himself for the next round of fire.
Aug 4 2005, 07:51 AM
12:30:05 Thursday 11 January 2063 - Sea-Tac International Airport, Long Term Parking Terminal, Seattle, UCAS
Tony's automatic fire pounds into the smoke a split second before Marquis lets out his next few rounds. The concusion grenade has left him a bit dazed, so he lowers his right so he can concentrate on his target. Flipping the switch to Semi from Burst, Marq again attempts to drop the enemy on the other end of the pillar.
Aug 4 2005, 03:34 PM
01:07:03 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Lobby
As Iris quickly jacked-in at the security desk, Scrapheap slung his Ingram and drug both of the unconscious guards around the corner, one at a time. Oooff! Fatty here shouldn't been eatin' them doughnuts. Yeah, that or you need ta start workin' out, chummer. Specially if you plan to keep doin' drek like this.
Dropping the second guard's hands, he quickly searched each man. They each carried a new-looking Ares Predator, a set of metal handcuffs, and a spare clip. These he sat aside. With a sheepish glance over his shoulder, he then went through their pockets. The first guard carried only his credstick, but the second had a bit of paper money in addition to his 'stick, which Scrapheap quickly stuffed into his jacket pocket.
Working fast, he then moved the men so that they were back-to-back and handcuffed them together, securing each man's left wrist to his partner's left and right to right so that their arms were crossed behind them. Finishing them off by taping their legs together at the ankles, he stuffed the Predators and clips into his satchel and returned to the lobby.
He saw that Iris was beginning to stir as he stopped next to the Professor. A quick glance at the shaman was all he needed to see that the elf was a million kilometers away. His pale features were set in an expression somewhere between worry and shock. As the decker began to speak, Scrapheap gave the elf a slight nudge. The shaman swallowed and nodded, seeming to refocus. With a final concerned glance, the old samurai turned his full attention to Iris's report.
Finished speaking, the decker began to stuff her gear into her bag. She looked up as Scrapheap said, "Wiz job. A'ight, the guards're secure so let's keep movin." Looking to where Tyler stood watching the door with his Fichetti drawn, he added, "You all set here?"
The young ganger nodded and replaced Iris behind the counter. Satisfied, Scrapheap motioned for the others to follow and set a brisk pace as they moved deeper into the building. So far so good...
Aug 4 2005, 06:33 PM
01:10:15 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic - Inside
Professor followed Scrapheap and Iris along the building corridors. He continued to scan for any signs of Keira, but there was nothing. Only the clinical feel of an astral space that had been scrubbed clean of something horrible. It did not take the group long to reach their destination and before he knew it Max was standing outside the door marked for the clinic’s Administrator.
Aug 4 2005, 07:33 PM
01:16:07 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic - Inside
Again, working quickly and decisively, Iris knelt down and began working the maglock. It took a bit longer this time, but the result was the same, another open door. Moving quickly to the administrator’s computer and setting up her deck, she looked at Scrapheap and asked, “You said you wanted me to hack the system. You want everything, a specific file or keyword I should look for, or just everything I can grab as fast as possible?”
Aug 4 2005, 08:43 PM
01:16:16 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic - Administrator’s Office
As the little LED on the maglock flashed to green, Scrapheap quickly cleared the office beyond. That done, he took up a position in the doorway allowing him a view of the hallway and office before motioning the other two team members inside. He listened to Iris's questions as she set up her gear, answering after a quick glance at the Professor.
"Do whatever's fastest. If it's all the same then first look for any mention of 'patients' and where they could have taken them. You know that we're mainly lookin' for anything on Nora and Keira, though I doubt they'll be listed by name. Second, anything about what went on here. Then get anything of value: personnel records, research data, all that drek. As much as you can." He paused a beat before adding, "If you think we should just fraggin' yank the whole case, we can do that too. Not like we're being sneaky here. Just check for traps or bugs first."
As the decker nodded and went back to work with a snap of gum, he turned to the shaman. "Professor, maybe you should go astral and check on our friends. Check the immediate area while you're at it. See if anyone's taken an unhealthy interest in the clinic." Nodding at Iris as she worked, he said, "This could take a while."
Aug 4 2005, 09:06 PM
03:07:55 Tuesday 09 January 2063 - Westminster Apt Complex, South Seattle
Ivan walks into the apartment, stopping for a second to shake the snow off of himself on the strip of old orange carpet that served as a doormat to the basement apartment. Placing the plastic sacks of groceries down with a gentleness the belied his huge frame, he unthreads his Stetson from his head, brushes the accumulated snow off of the brim, and places it on the upturned box that served as an end table. Turning, he closes and latches the now lockless door.
Picking up the groceries, Ivan walks across the rough concrete floor of the basement toward the kitchenette. While putting up the groceries, he remembers something he didn't notice on the 4 block walk back from the store. No snowplows. This place not deal as well with winter as back home he thinks to himself as he remembers playing in the heaped snow as a child.
Aug 4 2005, 09:25 PM
01:16:55 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Astral Space
Professor nods in return and finds a place in the corner of the office to sit down. He leans his head back against the wall and lets his consciousness slip from his body. Professor soared through the walls of the clinic to check on Tyler and then out into the night. He takes a number of loops around the grounds and checks in on the van as well.
Aug 5 2005, 01:04 AM
03:15:55 Tuesday 09 January 2063 - Westminster Apt Complex, South Seattle
Just as Ivan finishes putting up the last of his groceries, his phone rings. Fishing in his coat pocket for the cheap cell phone he carries, he gets the device out with a gigantic paw. Checking the ID, the LTG comes up as ‘unreadable’ on the display.
Hitting the tiny ‘receive’ button on the phone doesn’t stop the ringing. Cursing softly, he gives the phone a gentle wack with the flat of his hand. That connects the call.
Ivan, omae. It’s Cross. You snowed in yet?
Aug 5 2005, 01:42 AM
03:16:25 Tuesday 09 January 2063 - Westminster Apt Complex, South Seattle
"Da comrade, snow is very thick, like mother Russia."
Aug 5 2005, 02:46 AM
03:16:55 Tuesday 09 January 2063 - Westminster Apt Complex, South SeattleHeh, well, the Sprawl isn’t set up to deal with this like the Motherland. Probably going to be lots of chaos tomorrow, which means I’ve got an opporutunity for you. I’ve got a meet scheduled for tomorrow at noon close to you. I’ll need you to represent me there. Should be simple, and it’ll net you
1500, plus a good bonus if you don’t exceed certain targets.
I’ll give you the details if you say da the electronically modulated voice stops, waiting for an answer.
Aug 5 2005, 03:53 AM
03:17:38 Tuesday 09 January 2063 - Westminster Apt Complex, South Seattle
Finally job is available.
"Da comrade, Ivan always willing for work."
Aug 5 2005, 04:30 AM
03:18:44 Tuesday 09 January 2063 - Westminster Apt Complex, South Seattle
Excellent. A text message with detailing the job, the bonus scale, and the location will be shot to you at 0800. These guys are pros, but don’t hesitate to call it off if they act like drekheads. I’ll also include a LTG number to tell me how it goes and to make payment arraignments. It’ll be good from 1200 to 1400, call me as soon as you get clear of the meet with the results. Any questions? If not, I'll talk to you tomorrow afternoon. Stay warm.
Aug 5 2005, 12:47 PM
01:17:00 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Astral Space
Zooming through astral space, Professor zips around checking the building and the surrounding areas, trying to ascertain if anyone seems to have an unhealthy interest in them. So far, so good. Still, no sign of Keira. If the trail continues here, it’s going to continue electronically, not astrally.
01:17:00 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Astral Space
Meanwhile, back at the clinic in the meat world, no sooner has Iris jacked in when less than a minute later, alarms started going off in the building.
What the FRAG? I thought Finn said she was pretty good. Fragging amateur! were Scrapheap’s first thoughts, until his experience kicked in and told him that even if she was horrible, that was still an very quick response time for the alarms.
There wasn’t any reason for security on an isolated system, especially one in a place like this, to be that good unless something really interesting was on there. And if that was the case, why was physical and magical security so light? Something wasn’t right, but he couldn’t place his finger on it, and he couldn’t talk to her while she was in the Matrix to figure it out.
Do I jack her out and just go, or hang tough and let her do her job he wondered as the seconds ticked by.
Over the radio, Tyler’s voice crackled, “Boss! What’s going on up there!? The alarms are going nuts, and I can see on the computer screen that a Knight Errant team has been dispatched here. What should we do?”
Aug 5 2005, 02:08 PM
01:17:10 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Administrator’s Office
"It's a'ight, kid. The screen, does it give an ETA on the KE response team?"
Waiting for Tyler to answer, Scrapheap quickly searched the doorframe for anything they might have missed. Sensors, alarms, anything to explain the alarms that rang through the building. He then visually scanned the room, before his gaze settled on his "out-of-bodied" companions.
If the fraggin' alarms were set-off by Iris, then that system is hot. I'll give 'er as much time as possible before we have to dump her and yank the whole thing outta here.
Turning to where the Professor slumped in a corner, he shook his head. Max is already fraggin' on-edge. Hope these alarms don't flip him out. Frag, I hope I don't flip. Been a long time since I was in a spot this hot.
As he waited for the decker to complete her work and/or the shaman to return, Scrapheap watched both for signs of injury or strain. From experience he knew that if either ran into trouble it was possible that they would display physical signs of the trauma. He only hoped he could help if that happened.
C'mon you fraggers! C'mon...
Aug 5 2005, 03:46 PM
01:17:20 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Administrator’s Office
“Um, hold on, let me see…” Tyler’s voice trails off before snapping back, “Yeah, it says on one of these screens ETA 4 minutes 50 seconds, about 01:21:00. What should I do boss?”
Drawing upon his old school knowledge, Scrapheap knows that it’s unlikely he’d be able to cancel the call, although he could always try the old ‘weapons malfunction, give us a few minutes to lock it down’ trick. He doubted that would work here though.
He wasn’t sure where they’d be coming from, could be one of several locations, and in any event, he wasn’t sure how much that would help right now.
If they left now, they’d almost certainly have enough lead time to make it out, but would Iris have the information they needed? And if she did have enough time to get the info, would they make it out of here in time?
Meanwhile, in astral space, Professor is searching through the clinic one more time, when he sees Tyler’s aura is now radiating nervousness, tension, and fear, far beyond what it was when they’d arrived. Quickly heading back to the Administrator’s Office, he sees that Scrapheap’s anxiety level has increased significantly as well.
Something’s gone wrong, but what? Should I go back to my body and find out, or stay out here in the astral?
Aug 5 2005, 03:55 PM
03:18:44 Tuesday 09 January 2063 - Westminster Apt Complex, South Seattle
"Da, Cross. 0800 tomorrow for the details, I look forward to it. Dosvedanya."
Ivan disconnected the call and left the phone on the counter. Work again, he needed the money and Cross had been good to him in the past. But with a new job there were new dangers. What would it be this time?
Well, if god is watchink over Ivan, then all will be well.
Ivan made the cross on his chest, an homage to his Russian Orthodox heritage. He pushed the negative thoughts out of his head and went about fixing his dinner, he hadn't worked out since the snow started so he had put himself on a low carb, high protein, low fat diet. Lots of soy.
Aug 5 2005, 04:17 PM
01:17:25 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Administrator’s Office
"Call our ride, kid, and have 'em meet us out front. Then wait by the front doors. We ain't down in 2 minutes you get out."
Scrapheap slung his Ingram and ran over to the desk, pulling out his electronics toolkit on the way. With a quick glance at Iris to make sure she was OK, he squatted down next to the isolated system's case, quickly examining it to see how difficult it would be to disconnect. If it was secure enough to trigger the alarms so quickly, it was possible that it would be trapped in some fashion.
I guess it don't really matter. Not like I have time to be fraggin' subtle. If it has to go, I'm just rippin' the fragger free. See what Finn can do with what's left.
Replacing the unused toolkit, the old runner could feel cold sweat begin to slide down his back. He reached up, his hand surprisingly steady, and grasped the coiled cable running to Iris's datajack.
A'ight, girl. One more minute and I'm dumping you...
Aug 5 2005, 04:44 PM
01:17:29 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Administrator’s Office
Something was obviously wrong. Professor briefly thought about taking another circuit around the complex to look for any signs of trouble, but thought better of it. He needed to know what was going on and the only way to get the answer was to return to his body.
He gently slipped back into his prone body and the physical world slowly came into view again. It didn’t take being a seasoned runner to know they had problems. Panic sprain to life in Professor as he registered the alarm. He started to full consciousness and looked around quickly for any signs of danger. Iris was still slumped in her seat, fingers dancing across her keyboard and he could just make out the figure of Scrapheap bent down examining the floor. Knowing a full on panic would be the worst possible thing to do at the moment, Professor tried as best he could to remain calm.
“The coast is clear outside…what happened in here and more importantly what do you need me to do?” He asks when Scrapheap pulls himself up from what ever he was examining behind the desk. The old runner could tell that he was nervous, but was at least for the moment holding it together.
Aug 5 2005, 05:12 PM
01:17:35 Tuesday 09 January 2063- Practical Applications Clinic – Administrator’s Office
Relief washed over Scrapheap as he heard the shaman stir and speak. Trying to reassure the other man by keeping his voice as calm as possible, he looked over his shoulder to reply.
"Nice ta have you back, Professor. I don't know why, but the alarms started about a minute after our girl went in. A fraggin' Knight Errant team's on the way, so we don't got much time. If she ain't done in about 45 seconds, I'm dumpin' her. If it comes to that you have to carry her and her gear. Think you can handle it?"