Sep 19 2008, 08:04 PM
Edit: Dec 2020 I am
making the source folder available here. I have been tweaking the sheet a bit lately and will put newer versions here.
I am a big fan of the Character Generator spreadsheet created by Autarkis, and updated by blakkie. My SR group started using this sheet, and I began making small revisions. After awhile it turned into a bit of a pet project and the spreadsheet has come a long way. Since releasing the beta to Dumpshock we have reviewed and upgraded this sheet through several major versions and its looking great!
- Classic Character Generator by Autarkis and Blakkie as the basis
- Added a formatted printable Character Sheet, inspired by Harri Tusa's Wizdoc.
- Added full list of cyberware/bioware from the Augmentation book.
- Added a Hacking sheet for tracking Comlink and programs.
- Added a Vehicles page for tracking Vehicles, including Mounting turrets and other mods. Vehicle mods data and design inspired by Vehicle_SR4 by Zsolt Guthy.
- Added a complete list of weapons (as described in the back of Arsenal) in the Gear_Data page.
- Added Melee and Ranged Weapon details in the Gear page, along with armor and armor mods.
- Added a Custom_Weapons page, which allows up to three custom modded weapons as per Arsenal rules.
- Added in Metavarients, Drakes, Sapient Critters and Infected races from the Runners Companion. Standard races now list racial abilities in the Qualities area of the CharSheet.
- Added the Karma Build System, and Karma Upgrades for BP created characters. If you create your character with BP, you can raise skills/attributes with Karma for post-creation upgrades. You can also elect to build with the Karma Build System, as described in Runners Companion.
- Traditions and Adept paths by Kairo.
- Initiation w/ Ordeals/Metamagic
- Submersion, Paragons, Streams and Living Persona for Technomancers
- Changelings and Metagenic qualities for Surge or Metavarient characters.
- Sample of a sheet used for outputting the character data as a text file.
- Revised Cyberparts page
- Fully working Qualities Selection Dropdown that only lists qualities currently valid for your character (Metagenic, Infected qualities)
- Modular Cyberlimb support
- Stack armor into Outfits and display Calculated Armor/Encumberance and Mods nicely on the printable CharSheet page.
- Pets!!!!
(Edit: Now links to SR4CG DK Version 1w)
Click Here to Download the New Character GeneratorClick here for a standalone commlink tracker. Perfect for the runner with multiple commlinks!Please check it out and tell me what you think. I would love to hear of any suggestions/requests/bugs.
And thanks again to Autarkis, Blakkie, Harri Tusa, and others who have created part of this or inspired my work. See the Credits sheet for a complete list.
Sep 19 2008, 08:25 PM
Very nice! The one thing I found lacking in the sr4chargenbasebeta7c.xls version of this sheet was a nice printable version. This looks like it addresses that shortcoming nicely.
Sep 19 2008, 09:13 PM
It's got the metavariants... but not the changelings/surge characteristics...
However... this is awesome!
Sep 19 2008, 10:01 PM
Yeah, I just added metavarients/infected today, and decided to leave drakes and free spirits out for the moment. I believe they will earn their own sheet since they have selectable options.
Sep 19 2008, 11:38 PM
I have but one suggestion... Do you think it would be possible to make it so you can have a meta varient infected?
P.S. What does clout attribute do I can't read the tag. Must have to do with Open Office
Sep 20 2008, 12:05 AM
Hey, I downloaded the file and opened it using OpenOffice, and I have error 502 in a few places. Is there anything that can solve this?
Sep 20 2008, 12:26 AM
QUOTE (Alieth @ Sep 19 2008, 07:05 PM)

Hey, I downloaded the file and opened it using OpenOffice, and I have error 502 in a few places. Is there anything that can solve this?
it's an error related to a Macro. Just something OO can't read. Better off sending in a bug report to the people that make Open Office and seeing if they can help you.
Running 2.2.3 on a Mac.
what I've played around with works great so far. Haven't dove into the gear sections yet though.
Sep 20 2008, 12:33 AM
QUOTE (Beetle @ Sep 19 2008, 05:26 PM)

it's an error related to a Macro. Just something OO can't read. Better off sending in a bug report to the people that make Open Office and seeing if they can help you.
Running 2.2.3 on a Mac.
what I've played around with works great so far. Haven't dove into the gear sections yet though.
Sep 20 2008, 01:49 AM
Nice job.
Sep 20 2008, 02:28 AM
Outstanding work, W

And thank you for releasing it)
If I find any errors I will definitely let you know, but at this point: pure gold, $$
Sep 20 2008, 02:52 AM
Damn, I may have found an error (omission); though it may be my excel sheet.
Where are the adept powers (and spells, if any) listed at?
I see them on the character sheet, but not in the actual 'chargen' tabs.
Sep 20 2008, 03:13 AM
QUOTE (Alieth @ Sep 19 2008, 08:33 PM)

You're welcome. I ran across the 502 errors once I plugged in Adept in a couple of places. Updated to the latest stable build (2.4.1) and I still have the error. C'est la vie. Though I did adjust my security setting to allow for macros, it didn't solve the problem. I'll let you know if I find a work around for Open Office.
Sep 20 2008, 03:18 AM
Unless Unwired changed things, the Firewall attribute for vehicles should not be dependent on its Pilot program or your commlink. The firewall attribute from pilot rating only applies for Agents and IC, which a vehicle pilot is not. Instead, it should default to the vehicle's device rating or allow one to buy a firewall increase for each vehicle.
The price to improve Agents/IC/Pilot attributes should be the new cost with no refund for the original.
If any of these assumptions are actually incorrect, please let me know with specific references.
Vehicle/drone modifications would also be cool, but otherwise looks nice.
Sep 20 2008, 05:39 AM
When using Karma to improve stats... it acts very odd when improving magic.
i.e. Soft cap magic to 5... add karma to the karma log... spend karma to increase magic to 6.
When you do that... suddenly it spends build points AND Karma.
And how do I split a skill group after character creation without screwing up the original build points?
Sep 20 2008, 05:47 PM
is it just me, or are martial arts and milspec missing? besides that this is just awesome, thanks for making it
Sep 20 2008, 06:43 PM
QUOTE (merashin @ Sep 20 2008, 11:47 AM)

is it just me, or are martial arts and milspec missing? besides that this is just awesome, thanks for making it
Many things are missing not just those.....
Sep 21 2008, 03:08 PM
I hope it just isnt because I am half asleep from staying up all night. But, I cant seem to find the Magic tab..
Am I missing something?
Sep 21 2008, 05:33 PM
I can't find a magic tab either...
Sep 21 2008, 10:20 PM
Yup. It's not because my eyes are slanted. I can't find the magic tab either.
Sep 21 2008, 11:25 PM
The magic tab only shows up if you select magician in the special box on the main sheet.
Sep 21 2008, 11:46 PM
Well I'll be a monkey's uncle...you're right...
Actually...it still didn't show up.
Sep 22 2008, 12:09 AM
Ok, I figured it out. The tab for magic is run on a script.
I have the most recent version of Excel. I had to enable scripting to get the Magic tab to come up.
My roomie has Excel 2002. He can't see it, regardless of what he sets or how low he makes the security,
So, if you wanna use the Magic tab, better fork out 150 for the most recent version of Office... hehe.
or visit your local Warez site... lol
Sep 22 2008, 12:22 AM
Stupid question: how did you enable the script?
Sep 22 2008, 12:26 AM
QUOTE (Gamble @ Sep 21 2008, 08:22 PM)

Stupid question: how did you enable the script?
On my far-too-expensive new version of Excel. A bar appears right above the sheet, but below the toolbars.
Has a little red shield symbol and next to it "
SECURITY WARNING Some active content has been disabled " And then next to that is a button that says 'options'
Click the button and click 'enable this content'
Sep 22 2008, 12:41 AM
Wonder if there is a solution for us poor bastids with an older version of Excel...
Sep 22 2008, 12:57 AM
I'm using Excel 2000.
On tools, macros, security... set to medium to prompt you for macros...
Sep 22 2008, 01:21 AM
Aha. That did it. Awesome. Thanks.
Sep 22 2008, 01:53 PM
I had some problems:
1) when you select software for your vehicle, the availability becomes "#NV"
2) when I choose Armor I get a Script error (around "Set Gear_List_Range = ThisWorkbook.Names("Gear_List").RefersToRange")
3) when I choose Karma creation and "race is free", the race isn't free.
Sep 22 2008, 03:19 PM
QUOTE (gtjormungand @ Sep 19 2008, 10:18 PM)

Unless Unwired changed things, the Firewall attribute for vehicles should not be dependent on its Pilot program or your commlink. The firewall attribute from pilot rating only applies for Agents and IC, which a vehicle pilot is not. Instead, it should default to the vehicle's device rating or allow one to buy a firewall increase for each vehicle.
Its correct that vehicles operate their own firewall software.
It was my experience that any player that was purchasing software always got at least a 1 skill in software. This enables them to copy the software as many times as they like (p.228, SR4).
The test is an Extended Software (Piracy) + Logic test, interval 1 hour with 10 to 20 threshold. Even someone without the software skill could conceivably copy their firewall after a couple of days trying. Because software piracy is the standard, I setup the sheet to assume that all programs need only be purchased once. This is not only reflected in the firewall, but in all drones because you can purchase 10 copies of the same drone and just one copy of the software to make them all work (hence the mulitplier near vehicles, which muliplies base cost, excluding software costs).
If you want to go outside the norm and pay for multiple copies of software, simply make a note on the Gear section and apply the appropriate costs.
Sep 22 2008, 03:26 PM
Scripts seem to be a problem for all those not using the newest excel. This should not be a big deal though.
Whenever you select your magic type (ie. Technomancer, adept, none, etc) it shows and hides sheets using a VB macro. You can manually show or hide sheets without using the script. In Excel it is under 'Format->Sheet->Unhide'.
Scripts do the following:
- Show hide sheets based on magic selection
- When new skills are chosen that are not in the list, user is prompted to add, if
they choose 'Yes' then it unhides the data sheet and moves to the area where the skills are listed. This also
works for all weapons, armor, spells, powers and wares.
- I setup some dice rolling macros. They are pretty basic, but offer Verbose and basic mode, and a Karma Mode
roll which rerolls 6's for extra successes. They have shortcuts defined, which can be seen at the bottom of the
Main_Sheet or by selecting 'Tools->Macro->Macros->' highlight macro then choose 'Options'.
Sep 22 2008, 03:30 PM
There are alot of things missing (Metavarient infected, Martial Arts, Milspec(not sure what that is, but its not in there). This is a beta version and contains basic stuff that covers most players.
Because of the way that I setup custom races, I would have to create alot of data in order to add metavarient infected (basically because infected are setup as their own race, so I would have to have a new race for each metavarient infected combination).
I also dont have options for Drakes or Free Spirits. I will eventually add these in, but I am addressing obscure needs last.
Thanks to LordTorgo I have a more complete knowledge skill list (based on skills from contacts in all 4th edition books) and a few other fixes/changes. A new version will be available shortly.
Sep 22 2008, 04:08 PM
QUOTE (cryptoknight @ Sep 20 2008, 12:39 AM)

When using Karma to improve stats... it acts very odd when improving magic.
i.e. Soft cap magic to 5... add karma to the karma log... spend karma to increase magic to 6.
When you do that... suddenly it spends build points AND Karma.
Good catch. It seems that the code that added the extra 15 BP for rating 6 attributes was not coded to handle the karma raises. I will fix this in my next version
And how do I split a skill group after character creation without screwing up the original build points?
There is no easy way to do this in excel. I am going to have to write a macro to handle this perhaps. It is achievable manually using cell X13 and x14 on the Main_Sheet. Basically if you have a skill group and split it into its individual items you can add the difference of BP or Karma cost to those cells so they are subtracted from your total cost. For example, lets say you have Melee Combat Skill Group at 4, which costs 40 BP. You decide to break it apart, so you add 'Unarmed 4', 'Blades 4', and 'Clubs 4' to your list of skills, and remove the Melee Combat Skill group. Now this costs 4BP x 4 skill rating x 3 skills = 48 BP. You have now lost 8 BP. To get it back, just record '8' into cell X13.
I would like to do two things with this. Create a chart of what skills are in each skill group, and then have a macro that runs through your skills and finds any complete set of skills at their minimum level and subtract the difference in BP cost, up to rating 4. For example, if you never had any skill group, but you had Unarmed of 4, Blades of 3 and Clubs of 5, it would see that you had all three skills that are in the Melee Group, find the minimum, which is 3, then adjust your group savings by 6 BP.
To achieve this without any Macro, perhaps I could setup skill groups as a negative BP value, representing how much you save with the group, then you must select each skill from the group also. That sounds even hokier though... I think I will stick with this system and add a Macro to assist with it. I am open to suggestions though...
Sep 22 2008, 04:08 PM
I just wanted to drop in and say how great this is, I haven't had a chance to really fiddle with it but from a cursory glance it looks powerful and well put together. I am looking forward to the finished release.
Thank you.
Sep 22 2008, 10:03 PM
-Added Complete list of knowledge skills from Contacts in all SR4 books (thanks LordTorgo)
-Fixed BP cost on Karma raise stats to max.
-Added Martial Arts Styles, Advantages, and Manuevers. Add the quality and the martial arts section will appear on the Main Sheet below credits.
-Revised Infection to be separate from Race. Now any race can select any infection (though mismatches are highlighted, ie. Humans shouldn't be Banshees)
You can download the revised version HERE.Next areas to tackle:
Add programs from Unwired.
Create option for creating an AI character.
Further down the road:
Add options for Drakes and Free Spirit characters.
Completely revise Skills to better facilitate Skill Groups ??
Sep 22 2008, 11:29 PM
What if splitting a skill opened another workpage with all the skills/groups listed...
So for instance if I take a group at 4... then split it later... the other page shows up after I mark the skill as split and gives me each skill at 4... and then I can spend karma to increase? Since Knowledge skills don't have that... they could remain as is...
Sep 23 2008, 12:41 AM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Sep 22 2008, 05:03 PM)

Further down the road:
Add options for Drakes and Free Spirit characters.
Drakes and Infected can be handled as qualities with compatibility checking rather than races as they stack with other race choices.
How about making the sheets less macro dependent for us Open Office users? You could replace the checkboxes with dropdown lists, for example. Right now in Open Office, because of the macros, we can't use the Karma Based Character system (requires macros to update the setting).
Sep 23 2008, 03:08 AM
I just wanted to say how awesome this sheet is, and how much I appreciate your gift to the community. I know how much work this must have been and its easy to pick stuff apart, but man this is a quality tool. AFter having used this I went to work on a character with my group using paper and pencil, and was in shock of the difference. Anyway this is a great tool, and one of the best community offerings I have ever seen for a table top game. ROCK ON!!!
Sep 23 2008, 03:37 AM
just a quick parallel update note. I've been tinkering with the doc in Open Office and I appear to have the Karma system working using drop downs. I took a look at OpenOffice.org Basic and ... O.O ... I'm not touching that terse pile of anti-copyright dancing for a bit. As I fiddle, I'll see what I can do for getting a sheet working for us Freeware advocates.
Viva la Revolucion!
Sep 23 2008, 03:53 AM
Nice work - this looks really well thought out. Thanks!!
Here are a few things I found when tinkering with it:
[ Spoiler ]
The "Positive qualities" drop down includes negative qualities in the options
There is no Arcana or Enchanting skill (from Street Magic)
"Astral" skill should likely be "Astral Combat"
Only the first line of Negative Qualities drop down starts with the negative qualities list. The rest start with the positive qualities instead.
There is no ability to specialize knowledge skills
There is no "Used" or "Used/Alpha" grade available for cyberware
Sep 23 2008, 07:26 AM
There are a few problems form me not all the wear is in the sheet there needed to be more space on the cyber/bio page gene-mods need to be added as well. In karma gen you still get free knowledge skill points. Your race costs karma no-matter what. There is no ability to initiate. I think I might be better to make two sheets one for karma gen the other for BP.
Sep 23 2008, 08:17 AM
Great work, just a minor nit pick
QUOTE (Dumori @ Sep 23 2008, 03:26 AM)

There are a few problems form me not all the wear is in the sheet there needed to be more space on the cyber/bio page gene-mods need to be added as well. In karma gen you still get free knowledge skill points. Your race costs karma no-matter what. There is no ability to initiate. I think I might be better to make two sheets one for karma gen the other for BP.
This is all the nano stuff, both nanoware and nano systems.
thanks for you work
Sep 23 2008, 03:41 PM
Ignore, I seem unable to get things...
Sep 23 2008, 05:15 PM
LordTorgo found a problem with skill costs in the Karma system (work fine if you have any points in BP then raise with Karma).
I will have an update out later this week that fixes this, but for those who cant wait, here is the corrected formula. Place it on the Main_Sheet in cell AM18 then copy it down through cell AM46.
I did not realize the check boxes did not work with Open office. I may try and create some alternative later. For the mean time, the check boxes just set a cell to true or false, so if you manually set the cell the sheet should function.
Main_Sheet, Cell AM14 is for the Option Contacts Rule
Main_Sheet, Cell AM15 is for the Clout rule
Main_Sheet, Cell AM16 is for the Karma Build System
Main_Sheet, Cell AQ16 is for the Free Race option
My groups have found that the Karma Build System is vastly overpowered compared to the BP system, especially if you are starting with 750 or even 650 karma. That is why we decided to add in race costs.
Looking at it now it seems the Race/Infection costs are not calculating right. Ill make that a priority in my to-do list.
Sep 23 2008, 05:55 PM
QUOTE (Game2BHappy @ Sep 22 2008, 10:53 PM)

Nice work - this looks really well thought out. Thanks!!
Here are a few things I found when tinkering with it:
[ Spoiler ]
The "Positive qualities" drop down includes negative qualities in the options
There is no Arcana or Enchanting skill (from Street Magic)
"Astral" skill should likely be "Astral Combat"
Only the first line of Negative Qualities drop down starts with the negative qualities list. The rest start with the positive qualities instead.
There is no ability to specialize knowledge skills
There is no "Used" or "Used/Alpha" grade available for cyberware
It was setup by Blakkie or Arturkis to allow you to have positive/negative qualities in the same area. This is so you can have more Positive if you like or more negative. The seperation is cosmetic.
Since the drop down lists are blank, when you click them it goes to the first blank spot on the list, which is before the Positive qualities.
Specializing Knowledge skills... we dont do that in our group, and I dont suggest you do either. Knowledge skills in SR4 are supposed to be more specific... Like Seattle Redmond Geography. There is no specialization for that, and if you can think of one, then it needs to be its own knowledge skill. As long as my group plays like that, I am unmotivated to change that on the sheet. As with copied software costs, I am setting the sheet up for what I think its the best way to do things. Its not meant to serve every need, just the most common ones.
I will look into adding 'Used' wares and check on skills from the other books. Does any one have a complete list of skill that are missing so that I can add them all at once?
Sep 23 2008, 08:55 PM
Might want to add the specilization of Knowledge skills... as that's allowed in the BBB. 1 BP per specialization of a knowledge skill..
Think of it as Mafia Safehouses (Redmond Barrens).
You know the general location of Mafia Safehouses, but really know where they are in Redmond.
Sep 23 2008, 09:03 PM
Moved to the appropriate forum.
Sep 24 2008, 02:02 PM
How do you enter lifestyles so that it shows up on the character page right?
Sep 24 2008, 02:33 PM
How do you enter lifestyles so that it shows up on the character page right?
Haha, you dont. Sorry, it seems that is a part of the charsheet that came from Wizdoc by Harri T.
Currently lifestyle must be purchased on the gear section, and then is simply displayed in your gear list.
Does lifestyle warrant its own page. I see that is how it was done in other sheets, allowing you to break your lifestyle down into security/entertainment etc., and add edges and flaws to it. Personally I dont get too involved with lifestyles and keep it simple.
Right now I am leaning towards recording your lifestyle on the gear sheet (right below the gear list), then you actually list the duration and cost in the list, and it will display the lifestyle selected on the CharSheet. I am open to input on this.
Sep 24 2008, 03:02 PM
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Sep 24 2008, 04:33 PM)

Does lifestyle warrant its own page. I see that is how it was done in other sheets, allowing you to break your lifestyle down into security/entertainment etc., and add edges and flaws to it. Personally I dont get too involved with lifestyles and keep it simple.
[...] I am open to input on this.
You could use
mine. No need to reinvent the wheel.
If it's too complicated just throw away the parts you don't need.
Sep 24 2008, 03:14 PM
This looks really great. It's too bad I didn't know you were working on this or else we could have combined forces to work together on it. Something I noticed that you're missing is the Weapon Focus option in the Magic Worksheet. Also, if you have an item over the availability limit of 12, it should check to see if you have Restricted Gear before turning the cell yellow with red text.
You're welcome to use anything I input into the Collaborative Excel Project: Such as Mentor Spirits, Paths, the Lifestyles worksheet, etc.
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