DWC: morning
Brent: morning
Brent: whats up?
DWC: not much. Reading the Anniversary edition SR4 rules
DWC: being amused that basically every hacker PC in existance is no longer rules compliant
Brent: True, I'm been watching the shit storm from that on dumpshock.
Brent: We have been accepted for playtesting, did you group get picked?
DWC: nope. Think some people were slow on getting their info in
Brent: Well, you still more than welcome to do so with us.
Brent: I still have you on my list for email and all that jazz.
Brent: morning
deadman: morning
Brent: did see the email I sent you?
DWC: morning
deadman: yep dont know how I am going to do that as my printer is toast
Brent: I can print one out for you and send it in with mine.
deadman: ok that is cool
Brent: I'll be that way tuesday at the lastest.
Brent: DWC did you still want to playtest with us?
deadman: you know this weather REALY fraken sux!!!!!
Brent: true, it's driving me nuts it warms up some then the next day it's butt ass cold.
DWC: sure
DWC: I'll get the NDA sorted and submitted
Brent: OK,
Brent: we might have a new player with us but I've not heard from him today.
deadman: will find the Battlecorp area and set up an account
http://www.battlecorps.com/BC2/index.htmlBrent: there is a link for you.
deadman: OK cool
Brent: here is the one you need sorry
http://www.battlecorps.com/catalog/index.phpBrent: the other I think is for there magizne or something.
deadman: well as we are wateing I am going to go have a smoke and take a few min off my life
deadman: back in a few
Brent: Morning
DWC: Good point. I'm going to take 2 minutes to grab something to snack on, and pour myself some more tea
Crizh: afternoon
Brent: ok, you get the email crizh?
Crizh: not yet brb
Brent: k
Crizh: rock on
Brent: yup
DWC: I return
Brent: do we know if Oenone will be here today?
DWC: haven't heard one way or the other, so I'm assuming yes, assuming the computer issues got sorted
Brent: thats right,
Brent: well, let me check on someone qucikly and we will start.
deadman: back
Brent: OK are we ready to rock?
deadman: hey Brent did you hear the Hawks traded Julian Peaterson
Brent: Nope
deadman: yep they did the idots
Brent: Deadman can you give me a 18d6 roll
Crizh: ready
deadman: ok ready
Noowan: [18d6] => [3,2,5,6,5,4,1,2,6,3,3,3,5,1,1,5,1,2] Hits: (6)
Noowan: there ya go
Brent: OK you have one now have a greater form Beast Spirit force 8
Noowan: 6 hits
Noowan: c
Brent: I'll do that write up for you.
Noowan: ok cool
DWC: howdy
Brent: sweet we have a full house
Crizh: dang, Force 8
Brent: yeah all his spirits now are force 8 and his beast spirit is greater form
Fusion: Erm I'm here but not. If that makes sense? I have to dash to the store before it closes. But I'll leave this up and catch up in a bit.
Brent: ok thats kewl we will be doning legwork and the meet mostly today.
Noowan: hey I am here but not most of the time
Brent: we might get to more but I'm looking at being done around noon.
Brent: OK then Game ON
GM: So everyone had gotting the text message with no sender, Truth you have your results from your search
GM: It's Monday June 1st, 2070 @ 0430 hrs. ::There is more work for you, meet at Dante's Inferno tonight, June 1st, 2071 at 2330 hours. Be ready to work!::
GM: that's the text everyone reseaved
Crizh: Well pack my shit up and get there about midnight to start casing the joint
GM: oops, it's Monday June 1st, 2071
Crizh: are we playing 1?
GM: if you there at midnight your late for the meeting then
Crizh: 71?
Crizh: 0430?
Crizh: lol
Crizh: thats the time stamp
Crizh: doh
Crizh: 2100 then
[**Truth spends the morning asleep, then gets up at 2pm, spends 8 hours doing maintenance and preflight diagnostics, then heads for Dante's Inferno. The three drone helicopters are in their launch racks, and the Dalmation is ready for launch, at his house **
GM: It's looks to normal opperations at Dante's there only now starting to get some people to show up to the club.
Truth: Aiming to show up at Dante's at around 11, presentable enough to not draw attention to myself
Noowan: grab my kit and go to Dante's get there around 11pm
Crizh: I'll stash the Ingram on the roof near the top of the fire-escape
Noowan: on my way check with my fixer to see if he sent the message
Crizh: and break down the MGL and pack the Elan in a pocket
Noowan: and get the boys ready to rock if need be
Truth: Not bothering to try to bring any weapons into the club. Leaving a handgun in the center console of the truck, in the parking lot.
Ochir: "Nope, I didn't send any message. I've heard any word about work for you guys." GM: OK, so everyone is set-up and have there gear ready.
Noowan: send him a copy of the message and ask if he could descreatly look into it
GM: You walk up to the front door like last time but there is much less of a line. They quickly scan you and send you to the Ninth level of hell to the privet rooms.
Ochir: "Sure thing."
Truth: Oh, and stash a copy of my Agent on each drone, with instructions to spend 8 hours encrypting each node, then do the same for my commlink
Noowan: got my cermaic blades tucked away
GM: You walk into the room and there is standing the man in the briliant white suit again with that shit eating grin.
Crizh: Is that Ochir?
Crizh: or the guy from the first run?
GM: on it's the Johnson from the first run.
Noowan: have my boys look around and check for any funny stuff that would put us in harms way
Crizh: The Drake?
GM: yes
Truth: that's what his aura looked like
Crizh: cool..?
GM: They tell you he is a drake masking his true nature.
Noowan: ok go on alert ready for anything
Truth: "Fancy meeting you here."
Johnson: "I see we have thined the herd from last time."
Noowan: oc/have I seen this guy befor ?
Johnson: "Please come and sit down we have to talke about."
GM: Yes he is the Johnson from the first run you guys did.
Truth: "Maybe the messages you sent them accidently erased themselves, rather than just their message headers"
Noowan: ok dont remmber
Noowan: move in and take a seat
Crizh: > this gu works for Azt.
Crizh: guy
Crizh: private channel that was
Truth: private: "I don't think any of us could have forgotten that, after the bit with the dam."
Crizh: {private} we've rained on their parade several times since they paid us to do wetwork
Johnson: "No the messages I sent were set up to protect myself and you. And your team here is the only ones I have on my contact list."
Noowan: [privet] => privet true enough that is what worrys me
GM: remember thought turnabout is fair play.
Crizh: You understand that our history might make us cautious here?
Noowan: well that is an honner sir
Noowan: How may we help you?
Johnson: "Well I have a job that will take some Intestinal fortitude to get done, but the pay will be very well."
GM: I wouldn't expect anytihng else.
Truth: "What's the job and what's your offer?"
Noowan: and that job is what?
Johnson: "I have a plane ready and waiting for us. Heading to Louisville there UCAS has there production model of there Mech. My employeer wants one."
Crizh: What's wrong with the one's they already have?
Noowan: he wants us to steal a mech
Johnson: "There have been some issues with some components that they want sorted out."
Etoile: (And I'm back. Had to run to the store to get there before closing time.)
GM: thats kewl
Truth: "Payment?"
Crizh: Think big.
GM: "I'm willing to offer 500,000 nuyen each for the completed job."
Noowan: and onece you think big dubble it
Crizh: private: lol choke
Truth: private: Sounds about right. Covers moving to a new country
Crizh: private: who wants do negotiate?
Truth: private: Want more info first
Truth: "Once we get it, where do you want to take delivery?"
Etoile: (So as an OOC summary of what I've missed, our former employer wants us to steal a top of the line military combat drone off the factory floor and is going to pay us enough to potentially retire on?)
Johnson: "I'll have you bring the unit back to the plane I'll have access set up for you."
GM: the only thing he has said is there a plane waiting to take you guys to Louisville and to steal a UCAS Mech.
Truth: (500k isn't really a retirement score, but it's enough to take a decent amount of time off to let the heat die down)
Crizh: (or get some major upgrades)
Etoile: (So we're expecting some major downtime after this? If we don't all die of course.)
GM: that would be a good guess
Truth: (either a lot of down time, or at least a change of venue out of north america)
Crizh: (How's Paris sound?)
Truth: "Anything you can provide that would make piloting it esaier?"
Noowan: (steal a Mech man that is nuts)
Truth: (kind of)
Johnson: "I have some Skillsofts that should get you by."
Crizh: (doable though. I'm more worried about the double-cross)
Etoile: (Wouldn't it be easier to steal the parts and then put the mech together somewhere else?)
Truth: (what does piloting it fall under? anthroforms?)
GM: yes, it would be anthroforms
Crizh: (it could steal itself with the propor incentive)
Noowan: (needs to pay a lot more than 500,0000
Crizh: (each?)
GM: yea thats 500,000 each
Etoile: (To be fair, we'd get that much if we just stole the plane and relocated to another country...)
Truth: (doubt we'd be able to fence the plane for that much)
Noowan: (and stealing the plane is safer)
Truth: "What information have you got on the site where the vehicle is being stored?"
Noowan: (depends on the plane)
Crizh: (what sort of advance to you guys want?)
Crizh: (I'd be happy with 10% up front and the rest in escrow)
Johnson: "It's at the Fort Knox proving grounds."
Etoile: (Well I suppose not. But it'd have to be a big plane to shift the drone in, so it'd come close if we got lucky on the negotiation rolls. Plus of course it'd be an easy job and we could relocate ourselves in the plane.)
Truth: (20% up front, the rest in escrow)
Etoile: (I'd say 20% too. We want to make sure fucking on us at least stings a little.)
Noowan: (pluss equiment the best he can get)
Truth: (I'd imagine it'll be a big plane anyway, just to bring all our gear along)
Crizh: (I can live with that. Does that mean I actually get to kick in the front door of Fort Knox?)
Noowan: (if it doesnt kick back)
GM: not really the gold it long gone.
Crizh: (Cover ID's. UCAS Military and appropriate skillsofts)
Etoile: (Who needs gold when a datachip full of paydata is so much lighter.)
Truth: "What's our time frame?"
Johnson: "We will be there by morning but you'll have the time you need."
Johnson: "I'll be on site with the plane."
Noowan: (well so much for stealing the plane :0 )
Truth: "How long will the vehicle be at Knox?"
Johnson: "Acording to my information it'll be there for a month or two."
Johnson: "They have there unit training there."
Truth: "How many of them are present?"
Noowan: and how many troops are there
Crizh: How many mechs do they have on site?
Crizh: jinx
Noowan: mechs and troops are two diferant things
Johnson: "they have two platoons, which has three to four mechs."
Truth: "How much extra will you pay us per additional unit that we deliver?"
Crizh: (roflmao)
Johnson: "I'm told we only need one, so only one will do."
Crizh: (we can keep the others)
GM: you can try
Truth: (stealing two isn't going to be that much harder than stealing one, and stealing all of them means they can't send any after us)
Noowan: so we are looking at a least 6 mechs and 24 troops plus all the suport personel
Crizh: (if they all go in different directions we'll be a lot harder to track)
Johnson: "I'd say eight mechs and 132 troops to be on the safe side."
Noowan: not to mention base personel
Johnson: "the base is owned and operated by the Zone defense force."
Noowan: and we have to deal with a bunch of paranoid zone troopers
Truth: "What do you have on the pilots?"
Johnson: "With the right percussions the zone force shouldn't be an issue."
Johnson: "What to you mean?"
GM: what is it your asking about the piolts?
Truth: "Names? Service records?"
Johnson: "I can get the list of personel there if that is what your looking for."
Noowan: info on the mech pilots, habbits, rutines, vices
Truth: "That's a start."
Johnson: "Well is everyone on board then?"
Etoile: " 'ow are they collecting these things?" Etoile wonders, at least breaking her long and rather pouty silence over in the corner.
Etoile: "The rightful owners that is," She adds. "Would it not be easier if we replace them and drive off with them ready packaged for shipping?"
Noowan: privet: now we try to dubble the pay and get new and improved gear
Crizh: (be my guest)
Noowan: (my skils in that sux)
Johnson: "There not beeing shipped, There doing field manuvers and range work. so they are manned most of the time."
Crizh: (me too)
Etoile: (Is now the time the Uncouth face stand in has to make use of her skillsofts?)
Etoile: "But /eventually/ they will ship them somewhere, no?"
Noowan: (yes it is)
Johnson: "Most likely at some point."
Johnson: "I was hoping to been finshed before that point."
Truth: "We're going to need everything you know about the technical specifications of these things, of course."
Etoile: (Don't we already know that? As in didn't we steal that information in the first place?)
Truth: (we didn't keep a copy, iirc)
Crizh: And a 20% downpayment with the rest held in escrow
Noowan: (this is UCAS Mechs)
Johnson: "If I remember right you should already have all that didn't you set a side the information you got for us?"
Crizh: and access to cover ID's and relevant skillsofts
Etoile: (Okay just how much are we trying to push the fee here?)
Johnson: "I can do the 20% upfront and put the remain in ancount for you. I might be able to get access and ID, I have the skillsofts."
Noowan: we were told to hand over everything
GM: you guys did have a copy set a side for insurance
Noowan: (try to dubble but get at least 750,000 and equment)
Noowan: oc/ we know that but he dont
Etoile: (Keeping in mind my DP of 6)
GM: yes he does you guys told him
Etoile: (We /really/ do need a face.)
GM: how vary true
GM: you guys remember he has a dp 10 for negoations right?
Truth: (not having one makes for a more interesting dynamic)
Noowan: dont know what going on thats twice got dissconected
GM: yes it does, and it's not like I short change you guys anyways.
GM: the dame thing can be glitchy.
Etoile: "Am I the only one who thinks this is too risky for so little money?" Etoile wonders, glancing at her associates.
Noowan: I think so
Truth: "It's looking more and more that way"
Noowan: lots of things to doge and get around
GM: who wants to roll negoations?
Johnson: "Well I can see what I can do?" [10d6] => [6,4,5,1,3,1,6,3,3,5] Hits: (4)
Noowan: just in people havent even got to the electronic parts
Etoile: (I was about to try with edge... But then I remembered, skillsofts. So I can't.)
Noowan: (all you can do is try )
GM: do you have the expert thing?
GM: if not Noowan has the highest charisma
Etoile: (Nope.)
Etoile: (But does he have the skill?)
GM: no
Crizh: (while the others are stalling I'm dl'ing a crackd empath soft)
GM: k
Etoile: (Sneaky. I approve.)
Noowan: (no just a 8 charsima)
Crizh: (Takes about 20 seconds and then I'll pass it to Etoile)
Noowan: ok rolling 8 d 6
Noowan: [8d6] => [5,5,3,6,3,6,2,3] Hits: (4)
Noowan: 4hits
Etoile: (So it's a choice between 8 Cha + whatever Edge you have. Or Etoile rolling 12 dice for her skill + the empathy software)
Crizh: (you can have another 6D6 from the empathy soft)
Crizh: (I can upload it to both)
GM: fig it out, where is that in unwired?
Noowan: (go with you)
GM: I fine with the whole team having it.
Crizh: Arsenal
Truth: (the empathysofts are in Arsenal)
Noowan: (cant use skill softs)
Crizh: p60
Crizh: not skillsoft
Crizh: I'm running on my nexus and updating the whole team on the results
Crizh: it's analysing Mr J's body language
GM: ok
Etoile: (Noowan would need a camera and something with an image link to view the results on though)
Crizh: and feeding us cues as to how best to get the best of the deal
Crizh: just an image link or dni
GM: what is the rating?
Crizh: 6
GM: ok
Etoile: "Monsieur, Might I point out you have yourself said we are these only people on your contact list about such a job."
Etoile: (Doesn't hurt to go for bonus DP because of a strong supporting argument.)
Crizh: (you could handle it as a teamwork test)
Crizh: (with noowan's hits as a dp mod for Etoile)
GM: we can try that
Etoile: [12d6] => [5,4,5,4,5,5,5,4,4,6,4,5] Hits: (7)
Etoile: (Mr J should be ashamed. Beaten at people skills by a sociopath...)
GM: so three net his that will be 3,000 nuyen.
Etoile: (3000? Doesn't it increase in proportion to the initial offer?)
Crizh: (Is the increment not based on the original offer?)
Truth: (and a lot of computing power)
GM: yes that is on top of the 500,000
Crizh: (503000 is more than I had this morning)
Noowan: (and my 4hit doesnt that help Etoile's role?)
GM: right sorry, that would be 15,000. I was using the mission shit for some reason.
GM: it did
Etoile: (Lol. I thought it was weird him offering less than a single % of the fee.)
GM: the three net hits is +3% right?
GM: thats what 15,000 is.
Noowan: (kinda lost when it comes to electronic stuff)
GM: anywho, I'm going it for now.
Crizh: That missions scenario was giving roughly 3% per hit
GM: mission was based on your table rating
Crizh: yeah so at 1 it was 3% at 5 it was 10%
Etoile: (When I Gm for my offline group I go with 10% per net hit. But generally my mission fee's are much much lower.)
GM: and you'd be a TR of 2
Noowan: (explane please my 4hits and Entole's 7 hits =11 hits - 4 his hits =7 where did the 3 come from )
Crizh: your hits should have been a dp mod
Etoile: (If they're a DP mod I didn't add them in to the roll.)
Crizh: roll em now then
Etoile: [4d6] => [5,1,2,1] *GLITCH* Hits: (1)
GM: reroll then with the DP mod for noowan
GM: so it's four hits then.
GM: that's +20,000 nuyen.
GM: I think 10% is a little steep for my taste.
Crizh: fair enough
Truth: fine with me
GM: with the possability of your guys dicepool being so large that could get out of hand.
Crizh: yup
Truth: indeed
Johnson: "Well, I can offer an addtional 20,000 on top of the rest.'
Johnson: "Are we all on board then?"
Noowan: (what ya folks think ?)
Truth: [private] => private Think so.
Etoile: (Which country is this mission occuring in?)
Crizh: I'm in
Noowan: (UCAS)
Truth: (Kentucky, UCAS)
Johnson: Louisville free trading zone,
Noowan: well what’s the worse that could happen we all die I am in
Etoile: "I suppose I 'ave nothing better to do," Etoile admits, inspecting her hand razors.
Johnson: Luisville boards both UCAS and CAS.
Noowan: hey its is just Mechs, troops, paranoid zone troopers probably a blood mage or two what more can ya aske for
Truth: (no, it doesn't. Louisville is in northern Kentucky on the Indiana border. Fort Campbell is the one on the border with Tennessee)
Johnson: "OK then here is the accesses information for you to load your equipment on to the plane at SeaTac."
Crizh: No blood mages this time
Johnson: "Nope, UCAS doesn't us blood mages."
Noowan: come on Crizh you loved it LOL
Johnson: "I have room for you vehicle too, Truth."
Crizh: Yeah, Blood mages, Rah, Rah!
Truth: "I figured, since you need space to transport the target vehicle out of the UCAS."
GM: Right, I'm using non-cannon stuff for Louisville and Fort Knox from dumpshock.
Etoile: (Does it have room for both at the same time though?)
GM: Yes the plane will have room.
Noowan: more than likely
Noowan: whats the in flight vid?
Noowan: and whats being served for dinner
Johnson: "What every you have on you now."
GM: Are we ready to fade to SeaTac?
Etoile: (We don't get time to collect gear? Because as we're meeting in a nightclub I doubt everyone has everything on thier person)
GM: yes, you'll have sometime to get you things.
Noowan: mine is in my car
Crizh: Almost everything, my guns upstairs.
Truth: "I'm ready to leave from here"
Etoile: (Etoile will need to collect hers. And perhaps buy a vehicle at some point, something old enough to be /totally/ matrix inert.)
Noowan: going to stope and get a real burger not one of thise soy things any one care to join me
Truth: (don't want to be totally matrix inert. Would attract too much attention)
Crizh: (start spoofing a safehouse in Louisville)
Etoile: (It'd most likely be a bike. So not /that/ far fetched.)
Noowan: its on me, could be the last real food of your life
Johnson: "the plane takes off at 0100 hrs sharp please be on the plane with all your gear on baord."
Johnson: "See you then."
Truth: "I'll eat anytyhing if someone else is paying."
Crizh: I could go a steak.
Noowan: cool Etoile you joining
Truth: (easier to just slap a spoof chip on it)
Etoile: "I 'ave to collect my things," Etoile replies with a shrug. "And see if I a friend can get me some plastique.)
Noowan: got some
Crizh: MMMmmmm plastique...
Truth: "See you at the airport, then."
Noowan: about 5lb
Noowan: truth we cant take your rig
Etoile: "You do? Good, would you like me to take it and vacuum seal it for you?"
Truth: (the J specifically said there was space for it on the plane)
Etoile: (Etoile has a rating 6 vacuum packer and the laser cleaning thingy. So she can seal the whole lot up to hopefully it won't show up on a chem sniffer.)
Noowan: I get it and give it to Etoile
GM: ok
Etoile: (We /are/ rigging the drone with explosives for the meet I assume? I mean we have to ensure the double cross doesn't happen somehow and blowing shit up seems like a great solution.)
GM: yeah you can take truths rig.
Noowan: we are off to food and sea-tac
GM: ok then so we all filled up and loaded on the plane then?
Noowan: shure
Crizh: yup, got a whole bunch of SKillsofts I want
Etoile: (You do know Etoile has a bunch she's been updating which you can have copies of right?)
Truth: yep. Recalling the Dalmation to meet up with it near SEA-TAC, then stashing it in the back of the truck with the drone racks
Noowan: grabed a few extra burggers for the trip
Truth: (brb. Need more tea)
Crizh: cool, we'll see what else we can get from Mr J
GM: ok
Etoile: (Etiquette, Negotiation, Intimidation, Con, Demolitions, Pilot Ground Vehicle, Heavy Weapons and First Aid. Rating 4 and all with pluscode 3.)
Etoile: (All pirated and available for the team)
Crizh: I was going to ask for DiMap and Personalized as well
GM: ok
Etoile: (Personalized might be tricky at such short notice.)
Crizh: mmm good point
Truth: (can you even get pirated personalized activesofts? Seems conceptually impossible)
GM: Well, thats about all I was wanting to get today.
Noowan: OK guys the wife just told me to git off the puter and has a few honney do's for me to do so I got to stop here or face the wrath of the wife
Etoile: (Plus do you /really/ want Mr J having such detailed knowledge and access to your personal information?)
Brent: OK see yeah soon
Truth: (ok. See you around, then)
Crizh: perhaps not
Brent: You can get the dimap but you'd have to personaliz it your self or have someone do it for you..
Noowan: and Conn has nothing on her
Crizh: DiMap and pluscode 3 then
Noowan: see ya next time
Truth: ok
Brent: anything else you guys need right now?
Truth: not at the moment
Crizh: some in flight entertainment?
Truth: oh, almost forgot. How much did we get up front?
Brent: I think we can come up with something.
Etoile: 52000 wasn't it?
Etoile: Or was it more?
Brent: 104,000
Etoile: 104000 perhaps. (So tempted to scram with the upfront fee....)
Brent: it was 520,000 total
Truth: that sounds right. Truth has a few pieces of software he wants, which I'll spell out on DS
Brent: ok
Etoile: I'm guessing we're /not/ alllowed to convert into karma....
Brent: not right now only after the run is finshed.
Crizh: Here's the Activesofts I want.
Crizh: Pistols 4, Longarms 4, Heavy Weapons 4,Computer 4, Data Search 4, Hacking 4, Electronic Warfare 4, Cybercombat 4, Demolitions 4, Negotiation 4, Con 4, Ettiquette 4, Gunnery 4, Pilot Anthroform 4, Pilot Groundcraft 4, Pilot Aeronautic 4, First Aid 4, Intimidation 4
Brent: with that cash you should be able to DL them and lagit too.
Crizh: I don't think double crossing Azt is a good plan.
Brent: yeah not the best thing to do, until its fair turnabout.
Brent: well guys I'll see you on DS and I'll have the email out soon.
Etoile: Cya laters
Crizh: cool