Sep 30 2008, 10:44 PM
Just to be clear: We've got user access, which is sufficinet to copy and edit the data we need?
Sep 30 2008, 10:45 PM
QUOTE (Fuchs @ Sep 30 2008, 03:44 PM)

Just to be clear: We've got user access, which is sufficinet to copy and edit the data we need?
Yes, sorry I forgot to add on the IC Thread that with your perception roll you need a passkey for this node. I'll edit that in.
Sep 30 2008, 10:55 PM
So, we need a passkey (meaning, need to break in) to continue from this node. Any mods for making the test from jake or agent backup?
I also assume we want the general's office for the data, with security containing the security node.
Sep 30 2008, 10:59 PM
Does DD know what kind of passkey it is? Because if it's a physical object I suspect the target might well have one on her.

Skim reading that section of Unwired it looks like you can still hack the system without one, but it's just vastly more obvious that someone is in who shouldn't be there. Basically you need to hack in, then keep editing the access logs so they don't show up as a user being in without a key. Could be viable with Jake & DD to handle it, one to edit all the logs and the other to do the data steal.
Sep 30 2008, 11:04 PM
Yeah. I don't really see a way to get the passkey from the target to us, not before we get made. So, it's break-in time.
Sep 30 2008, 11:06 PM
Yes the passkey is a physical object, it does into one of the jack ports of a commlink. Right you needed one for this node, You'll have to get into the other nodes to see if you need one there or not. basically the "generals office" is the admin node and "security" being the security node. Like Oenone said you can continue but the logs need editing or when the next access log update happens they know someone is in shouldn't be.
Sep 30 2008, 11:06 PM
Break in storm the gates style? Or digital smash and grab style?
Sep 30 2008, 11:09 PM
Going for a sneak past and edit the logs approach, might turn into smash and grab if detected. Any mods for jake or an agent on my back?
Sep 30 2008, 11:09 PM
I'd imagine digital, though having the Agent just sit there constantly editing the access log to cover your tracks would go a long way to keeping things quiet.
Sep 30 2008, 11:11 PM
Leaving the agent running edit would indeed be the most efficient method. Plus if an alert gets triggered by the log edits the system will hit it rather than DD or Jake, giving them time to finish hacking or disconnect.
Sep 30 2008, 11:14 PM
QUOTE (Fuchs @ Sep 30 2008, 04:09 PM)

Going for a sneak past and edit the logs approach, might turn into smash and grab if detected. Any mods for jake or an agent on my back?
Yes still the +2 to dice pool.
That is a good idea with the agent.
Sep 30 2008, 11:14 PM
10 hits on first try, with one edge spent.
(Editing the 2 more dice in, sec, one more hit on reroll)
Sep 30 2008, 11:52 PM
(getting a bit late here, so might need to have Jake swap roles with DD if he can post later.)
Sep 30 2008, 11:57 PM
sure thing, because you guys have access to the doctors RFID you can spoof/edit the logs easy enough.
Oct 1 2008, 06:44 AM
Was the edge needed or not?
and here's the perception test:
[ Spoiler ]
Oct 1 2008, 12:56 PM
Yes, it was.
Oct 1 2008, 01:21 PM
Ok, so we're in this node, which seems to contain the files we are after (blueprints and production info). What do we need the linked passkey for, since we seem to have broken into the node?
Oct 1 2008, 01:32 PM
Well, right. it'd by you time if you ended up needing it. And for the most part you guys can spoof it with all the stuff trained on the doctor.
Oct 1 2008, 02:15 PM
So, data search (browse program) to find the files, then transfer data (edit program), then we get the heck out of dodge?
Oct 1 2008, 02:16 PM
Yup and add an Opposed perception test with you using Hacking + Stealth.
Oct 1 2008, 02:30 PM
Should I be hoping we pull this off or not
I want stuff to go boom to

. Maybe on the way out or something.
Oct 1 2008, 02:32 PM
Posted. I added multiple rolls for the browse check, since I didn't know the number of hits needed.
Oct 1 2008, 02:47 PM
QUOTE (Fuchs @ Oct 1 2008, 10:32 AM)

Posted. I added multiple rolls for the browse check, since I didn't know the number of hits needed.
I think you forgot to add Jakes help on the rolls, its +2 dice I think.
Oct 1 2008, 03:07 PM
I am not sure those help in this case - Jake might be watching the ICs more than helping to browse.
But if they do, here are the rolls:
[ Spoiler ]
Little Johnson
Oct 1 2008, 03:41 PM
any reaction from the meat guards when they trigger the IC?
Tom is going to start aiming at the guard manning the heavy gun. swapping 1 of the duel clips for ex-ex rounds he has the selector set to subsonic rounds.
idea is to hopefully drop one guy befor the otheres know they are being fired on. if thier armor is too good he will thumb the ex rounds since stealth is blown anyway.
still holding his action till it all hits the fan.
Oct 1 2008, 03:48 PM
Well, even if they get the warning right away, they wont know where we are while we already have them in our sights. If Jake and DD give a go word we can all unload on the guards right away.
Oct 1 2008, 03:56 PM
I think we should focus on getting away now. They just know someone is in their system, not that there are physical intruders.
And someone should jack out DD once she starts spasming and losing blood through ears and eyes.
Oct 1 2008, 03:59 PM
QUOTE (Fuchs @ Oct 1 2008, 11:56 AM)

I think we should focus on getting away now. They just know someone is in their system, not that there are physical intruders.
And someone should jack out DD once she starts spasming and losing blood through ears and eyes.
Party pooper
Very Smart, but still a party pooper
Oct 1 2008, 04:00 PM
I somehow doubt DD makes it either way - three ICs go before her, and I got no edge left to spend on going before them, and jacking out.
So, going full defense, and hoping they score no hits, then jacking out.
Oct 1 2008, 04:11 PM
QUOTE (Fuchs @ Oct 1 2008, 04:56 PM)

And someone should jack out DD once she starts spasming and losing blood through ears and eyes.
How do you unplug an implanted comm-link?....
Oct 1 2008, 04:14 PM
QUOTE (Fuchs @ Oct 1 2008, 12:00 PM)

I somehow doubt DD makes it either way - three ICs go before her, and I got no edge left to spend on going before them, and jacking out.
So, going full defense, and hoping they score no hits, then jacking out.
She can still survive by burning an a point of edge. I'd burn the edge for the initiative roll to just get out rather than spending the edge to survive after you get ganged by the IC. Assuming we get 6 Karma from the run your Edge will go back up to 2 for free using Brent's edge house rules, and if not you'd still have 1 edge, equal to the metas on the team. You also wont have to deal with all the possible damage to yourself and your implanted commlink.
Oct 1 2008, 04:25 PM
If DD burns an Edge, and Jake spends a point of edge you should be able to get out of there before the 3 IC tear you apart.
QUOTE (crizh @ Oct 1 2008, 12:11 PM)

How do you unplug an implanted comm-link?....
By disconnecting her from the satellite link that she's running through. All three hackers are hardwired into separate satellite links, working through low orbit satellites.
Oct 1 2008, 04:36 PM
DD got a datajack too, and Jake handed her a fiberoptical cable.
As far as burning edge goes, I will reread that section once home (on phone atm). generally not really fond of it.
Oct 1 2008, 04:38 PM
I'm just joshing.
If the faeces hits the rotating blades I'll just pull the cable from the tap.
I stand corrected. Jake and DD are sharing a satellite link, and Truth is using his own.
Oct 1 2008, 04:50 PM
The problem is that the shit will hit the fan before we even know about it since the three IC get their turns before DD can even say a single thing, and how quickly can those of us outside the matrix react?
As far as burning edge, it either gives you an automatic critical success, or it lets you survive certain death (with no promise as to how bad it will be). I wouldn't really consider it unless it was life or Death, but Brent's rules are pretty good for it though, free point of edge at Karma 10, Karma 30, Karma 70, etc.
Oct 1 2008, 04:59 PM
I'm assuming that DD isn't an idiot and is maintaining comms with the rest of us. If her bio-monitor isn't subscribed to the TacNet it ought to be.
She already exclaimed 'out loud' over the comms channel. Unless Fuchs is using orange for thoughts, it's hard to tell, nobody seems to be using the same colour scheme.
Oct 1 2008, 05:06 PM
Her Biomointor is subscribed so if that goes off everyone will know. Plus with the TacNet everyone have updates on whats going on in the VR realm. The picture in picture and all.
Oct 1 2008, 05:11 PM
I use those rules:
QUOTE (bmcoomes @ Sep 11 2008, 03:59 AM)

Posting Rules
Just like almost everyone else on the board I'm gonna be stealing Redjack's posting structure, so here you go.
All your posts should begin with a time/date stamp in orange, detailing location, time, and date.
- - "Speech color=cyan, optionally enclosed in quotes"
- - <Coms (subvocal) color=violet>
- - <Coms (Text) color=yellow>
- - Thoughts color=darkkhaki and in italics
- - Memories, flashbacks, dreams color=green and in italics
If there's initiative, then DD can't talk until it's her turn. Otherwise surprising people before they can sound an alert would be impossible.
WHile itwould be safest and smartest to butn edge to go first in the ombat, I am not sure you can burn edge for that. It would seem logical that if you can spend edge for something, you can also burn edge for it, and it could be seen as "escaping death" in this case.
Oct 1 2008, 05:16 PM
QUOTE (bmcoomes @ Sep 11 2008, 02:59 AM)

- - Thoughts color=darkkhaki and in italics
Which ought to read
- -
Thoughts color=darkkhaki and in italics
Oct 1 2008, 05:18 PM
Looks like orange, walks like orange, talks like orange...
Oct 1 2008, 05:19 PM
Sorry, I could be color blind. But my wife would say just blind.
Oct 1 2008, 05:19 PM
You can't get a critical success on initiative? Regular Edge lets you go first, and if multiple people spend it they all go first but in initiative order. I'd think a critical success would be a gauranteed go first, if not I'll plead my inexperience. This is only my second game.
Oct 1 2008, 05:25 PM
Hey Brent, Jake and Jake's Agent are both present and loaded for Cyber Combat. Shouldn't they get to roll initiative and act as well? Its possible that Jake or the Agent might have gone first and beat up some on 1 or two of the IC, dropping their initiative below DD's. Any modifiers from that could drop the attacks against DD.
Oct 1 2008, 05:26 PM
QUOTE (Shalimar @ Oct 1 2008, 09:19 AM)

You can't get a critical success on initiative? Regular Edge lets you go first, and if multiple people spend it they all go first but in initiative order. I'd think a critical success would be a gauranteed go first, if not I'll plead my inexperience. This is only my second game.
right, Edge will let you go first. But Critical Success is for test vs. threshold and Opposed tests were you score four or more hits above the threshold or the Opponent.
Oct 1 2008, 05:26 PM
oops, your right I'll do that for him.
Oct 1 2008, 05:30 PM
I'm also not sure of how Matrix initiative interacts with normal since like you said those of us on the Tac net know she has the data and is under attack. Gecko could just yank the tap as soon as his initiative comes up.
Oct 1 2008, 05:31 PM
Matrix initiative runs like nomal initiative, same time passes.
There's still the "Burn edge to escape certain death" on p. 68. This situation (unless Jake can nuke them) could qualify.
Little Johnson
Oct 1 2008, 05:35 PM
with 3 on 3 it might not be certin death
also since all 3 are in the ic might split attacks
also is it black hammer or black out they are useing..might not kill her at all
3rd also...did we get the data?
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