May 24 2011, 06:25 PM
QUOTE (Tyro @ May 23 2011, 05:06 PM)

Connection isn't allowed to exceed 6; this makes most group contacts impossible to enter.
Contacts below a certain cell don't cost anything; the sheet doensn't register Loyalty and Connection entries.
The dropdown only provides 1 through 6. You can type in higher values without any restrictions.
You are right, the cells calculating Contacts did not get extended when the contacts section did. Fixed in q.
May 24 2011, 07:07 PM
QUOTE (Magusinvictus @ May 24 2011, 06:51 AM)

Much thanks to all involved for taking the time to produce this character sheet, it’s a really great resource!
My group’s characters consist of a fairly eclectic bunch of PCs, and in writing them to the spreadsheet, a few apparent little errors have come to light so far. Without wading through a large number of posts I don’t know if they’ve already been raised. But anyway;
• According to Runners’ Companion, Sasquatches (and other sapient critters) should receive an automatic magic rating of 1. This doesn’t appear when selecting these races on the spreadsheet.
• When building a Free Spirit, their spirit powers do not appear on the printable character sheet.
• The paranoia negative quality awards -5 BP, not -10 BP, as in the R.C.
• The uneducated negative quality is meant to double the costs of technical, academic knowledge, and professional knowledge skills. However, on the spreadsheet if appears to also effect the cost of interest knowledge and street knowledge skills too.
I hope my query helps a little way in the development of this sheet. Keep up the good work chaps; I’m really looking forward to ever more improvements to this great sheet!
Thanking you

Added logic for 'Is_Magic' to check for Sapient Critter species. Also added Is_Sapient_Critter for general forumla use. This seemed to do the trick with a quick centaur test. Needs thorough bug testing.
Added Free Spirit's Spirit Powers to the charsheet general purpose area.
Upped BP reward for Paranoid, and renamed it to 'Paranoia'.
I am not sure how you were having the Uneducated quality double the cost for all of your knowledge skills. As of version p_fixed there is no logic to increase knowledge skill costs based on Uneducated quality.
In version q I added a global variable (named range) called 'Has_Uneducated' (i know it would be Is_Uneducated, but I reserve the 'Is' prefix for race/infection/magic status, and use 'Has' for qualities). Added a lookup against the knowledge table for attribute linked to the skill. Now in version q, if your character has the uneducated quality, all knowledge skills that are linked to LOGIC will cost double.
Thanks for the feedback Magusinvictus, you have helped me improve the sheet!
May 24 2011, 08:12 PM
QUOTE (Vilda @ Apr 14 2011, 11:21 AM)

- on Magic list, there is already checked first level of initiation (Adept character)
This was a problem on a previous version. While working on the sheet this time I decided to finally put to bed the issue of outstanding character data in the distrubuted sheet.
So I have added an excel vb macro called 'Clear_User_Data'. This can be executed manually, or when switching from Dev to Production modes you will be prompted.
Currently this clears all character specific data from the Settings and Main_Sheet pages. More to come.
May 30 2011, 09:16 PM
Could you tweak the roommate lifestyle option so you can split the cost, please?
[Edit:] Kevlar bone lacing is giving my coyote 0/1 armor instead of 1/0
Jun 1 2011, 02:37 PM
QUOTE (Tyro @ May 30 2011, 04:16 PM)

Could you tweak the roommate lifestyle option so you can split the cost, please?
[Edit:] Kevlar bone lacing is giving my coyote 0/1 armor instead of 1/0
The sheet supports roomates. It tallies the total cost. Diying up rent will be up to the individual, as it does not track payments, just total cost.
Jun 1 2011, 06:24 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jun 1 2011, 07:37 AM)

The sheet supports roomates. It tallies the total cost. Diying up rent will be up to the individual, as it does not track payments, just total cost.
But it deducts total cost from my cash, which is annoying when it charges double or more what I'm actually paying. I generally just unprotect and manually enter :-/
Jun 2 2011, 04:49 PM
QUOTE (Tyro @ Jun 1 2011, 01:24 PM)

But it deducts total cost from my cash, which is annoying when it charges double or more what I'm actually paying. I generally just unprotect and manually enter :-/
You have contributed alot to this sheet, so its the least I can do.
Added switch on Lifestyles to allow paying the price divided by total residents.
Jun 2 2011, 06:56 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jun 2 2011, 09:49 AM)

You have contributed alot to this sheet, so its the least I can do.
Added switch on Lifestyles to allow paying the price divided by total residents.
That means a lot to me, DK. I didn't realize I'd made such an impression. I don't even go hunting for bugs; I just use the sheet so much that I come across things.
I've been building characters for various systems as a hobby since I was about 10; a good character generator is gold to me.
Jun 2 2011, 09:31 PM
Any chance we will see "Way of the Adept"-pdf included as to reduce costs for path-specific powers?
Jun 2 2011, 09:33 PM
When can we expect Wa of the Adept information t be added? I bought a copy of it and I'd be willing to transcribe if that would help.
Jun 3 2011, 04:00 PM
Jun 5 2011, 08:20 PM
Containment manacles & other restraints are page 335, not 326 at cited in the gear section.
Jun 6 2011, 12:00 AM
Wow, it's been so long since I've played but suddenly I've gotten the itch to create a new character!
Jun 6 2011, 12:05 AM
QUOTE (Cloud @ Jun 5 2011, 05:00 PM)

Wow, it's been so long since I've played but suddenly I've gotten the itch to create a new character!
Caught the bug, eh?
Jun 6 2011, 12:07 AM
Damien, you appear to be doing Knowledge specializations wrong. The book says they cost 1 knowledge point or 2 BP. Right now the sheet is calculating it as 1 build point.
Jun 6 2011, 02:46 AM
I took cybereyes on a character in the new sheet, and instead of charging me for parts it just has a dash ("-") under nuyen cost. It charges normally for the eyes themselves.
[Edit:] Just out of curiosity, why is the skullcap so expensive? A bike racing helmet is 150 less, gives 1 more impact armor, and comes with a sound system, image link, and flare compensation.
Jun 6 2011, 04:22 AM
QUOTE (Tyro @ Jun 5 2011, 07:05 PM)

Caught the bug, eh?
I did. And as DK can tell you, I tend to go a little overboard when I catch it. I was notorious in our group for continuously creating more and more new character to try out different ideas. We even had to create a rule to limit how many living PCs each person could have in a campaign. Apparently, six or seven is too many
Jun 6 2011, 01:54 PM
QUOTE (Socinus @ Jun 2 2011, 04:33 PM)

When can we expect Wa of the Adept information t be added? I bought a copy of it and I'd be willing to transcribe if that would help.
As soon as I get the book. Did not realize a new PDF came out.
QUOTE (Tyro @ Jun 5 2011, 03:20 PM)

Containment manacles & other restraints are page 335, not 326 at cited in the gear section.
The page listings are all outdated... they are for SR4, not SR4a.
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Jun 5 2011, 07:07 PM)

Damien, you appear to be doing Knowledge specializations wrong. The book says they cost 1 knowledge point or 2 BP. Right now the sheet is calculating it as 1 build point.
Thanks for pointing this out. Fixed in version q.
QUOTE (Tyro @ Jun 5 2011, 09:46 PM)

I took cybereyes on a character in the new sheet, and instead of charging me for parts it just has a dash ("-") under nuyen cost. It charges normally for the eyes themselves.
[Edit:] Just out of curiosity, why is the skullcap so expensive? A bike racing helmet is 150 less, gives 1 more impact armor, and comes with a sound system, image link, and flare compensation.
I added cybereyes and added mods and was charged for all of it. Could you be more specific-- You are putting cybereyes on the Cyberparts page? What grade? What mods are you adding?
Reduced skullcap to 250. It has to cost alot more than a standard helmet because it is custom made forged steel... it has to fit flush to the wearers head.
Jun 6 2011, 01:59 PM
QUOTE (Cloud @ Jun 5 2011, 07:00 PM)

Wow, it's been so long since I've played but suddenly I've gotten the itch to create a new character!
w00t! Is it time to play some SR again! I am in like sin. Dont start making characters until you get the latest in development copy of the spreadsheet from me.
Jun 6 2011, 03:19 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jun 6 2011, 08:59 AM)

w00t! Is it time to play some SR again! I am in like sin. Dont start making characters until you get the latest in development copy of the spreadsheet from me.
Now we just have to convince the rest of those degenerates!
[Edit: Hmmm.....Shapechanging Animal Mage or Cyber Gnome Ninja? I pick BOTH!)
Jun 6 2011, 08:48 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jun 6 2011, 06:54 AM)

As soon as I get the book. Did not realize a new PDF came out.
The page listings are all outdated... they are for SR4, not SR4a.
Thanks for pointing this out. Fixed in version q.
I added cybereyes and added mods and was charged for all of it. Could you be more specific-- You are putting cybereyes on the Cyberparts page? What grade? What mods are you adding?
Reduced skullcap to 250. It has to cost alot more than a standard helmet because it is custom made forged steel... it has to fit flush to the wearers head.
Standard R2 cybereyes on the cyberparts page; eye light system, low-light vision, thermo, vision mag.
If you need someone to look up the page references for all the gear and crap, I volunteer. Page references are teh shit
Jun 7 2011, 03:51 PM
QUOTE (Socinus @ Jun 2 2011, 03:33 PM)

When can we expect Wa of the Adept information t be added? I bought a copy of it and I'd be willing to transcribe if that would help.
Was anyone else supremely disappointed with it? Perhaps I had my hopes to high but there were not enough new/unique adepts abilities and such for me.
Jun 7 2011, 05:25 PM
My issue is with the "pick 3" bullshit. Originally it was anything from the list, period, but some playtesters thought it was overpowered. As it stands, warriors get a lot more out of it than, say, speakers.
Jun 7 2011, 08:38 PM
QUOTE (Tyro @ Jun 7 2011, 12:25 PM)

My issue is with the "pick 3" bullshit. Originally it was anything from the list, period, but some playtesters thought it was overpowered. As it stands, warriors get a lot more out of it than, say, speakers.
Cloud skimmed the PDF and gave me the run down.[img]http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/6/7/97f08e38-a357-4dd0-a327-4b2d44e526be.jpg[/img]
Jun 7 2011, 09:01 PM
Trauma dampers are cultured bioware, not basic.
Jun 9 2011, 07:18 AM
The way of the adept discount is easily done using the existing "house rule" adept geas option in the form. (OOT: 25% of warrior abilities is a good 1 power point or more worth of discount while most of the others can save maybe half a power point, horrible)
Jun 9 2011, 12:40 PM
Yup, Critias (the author) himself said that he didnt put in the "pick 3" at first but play playtesters said it would be broken without it. I personally call bullshit. Just drop that limitation. As others said, the ways are not balanced with it.
@Surukai: If you say it's a geas you can't combine way+geas für a hefty 50% discount!

Another thing, could we see the "Code of Conduct" Qualities added perhaps? Shouldn't be much of a hassle
Jun 10 2011, 05:51 PM
I've noticed a couple of things wrong:
the positive metagenetic quality Keen ears should be 5 points, not 10.
Also, in BP chargen, knowledge skill costs are calculated improperly. It's using the maximum knowledge points as the free points rather than (logic+intuition)*3 with the maximum as double that. (the character I'm building has logic 3, int 3 and 32 rating points of knowledge skills. it's showing 32 points of knowledge skills out of a maximum of 36. the BP cost for this should be 14, but it's showing BP cost of 0. This is with the RAW setting on the settings page)
I'm going to go through and double-check all the gear costs and ratings for my character (I did BP spending manually to verify those, and doublechecked costs on the qualities my character has, but haven't checked all qualities, etc). I'll let you know if I find anything else among the stuff this character has.
Jun 10 2011, 08:43 PM
QUOTE (Chymos @ Jun 10 2011, 12:51 PM)

Also, in BP chargen, knowledge skill costs are calculated improperly. It's using the maximum knowledge points as the free points rather than (logic+intuition)*3 with the maximum as double that. (the character I'm building has logic 3, int 3 and 32 rating points of knowledge skills. it's showing 32 points of knowledge skills out of a maximum of 36. the BP cost for this should be 14, but it's showing BP cost of 0. This is with the RAW setting on the settings page)
Actually, it's not. It's calculating the
BP cost of your knowledges, not the
Knowledge Point cost.
So if you have 3 int 3 logic, you should have 18 points, but the sheet shows 36. HOWEVER, if you buy rank 1 in a knowldge skill (1 knowledge point) it will deduct
2 points from your 36. So it works out the same in the end (excepting specializations in knowledges, which has been fixed for the next version)
Jun 10 2011, 11:41 PM
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Jun 10 2011, 02:43 PM)

Actually, it's not. It's calculating the BP cost of your knowledges, not the Knowledge Point cost.
Ahhhh, ok. for some reason I got mixed up with BP vs Knowledge Points.
But the Keen Ears cost being wrong still applies.
Jun 11 2011, 08:13 AM
QUOTE (Chymos @ Jun 10 2011, 06:41 PM)

Ahhhh, ok. for some reason I got mixed up with BP vs Knowledge Points.
Yeah, we tried to confuse them last week ourselves. It was easier to look at the sheet than it was to look it up in the book.
Jun 13 2011, 01:16 PM
QUOTE (Chymos @ Jun 10 2011, 06:41 PM)

Ahhhh, ok. for some reason I got mixed up with BP vs Knowledge Points.
But the Keen Ears cost being wrong still applies.
Fixed in q.
Jun 16 2011, 07:06 PM
I have added the features from 'The Way of the Adept' book into version q. I am going to release the latest version soon, so please submit any bug fixes/ideas now if you want them to make it into version q.
Jun 16 2011, 10:28 PM
Well if you have Gun Heaven, then the guns from that would be nice.
Mostly cos i have 2 character build in planning that both use some of those
But even having the way of the adept stuff helps the first one of those

Also nice work with all the other resent addition/fixes
Jun 17 2011, 12:09 AM
QUOTE (Mäx @ Jun 16 2011, 03:28 PM)

Well if you have Gun Heaven, then the guns from that would be nice.
Mostly cos i have 2 character build in planning that both use some of those
But even having the way of the adept stuff helps the first one of those
Also nice work with all the other resent addition/fixes
Gun Heaven?
Jun 17 2011, 01:33 AM
QUOTE (Tyro @ Jun 16 2011, 04:09 PM)

Gun Heaven?
Catalyst's Webpage for Gun HeavenFrom what I can tell, it looks like it adds some flavor, but doesn't have anything that jumps out as very good. I think that the BBB and Arsenal do a good job of providing guns.
Jun 17 2011, 01:37 AM
The Vintage weapons add a nice bit of history if you're a gun nut like me.
Jun 17 2011, 07:02 AM
QUOTE (bobbaganoosh @ Jun 17 2011, 04:33 AM)

From what I can tell, it looks like it adds some flavor, but doesn't have anything that jumps out as very good.
Well good is subjective and it does add a whole lot of flavor.
For example i was planning on building a hacker/sniper using the Ogre Hammer
Jun 17 2011, 04:13 PM
I dont have Gun Heaven yet. Did not even realize they had released another PDF book. I will look into it tonight, and postpone version q release to next week.
Jun 17 2011, 05:19 PM
DamienKnight, thank you so much for this product. I have one question though.....When I put more than one ATT increasing quality or genetic feature on a PC then his modified MAX goes up higher then what it should. I have P version, and for example I will open it up right now take human Meta type and add Exceptional ATT Agility and it goes up 1-7 norm and Max goes to 10 as it should. Add either the meta-genetic or the genetic Optimization (agility) and you get Modified max now of 12....and if I am getting the rules right it should only be 11 for two increases, 12 if you combine all 3...not 12 and 13 Modified max? Thank you for all the time you put into this….I use it often making different NPC I can use in my games as well as my own PC’s.
With some help I have found the error of my ways.....sorry for bringing up a none issue. Thanks for your time
Jun 17 2011, 05:40 PM
QUOTE (naga-nuyen @ Jun 17 2011, 09:19 AM)

DamienKnight, thank you so much for this product. I have one question though.....When I put more than one ATT increasing quality or genetic feature on a PC then his modified MAX goes up higher then what it should. I have P version, and for example I will open it up right now take human Meta type and add Exceptional ATT Agility and it goes up 1-7 norm and Max goes to 10 as it should. Add either the meta-genetic or the genetic Optimization (agility) and you get Modified max now of 12....and if I am getting the rules right it should only be 11 for two increases, 12 if you combine all 3...not 12 and 13 Modified max? Thank you for all the time you put into this….I use it often making different NPC I can use in my games as well as my own PC’s.
Modified max is 1.5 * natural max, rounding down. So if you take both Exceptional ATT Agility and Metagenetic Improvement Agility, then your natural max is 8, and thus your modified max is 12. The sheet is right.
Jun 17 2011, 05:49 PM
wow no kidding.....love it. I have been messing that up for awhile now. Thank you so much for pointing out my mistake.
Jun 19 2011, 11:04 PM
Charsheet page, cell X11 is showing #REF! for Armored Clothing, no mods. It's the third part of the formula (the bit that should say "[0]") that's bugging out, but I can't figure out why.
(Next line below it is a (Mods) line that I haven't filled anything in for yet, if that may be influencing it)
Jun 20 2011, 01:33 PM
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Jun 19 2011, 06:04 PM)

Charsheet page, cell X11 is showing #REF! for Armored Clothing, no mods. It's the third part of the formula (the bit that should say "[0]") that's bugging out, but I can't figure out why.
(Next line below it is a (Mods) line that I haven't filled anything in for yet, if that may be influencing it)
I am not able to replicate this issue. When I put armored clothing on that line, it correctly shows 6 in cell x11.
In the latest version there was a fix to the first line of armor for armor outfit encuberance total. Other than that, it should be the same as the version you are using.
What other gear items are you using? Do you experience the problem when all you have on the sheet is the armor clothing on row 11?
Jun 20 2011, 03:08 PM
Version q is now available.http://www.filedropper.com/sr4cgdk1qfixUpdates in version q:
Added content from 'The Way of the Adept'
Added switch for only paying divided roomate cost for lifestyles.
Added Naga Hide as a selectable armor if character is Race of Naga
Added macro for clearing basic user data from the Settings and Main_Sheet, added option to call it when switching to production mode
Fixed word wrapping in printable sheets concept section
Fixed weapons page smart link dependency checking
Fixed weapon mods not adding to total weapon cost
Fixed issue where bottom third of contacts list was not calculating properly
Fixed Paranoia quality value
Fixed foregrip so it was compatible with Sling
Fixed issue where the Vehicle page was not adding costs for the last few vehicles
Jun 20 2011, 06:29 PM
Filedropper is only downloading part of the zip file.
Jun 20 2011, 06:41 PM
Download worked for me, reupped it here for you Stormdrake:
http://www.mediafire.com/?prexyapp1q996s5Damien, thanks for the work as always. As soon as i switch to Karmagen however (which is always the first thing i do with a new version), i get "Err:508" in the "Contacts" field on the Main_Sheet. Can we see a fix please?
Thanks in advance!
Jun 20 2011, 08:33 PM
The karma build contacts error: verified. It's there on my copy also.
Also, on the settings page, the true/false dropdown list for karma build is missing.
Jun 21 2011, 07:13 AM
As always, excellent work Damien.
Found a small problem, there are no qualities associated with the various Adept ways and selecting one of the ways on the Magic tab doesnt reduce the cost for any of the relevant powers.
Dakka Dakka
Jun 21 2011, 10:37 AM
The RC of the Ares Alpha still (or again) does not stack with other RC, when it should.
Could you change Restricted Gear to theree entries like Restricted Gear (Rating)? Getting it three times takes up a lot of space in the CharSheet.
[edit]The Cyber-/Bioware filed in Character Sheet 3 is empty.[/edit]
As always keep up the good work. We all appreciate it very much.
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