I've got a weekend-long game I'm running this weekend so my posting this week will be light, but I'll make it a point to go through the OOC thread and handle the Addiction Tests and any lingering questions this week. Since no one is waiting on me to post IC this will be a more OOC intensive week from me, as I will be preparing for my tabletop game and letting you all continue to develop your inter-PC relationships. If anyone does want to interact with the NPCs though, I will make it a point to respond.
Thumper - No money from the Sushi Shack Showdown, although you guys did pick up some gear.
Everyone - As I noted earlier somewhere in this vast IC thread, it is ok to squeeze in some training time during the sync up posts, but carefully consider how much 'downtime' time you spend training relative to resting, not just in the sync up posts, but in your other IC posts as well.
For example, I'm going to be pretty lenient if adamu wants to use large portions of Grack's downtime for training, because his IC posts have consistently made it a point to emphasize Grack sleeping a lot, both in respect to number of naps and amount of time slept.
For some of you that have a habit of pushing your PCs to always be on the go, be advised that I am monitoring your approximate rest even if I don't keep exact numbers, and I'm not beyond giving you fatigue penalties or just ruling you happen to fall asleep at inopportune moments because you simply couldn't keep your eyes open any more.
Some might argue your PCs should have a better idea of how tired they really are, but remember none of you are exactly the healthiest individuals. Heck, some of your characters can't even spell recommended daily allowance, let alone grasp the concept. More than half of you are addicted to something, and practically everyone abuses some kind of substance to one degree or another. When you add that to constantly sleeping lightly so you don't get killed/raped/mugged in your sleep and eating unhealthy garbage when you eat at all, the evidence piles up that your PCs don't have quite as good an idea of how much sleep they really need as the Mystical Powers That Be .

Don't worry, I won't be draconian about it, I'm just warning you all not to use repeatedly use 100% of the downtime for training, because it WILL catch up to you. On the flip side, as long as you make a reasonable effort to emphasize your character's resting, whether through your own IC posts or allowing my sync up/downtime posts to do the job, you don't have to worry. Clear enough?
Also, note that GM-enforced downtime can be used for
either training or resting/healing. If you use time to train, then you are not using that time to res/heal.
Bockscar, Baby, and Aziz, I assumed they used all the available time to rest/heal, which they needed to in order to heal the damage they did in my earlier OOC post. If any of you three plan on using that downtime to train, then you won't have met the required minimum time to heal. Also note that would be silly, because you have plenty of time to train IC now/in the very near future, if you have the inclination.
Did a little extra digging, here's some direct quotes from me earlier:
QUOTE ("WinterRat1")
Note that most characters should still be resting at least part or even the majority of the time, for role-playing purposes if not necessarily healing/statistical ones.
If I get the sense your character is not resting adequately throughout the course of the game, I will smack you with fatigue modifiers out of nowhere. Fatigue is nasty like that; you think you're doing fine, plenty of energy, then BOOM! Fatigue kicks you right in the nuts and you crash. biggrin.gif
For the record, I highly doubt that will be an issue, people have been great about realistically sleeping/resting/crashing. This was more of a 'don't abuse these downtime periods by trying to do nothing but train' warning.
Grack is probably the sole exception to this currently since every time I turn around, it seems like he's sleeping.
QUOTE ("WinterRat1")
During this 'downtime', you each have 12 hours of time to rest and/or train, in whatever combination you wish.
If you choose to use any part of the 12 hours to train, you MUST post IC depicting your training time. If you do not, you will not get credit for it. It doesn't have to be a super long post, but it should be a reasonable 'training montage' that at least shows some effort on your PC's part to improve themselves. You should also track your training time on the appropriate section of your character's wiki as well.
I won't be as harsh on role-playing posts for things that are harder to RP training for various reasons (e.g. Edge for lack of clarity, Gun skills for lack of ammo, etc.) as on things that are easier, like raising Body or Strength, which are obvious.
The key thing is to make me aware in the OOC thread that your intention is for your corresponding IC post to represent training time. Even if your IC thread isn't a perfect match for what you're trying to raise, what I care about is you're making the effort to be conscientious in having your character try to improve. Effort is a large chunk of the improvement process after all, so as long as your character is consistently trying to get better in a way that makes some kind of sense, that's generally good enough for me.
Any other questions on this subject?