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IC post is up.

I am trying to reassure him while at the same time, put him a bit on the defensive with the last statement.

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Scrap - I'm just hoping they are going to by it. I don't have many dice for my rolls.
"Awe" is one word one might use for that spin.gif

Thanks, WinterRat: exactly what I was looking for, and about how I figured it. (Technically I don't think it's +4 for a partial default, but it was off Leadership and I've been misremembering things all day today, who am I to argue?) Incidentally, for the Scoot, it actually comes out lower, per notes in the character file, but then that's much the smaller part of the total in any case.

See if I can get something written up quickly.
Sorry everyone- Computer down, again. I was loading updates when the cat decided to unplug the computer-cause he is a bastard. I am now reformatting the computer, again,but this time I have all my drivers. However, I have been working long hours, so I havent made the time. Hopefully I will be up Sunday night, and will catch up Monday.
+2 for defaulting to a skill. +4 for defaulting to an attribute.
grendel: I'm going to look around the garage, to check the area before I leave. Also going to check the radio while in the car for any news reports (once I get back to it)

Perception Check
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EDIT: wow, OTB works in this. Weird
There were rules for partial default, grendel? (No book, and now off-computer for the day.)

are those my mods for reformating my computer grinbig.gif ?
Yes, there are rules for partial defaults. If you're defaulting to a skill, you can also use half an available pool. If you're defaulting to an attribute, no pool at all.
Ok, defaulting to Intel for Bio: 21, 2, 11, 1, 1

Medkit (rating 3): 5, 1, 10

Better than last time...
The medkit tells you to give her a local antibiotic, apply direct pressure, wrap the wound, and immobilize the arm. It then recommends that you seek prompt medical services from a professional, preferably one equipped to handle emergency surgery.
I don't know if she's still awake, that's the reason for the questions (trauma does wierd things to people).
She's in and out of consciousness. Tony's probably not going to get anything useful out of her just yet.
Looking at the gun, and throwing in the kitchen sink:

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Unmarked and unlabeled, it has a single pair of LEDs above the trigger. One green, one red. Right now, the green is illuminated.
I'm not shooting her up with it. I'm leaving it there and not touching it till she does something. The Trauma patch should stablize her for a bit.

Gonna run back to the car and haul Marquis over to his car and pull it into a parking spot, and put his guns in the trunk of his car.
Sedna- Grendel's answer was exactly how I calculated it. You said a partial default to leadership, but you rolled your Charisma, hence, defaulting to an attribute, and the +4.

There is no partial default in the sense of defaulting to an attribute AND skill, it's one or the other. Had you defaulted to leadership, you could have used half of any available pool dice. That clear it up?
I should stop relying on memory for rules mechanics, but since circumstances are against me there, you'll keep getting these kinds of questions. Thanks, both.
Sedna- No worries, but that's why it took me a while to respond to that post; I had to get home and check my own books before I could post a reply. smile.gif

Slip- First, is that your cell phone or home phone?

1) Pick three of the following four letters: A, B, C, D
2) Roll 3d6, sixes explode, and post the results here
3) Pick one, positive or negative
Just FYI, John's going to trigger his wires and be ready to whip out a manhunter in case this gets ugly.

WinterRat1- That would be his cell number, the one he uses for business, so the message service should back up his statement. Though obviously no one will be picking it up.

I would have turned off the ringers on my P-Sec and Cell before the meeting as most people tend to do, but I didn't get a chance to post that before we entered the Wong's home.

Letters: A, C, D
Dice Rolls: 04, 02, 02 (Yikes)

Scrap - Yah the card may have been a stupid move, but it does add an aura of believability to it. If they call later I can just tell them that I do not employ anyone named Mr. Jones and I have no idea how that person may have gotten a hold of one of my cards. smile.gif

Oh and triggering your wires is probably going to be a really good idea. biggrin.gif
Compiled SR4 information, based on what's been confirmed on Dumpshock: new link (a bit more organised).
WR1 - Should I just send you a list of questions that I am going to ask, so we can speed up the interview process or do you want to play all of it out in the IC thread?

Has Mrs. Wong come back into the room yet?
Slip- Ask your list of questions in the IC thread, in list form. That will be fine to speed things up and also allow for role-playing. And no, Mrs. Wong is still preparing the tea.
computer is up and running....will post shortly. Am I concious yet?
WR1 - I will start with the questions I have posted in the IC Thread after you post our replies, I will likely have more.

As Max is asking his questions, John is going to see if he can get closer to the kitchen w/o being too obvious. Then he'll listen for the tell-tale clinks and so forth of tea-making... or for the sounds of Mrs. Wong calling the Star! (thanks for adding to the paranoia, Slip!)

Let me know if you'd like some rolls or an IC post to reflect this.

Scrap - No problem, this is Shadowrun after all. smile.gif
Here we go...

WR1, any chance either of us remember the name on the administrator's office door?
Scrap- As per my IC post, Mrs. Wong made tea and brought it to you, and you could easily see and hear her making tea from where you were (it's a condo, so you can see the living room from the kitchen and vice versa).
And the BS is getting thicker...Max is so going to jail. smile.gif
And you're smiling about that? spin.gif
Well, it could be fun roleplaying Max trying to survive prison, though as a player I am trying to avoid that. biggrin.gif
They are stalling. Do you by any chance have a commlink/radio Scrap.
Slip- Don't forget to adjust the time on your time/date stamps. You didn't change them on the last two posts now. Just a reminder.
Doh, sorry!
QUOTE (Bastard)
computer is up and running....will post shortly. Am I concious yet?

Yes, you awake in the back seat of your car pretty much as Tony left you.
QUOTE (Slipshade)
They are stalling. Do you by any chance have a commlink/radio Scrap.

I do not. I do, however, have two big, scary pistols. cyber.gif
LOL! I kind of thought you might react that way. smile.gif
Let me know if you need other rolls.

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Also, if Mr. Wong makes any sudden moves or calls out, John will quickdraw a pistol.

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Scrap/Slip- Robert is sitting there calmly, and Marina is doing exactly what I said IC. Slip, you detect no hostility or intentions of violence or sudden moves from either of them. Interestingly enough, they're amazingly calm and composed, not just outside, but their auras as well. Your guys' move.
Perception test if needed.

09, 08, 05, 05, 04
Slip/Scrap- I'll get you guys tomorrow

Sedna/Paul- Are either of you waiting on me? Sedna, was my answer to the calculations of the prices from my last reply sufficient, or was there something else you needed from me that I missed?
I think we're waiting on me... I had run into a few things IRL, I should be back to it more so this week, sorry about that.
I know the feeling. Tried to get some major catch-up work on Sunday. Can scarcely spot that anything was actually accomplished.

Now that you've cleared that up, paul, I should have something later today to fill the gap until 5 pm. WinterRat, absolutely it was sufficient. It's just that it was a particularly hectic Friday-Sunday ... if far better than for many people.

Karma tomorrow.

(Oh, and pet peeve for the day: through, not "thru", fast food drive-"thrus" notwithstanding smile.gif)
Slip/Scrap- Sorry for the delay, I was debating what would be appropriate given your IC role-playing and the Wong's personalities and background, and I came to the conclusion another etiquette/interrogation/intimidation roll is in order before coming to a reply that can be posted. So, each of you pick one of the above skills and give me a roll, and I'll let the dice be the deciding factor here, since the role-playing is too close to call.

Use etiquette if you're trying to take the 'good cop/soft sell' approach (seems like what Max has been doing) or interrogation/intimidation if you're taking the 'bad cop/hardball' approach (what John has mostly been doing). Of course, feel free to switch roles/approaches, that is just to give you a picture of how you should choose your skill. Don't worry about posting anything IC though, since you've already done that. After I get rolls from each of you, I'll post the Wong's response.

Sedna- OK, just wanted to check and make sure that I had given you enough information to go, through until 5pm. smile.gif
WinterRat1 - I will use my ettiquette, I know you said Ettiquette (Corp) before, but since the Wongs seem to run in some of the same circles that Max did would Ettiquette (High Society) work without a penalty?

Either way it is the same roll for me just different modifiers.

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I am on vacation this week, but I will still try to stick my head in often to post.
Sorry for my delay.

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Basic Rapid Transit heavy jumpsuit was legal and popular and had a reasonable Availability, yes? No book, working from memory -- just tell me what to roll / what's appropriate. If you rule it's not, revise to securetech clothing of a similar cut.

That puts Alleycat at the same location and time as Blaze and Klaus.

Conc Ball Imp Wt Avail Cost SI
Light Jumpsuit 8 1 2 1 4/24 hrs 250¥ 1 Legal
Heavy Jumpsuit 6 2 4 2 4/24 hrs 500¥ 1 Legal
Paul- Did you have anything you wanted Blaze to do between dropping Alleycat off and the meeting later that night with her and Klaus? If so, let me know in the OOC thread and post as necessary. Until I get the 'all clear' from you, I can't move Alleycat forward since I won't know what Blaze has done (if anything) before he showed up.

So let me know if there's anything you need to do first, otherwise I'll take over and post with Alleycat and Blaze meeting up with Klaus at the Paradigm Shift.
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