Here is the log for today game.
Deadman: yeah
Brent: sweet
Brent: dame thing
deadman: now since it took so damn long no one will be here
deadman: [12d6] => [5,6,5,6,3,6,2,3,2,3,1,1] Hits: (5)
Brent: most likely
deadman: this isnt a bad place to play just kind of unreliable
deadman: and thanks for the cheat sheet
deadman: looks like all his attacks are 12-13 die which ant bad if I do say so myself
Brent: np, yeah it can be unreliable and I'm going to look for something else to use.
Brent: Yeah that sounds about right.
No Name: Bleh. Finally got it working.
deadman: yeah they did
deadman: you know they got some interesting plug in for this thing
Brent: hello
Crizh: hi
Crizh: sorry RL intruded again
deadman: OLA Crizh, and NO Name
Crizh: I'll just lurk for a bit and catch up
Brent: it's ok I’m watching my kids right now too
deadman: don’t worry theirs place was not up and running until a few min ago
Brent: well there is really nothing to catch up now.
Crizh: lol
Brent: we will be starting a new run
Crizh: cool
Brent: My other buddy doesn't look like he will be coming.
Brent: one sec. give me what and were you guys are at.
Brent: and doing
deadman: well he could never tell time anyway
Etoile: What and were we were at and doing? As in ICly or just in general?
Noowan: well if the last run never happened I am working in the fetish shop and comuning with my friends
Brent: in general
Brent: does anyone remember the date we were last on?
Crizh: yargh
Crizh: April sometime?
Etoile: I can't honestly say I remember anyone mentioning dates at any point.
Crizh: Gecko's been righting wrongs and keeping up his campaign against
Crizh: humanis in Seattle
Brent: k,
Crizh: and using all that karma to initiate
Etoile: Etoile's just been hanging out and pit fighting. Nothing like bloody claw fights to keep her in a good mood.
Noowan: also doing a bit of investigative work
Brent: K, I'm going to go with April 18th Firday 2070.
deadman: coffee should have the natural ability to say drinkable hot
Brent: it's about 1800 (6:00pm)
Brent: your comlink rings/buzzes or such.
Noowan: getting ready to close the shop, as I answer
Brent: it's been about a week or so after you run on the dam.
Crizh: I've been paying of debts and working on setting up some safehouses as well
Noowan: I say your yen talk
Brent: "Hay Noowan (it's your Fixer) I have a expedited job that needs some works"
Noowan: ok when and where do we meet
Brent: Gecko and Etoile are you guys answering your comm's?
Crizh: sure am
Brent: "my place in about half hour"
Crizh: always looking for more work
Crizh: afk for a bit
Etoile: Who does the caller ID say it's from?
Crizh: assume I play along and stand in the background
GM: "hay Gekco I need some workers for a job head over here in half and hour."
Noowan: your place or your shop
GM: the id is from your fixer.
Etoile: (I meant which one. Etoile has two including Ochir)
GM: it's your other fixer if you have a second fixer.
GM: Ochir gives you directions to another place Noowan
Etoile: " 'Ello?"
GM: "Hay Etoile, I some work for you that has a rush order on it. Can you be here in about half and hour?"
Noowan: cool I set out for the meeting, having a set of running gear at the shop
GM: k
deadman: some day I will learn how to type and spell
Etoile: "Gérard Gérard... You know rush work costs extra," Etoile replies, already moving to collect her gear.
Noowan: brb
GM: "yeah I know it's fine but are window is only open fro a few hours."
GM: "See you here then"
GM: I'll be right back sense we are waiting for Noowan
Noowan: back
GM: I'm back too
GM: ok, So everyone is meeting up at an older night club in Snohomish.
GM: There is no one there it looks like. But you head up to the front door and an Ork opens the door and waves you in.
Etoile: Etoile will scope the place out first. See what kind of security measures they have in place.
GM: He says "The meet is in the back." and points the way.
Noowan: go in and look for the big Teddy Bear Ochir
GM: there doesn't look like there is any measures.
GM: You don't see Ochir
Noowan: then I waste
GM: {ooc he isn't going to show he told you that}
Etoile: Etoile will head in, taking care to keep an eye out for any signs of an ambush. Along with where all the exits etc are.
GM: k
Etoile: (I'd roll a perception roll for it... But I can't remember how to make this thing roll dice)
Noowan: (ok missed that then) move to the meeting my friends on alert for nastyness
GM: {make sure your dieroller is set to sr4 by useing /dieroller sr4, then is just brackets and your dice}
GM: like so 6d6 would be [6d6] => [3,6,1,1,1,4] *GLITCH* Hits: (1)
Etoile: [7d6] => [5,3,3,6,5,4,2] Hits: (3)
GM: there are people preparing the club to open in a couple of hours but nothing that looks to be out of place.
GM: We all there then?
Noowan: yep
Noowan: I am
GM: OK, you enter into the back room and there is standing a gourgious female elf in black leathers waiting for you all.
Noowan: (drool)
Noowan: but keeping perfect manners I acknowledge her
GM: A human of about 5'8" walks in medium build. And has the look of a mage sits at the table too.
Spark: "Hi, I'm Spark. It looks like I'll be joining you on this job."
Etoile: Etoile will prowl around the edge of the room, eyeing everyone up.
Noowan: and the job is
GM: Once everyone is sitting. The Johnson starts.
Johnson: "Good day everyone, I'm in a hurry so I'm going to get it out there and if we move forward so be it."
Johnson: "I need a small team to extract someone; it'll be a Spider type, from an outlying facility of Aztechnologies."
Etoile: Etoile won't sit. But she'll lean against the wall and notion for the Johnson to begin.
Johnson: " the Pay will be 100,000 nueyn each for a job completed"
Johnson: k
Etoile: (Motion even)
Crizh: [I've got to go, RL I'm afraid. I'll stay logged in so I can keep up...] => I've gotta go, RL I'm afraid. I'll stay logged in so I can keep up...
Johnson: k
Johnson: have fun
Noowan: you want us to extract a Spider
Johnson: (this is still do able if you two want to keep playing)
Johnson: "If you could tell you I would but they don't want to be known."
Johnson: oops, "if I could tell you..."
deadman: ok by meeting
Noowan: so you want us to go in grab a spider and get out and not know who we are geting
Etoile: "What kind of facility are we breaking into?" Etoile wonders. "And is this a willing target? Or unwilling?"
Noowan: for 100,000
Noowan: from AZTEC
Johnson: "it's a willing subject, the facility is a training complex for the Azies new mechs. There are no mech there though."
Johnson: "it's here in Seattle."
Johnson: "Here in Snohomish to be exact"
Noowan: well one I take it there is a time frame of soon
Noowan: and no real time to plan
Etoile: "Do you have any requirements about 'ow this job is done?" Etoile asks curiously. "Low violence? No violence? And can you provide any information to 'elp us plan our approach?"
Johnson: "It needs to be done in a few hours, they have a planed outage coming up and that will be your best time to hit the place."
Noowan: and some way to ID the person we need to get
Johnson: "You can tack any route you like, I have the spec on the place and the location the subject will be at during the outage."
Johnson: "I have images fro you on him."
Noowan: cool that is a help
Etoile: " 'as 'e been tagged?"
Noowan: but I personaly think 100,000 a bit to low for this rush job
Johnson: "his Commlink is being track by our people if that is what you mean. We can discusse the price if you like."
Etoile: "No," Etoile replies, rolling her eyes. "I mean security tags from his employer. It 's not uncommon for important people to be fitted with tags to make kidnap 'arder."
Johnson: "No not that we know of."
Johnson: brb
Noowan: well lets say 250,000 since its against AZTEC and we might have to stay low for awhile, and you provide a chip reader to make sure he is not tagged
Noowan: or whatever they use to keep people from being high jacked
GM: roll your Charisma + Negotiation (if you have it, and you don't) for the raise.
Johnson: " I can give you a scanner, but let talk about the that price." Charisma 5 + negoiation 3 (
[8d6] => [4,3,3,1,2,2,3,6] Hits: (1)
GM: ouch, you have a good chance of getting it.
Noowan: well one its a rush job,
GM: roll
Noowan: [5d6] => [6,4,2,3,2] Hits: (1)
GM: you going to keep it or use edge and reroll failures?
Noowan: 2) its against one of the most powerful companies in the world
Noowan: use edge
GM: k
GM: reroll 4d6 then
Noowan: [4d4] => [2,4,1,3] Hits: (0)
GM: ouch!
Johnson: "Well I think from you street cred, that 100,000 is more than enough to get the job done and line you pocketbooks."
Noowan: well you must have wanted the job done right or you wouldn’t have called us in
Johnson: "Correct and the employer has worked with you in the past and doesn't what others in on this."
Noowan: ok 175,000
GM: k, roll
Johnson: [8d6] => [3,6,6,4,1,3,2,6] Hits: (3)
Noowan: [5d6] => [3,1,1,6,3] Hits: (1)
Johnson: "We are being most generous with the said amount already."
Johnson: "So are you all in then?"
Noowan: yeah I am in
Etoile: "You must forgive my colleague. 'E is not our speaker," Etoile says flicking her hand razors in and out. "I will only accept the fee if you can provide a 'igh powered jammer. Something we can use to kill the signal from any tracking implants 'e may 'ave."
Johnson: "I can do that, any else that is a must?"
Noowan: we got a scanner if he has one use those lovely razors to remove it and leave it where he is
Etoile: "We will require a suitable vehicle," Etoile says.
Spark: "I have one."
Spark: "a vehicle that is"
Etoile: (Noowan, Stealth tags won't show up on a scanner and even if they did they'd be somewhere like in his spine. So removing it with hand razors would kill the person.)
Noowan: (was a joke)
GM: we ready?
Noowan: did we get all the info she had for us including photos and such
GM: yes, I'll highlight it in one sec.
GM: the target building is in a remote location in Snohomish, a small building that is place deep in the woods.
GM: they have a small parking lot our front and are in circled by a fence. The building is glass facade and has large lights placed on the fence pointing at the building.
GM: scanning now
GM: there is the map, there is no water just replace it with fence and forest.
Noowan: when we get there I have my friends check the area for nasty surprises, IE sprits, guard placements the works
Noowan: no map that I see
Etoile: Hmmm. It seems to have gone in backwards.
Noowan: yep it’s in a foreign language
GM: yes it does don't it, oops. Oh well you get the idea though.
GM: I'm a lefty so I can read it just fine plus I'm Dyslectic
Noowan: well I am also a lefty and I can’t read it
GM: there we go. Should be fixed now.
GM: any questions about the place.
Noowan: waiting for it to show
Noowan: but like I said before I have my friends scope it out
GM: There is only one mage in astral patrolling the area.
GM: no other spirits, there is not meet patrolling the outside.
Etoile: Where is the target meant to be waiting?
Noowan: well we waste for the black out I think Etoil any thoughts
GM: what will be room 3 on the interior map, a room right in the middle of the first floor.
Etoile: What exactly did they mean by black out? They've planned for the place to loose power?
GM: it's only a two story building, but has multiple basement levels.
Noowan: that is what they said
GM: Yes the whole Snohomish area is going to be in a blackout for about tow hours, for the power people update some things.
Etoile: What's the small square that's to the left of where it says Rock Beach?
GM: I'll be right back need to make the kid (my son) and PB and J.
GM: change that to fence and forest.
Noowan: think that might be a stairwell
GM: let me check.
Noowan: what kind of locks do the doors have on them, and do maglocks cease to function if the power goes out
Etoile: A maglock should do. Because it needs electric to generate the magnetic field.
GM: it's the machiery shed for the elevator
Noowan: that’s what I was thinking
Etoile: But to be honest I can't see a power outage doing /anything/ to help us. It's a military base, if they have no back up generator I'd be surprised.
Noowan: yes but it takes time for it to come on line
GM: yeah, but emergency back power only powers only the Essentials
Noowan: and if we know where it is we can stop it from coming on line
Etoile: Hmmm. I'd say the best choice would be to cut through the woods, climb the wall and get in via the elevator shaft. We use the internal ladders and move fast. Keep it quick and quiet heading to the room the targets in.
Etoile: Doors are probably essentials in a place like this.
Etoile: External doors anyway.
Noowan: sounds like a plan to me
GM: Yes, but there maglocked and run on battery backup, I think the roof would be a good plan.
Noowan: does the lay out show us the back up gen?
Etoile: Do we have internal floor plans?
Spark: I can levitate everyone up to the roof past the fence and all
GM: No it's most likely on a basement level. I'll load the interior
Etoile: Levitation works. Saves on climbing.
Noowan: we have a mage patrolling the area in astral don’t for get
GM: there you should have it in a sec.
GM: Room 3 is where the target will be.
Noowan: ok you say he is in room 3
Etoile: So he's not especially far from the elevator is he?
GM: which is a lounge
GM: nope.
Noowan: cool elevator straight to the room
GM: about 30 feet I'd say.
Noowan: let us know when the place goes dark
Etoile: Etoile's Endoscope should come in handy.
Spark: I have improved Invisibility too so we can remain hidden from the cameras too.
Noowan: cool
Etoile: Etoile will wear her Chameleon suit.
Noowan: got mine on as well
Spark: I think we all have one cuz I have one too.
Spark: Sweet.
Spark: brb
Noowan: Cham suit don’t leave home without it
Spark: I'm back
Noowan: well we start this extraction
Spark: K I'm going to load the exterior again. And we will start there.
Etoile: Oh and Etoile has both her pistols silenced and is carrying her Praetor.
Spark: k
Noowan: got my sword and throwing knives
Noowan: and my ever present friends
GM: You guys get into view of the build still covered by the forest,
Etoile: Can you use a concealment service on us? Or better still summon a higher level spirit to use it?
Noowan: spark said he had invisibility but yeah I can have on conceal us
GM: : The facility's exterior is highly polished armored glass. Only five elements of the building are not highly polished, one emergency door on the north and south side, the main entrance, and a small door on the front of the building, and a large window next to that door (not shown).
GM: the doors at the main entrance have handles but the two side doors and the smaller front door do not.
Noowan: I have a spirit conceal us
GM: the dise doors are fire exits and the smaller front door leads to the security office. The window is one-way glass so security can watch the driveway and gate.
Noowan: think its water that does that
GM: k
Noowan: ok let us levitate from the back closest to the elevator shaft
GM: The roof of the building has a small satellite dish in the north-west corner. it also has a HAVC unit (center) and an elevator machinery shed. The shed has an access panel.
Noowan: open the panel is there service ladders?
GM: then fence around the compound is two-meters high (6 feet) chain link with monowire across the top. The fence ahs one-meter-by-one-meter boxes on the inside with a power supply going into the ground.
GM: These are large, high intensity lamps.
GM: You have to get to the roof first.
GM: there that is the description.
Noowan: ok sparks do your thing bud
Spark: ok, here we go. I'll start with invisibility.
(51) Spark: Magic 8 + spellcasting 5 + power focus 4 (force
17 [17d6] => [4,5,6,1,4,1,6,1,3,1,2,1,5,6,2,4,6] Hits: (6)
Spark: drain 6dv willpower 6 + charisma 5 11 [11d6] => [2,1,5,6,6,3,2,2,2,4,2] Hits: (3)
Spark: three boxes of stun
Spark: now levitiate Magic 8 + spellcasting 5 + power focus 4 (force
- 2 sustaining a spell is 14 [14d6] => [4,5,5,3,4,5,1,1,3,6,2,3,1,5] Hits: (5)
Spark: and drain is 6dv 11 + power focus 4 [15d6] => [4,2,5,5,1,1,2,2,6,4,2,3,6,2,5] Hits: (5)
Spark: one more box of stun.
Spark: on we are on the roof.
Etoile: Stealth roll for Etoile [9d6] => [4,6,2,1,6,6,6,1,6] Hits: (5)
Spark: stealth everyone
Noowan: would a stim patch fix that?
Spark: not really but I'll be fine.
Spark: a medkit can.
Crizh: bk, let me catch up...
Spark: k
Noowan: stelth is agilaty and skill?
Etoile: Anyone up there with us? Also.... Is the room we're breaking into one which faces out on the open air space?
Spark: yes
Crizh: dieroller sr4
Crizh: oops
Spark: put a / in front of it
Noowan: [11d6] => [4,1,3,6,6,3,1,2,3,6,2] Hits: (3)
Spark: no there is noone up here.
Crizh: [13d6] => [5,3,2,6,2,5,4,4,4,1,6,2,6] Hits: (5)
Spark: it's the only marked elevator
Spark: [9d6] => [5,4,4,1,4,1,1,6,5] Hits: (3)
Noowan: stealth role 3hits
GM: Once you get to the elevator access panel there is a maglock on the outside.
Etoile: Why don't we just go down the side of the building on a rope and take the target out of the window?
Noowan: cuz it’s a interior room
GM: 6+8+your stealth roll = your detection threshold.
GM: 14 +
Crizh: do we have a real-time fix on the target?
GM: there is no window in the lounge
GM: yes, room three which is in the middle of the building.
GM: I'll load the interior soon.
Noowan: any one have a mag card
GM: once we get though the access panel
Crizh: Etoile?
Etoile: It's in the middle. Except if you look at this map there's a big section of air.
Etoile: In the middle. Which looks like it lines up next to the room we're going to.
Noowan: that’s the cooling system
GM: ? I'll load the interior so you can show me what you talking about cuz I'm lost.
Etoile: The roof map had a box labeled as air. As in the building had a gap in it. Making it a square with a square cut out of the middle.
GM: no that is the HAVC unit.
GM: sorry.
Etoile: Not your fault. It's kind of a lousy map in terms of labeling.
GM: Sec Mage perception test [8d6] => [6,5,5,5,4,2,4,4] Hits: (4)
GM: you still undetected
Noowan: does anyone have a maglock card?
Etoile: Power's gone out?
GM: Yes power is out.
Etoile: If Gecko doesn't have something to fool the card reader Etoile has a chisel and huge strength. She'll just force the door open.
GM: the maglock is running on battery backup.
Crizh: got cutoff, what did I miss
Crizh: ?
GM: Gecko, we are on the roof the power is out
Crizh: does Etoile have her passkey?
GM: and we are needing to get into an access panel of a elevator
Noowan: and need a pick for a maglock
Crizh: I can give it a go if we don't have a passkey
GM: I don't think we have one.
Noowan: go for it bud
GM: it's a rating 6 maglock
Etoile: Etoile never had a passkey.
Crizh: oh
Etoile: It was our missing mage.
Crizh: do you want me to have my agents hack it or take it apart?
Etoile: Crowbar time it is. Unless you'd like to punch the door open while Etoile cuts the communication lines?
Crizh: do we know where there comm lines are?
Etoile: The big dish on the roof?
Noowan: says to self "self get passkeys for maglocks
Spark: that would be my guess
Crizh: well let’s stick a cutoff in their comms and I'll open up the maglock
Etoile: We need to go quick and dirty, before the power comes back on. So whichever way will be fastest.
Noowan: power is out at the moment
GM: lets say that the cutoff is in place.
Noowan: pick the lock
Etoile: You can't pick a maglock.
Etoile: It doesn't have a lock. They're swipe card locks and not key locks.
GM: Crizh you still there?
Crizh: hardware + logic to check for anti tamper
Crizh: [6d6] => [4,3,3,3,2,6] Hits: (1)
GM: keep going until you hit the threshold
GM: there three seconds.
Crizh: [6d6] => [4,4,2,4,5,3] Hits: (1)
Crizh: [6d6] => [5,1,1,3,4,1] *GLITCH* Hits: (1)
GM: [6d6] => [6,6,1,3,5,3] Hits: (3)
Crizh: [6dd6] => 6dd6
GM: anti-tamper is going off.
Crizh: [6d6] => [6,2,1,3,3,4] Hits: (1)
Crizh: hmmm
Crizh: more direct?
Spark: Punch it man.
Noowan: monofiliment cuts anything right
Etoile: *Throws subtle out of the window*
Spark: nine second later
Spark: {yes and no it can try to cut it}
Noowan: I cut the door off the hinges
Crizh: kick [21d6] => [1,2,1,5,2,5,6,2,3,2,4,4,3,6,4,3,1,4,6,3,1] Hits: (5)
GM: what will the DV be?
Noowan: he kicks as I cut
Noowan: [13d6] => [2,4,6,1,5,2,6,4,3,5,2,6,4] Hits: (5)
Crizh: 14
GM: that plenty the access panel fly inwards.
Crizh: versus half barrier - 3
Crizh: check out the shaft
Crizh: how far down to the car?
Noowan: access ladders?
GM: about one story, so that what about 15 ft
GM: yes there is a ladder
Crizh: jump straight down
Crizh: and open the roof panel
Noowan: ok jump
Crizh: check with radar to
Noowan: works for me
Crizh: make sure it's empty first
GM: you there and the roof panel is open, all clear.
Crizh: is it on the right floor
Crizh: ?
GM: yes, you’re on the first floor
Crizh: anything on other side of door yet?
Noowan: open the door
GM: nope no movement detected
Etoile: We're still on the roof right?
GM: roof of the elevator
Crizh: lever the door open and cover the corridor with ingram
Etoile: Etoile will peek around the corner with her endoscope.
Etoile: Which'll let her look out without actually coming into view.
GM: no one is in sight.
Crizh: what are the walls made of?
Noowan: move into the car and go out and move to the room
GM: plascrete
Noowan: checking around the corner
Crizh: start 'stealthing' towards room adjacent to mark
Crizh: [13d6] => [1,6,1,4,5,5,6,6,5,5,1,3,2] Hits: (7)
GM: you outside the door to the lounge (room 3)
GM: 7+8+6 = 21 to be detected
Noowan: standing guard
Crizh: use the uwb radar to scan through wall into target's room
Noowan: Etoile has the jammer
Etoile: Etoile will wedge a bit of wood into the elevator doors. So it'll stay jammed in place.
GM: there are five people in the room, two are playing a game, one is sitting down, and three are on the far wall standing (play video games).
Crizh: guys? Wall or door?
Noowan: door
Crizh: ok, you open it and I’ll take the mark
Spark: yeah us the door.
Spark: I can stunball the room if you guys like.
Crizh: take cover at side of door
Noowan: got stun gas
Crizh: narcoject
Crizh: in gel rounds
Spark: yeah I have a nerostun grenade
Etoile: Etoile will cover the corridor. To deal with anyone who comes out the doors or tries cut our escape route off.
Crizh: takes too long
Etoile: Oh and she'll have her gas mask on.
Spark: what does?
Crizh: ditto
Crizh: neuro stun
Crizh: full combat round
Noowan: we got a pic of the guy let’s do this
Crizh: narcoject instant
Spark: Ok I can stunball then.
Noowan: want me to flash bang them?
Etoile: Infact... She'll cover you all from in the elevator itself.
Spark: You'll have to target each person for that though.
Crizh: don't want to take any chances with you
Crizh: already drained
Crizh: flash bang - good
Spark: which ever.
Crizh: open door throw in flash bang
Spark: I those too
Noowan: ok got 2 ready
Crizh: I drop target with narcoject
Spark: I put the combat in combat mage.
Spark: he is a willing target we don't need too
Noowan: just the others not the target
Crizh: what, the extractee?
Crizh: ok, no probs
Noowan: is willing
Noowan: ok let’s do this on 3
Etoile: Has the backup come online yet? Or is it emergency lighting?
Noowan: 1
Crizh: blink
Noowan: 2
Noowan: 3
Spark: emergency light is up and running.
Noowan: kick open door and toss in flash bangs
Spark: but it is vary dim, low light conditions
Spark: there all stunned and blind.
GM: the target is the one sitting down.
Crizh: start taking te bystanders down
Crizh: ingram [13d6] => [2,5,1,5,4,6,6,2,1,3,4,2,6] Hits: (5)
Noowan: look to the target and grab him and move him out
GM: thats one down.
Crizh: [13d6] => [1,3,1,3,2,6,1,5,5,1,3,5,1] Hits: (4)
GM: and there is two.
Crizh: do you want init?
GM: no, but that is one pass.
GM: how many passes do you get?
Crizh: 3
Etoile: Perception roll to keep a look out for anyone in the corridors [7d6] => [6,2,5,1,5,5,1] Hits: (4)
GM: keep going then
GM: there are only two left.
GM: all clear still,
Crizh: [13d6] => [5,4,6,2,5,3,2,2,3,3,2,5,5] Hits: (5)
Crizh: [13d6] => [6,4,2,5,4,1,5,6,6,2,1,4,1] Hits: (5)
Noowan: move target to elevator
GM: there all down.
Noowan: still clear
GM: You guys are in the elevator when you see three guards come out of the door straight across the hallway.
Noowan: how many
GM: what are you guys going to do? Three
GM: I marked the door they are coming out of.
Crizh: kick out wedge?
Etoile: The powers out. The elevator doors aren't going to close even with the wedge gone.
Crizh: they are sprung loaded are they not?
Etoile: Oh. Wait no they will do actually.
Etoile: They should be sprung for safety.
Noowan: have sprit of fire weld the door
Crizh: can you levitate the mark?
Etoile: Noowan. That'll probably cook us alive.
GM: yes, they will shut.
GM: yes, that will cook you guys.
Crizh: gecko runs up the wall and checks the roof is still clear
Etoile: Have it cook /them/ perhaps?
GM: one sec. have to change a dipper
Etoile: Or cut the elevator cable after we're out.
Crizh: stealth [13d6] => [4,4,6,6,3,6,6,5,3,6,3,5,2] Hits: (7)
Noowan: have him cook the guards
Noowan: as we continue to move up and out
Crizh: if the roofs clear move out and get ready to pull the mark safely out o the shaft
Crizh: when sparks levitates him up
Noowan: use the ladder need sparks to levitate us down
Noowan: don’t want to over stress our mage
GM: ok I'm back
GM: what are we going to do then
Noowan: ok as we move the mark out of the elevator, my fire sprit is cooking the guards
GM: (He hasn't dropped that spell so we can still levitate up the shaft.
Crizh: magic sense [9d6] => [4,2,1,1,4,6,2,2,2] Hits: (1)
Noowan: yeah can he carry to mark?
GM: Gecko senses noowan's four spirits, Spark, and one more astral magic presences.
GM: and noowan
Etoile: Etoile will jump up and pull herself onto the roof of the lift.
Crizh: focus o the additional presences
GM: are we going to cook the guards? It's the sec. mage.
GM: security mage
Noowan: the patrolling mage
Noowan: just singe them a bit and stop them
Etoile: I thought the cooking was in regard to the three guards in the corridor? Not the security mage.
GM: right
GM: so basically a force 4 fireball then
Noowan: yeah
GM: [8d6] => [2,1,6,4,6,5,6,6] Hits: (5)
Crizh: where's the mark?
GM: in the elevator with you guys
Crizh: Etoile. Send him up the ladder.
GM: 9 DV 1/2 impact
Noowan: being shoved through the emergency panel
Crizh: get ready to intercept any spirit the mage calls up
GM: the guards scatter every which way.
Noowan: got my other 2 sprites for that
Spark: I'm levitating everyone up now Hold on!
GM: You guys are on the roof now. The sec mage followed though.
Noowan: is it him in the flesh or astral
Crizh: stay next to the mark and stay ready to protect him
GM: astral
Noowan: send the 3 sprits after him
GM: he flees once he see's the spirits come after him
GM: spark levitates everyone over the fence and into the forest
Spark: We should be almost free and clear now guys.
Crizh: once we have some distance scan the mark for stealth tags
Crizh: nljd 6 [12d6] => [3,5,6,3,6,3,5,2,5,2,4,3] Hits: (5)
GM: as you guys land the power kicks on and the whole area lights up like no other.
Noowan: the sprits fallow the mage as he got a look at us and need to be eliminated
Noowan: don’t want AZTEC after my butt
GM: no tags, He say's he already killed all of them. He thinks. (you don't detect any)
Crizh: I doubt he can id us with the level of concealment we used
Etoile: Etoile slaps on the jammer anyway. Just to be sure.
Crizh: that's good enough to detect stealth tags that are currently off
GM: that is not a good idea really; he didn't have much of a chance to asses anyone.
Etoile: Erm. What rating is it? And is it a smart jammer?
GM: there are none on him.
GM: and the jammer is running.
Crizh: don't bother
Noowan: ok if you guys think so I call my friends back
GM: it's smart and it's rating 10
GM: miltech
Crizh: they could track the source of the jamming
Crizh: maybe...
Etoile: Did they want it back?
GM: we will see.
Noowan: didn’t say
Crizh: hit the road
Noowan: we contact the employer
Crizh: keep an eye on the mark
Crizh: for spirits or ritual sending’s
Noowan: as we move down the highway
GM: the mark is good, and you guys are clear of the area.
Etoile: Etoile will just keep her gun on him. Just incase he's dangerous.
GM: She says meet at the same place.
GM: kewl
GM: we are at the club
Noowan: so we scan the place as we pull up to make sure we are not backstabbed
GM: there is a black GOV SUV out side.
GM: the J is standing by it.
GM: are you guys approaching with the mark?
Etoile: I think we should send someone forward to talk with her first.
GM: k
Crizh: going to hang back on a nearby roof and cover the exchange
Noowan: yeah after my friends sweep the area and the van
Crizh: scanning the airwaves, etc
Etoile: Keep him back as a hostage until we're paid. Noowan you okay to guard the target?
Noowan: I will go talk to her
GM: no traffic on the airwaves.
GM: so far everything looks clean
Crizh: anybody else on overwatch on the other team?
Noowan: my sprits
Noowan: go up and politely greet her
GM: not that you can tell
Crizh: magic sense [9d6] => [1,3,2,1,3,6,5,2,6] Hits: (3)
Etoile: In which case Etoile will stay in the car with Spark and the target. Ready to kill the guy if needed.
Crizh: cold
Johnson: "Did the job go off cleanly?"
Noowan: no one was killed
GM: You don't sense anything that shouldn't be there.
Noowan: got a bit hot there for a bit
Johnson: "Good do you have the Subject? I have you pay right here," She holds up credsticks
GM: nice pun
Noowan: I wave them up with the mark
Crizh: ready to shoot her at first sign of trouble
GM: k
Noowan: Etoile bring him up
GM: You bring the mark up Etoile?
Etoile: "Noowan, slot the chips and confirm they're real." Etoile replies via subvocal.
GM: k there good.
Noowan: I check the chips
Noowan: there good
Noowan: we get to keep the scanner and jammer right
Etoile: Keeping her Praetor in the small of his back Etoile will move forward towards Mrs J. "Nothing personal monsieur. It’s only business, no?"
Johnson: "sure, why not."
Noowan: Etoile we get to keep the scanner and jammer
GM: Miss. J shacks hands with the subject and threy get into the SUV. She already handed you guys the sticks.
Johnson: "thanks you guys good work, I'm sure I'll be in touch."
Noowan: I pass out the chips
GM: she gets into the SUV and they tack off.
Noowan: and get the hell out of the area
Etoile: Etoile will slot hers and transfer the money off to a secure account before she goes any further.
Spark: "Well, guy’s that was fun keep me in mind if you need more magic help in the future."
GM: Transfer completed
GM: You guys each made 100,000 nuyen and get 4 karma
Noowan: I also transfer mine but as I go
Crizh: take the money and filter it through a few transfers to spoofed links
any questions, comments, or anything else we can talk about here.