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Sentinel, you're the other person whose storyline moves to the new thread. The ball's currently in your court, just so you know.

Good idea, Slipshade -- I'm following up on it smile.gif
Sedna- Move on with Dragon and Sybersnake as you see fit. I just haven't had the chance to post an extended post the last few days and have been juggling some stuff around with Grendel, as you know. So despite my wishes for a more extended post, I figure that gets the point across and prevents me from holding up the game.
Cedric Rolfsson
Has anyone checked the offical shadowrun website recently? Apparently SR4 is coming out in August.
We're currently e-mail discussing how to handle it. Really, we don't know enough yet to make a ruling. When we do, look for it to be posted by WinterRat in the Guidelines thread smile.gif
WinterRat (and bandit, if you're around):

I'll deal with Virgil's phone call and get the two of you together next post, probably tomorrow. Very tight on time, today.
General Announcement

At the point your character moves into January 8, please begin posting in

Living in the Shadows: IC, Jan 8th-14th

We are having new threads per in game week to keep one thread from getting too monstrous. Bastard, welcome aboard, would you mind transferring your post from the IC thread to the Jan 8th thread? Thanks!

Week 2 has begun! (Well for some of us anyway, we're all working on it) smile.gif
Hello y'all. Look forward to joining your world.
Welcome smile.gif

WinterRat and bandit: just don't have time for that post today. (Been a day. Been a set of days, actually.) WILL get it written tomorrow.

But don't let it stop anything you want to write in the interrim smile.gif It's just really a matter of getting the phone call dealt with, and the four of you (Dragon, Virgil, Sybersnake, Tiffany) to the back office. But for me, at least, I have to address the phone call first.
Welcome Bastard and bclements
Welcome new comers

@ Winterrat: Ettiquette test: 08 05 05 05 04 03 01 (+2 dice for lvl 3)

I'm asking for any info he has, along with for him to keep his ear to the ground. I'm not asking to keep it a secret (he would know that).

thank you.
I must have forgotten to add my welcomes...I thought I did...doh! Well allow me to add my welcome to the newcomers as well!

Paul- I assume by your conversation in the IC thread you obviously don't expect an immediate response (to be expected of course). He'll get back to you when he has something.
Thank you Slipshade.

Hello all smile.gif

That took me a long time to get in. Started creating my character in late December/early January biggrin.gif
we like to say that means you put hard work and effort into him and he's going to be really good.
Either that or grendel and WinterRat got sick of me pming them, over and over and over. biggrin.gif

Wondering if I know the location of Virtual Daze?

AK: Redmond - 10 10 04
Yes you do.
Most hitcher jacks allow only silent ride-alongs. This one allows speech interaction, which anyone with Computer skill higher than 2 will be surprised at -- but everyone's actions except Bob's are tied to Sybersnake's.
Sunday karma:

bandit: 1. (No GM bonus this week.)
WinterRat: 1 (+1 GM bonus) = 2
Sedna- Judging by the way your last post ended, I assume you will be posting next in the Dragon/Virgil storyline? Since neither of us is in control nor even has anything to react to (since it appears your post ended just as we logged on) there's nothing really for us to do. Can we assume you will be posting next in that story and wait for you to do so?
Actually -- as I'd just e-mailed -- I was going at quite a pace here, trying to condense a few things together to get you quickly to that meet; and I wanted to know that I wasn't going too fast for what you wanted to do/learn/ask/share information between yourselves/do differently ...?

So I stopped in case of actions wanted (feel free to backdate within reason smile.gif ), and will edit that post if those actions end up changing the outcome.
Actually, by all means, keep pushing us to right to the meet, at this point, we're just along for the ride, since as I stated we have no control and nothing to respond to, so just bump us towards the meet is my vote.
Ack! I was caught up ...

For all of you posting in the new thread, you'll find your webbed storylines caught up completely in about an hour. Shadowland's still behind a bit: working out a separate formatting for Marketplace/Personals/Classifieds.

And that offer of bonus karma for coding for mouse-over ALT-style picture pop-up is still open smile.gif

WinterRat: can we be very, very careful about how we apply the words "have no control"? especially since it's half a step away from complete PC "coasting"? Outside the Matrix, both Dragon and Virgil do have control over their own actions, completely: and I'm willing to edit to ensure that. To some extent you have direct and veto control over Sybersnake's actions. The only thing you can't control or influence is the mechanics of the meet.

I know what you intended, but it's also something I happen to feel rather strongly about (ensuring that PCs at all times do have control over their own choices -- if not over their environments, and usually not over what others choose equally to do).

I'm writing this openly, rather than in e-mail, because it's also something that applies to everyone who's part of this project. Okay? smile.gif
Ahem, my mistake. To clarify, I was saying 'no control' in reference to the post in which Dragon had deliberately ceded control to Sybersnake during their earlier IC discussion. Specifically, when she asked him if he was ok with how Galina was setting things up and he replied that once it entered the realm of decking, he was willing to follow her lead, making her 'in charge' if you will.

So when I said 'no control', I merely meant that I was continuing to follow Dragon's previously stated policy of allowing Sybersnake to dictate their course (while involved in all matters decking) until such time as events returned to his own areas of expertise. Particularly, once they actually arrived at the meet, since as the post ended we're in that 'transition time' between jacking in and actually being in the matrix.

My desire to fast forward to the meet was an extension of that; namely, that Dragon was fine with all Sybersnake's decisions and was simply going along until they got to the meet; hence, no need to 'back post' to interject anything. Sometimes, even Dragon simply follows orders and goes along for the ride. smile.gif

Hope that clears it up, and that there was not any intention on my end of 'PC coasting', which I wholeheartedly agree with your opinions on.

Apologies to all for any confusion about Dragon's actions, and my own assumptions about how it would/could be interpreted.
Computer check (with Hacking Pool) to download the video feeds

13 10 08 07 05 05 05 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 02 01 01 01 01
You are indeed correct about your starting cash.

Cedric and Moirdryd:
Posts for you two are finaly up with the ball being back into your courts. I thank you for putting up with my work schedule and allowing me my much awaited and planned for vacation. I hope your vacation goes well Moirdryd, I find New York to be a very exciting city, as long as the weather isn't bleak.

I will have karma award for both of you this coming Sunday, complete with back-karma that is owed. Let the game continue!!

Sedna and Winterrat:
Since Dragon is going to go into the "room" first I will let Winterrat make the first post in that respect. However should I get a break in the next few hours I will post concerning the thoughts of Virgil on this alien enviroment.
Karma awards for my players:

Shadowrunner13: 1 pt (Mar. 16th - Mar. 22nd)
Ecclesiastes: 1 pt (Mar. 16th - Mar. 22nd)
Bastard: 1 pt (Mar. 16th - Mar. 22nd)
Bclements: 1 pt (Mar. 16th - Mar. 22nd)
Cedric Rolfsson
Bandit, I do have a negotiation skill with Erebus, do I make a negotiation roll to help determine the costs of the phones? I understand that something this simple may have such a standardized price that there really isn't much negotiation but let me know if I need to do a roll.
grendel I know 3000 is steep, but I plan on melting it more gun.

4 NEGOTIATIONS (edges: Good Reputation 2, and Friendly Face 1)
[ Spoiler ]

Grendel: Todd will spend the next couple days doing a detailed search for the guys on the video (attackers and the troll). I'll leave the roll to see how long it takes up to you. I'll also give you a roll for decrypting the chip, though it isn't Todd's strongest area (Files is only 3). If I can't do the chip, I'll just have to find some help once I'm done with the search. This should get me caught up on the time table and moved over to the new thread. For the search I'll be keeping a low profile and I'll leave it up to you to deside what other modifiers should apply.

Decrypt: 11 10 10 08 05 05 05 05 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 02 02 02 01 01
Info Search: 09 08 05 05 04 03 02 01

Will karma the info search to get the 5 successes if I need to, I'm not sure what my TN is.
You'll have to drop a karma, right now you've got 2 successes.
Ouch, I didn't have the mods to bring it down much. indifferent.gif

15 10 03 03 02 01
It's the database modifier, actually, but you have enough for 4 successes, which will get you all the info you were looking for.
Summoning Force 6 City Spirit (Spirit Affinity: City Spirits)

Conjuring 5 (+2 Totem Bonus) = 7


Drain 6M Stun

Drain Resist 7 (+2 Totem Bonus) = 9


I don't know if you are using Background count for Touristville or not, so let me know how many successes I have and I will go from there.
grendal: do I need a check to tell which direction I'm facing? I sure don't want to drive into gunfire if possible
The truck is facing west. Van Medter runs north-south.
My people will get a double karma award this weekend.

Slipshade- Are you waiting on me? I get the impression you'll just be working at the kitchen for now, right? If so, I'm going to let you move yourself along. FYI, Gloom isn't going to do anything other than talk to you and then do what he usually does: be gloomy and mope around the streets

I was just waiting to see if my rolls were going to be good enough for the summoning with the background count. By your post I am guessing they are not. smile.gif

No they are not. Extremely high background count right now for some reason you're not exactly sure of, but you sense a lot of violence in the area. A LOT.

Oh and for the record, totem bonuses can be split between the drain resistance and success test, but you do not get the full bonus for BOTH tests.

So you can go

basically any combo that adds up to the full totem bonus.

EDIT: Sorry, for some reason my IC post on this did not go through, hence my OOC post and the subseqent confusion. I put it back up. Hope that gets us back on track.
Im going to use a metal saw, that I assume I have in at least one of the shops. A table saw or even hand saw with a metal blade, should be easy to cut the barrel up into a bunch of 3/4 inch rings. That way I can scrap them with other engine parts to be recycled. First Im going to bore out the rifling, then saw it up, then mix it with the other scrap metal parts to be recycled.

Oh in case I need to roll not to saw off any fingers
[ Spoiler ]
That will do the trick, but you're going to have to replace the blade after the job. The Gepard's barrel is heat-treated high strength steel. It's going to do a number even on a tungsten-carbide cutting blade.

And the roll would be Heavy Weapons B/R.

Not a problem.

no prob:

b/r heavy weapons to use saw
[ Spoiler ]

how much is a new blade, like 20 bucks?

Is the gun a 50 cal sniper rifle, or machine gun? How much of the gun do I actually have? Everything except the bolt?
First off, better roll initiative:
[ Spoiler ]

Second, can I tell what gang these punks run with?
[ Spoiler ]

Do I need a street etiquette roll to know if Scrapheap should respond in kind while on gang-neutral turf? (IE-would it hurt his rep, or escalate the entire situation in the arcade, if he drew a weapon?) If so, my roll is below:
[ Spoiler ]

If the situation ends up in combat, he'll hold his action and wait for them to make the first move.
OK, in order:
1. You're first, but if you want to hold action, they'll both be attacking you in melee (note that you can interrupt them both should you choose since your initiative was higher).
2. You have no idea who these guys run with
3. A general brawl just broke out, not directly due to you. However, you may or may not be held accountable for that since the situation started with you grabbing the girl. Pulling a melee weapon should be fine, pulling a gun may or may not be, depending on how heavy it is. (I.E. Pistol should be ok and is probably expected, pulling a shotgun or SMG could arouse some suspicions)

Combat (both punks are human, btw):
Punk A: TN 3 (base 4, -1 friend in combat): 1, 2, 3, 3 = 2 successes
Punk B: TN 3 (base 4, -1 friend in combat): 8, 7, 3, 4 = 4 successes

Go ahead and roll for what you're going to do.
how much is a new blade, like 20 bucks?

50 nuyen.gif

Is the gun a 50 cal sniper rifle, or machine gun?  How much of the gun do I actually have?  Everything except the bolt?

The weapon is a 12.5mm anti-material rifle. The parts present are the barrel, recoil guide, recoil piston, and upper receiver. You don't have the bolt, bolt carrier group, stock, or lower receiver.
Artwork brought to you courtesy of Fred Gallagher and Megatokyo.
Slipshade- give me a perception roll
Perception Roll = 03,02,05,02,04
As soon as it's obvious that they're going to attack, Scrapheap pops his spur and goes for Goon A. He'll try and position himself so that A is between him and Goon B. I have no idea what the rule on that would be, or if it is just understood in the general melee rules.

[ Spoiler ]
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