Jan 20 2010, 12:12 AM
@Damienknight: Sure I'll translate my guide and send it to you.
Jan 20 2010, 01:28 AM
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Jan 18 2010, 08:02 AM)

Check the gear data (hidden) sheet. The costs columns are probably wrong; there's a whole slew of them that have 0 costs, a few of those have bad page numbers, and a scant few others that have a rating*n cost and flat cost incorrectly assigned (eg. there was one item that had 0 flat and rating*50 cost, but the item itself didn't have ratings--offhand I don't recall what it was).
No that is not the issue, sorry if I was unclear. When you buy ammo per 10, say regular ammo 100 rounds which by the 10 is only qty of 10 for the sheet. Now if you go to the character sheet page is will only show 10 rounds not the 100 rounds that you bought. I'm not good with excel to fix it my self or I would. I hope that is clearer.
Jan 21 2010, 05:51 PM
QUOTE (bmcoomes @ Jan 19 2010, 08:28 PM)

No that is not the issue, sorry if I was unclear. When you buy ammo per 10, say regular ammo 100 rounds which by the 10 is only qty of 10 for the sheet. Now if you go to the character sheet page is will only show 10 rounds not the 100 rounds that you bought. I'm not good with excel to fix it my self or I would. I hope that is clearer.
Jan 22 2010, 02:21 PM
QUOTE (bmcoomes @ Jan 19 2010, 08:28 PM)

No that is not the issue, sorry if I was unclear. When you buy ammo per 10, say regular ammo 100 rounds which by the 10 is only qty of 10 for the sheet. Now if you go to the character sheet page is will only show 10 rounds not the 100 rounds that you bought. I'm not good with excel to fix it my self or I would. I hope that is clearer.
The ammo per ten was in the category description, but not in the item description that shows up on the charsheet.
I went ahead and changed it in version 1f to show ammo per round, rather than per 10.
Dakka Dakka
Jan 25 2010, 11:07 AM
The ammo capacity of the Yamaha Sakura Fubuki shows up as 10(ml). It should be 10(ml) x 4 (SR4A p. 317). I'm not sure what the capacity should be with the additional clip modification (8 x 5 or 30 x 2) or if this mod should even be possible.
Jan 25 2010, 09:45 PM
Surge Qualities tap into BP event if they should be excluded.
Jan 26 2010, 05:16 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jan 25 2010, 06:07 AM)

The ammo capacity of the Yamaha Sakura Fubuki shows up as 10(ml). It should be 10(ml) x 4 (SR4A p. 317). I'm not sure what the capacity should be with the additional clip modification (8 x 5 or 30 x 2) or if this mod should even be possible.
QUOTE (SR4a p. 317)
Rather than a standard magazine, the bullets are stacked
in-line in each of the four barrels, allowing the firing of ultra-fast short
The additional clip mod could not be applied to this gun, as it does not use clips. The idea is that it does not have moving parts, and the additional clip mod goes with the concept that the barrel is rigged so that it can switch between clip feeds, which would require a mechanical operation.
In order to allow for clip size enhancements, the sheet tracks ammo sizes as an integer, then tracks ammo type seperately, then adds them together when displaying them on the charsheet. This does not lend to distinctive ammo types, such as a x 4 ammo weapon.
There were two options for me. I could give the ammo type as ml x 4, or I could put the alternate ammo text as 'x 4'. I went with the second option. If you look at the gear data page you will see the Yamaha Fubruki already has 'x 4' in the alternate ammo text.
However, I have not plugged the alternate ammo text into the CharSheet yet. I will be sure to do this in a future version. Thanks for pointing that out Dakka.
Jan 26 2010, 07:55 PM
Couldn't you just give it 40 rounds and add an annotation like "four barrels with 10 rounds each"?
Jan 27 2010, 02:35 AM
This would be pushing into more of a rules debate, but it could be argued that each of the four barrels in the Sakura Fubuki is effectively a magazine in its own right. Following that line, it would stand to reason then that adding an additional magazine to the weapon would make it a 10x5 in its ammo payload (by adding a fifth barrel in the line); yes this would mean it does not follow the -25% ammo reduction pistols suffer.
On the flip side, as the description of the weapon does not describe a conventional magazine, one can also argue that this option is not available to the Sakura Fubuki and end it at that.
Wish I could say what my gaming group figured out for a resolution to this, but those I've played with tend to favor the heavy pistols over all other small arms.
Jan 27 2010, 03:28 AM
Version 1f is now available.This version includes several updates:
- Revised printable Magic Sheet (now with complete spirit powers/optional powers list)
- Moved Optional Rules to a new sheet called 'Settings'
- Added rule for Non-averaged cyberlimb armor. Wear Heavy Milspec under your skin!
- Fixed Integral Recoil stacking on Customized firearms on the Weapons page
- Miscellaneous gear fixes
Thanks for your continued support.
Jan 30 2010, 09:08 PM
The Zoé armors (Executive Suite, Heritage, Moonsilver, and Second Skin Lines) are still not listed in the armor dropdown as of 1f.
Keep up the good work, DK!
[Edit:] Arsenal 47
Feb 1 2010, 11:29 PM
QUOTE (Tyro @ Jan 30 2010, 04:08 PM)

The Zoé armors (Executive Suite, Heritage, Moonsilver, and Second Skin Lines) are still not listed in the armor dropdown as of 1f.
Keep up the good work, DK!
[Edit:] Arsenal 47
Added Zoe armors to version 1g.
A few notes:
Second Skin calculates as Form Fitting for armor stacking purposes. I made the Shawl/Stole an 'A'dd type armor, like PPPtech armor, since it can basically be wrapped over any outfit. Also there is a Second Skin w/ Poly option, which adds the 'RuthPolyUnder' option to your gear mod list. This ruthenium option costs 1000 more, and the book says can be connected to your PAN to let you create designs and advertising. I put the 'Under' postfix to the mod name to distinguish this from a RuthPoly suit, which costs alot more than 1k and includes a camera network to facilitate blending. Also, the RulyPolyUnder is placed on form fitting armor, and so the Under also notes that the RuthPoly option can only be seen if the character has their FormFitting Undergarment exposed.
Rather than list all 19+ Heritage fashion lines and making up their stats (book says 2-6/1-4 cost of 10k+) I just created 3 generic Heritage outfits, which count as a full body outfit (Overbody armor stacks, but legs and arms are already occupied).
Light is 2/1 armor, and costs 10k
Medium is 4/2 armor, and costs 12500
Heavy is 6/4 armor, and costs 15000.
These are really just placeholders for you to modify to fit your character. I highly recommend that players edit the Gear data page and revise the Heritage armor to fit whatever style your character is purchasing, as the individual line names add style to your character.
Feb 2 2010, 01:26 AM
Damien I got the basic tutorial for the AI done do you want it I think I've sent you a wave about it .
Feb 3 2010, 08:20 PM
Still looking great, DamienKnight.
However, the karma costs from the Technomancer sheet don't seem to be calculating into the totals. Can't recall if it's been mentioned.
Also, would it be possible to add a tasks field to the Immersion entries?
Added: Thought I'd just edit this instead of a new post; nanohives, unless it was errated somewhere and I've not seen it yet, have a fixed capacity of 2 if installed in a cyberlimb (Augmentation, page 113). The sheet calculates it at rating × 2.
Feb 3 2010, 08:24 PM
AI information sent into the wave. I have put the TXT file in there.
Feb 6 2010, 10:25 AM
I think I missed it somewhere in the pages, but I've got two things:
How to link your bought "Weapon Foci" with the ACTUAL weapon.
Ammo: Arrows
Feb 10 2010, 01:53 AM
I'm using version f and I discovered it does not have the fourth level of firefight found in the Arsenal errata.
Feb 12 2010, 06:19 PM
Will to Live is not working properly. It is necessary to enter the Misc_Data sheet and turn it on manualy, FYI.
I'm very much liking this Chargen.
Feb 12 2010, 11:53 PM
Would it be possible to get a better character sheet? Maybe one with several pages? I've been using this Chargen for a while and I've found that as the PC becomes more powerful there is not enough room on the single page, even if you reduce font size in the individual fields, maybe make it more like the character dossier. I know there is a 4 page and 10 page one for SR4 somewhere. That would give the chance to write a character history/description/Pic(possibly) and allow for listing what is stored at each doss, which has been important a few times when safehouses were burned. Just a thought, I know it's a lot to add, I'm just trying to help amd I don't have the skills to do more than fiddle with the coding for a few small changes here and there in individual fields.
Feb 16 2010, 06:43 PM
QUOTE (Tachi @ Feb 12 2010, 06:53 PM)

Would it be possible to get a better character sheet? Maybe one with several pages? I've been using this Chargen for a while and I've found that as the PC becomes more powerful there is not enough room on the single page, even if you reduce font size in the individual fields, maybe make it more like the character dossier. I know there is a 4 page and 10 page one for SR4 somewhere. That would give the chance to write a character history/description/Pic(possibly) and allow for listing what is stored at each doss, which has been important a few times when safehouses were burned. Just a thought, I know it's a lot to add, I'm just trying to help amd I don't have the skills to do more than fiddle with the coding for a few small changes here and there in individual fields.
Certainly. If you want to help, you do not need mad coding skills. What I really need is specific feedback as to what I need to add to the printable sheets. I know I need weapons and gear. I already have a Magic and Vehicles page. If you have ideas on how I could improve those, or have specific ideas on how I could implement additional pages, it would be a great help.
I have not been able to play much Shadowrun for the last couple of months, so Inspiration is definitely my weakness right now. Give me ideas and I just might be able to put them to life in the sheet.
Feb 18 2010, 09:09 AM
I don't know if this has come up before or not, so I apologize if it has. I did try to search through the forum, but I didn't see anything.
Are there any plans or have you ever thought of putting a "Print Technomancer Sheet" on the CharSheet page? Something akin to the Mage sheet (which is very handy by putting all your magic, spell, and spirit info in 1 place)?
Feb 18 2010, 12:28 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Feb 16 2010, 07:43 PM)

Certainly. If you want to help, you do not need mad coding skills. What I really need is specific feedback as to what I need to add to the printable sheets
I petitioned for it before, but having the Living Persona Stats for Technomancers on the charsheet would be really nice.
This is how I included it: +1 to Feedback Filter comes from Natural Hardening but I just entered it manually, didn't manage to check automatically if that Quality is selected)
Feb 18 2010, 10:16 PM
QUOTE (Caadium @ Feb 18 2010, 04:09 AM)

I don't know if this has come up before or not, so I apologize if it has. I did try to search through the forum, but I didn't see anything.
Are there any plans or have you ever thought of putting a "Print Technomancer Sheet" on the CharSheet page? Something akin to the Mage sheet (which is very handy by putting all your magic, spell, and spirit info in 1 place)?
QUOTE (Sengir @ Feb 18 2010, 07:28 AM)

I petitioned for it before, but having the Living Persona Stats for Technomancers on the charsheet would be really nice.
This is how I included it: +1 to Feedback Filter comes from Natural Hardening but I just entered it manually, didn't manage to check automatically if that Quality is selected)
I like Sengir's idea. I need to include technomancers in the Dynamic area of the standard character sheet.
Caadium, If I were to design a Technomancer Prinatable sheet similar to the Mage's sheet, I have a couple of questions.
While I can equate forms to the spells area, and sprites to the spirit area, and immersion to initiation, what about bonded magic items? Is there anything similar, or maybe not even similar but pertinent to a Technomancer which could go in that area?
Feb 18 2010, 11:08 PM
I've messed around a lot with technomancers (currently my favorite character build), and the closest to that would be a technomancer with the Biowire and/or Widget Crafting echos.
With Biowire, a technomancer can thread skillsofts, sustain them just as any other complex form, and even memorize them at 1 karma per rating (Unwired, page 149), limited by the technomancer's submersion grade. If in the sheet, it'd probably be best to freeform the name of a memorized skillsoft considering how many there could be.
Widgets (Unwired, page 148-149) could be kinda considered like foci, though a technomancer has no way to permanently keep one as they last 8 hours maximum. Probably something short to note which ones are crafted and their effects. I wouldn't think any more than three entries considering their crafting difficulty (rating×2, 1 hour).
However, their complex forms can be upgraded with program options by threading (Unwired, page 148) or permanently (Unwired, page 136), just as regular hacker program can. Obviously a few would be rather pointless to have (like registration, copy protection, or ergonomic).
Feb 19 2010, 04:11 AM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Feb 18 2010, 02:16 PM)

I like Sengir's idea. I need to include technomancers in the Dynamic area of the standard character sheet.
Caadium, If I were to design a Technomancer Prinatable sheet similar to the Mage's sheet, I have a couple of questions.
While I can equate forms to the spells area, and sprites to the spirit area, and immersion to initiation, what about bonded magic items? Is there anything similar, or maybe not even similar but pertinent to a Technomancer which could go in that area?
I hadn't totally thought about it, but now that I look at both the Mage sheet and the technomancer page, here are my thoughts:
Charsheet based upon Magesheet:
*Split the Spells section vertically, 1 side for Complex Forms, the other to give more room to Echoes (as they are they key to TM)
*Put the Paragon and stream info where initiation and foci are for mages, freeing up the space at the end of the spirit/sprite section.
*Have it either with blank spaces, or spaces to that appear when needed, for extra sprites if someone takes the Sprite Link echo.
Then, in the Technomancer page, add in something for it to add extra sprite types for someone that takes the Sprite Link echo.
That is just at a quick glance. Of course, I could be WAY off base, and that might be more complex than you're looking to get into on the charsheet page right now.
Dakka Dakka
Feb 20 2010, 11:57 AM
In 1f the LMG Ranges are wrong. The sheet shows Assault Rifle Ranges. It should be 0-75m, 76-200m, 201-400m, 401-800m(SR4A p. 151)
The Nemesis LMG has weird range categories ending at 750 m
Dark Talon
Feb 21 2010, 10:50 PM
Awesome spreadsheet, but there are 2 things that really need to be changed to make it Technomancer friendly:
1) When I raise a complex form using Karma after chargen, it does not use my available karma.
2) my Living Persona doesn't show up anywhere on the character sheet. Having a technomancer character sheet would be nice, or else simply have the Living Persona stats feed into the Commlink section.
Otherwise I've been loving the character sheet, it's been a -huge- help building my first technomancer character
Feb 21 2010, 10:56 PM
this has helped me build up several characters ranging from street sams to technomancers and adepts you have really put a lot of effort into this program and it shows how much effort and time building it everyone has put into it.
Feb 21 2010, 10:56 PM
this has helped me build up several characters ranging from street sams to technomancers and adepts you have really put a lot of effort into this program and it shows how much effort and time building it everyone has put into it.
Feb 21 2010, 10:56 PM
this has helped me build up several characters ranging from street sams to technomancers and adepts you have really put a lot of effort into this program and it shows how much effort and time building it everyone has put into it.
Dakka Dakka
Feb 22 2010, 08:42 AM
The Stoner-Ares M202 (SR4A p. 320) is still missing in the weapons section.
The Runner's Companion suggests that the Enemy Quality does not come in multiples of 5. How about you divide the Contacts section in a positive part (Contacts) and a negative one (Enemies), so you an also create an antagonist that is between easy (Connection 1, Incidence 4) and overpowering (Connection 6, incidence 4)?
Manually this already works with negative values, but it would be nice to have a proper heading (Incidence instead of Loyalty) and not have to type the minus sign.
[edit 1]Woops you may want to do it differently since that way you won't keep track of the maximum negative quality BPs.[/edit 1]
[edit 2]Essence as a game stat should be rounded up. On the main sheet it is rounded normally and on CharSheet it isn't rounded at all.[/edit 2]
Feb 22 2010, 08:32 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Feb 20 2010, 06:57 AM)

In 1f the LMG Ranges are wrong. The sheet shows Assault Rifle Ranges. It should be 0-75m, 76-200m, 201-400m, 401-800m(SR4A p. 151)
The Nemesis LMG has weird range categories ending at 750 m
Thanks for pointing that out. It is now fixed in the upcoming version.
QUOTE (Saytr @ Feb 21 2010, 05:56 PM)

this has helped me build up several characters ranging from street sams to technomancers and adepts you have really put a lot of effort into this program and it shows how much effort and time building it everyone has put into it.
I am glad to hear the sheet is being put to good use. You are correct, the comm
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Feb 22 2010, 03:42 AM)

The Stoner-Ares M202 (SR4A p. 320) is still missing in the weapons section.
The Runner's Companion suggests that the Enemy Quality does not come in multiples of 5. How about you divide the Contacts section in a positive part (Contacts) and a negative one (Enemies), so you an also create an antagonist that is between easy (Connection 1, Incidence 4) and overpowering (Connection 6, incidence 4)?
Manually this already works with negative values, but it would be nice to have a proper heading (Incidence instead of Loyalty) and not have to type the minus sign.
Added Stoner-Ares to 1g, Thanks for bringing that to my attention (again

Can you just select the 'Enemy' quality, then add a contact, click the x to mark it as an earned contact, and note in the description/name area that it is an enemy? I would like to create a more detailed contacts page eventually, but for now that seems the best way to address the issue.
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Feb 22 2010, 03:42 AM)

Essence as a game stat should be rounded up. On the main sheet it is rounded normally and on CharSheet it isn't rounded at all.
Could you elaborate on this?
Feb 22 2010, 09:56 PM
Small bug I just found: Infected characters can get Magic 6 without initiation, accordingly the 5th point costs just 10 BP instead of 25.
Should be capped at five and the fifth point should costs 25 BP
Dakka Dakka
Feb 22 2010, 10:47 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Feb 22 2010, 09:32 PM)

Could you elaborate on this?
The modEssence cell of the Main_Sheet shows the rounded value of Base Essence -Essence from 'ware and no decimals. the CharSheet shows the exact value. Forget about the rest I wrote that was just a false extrapolation from the fact that the essence loss is rounded down for the negative dice pool modifier for healing characters with implants. Essence drain uses a threshold that is calculated with the normally rounded Essence. So showing the exact value is a sensible idea.
Feb 23 2010, 03:12 AM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Feb 16 2010, 12:43 PM)

Certainly. If you want to help, you do not need mad coding skills. What I really need is specific feedback as to what I need to add to the printable sheets. I know I need weapons and gear. I already have a Magic and Vehicles page. If you have ideas on how I could improve those, or have specific ideas on how I could implement additional pages, it would be a great help.
I have not been able to play much Shadowrun for the last couple of months, so Inspiration is definitely my weakness right now. Give me ideas and I just might be able to put them to life in the sheet.
Hmm... I hand you a tall order, and you hand me a short order right back. Okay, give me some time to put my thoughts in semi-coherent order and I'll get back to you. Do you want a written description of what I'm thinking, or should I make a word/publisher charsheet and put it up on a file host? Keep in mind, I have OCD, it might take a while while I cross referrence, make an outline, a few rough drafts, etc. I rarely do anything half-assed.
Feb 23 2010, 03:52 AM
Heya, wonderful spreadsheet!

I just noticed it's missing the Poor Self Control negative quality from Runner's Companion (page 107).
Feb 23 2010, 04:08 AM
QUOTE (endou_kenji @ Feb 22 2010, 07:52 PM)

Heya, wonderful spreadsheet!

I just noticed it's missing the Poor Self Control negative quality from Runner's Companion (page 107).
I think its actually broken down into the specific parts (such as vindictive).
Feb 24 2010, 02:09 AM
QUOTE (Sengir @ Feb 22 2010, 04:56 PM)

Small bug I just found: Infected characters can get Magic 6 without initiation, accordingly the 5th point costs just 10 BP instead of 25.
Should be capped at five and the fifth point should costs 25 BP
Only infected without essence drain/essence loss are affected by the point of essence lost during the infection process. If you have questions about that, start a thread in the main shadowrun discussion forum and feel free to link us to that thread here.
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Feb 22 2010, 05:47 PM)

The modEssence cell of the Main_Sheet shows the rounded value of Base Essence -Essence from 'ware and no decimals. the CharSheet shows the exact value. Forget about the rest I wrote that was just a false extrapolation from the fact that the essence loss is rounded down for the negative dice pool modifier for healing characters with implants. Essence drain uses a threshold that is calculated with the normally rounded Essence. So showing the exact value is a sensible idea.
Ah, I see... the Main Sheet is rounding, which is silly! Thanks for pointing that out. I have now fixed it in 1g.
QUOTE (Tachi @ Feb 22 2010, 10:12 PM)

Hmm... I hand you a tall order, and you hand me a short order right back. Okay, give me some time to put my thoughts in semi-coherent order and I'll get back to you. Do you want a written description of what I'm thinking, or should I make a word/publisher charsheet and put it up on a file host? Keep in mind, I have OCD, it might take a while while I cross referrence, make an outline, a few rough drafts, etc. I rarely do anything half-assed.
If you have ideas on a sheet, I will gladly accept advice... in written word, or drawn up sheet, or whatever you want to use to get your point across. Previously people have pointed me to a sheet with a feature they liked, or listed the specific features they needed in detail, or even wrote an excel mockup of what they were suggesting. Whatever does it for you will be fine.
I suggest submitting your suggestions before spending alot of time fleshing out every detail. I spend a limited amount of time on this sheet, and may not be interested in a suggestion, so you might want to throw the rough draft of your idea at me before you invest alot of time at it.
QUOTE (Caadium @ Feb 22 2010, 11:08 PM)

I think its actually broken down into the specific parts (such as vindictive).
Caadium is correct. I considered originally putting 'Poor Self Control (Vindictive)' as the name for those qualities, but it translated to the CharSheet poorly (too long!).
Feb 24 2010, 11:47 AM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Feb 24 2010, 03:09 AM)

Only infected without essence drain/essence loss are affected by the point of essence lost during the infection process.
And those characters (like ghouls) have their magic maximum correctly displayed at 5 but I can still select magic 6, ie. a ghoul with magic 6/5 is possible
Feb 24 2010, 04:56 PM
QUOTE (Sengir @ Feb 24 2010, 06:47 AM)

And those characters (like ghouls) have their magic maximum correctly displayed at 5 but I can still select magic 6, ie. a ghoul with magic 6/5 is possible

Likewise the sheet doesn't complain if you give an elf 1 charisma!
(You even get the 20 BP for it--or possibly by making it a "3" it
incorrectly charges 20 BP--I haven't checked)
Feb 24 2010, 06:36 PM
Well, if you enter the numbers manually and not via the dropdown fields you can even have an elf with -10 Charisma ^^
I guess DK sees things similar to the way I write my tools - if somebody wants to enter data freely I won't stop him, but don't expect me to check if that input leads to sane results.
Feb 24 2010, 07:35 PM
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Feb 24 2010, 08:56 AM)

Likewise the sheet doesn't complain if you give an elf 1 charisma!
(You even get the 20 BP for it--or possibly by making it a "3" it incorrectly charges 20 BP--I haven't checked)
I actually ran into this the other day. I fiddling and making a character and had set Body 2. As I fleshed out the idea, I decided to go ork. When I did this I didn't change the dropdown field since Ork minimum is higher. Over to the right in the calculated field it showed Body 4 (Ork minimum) so I didn't think much of it. However, when all was said and done, my 400 bp character was actually a 420 bp character because my body was calculating at 4, but the 2 in the dropdown was giving me bonus bp.
Feb 24 2010, 11:11 PM
QUOTE (Sengir @ Feb 24 2010, 01:36 PM)

Well, if you enter the numbers manually and not via the dropdown fields you can even have an elf with -10 Charisma ^^
I guess DK sees things similar to the way I write my tools - if somebody wants to enter data freely I won't stop him, but don't expect me to check if that input leads to sane results.
Well, if I could stop users from putting an invalid value in, AND have a drop down, I would do that. Unfortunately excel/open office only allow a single type of data validation. I could turn on the annoying 'Oh no you di-ent!' popup option on validation to prevent invalid values... but I hate those.
I recommend if you change your race during character creation, double check that the values you have selected are valid.
Oh, and a Ghoul who wants a magic rating of 5 MUST select 6. Infection and essence penalties to magic are applied AFTER you have raised the attribute.
ex. Joe Schmoe mage has 6 magic. He turns ghoul... now his magic is 5. He still had to pay for 6 magic, but now its only 5 because of Ghoul infection.
Feb 24 2010, 11:29 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Feb 24 2010, 03:11 PM)

Well, if I could stop users from putting an invalid value in, AND have a drop down, I would do that. Unfortunately excel/open office only allow a single type of data validation. I could turn on the annoying 'Oh no you di-ent!' popup option on validation to prevent invalid values... but I hate those.
I recommend if you change your race during character creation, double check that the values you have selected are valid.
Oh, and a Ghoul who wants a magic rating of 5 MUST select 6. Infection and essence penalties to magic are applied AFTER you have raised the attribute.
ex. Joe Schmoe mage has 6 magic. He turns ghoul... now his magic is 5. He still had to pay for 6 magic, but now its only 5 because of Ghoul infection.
Here is a simple solution (using the calculations for body as an example):
cell AU3 currently says:
What I put in that seems to be working is this:
I don't know if there is a reason that this would pose a problem, and I admit that I did not look at Karmagen to see if this comes up there too. Again, this was just my quick solution, not sure if it helps or if it gets in the way with other calculations, or maybe I'm just missing something. No matter what, just thought I'd share.
Feb 26 2010, 02:04 AM
I just wanted add my two cents in, and say that the Character Generator is awesome, and thus far, is the only thing i've found that helps me (coherently) develop a Shadowrun character =)
One thing I was thinking though, was a printout page that mimics the "character dossier" sheet I saw on one of the other sites. I know that it's huge (like twenty pages), but has room for darn near anything. The only reason I was thinking this, is that with all of the pages filled in, people could just print the pages they really need or want.
Feb 26 2010, 01:16 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Feb 25 2010, 12:11 AM)

Oh, and a Ghoul who wants a magic rating of 5 MUST select 6. Infection and essence penalties to magic are applied AFTER you have raised the attribute.
ex. Joe Schmoe mage has 6 magic. He turns ghoul... now his magic is 5. He still had to pay for 6 magic, but now its only 5 because of Ghoul infection.
Hrmpf, either I misunderstood the rules for infected or I totally can't get my point across.
So, step-by-step:
1.) New, blank character
2.) Select "Ghoul" from in cell F2 (Infection)
3.) We have a Ghoul with Magic 1, max. Magic 5, Essence 5
4.) Hit the dropdown list in cell O12 (bpMagic).
- The possible range is 1-6, although RC p. 77 says the max. Magic for uninitiated Infected is 5
- The fifth point does not cost 25 BP as the maximum point for every quality should cost
Feb 26 2010, 04:03 PM
QUOTE (Caadium @ Feb 24 2010, 06:29 PM)

Here is a simple solution (using the calculations for body as an example):
cell AU3 currently says:
What I put in that seems to be working is this:
I don't know if there is a reason that this would pose a problem, and I admit that I did not look at Karmagen to see if this comes up there too. Again, this was just my quick solution, not sure if it helps or if it gets in the way with other calculations, or maybe I'm just missing something. No matter what, just thought I'd share.
Formulas should not be coded to hide invalid selections on your sheet. They should only handle the correct values. If someone has selected an attribute below their minimum, then the area where they entered the invalid attribute should highlight the error... the final attributes an attribute costs should show incorrect values, or even #N/A. I do not want to conceal invalid values.... they must be brought to your attention and corrected!
So I will be adding conditional formatting to the attribute data entry cells which will highlight invalid values. Thanks for bringing this problem to my attention Caadium.
Feb 26 2010, 04:36 PM
QUOTE (Sengir @ Feb 26 2010, 08:16 AM)

Hrmpf, either I misunderstood the rules for infected or I totally can't get my point across.
So, step-by-step:
1.) New, blank character
2.) Select "Ghoul" from in cell F2 (Infection)
3.) We have a Ghoul with Magic 1, max. Magic 5, Essence 5
4.) Hit the dropdown list in cell O12 (bpMagic).
- The possible range is 1-6, although RC p. 77 says the max. Magic for uninitiated Infected is 5
- The fifth point does not cost 25 BP as the maximum point for every quality should cost
Ah, the sheet is calculating for New Infection (Post Character Creation Infection) only, which is to say, it is simply affected by essence loss.
To fix this, in version 1g I added a racial modifier to Magic for all characters who were infected at character creation. I applaud your persistence Sengir. Beat me with the facts long enough and I will eventually see it
Feb 26 2010, 06:42 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Feb 26 2010, 08:03 AM)

Formulas should not be coded to hide invalid selections on your sheet. They should only handle the correct values. If someone has selected an attribute below their minimum, then the area where they entered the invalid attribute should highlight the error... the final attributes an attribute costs should show incorrect values, or even #N/A. I do not want to conceal invalid values.... they must be brought to your attention and corrected!
So I will be adding conditional formatting to the attribute data entry cells which will highlight invalid values. Thanks for bringing this problem to my attention Caadium.
Thats a much better idea actually. Give the stat entry cells conditional formatting that turns them yellow (as all the other warnings on the sheet) to let the player know that something is amiss.
Oddly enough, when I was looking at the conditional formatting for those cells, it would appear that you already did this for karmagen characters.
Feb 27 2010, 11:27 AM
Noticed some bugs: some guns don't seem to charge properly for internal Smartgun mods. Essence calculator appears to be broken.
Costs for some EPE's are off, like qualia any reakt. 40k, instead of what they oughta be.
edit: noticed on v1e. not sure if its been changed yet.
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