Mar 15 2008, 12:56 AM
Nah, we'll take our old territory and retag everything for the Ravens. Then we're going to take over the Black Plague's turf, their business, and everything. Probably kill most of them in the process, too. Then we'll push west and start negotiating with the ghouls.
Mar 15 2008, 01:17 AM
And if we can manage to efficiently wipe out the Black Plague in a reasonable fashion in a reasonable amount of time, there's a good chance the Ravens could still take some of the old LoCoS and Splintered Crash turf, forgoing some to the Heartbreakers and 162's in some kind of "deal".
UVN's get Brickhouse Boys old turf and part of Corsairs (maybe along with the SD's unless they push south into 8-Balls/SSR turf) and everyone is kept "happy" or otherwise occupied with conflicts enough so that they don't have time to deal with the Ravens till it's too late... heh, yeah right.

Besides, Al and the Raiders boys can take over Lost Boys turf. They should be happy with that little "growth" in their turf, right?
Mar 15 2008, 01:23 AM
Ok, just throwing it out there, I still think HQ'ing south of park/heights is the best location for now, going after the black plague turf will open up a lot later on.
Mar 15 2008, 01:30 AM
It makes sense, logically. I'm wondering however if we want to talk about what kind of beaten down, gutted, building we can find in that area to help the guys along in their search.
I'm updating everyone's takes to include the 4 new gangers coming into the game. Feel free to start thinking things up for them when you've got time.
Mar 15 2008, 02:04 AM
QUOTE (Vegas @ Mar 14 2008, 08:30 PM)

I'm updating everyone's takes to include the 4 new gangers coming into the game. Feel free to start thinking things up for them when you've got time.
Null sweat chummer, everybody loves Twiggs, just remember the guys all want to be him and the babes all want to be with him.
Mar 15 2008, 02:07 AM
QUOTE (Dantic @ Mar 14 2008, 09:04 PM)

Null sweat chummer, everybody loves Twiggs, just remember the guys all want to be him and the babes all want to be with him.

Oh shit, he's another
Mar 15 2008, 02:15 AM
Nah, we'll take our old territory and retag everything for the Ravens. Then we're going to take over the Black Plague's turf, their business, and everything. Probably kill most of them in the process, too. Then we'll push west and start negotiating with the ghouls.
And if we can manage to efficiently wipe out the Black Plague in a reasonable fashion in a reasonable amount of time, there's a good chance the Ravens could still take some of the old LoCoS and Splintered Crash turf, forgoing some to the Heartbreakers and 162's in some kind of "deal".
UVN's get Brickhouse Boys old turf and part of Corsairs (maybe along with the SD's unless they push south into 8-Balls/SSR turf) and everyone is kept "happy" or otherwise occupied with conflicts enough so that they don't have time to deal with the Ravens till it's too late... heh, yeah right.
Besides, Al and the Raiders boys can take over Lost Boys turf. They should be happy with that little "growth" in their turf, right?
Whew, it's a good thing my gangs are all just sitting ducks waiting for you guys to come along and take them out! Otherwise if I had them act independently, it might screw up your plans for Kingsgate domination!
Mar 15 2008, 02:16 AM
Null sweat chummer, everybody loves Twiggs, just remember the guys all want to be him and the babes all want to be with him.
Given his background you sure it ain't the other way around?
Mar 15 2008, 02:22 AM
QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ Mar 14 2008, 09:15 PM)

Whew, it's a good thing my gangs are all just sitting ducks waiting for you guys to come along and take them out! Otherwise if I had them act independently, it might screw up your plans for Kingsgate domination!
MMMMMMmmmmm I love the smell of Domination on a Friday night

(yes, I'm feeling slightly better... does it show?)
Mar 15 2008, 03:24 AM
QUOTE (Dantic @ Mar 14 2008, 07:04 PM)

Null sweat chummer, everybody loves Twiggs, just remember the guys all want to be him and the babes all want to be with him.

Oh this is gonna be interesting.
*starts thinking of Baby's take on Twigg.*
Hmmm, ghouls tend to get involved huh? How's about you go talk to Shade about that Twigg?
Mar 15 2008, 07:35 AM
@Winter -
Referring back to post #972, where I did all Grack's rolls for overwatching the main group, I forgot to add Home Ground advantage for my Looking for Threats (perception) and Skulking in Shadows (infiltration) rolls.
So since they hadn't actually been used yet, I went back and added them in.
Just added one success to Perception is all.
If it's a problem, just ignore it.
Mostly I just wanted to get into the habit of taking advantage of that Home Ground advantage, especially since it seems we are heading back to the old turf.
Mar 15 2008, 04:31 PM
QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ Mar 14 2008, 09:16 PM)

Given his background you sure it ain't the other way around?

Ouch, leave Twiggs' self delusions alone.
QUOTE (Slipshade @ Mar 14 2008, 10:24 PM)

Oh this is gonna be interesting.
*starts thinking of Baby's take on Twigg.*
Hmmm, ghouls tend to get involved huh? How's about you go talk to Shade about that Twigg?

Ooooo, Baby-baby!
Mar 16 2008, 02:50 AM
Adamu - That's fine.
Mar 16 2008, 06:43 PM
Depending on how much work I get done today, I may be in a position to put up an IC describing Thumper et al. search for a new HQ tonight. It will just be filler unless I am told what shows up or that some other event will interrupt his work.
So, WR, let me know what you'd like posted.
Mar 16 2008, 09:48 PM
Twigg- I love your take on Cuervo. Mostly because when I was trying to figure out how to keep him balanced, I actually WAS shooting for "about as magical as Grack, less deadly than Aziz but sneakier than either" as I built the sheet.
Mar 16 2008, 11:58 PM
Putting this here instead of in recruiting because it will be impacted by existing gang members.
I've got
Twiggs up on the wikki awaiting approval. In the meanwhile I wanted to start to get an idea of how to introduce Twiggs to the gang.
I have written his background to have been an independent player in Kingsgate for some months, he lives in "The Heights", so may have had some exposure to Hammerpack. He and his missing partner "Pops" also liked Novacoke and were more likely to work closer to Touristville, so they had dealings with 8-balls and possibly even had to pay a piece of their "action" to them. They also would have worked the bazaar and so may have had some dealings with Hearbreakers and LoCoS. No one that they had regular enough dealings with survived the war, thats why he has no contacts at this time, but he has been around the area enough to possibly be recognized by someone from one of these gangs as a local.
Since it is still ICly Nov 1, most of the locals would still be laying low afraid to wander out. The only reason Twiggs would be out at this time would to be still looking for "Pops", who most likely was killed as a bystander in the recent fighting, or to do a little scrounging. He would likely be in the area where the gang is conducting it's HQ search, since he lives in "The Heights". He has a place to stay, paid up for 5 more days, but only 250

to his name and two hits of Novacoke left, so he is starting to get anxious.
Mar 17 2008, 01:41 AM
DanticI'd love to work with you regarding the 8-Balls stuff (and I'm sure Slipshade would too) and since Nevada's got a place in The Heights as well right now that might be another tie in... I'm on a conference call right now, but later tonight/tomorrow I'd be happy to hash some ideas out with you
Mar 17 2008, 03:01 AM
Dantic, Vegas
Sure, I would be happy to help out.
Mar 17 2008, 10:13 AM
AllEveryone should have one more take to fill out now with the new edition of "Drip" (Eyeless Blond) once he gets his sheet up and the like

Just a friendly heads up
Mar 17 2008, 04:35 PM
QUOTE (grendel @ Mar 14 2008, 08:56 PM)

Nah, we'll take our old territory and retag everything for the Ravens. Then we're going to take over the Black Plague's turf, their business, and everything. Probably kill most of them in the process, too. Then we'll push west and start negotiating with the ghouls.
@Grendel: I like the way you think

@Lindt: Did you want to post or shall I?
Mar 17 2008, 07:08 PM
Whitstitch and Dantic
Got Baby's takes up for the two of you, if you want to take a look.
Mar 17 2008, 10:08 PM
QUOTE (Vegas @ Mar 16 2008, 09:41 PM)

DanticI'd love to work with you regarding the 8-Balls stuff (and I'm sure Slipshade would too) and since Nevada's got a place in The Heights as well right now that might be another tie in... I'm on a conference call right now, but later tonight/tomorrow I'd be happy to hash some ideas out with you

QUOTE (Slipshade @ Mar 16 2008, 11:01 PM)

Dantic, Vegas
Sure, I would be happy to help out.
Another idea is that since I'm still looking for "Pops", who was out looking to score some Nova, about the time that the 8-balls got hit, then I could be going to look in the "Corner Pocket", which seems to be where the hub of activity is right now, either coming or going. It works exceptionaly well ICly, with my background story, and since IC time is still late afternoon/early evening, it would be a good time to be out looking. Could run into almost anyone.
Mar 17 2008, 10:13 PM
QUOTE (Slipshade @ Mar 17 2008, 03:08 PM)

Whitstitch and Dantic
Got Baby's takes up for the two of you, if you want to take a look.
Mar 18 2008, 04:02 AM
Sorry everyone, I'm a bit under the weather at the moment; other than snappy one liners or very brief replies, I haven't had the time/energy in the last two days to post, especially with a full load at work grinding me down. I'll look to get caught up with everyone ASAP, probably over tomorrow and Wednesday.
Mar 18 2008, 04:11 AM
Yeah, I've got "takes" up for everybody myself.
I like the one I did for Twiggs the best, personally.
Fresno Bob
Mar 18 2008, 05:55 AM
QUOTE (Whipstitch @ Mar 16 2008, 01:48 PM)

Twigg- I love your take on Cuervo. Mostly because when I was trying to figure out how to keep him balanced, I actually WAS shooting for "about as magical as Grack, less deadly than Aziz but sneakier than either" as I built the sheet.
I'm glad Aziz is the benchmark for deadliness.
Mar 19 2008, 02:49 AM
QUOTE (Meriss @ Mar 17 2008, 11:35 AM)

@Lindt: Did you want to post or shall I?
I'm not 100% sure how much Lindt is "back" on the boards right now.... since it was your idea to search Corsairs' turf, why don't you go ahead and post so we can start herding all the PC's back to Legion to keep pushing things forward.
Mar 19 2008, 04:49 AM
Depending on how much work I get done today, I may be in a position to put up an IC describing Thumper et al. search for a new HQ tonight. It will just be filler unless I am told what shows up or that some other event will interrupt his work.
What kind of HQ you find is up to you guys as a whole. I'm still waiting for ideas/concrete decision on what you want to look for. Once you tell me, I'll tell you if it's there, and if so, how much it fits what you're looking for.
I have neither the time nor inclination to describe every single possible HQ location in the turf, so you guys (not just Pragma, everyone) needs to come to some sort of consensus on what you're looking for and I'll let you know what the closest available match is.
Everyone - Incidentally, NO post is ever filler. I have stuff running in the background you don't see, and believe me when I say it matters VERY much where you are, what you're doing, who you're with, what point in time you're at, etc. So don't get caught in the trap of thinking this game has posts where you post just for the heck of it. Advancing your story is always a priority because if nothing else, it gives you a much more concrete say in what's happening to/around your character.
If your character's situation is vague, I decide what their situation is, and that may not be a good thing, at least from the players' POV...

In the meanwhile I wanted to start to get an idea of how to introduce Twiggs to the gang.
This is not necessary. It's my responsibility to figure out how to introduce Twiggs to the game. Just focus on character creation and get him through the approval process and once you're ready, I'll get you rolling.

Note I'm not saying you can't work on tie-ins with other PCs. By all means, do that!
I'm simply letting you know as far as actually handling the IC aspect of getting you moving forward towards joining the gang, I will handle that part.
Everyone - I'm still waiting for concrete progress from everyone as far as moving forward, so if anyone needs anything from me, please let me know.
Also, if you haven't gotten your character's reward spending approved by me, you won't be able to use the things you purchased, so if I haven't approved you yet I suggest you run it past me for approval ASAP.
Pragma - I answered your question but I didn't approve your rewards spending because I wasn't sure if that was your final allocation. Would you please resend me your final allocation so I can take a look at it, assuming you're done with it?
Mar 19 2008, 06:14 AM
Resent the allocation.
Mar 19 2008, 08:52 AM
What kind of HQ you find is up to you guys as a whole. I'm still waiting for ideas/concrete decision on what you want to look for. Once you tell me, I'll tell you if it's there, and if so, how much it fits what you're looking for.
I have neither the time nor inclination to describe every single possible HQ location in the turf, so you guys (not just Pragma, everyone) needs to come to some sort of consensus on what you're looking for and I'll let you know what the closest available match is.
I've already said this IC and OOC, but in response to the GM call, I'll start the discussion with my two cents -
Grack wants a place that sits over a sewer line (he can make his own access if need be). He'll strenuously argue against any place without it, and he won't give a darn about any other features.
Mar 19 2008, 02:31 PM
Ok here is a first run.
Running Water
Place to crash if needed
Secure Location (Chain link fence?)
Big enough to work on vehicles or at least bikes
Middle of Turf for security
This is possibly too ambitious, but….
Old Middle or High School?
Possible running water
Gym = Garage (maybe even a basketball hoop!)
Building = Barracks
Science Lab = Lab.
Likely a place that would have a fairly large Sewer or Storm drain connection.
Mar 19 2008, 03:15 PM
I've already said this IC and OOC, but in response to the GM call, I'll start the discussion with my two cents
I just want to point out I have noticed your contributions Adamu. My earlier post is not an indictment of anyone in particular, simply stating I want some kind of consensus/detail on what you all are looking for before giving any more concrete responses as to what you actually find.
Mar 19 2008, 03:21 PM
Oh man - I guess how I wrote that came out all wrong.
Winter - I totally did not intend to sound like I was whining that no one was noticing my posts. I know very well how meticulously you keep tabs on things.
My intention was quite the opposite, really - more like - gee guys, sorry to sound like a broken record with my incessant pestering, but seems like maybe I should put this up one more time, given the state of the discussion...that sort of thing.
This may be the sort of misunderstanding I could avoid if I wasn't allergic to emoticons!
(I reserve all my petulant whiny posts for the discussion boards when I bitch about broken rules.)
Mar 19 2008, 04:30 PM
Thumper's primary criterion is that it be solid. He wants something approximating a blast shelter, with spikes.
My character's selection aside, I'm primarily interested in a mildly defensible, fairly spacious building which can be used for fun and profit:
Warehouse, School, Big house, Jiffy Lube all spring to mind, as does my old favorite of a worn out fast food joint.
We could also go with a junkyard shantytown sort of setup. Not sure that affords us many advantages other than easy access to trash, but that makes great improvised weapons in my experience.
Mar 19 2008, 05:10 PM
Ink's main concern is there is enough room for everyone to sleep comfortably.
@Vegas: Ah, thanks.
Mar 19 2008, 11:37 PM
I think most people have hit on the important points already, but just to reiterate.
The building must be defensible: solid walls, good line of sight down the streets, not overlooked by adjacent buildings. There should be at least two, preferably three entrances, including down into the sewers. It should be close enough to mains power and main water that we can tap into those services. It should have room to house most of the gang as well as one or two of our primary money making activities, i.e. the garage and Ink's tattoo parlor as well as a flop for the whores. I think, based on previous experience, that if we're cooking drugs we ought to do it someplace other than where we sleep. Preferably someplace with a good firebreak.
Mar 19 2008, 11:46 PM
QUOTE (grendel @ Mar 19 2008, 03:37 PM)

I think, based on previous experience, that if we're cooking drugs we ought to do it someplace other than where we sleep. Preferably someplace with a good firebreak.
Yeah, good point.
Mar 20 2008, 03:54 AM
OK I get the idea of what type of features you all are looking for, but what types of buildings would actually have all that stuff? I like the school idea, any other suggestions/thoughts/ideas/requests?
I'm seriously considering recycling my YMCA idea from the 410 Crash game unless anyone has any objections, because that was just too cool of an idea to let it go to waste like it did, in my opinion.
Of course, it was my idea, so maybe I'm a little biased here.

Mar 20 2008, 04:03 AM
Of course if we 'recycled" the Y Idea, we could honestly already have floor plans if we recycled those, or perhaps altered them slightly as necessary. I still have all the original plans, so it wouldn't be THAT hard to manipulate them as necessary.
Because yeah, as we dream up what we ultimately want/need it's limiting the actual locations that have the majority of what we're looking for. The more I think about it the less likely a "jiffy lube" type location is gonna work, on the theory that it's likely too small to support a gang of 17+ and 3/4 whores.
If we ended up taking up an old school like building, it could have been a Vo-Tech type school, have a small auto shop in it or something similar... even a "Y" type building might have something similar if they did afterschool programs, etc..
Mar 20 2008, 12:11 PM
How do we end up with 3/4 of a whore???
Of course, Grack knows one way....
Mister Juan
Mar 20 2008, 12:51 PM
Felix probably won't ever say a single thing concerning what he'd "like/want" for an HQ.
In my own opinion, I believe that all the good points have already been brought up: spacious, defensible (defensive? whats the word I'm looking for?), easy acces, etc...
As long as Felix has a little quiet spot where he can read and rest, he'll be fine with it.
Mister Juan
Mar 20 2008, 12:53 PM
QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ Mar 19 2008, 11:54 PM)

OK I get the idea of what type of features you all are looking for, but what types of buildings would actually have all that stuff? I like the school idea, any other suggestions/thoughts/ideas/requests?
I'm seriously considering recycling my YMCA idea from the 410 Crash game unless anyone has any objections, because that was just too cool of an idea to let it go to waste like it did, in my opinion.
Of course, it was my idea, so maybe I'm a little biased here.

And yes, the YMCA was a pretty good idea, but I'm pretty sure Shade, Aziz and Felix will have nightmares in the place

You know, flashbacks are a bitch.
Mar 20 2008, 12:54 PM
Defensible - you got it right the first time.
I can't even imagine playing a text-based game in a second language - dude, you rock the world. Seriously.
Mar 20 2008, 01:10 PM
I like the vo-tech school. I think it would more likely have a shop than the Y.
We could still slightly modify the Y floor plan that you already have to use it as a vo-tech school. Though that would cancel out having a gym, which for some reason I really like the idea of.
Mar 20 2008, 05:23 PM
QUOTE (adamu @ Mar 20 2008, 07:11 AM)

How do we end up with 3/4 of a whore???
Of course, Grack knows one way....
Heheh.. that WAS supposed to be 3 or 4 yup.. that's what it was supposed to be.
Mar 20 2008, 10:22 PM
QUOTE (Slipshade @ Mar 20 2008, 09:10 AM)

I like the vo-tech school. I think it would more likely have a shop than the Y.
We could still slightly modify the Y floor plan that you already have to use it as a vo-tech school. Though that would cancel out having a gym, which for some reason I really like the idea of.

True, but a Y in a tightly packed metro area would likely have some sort of garage for vans and such if not an outright parking structure, which might be convertable to a shop. Then we'd have sleeping spaces, gym, probably even an empty pool which could be used for something diabolical.
Mister Juan
Mar 20 2008, 11:34 PM
QUOTE (adamu @ Mar 20 2008, 08:54 AM)

Defensible - you got it right the first time.
I can't even imagine playing a text-based game in a second language - dude, you rock the world. Seriously.
Defensible. Good. Noted down in brain.
Hahahaha! Well, it isn't THAT difficult once you get sorta used to it. It actually took me a long time to get an account on DSF. I'd just ghost the boards, read the runs, etc... But I think it took about 2 years before I actually made the jump and started writing. Plus, since I don't get to use my english here (well, I do get to/need to speak it from time to time because of work n such, but I NEVER get to write in english) it's really good practice.
Which makes me think, if I ever blurt out something that seems unintelligible (like this... spelling?) PLEASE do tell. I won't take it badly at all.
Mar 21 2008, 04:28 AM
AllJust got word, we're all off the hook as far as "finding an HQ" goes IC'ly. WR was struck with inspiration and has something for us that should be introduced sometime this weekend in a setup type post (yay!)
Also, if you haven't spent your rewards points (from the introduction of Arsenal into our mix) now is the time to do so, unless you are deliberately holding back because of a lack of the book. It's necessary that those points get spent and finalized soon. WR's time is currently limited at best so lets make life easier on him before he makes life hell on our PC's
Mar 21 2008, 03:10 PM
QUOTE (Nevada)
"Still haven't heard from Ink, and it's getting late. Almost wondering if we shouldn't head back to the apartments or something. I'm sure as hell not going looking for his Cubano ass now, I don't have a fragging death wish tonight."
Slow down and gimme a chance to catch up and you will.

Ie: I was goning to post a few days ago but ran out of time.
Mar 21 2008, 03:17 PM
QUOTE (Meriss @ Mar 21 2008, 09:10 AM)

Slow down and gimme a chance to catch up and you will.

I will not slow down, you will speed up! *whipcrack*

Sorry dude, but been waiting for a while for you to post
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