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Are we dead.... Jes I think we are.....

Frag a dead gobbo.
Much as I wish we weren't..
Fresno Bob
Eh, we had a good run.
Hey Everyone -

I'm sorry I didn't get to posting this earlier. As others have correctly assessed, this game is now officially dead. We had a good run, but in the end, I think it's necessary to acknowledge that any further attempts at resurrection will continue to fall short. Anyone still around deserves a brief explanation of why I'm closing shop. The main reasons are as follows:

1. Never going to be enough players/consistency of posting to achieve what DITG was designed to do, namely be a large scale exploration of gang warfare. There are so few players, posting so inconsistently that we can't achieve anything but a more personal examination of gang life, which is not what I want to do nor is it what the game is designed for. Multiple recruitment drives have been attempted and failed miserably. Simple lack of PCs leads to a lack of numbers, which is a huge limiting factor in our ability to have the appropriate numbers for the October Ravens. I don't have the time to generate large numbers of gang NPCs nor maintain them, and by now I think it's well established we can't get enough independently proactive players to keep things moving without a heavy dose of involvement from me, which I do not have the time to do. The bottom line is DITG has been on life support for a long time, and while we've all made admirable efforts to resuscitate it, the time has come to pull the plug, no matter how much it hurts and no matter how much I'll miss it.

2. I hate SR 4. I hate everything about SR 4. I gave it a more than fair chance and it basically sucked the joy out of playing Shadowrun. I started GMing a tabletop SR 3 game lately and I was absolutely shocked by how much I missed SR, and I was actually surprised to find how much I loved SR once I started delving into the old SR 2 and 3 stuff. There is just something about SR 4 that does not feel like Shadowrun to me, and I have no interest in continuing down a road that almost drove me from Shadowrun entirely. Furthermore, since I have now decided to only play SR 3 going forward, I have no interest in trying to maintain or develop knowledge of an alternate rules set (SR 4) that I will never use.

I have had an absolute blast gaming with all of you, and this game will always hold a place in my memories as a grand old time. I hope to play with you guys again some time in the future, and best of luck gaming wherever you are now!

All the best,
WinterRat1 and the denizens of the DITG-verse
Winter - and many others -
just want to congratulate you all on a noble undertaking.
The play is in the process, and we got up to a lot of good mischief - much good RP, much good storytelling, and a lot of excellent work on infrastructure for the game.
Ambitious for a forum? Maybe - but I think everyone involved pushed the envelope of what a forum game can be. Pushed it pretty hard.
My hat is off to all.
Mister Juan
This was by far, not only one of the best games I've ever been in, but also one of the best story I ever read, wrote, and was a part of. I'll remember our little band of characters for ever.
Thanks a lot WR1 for making this project happen, and for carrying it for so long!
I can only agree with what has been posted and add my own heartfelt appreciation and love to what has been an awesome and wonderfully scary ride for me.

This is going to be the game that I tell my grand kids about. This will be the game that broke so much new ground for me narratively, and forever cemented my love of Shadowrun.

I can only hope that my future games will be this awe inspiring.

To one and all, DITG gang, I love you all.

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