QUOTE (Draco18s @ Jan 1 2010, 06:51 PM)

Just FYI: a full cybor body with all capacity filled with armor gets you 22/22* armor (non-averaged) and costs some

66,600 (obvious 'ware), 6.25 Essence (both before better grades), and 5 Restricted Gear qualities (one for each limb that has 3+ armor in it)
Fully synthetic limbs, loaded with their maximum armor, without using any bulk capacity enhancements, allows for 19 points of Ballistic/Impact without altering the users appearance. This is more armor than the biggest, thickest, heaviest, most restrictive suit of armor available in all of the shadowrun universe. You are basically saying that under the characters skin, without making a very noticable change to their appearance, they have MORE armor that a HUGE suit of armor. It just does not fit.
With the biggest non-limb-replacement enhancement, the limit is +3/+4. Adding limbs gives you extra damage boxes already. I cannot think that they intended for limbs to break this pattern.
I just cannot rectify it within the realm of reason. It defies all other examples of balance put forth in the books.
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Jan 1 2010, 02:09 PM)

I'm not sure I came off the right way. I wasn't trying to ruffle any feathers, just asked a question based on what I understood the rules to say.
I guess my feathers were ruffled. Not by the way you said it, but mostly because I am so astounded people are interpreting the rules in that manner. I checked out the main forum and there is a consensus of 'allowance through omission'. Because the book does not specify that armor values per armor should be averaged, then RAW says you MUST not average them.
While that is a valid interpretation, it is not the only interpretation. Because you have a non-specific RAW rule, it is wrong to say that one interpretation is RAW and another is not.
I believe that averaging the armor values together does not conflict with what the book specifies, and is compliant with other aspects of armor and limb rules provided in the books. While NOT averaging the armor of cyberlimbs also is NOT in conflict with the rules laid out for cyberlimb armor, it IS in conflict with the other rules provided.
If Catalyst provided clarification of this in a FAQ or Errata, I would add the option in to the sheet. As of now, I may add in this house rule for those who want super cyberguys with more armor than a tank, but it will not be a priority.
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Jan 1 2010, 02:09 PM)

I also think averaging the armor values as a good idea, which is why the modification I mentioned allows one to turn the averaging on or off, rather than just eliminating it. More options and functionality = teh better, I think.
My personal copy of your spreadsheet I've modified so extensively you'd probably barely recognize it. But that's because I'm in inveterate tinkerer, I can't ever leave well enough alone when I see something that isn't quiiite the way I want it, or perhaps I see a way to add some bits that I find interesting.
Thanks for the sheet! It's a great help to me.
I am glad you agree about averaging. Now that I have seen how many people have adopted the CyberTANK armor rule, I will eventually add it as a house rule to the sheet.
Its great to tinker... it is how I got started on this sheet. I downloaded Auturkis/Blakkies sheet, then a few others, and realized I wanted a little more (did not know about dumpshocks community project at the time, which had already done a bit of the stuff I decided to do). The more I added, the more I wanted, until suddenly the sheet was huge and worthy of sharing on the forums. It is great fun, and good practice for my work (The company I work for still uses a few huge spreadsheets for certain reports, despite the fact that we have Cognos for reporting.)
If your changes are extensive, perhaps you have more suggestions for this sheet? I promise not to bite your head off if I dont agree with your proposals

QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jan 1 2010, 07:14 PM)

In 1e 'ware that provides armor (Orthoskin, Dermal Sheath/Plating, Bone Lacing) doesn't show up on the resistance section of the CharSheet. I'm not sure if it did before, since i rarely build heavily cybered characters. Everything that provides armor (B/I) is missing, bonuses to BOD are there however. Am I doing something wrong?
Maybe you could add an armor item like inherent armor that sums up the character's ware to be included in an outfit? This could also include Mystic Armor, which is missing as well. Only the troll's dermal armor is shown.
Mystic armor and Quality based armor mods are available on your version of the sheet. Just select them as a normal piece of armor. They appear at the bottom of the armor list under 'Special Placeholders'. They are free of cost, and are there to help you calculate the Mystic Armor and such into your armor outfits.
I neglected to add cyberware/bioware armor into this list. Went ahead and added it in version f. I play a Phys Ad with Mystic Armor and Elemental resistances, so that was my mindset going it. Forgot all about the razorboys.
Currently Elemental Resistances will NOT appear in your dropdown for mods for mystic armor. The cell validation needs to be updated. If manually entered as a mod for Mystic Armor, they WILL calculate correctly, and even highlight if you select a level higher than you purchased on your Magic Page. This is fixed in the next version.
I have yet to add in Orthoskin mods to the Gear Page's Armor Specialty mods. Probably will have it done in this next version.
If you are using cyberlimbs, I highly recommend speaking to your GM about the Cyberlimb Discount Bodyware rule. I believe it is presented in the Augmentation book. Basically it gives a slight discount on price for Bodyware enhancements when you have limbs. This is very important on the sheet if you are getting Dermal Sheathing or Orthoskin, as the sheet calculates them via RAW, which specifies that they do not provide their bonus on cyberlimbs.
So, if you have 3/4 armor from dermal sheathing, and 2 cyberarms, you are probably going to only see +2/3 on your Cyber Armor enhancement, to represent that the sheathing does not cover the arms. If you are suffering that penalty, you should at least not have to pay full price for the sheathing!!