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well, the downtime will be in the around a month or two (game time). but I'm going to do the next run on openrpg or something that little Johnson is working on. You all are more than welcome to continue over there, if you cann't I understand.

Everyone gets 4 Karma, I'll post your bonus karma by PM.

Do you have a game time in mind? I’d imagine that time zone issues will make getting folks online at the same time somewhat problematic, but I’m perfectly willing to give it a whirl, unless it’s totally incompatible with my schedule.
well, Wednesdays work best for me but I do have Monday and Tuesday open too or there is the evening of Saturday or Sunday. the time is in the air right now.

Weekends are going to be the best with people from different time zones. Friday and Saturday nights are best for me, or during the day on Sundays.

Of the days you put up I'd vote for Saturday Night.

Brent what is the Karma for Cash exchange rate? I think 5,000/Karma is about standard.
yeah I think 5,000 would be fine with me.

Sounds good.
Hmmm well I'd be interested in trying it out, but I only have limited free nights and am in GMT (and have to be up stupidly early in mornings for work) so might not be able to play except for Friday nights (my time) or on Saturdays.

As for shopping can Ochir sort out someone who'll be able to fit her with cyberware?

She's after the following

Rating 2 Cybereyes with Smartlink, Vision Magnification, Flare Compensation and Thermographic Vision. (All from the BBB at a total cost of 4500)

Plus she's after a Cyber Safety System in each hand (700 Nuyen from Augmentation) along with security chips for three weapons (at 200 nuyen).

She'll also contact her Arms Dealer contact and ask him to obtain the following.

FN P93 Praetor with optional inbuilt low light flash-light and electronic firing mode + Sling Accessory.
Upgrades = Gas Vent 3, Powered folding stock, Endoscope and Internal Smart Link.
(With the final slot taken up by a cyber safety chip)

Spare Clip x 9
Normal Ammunition 1170 rounds
APDS 200 rounds
Costing 6200

She'll also be asking him to fit the two additional chips into her pistols... not sure how much it'll cost but will assume 140 Nuyen to make the bill a nice round number.

Total cost for all that is 12000 nuyen. Plus or minus availability modifiers and suchlike needed to get the work done in time.

Edit - Plus of course the extra 4000 nuyen for lifestyle expenses during the downtown.

@Everyone with matrix skill. Can anyone pick up cheap active softs? Because Move By Wire comes with inbuilt skillwires, so I might as well get the most from them.

I'll work out a list of the skills she'd want, but it'll probably clock in around 8 different ones. Each with the upgrade which makes them take up as little space as possible. (If anyone wants to go halves on them then by all means. After all I suspect they'll be cracked copies for the price range I'm after. Should be around 15000 for the lot I think?)
QUOTE (Oenone @ Oct 16 2008, 09:02 AM) *
Hmmm well I'd be interested in trying it out, but I only have limited free nights and am in GMT (and have to be up stupidly early in mornings for work) so might not be able to play except for Friday nights (my time) or on Saturdays.

As for shopping can Ochir sort out someone who'll be able to fit her with cyberware?

She's after the following

Rating 2 Cybereyes with Smartlink, Vision Magnification, Flare Compensation and Thermographic Vision. (All from the BBB at a total cost of 4500)

Plus she's after a Cyber Safety System in each hand (700 Nuyen from Augmentation) along with security chips for three weapons (at 200 nuyen).

She'll also contact her Arms Dealer contact and ask him to obtain the following.

FN P93 Praetor with optional inbuilt low light flash-light and electronic firing mode + Sling Accessory.
Upgrades = Gas Vent 3, Powered folding stock, Endoscope and Internal Smart Link.
(With the final slot taken up by a cyber safety chip)

Spare Clip x 9
Normal Ammunition 1170 rounds
APDS 200 rounds
Costing 6200

She'll also be asking him to fit the two additional chips into her pistols... not sure how much it'll cost but will assume 140 Nuyen to make the bill a nice round number.

Total cost for all that is 12000 nuyen. Plus or minus availability modifiers and suchlike needed to get the work done in time.

Well, I'm flexable I can even run the game here at work on the weekend so I think we can a few of use together.

As far as other stuff yes Ochir can get that stuff and has a good shadow cyberdoc he can hook you up with. With the cyber stuff add 15% to total cost for the fees and you arm dealer can get that stuff too add 5% for fees.

Cool. Have updated my copy of the character sheet, will you be wanting info sending over to keep you updated on stuff?

Or should we update the copies on the thread they were posted in?

(And in follow up to the skillsoft question I have 26000 left to spend. So hopefully there should be enough to cover the bill with perhaps a little left over for a nice racing bike or something)
No, I don't need it for the most part the thread is a record of what you have updated. When we get going I'll have people do up a character sheet node from openrpg. which will be a xml sheet.

Brent, I spent my karma on joining the Singing Moon Coven. As part of the group's strictures members have to help each other. So that should include free instruction, even free access to spell formulae given that I'm going to be working for free in the shop that sells the formulae. I still bought the Orgy formula at list cost, but I figured I'd bring it up.
Sounds good.
I have loads of free time but it is either inconsistent or at inconvenient times. Weekends are out, I work 6PM to 6AM Fridays and Saturdays and play PnP on Sundays.

I have 5PM till 10PM almost every single weekday free but I'm on GMT. Which is why I'm playing on Dumpshock and not OpenRPG.

I'm really enjoying this game partly because we have so many folks from different time-zones. There is always somebody posting.
I can understand that, but my wife is ready to kill me with the time I'm spending on the play by post. With openrpg I can schedule and set a side the time to play.
Aye, a' can understand that. What are you on? EST? I'm sure a couple of us are in Germany so they must be GMT+3.

Maybe we can work out something where some of us are playing late night and some early morning?
yeah I'm sure we can work something out. I'm PST, I'm on the west coast for the most part.

Hmmm, shopping, my favourite part of this game...

First off, 30k nuyen.gif pays off most of his debts.

Next 3250 nuyen.gif will cover lifestyle for a month.

Which leaves....

15924 nuyen.gif

I'd like to pick up some Response 3 Nexuses which cost 1500 nuyen.gif and have an availability of 12. Can Ochir get those?

I'll get Jake to buy me some more cracked software, I'll edit this post with that and any other stuff I think of.
yeah he can get it, add 5% for fees.
QUOTE (crizh @ Oct 16 2008, 02:26 PM) *
Hmmm, shopping, my favourite part of this game...

First off, 30k nuyen.gif pays off most of his debts.

Next 3250 nuyen.gif will cover lifestyle for a month.

Which leaves....

15924 nuyen.gif

I'd like to pick up some Response 3 Nexuses which cost 1500 nuyen.gif and have an availability of 12. Can Ochir get those?

I'll get Jake to buy me some more cracked software, I'll edit this post with that and any other stuff I think of.

I'm morbidly curious why Gecko wants a bunch of Nexuses.
QUOTE (DWC @ Oct 16 2008, 09:01 PM) *
I'm morbidly curious why Gecko wants a bunch of Nexuses.

Updated Truth to reflect karma, and new purchases.
OK stuff to purchase or download.

[ Spoiler ]
Okay, so skillsoft wise Etoile is after the following. Each one at rating 4 with pluscode at rating 3.

Etiquette, Negotiation, Intimidation, Con, Demolitions, Pilot Ground Vehicle, Heavy Weapons and First Aid.

If any of our matrix characters can obtain such things she'd be very grateful. Especially if they also find her patches now and again.

Think cracked versions cost 10% of total price? In which case they each clock in at 1500, for a total of 12000 nuyen. Which Etoile can provide (and she'll send anyone else in the team who is interested copies too).
So, buying successes the highest availability (16) should be reached in 32 days (implanted commlink upgrade to 6). I am not sure I'll be able to make the openrpg games though - I am from Switzerland, and my schedule is rather full already.
QUOTE (Oenone @ Oct 16 2008, 04:49 PM) *
Okay, so skillsoft wise Etoile is after the following. Each one at rating 4 with pluscode at rating 3.

Etiquette, Negotiation, Intimidation, Con, Demolitions, Pilot Ground Vehicle, Heavy Weapons and First Aid.

If any of our matrix characters can obtain such things she'd be very grateful. Especially if they also find her patches now and again.

Think cracked versions cost 10% of total price? In which case they each clock in at 1500, for a total of 12000 nuyen. Which Etoile can provide (and she'll send anyone else in the team who is interested copies too).

Finding each one will be an Extended Data Search+Browse (14, 1 Turn), which should take like 15 seconds, buying hits. Truth certainly won't begrudge two minutes out of his life, especially given that the work he's doing over the next few weeks won't take more than a few hours in each case, and I doubt either of the other matrix types would either.
QUOTE (DWC @ Oct 16 2008, 11:08 PM) *
Finding each one will be an Extended Data Search+Browse (14, 1 Turn), which should take like 15 seconds, buying hits. Truth certainly won't begrudge two minutes out of his life, especially given that the work he's doing over the next few weeks won't take more than a few hours in each case, and I doubt either of the other matrix types would either.

In which case unless Brent minds I'll be buying them for 12k and sharing copies with anyone who wants.

I'm fine with that.

In which case I'll convert 10000 into 2 Karma, pick up some low light goggles for 150 and keep the left over nuyen for a rainy day and use the Karma on gun skills, the spending of which I'll update on her main sheet.
Brent, can I get the following?

– Availability 22 – Cost 1,900
(Low Light, Flare Compensation, Image Link, Thermographic, Smart link, Vision Enhancement 3, Vision Magnification, Camera)

– Availability 16 – Cost 1,010 (Audio Enhancement 3, Selective Sound Filter 3, Spatial Recognized)

yup, add 5% for his fee.

QUOTE (bmcoomes @ Oct 16 2008, 09:14 PM) *
yup, add 5% for his fee.


Just noticed that I'd forgotten to specify my availability. Sunday afternoons. That's pretty much it. Weeknights are way too unpredictable given my propensity to be in the office until 9 or 10pm, and my Saturdays are spoken for.
How many would be able to get online for Sunday 19th, 1600 zulu (0900 PST)?

9 PM in Washington is 12 midnight on the east coast, and I have classes Monday. If we could do it Friday or Saturday night when most people don't need to be up early the next morning it would probably be better.
no 0900 in the morining, that would be 2100 in my time. I still run on military time.

That would be noon EST, so definitely doable.

Little Johnson
i can do thats 11 ct ill see if i can get a temp ventrillo account untill mine is set up at the end of the month

sundays are almost always good for me..and most saterdays
Little Johnson
i can do thats 11 ct ill see if i can get a temp ventrillo account untill mine is set up at the end of the month

sundays are almost always good for me..and most saterdays
To help with this I'm going to start using Zulu time or universial time (UTC). here is a link to the US Navy Observatory. On there header they run Zulu so we can cordinate better.

That time works great for me.
Ok, I'm going to make this the running list.

ME (Brent)
Shalimar (Charlie)
Little Johnson (Tom)
DWC (Truth)
Deadman (Noowan)
For thous of you who need it here is a link with the OpenRPG stuff.

it's walk you through installation of everything you need. From there I'll send you a node of a character sheet.

That time slot is almost do-able but not this week.

I'll be driving up North for an annual fireworks thing we do.

Next week is possible, let me go and butter up the wife....
sure thing Crizh. I truly understand, I'll operation as though your there in spirit so you'll be open for next week.

Hmm the time works for me too, but I won't be online tomorrow because I have friends visiting.

Although I should mention now I have no microphone so if the intention is to have people play via anything other than typed chat I won't be able to play.
right now I think we will be just using the normal chat.
same boat here, typing only.

Brent can you explain how we get to the chat room we will use? I have OpenRPG installed, but have never used it.
Sure once you have it launched hit the Game Server menu and hit browse Servers (or clt+B)

From there chose a server I normaly use OpenRPG Veav I, once there I'll make a room for the game.

Whats your username?
In which case I should be able to play then. Aside from first session and maybe the odd few ones when people are over that is.

(Will logs of the game be made and posted up anywhere? So people not able to attend a session can catch up on what happened? Or will we need to start off with recaps? Maybe in just simple forum posts here or maybe something like an email list.)
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