Mar 16 2009, 10:30 PM
DamienKnight: I see. Well then i have to declare it a fail, because for me it seems like the numbers are all over without any order. It lacks the "pointing" to the value you'd need.
But i understand the necessity so i'd stick with it if i have to in future releases (hey, it's the best chargen tool i know for SR4).
Since i'm just an Excel user and no programmer, i will relay some of my brainpower to the seeking of a good name.
Mar 17 2009, 07:27 PM
QUOTE (GreyBrother @ Mar 16 2009, 05:30 PM)

DamienKnight: I see. Well then i have to declare it a fail, because for me it seems like the numbers are all over without any order. It lacks the "pointing" to the value you'd need.
Could you elaborate on this complaint? The difference in 9g is simply the colors/borders, not the layout. It sounds like you have an issue with the layout. While it is unrelated to the question I am posing with this version, it is certainly something I would like to take into consideration.
So, could you explain what you mean when you say 'the numbers are all over without any order' and 'It lacks the "pointing" to the value you'd need'.
Please give specifics examples about what could be changed to improve the sheet.
Mar 17 2009, 07:47 PM
QUOTE (Tyro @ Mar 16 2009, 04:49 PM)

Many thanks; I hate having to do Essence calculations by hand!
[Edit:] Any word on incorporating the new (and massive!) erratra from the Anniversary Edition?
[Edit 2:] Exceptional Attribute is still adding +2 to the max instead of 1, as of 9g.
[Edit 3:] Availabilities over 12 are getting highlighted as illegal even with Black Market Pipeline: Wares. This did not happen in 9c; I don't have any of the versions between those 2. I'm also not getting the Nuyen cost reduction; the BMP doesn't seem to be working at all

Fixed the exceptional attribute issue for 9h.
Fixed the pipeline problem. When I revised the qualities data sheet I added a column for sourcebook, and removed the sourcebook reference from the names, which threw off many of my qualities detecting formulas. IE. 'Black Market Pipeline - Wares (rc)' is now 'Bleck Market Pipeline - Wares', with the rc being an attribute in the qualities table, instead of in the name.
Corrected the Black Market Pipeline issues. There may be other Qualities related issues in 9g, let me know if you see anything else.
Thanks for the help Tyro. When I was not updating the sheet I was not really keeping track of SR forums at all, so the Anniversary Errata is new information to me. Without knowing anything about the errata, I am guessing that I WILL be including it, as I am guessing most players will use it. As always, for any rule that I personally dont enjoy, I am going to create a switch to disable the rule if it is convenient.
Mar 17 2009, 08:47 PM
I try to elaborate *grin*
Layout includes borders, colors and the position of everything in my language bubble. What i mean't is that the missing borders confuse me and i find it hard to track down the right numbers.
It just looked "more right" with the borders, or i should really go and see my oculist. *scratches his head* Probably just my eyes, i think.
I'd try to make the borders more prominent, just for my eyes sake but maybe it's just me and i make a fuss about nothing.
I try to create a character before the end of the week to test the technicalities.
Mar 17 2009, 10:09 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Mar 17 2009, 12:47 PM)

Fixed the exceptional attribute issue for 9h.
Fixed the pipeline problem. When I revised the qualities data sheet I added a column for sourcebook, and removed the sourcebook reference from the names, which threw off many of my qualities detecting formulas. IE. 'Black Market Pipeline - Wares (rc)' is now 'Bleck Market Pipeline - Wares', with the rc being an attribute in the qualities table, instead of in the name.
Corrected the Black Market Pipeline issues. There may be other Qualities related issues in 9g, let me know if you see anything else.
Thanks for the help Tyro. When I was not updating the sheet I was not really keeping track of SR forums at all, so the Anniversary Errata is new information to me. Without knowing anything about the errata, I am guessing that I WILL be including it, as I am guessing most players will use it. As always, for any rule that I personally dont enjoy, I am going to create a switch to disable the rule if it is convenient.
Thanks very much for making the sheet, updating the sheet, listening to input from non-contributors... the list goes on. I don't have l33t excel skillz, so I do what I can by pointing out problems when I see them

On a related note, I actually preferred the old (non-dropdown) gear sheet (for miscellaneous gear only - I'm very happy with how you've handled vehicles, armor etc.) Would it be possible to include that as a hidden tab, so I can just choose one or the other (or use a combination of both)? Right now I'm saving gear on one of the older sheets :-/
Mar 17 2009, 10:13 PM
First off I would like to say that I love this. Kudos to Everyone that has worked on this.
Did find a few issues.
When trying to do a Custom weapon with the Ares Viper Slivergun, the Smartgun System is being flagged as invalid.
Also none of the Tasers will accept the Smartgun System either.
In fact now that I have tried several other guns, even SMGs and Assault Rifles, the Smartgun System doesn't seem to like to be an added option to anything.
Any chance of putting the various melee weapons into the customization section to be able to add mods like Personalize Grip in?
For Armor, it seems only the first 3 lines have code in them. Any selections made in the 4th or lower lines just list the item, but cost or protection values don't come up.
Under Qualities it is totalling up the traits from Surge into the total BP of Qualities and causing it to be flagged as invalid (due to too many points in Qualities). It does this both for the Positive and Negative values.
For Bioware the Synaptic Booster doesn't seem to be adding the modifier to Reaction in correctly to the Attributes, just shows ## #. It is showing the correct number of Initiative Passes.
Will add more once I find anything else.
Still playing around with it.
Mar 18 2009, 04:54 AM
QUOTE (Warlockco @ Mar 17 2009, 04:13 PM)

For Bioware the Synaptic Booster doesn't seem to be adding the modifier to Reaction in correctly to the Attributes, just shows ## #. It is showing the correct number of Initiative Passes.
Ah, I was reworking the formula to block incompatible reaction/init boosting cyber and left it broken. It is working now in 9h. Does the Reaction Enhancer ware stack with anything else?
I currently have the following as not stacking in wares:
Reaction Enhancer (1-3)
Wired Reflexes I
Wired Reflexes II
Wired Reflexes III
Move-by-Wire System Rating 1
Move-by-Wire System Rating 2
Move-by-Wire System Rating 3
Synaptic Booster (1-3)
I know the reaction enhancer stacks with something, I do not know what. Do any of these other items stack with each other?
Mar 18 2009, 02:51 PM
Hm, the rules are a mess...
Reaction Enhancers are compatible with other Initiative Boosters. [sr4.334]
Wired Reflexes are NOT compatible with ANY Initiative enhancement. [sr4.335]
Synaptic Boosters are NOT compatible with ANY Initiative enhancement. [sr4.340]
So, who wins? I have ruled that Reaction Enhancers CANNOT be used with Wired Reflexes or Synaptic Boostersin my game, but an errata to Reaction Enhancers would be nice, ie. "Reaction Enhancers are compatible other Initiative-boosters IF NOT EXPLICITLY DISALLOWED BY THAT INITIATIVE-BOOSTER." With this rule, however, what good are Reaction Enhancers, since they are not valid with ANY of the Cyber/Bio Initiative-boosters? They end up being stand-alone Initiative boosters (which is not as good as getting extra passes!), or they are only useful with Move By Wire, which usually adds so many Reaction attribute bonuses that the augmented max is reached before the Reaction Enhancers can be used. Also, what exactly IS an Initiative-booster anyway? I can see why you left it alone on the sheet! ARRRGGH!!!
Move By Wire is only compatible with Reaction Enhancers. [aug.41]
Tunnel Rat
Mar 18 2009, 05:01 PM
Ok, two items.
1. In the gear section, armor slots 4-8 have many of their 'pointers' shifted by one column. So, instead of slot 4 looking up C7 it's looking at D7. Which means that the value of the armor doesn't get deducted, and none of its stats show up. This is irritating if you want to have more than 3 pieces of armor.
2. I have no optional rules selected, and yet when I take any cyberware it increases the availability of alphaware by 2, betaware by 4, and deltaware by 10. I can't find any mention of higher grade cyber increasing availability in the BBB nor in Augmentation. Augmentation even has a table, and it lists a -- (which is a zero) under all but second hand cyber. I've checked the errata for both augmentation and the BBB, and neither changes cyberware grades. So, either there is an error (perhaps it's adding in someone's houserule?), or There's something that changes the availability of cyberware grades somewhere else that I don't know about. (In which case, could someone point out where?)
Mar 18 2009, 05:12 PM
QUOTE (Dreadlord @ Mar 18 2009, 07:51 AM)

Hm, the rules are a mess...
Reaction Enhancers are compatible with other Initiative Boosters. [sr4.334]
Wired Reflexes are NOT compatible with ANY Initiative enhancement. [sr4.335]
Synaptic Boosters are NOT compatible with ANY Initiative enhancement. [sr4.340]
So, who wins? I have ruled that Reaction Enhancers CANNOT be used with Wired Reflexes or Synaptic Boostersin my game, but an errata to Reaction Enhancers would be nice, ie. "Reaction Enhancers are compatible other Initiative-boosters IF NOT EXPLICITLY DISALLOWED BY THAT INITIATIVE-BOOSTER." With this rule, however, what good are Reaction Enhancers, since they are not valid with ANY of the Cyber/Bio Initiative-boosters? They end up being stand-alone Initiative boosters (which is not as good as getting extra passes!), or they are only useful with Move By Wire, which usually adds so many Reaction attribute bonuses that the augmented max is reached before the Reaction Enhancers can be used. Also, what exactly IS an Initiative-booster anyway? I can see why you left it alone on the sheet! ARRRGGH!!!
Move By Wire is only compatible with Reaction Enhancers. [aug.41]
I think the RAI is that the IP boosters aren't supposed to be compatible with each other, but reaction enhancers can be combined with them. Reaction enhancers are NOT initiative boosters in that they don't directly boost IP OR Initiative (see the Increase Reflexes spell for a direct Initiative increase). Even if that's not what they intended, it would make more sense. Maybe a checkbox for the option of allowing them to stack?
Mar 18 2009, 08:57 PM
Sounds more reasonable. The wording needs to be more clear for Wired Reflexes, Synaptic Booster to allow Reaction Enhancers only, as Augmentation does. The text in Reaction Enhancers mentions indirectly adding to Initiative, which is what led me astray from the RAI.
My sammie players have all upgraded to Move By Wires now, so it is moot. Their Reactions are all about equal already to their augmented maximums, so Reaction Enhancers are of no help to them. My rigger has turned into a sammy now with MBW, last session was his first time out of the gate. Freaking Frightening!
Mar 19 2009, 05:55 AM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Mar 17 2009, 11:54 PM)

I know the reaction enhancer stacks with something, I do not know what. Do any of these other items stack with each other?
Everything stacks with reaction enhancers, the non-stacking rule concerns initiative boosters (MBW, WR, SB), not attribute-boosters.
Dakka Dakka
Mar 19 2009, 08:53 AM
According to the wording reaction enhancers could be initiative boosters as well, because they boost initiative by enhancing the reaction. If the devs only meant ware/magic/drugs that give additional initative passes, they should have said so. The FAQ, however official they may be, actually say that Reaction Enhancers are not really compatible as only the highest Reaction Increase applies.
Mar 19 2009, 09:45 AM
Here's a small bug report:
the GMC Bulldog van registers as a haveing a delivery van appearance, that would be the Hermes van.
The Doberman drone registers as a medium walker drone, but it's a crawler.
Putting armor on a vehicle/drone doesn't increase the price.
The Rover 2068 displays as a Rober 2068.
A small feature request: Is it possible to either increase the number of vehicles on the sheet, or to put an editable multiplier in front of the vehicle name so that I can purchase several vehicles of the same kind with the same mods? It would be nice for riggers.
Mar 19 2009, 04:41 PM
QUOTE (Werewindlefr @ Mar 19 2009, 04:45 AM)

Here's a small bug report:
the GMC Bulldog van registers as a haveing a delivery van appearance, that would be the Hermes van.
The Doberman drone registers as a medium walker drone, but it's a crawler.
Putting armor on a vehicle/drone doesn't increase the price.
The Rover 2068 displays as a Rober 2068.
A small feature request: Is it possible to either increase the number of vehicles on the sheet, or to put an editable multiplier in front of the vehicle name so that I can purchase several vehicles of the same kind with the same mods? It would be nice for riggers.
- Moved description from Bulldog to Hermes
- Changed Doberman to 'Medium Crawler Drone', description still says 'Crawler'
- Changed Rober to Rover
- Added armor costs (500 per rating, just guessing)
Thanks for the bug finding Werewindlefr. There already is a multiplier to the left of Vehicle names. It was only multiplying base costs, but I changed it to mulitply the total. Added in text next to base/upgrade costs to highlight mulitplier effects.
Could you look up the costs for Armor for vehicles. If it is convinient, I need to know the maximums also. (I think its based on vehicle body?)
Also, does everyone think that the Black Market Pipeline - Vehicles quality should affect vehicle upgrade costs too?
Mar 19 2009, 04:47 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Mar 19 2009, 09:41 AM)

- Moved description from Bulldog to Hermes
- Changed Doberman to 'Medium Crawler Drone', description still says 'Crawler'
- Changed Rober to Rover
- Added armor costs (500 per rating, just guessing)
Thanks for the bug finding Werewindlefr. There already is a multiplier to the left of Vehicle names. It was only multiplying base costs, but I changed it to mulitply the total. Added in text next to base/upgrade costs to highlight mulitplier effects.
Could you look up the costs for Armor for vehicles. If it is convinient, I need to know the maximums also. (I think its based on vehicle body?)
According to Arsenal:
Normal armor (rating 1-20) - 1 slot, cost is rating x 200, avail. 6R.
Concealed armor (rating 1-20) - 2 slots, cost is rating x 1,000, 12R.
Smart armor (rating 1-20) - 2 slots, cost is rating x 2,000, 16R.
According to the Arsenal errata (1.3.2): "When either of the Armor totals exceeds the vehicle's Body, reduce the vehicle's Acceleraction and Speed by 20% (round up).
Could anyone tell me if any of this has been changed in SR4A?
[Edit:] I believe BMP: Vehicles should affect upgrades. My $0.02.
Mar 19 2009, 04:52 PM
QUOTE (Tunnel Rat @ Mar 18 2009, 12:01 PM)

Ok, two items.
1. In the gear section, armor slots 4-8 have many of their 'pointers' shifted by one column. So, instead of slot 4 looking up C7 it's looking at D7. Which means that the value of the armor doesn't get deducted, and none of its stats show up. This is irritating if you want to have more than 3 pieces of armor.
2. I have no optional rules selected, and yet when I take any cyberware it increases the availability of alphaware by 2, betaware by 4, and deltaware by 10. I can't find any mention of higher grade cyber increasing availability in the BBB nor in Augmentation. Augmentation even has a table, and it lists a -- (which is a zero) under all but second hand cyber. I've checked the errata for both augmentation and the BBB, and neither changes cyberware grades. So, either there is an error (perhaps it's adding in someone's houserule?), or There's something that changes the availability of cyberware grades somewhere else that I don't know about. (In which case, could someone point out where?)
Yeah, fixed the Armor slots in 9h based on another request. That problem affected a few other things, but its fixed in the new beta that is yet to be released.
2. In version 9g, there is an option house rule [b/]that is enabled as a default[/b] which modifies availability based on grades. I believe strongly in this house rule.. without it secondhand wares are too out of wack. I have modeled after the 3rd edition rules. If you want to follow the canon availability for wares, just change the option on the main sheet, cell AF6 to 'FALSE'.
9h is coming soon.
Mar 19 2009, 04:56 PM
QUOTE (Brazila @ Feb 11 2009, 01:39 AM)

If you use the karma build system the cost for bonding foci seems off. If you mark it as bonded with karma it charges you 2 times, and even if you don't the costs seem off, I got a F2 Reach 1 wpn focus should be (3+1)*2 or 8 but it said 10, I got R 3 sust foci should be 6 it said 12.
Looks like the Karma bonding formula was pointing to the Foci availability column instead of the karma cost column. Fixed in 9h.
Mar 19 2009, 06:59 PM
QUOTE (Tyro @ Mar 19 2009, 11:47 AM)

According to Arsenal:
Normal armor (rating 1-20) - 1 slot, cost is rating x 200, avail. 6R.
Concealed armor (rating 1-20) - 2 slots, cost is rating x 1,000, 12R.
Smart armor (rating 1-20) - 2 slots, cost is rating x 2,000, 16R.
According to the Arsenal errata (1.3.2): "When either of the Armor totals exceeds the vehicle's Body, reduce the vehicle's Acceleraction and Speed by 20% (round up).
Could anyone tell me if any of this has been changed in SR4A?
[Edit:] I believe BMP: Vehicles should affect upgrades. My $0.02.
Thanks for looking that up Tyro. Updated in 9h. Also fixed the vehicle description to correctly include all mods, turrets and custom notes, and fixed calculations on vehicle speed based on armor and upgrades.
Mar 19 2009, 08:46 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Mar 19 2009, 11:59 AM)

Thanks for looking that up Tyro. Updated in 9h. Also fixed the vehicle description to correctly include all mods, turrets and custom notes, and fixed calculations on vehicle speed based on armor and upgrades.
No problem. I want to be able to build my drone army
Mar 19 2009, 09:19 PM
QUOTE (Tyro @ Mar 19 2009, 03:46 PM)

No problem. I want to be able to build my drone army
I unlocked the cells where the 'Mount 1' and 'Mount 2' etc were. Those cells end up in the final description, so you can rename those 'Mounted LMG' or whatever you would like. You will still have to purchase the guns separately on the Weapons page, or add them in as a custom item on the Gear page.
I am considering making those cells a drop-down list of guns accessible to vehicles, but I would want it to only include weapons that are viable for the selected vehicle.
Are there any weapons that are incompatible with all vehicle/drones? If not I can simply use the Ranged_Weapons_List as my base. Weapon sizes are relative to drone sizes, correct? I may be able to use the vehicle category to limit the selectable weapon mounts.
In my opinion, weapons should be kept track of seperately from mounts, since mounts can easily have the weapon changed out... you really just need the weapon name in the description, and the actual weapon somewhere else on the sheet. Any opinions on this?
Mar 20 2009, 01:58 AM
Armor maximum for a vehicle is 2*Body, 3*body for drones up to large drones.
Mar 20 2009, 02:03 AM
QUOTE (Werewindlefr @ Mar 19 2009, 06:58 PM)

Armor maximum for a vehicle is 2*Body, 3*body for drones up to large drones.
Thanks, I'd forgotten about that *sheepish*
Mar 20 2009, 05:00 AM
Version 9h is now available. fixes in Martial Arts, Magic Focus costs, Wares, Weapons, Gear and Vehicles.
Tunnel Rat
Mar 20 2009, 05:15 AM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Mar 19 2009, 12:52 PM)

2. In version 9g, there is an option house rule [b/]that is enabled as a default[/b] which modifies availability based on grades. I believe strongly in this house rule.. without it secondhand wares are too out of wack. I have modeled after the 3rd edition rules. If you want to follow the canon availability for wares, just change the option on the main sheet, cell AF6 to 'FALSE'.
I'm glad you believe in the house rule. The problem is that the sheet won't (tried it in 9h) allow you to turn it off. You have a checkbox for it, but the checkbox doesn't do anything.
Mar 20 2009, 12:55 PM
I've spotted some blank cost areas.
Biometric Lock costs 150
Commlink Self-Destruct costs 2,000 (Localised) or 10,000 (Area Effect)
Customised Interface costs 250
Cryptosense Module costs 1,000
Disposable Commlink costs 300
Optimisation costs 500
Simsense Accelerator costs 15,000
Mar 20 2009, 12:57 PM
Surged Metagenic Trait still can't be assigned to an Attribute.
Mar 20 2009, 03:23 PM
DK, I am getting an invalid file error when I click on the latest link to the file.
Mar 20 2009, 06:04 PM
QUOTE (Tunnel Rat @ Mar 20 2009, 12:15 AM)

The problem is that the sheet won't (tried it in 9h) allow you to turn it off. You have a checkbox for it, but the checkbox doesn't do anything.
It seems something broke the links between the checkbox controls and the TRUE/FALSE cells that drive the optional rules.
For now, open the sheet with macros DISABLED, and manually update the true/false cells on the Main_Sheet to control the Optional Rules.
I have fixed the controls in version 9i, along with revising some of the conditional formatting of skill columns based on Karma_Build_System switch.
QUOTE (DMFubar @ Mar 20 2009, 10:23 AM)

DK, I am getting an invalid file error when I click on the latest link to the file.
The link is working for me. Try it again... Media Fire may have been having server problems. If you still cannot get the file, I can email it to you if you PM an addy to me.
Mar 20 2009, 07:04 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Mar 20 2009, 01:04 PM)

The link is working for me. Try it again... Media Fire may have been having server problems. If you still cannot get the file, I can email it to you if you PM an addy to me.
Tried it again and it worked this time around. Thanks!
Mar 20 2009, 09:14 PM
Is the armor issue fixed in 9h? To clarify, I mean the one where you can't have more than 3 pieces of armor.
Mar 21 2009, 07:24 AM
I noticed in 9g that the Positive Quality: Latent Dracomorphosis 5 BP (p 76 Runner's Companion) was not an option.
I have just downloaded 9h so haven't had a chance to check for it.
Mar 21 2009, 05:00 PM
Has anyone tried this under OpenOffice? It crashes for me.
Mar 22 2009, 04:21 AM
Yes the newest update crashes for me in open office. It will load but when I attempt to use a drop down or change a value it crashes.
Mar 22 2009, 07:49 PM
Went through the vehicle customization and noticed that a few things are missing. Most notable was the Winch.
Mar 23 2009, 03:02 PM
QUOTE (betterwatchit @ Mar 20 2009, 07:55 AM)

I've spotted some blank cost areas.
Biometric Lock costs 150
Commlink Self-Destruct costs 2,000 (Localised) or 10,000 (Area Effect)
Customised Interface costs 250
Cryptosense Module costs 1,000
Disposable Commlink costs 300
Optimisation costs 500
Simsense Accelerator costs 15,000
Thanks for the help betterwatchit. I added these costs to the Gear_Data page for version 9i.
QUOTE (InfinityzeN @ Mar 20 2009, 07:57 AM)

Surged Metagenic Trait still can't be assigned to an Attribute.
Good point Infinity. After glancing at this I realized that this is a big deal, as its a really nice metagenetic quality that I bet alot of Surged characters choose. I changed this to having a distinct entry for each stat, and calculated it into the Attributes_Data page so it is reflected in the stat drop-downs.
QUOTE (Nigel @ Mar 20 2009, 04:14 PM)

Is the armor issue fixed in 9h? To clarify, I mean the one where you can't have more than 3 pieces of armor.
QUOTE (Warlockco @ Mar 21 2009, 02:24 AM)

I noticed in 9g that the Positive Quality: Latent Dracomorphosis 5 BP (p 76 Runner's Companion) was not an option.
I have just downloaded 9h so haven't had a chance to check for it.
I added this quality in, and gave it the Disable Clause of 'Is_Drake', meaning Drakes cannot add the quality. It will not create an error if you already have the quality after becoming a Drake, it will just not be selectable in the List for Drakes. Look for it in 9i.
QUOTE (killerdbz @ Mar 21 2009, 11:21 PM)

Yes the newest update crashes for me in open office. It will load but when I attempt to use a drop down or change a value it crashes.
I was working on correcting this problem when I ran into the style issue. I am going back and finding the problems that are causing this. I believe it is related to using the 'INDIRECT' statement to generate data for the attribute drop downs. I had this problem before, but then it was caused by using forumulas in the Named Ranges Range definition, which OO sometimes hates.
Edit: Removed all INDIRECT statements from attribute list calculation and I was able to open and use the sheet in OO 3.0 without error (with Macros DISABLED).
QUOTE (risingstar @ Mar 22 2009, 02:49 PM)

Went through the vehicle customization and noticed that a few things are missing. Most notable was the Winch.
Added the Winch(Standard) and Winch(Enhanced).
Version 9i is coming along. Working on creating a good XSD to enabled exporting/importing data via XML.
Mar 24 2009, 12:57 PM
9i is looking good then. I've been building characters in the 800 point thread and that version will be a big help.
Mar 24 2009, 02:18 PM
Version 9i is available. Attribute dropdowns now work in Open Office
- Various fixes and additions.
- *Added integrated .xsd for exporting character data from Excel to .xml
I have created a custom .xsd that can be used by Microsoft Excel users for exporting data from the Main_Sheet into an .xml file, and in turn can be used to import the data back in. Look at the commented line above the LEGEND on the Main_Sheet for instructions.
This initial version only works with the data entry portions of the Main_Sheet. I would like the community to test the functionality and verify that the .xsd is working before I go through and create output for the rest of the sheet.
As far as I know, Open Office is not compatible with xsd/xpath for exporting spreadsheet data. If anyone knows a way to do this in Open Office, please share your knowledge with us.
But do not dispair my fellow opensource champions! I believe there is a way to create .xml data from OO spreadsheets:
As I understand it, Open Office .osd files are actually just zipped .xml files, so the best way to export cell data from open office is to write an xslt file, which basically can be used to filter/convert one .xml into another .xml format.
I will research this more and hope to include .xml output functionality in a future chargen release.
Mar 24 2009, 02:39 PM
A minor error I have found in 9h and 9i. Several skills on the Active Skills drop-down are repeated. Climbing, Disguise, Ritual Spellcasting and Spellcasting all show up twice.
Mar 24 2009, 02:55 PM
If I enable macros it crashes excel. The following was done with macros disabled.
Surges don't give the free points of positive metagenetic qualities. (the number after the slash in the top section of the sheet is correct, but I cannot get the sheet to take from it instead of the general pool of qualities)
Also the Black market Pipelines do not seem to work properly
Knowledge skills do not seem to be accounted for in the top part correctly
Contacts seem to always be free, even with the house rule turned off.
Mar 24 2009, 03:35 PM
New version looks great. If you enter cyberware/bioware and hacking programs, the later appears on the character sheet but cyberware/bioware does not. Also, if you select a moderate amount of things from the gear list the character sheet runs out of room. Is there a way to increase the size of the boxes on the character sheet or decrease the size of the text?
Mar 24 2009, 03:56 PM
QUOTE (cyberDrake @ Mar 24 2009, 09:55 AM)

If I enable macros it crashes excel. The following was done with macros disabled.
What version of Excel are you using? I have tested the macros in Excel 2003 sp2
Mar 24 2009, 08:02 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Mar 24 2009, 09:56 AM)

What version of Excel are you using? I have tested the macros in Excel 2003 sp2
Excel 2003 Professional SP3
Mar 25 2009, 01:31 PM
The surge traits still aren't calculating properly, they keep taking out of general qualities. But metagenic improvement being specific is cool, thanks for putting that in!
Mar 25 2009, 06:03 PM
this Sheet is Awsome...The only thing that I would like to see as of the 5 minutes i've looked at the sheet is that the negative quality indebt doesnt add its value to your Resources
Mar 25 2009, 09:07 PM
QUOTE (Misdemeanor @ Mar 25 2009, 02:03 PM)

this Sheet is Awsome...The only thing that I would like to see as of the 5 minutes i've looked at the sheet is that the negative quality indebt doesnt add its value to your Resources

That's because debt isn't resources. Your
"remaining money" is Resources + Debt - Gear Costs.
Mar 25 2009, 09:10 PM
Ok, I'm back, after a few months of inactivity (the last version I used extensively was 9c). Here's what I've run into in the new version:
- Excel issue on load - When I open it up in Excel 2007, I get an error about "labels in formulas" which are no longer supported, and will be replaced by cell references. It seems to work just fine after this, but it's a bit odd. I'm not sure what changed, but it seems like something that ought to be not to hard to fix.
- Border lines - The lack of outer borders works just fine, and the internal separators do their job well. It doesn't look quite as clean, and I wouldn't miss seeing them return, but it's not bad as it is (except for the next point). I have no problem with the internal dividers going away permanently, but it'd be nice to have the outer borders back if it became feasible. There's a few exceptions to this: The Custom Ranged Weapons section NEEDS borders.
- Background colors - The bright blue background color is very painful, and the first thing that grabbed my attention when I opened the new version (the blue contacts section) The green is good. I didn't even notice that skill groups no longer had their color changed until I did a side-by-side comparison (side note: The label saying it turns a darker green on Cell B20 is incorrect now). I like the idea of alternating the colors of columns of the same type to distinguish them. It makes the lack of vertical separators not noticeable.
- Graying out of fields - This I miss. Especially on the cyberware page - if the piece of cyberware doesn't have ratings, it'd be much more convenient to keep the rating field grayed out instead of changing the color of the rating once I put it in (which is also much less noticeable).
- Quality list
- The negative quality list starts too early - Setea and Shiva arms show up at the top of the list.
- It would be nice to have editable fields next to the box to type in specifics (such as what your signature or distinctive style is).
- Books are showing up in the field which is supposed to be for Metagenetic Y/N (Column AV on the main page, G on the quality data page). This is breaking the metagenetic calculations.
- Cell AS39 is blank
- Magic - I really like the reworking of the magician screen (not new in this version, but I haven't really looked at it since it got revised. Shielding foci are missing. It also doesn't support buying extra power points with initiation.
- Sheet tab colors - Very cool.
- Gear - Armor is missing milspec armor (although it includes milspec only mods) and ballistic shields. Also, gel packs as a mod seem to be missing, and items put on subsequent rows with "( Mods )" don't count towards the mod limit of the parent armor. Let me know if you'd like me to mail you the data on milspec.
- XML Export - I figured out how to export to Excel in 2007 (instructions here), and I have to say that I'm impressed. It worked just fine for me (except for attributes, which imported correctly, but were colored yellow until I retyped them), but I really like it. Congrats!

Mar 25 2009, 11:03 PM
Bobson a few of your errors are due to formatting space. As excel only allows so many cells of a certain type of formatting. 1 has been mentioned before (I believe its a personal preference of DamienKnight) The rest have not been covered before as far as I know.
Mar 26 2009, 12:22 AM
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Mar 25 2009, 04:07 PM)

That's because debt isn't resources. Your "remaining money" is Resources + Debt - Gear Costs.
I checked it myself today, and the debt did not add into the Remaining Money on version 9i.
Mar 26 2009, 08:21 AM
on the gear sheet I7 to I11 is linked to D7 , D8 ... indeed of C7, ...
so impact armor of the clothes isn't shown
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