Jan 2 2009, 09:15 AM
Great work on the sheet man. Looks like Defuse, and ECCM are not on the hacking sheet, also 4 programs in Unwired I think.
Jan 2 2009, 02:51 PM
Its not really important, but I thought I would kick it out for sake of being compleat, I noticed the gear section is missing a lot of weapons, As well the armor section is missinng things like gel packs ect, can be easly added in manualy but was just one of those minor little nothings you stare at

Really like the sheet over all. great work!
also 4 programs in Unwired I think.
Several of the pull-down menus didn't work in OpenOffice. Not sure if this is an error with my version of OO, functionality that hasn't been updated yet, or just a glitch.
Please provide specific information, ie. what 4 programs are missing, which dropdowns are not working in Open Office, and what weapons are missing from Gear?
I like that the ghouls' abilities are added in the qualities section. I was a little annoyed that I couldn't add them in the qualities list, until I saw that part of the CharSheet.
You have stole the surprise! Version 9 displays race qualities on the Main sheet below selected qualities.
I don't see Essence on the CharSheet anywhere. Unless I just missed it... since Edge has its own area (I like the circles to fill in), could you put Essence where Edge is, in the upper left box?
Essence is displayed for Primarily cyber characters, above the list of their cyberparts. One box is dynamic... if you are a technomancer it shows Complex forms, if you are an Adept it shows powers, if you are a magician it shows spells, otherwise it counts your wares and hacking programs, and displays whichever you have the most of. Next to the title it will show either Immersion Grade, Initiation Grade, or Essense, depending on what type of character it thinks you are.
Were it not for Harri Tutsa, I would probably have not started this project. His Original Wizdoc CharSheet had a beautifully formatted printable page, which really made me believe that excel was a viable tool for creating character sheets. Without it, I probably wouldve just taken Autarkis and Blakkie's spreadsheet and said 'good enough'. It was a combination of a desire to see the formatted Charsheet on the Character Generator, and a need to maintain characters past creation that really got me going on this sheet.
That being said, I cannot in good conscious spend alot of time tweaking the Charsheet until the sheet as a whole is usable and not broken. I hope my next project to be a spreadsheet that has all sorts of formatting options and which can tie in to the character generator for data. When all is said and done, the Character Generator will have only a limited Charsheet page.
My magic was reduced by 1 right off the bat, as if my reduced ghoulish essence reduced my magic. I don't believe that this is a correct interpretation of the rules (if it was intended function). It only reduces your maximum essence (and therefore Magic), and doesn't bring your magic attribute down. RC p.77 says Starting Infected characters start with Essence 5 and Magic 1 during character generation. The Infected may increase their Magic attribute with BP or Karma as any other attribute to a maximum of 5 (+ initiate grade).
I have added a new checkbox next to infection where you can specify that your character was infected AFTER character creation. What effects is this going to have. I will invariably have to do some research on this, but any assistance is appreciated.
My main questions are:
When you become infected after creation and lose a point of essence, how does that affect your Magic. Seeing Wind's comment above, It seems it is different for creation-infected and post-creation-infected character. The end result may be the same, but it matters for the formulas in the sheet.
Jan 2 2009, 02:55 PM
Would it be hard to add 2nd native lang if you have bilingual???
Jan 2 2009, 02:57 PM
QUOTE (Brazila @ Jan 2 2009, 08:55 AM)

Would it be hard to add 2nd native lang if you have bilingual???
I think I will set it up so you can put an 'N' in for the rating on a language if you have bilingual.
Jan 2 2009, 03:00 PM
Okay from SR4 we are missing Defuse, and ECCM from hacking programs. Unwired added Corrupt, Disarm and Nuke for Hacking and Purge for common use pg. 111
Runners Companion, pg. 82. Any Awakened that are infected get to keep their old magic attribute. Therefore the suggestion I made above should work for that case, too.
(You MIGHT loose magic if you had reached your magic cap at the time of infection. A very special case.)
Jan 2 2009, 03:11 PM
Pg 83 says if your magic stat is already higher than 1 you keep it, but I take that to mean you keep it but the rules for essence loss still apply, so Magic 2 or higher would drop a point but you would get to keep that total if higher than 1. I can see someone trying to argue English on it, but that is how I believe essence loss works normally and as it is ghouls are already very very broken statistically, letting them keep their full magic stat would just inflate it further, which may please some munchkins, but I find it a bit much.
Jan 2 2009, 03:12 PM
Also I know I already mentioned it to you DK but martial arts style bonuses and manuv. are off, should be 1 and 2 per 5BP of quality but is double that still
Jan 2 2009, 03:19 PM
SR4 pg 164 Anything that reduces a character’s Essence will also reduce Magic. For every point (or fraction thereof ) of Essence lost, the character’s Magic attribute and her Magic maximum rating are reduced by one. A character with a Magic of 4, for example, whose Essence is reduced to 5.8 has her Magic immediately reduced to 3 and her maximum to 5. Further Essence reductions do not reduce the character’s Magic again until Essence drops below 5.
Deus Innomen
Jan 2 2009, 04:20 PM
Just noticed that, on Main_Sheet, cells AA14 and AA15 are locked and unusable. I can easily unlock them, but just wanted to point out that they can't be typed into. (I'm using AA14 to let me use a house rule where 1 BP buys 3 Contact points instead of 1.)
The cost of upgrades to the Commlink and OS on the Hacking page are not calculated. (The formulas appear to be completely missing.) G6 should be:
And G7 should be:
Jan 2 2009, 04:43 PM
QUOTE (Brazila @ Jan 2 2009, 09:19 AM)

SR4 pg 164 Anything that reduces a character’s Essence will also reduce Magic. For every point (or fraction thereof ) of Essence lost, the character’s Magic attribute and her Magic maximum rating are reduced by one. A character with a Magic of 4, for example, whose Essence is reduced to 5.8 has her Magic immediately reduced to 3 and her maximum to 5. Further Essence reductions do not reduce the character’s Magic again until Essence drops below 5.
Understood. It seems that the act of losing essence causes the loss of magic, but a character that is infected at creation never "loses" essence... they just have a max essence and magic of 5... so they will be treated differently in the forumlas.
While a Created Infected will have max essence and max magic of 5, and post-creation infected will instead suffer 1 point of essence loss (which will lower his magic, potentially to 0).
Jan 2 2009, 04:43 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jan 2 2009, 10:51 AM)

Essence is displayed for Primarily cyber characters, above the list of their cyberparts. One box is dynamic... if you are a technomancer it shows Complex forms, if you are an Adept it shows powers, if you are a magician it shows spells, otherwise it counts your wares and hacking programs, and displays whichever you have the most of. Next to the title it will show either Immersion Grade, Initiation Grade, or Essense, depending on what type of character it thinks you are.
Oh yeah, the CharSheet doesn't list cyberware at all. That's not good.
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jan 2 2009, 10:51 AM)

Where it not for Harri Tutsa, I would probably have not started this project. His Original Wizdoc CharSheet had a beautifully formatted printable page, which really made me believe that excel was a viable tool for creating character sheets. Without it, I probably wouldve just taken Autarkis and Blakkie's spreadsheet and said 'good enough'. It was a combination of a desire to see the formatted Charsheet on the Character Generator, and a need to maintain characters past creation that really got me going on this sheet.
It is great looking. A few small things missing (like essence) aren't a big deal, but there are some issues that make it so I can't use the CharSheet. You can bet I'll be watching for when those get cleared up. As a generator, it's still excellent, though, and I'll still be using it. So thanks to you and your predecessors for that!
On the Main_Sheet, in the native languages blanks, the pull-down shows only "Knowledge Skills" and "[N]ative language goes here." The qualities list pull-down shows all the phrases that are in bold in that column - "Contacts," "Modified," etc.
Also in OO, in the "Modified" column of attributes, Bod, Agl and Str show "Err:502". I'm running OpenOffice 2.0.2
Jan 2 2009, 04:54 PM
QUOTE (Deus Innomen @ Jan 2 2009, 10:20 AM)

Just noticed that, on Main_Sheet, cells AA14 and AA15 are locked and unusable. I can easily unlock them, but just wanted to point out that they can't be typed into. (I'm using AA14 to let me use a house rule where 1 BP buys 3 Contact points instead of 1.)
The cost of upgrades to the Commlink and OS on the Hacking page are not calculated. (The formulas appear to be completely missing.) G6 should be:
And G7 should be:
Good point about the locked cells. I unlocked them and gave them the standard data entry pattern (light blue).
I have been working on moving most of the calculations away from the sheets into area's parallelling the sheet to the right. I did this on hacking, and while the OS upgrades are calculating correctly, the Hardware upgrades were pointing to the old cells. Fixed that link in version 9.
On that note, if you see any dotted lines on the right most part of a page, just highlight the two columns it touches and then right click and select 'Unhide' to see formulas and such.
Jan 2 2009, 06:20 PM
QUOTE (wind_in_the_stones @ Jan 2 2009, 10:43 AM)

Oh yeah, the CharSheet doesn't list cyberware at all. That's not good.
It seems to me that you had to have made this statement for one of three possible reasons:
1. You do not understand dynamic cell data. If that is the case, see
this link for help.2. You are trolling. If that is the case, please refrain from making further posts in this thread.
3. You were in too much a hurry to devote adequate cognitive energy toward attempting to understand my reply. If that is the case, then you need to refer to a friendly guide I posted earlier:
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Dec 16 2008, 11:01 PM)

If you are having trouble making meaningful posts, here is a quick guide:
1. Read
2. Think
3. Type
I hope that helps.
On the Main_Sheet, in the native languages blanks, the pull-down shows only "Knowledge Skills" and "[N]ative language goes here."
I am not experiencing this in the newest version. If it persists after the next release it will be addressed.
Also in OO, in the "Modified" column of attributes, Bod, Agl and Str show "Err:502". I'm running OpenOffice 2.0.2
Attributes are being totally redone in version 9, so I will refrain from addressing issues from version 8. If the problem still exists in 9 I will look into this.
Jan 2 2009, 08:28 PM
I'm not very concerned about the errors in OO. Disappointed because I can't always use Excel, but I'm aware that it is very likely a problem on my end, and not yours. Was bringing it up just in case.
I'm not sure why you were upset by my statement, "Oh yeah, the CharSheet doesn't list cyberware at all. That's not good." Since I spent about two hours on this generator yesterday, I was surprised to learn I hadn't noticed that 'ware wasn't listed. Maybe it is actually there, and I have just missed it? (See my sig) Hence your reply to read before typing? Or maybe you took my words, "that's not good" as a more personal criticism of your work. If so, I apologize, as that's not how I meant it. It's just that that's too major a part to leave off my character sheet, and I can't use the spreadsheet for that. Therefore "not good."
Jan 2 2009, 08:34 PM
After you explaining it that makes more sense, cause it sounded like you were being critical but not in a constructive way. I know DK has gotten a metric asston of negative comments from people and only a sliver of those that post are positive. I think this project is amazing and the work he has put into this is amazing and I think he just took your comments to be more chum for the constant shark attack against the project.
Jan 2 2009, 09:05 PM
If that's the case, I apologize again. I only read the last couple of pages here, so I never noticed any of the shark attacks. I know that doing a project like this is stressful. Even when you recognize that someone is purely helpful, if the error they point out is a difficult one, it tends to grate on you. That stuff builds up.
I'll reiterate. The spreadsheet is great. I'm impressed.
I'm pretty sure he ment exactly what he said.
That either you didn't understand his explonation of the dynamic cell on the charcheet or you didn't read it proberly even though you quoted it.
Becouse the cheet does list your wares if you don't have more hacking programs then ware and aren't an adebt/mage/technomancer.
Damien it would be cool if you could add extra powerpoint as an option for adept "metamagic" when iniating.
Jan 3 2009, 06:24 PM
QUOTE (Mäx @ Jan 3 2009, 01:32 PM)

I'm pretty sure he ment exactly what he said.
That either you didn't understand his explonation of the dynamic cell on the charcheet or you didn't read it proberly even though you quoted it.
Becouse the cheet does list your wares if you don't have more hacking programs then ware and aren't an adebt/mage/technomancer.
After staring at the character sheet for a couple of days now, I'm pretty sure that it does not list 'ware. I assume that this is because of dynamic cells. DK said that the cell is dynamic, and only shows
either powers, spells, 'ware or programs. Once he said that, I discovered that the char sheet does not show my character's cyberware (because he has adept powers). I was surprised at this since I hadn't previously noticed, and exclaimed my disappointment. So my understanding of the dynamic cells was what prompted my "outburst."
I didn't intend to imply that the non-display of 'ware was an error, or even a failing. When I said "not good" I only meant that I couldn't use that page of the spreadsheet. And since I already had said that due to another function, I didn't think it was a big deal. Again, I'm sorry to have sounded like a jerk.
Jan 5 2009, 05:21 AM
QUOTE (Mäx @ Jan 3 2009, 11:32 AM)

I'm pretty sure he ment exactly what he said.
That either you didn't understand his explonation of the dynamic cell on the charcheet or you didn't read it proberly even though you quoted it.
Becouse the cheet does list your wares if you don't have more hacking programs then ware and aren't an adebt/mage/technomancer.
Max is correct. I am not a diva fretting over the smallest critisizm and my statements should be accepted at face value. I was not sure how it was that Wind thought there was no cyberware on the Charsheet after I clearly (seemed clear to me) explained that there was. I could think of three possible reasons, and responded to each in the interest of thoroughness.
Damien it would be cool if you could add extra powerpoint as an option for adept "metamagic" when iniating.
That sounds alright. Please quote me the book and page where I can review the rules for this.
After you explaining it that makes more sense, cause it sounded like you were being critical but not in a constructive way. I know DK has gotten a metric asston of negative comments from people and only a sliver of those that post are positive. I think this project is amazing and the work he has put into this is amazing and I think he just took your comments to be more chum for the constant shark attack against the project.
My stalwart defender, I thank you. I expect more criticisms that comments, as this thread is primarily for beta-testing. The issue that irked me to complaint was that with a new release I had introduced a new feature and no one had commented on it. In retrospect, the feature (cyberparts) was so problem laden it is a wonder anyone had comment on it until it was fixed.
Thanks again to the community for their help troubleshooting issues. Especially those of you who provide specific information... you really make continued updates possible!
Cunning Rat
Jan 5 2009, 05:35 AM
Damien, a few questions for you.
Is there a way to get Martial Arts and the effects of selected styles/maneuvers to show up on the printed character sheet?
How do I add new Qualities and/or Skills?
When I try to edit the names of Adept powers I selected -- change "Improved Sense [Sense]" to "Improved Sense [Flare Compensation]", for example -- I get a dialog box that asks me if I want to add a new Adept power with that name. From the note attached to the Adept Powers table, I get the impression that's not what's supposed to happen...
Jan 5 2009, 01:57 PM
QUOTE (wind_in_the_stones @ Jan 3 2009, 01:24 PM)

After staring at the character sheet for a couple of days now, I'm pretty sure that it does not list 'ware. I assume that this is because of dynamic cells. DK said that the cell is dynamic, and only shows either powers, spells, 'ware or programs. Once he said that, I discovered that the char sheet does not show my character's cyberware (because he has adept powers).
I haven't looked at this part of the sheet at all lately (I've got a lot going on and so haven't been chargening anything), but maybe it would be worth it to provide two sections like this, where the second one displays the second-highest priority set of data (i.e. if an adept, powers is the first block and 'ware is the second)?
Jan 5 2009, 02:50 PM
QUOTE (Bobson @ Jan 5 2009, 08:57 AM)

I haven't looked at this part of the sheet at all lately (I've got a lot going on and so haven't been chargening anything), but maybe it would be worth it to provide two sections like this, where the second one displays the second-highest priority set of data (i.e. if an adept, powers is the first block and 'ware is the second)?
An idea I would suggest is a page in the spreadsheet that summarizes the full character in text, similar to the concept of a stat-block. I imagine, given the pure variation in character types that can be put together in a game like SR that building a 'fancy' layout character sheet (or even a handful of them) that has room to display everything needed in every case is going to very difficult. Having a page that pulls the data from all the other pages and simply lists the information associated with the character in an easily readable but layout light format could help address this.
This sort of 'stat sheet' could provide a means of getting information about a character that is built/maintained in the spreadsheet but that doesn't fit well into the CharSheet tab out of the sheet more easily. It would also be nice for those people that want to use the spreadsheet to build/maintain their character but want to use a different character sheet in play.
If this has been suggested already or is already on your list of planned/possible additions, just count me as one more person that would be interested in this type of feature.
Keep up the great work! I have been quite impressed with what you have achieved so far and continue to look forward to each next release.
Jan 5 2009, 02:59 PM
QUOTE (brennanhawkwood @ Jan 5 2009, 09:50 AM)

An idea I would suggest is a page in the spreadsheet that summarizes the full character in text, similar to the concept of a stat-block. I imagine, given the pure variation in character types that can be put together in a game like SR that building a 'fancy' layout character sheet (or even a handful of them) that has room to display everything needed in every case is going to very difficult. Having a page that pulls the data from all the other pages and simply lists the information associated with the character in an easily readable but layout light format could help address this.
This sort of 'stat sheet' could provide a means of getting information about a character that is built/maintained in the spreadsheet but that doesn't fit well into the CharSheet tab out of the sheet more easily. It would also be nice for those people that want to use the spreadsheet to build/maintain their character but want to use a different character sheet in play.
If this has been suggested already or is already on your list of planned/possible additions, just count me as one more person that would be interested in this type of feature.
Keep up the great work! I have been quite impressed with what you have achieved so far and continue to look forward to each next release.
There's a plan in place for this, sortof. See the
XML Thread, although it's been a tad inactive lately (I've been slacking). The idea is that every SR app out there (starting with this spreadsheet, but including equipment-specific apps, commlink specific apps, and so on) could output subsections of the XML which can then be joined together and imported into a prettyprinter app (PPA) which does only basic calculations and has no actual data, but can take the imported (or manually entered) data and put it into one or more character sheets as needed. No one's stepped up to write the PPA, though, and the XML standard isn't quite done yet.
Jan 5 2009, 05:43 PM
First off thank you for doing this! As the story teller for my group its going to make checking character builds a snap! One question though, is the option for Free Spirit on there and I am just missing it or is this something coming later? Sorry if this was covered some where in the previous pages but am looking at work and trying to be quick.
Thanks again for all the hard work.
Jan 5 2009, 09:26 PM
The physad power point as magic mentioned above is an optional rule from Street magic or it's Errata I think. Basically for an adept heavy game where you want to play more power based you can just initiate and instead of metamagic gain a points worth of powers, but not the actual magic point, I personally would not touch it with a ten foot pole but a lot of adept lovin groups seem to like it. Probably best for a house rules button that adds it to the choice list.
Jan 5 2009, 11:34 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Dec 29 2008, 08:06 AM)

Same problems here, except that they occur in Excel 97 with Windows XP SP3 as well. So it might indeed be an issue with backwards compatibility.
The thing with yellow weapon mods has been around for some time. In the gear table some mods are listed as requiring smartlinks even if they shouldn't. I can't reproduce the increased cost for the Ares Light Fire. It's 2*350Â¥ as it should be.
I've got the same problems under Office 2007
Jan 6 2009, 10:58 PM
So where is this legendary version 9 I hear whispers of???
Jan 7 2009, 06:21 AM
Right here.Version 9a is released.- Attributes revised
- Martial arts corrected
- Misc Gear section added
- Other misc tweaks
Jan 7 2009, 12:18 PM
Thank you, DK! Ever since I found your generator I use it exclusively...
Just thought you'd like to know
Jan 7 2009, 01:27 PM
Cool, a new version! I just love this sheet

Sadly I still have the 'runtime error (1004)' problem every time I select a skill (for example). The debugger sends me to the line
Set Active_Skill_List_Range = ThisWorkbook.Names("Active_Skills_List").RefersToRangeFor now I have to use your sheet without Macros
Deus Innomen
Jan 7 2009, 02:48 PM
Ooo. I definitely like the new Gear section. Kudos, this is an awesome update, Damien.
Xerxos, I don't get that error. What are ya using to run the sheet? (Excel? OO? What version?)
Great Job DK, your generator is getting better and better!
The debugger doesn´t like taking formulas as input for .RefersToRange, the runtime error goes away if you link your skill list names to fixed ranges.
Jan 7 2009, 06:14 PM
QUOTE (Deus Innomen @ Jan 7 2009, 03:48 PM)

Ooo. I definitely like the new Gear section. Kudos, this is an awesome update, Damien.
Xerxos, I don't get that error. What are ya using to run the sheet? (Excel? OO? What version?)
Office 2007
Jan 7 2009, 09:17 PM
Great work on 9a DK, and I will repeat what was said earlier, this spreadsheet is the only one we use for character creation. As the GM, I find in invaluable for creating NPC's quickly and effortlessly. Thanks again for all the hard work.
Now, a minor error. On the skills dropdowns, Unarmed Combat is treated as a skill group rather than an actual skill. If you select it, you get a maximum of 4 skill levels, can not specialize, etc. Like I said a minor quibble.
Thanks again.
Jan 7 2009, 09:50 PM
exellent work so far! thanks!
oki I will try to put the bugs I caught so you can fix them:)
in the hacking page, the Agent cost doest not add to the total cost
=SUM(I2:I5) agents are on I6.
Gear and weapon is soooo much better on this one! kudos!
would it be possible to make a 3rd character sheet with way more cyberware space?
Ill add them as I find them, hope it helps!
Jan 7 2009, 10:34 PM
Hi all, I'm new to this forum so .. greetings all (and happy new year by the way)
QUOTE (Xerxos @ Jan 7 2009, 02:27 PM)

Cool, a new version! I just love this sheet

Sadly I still have the 'runtime error (1004)' problem every time I select a skill (for example). The debugger sends me to the line
Set Active_Skill_List_Range = ThisWorkbook.Names("Active_Skills_List").RefersToRangeFor now I have to use your sheet without Macros

I just get the same error since 8e using excel 2003 sp3 when looking for Active_Skill_List manually (Ctrl + T or Edition > Atteindre -- sorry my interface is french

), I just can't find it.
The names"Knowledge_Skills_List", "Active_Skills_List", "Language_Skills_List", and "Qualities_List" need to be set to fixed ranges.
Active_skills_ list ("=area.move(Misc_Data!$A$2;0;0;ANZAHL2(Misc_Data!$A:$A);1)" or something like that in English) needs to be defined as "=Misc_Data!$A$2:$A$91" for example.
@yokyok: Welcome! As for your problem, I would assume that your Misc_Data sheet is hidden? If yes, unhide it.
Jan 8 2009, 01:52 AM
QUOTE (Arsenal 49)
These are protective casings for both the upper arms and upper legs. If only either the arm or leg casings are worn, the armor bonus drops to +0/+1.
I'd appreciate a separate entry for characters who don't want the extra point of Ballistic armor (for encumbrance reasons).
The new Gear section is awesome. I'd love a freeze pane for just the very top part showing nuyen spent etc.
Biofabrics should cost 100; they're listed as costing 0.
Jan 8 2009, 04:02 AM
Great work DK!
One thing I noticed, troll dermal armor seems to be missing? I could have missed it though.
Jan 8 2009, 05:23 AM
QUOTE (DMFubar @ Jan 7 2009, 03:17 PM)

Now, a minor error. On the skills dropdowns, Unarmed Combat is treated as a skill group rather than an actual skill. If you select it, you get a maximum of 4 skill levels, can not specialize, etc. Like I said a minor quibble.
Formerly the sheet was using a FIND formula to search for the '(Group)' text. I decided to put the 'ID' column to use instead, which seems less complex to me. It seems the Unarmed skill had a GS when it shouldve had an SK. Thanks for the tip Fubar, I have fixed this for the next update.
Sadly I still have the 'runtime error (1004)'
I have started defining named ranges more dynamically using OFFSET formulas. This allows users to add new data to lists without worrying about updating the ranges.
As far as I understand it, these names work in formulas, but in some spreadsheet programs they do not work in the macros. If anyone is able to work around this without removing the dynamic functionality let me know. So long as this problem only affects macros, it is not a big deal, since most of the macros are not important.
I am disabling some of the macros on the Main_Sheet. Since they only work for a few people now, and it seems the office 2003 SP3 is incompatible with them.
If you are thinking about installing the excel 2003 sp3 update, you may want to check this out first:, added cost to biofabrics, added 'Partial SecureTech Leg and Arm Casings' which are +0/+1. The price is 250 for partial. Remember you can access the Gear_Data page to add/modify armor for special circumstances.
The new Gear list needs to be massaged. Anyone feeling up to the task, just tweak the data where it doesnt match the book and send me the spreadsheet to include in the next update.
Jan 8 2009, 07:24 AM
First up. The sheet rocks.
One thing i've noticed so far with 9a, when selecting Exceptional Attribute (Body) I still am unable to enter 7 in the attribute box.
Also i am wrong in assuming that if i have an exceptional attribute that the previous max that would have cost 25pts should now only cost 10pts?
eg with exceptional body a raiting of 6 should cost 50 pts? (human)?
Anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks again.
Blind Guardian
Jan 8 2009, 03:57 PM
Quick question, Damien:
I just tried making a mystic adept with the sheet for the first time. I gave him Magic 5, Sorcery Group 4, and Picked 3 points devoted to sorcery/conjuring in the adept power dropdown. It's still showing maximum spells as 0, and it highlights yellow if I select manually. Is this something I need to keep track of manually?
Jan 8 2009, 07:22 PM
QUOTE (Blind Guardian @ Jan 8 2009, 10:57 AM)

Quick question, Damien:
I just tried making a mystic adept with the sheet for the first time. I gave him Magic 5, Sorcery Group 4, and Picked 3 points devoted to sorcery/conjuring in the adept power dropdown. It's still showing maximum spells as 0, and it highlights yellow if I select manually. Is this something I need to keep track of manually?
Max spells is based on the spellcasting skill. I haven't looked at it, but I assume the "power" of sorcery/conjuring just represents magic points devoted to spellcasting, and no actual skill.
Jan 9 2009, 07:11 AM
First of all this sheet is a real great work.
To me it seems that there is a bug with the nanohive.
Its essence cost is 0.5 plus (rating * 0.25). So it seems in the Wares-Table the values are in the wrong order. Sorry. My fault. It seems that the first column is always multiplied with the rating but the second is a fixed rating-independent value.
Second, if I put the nanohive in my char, each rating level cost 0.75 point, which is wrong. So mybe the corresponding formular needs to be corrected.
Jan 9 2009, 07:14 PM
QUOTE (MishMal @ Jan 8 2009, 01:24 AM)

First up. The sheet rocks.
One thing i've noticed so far with 9a, when selecting Exceptional Attribute (Body) I still am unable to enter 7 in the attribute box.
Also i am wrong in assuming that if i have an exceptional attribute that the previous max that would have cost 25pts should now only cost 10pts?
eg with exceptional body a raiting of 6 should cost 50 pts? (human)?
Your right. Corrected in 9b
QUOTE (Blind Guardian @ Jan 8 2009, 09:57 AM)

Quick question, Damien:
I just tried making a mystic adept with the sheet for the first time. I gave him Magic 5, Sorcery Group 4, and Picked 3 points devoted to sorcery/conjuring in the adept power dropdown. It's still showing maximum spells as 0, and it highlights yellow if I select manually. Is this something I need to keep track of manually?
It seems the formula on the Misc_Data page refered to with the range name 'Is_Spellcaster' was checking for 'Mystic_Adept' instead of 'Mystic Adept'. Corrected in 9b
QUOTE (Buccaneer @ Jan 9 2009, 01:11 AM)

To me it seems that there is a bug with the nanohive.
Its essence cost is 0.5 plus (rating * 0.25). So it seems in the Wares-Table the values are in the wrong order. Sorry. My fault. It seems that the first column is always multiplied with the rating but the second is a fixed rating-independent value.
Second, if I put the nanohive in my char, each rating level cost 0.75 point, which is wrong. So mybe the corresponding formular needs to be corrected.
The wares data page needs to be redone. It currently uses the old system, which has a 'x rating' column, with a code to determine how the availability, nuyen cost and essence cost should be multiplied. Its a neat system, but more complex that necesary. I would like to redo wares like I did Gear, and have a add and a multiply column for availability, nuyen, essence and capacity. I also want to assign a category to each item, then setup the wares page to work with categories similarly to Gear. I am going to hold off on that until version 9c or later.
Unnamed Technomancer
Jan 9 2009, 07:51 PM
I love this sheet thanks so much for your time and work
i found 2 things 1st as you can tell i'm a technomancer so that page is importent to me but it seems that not of the Karma i spend on that page is reflected on the main page. 2nd it looks like the stun track in the char sheet is based on logic instead of willpower.
i also have one little request when you have time. could you put something on the hacking and technomancer screen for program options. it would be cool if it is like the Spec columns of the active skills section where you would put the number of options the program has in either the BP column or the Karma Column.
again thanks so much for the great work you are doing.
Jan 9 2009, 11:21 PM
Exeptional Sheet. Its all my group and I use. Thanks for all the hard work, keep it up.
Jan 9 2009, 11:49 PM
I just downloaded the newest version, and I was having this same problem with 8f.
Enhanced Pheromone Receptors is missing from the Bioware drop down list.
As well, I can add in my Active Skills normally, up to line B49, and it adjusts my Build Points total accordingly, but from line B50 and down, I can add my skills to the sheet, but my Build Points are not affected.
If it matters, I am using Windows XP, and Office Excel 2003.
Thanks in advance.
Jan 10 2009, 04:10 AM
QUOTE (Unnamed Technomancer @ Jan 9 2009, 01:51 PM)

I love this sheet thanks so much for your time and work
i found 2 things 1st as you can tell i'm a technomancer so that page is importent to me but it seems that not of the Karma i spend on that page is reflected on the main page. 2nd it looks like the stun track in the char sheet is based on logic instead of willpower.
i also have one little request when you have time. could you put something on the hacking and technomancer screen for program options. it would be cool if it is like the Spec columns of the active skills section where you would put the number of options the program has in either the BP column or the Karma Column.
again thanks so much for the great work you are doing.
Good catch! Both issues addressed in 9b.
Could you point me to the page in Unwired where I can review the rules for program options?
QUOTE (awolfromlife @ Jan 9 2009, 05:21 PM)

Exeptional Sheet. Its all my group and I use. Thanks for all the hard work, keep it up.
Thanks for the encouragement!
QUOTE (laptopscribe @ Jan 9 2009, 05:49 PM)

I just downloaded the newest version, and I was having this same problem with 8f.
Enhanced Pheromone Receptors is missing from the Bioware drop down list.
As well, I can add in my Active Skills normally, up to line B49, and it adjusts my Build Points total accordingly, but from line B50 and down, I can add my skills to the sheet, but my Build Points are not affected.
If it matters, I am using Windows XP, and Office Excel 2003.
Thanks in advance.
Good catch scribe! I adjusted the calculations for active and knowledge skills to extend to row 101 in version 9b. So glad to hear someone is getting use out of the extra skill slots!
If you would like me to add Enhanced Phermone Receptors, please give me the Book and page number.
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