QUOTE (Tyro @ Apr 19 2011, 04:09 PM)

Maybe a note by the German items? It would save me time searching for the less obviously German ones when I want full text.
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Apr 19 2011, 09:54 PM)

And agreed for the note on the Germain items, like "(gr)" or "(de)" or something. Would certainly be nice to know what won't show up in my books.
All of the weapons could do with a Book/Page reference. Anyone wanna pony up and produce a list of all items w/ book/page #?
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Apr 19 2011, 09:54 PM)

On a side note for the next version, in the custom spells at the end of the list, having the range for the drain modifiers expanded to -3 to +7 can cover a greater range of possible custom spells possible.
Good idea! Done in version p.
QUOTE (Wizard_Thoarin @ Apr 20 2011, 04:09 AM)

I'm starting to enter characters from a campaign I started this last weekend, and for the first character I'm entering, I've noticed that the Character Sheet 3 does not list the characters rolled starting Nuyen while the first two sheets do. Also, unless its hiding on me somewhere on the character sheets that I'm not seeing, the Stealth Program and its rating is not listed. I'm working off slightly modified version of the Smuggler from pg. 108 SR4A.
Yes, the third was showing 0. Changed them ALL to show 'Current Nuyen', or when it is 0, 'Nuyen Remaining'.
Also, it seems Stealth, Track and ECCM were not displaying on the charsheets. Fixed in version p.
QUOTE (Seerow @ Apr 20 2011, 02:49 PM)

Another thing I found odd: Under pets, there's no way to add bioware to your pets, though quite a bit of cyber is listed as possible. Given that Bioware is a very effective way of improving your pets, (especially Chimeric pets, which per RW28 don't have to pay essence to get bioware), missing it hurts a lot.
Added all bioware to the Selectable Pets Wares list. Working on coding the essence logic.
QUOTE (Seerow @ Apr 20 2011, 02:49 PM)

Related Feature Request: Under Ally Spirit, if you pick the Inhabitation form, it'd be nice to be able to pull up either a pet or one of the constructs from SM, so you can have your spirit's physical stats easily accessible on the same page as its skills/powers.
At the bottom of the Ally Spirit page is a section for 'Vessel'. Fill out the spirits Physical Attributes here, and any abilities related to the form can be added to the Vessel Notes section.
QUOTE (Seerow @ Apr 20 2011, 02:49 PM)

Unrelated feature request: When selecting something such as Improved Skill adept power, reflex recorder, etc, a secondary box opening up that you can choose the skill it affects.
When you select the Adept power 'Improved Active Skill [Skill]', the text in the Square Brackets[] can be replaced with whatever custom text you like, without breaking the formulas. So you would select 'Improved Active Skill [Skill]' then change it to say 'Improved Active Skill [Unarmed Combat]' for example. The reflex recorder is the only ware to require custom text as far as I can tell, so it may be awhile before I spend the time coding the custom text option for it.
For now I suggest you note this in your skills section. Under you Unarmed Combat (or whatever skill you have a reflex recorder for) simply put in a skill that says 'Reflex Recorder (Unarmed Combat) +1' or perhaps 'Unarmed +1 (ReflexRecorder)'. That will put the note in a good place on your printable sheet, and leaving the skill at 0 will allow you to not have any extra karma/BP cost.