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"Ba-zing!" I know what you mean winterrat. Before I posted last night I kept telling myself that there was no way that Vinnie and Jonah could be brothers, but I couldn't shake the feeling that they actually were. Oh how the plot has thickened. . .great job Sedna!

You can take the next post if you want winterrat. With Virgil headache stricken he'd probably be slow to react to the realization anyway.
I'm sorry, WinterRat. I saw you on-line and waited, but when you logged off again without a word I'd understood that to mean I had to make the hint more explicit -- either that, or you were waiting for me to answer bandit, which amounted to the same thing. I'll try not to steal anyone's thunder in future.
Ha it's fine, I was just joking around. You had no way of knowing, and I care more about moving the story forward than looking smart. smile.gif

Actually the truth was I just have been a bit busy lately at work; being gone for a week, stuff has a tendency to pile up on you, so I'm working my way through that and simply didn't have time to respond last night because I was helping a friend with their financial planning. Not too busy to post, but too busy to post at work is a better way to state it.
Sorry for the long computer is hurting, my brakes went out on the Chevy, the Ford wont start, and my bank card was "comprimised" so they say-aka no atm access till my new card comes.

Tonight I should reformat my computer, then I might be able to reset my internet account tomorrow or Friday. Then I shall catch up...I hope.
I can so empathise, Bastard. Just keep firmly affixed on the knowledge that this, too, shall pass.

D&D V3: you're all up smile.gif ... but take note that I will be pushing your storyline a little.
Best wishes Bastard. LiTS will be waiting for you when you get the crazieness sorted out.
QUOTE (Sedna)
D&D V3: you're all up smile.gif ... but take note that I will be pushing your storyline a little.

I assume that whomever that message was meant for understands it's meaning . . . .were you referring to either winterrat or ronin? nyahnyah.gif
And I think I'll leave this one for you to explain, WinterRat grinbig.gif
Whoa whoa whoa. I have no idea what that one means. All I can say is that

"D&D V3" = Dragon, Daedalus, and Virgil and the 3 means that there's 3 of us. Beyond that...I'll let Sedna explain what she means by her statement. smile.gif
Karma Awards (3 weeks: OK, will try to be more consistent here. Doh!)

Sedna: 3 + 3 GM = 6
Paul: 3 + 1 quality = 4
Slipshade: 3 + 1 quality = 4
Scrapheap: 3 + 2 quality =5
ok, I'm gonna make this last post today, and then I'm gonna more or less be out of touch for about a week. But after that I should be able to pick up the posting rate.

If you want to progress the storyline somewhat Sedna and Winterrat you can write out the phone conversation, otherwise I'll work on it with you when I get back. Blaze is just going to say he's found a lead on Melissa and it may make him a little bit late for the meet, but not substantially so.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
I'll just write it up to your time then, paul, leaving it open for however it develops from there, when you get back. Unlike three others I could name, Alleycat isn't on a converging timeline grinbig.gif

Oh, another link that might be of some use: Seattle sunrises and sunsets
Hey! How are we supposed to know we're on a converging timeline!? sarcastic.gif
Note: for those who don't know, congee (aka jook or rice poridge, depending on your dialect) is really good. smile.gif

This has been another edition of Living Cheaply for Dummies. biggrin.gif
New guy in the posting arena:

Evans: Open
-One of the Shadowland Oakland admins. Very anti-racist. I had this idea of all the Oakland SL admins naming themselves after UC Berkeley buildings, for no good reason other than I thought it was amusing. Make of that what you will.

And the quote, or something like it, is actually said on campus too. Evans Hall is the ugliest building ever made. Wurster Hall is the box that it came in. smile.gif The irony here is that Wurster is the where the Architecture department is found. biggrin.gif
Hello to all who are concerned. As you might recall tonight I leave for 10 days to attend a scientific conference and lecture series in Hanover, NH. I will be returning home on July 6th. My internet accesss is uncertain at the moment because I do not have a laptop available for the trip, because of this I'd like to leave a few notices here so as not to ruin anyone's plans.

Cedric: Your well entrenched in ASVW so I doubt that you will miss me too much ;) Best of luck!

Moirdryd: Check your email. I've sent you some instructions that I believe you will know what to do with. I would not ask so much independence of you if it wasn't so important and I hope that I do not inconvience you too much chummer.

Sedna, winterrat, and ronin: Please take control of Virgil as much as you feel necessecary to advance the storyline. I will be very available by phone (winterat and ronin) so feel free to call me if you have any questions over what Virgil's action should be.

*I'll award karma upon my return. I again apologize for any inconvience that I may cause with my absence. Good luck everyone!
Noted, bandit, and thank you smile.gif

Sunday karma ... handed out on Sunday, just for shock value (June 20-26)

bandit: 1 (+1 GM bonus) = 2
Sentinel: 1
tiredronin: 1
WinterRat: 1 (+1 GM bonus) = 2
Hey, I heard a rumor that there is an LitS IRC channel. Is this true, or was I asleep when I heard that? smile.gif
New guys in the posting arena. These are all locals on Shadowland Oakland; don't expect them to turn up in Seattle much:

Kid Karnage: Open
-Hard to say what this guy is. Sometimes he talks like a script kiddie, but other times he acts like he's middle-aged at least.

Salvo: Open
-Basically another Neal the Code Barbarian.

Elder: Open
-No information yet

Bay Insider: Open
-No information yet
WinterRat, ronin, looks like your discussion is stalling and starting to spin. What's the plan of action?
Sedna- There's the plan of action. I didn't have us make the phone calls or actually go anywhere/do anything because I wasn't sure how you wanted us to handle it, so feel free to either write it up however you want or tell us how you want it written. That should keep us very busy between now and the time we have to meet Vinnie. I suppose it's time for us to get off our butts and back in gear (in RL and IC). smile.gif

BTW- It looks like you're back in the swing of things. Is it reasonable to say that you're more or less back in action?
I'm now as in action as I ever was in these threads, which is to say that in almost all cases I've always answered posts within a day or two and occasionally within an hour or two. I'm still nowhere near to where I was when I started posting on Dumpshock -- heck, I still haven't restarted the blog! -- but then again that can't be within the short/mid-term foreseeable future.

Your actions: noted, and dealing with smile.gif

Edit: having read, I think I'm going to wait for a couple more posts, your end, before stepping in.
Two time notes:

WinterRat: much more than a day has passed. (Check the time, and the previous post where I explained that.)

paul: Blaze should be on Sunday, 07 January, along with Alleycat. You'd forgotten to change the day after Blaze slept.
Sedna- I'll write Dragon's stuff, leave Daedalus's to Ronin. do you want to do Bandit, or do you want me to?

And I realize more than a day passed. I was stating it from how Dragon feels.
It's probably going to be back-and-forth NPCing bandit in absentia. Fortunately, we all trust each other enough with our characters at this point to pull each other along. (Right? Right??)

ronin: I'm not shutting the door on information you can get from Shifty, just so you know: but remember she's never met the guy herself. She's going on friend-of-friend + reputation + recommendation when she got you that number and got you in touch with his people down east. Like most contacts she's a living personality as well as a resource, of course smile.gif

WinterRat: there had been a reason I'd written Global, who you'd established as a friend, as a bit distant, before: just fyi? smile.gif
Karma awards for my players:

Shadowrunner13: 1 pt (Jun 22nd - Jun 28th)
Ecclesiastes: 1 pt (Jun 22nd - Jun 28th)
Bastard: 1pt (Jun 22nd - Jun 28th)
Bclements: 1pt (Jun 22nd - Jun 28th)
The Eyes: 2 pts (Jun 22nd - Jun 28th) (+1 for Shadowland posting)
Morgannah: 1 pt (Jun 22nd - Jun 28th)
Eyes- I'm not sure exactly (I'm bad at a lot of tech related stuff) but Sedna is looking into it. If there's one, we'll work on getting it (whatever it is) set up.

Uh, and call me a doofus, but what is an IRC channel anyway?
Sedna- Per our contact reclassifying, I deliberately made the call to the map person vague. Unless you want me to edit it for any particular reason, will that suffice for now?
That's fine as stands. They'll be specialised in Seattle buildings anyway.

That leaves an answer from you, ronin, along with anything else you want to ask Shifty: and then you're both in synch.
Bclements- What is the year make and model of the vehicle...I cant remember. It is a van right?
grendel will have to weigh in on the year model (I sure don't know). As for the vehicle, its a Ford Workhorse light pickup with a covered bed.
2065 model, brand new.
QUOTE (WinterRat1)
Uh, and call me a doofus, but what is an IRC channel anyway?

IRC: Internet Relay Chat. Interesting coincidence, but there is a thread about IRC on the Discussion board.

As for making one, as I said to grendel the other day:

Well, if it's a matter of effort, I know a guy who runs a server on the Nightstar network. I could register a channel on there in like 30 seconds (heck, I just did; channel name #LitS); it's just a question of whether or not anyone's gonna use it. smile.gif
I have opened up a Yahoo! group -- called, predictably, Living in the Shadows -- for the specific purpose of creating a general e-mail list and giving everyone who is a part of LitS a chat (tabletalk!) option. The delay in getting the news of its existence out lies simply in all the updates/newsletters we wanted to get up first ... and our all-too-human inability to grasp anywhere close to our ambition.

The group/chat is open to everyone who is part of LitS. However, membership is by invite and I don't have an active e-mail list of LitS participants, so please drop me a note at and I'll send the invite your way smile.gif
Actually, as it so happens, I do have an email list of all the active players and GMs within LITS Sedna, would you like me to just send you the list and you can send the invites that way?
Please smile.gif
General Announcement

I will be out of town from this Sunday, July 3- Friday, July 8. Once again, I may or may not have internet access. If I do, you'll know because I'll be posting. If I don't, then that's why. Hopefully I can stay in touch. Have a great July 4th everyone!
Ok this is where things get interesting.

Rat, and others I will post in LitS IC for now, but when it become appropriate we will consolodate into SVW.
As a general note, Friday/Saturday always tend to be my less accessible days, meaning that I might be able to get on-line briefly at times, and I might not. This set will be no exception.

Part of it is the desperate attempt to have something other than work in my life biggrin.gif but the last two times, I've been so tired that I literally fell asleep at the social gatherings sleepy.gif

Because of where we are in planning, I'll be especially watching for e-mails etc. today, though.
ronin: Talos isn't a particularly subtle thing. You have it hovering that close to the restaurant, people might notice.
QUOTE (Sedna)
Part of it is the desperate attempt to have something other than work in my life biggrin.gif but the last two times, I've been so tired that I literally fell asleep at the social gatherings sleepy.gif

Because of where we are in planning, I'll be especially watching for e-mails etc. today, though.

I stopped having a social life when the baby was born... and you know what? I don't miss it so much. Having kids sure changes you. For the better I think.

I am still a little confused on some of the details, its a pretty heavy thing we are attempting and I am a lightweight GM, so if I am vague on some of the details or brush things over please forgive me.
Ah... good point in that case, lets have him hovering above some rooftops accross the street... somewhere he can hide, but still get a decent view of the front of the resturant.

Between the weather, the clouds and the rain I don't think it will be a problem...
Its....ALIVE!!! From the ashes of despair, my computer rises again, in a fury of fire, like the reborn pheonix, to post once again upon the forums of dumpshock!
Bastard- That is one of the most dramatic descriptions of computer repair I have ever heard. Most impressive. smile.gif

Shadow- Just to clarify, should we be posting yet or are we still holding?

And is there anyway to clarify what the text message meant or no? I"m reading it as saying, "There are no scanners, because it's a regular place for mob enforcers." I realize you may/may not be clarifying, but if you are willing, it'd be helpful.

Scrapheap/Slipshade- I'm assuming you guys are gradually working towards meeting up again, correct? Scrap, you won't need me till you get to the Brain Eaters, or was there something I missed? Just checking.

Sedna- Alleycat is off to the Last Drop to enjoy Breakfast (as a customer for once) correct? If so, roll a number of dice = Intelligence + Willpower + Charisma, divided by FOUR. Post the results in the OOC thread.
QUOTE (WinterRat1)
Shadow- Just to clarify, should we be posting yet or are we still holding?

And is there anyway to clarify what the text message meant or no? I"m reading it as saying, "There are no scanners, because it's a regular place for mob enforcers." I realize you may/may not be clarifying, but if you are willing, it'd be helpful.

You may post, sorry I was telling my boys in teh SVW thread to hold. Post away and I will intergrate as needed.

Clarification: You take the message to mean that there are no scanners. The resoning bieng it is a well known mob establishment and everyone inside is armed and who would be crazy enough to attack the place.
Ack -- and I was just thinking I'd better take her a bit forward!

Okay, I'm not sure if you mean to roll (IN + WL + CH) dice, total, divide by 4; or if you mean (IN + WL + CH) / 4 dice? Oh well, I'll just do it both ways:

[ Spoiler ]
WinterRat - At this point I am just waiting for Scrap. So whenever the two of you are ready, I will be waiting.

Scrapheap/Slipshade- I'll leave it to you to you two to coordinate how you want to handle hooking up. I'll be watching (unless I have no internet access this week)

Sedna- Meant the second, but you're right, I left it open to interpretation. OK sounds good. Post her up to the Last Drop, and you can have her sit down, and even order, if you like. biggrin.gif After that, I'll get to you again, with the caveat that I need internet access.
Yeah, sorry for the short posts. I didn't have a lot of time to post yeaterday. I'm just planning to meet with the Brain Eaters, then wait for Finn's and/or Max's call.
You're apologising for all those as short posts?!? eek.gif smile.gif

I'm getting something written up now, WinterRat. Wrt Alleycat, I'm perfectly okay with going at whatever speed is good for you.
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