QUOTE (Mordinvan @ Oct 7 2009, 08:08 AM)

I'm curious if it would be possible to add an option to the karma gen system so stat costs are calculated before racial modifiers as opposed to after? Or if this is already in does anyone know how to turn it on?
Nope. The karma system is intended to be used with post-racial-mod costs. If there are enough askers, I will consider adding a house-rule switch for it.
If you are wanting to create more powerful characters, think about setting the rule for higher attribute costs to FALSE. This will change it to 3 karma x new rating instead of 5. 5 karma per rating is the errata price, and makes characters a bit closer in power to the BP system, but if you want to start as a Heroic runner...
QUOTE (Phoenix (A-Team) @ Oct 7 2009, 03:08 AM)

I was wondering if we'd see more of the armored clothing choices in the next CG edition.
After all, I know there are some things that even the books don't list that I like to remind myself that I have (ski-masks, a few sets of clothing I wear around the apartment when I'm not running the shadows... etc.)
If there is a specific piece I am missing, please refer me to the book and page so I can add it in.
Or are you asking for more room on the Gear tab for armor options?
As for ski masks, random clothing etc., I suggest using the Custom Gear section at the bottom of the Gear page. Its hard to miss... its all blue, indicating the values must be chosen by you. Put 'Ski Mask' in the gear, and put '5' in the cost if you like. It should show up with your gear on the Charsheet.
Now you make a strong point about outfits! I am not sure if this is what you are talking about, but what about this:
A column in gear where you can enter in custom text (basically the name of the outfit), working very similarly to cyberware suites. Then the Charsheet will not display individual items if they are part of an outfit, but instead display their total armor value.
This could be neat for stacking helmet and pants with a vest and coat etc.
I think I would also have to include a house rule for using 3rd edition armor stacking rules. 4th seems kinda like they just didnt wanna mess with it, so they said 'NO ARMOR STACKING! Oh... except for this one, oh, and that one...' bleh.
QUOTE (cndblank @ Oct 6 2009, 12:34 PM)

Speaking of arms, how do you buy a full Modular Arm?
No idea. The books do not provide for it. Start a discussion in the discussion forum, and when the community comes up with some reasonable rules, link the thread here and I will see about adding it into the sheet.
QUOTE (Tachi @ Sep 30 2009, 06:49 PM)

Any idea of an approximate date of 1b delivery?
How is the multi-arm thing going? Saw your thread on the other forums, I got curious, thought I'd ask.
Sorry about the wait. I was out of town... then my son got sick, then I got sick...
I would like to release 1b very soon. Maybe this week.
After the response I got in the discussion forums about having Shiva cyber arms, I basically realized that only a very RARE character would ever make use of them, since the essence cost is SO high, that it does not seem like the payoff (usability for 1 or two people) would not be worth the effort. Maybe someday I will get in the mood to play a Cyber shiva and do the work...