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I bet your regretting having so many awakened characters now that we are at the astral butt-sniffing phase of the run with all of us sniffing around like dogs. As a note, Charlie does have her sustaining focus maintaining her increased reflexes spell at force 3. Emotionally she is nervous, but excited at the prospect of a job.
@bmcoomes (or erm would you prefer us calling you Brent as you sign your posts that way?) How should we handle being assensed? Check out behind spoilers and then post the replies ourselves? Or just spoiler tag the majority of the information and then have the relevant info passed on by you?
Random thought that just occurred to me: what's everyone's stance on empathy software? Personally, I prefer to treat emotitoys as nothing more productive than high-tech Furbys, as the pointless escalation of dice pools on both sides brings the game ever closer to sillyness (and further away from glitches, which are half the fun!). You shouldn't be able to fast-talk somebody into giving you their pants just because you've got a fancy keychain.
I don't mind it for the judge intentions function, but I agree about them being a bit stupid for the intended function. I could quite easily have given Etoile one and she'd have been up to an 11 DP for some social tests, which just seems plain wrong for a low charisma uncouth character. Even one who is using skillsofts to help herself fit in....
QUOTE (Oenone @ Sep 15 2008, 03:23 PM) *
@bmcoomes (or erm would you prefer us calling you Brent as you sign your posts that way?) How should we handle being assensed? Check out behind spoilers and then post the replies ourselves? Or just spoiler tag the majority of the information and then have the relevant info passed on by you?

You can make reply post to, but I send a PM with the info of hits to the assessor.

As far as empathy software goes I can see how it can give you insight on how it's like to live in the other persons shoes, but talking people out of there pants I don't think so.

Eugh. I just re-read the description for the Full FFBA suit.

I didn't know it came complete with a hood and gloves, which makes it almost useless for wearing with a cocktail dress. frown.gif

Infact it makes it almost entirely useless for Etoile as her normal outfit doesn't work with a hood either.
Little Johnson
QUOTE (bmcoomes @ Sep 15 2008, 01:57 PM) *
As far as empathy software goes I can see how it can give you insight on how it's like to live in the other persons shoes, but talking people out of there pants I don't think so.


For the record. ... if shes hot it only takes 1 success to talk me out of my pants. if shes not takes 6-D successes where D is equil to the number of shots ive had.

PS D can also be the number of weeks its been since last threshhold was met.
You also forget the throwing adept method of using an emotitoy to get someone out of their pants. It's a plan which also involves a concussion and a pair of scissors....

@Brent Am I okay to make a minor gear adjustment to sort out her armour issue? I've edited to stick the actual change I've worked out under a Spoiler, to save on space.

[ Spoiler ]
Oenone: Yeah I'm fine with that.

ha, ha, I know it don't take much to get me out of my pants (at lest for my wife). smile.gif

I usually try with lots of success to forget that emotitoys exist.
Is the hood required for the FFBA suit to work? For social areas, can we take off the hood/gloves, for say a -1/-1 penalty for both?
that sounds reasonable.

Does Arsenal not say that they are optional? It's pretty much just fluff really.
I think the same thing, the hood and gloves are optional.

Totally optional? Even better! smile.gif
Well... Technically it doesn't mention anything about that in RAW but it would make some degree of sense.... Edit infact I know in the offline game I run I let players with the Full suit wear it as any of the lesser options, simply by not putting the whole suit on.

But regardless it turns out this way actually gives Etoile a two point boost boost to her Impact scores, which is handy for close combat which is her main focus. Although it is one point worse for ballistic scores in both her sets of clothing which sort of evens it out.
Matrix Info for anyone who scans Truth.

[ Spoiler ]

Astral info
[ Spoiler ]
Coldhand Jake
Emotitoys are simple. I had one on another character of mine, I had her built with a linked Agent, Virtual Person, Personality software, and a commlink. I called her "Sumomo". And the fact that she could IM me and tell me that she thought someone was lying never even came up... more that I let her, a six inch tall genie doll, drive my car...

If you don't know the source material, search for "Sumomo" and "CHOBITS".

*laughs just remembering that scene*
QUOTE (Fuchs @ Sep 16 2008, 01:47 PM) *

Is this the right sheet for Tom? It still seems to have the pre-errata totals.
I think it is, I haven't seen any others. But he new, so he needs to tweak it still.

QUOTE (Coldhand Jake @ Sep 16 2008, 03:41 AM) *
Emotitoys are simple. I had one on another character of mine, I had her built with a linked Agent, Virtual Person, Personality software, and a commlink. I called her "Sumomo". And the fact that she could IM me and tell me that she thought someone was lying never even came up... more that I let her, a six inch tall genie doll, drive my car...

If you don't know the source material, search for "Sumomo" and "CHOBITS".

*laughs just remembering that scene*

How much did all of that cost?
Bit late to ask this, but I don't suppose anyone knows if Paris still even exists as a city?

Because it hit me I've used a city I have no clue what the background for is.... Hell I'm barely aware what's going on anywhere in Europe aside from maybe that little bit about Europort...
I seem to recall it being mentioned in Emergence so I think you're OK.
Why yes, it does indeed. In the vaguest sense, but enough to confirm yes the place is there and uhm so is the Eiffel Tower and something called the International Seers Guild who are based there. Which implies it's still a fairly major city. Phew.
Coldhand Jake
QUOTE (Shalimar @ Sep 16 2008, 09:49 AM) *
How much did all of that cost?

My records have me spending 23,550. But, that didn't include my OS or Program software

Laptop Persocon
Emoti-toy mini-drone 6
Mini-drone sensor suite <camera, microphone, motion sensor>
Personality software “Plum/Sumomo�
Virtual Person Software
Fairlight Caliban
Custom OS 6/6
All Common Use and Hacking Programs at 6
Agent 4 w/Fuzzy Logic
For Ochir to get tacsoft rating 4 it will take on average three to four weeks and would coast 12,600:nuyen:
Roll at three weeks

QUOTE (bmcoomes @ Sep 16 2008, 08:08 PM) *
For Ochir to get tacsoft rating 4 it will take on average three to four weeks and would coast 12,600:nuyen:
Roll at three weeks


That would be for a legal version. For a cracked version from a pre-existing or newly acquired Warez contact it would be [Data Search + Browse (24, 1 Combat Turn)].

If he doesn't already know a Warez group he can find one with [Data Search + Browse (8, 1 Day)].
Coldhand Jake
QUOTE (crizh @ Sep 16 2008, 01:19 PM) *
That would be for a legal version. For a cracked version from a pre-existing or newly acquired Warez contact it would be [Data Search + Browse (24, 1 Combat Turn)].

If he doesn't already know a Warez group he can find one with [Data Search + Browse (8, 1 Day)].

That's 12 seconds, for Jake. Ask the right man, Crizh.
QUOTE (bmcoomes @ Sep 16 2008, 02:08 PM) *
For Ochir to get tacsoft rating 4 it will take on average three to four weeks and would coast 12,600:nuyen:
Roll at three weeks


For a rating 4 anyone who is to benifit from it would need 8 inputs...for us non-cybered folk that seems like quite a bit. Can anyone suggest how Charlie could participate in something like that?
QUOTE (Shalimar @ Sep 16 2008, 08:22 PM) *
For a rating 4 anyone who is to benifit from it would need 8 inputs...for us non-cybered folk that seems like quite a bit. Can anyone suggest how Charlie could participate in something like that?

QUOTE (Coldhand Jake @ Sep 16 2008, 08:21 PM) *
That's 12 seconds, for Jake. Ask the right man, Crizh.


You're there, you could always chip in if the Fixer says it's a no go.
QUOTE (crizh @ Sep 16 2008, 03:48 PM) *

Yea with the simrig she could connect in, but what senses woud she provide? Do regular senses count for it when using a simrig? With the simrig and glasses she could give her sight, low light, enhanced vision, smartgun, and sense of smell. Thats only 6 unless taste and touch count which I would kind of doubt. Its enough for a rating 3 though.
They only count if you're actually using them to perceive the guy, so unless you plan to be touching an tastin everyone all the time.....
Unwired lists audio, video, and olifactory, along with things like low-light, but omits touch and taste, for understandable reasons. Licking walls doesn't help you kill people.

Getting everyone to 8 channels is pretty easily doable, it just takes some planning.
Then yea, I think rating 3 would be about the best everyone could benifit from, and that would be a strectch for a lot of us.
As I understand it if you don't have enough sensor channels you are downgraded to the Rating your number of channels will support but everyone else that does have enough channels gets the full rating.

As it would only cost an extra 500 nuyen.gif there is no reason not to buy the highest Rating.
You're not downgraded. You're dropped completely.
QUOTE (DWC @ Sep 16 2008, 04:22 PM) *
You're not downgraded. You're dropped completely.

Which was my initial reasoning for suggesting a lower rated system.
QUOTE (DWC @ Sep 16 2008, 09:22 PM) *
You're not downgraded. You're dropped completely.

Yup, I was indeed full off crap.

However, 8 channels ain't that hard. Looking at my sheet I've got 11 or 12 depending on the situation.
So what do Jake's security recommendations boil down to for Julie? She has 5k-6k to implement any of it. I'll take anyone's suggestions for that matter.
Well if everyone is conformable we can move on to the Mr. J meet.

Having looked at our gear, everyone that has a Simrig can easily manage 8 Sensor Channels but more than half of us don't have one and they have an availability of 12.

Almost everyone can manage 6 or could with one or two borrowed or newly purchased sensors.



Having looked at the gear tables in Arsenal, in a mad twist of stupidity, the most effective way to improve the number of Sensor Channels you provide is to buy a Transys Steed motorized wheelchair, 4000 nuyen.gif and just a dash for availability so we could just nip out to the shops and buy half a dozen.....

How cool and edgy would we look riding into the secure facility sitting in a small herd of wheelchairs?

Sub-zero man, sub-zero.
Yeah, at best it would take two days to get Simrigs for the rest of the team.

I'm pretty much ready for the next scene if we can assume comms have been sorted out.

Is it DD or Jake that has a Warez group contact?

Would you mind if we did a little shopping for software while we wait?
I would be ready, but my timezone means now is the time for sleeping. frown.gif

Assume Etoile turns up and stays quietly watching from the back somewhere. Ideally keeping herself as utterly cut off from the matrix as possible and taking as much gear as she can into the club. (I have no idea what security the place has, but she'd have ICly checked before arriving so as to not bring guns and mini-welders when they have obviously top rate door security)
Crizh: Yeah, I'm fine with having the whole comm thing already worked out. I think it would be Jake over DD.

Oenone: That's fine post when you can get some sleep, it's a precious thing.

Yes. Jake's got the better contacts, and better programs.

Any results from DD's search?
I'm ready
QUOTE (bmcoomes @ Sep 16 2008, 05:56 PM) *
Yeah, at best it would take two days to get Simrigs for the rest of the team.


Can't we just walk into a retailer and buy them?
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